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Welcome word - Yurii Zabulonov, Director of State Institution “The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Ukraine; Norbert Molitor - Plejades-Independent expert - Managing partner, Germany; Chijioke Ikokwu - Chief Executive Officer of International Tourism and Sustainability Centre (ITAS Centre), Nigeria.
Welcome word of rector NUWEE and director NNI VGP.
09:20 | Optimization of dose calculation of modified magnetite during sorption purification of water from copper ions to create environmentally friendly technology PRESENTER: Evhen Chuprinov ABSTRACT. Due to the growth of man-caused pollution, there is a need to use modern methods of water purification. It is advisable to use sorption methods for the extraction of heavy metals, which are considered to be particularly dangerous. It is established that sorbents based on magnetite are quite effective in the extraction of copper ions. It is shown that the sorption capacity of magnetite-based sorbents on copper ions depends on the ratio of concentrations of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in the reaction mixture, and increases with increasing this indicator from 1/2 to 2. The sorption capacity of the sorbent increases on copper ions by 4.4 times. It is shown that the efficiency of extraction of copper ions on magnetite increases with modification by sodium sulfide. The proposed scheme provides the possibility of sorption treatment of large volumes of water from copper ions to the norms for the discharge of wastewater into fishery reservoirs. Post-productional magnetite is dehydrated and supplied to metallurgical enterprises for processing. The developed technology of water purification from copper ions is ecologically safe and energy efficient. |
09:40 | Monitoring the water quality of Jiu River in Dolj County PRESENTER: Izabela-Maria Apostu ABSTRACT. Water is a renewable natural resource, but vulnerable and limited in terms of quantity and quality, which is why its exploitation must be done rationally, so as to ensure a complex recovery and a balanced distribution, depending on needs. The water management activity, which has as object the establishment and application of measures for rational use and control of water resources, quantitative and qualitative, is closely related to meeting the requirements of current legislation on exploitation and protection of water and aquatic ecosystems. In this context, the present paper presents a study carried out during 2019, having as the main objective the qualitative characterization of the Jiu River on the administrative territory of Dolj County (Romania). For this purpose, several water sampling campaigns (12, one for each month) from three control sections, established in partnership with the Jiu - Craiova Water Basin Administration, were carried out. The collected samples were analyzed in the analytical laboratory of the same institution and, on the basis of the obtained results, also considering the main existing sources of pollution, conclusions were drawn regarding the Jiu River water quality in the analyzed sector. Also, we applied an alternative control method whose purpose was to validate the initial conclusions. |
10:00 | Application of superheated water as a soil remediation media: a Review ABSTRACT. Water is a unique solvent cause its highly hydrogen-bonded structure, and at room temperature it has a high boiling point for its mass, a high dielectric constant and high polarity. At the higher temperatures, its permittivity, viscosity and surface tension decreases, but diffusion rate increases [1] . Superheated water is a general term to denote the region of the condensed phase between 100 ̊ C and the critical point. Liquid water at elevated temperatures above its boiling point has been used for many years as an industrial solvent and cleaning agent in applications ranging from enhancing the extraction of oil shale [2], the extraction of sulphur from ore bodies in the Frasch process [3],to degreasing. In recent years, there has been an interest in using superheated water for soil remediation .In this paper , a review on this area of application has been performed. References: |
10:20 | Morphometric parameters based prioritization of a Mid-Himalayan watershed using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process PRESENTER: Pankaj Kumar ABSTRACT. Abstract. Watershed prioritization has become increasingly crucial for managing natural resources, especially the watersheds. A useful decision support tool to provide appropriate weights to different morphological attributes with lineage with soil erosion is required to identify environmentally stressed areas for the watershed resources. This study examines the Western Nayar watershed delineation and further examination of the watershed's morphometric parameters. The morphometric parameters were quantified under the linear, areal, and relief heads for the watershed. The prioritization of sub-watersheds was done by the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP). The study included nine morphometric parameters for forming a pairwise comparison matrix. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process was employed for assigning the suitable weights to morphometric parameters, and further, these weights are normalized to assign the final ranks to the sub-watershed. In Western Nayar, SW9 got the highest priority, and SW1 was categorized as the least priority. The results were validated by the consistency ratio index, which depends on the matrix consistency index's size that should be less than 10%. The consistency index of the present study was found to be 2%. |
10:40 | Surface water quality of small rivers in the Ukrainian regions of right-bank Polissia ABSTRACT. The quality of surface waters of small rivers of the Ukrainian regions of right-bank Polissia, belonging to the basin of the river Pripyat, was estimated. The study was conducted via systematic observations based on the ecological classification of surface water quality of land and estuaries of Ukraine, which includes a set of hydrophysical, hydrochemical, hydrobiological and other indicators, which were grouped into three blocks of indicators: salt composition of water; tropho-saprobiological (ecological-sanitary) block; specific substances of toxic action. The integrated (ecological) index was determined, by which the class and category of surface water quality were established. The results of observations on the quality of surface waters of the rivers of the Ukrainian regions of right-bank Polissia indicate their satisfactory condition. Surface waters, on average, correspond to the II class of water quality, and the worst - to the III class. Water protection measures have been proposed to improve the ecological condition of small river basins in specified region.
11:00 | Intensifying agricultural crops production by means of thermal reclamation PRESENTER: Oleg Pinchuk ABSTRACT. The use of surface heating with heat exchangers significantly affects the temperature regime of the soil and the surface air layer. It is manifested in a change in the distribution of temperatures according to the soil horizon, in a considerable increase in the temperature of the soil and air, in a change of heat exchange between the soil and the surface layer of air. When using tunnel greenhouse, heating the soil with the coolant temperature of 25…30 ºС contributes to the creation of all necessary conditions in ground area equipped with a heat exchangers for shifting the vegetation period of ultra-early cultivation of agricultural crops, on average, by 1-2 months depending on the crop type. This allows for earlier sowing and planting of thermophilic crops and getting harvest earlier than usual, as well as increasing the amount of crop production and improving its quality. The thermal efficiency of soil heating with water-filled flexible sleeves was studied experimentally in a field model experiment performed in the climatic terms of the Ukrainian Polissya on sandy loam and chernozem soils. Strawberry of the “Festivalny” type was used as the main crop-indicator. The influence of soil heating with heat exchangers on the growth, development and yield of strawberries has been studied. |
11:20 | Principles of creating a system of sustainable water use in Ukraine PRESENTER: Nataliia Kovshun ABSTRACT. This research focuses on the problem of water supply, and its solution requires scientific and practical approaches in environmental, engineering, economic and other fields. Practical recommendations to create an integrated water use system in Ukraine are based on the delimitation of its target subsystems. Special attention is paid to an integrated approach to water resources management, identification of key issues, clear conceptual modeling, strategy development, and production of ‘useful’ scientific information. It is important to study the role of coordinating government bodies in the field of water space monitoring. In particular, this mechanism involves the development of national program for monitoring the aquatic environment, the formation of budgets of all bodies and institutions; search for additional sources of funding and organizational methods. An important tool for improving the state of water resources is the implementation of international environmental standards and conventions. These strategic decisions are entrusted to the Ministries of Environment and other governing bodies. The use of software products generate significant amounts of data accumulated in various information banks. The main direction of the study is the concentration of information data in one key database. It will provide clear assess to the data aquatic environment and make analytical studies. |
11:40 | FEATURES OF FORMING THE SALT BALANCE IN RICE FIELDS WITH VARIOUS PARAMETERS AND DESIGNS OF THE DANUBE RICE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS PRESENTER: Nataliia Prykhodko ABSTRACT. Ecological-reclamation state of rice irrigation systems harvest of cultivated crops determined by a number of factors, including natural (soil, topographical, hydrogeological, climatic factors) and technological (irrigation norm, designs and parameters of irrigation and drainage networks, etc.) factors. One of the main factors influencing the formation of rice yield which is traditionally grown by flooding technology is the efficiency of the rice irrigation system’s design. Construction features of irrigation fields and their parameters (distances between the drains, depth of the drainage network) affect the intensity of the processes of salinization of soils and groundwater. Analysis of the components of salt balances of rice fields with different parameters and designs on example of the Danube rice irrigation systems showed that fields with the distances between the drains from 200 to 250 m have significant advantages over Krasnodar-type fields with the same parameters and over fields with 500 m distance between the drains creating optimal salt regime for rice and, accordingly, obtaining higher yields of rice. As on the card-checks with drainage with the distances between the drains 500 m uniform desalinization of soils on all area cannot be reached and yield of rice on them is close to 20 c/ha such card-checks with drainage must be converted into card-checks with drainage with the distances between the drains 250 m. |
12:00 | Theoretical research of friction factor in hydraulically smooth pipes PRESENTER: Liubov Volk ABSTRACT. The paper presents the disclosure of the problem of calculating the friction factor. This problem exists in the calculations of head losses for a given flow discharge and the geometric parameters of the pipes. The analysis of the formulas recommended by known scientists is described. The article also presents the shortcomings of the formulas and the variance of the adequacy of the experimental data. These research data were obtained by J. Nikuradze for smooth pipes. We obtained a formula based on the method of dimensional analysis. This formula characterizes the inner surface of the pipes. Also, this formula describes the change in the friction factor from the Reynolds number. The accuracy of calculating the obtained formula is higher than the accuracy of existing formulas. |
12:20 | The dam slope stability under the transient condition during an extreme flood PRESENTER: Svitlana Velychko ABSTRACT. Mountain Flood Control Reservoir (MFC Reservoir) is used to reduce the flood level in the mountainous area and protect settlements downstream. The special feature of this MFC Reservoir is the fast filling during 1-2 days, short storage time at the maximum level and speed falling of the water level. Simulation of the MFC Reservoir operation was carried out on the software Midas GTS NX. Two rockfill dam models were developed: with the core and with the screen. The fluctuation of the water level in the MFC Reservoir was taken as the transformed flood from 1% to 10% probability. The fast water level change in the MCF Reservoir creates the transient seepage condition during the flood. During the water level rising in the MFC Reservoir, the upstream slope stability gradually increases because of hydrostatic pressure. After the water level begins to fall with rate of 0.7 m/hour, the slope stability decreases. The core or screen location significantly affects the stability of the upstream dam slope. The simulation showed that the upstream slope of the dam with the core was more stable. Due to the high hydraulic conductivity, the upstream dam prism with the berm significantly dampens the pore pressure in the dam and increases the stability of the upstream slope. |
12:40 | Sexual dimorphism in shell morphology of mollusks of the genus Viviparus – important objects of water resources of Ukraine PRESENTER: Olena Uvayeva ABSTRACT. Bioindication assessment of water bodies of Ukraine can be carried out using the ratio of males and females of mollusks of the genus Viviparus. In practice, it is very convenient to determine the sex of mollusks by the differences in their shell. Male and female freshwater snails Viviparus viviparus (Linnaeus, 1758) and V. contectus (Millet, 1813) are shown to have reliable differences in shell morphology depending on their age. There is almost no sexual dimorphism by shell morphometrics and indices in Viviparus snails aged one to three years. After three years of life, mature females have significantly larger shell width, higher body whorl, and size of the aperture. Females of V. viviparus at the age of two to five years may be differentiated from males by the relationship of mean shell width and shell height, which is statistically significant higher than in males. This difference is explained by the different size of the mantle section genital organs of mature male and female. The obtained results should be taken into consideration in establishing the sex of viviparid snails |
09:30 | Source Term Model of Radioactive Liquid Spills for Actual Decision Support Systems PRESENTER: Yurii Kyrylenko ABSTRACT. Spills of liquid radioactive material are reviewed as potential event that can be associated with release into the atmosphere. Existing approaches to radiological impact assessment for onsite as well as offsite of facility are presented. The example of using the actual Java version of the European RODOS system as prototype of the decision support system shows the general implementation of the analysis and preparation of initial data in order to model the radiological impact on the public, personnel and environment. Given the specifics of the occurrence of emergency scenarios of this type, features of atmospheric models application, description of the source term model, software integration features, ventilation task solving, completeness and format of the initial data required for radiological consequence modelling. |
09:50 | Environmentally-efficient approaches to oil and gas producing sites PRESENTER: Teodoziia Yatsyshyn ABSTRACT. We have offered the investigations aimed at the design of eco-efficient technologies during oil and gas producing sites life cycle. The authors have conducted the analysis of conditions causing environmentally hazardous situations at oil and gas producing sites. We have established the necessity of quick maintenance of operation during emergencies that makes it possible to reduce material costs and environmental pollution. The increase of environmental safety in the process of winding up oil and gas wells emergencies that took place as a result of catching drilling string or some other pipe is crucial. We have analyzed different ways and various structural designs of the devices for pipe unscrewing from caught strings. We have established the ways of negative environmental impact reduction in the winding up emergencies at operating as well at stack oil and gas rigs. The recommendations regarding the structural design of the device are given. The device design is patented and the prototype model of the device is designed and manufactured. The device functions as the transformer of clockwise drilling string rotation into anticlockwise rotation of fishing tools. We have highlighted the positive effects after the implementation of the given device. We have noted the importance of innovative technologies design as well as the importance of forming adequate response skills during emergencies when wellsites are being constructed. The technical solutions and recommendations we have introduced make it possible to prevent negative environmental impact and reduce resource flows at different stages of wellsite life cycle. |
10:10 | Quantitative Method for Determining the Solution Error of the Inverse Problem in the Electrometry of Oil and Gas Wells ![]() PRESENTER: Mykyta Myrontsov ABSTRACT. Determining the quantitative degree of connection between logging error and the corresponding error of oil and gas wells electrometry inverse problem solving is considered. A quantitative method to determine the magnitude of the error of solving the inverse problem depending on the magnitude of the logging error for a given model of a single layer or section as a whole is described. Examples of determining the error of the inverse problem for real well materials, taking into account the actual measurement error, are given. A method for determining the characteristics of the spatial resolution of electrometry methods is described. Examples of its use for low-frequency induction logging equipment are given. The proposed methods allow to determine the areas of equivalent solutions and the areas of existence of stable / unstable solutions of the inverse electrometry problem. |
10:30 | The Essence and Mechanisms of Environmental Competence Formation in Students of Natural Science Departments ![]() PRESENTER: Ruslana Romaniuk ABSTRACT. A comparative analysis of the ecological (environmental) educational component of the training in students of Natural Science Departments (Chemistry, Biology, Earth Sciences, Ecology) and future teachers of natural sciences has been carried out. The general and professional competences, program results of training, and applicants training educational programs on the example of several Ukrainian universities are analyzed. It is revealed that the formation of environmental competence is carried out by acquiring environmental education by means of interactive technologies, forms, and methods of organizing the educational process. The positive influence of students’ involvement in research, environmental, ecological, and naturalistic work in extracurricular time on the formation of their environmental competence has been confirmed. The role of educational and industrial practices in the process of students’ professional training and the formation of their environmental competence is emphasized |
10:50 | Predicting anomaly conditions of energy equipment using neural networks PRESENTER: Anastasia Sverdlova ABSTRACT. In modern conditions for complex thermal power facilities, the issue of developing methods for predicting equipment failures is especially relevant. Methods based on the intellectualization of diagnostic systems and allowing to obtain predictive models based on the use of both current data received in real time from measuring equipment and retrospective information are considered promising. Intellectualization of the system in terms of the ability to learn allows to quickly adjust the parameters of forecasting models under changing conditions of equipment operation, to determine new deadlines for scheduled repairs and minimize equipment downtime. A limitation of the use of methods is the incompleteness of failure statistics, ie when equipment failures are rare or non-existent. Such diagnostics of energy equipment, especially thermal power facilities, contributes to a more environmentally friendly production. |
11:10 | Ecological changes in geological media and Siverskyi Donets River basin under the condition of goal mines flooding PRESENTER: Yevheniia Anpilova ABSTRACT. Complex economic, geological-technological state of coal mines and impact of the armed conflict factors (the breakdown of energy supply, objects of critical infrastructure, etc.) accelerated closure of coal mines by the method of “wet preservation” in particular. In most developed EU countries decommissioning of coal mines, which have great depth (up to 1,0-1,5 km) and areas of minefields, occurs according to the post-mining (PM) research and production complex, which is based on the scientific and technological activities regarding prevention of dangerous changes in the geological environment (GE) - subsidence of ground surface, lands flooding, emission of explosive and toxic gases as well as reduction of outflows of polluted water into the local river basins (RB) and the soil aquifer. Additionally, PM suggests some mining works turning into the hydraulic-filtration system of mine water retention at a depth of 250-350 m with a purpose of preventing pollution flow into the freshwater aquifers and river network, preserving regional aquitards, degassing of mountain surface. In general, the PM activities complex aims at maintaining the balance and protective potential of the GE as mineral and landscape basis of the biosphere, elimination of dangerous changes in ecological parameters of the hydrographical network. It is shown that new models of subsoil and water use, geological prospecting structure, scientific basis for permissible changes in GE and RB are required together with closure of “old” mining works (MW) and opening of new ones, improvement of the environment monitoring based on GIS technologies and Earth remote sensing. |
11:30 | Detection of intervals / layers in sections of the wells with anomalous areas of drilling mud filtrate contamination according to the well logging (with negative test results of horizons) ![]() PRESENTER: Oleksiy Karpenko ABSTRACT. The zone of infiltration of the drilling fluid filtrate into the reservoir rock creates significant difficulties for the study by logging methods and during further testing of the formation. Due to the penetration of filtrate, significant contamination of the near-wellbore zone occurs. The porosity and filtration characteristics of reservoir rocks are changing. There is a possibility of blockage by filtrate in the invaded zone of oil or gas flow from the formation to the well. As a result of the studies carried out using well logging data, it was found that the presence and distribution of a mud cake on the borehole wall opposite the reservoir is an important factor influencing the process of filtration of the drilling fluid into the layers. On the examples of the Yablunivske oil and gas and Kolomatske gas fields of the Dnieper-Donets basin, it is shown that the absence of a mud cake on the borehole walls leads to the formation of maximum, anomalous zones of filtrate invasion. The determining of the diameter of the invaded zone was carried out according to the data of electrical logging methods. In addition, the diameter of the invaded zone was calculated as a solution direct task equation for the case of direct filtration without blocking by the mud cake. Comparison of the results of determining the diameter of the invaded zone by two methods made it possible to draw certain conclusions. An important conclusion is that even partial absence of mud cake on the reservoir wall in the well leads to horizontal and vertical filtration of the drilling fluid from the well into the formation. As a result, the invaded zone may be so deep, that the gas flow rate is absent even at high values of porosity, permeability and gas saturation. |
11:50 | Differences in the generation of industrial waste from economic activities in Ukraine and the EU and the prospects for the integrated use of mineral raw materials PRESENTER: Victoria Gubina ABSTRACT. The paper presents the comparative analysis of the amount of waste generated in Ukraine and European countries (except for radioactive waste) based on the official EU and Ukrainian statistical data. The data on waste generation are compiled according to the following classification: by economic activity and household, waste category, grades of hazard, and regions. In Ukraine, 352.3 million tons of waste was generated in 2018. By 2018, almost 13 billion tons of waste had been accumulated at the managed dump-sites, including about 12 million tons of hazardous and over 200 million tons of household waste. In the European Union, 2.6 billion tons of waste was generated in 2018. Over 70% of it was generated by 10 countries: Germany, France, England, Poland, Romania, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain and Finland. By economic activity, the largest amounts of waste in Ukraine are generated by the mineral extraction and processing industry, the smallest – from water treatment and construction. In the EU countries, these values are somewhat different. For example, in Germany and France, the largest amounts of waste are generated from construction and manufacturing, the smallest – from agriculture, forestry and fishery. By waste category, the waste generated both in the EU countries and in Ukraine is mineral and solid waste. In Ukraine, the largest amounts of waste are produced and accumulated in the Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions which accommodate large enterprises for extraction and mineral processing of iron and manganese ores, titanium-zirconium placers, coal, dolomite, and metallurgical limestone, as well as metallurgical and ferroalloy plants. |
12:10 | Research of the Impact on the Ecology of the State of Cybersecurity of the Critical Infrastructure Objects PRESENTER: Serhii Honchar ABSTRACT. The analysis of the impact on the ecology of the state of cybersecurity of critical infrastructure objects and the factors influencing the state of cybersecurity of the information system of the critical infrastructure object is performed. An explanation is given of why cybersecurity violations in automated process control systems can lead to consequences in the industrial sector and environmental impact. The need to develop effective and adequate proposals and measures for cybersecurity of information systems of the critical infrastructure objects is shown. The classification of assets that are the objects of cyberattacks by attackers and the categories of impact on the critical infrastructure objects are given. Approaches to determining the cyber threat risk factor of the critical infrastructure object and the relevance of threats are presented. The method of assessing the degree of possible damage from the implementation of information security threats is considered. The results of this analysis can be used to develop proposals and measures to avoid the effects of cyberattacks on the critical infrastructure objects. The prospect of further research is to develop a methodology for determining the relationship between specific cyberattacks and possible quantitative damage. |
12:30 | Modeling of electricity production by wind power stations of Ukraine PRESENTER: Volodymyr Terekhov ABSTRACT. Based on the results of actual multi-year measurements of wind speeds, numerical calculations have been made of the forecast energy productions of 43 megawatt-high power stations of the leading world producers in the wind conditions of the North Black Sea region of Ukraine. The established correlation between the annual energy production of wind power station (WPS) and its basic parameters (nameplate capacity, diameter of the rotor and hub height) allowed to develop a mathematical model of the forecast annual energy production of WPS. The calculations for the mathematical model are well in line with the operational parameters of the generation. The mathematical model makes it possible to quickly and reliably select (or design) the optimal wind turbine for industrial wind power in the North Black Sea, thus taking a significant step in reducing the energy dependency, environmental protection and the transition to energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies enabling Ukraine to reach the level of advanced states in the development of wind energy. |
12:50 | Information technologies in local geophysical process management methodology PRESENTER: Volodymyr Artemchuk ABSTRACT. The authors propose an approach to assessing the possibility of stabilizing controlled impact on the ecological system, its climatic characteristics, within a limited space. Maintaining the necessary climatic parameters at an acceptable level ensures the stability of any ecosystem, the natural habitat of all living organisms, the preservation of biodiversity, including humans. The biggest potential threat is the rapid dynamics of global warming. Rising temperatures are the cause of extreme weather events, which directly affects environmental and food security. Given the urgency of the task, there is a need to study the controlled mechanism of influence on certain climatic factors in order to curb abnormal dynamics and bring the ecosystem into a state of stable equilibrium. The approach proposed by the authors is based on modeling the process of reducing the risk of crisis situations with abnormal fluctuations in ambient temperature. The mathematical model is represented by a system of ordinary differential equations, which is a consequence of the adaptation of Lagrange equations to oscillatory processes. The state of the studied climatic factor is matched by some random process, the amplitude of which depends on the values of the components of the control vectors and the function of external influence. The experimental parameter is ambient temperature. The problem was solved using statistical data for the Zhytomyr region (Ukraine). The main results of the simulation are to obtain a set of control vectors and functions of external influence, which will be taken into account in the information system for monitoring the environmental situation. |
13:10 | The influence of environmental tax rates on the Levelized cost of heat on the example of organic and biofuels boilers in Ukraine PRESENTER: Olga Bogoslavska ABSTRACT. In December 2019, the European Commission officially presented The European Green Deal, a new EU economic development program aimed at achieving climate neutrality on the European continent by 2050. Many previous global, European, and national programs also aim to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. In this context, one of the ways to reduce emissions is the development of alternative energy sources (in particular the wider use of biofuel boilers) and increasing environmental tax rates. When choosing the optimal heating boilers, the practice of using the LCOH indicator is common. Environmental pollution tax (as a component of LCOH) is calculated for the three most common types of boilers (for Ukrainian boiler houses) with a capacity of 4.65 to 58 MW, burning natural gas, coal, and fuel oil, as well as low-power boilers burning organic and biofuels, for existing environmental tax rates, for projected increasing in 4 times (according to the bill) and subject to the introduction of minimum and maximum rates in EU countries. It is established that at the current environmental tax rates in Ukraine there are almost no economic incentives for the introduction of technologies to reduce the concentration of pollutants in emissions, but increasing environmental tax rates may change this situation. This, in turn, once again suggests that changing environmental tax rates can be an effective tool for achieving sustainable development goals. |
13:00 | PRESENTER: Tetiana Tykhomyrova ABSTRACT. This paper presents the results of new composite materials based on polylactide and coffee grounds sorption characteristics study. New material, that include coffee grounds as additive material is cheaper than one of common polylactide. All types of dishes cam be made from new material and they also will be biodegradable, as made from polylactide. The sorption properties and characteristics were tested in different liquid medium. The last was chosen among the most wide spread mediums which are contact with dishes during its operational life. It was found, that optimal content of coffee grounds is 40 wt.% as for level of impact strength also for complex of sorption characteristics |
13:20 | Environmental and economic assessment of the possibilities to increase the land preservation level in terms of open-pit mining PRESENTER: Yevgen Terekhov ABSTRACT. It is established that the Planning of open-cast mining facilities should provide for the implementation of those technological schemes that avoid additional land disturbances and maintain the planned output in accordance with the demand for minerals. The methodical approach to an estimation of expediency of reproduction of the earths of various degree of infringement in the conditions of open mining at the future cost of these earths is offered. The parameters of manganese raw material extraction technology are determined, which contribute to the formation of high value of reclaimed lands. Conditions of the use of recommended technological schemes while mining horizontal deposits were described. Economically expedient reserves of land restoration throughout the disturbance area depending on the land reclamation purpose were identified. |
13:40 | Distribution of radionuclides in modern sediments of the rivers flowing into the Dnieper-Bug Estuary PRESENTER: Tetiana Alokhina ABSTRACT. The article presents the results of large-scale studies of the content and distribution of natural and man-made radionuclides in the sediments of the rivers flowing into the Dnieper-Bug estuary. The article also presents the results of the granulometric analysis of the surveyed water bodies. The data about natural radioactive elements in the sediments rivers flowing into the Dnieper-Bug estuary obtained in this research are demonstrated moderate specific activity, which, however, clearly correlates with the granulometric composition of sediments. The 137Cs determined by us is contained in the sediments of all studied water bodies and the places of it greatest concentration coincide with the areas in which the sediment is represented mainly by the pelitic fraction. The data obtained in this research can serve as a baseline data in natural radionuclides concentration in sediments rivers flowing into the Dnieper-Bug estuary. The obtained data can also be used for further monitoring of the specific activity of man-made radionuclides, in particular 137Cs. |
14:00 | Waste management in Ukraine: organizational aspects PRESENTER: Alla Iarova ABSTRACT. Environmental management emerged as a consequence of an unprecedented strain on the Earth by humans. Each our activity leaves a trail, such as pollutions of air and soil, contamination of water, deforestation, and also tons of wastes. We are confronting environmental problems that are more taxing than ever before. Now we have everyday changes of the climate which is why there is an urgent need to find ways of life that is less damaging to the Earth. Waste management is a particular specialization of the environmental management which studies how to achieve a zero-waste life. The difference between the situation with waste in Ukraine compared to other developed countries is the large volume of waste generation and the lack of infrastructure for waste management. At the same time, the availability of such infrastructure is an essential feature of all economies of developed countries. Also, it is showed to increase of the amount of illegal and uncontrolled landfills and to degrade of the condition of existing dumps. This paper is aimed to explain how the Ukrainian government could educate people about problems of wastes and encourage us to change our habits. |
14:20 | Zebrafish as a suitable model for studying the mode of action and harmfulness of organophosphate pesticides PRESENTER: Halina Falfushynska ABSTRACT. The aim of the present work was to investigate the response of zebrafish to the effects of widely-used organophosphates roundup and chlorpyrifos and putative effectiveness of chlorella in terms of decreasing pesticides toxicity. Studied organophosphate pesticide roundup and chlorpyrifos in ecologically relevant concentrations, both individually and in a mixture, evoked the prominent suppression of catalase and total antioxidant capacity in the liver of Danio rerio which were consistent with higher levels of lipid peroxidation, protein carbonylation, and DNA strand break. Also, both roundup and chlorpyrifos provoked endocrine disorders registered as induction of vitellogenin and depletion of triiodothyronine and neurotoxicity appeared as inhibition of acetylcholinesterase after individual action or activation after combined action. The rate of apoptosis observed by caspase 3 activity was decreased, but in different manner depends on the exposure. The potency of toxicity followed the order: roundup > chlorpyrifos > roundup + chlorpyrifos (due to some kind of antagonistic action between chlorpyrifos and roundup in the binary mixture). Based on the results of CART analysis triiodothyronine, TBARS and caspase 3 were determined as the most significant indices for discrimination of the studied groups. The introduction of Chlorella vulgaris in the amount of about 100 thousand cells L-1 into the environment did not show a significant bioremediation effect on the harmful effect of studied pesticides for Danio rerio, which does not exclude the positive impact of algae on the functioning of the ecosystem as a whole and requires further comprehensive research. |
14:40 | Trade and Economic Relations Between Georgia and the Czech Republic: Challenges in Export and Import of Agri-Food Products PRESENTER: Badri Gechbaia ABSTRACT. The article evaluates the importance of trade and economic relations between countries in economic growth. At a time of globalization has been identified the existing problems of the international division of labor for Georgia. Substantiated that the development of trade and economic relations is an important challenge in the condition of a low level of food provision for the population of Georgia. From this perspective, it is relevant to analyse the export-import of agriproducts with those European countries that have similar resource potential, geographic proximity, socio-economic and political characteristics to Georgia, among of which is the Czech Republic. Based on the theories of international trade, in order to assess the trade and economic potential between Georgia and the Czech Republic and to determine trends of development, has been studied main indicators of the above-mentioned countries. Comparative analysis of the data showed that quantitative indexes are similar between these two countries, while the qualitative data in the Czech Republic is higher as compared to Georgia. The paper discusses the agriculture of Georgia as one of the main sources of economic growth, therefore, to increase the resource potential of the sector needs to develop foreign trade and economic relations with the agriproducts. Based on analysis of data on export-import of agriproducts between Georgia and the Czech Republic, has been concluded that the trade balance between the countries is variable and trade and economic relations are at the development stage. The main challenge in agriproduct trade between the countries is a low level of import-export diversification of agriproducts. At the same time, it is substantiated, that the cooperation with the Czech Republic perspective for Georgia not only in trade but also in the sphere of investments and modern technologies. The article argues the need for an optimal ratio of exports and imports in the development of trade and economic relations. Through the empirical studies the current challenges of export and import of agri-food products between Georgia and the Czech Republic have been identified; export-import ratios have been analysed by product type; and the ways to improve trade and economic cooperation between the two countries have been outlined. Promising areas of economic relations and export-import between Georgia and the Czech Republic have been developed. |
15:00 | PRESENTER: Badri Gechbaia ABSTRACT. In the present paper is analysed opinions about the tools for sustainable development and the ways to reduce inequality. Has been estimated the importance of regional development programs and strategies as the settlement of the economic and social issues, provided proof of their role in the effective development of regional economic policy. Has been determined the concentration level of economic activity by regions using distribution index to estimate equal development of regions. Has been made the conclusion that none of the regions of Georgia is notably specialized. The concentration level of business sectors in regions is substantiated by the distribution curve. In distribution curve was considered retail and wholesale distribution, as an example of maximally near to ideal distribution. It is proved by the analysis of distribution of curves, that the concentration level of business sectors in Georgian regions is quite unequal and none of them could be highlighted in industry specialization. The paper identifies the problems related to sustainable and equal development of regions, provided conclusions and recommendations to settle the mentioned issue by their estimation. In the process of study has been determined the factors of endogenous development of regions and advisable to improve the quality and efficiency of regional development institutions through the development of trial-programs for regional development. |
15:20 | Ecological analysis of the flora of the Kremenets Mountains National Nature Park (on the example of the mountains Divochi Skeli, Strakhova, Masliatyn, Chercha, Zamkova, Bozha) PRESENTER: Nataliia Lisova ABSTRACT. One of the elements that ensure the sustainability of the environment is the vegetation cover. The vegetation cover contributes to the balanced functioning of ecosystems. It is the national parks rich in phytodiversity that attract the attention of scientists. The article presents an ecological analysis of the flora of the Kremenets Mountains National Park. The research was carried out in the areas of the mountains Divochi Skeli, Strakhova, Masliatyn, Chercha, Zamkova, Bozha. 10 florocoenotypes were identified in the study areas. The most numerous is the nemoral forest coenotype. The flora was analyzed for abiotic factors such as light, temperature, humidity, soil. It is these indicators that have an important impact on the formation of vegetation cover and the life processes of plants. It was found that facultative heliophytes, mesothermal plants, mesophytes, and mesotrophs predominate in the study areas. The vegetation cover has clear forest-steppe features. Relicts and endemics are confined to steppe and calcepetrophilic areas. Flora synanthropization is observed on the study areas. |
15:40 | PRESENTER: Svitlana Mantulenko ABSTRACT. Based on the generalization and systematization of scientific and accounting data, the article considers agriculture as one of the leading sectors of the Ukrainian economy, providing 50% of foreign exchange earnings from exports of all goods from the country. The structure and geography of agricultural exports from Ukraine are analyzed. The existing export potential of the studied sector of the national economy and the level of self-sufficiency of Ukraine in agri-food products are revealed. Four specialization types of agricultural exports from Ukrainian regions are established: areas with dominance in export of animal origin products; areas with a dominance in the export of plant products; areas with a predominance in the export of animal or vegetable origin fats and oils; area, with mixed export specialization. Recommendations for the re-profiling of agricultural production in a number of the country’s regions in order to increase exports of this product type |
16:00 | Use of GIS technology in geographical education PRESENTER: Arman Demeuov ABSTRACT. At the present stage, a new education system is being created in a sovereign country, focusing on the world educational space. This is due to significant changes in the history of pedagogy and the educational process, as the education system has changed, the content of education has been updated, a new approach has appeared, a new attitude to geoinformation technologies in school. The article describes the importance of computer technologies in the education system, including the effectiveness and necessity of geoinformation technologies. The article describes the relevance of the use of geoinformation technologies in the teaching of geography. |
16:20 | Pedagogical possibilities of tourist and local history activities PRESENTER: Arman Demeuov ABSTRACT. In the modern world, tourism is one of the most notable economic and socio-social phenomena, which organically combines a powerful industry with a centuries-old tradition and an extremely rich recreational sphere of human life, in which the renewal and reproduction of individual forces takes place. Tourism also performs an extremely important cultural function. After all, a person, a traveling businessman, a scientist, an athlete, a local historian, is first of all a person who seeks to expand his own horizons, enrich himself with new knowledge, use his free time wisely for recreation, acquaintance with the culture of other peoples. |
16:40 | Methodological approaches to the study of mineral resource potential of regions PRESENTER: Natalia Panteleeva ABSTRACT. The exploration industry of Ukraine is experiencing a protracted crisis. It is confirmed by the curtailment of funding for the development of country mineral resources by 60% last year which causes the closure of exploration companies. The range of problems traditionally solved by the geography of mineral resources is significantly reduced. These reasons encouraged us to consider the main methodological approaches to the study of mineral potential of specific regions. The studied approaches such as natural-geographical, economic-geographical, ecological-geographical, and complex structural-geographical lie in the domain of geographical science. The article emphasizes the urgency to develop structural and geographical course of research, which is based on the studies of mineral resources and the approaches mentioned above including geological one. The structural and geographical course of research is supposed to create real models of mineral resources of the country regions and to suggest specific measures of their structure optimization alongside prospects of their development following modern world tendencies. The research may result in the creation of a long-term concept of balanced development of the mineral complex of the region, the prevision of the use of mineral resources, the justification of resource-saving technologies. A systematic approach to such a concept will ensure the rational use of resources, the formation of new infrastructure, conditions for environmentally safe function of the economy, sustainable and balanced development of the economic complex of the region. |
17:00 | PRESENTER: Sergiy Kobzan ABSTRACT. The purpose of the research is to reveal current trends in modeling the location of new catering establishments in the study area. The relevance of research in the article is determined by the development of the tourism industry. This applies to catering establishments operating in the lower price category. Such catering establishments include fast food restaurants. The article proposes to use geographic information systems for spatial analysis using software. The researchers used ArcGis software, which allows you to visualize the results of the analysis. Visualization of the results will allow to make the necessary decision on the location of catering establishments. The research was conducted on the example of the Industrialny District of Kharkiv. Analysis of geostatic models can be used to process statistical data in any locality by using a geostatistical method to convert data from a discrete view to a permanent representation. With the help of geostatistic methods, data from a discrete form are transformed into a continuous form. Researchers present mathematical formulas for determining the index of concentration of the actual population in a given area or the projected index. These indicators can be determined on the basis of data obtained during the research. Indicators are presented using elements of the ArcGis software package in discrete form and permanent form. In the research the model of optimization of placement of public catering establishments was developed. It is proposed to place twelve new catering establishments in the studied area of the city with the exact indication of their location. The scientific conclusion of the study will further improve the service to the local population and the promotion of the city of Kharkiv as a object of tourism. The principle of developing a digital map and geodatabase is effective to address issues related to tourism infrastructure, so the developed model can be used in other cities. Further research in this direction may be related to improving geostatistic analysis of data and taking into account more factors |
17:20 | Bioremediation of toluene by bioaugmentation, biostimulation and natural attenuation PRESENTER: Cevat Yaman ABSTRACT. Contamination in subsurface environment is a serious environmental hazard. Main sources of the contamination are petrol, diesel fuel, gasoline at oil refineries, underground storage tanks, transmission pipelines and different industries. Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs), which is a promising technology to remediate groundwater in-situ, are filled with reactive materials for the removal of the contaminants present in groundwater. In this study, groundwater contaminated with toluene is treated in reactor columns by biological processes. This study was conducted to assess the impact of bioaugmentation (BA) and biostimulation (BS) on toluene degradation efficiency. After 44 days of treatment, toluene concentrations were decreased from 5 mg/l to 4.304 mg/l by the natural attenuation treatment (Reactor 2), which represents a 13.9% removal efficiency. Toluene was reduced to 0.0239 mg/l in the biostimulation and bioaugmentation treatment (Reactor 1), which represents a toluene removal efficiency of 99.5%. This study showed that the toluene removal efficiency in the combined BA and BS process was much higher than in natural attenuation (NA) process tested. |
17:40 | Chemistry of medicinal plants as an integral part of ecological education PRESENTER: Tetiana Derkach ABSTRACT. The degree of variability in the composition of herbal medicines was studied on the example of the preparation of St. John's wort from various Ukrainian producers. The Cu and Zn contents were the most stable compared to other (Fe, Mn, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb, Cd) microelements among plants of different origins. The content of toxic elements (Pb, Cd) did not exceed the established standards. Meanwhile, a 2-3-fold concentration difference was observed for hyperforin, an active pharmaceutical ingredient in St. John's wort. Thus, the existing standards do not ensure the stability of the composition of herbal preparations. As a result, the quality of medicinal drugs can be significantly different. The key reason for the variation in plant composition is environmental influence, including anthropogenic factors. Existing training programs for prospective specialists of the pharmaceutical industry do not pay enough attention to the impact of the environment on the quality of herbal raw materials. Necessary changes to the syllabi of relevant disciplines are formulated to eliminate this shortcoming and ensure sustainable development of raw materials sources for the pharmaceutical industry. |
14:00 | Human factor in emergency occurrence at NPP during the pandemic COVID-19: new potential risks and recommendations to minimize them PRESENTER: Oleksandr Popov ABSTRACT. COVID-19 pandemic is an emergency that spread across the planet. It threatens lives and health of the population, with many dead and injured. Also, during pandemic there was (and continues to be) a violation of normal living conditions, significant material damage to economies of different countries. Quarantine restrictions affected social, educational, cultural and spiritual spheres of society. There is an urgent threat to operation of critical infrastructure as the pandemic led to large numbers of hospitalized or self-isolated people and being treated at home. At present, the operation of critical infrastructure, and in particular nuclear power plants, is strategically important for the proper functioning of any country. Also, the research describes causes of emergencies at nuclear power plants and identifies another factor - the mass disease of NPP personnel or their relatives on COVID-19. It is determined that timely detection and appropriate work to restore mental health during the pandemic is no less important area of work along with providing medical care to population. Stress associated with uncertainty, threat to health, can have negative consequences for well-being and mental health of workers. Depression, emotional exhaustion, anxiety, irritability, suicidal thoughts, etc. can also be consequences. Socio-psychological support especially for critical infrastructure workers is important to promote mental health during COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations for socio-psychological support of NPP personnel were developed. Specialized mobile applications are described as convenient and economical way for primary psychological care. |
14:20 | Modeling the influence of factors on the level of environmental safety PRESENTER: Nataliia Havadzyn ABSTRACT. There has been established in the article the correlation and regression relationship between the factors of the country's development and the level of environmental safety on the basis of identifying the patterns of certain factors sets influencing the volume of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. On the basis of modeling, there has been carried out the analysis of individual groups of factors influencing the volumes of harmful emissions in the countries selected for the study. The nature and degree of influence of the selected factors on the resulting indicators (volumes of harmful emissions) have been determined. It has been found that the number of these factors is significantly higher in France than in Ukraine. This is due to both the political and economic situation in the country. The level of energy efficient technologies implementation and environmental restructuring of business entities are no less significant. The ranking of factors has been carried out based on the value of the correlation coefficient within a separate group and each country. There are also highlighted differences in the research results and their reasons |
14:40 | Mechanisms for ensuring the environmental safety of tourist destinations PRESENTER: Olha Nykodiuk ABSTRACT. Modern tourism is a sector of the economy that is developing very fast, for the last 10 years the growth was 25%. According to UNEP and the WTO, tourism is seen as a growing sector in contrast to the manufacturing sector. According to experts, the growth rate of the tourism industry will remain high, although global and regional structures of tourism change over the years (in recent years due to terrorism, the development of various diseases, natural disasters, pandemics, etc.). In 2019, about 1,500 million international trips were made. The same data indicate that the growth of tourism is due to developing countries. In countries with weak regulation of the market economy, tourism development can become a real threat to the quality of the environment. Therefore, the further development of tourism in general is possible only through its greening and finding a balance between economic and social development, taking into account environmental factors. |
15:00 | Geomodels of space monitoring of water bodies PRESENTER: Vasyl Trysnyuk ABSTRACT. Theme of the paper is the solution of flooding geomodels creation for Dniester river basin territory, which uses contact and remote measurements. Natural and anthropogenic factors causing groundwater level rising were analyzed for localization of flooded zones and forecasting of geometric characteristics. Geographic information systems for researched area include the spatial binding of the hydrological elements and observation points, digital model of relief preparation, basin allocation catchment, flooded areas modeling. Structural features include the size and shape of object, brightness disposal within the object, image texture, some others. Possibility of available remote sensing data use allows reducing temporal and economic cost for conducting additional ground measurements for possible flooded areas determining. These methods of geomodels creation are realized for the territory of Dniester Canyon, the hydrogeologic feature of which is connected to the Upper Cretaceous horizon and groundwater. |
15:20 | Modern means of assessing the impact of emergencies on the environmental condition of the ground layer of atmosphere PRESENTER: Anastasiia Turevych ABSTRACT. The problem of emergencies will not leave humanity as long as it exists, and therefore it is necessary to at least create conditions under which it is possible to reduce the risks of injuries, diseases and deaths of people who are in the emergency zone. This can be achieved by raising awareness of the nature of the emergency, the hazardous substances that are released in connection with it. Theoretical analysis of various remote means of assessing the impact of emergencies of man-made areas on the ecological state of the atmospheric air of the surrounding areas. It has been found that the use of remote sensing equipment greatly simplifies the procedure of operational monitoring of the environment during emergencies, as well as contributes to the health of professionals. A comparison of different remote means of environmental monitoring of air quality was performed: In particular, stationary automatic stations, mobile automatic stations, probes, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were compared. It is proposed to use UAVs as remote means of operational monitoring of air quality. The functional scheme of UAV system implementation for the needs of operative ecological monitoring is offered. The legal features of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles as remote means of monitoring air quality during emergencies are analyzed. |
15:40 | Effect of liquid glass type on hygienic characteristics of coated electrodes for arc welding of tin bronzes PRESENTER: Olga Bezushko ABSTRACT. The results of investigations of chemical composition and emission rates of the welding fume, generated during welding using electrodes for copper alloys, are presented with the aim of improvement of their sanitary and hygienic characteristics. It is shown that in order to create new grades of welding electrodes with improved hygienic characteristics, it is necessary to have the data of the initial sanitary and hygienic evaluation in accordance with international standards. It was established that the use of binder based on pure lithium liquid glass in the coating of electrodes for welding copper alloys, increases the rate of welding fume emission into the air, as well as the content of manganese and copper oxides in it. The minimum rates of harmful emissions were recorded during the use of sodium-potassium binder, which is recommended for mass production of this type of electrodes. |
16:00 | The region as an object of projecting of neo-spheric existence in the depth of anthroposphere PRESENTER: Olena Lavrentieva ABSTRACT. The article deals with the problem of the modern education system perfection and at the same time seeks to reach the limit of the possible in the transformation of the educational space to meet the demand of time, its ability to provide social consciousness in the conditions of the ongoing crisis and those changes that caused the intensification of the dialogue between Man and Nature. The development with the participation of humans becomes of a more targeted nature – noospheric and educational, global one. This is a new way obliges a modern general education institution to look for better approaches to the production of personality and promote the development of modern man – the carrier of new values. The state of society's consciousness should be inclined to act in the direction of its spirituality. The correlation between the social and morphological organization of a human being should not be beyond the problem of profile education. Consciousness is a result of evolution, it has a geological origin, personal embodiment, and collective application. The human world to a large extent begins in a human being itself, therefore, the objective of this article is the search for ways to change the educational system of the region for the sake of further formation and development of the democratic society of the anthropospheric era. |
16:20 | Potential of environmental responsibility and financial potential of innovative mechanical engineering enterprises in Ukraine PRESENTER: Liudmyla Petrenko ABSTRACT. In the era of sustainable economy, the environmental responsible companies provide an important background both for particular industry and national economy competitiveness. In particular, mechanical engineering plays an important role in the economy of Ukraine. In accordance with national statistic, the Ukrainian mechanical engineering provides 6.4 % in total volume of industrial products and ~4 % of the gross value added in the GDP of Ukraine. At the same time, the global mechanical engineering industry environmental friendly activity is related to SDG 9 and SDG 12. In March 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted its Programme, reaffirming the commitment to the SDGs and their importance for Ukrainian economy development. Thereby, research problem lays upon the financial potential of innovative mechanical engineering enterprises in Ukraine providing the background to increase the potential of their environmental responsibility. The paper aims to provide scientific support on mechanical engineering industry representatives that tend to be environmental friendly. The research methodology is based on Ukrainian mechanical engineering enterprises data (5 years and 337 industry representatives) processed by statistical analysis. The financial and environmental indicators are represented in results section on the basis for six groups of mechanical engineering enterprises’ analysis, namely: big unstable – 16; big stable – 17; medium unstable – 44; medium stable - 26; small unstable – 188; small stable – 46. Thus, the environmental dimension is increasingly taken into account by Ukrainian innovative mechanical engineering enterprises to be competitive. Big and medium stable enterprises are organizationally oriented to be environmentally sustainable. The main disadvantage of big and medium unstable enterprises is lack of financial resources for achieving sustainable goals. Small enterprises are lack of general capacity to conduct environmental support policy, but they are the most flexible ones that provide advantages in environmental management. The study results can be used within industrial and business programs of environmental responsible activity and its financial support. In relation to other branches or countries, more extensive study is required. |
16:40 | Landscape approach to formation of system of ecologically balanced use of natural resources: legal framework PRESENTER: Maryna Deineha ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the analysis of legal framework and theoretical provisions of the landscape approach to the formation of the system of ecologically balanced use of natural resources, the definition of its essence and content, highlighting of conditions and principles of its functioning. Proposals for elimination of legal problems in the field of development and realization of the concept of ecologically balanced use of natural resources are covered. It is determined that the legal formulation of landscape approach principle to the use of natural resources will ensure unity, integrity, comprehensiveness of nature management, coherence and balance of interests in this area, implementation of ideas for the formation of system of environmentally sustainable use of natural resources and sustainable development concept, and the adoption of relevant regulations will solve our state’s urgent task on the path to further European integration. |
17:00 | Quality of drinking water in rural areas: problems of legal environment PRESENTER: Maryna Deineha ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the scientific and theoretical analysis of the current state of legal provision of drinking water quality in rural areas. It was stated that in recent years there has been a steady trend of deteriorating quality of water used for drinking in rural areas, including due to increasing levels of nitrate pollution. Proposals have been made for: further implementation of Council Directive 98/83 / EU on the quality of water intended for human consumption and Council Directive 91/676/ EEC on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources in national legislation; elimination of substantive inconsistencies between State sanitary norms and rules 2.2.4-171-10 "Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption" and National Standards of Ukraine 7525: 2014 "Drinking water. Requirements and methods of quality control "in terms of drinking water quality indicators; inclusion in the subjects of state water monitoring of the central executive body that implements the state policy in the field of health care (regarding the monitoring of drinking water); development of the Procedure for state monitoring of nitrate content in surface and groundwater as a component of state water monitoring; forecasting at the level of the National Target Program "Drinking Water of Ukraine" for 2021-2025 "development and operation of a single state information resource - Interactive map of drinking water quality in Ukraine. |
17:20 | Prospective directions of state regulation of “green” energy development in the context of Ukraine’s energy safety PRESENTER: Valeriia Kovach ABSTRACT. The article describes the leading world trends and factors of state regulation of “green” energy development as a key element of energy safety of mankind at transition stage to globalized society. Paradigm change of energy safety of mankind, problems and obstacles on the way to abandon hydrocarbons use as the main energy sources and replace them by renewable environmentally friendly sources are analyzed. International and national normative legal documents regulating functioning and “green” energy development are characterized. Mechanisms for strengthening Ukraine’s energy safety by acceleration stimulating of construction of new generation power plants using exclusively renewable energy sources in our country were proposed. |
17:40 | Principles of natural capital preservation in the context of strategy of state environmental safety PRESENTER: Valeriia Kovach ABSTRACT. The article analyzes issue of strategy forming of state development through prism of state environmental safety, preservation of its natural capital in the process of formation and implementation of state environmental policy. Basic ecological, economic, social principles of natural capital preservation of Ukraine are considered. Possibilities of ecological network development of Ukraine are investigated. A comprehensive knowledge framework for the management of natural capital is shown. |