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Andrii Striuk (Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine)
09:00 | Software model for studying the features of wireless connections in FANET PRESENTER: Igor Puleko ABSTRACT. Over the last decade, earier named self-organizing mobile computer networks, MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network), including those based on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) - FANET (Flying Ad Hoc Network), have become widespreaded. In FANET, the UAV is connected to the network using wireless technology. Due to the constant dynamics of the nodes of such FANET, in this network, there are sometimes lost connections between the nodes. Modern wireless technologies such as: WiFi, ZigBee, AirMAX and others, have different technical characteristics that significantly affect the ability to build FANET. In the article developed a software model that allows you to study the statistical characteristics of mobile networks. The motion of each object (network node) is described using a quaternion model. The software model is developed in the Python programming language. The obtained software model for the given conditions allows to estimate the basic statistical characteristics of FANET and to make recommendations to their construction and application. |
09:20 | Information Technology for Mobile Perimeter Security Systems Creation PRESENTER: Nadiia Lobanchykova ABSTRACT. The main aim of this research is the creation of information technology for mobile (of rapid deployment) security systems of the area perimeter. This system appears to be a complex of models and methods, information, software and hardware mean that have interacted with users during decision-making and control of implementation for management solutions. The proposed information technology aimed at improving the protection level for security departments by automating the process of danger detection for perimeters and decision-making for alarm. The structural model of the system, the model of the system's components interaction and the model of identifying the subjects of emergency threats have been proposed. A method for identifying unauthorized access to the perimeter of the secure facilities, using the production model of knowledge representation, was created. It is a set of linguistic expressions (such as "IF-THEN") and the knowledge matrix. The method of ranking for objects, which are threats of unauthorized access to the perimeter for secure facilities, has been proposed. The practical value of work consists of the possibility of the use of this information technology by perimeter's security systems of various objects. Proposed models are complete and suitable for hardware and software implementation. |
09:40 | Single-rotor integrating gyroscopic gravimeter PRESENTER: Olexander Dobrzhanskyi ABSTRACT. The paper describes the gravity acceleration sensor (GAS) design, the technical characteristics of which provide an increase in the static transfer constant of the GAS, the ability to determine the current static transfer constant of the GAS, reducing the level of noise effects in the output signal of GAS. The acceleration vector components from the side of a moving vehicle add a noise to the gravity vector components. These investigations give an answer how to obtain of GAS`s desired metrological features by the developing of new GAS based on pendulous integrating gyroscopic accelerometer. The presented material can be seen as an example of how to explore a gyro system mechanics and how to develop new gyro systems structure. The presented methods and the sequences of expressions can be used in master's and bachelor's disciplines in the field of applied mechanics, instrument development and automatic control. |
10:00 | The Dynamics Simulation of Knowledge Potentials of Agents Including the Feedback PRESENTER: Mariia Nazaruk ABSTRACT. The conceptual and mathematical models of information processes of the agents' knowledge potential redistribution considering their constituent components are constructed in the paper. A nonlinear model describing the dynamics of agents' knowledge potentials is developed taking into account the feedback effects (agent - student) on the source of knowledge (teacher / lecturer). In particular, the procedure of constructing a multicomponent two-dimensional array of discrete values of the knowledge potential constituent components for generating procedures to enhance (improve) the professional competences of knowledge sources, is generalized and specified. |
10:20 | Information system of economic and mathematical modeling of pricing in the residential sector of Ukraine PRESENTER: Varvara Chernenko ABSTRACT. The article deals with the development of a web application on forecasting the dynamics of prices in the residential sector of Ukraine. The classification of economic forecasting methods according to which they are divided into formalized, extrapolated, intuitive methods of forecasting the financial state is presented. It has been established that forecasting methods should meet the following requirements: a combination of subjective value and objective significance of estimates; clear application of estimates, which does not allow different interpretations regarding the choice of methods; create the ability to accumulate statistical information and use it for forecasting. The model of standard square collocation for the real estate market is presented. A web-based application for forecasting the dynamics of prices in the Ukrainian housing sector was developed and tested. |
10:40 | Approaches, models, methods and means of training of future IT-specialists with the use of elements of dual education PRESENTER: Yuriy Tryus ABSTRACT. The article substantiates the necessity and expediency of using the dual form of education in training specialists in the field of information technology in technical universities of Ukraine, interprets the concept of "dual education" from various sources, including UNESCO documents and the Law of Ukraine "On Education", analyzes some international experience of using dual study in higher education, in particular in Germany, considers the tasks to be solved for successful implementation of the dual form of higher education in Ukraine, and the main stages of this implementation for the period up to 2023. The paper considers some existing models of dual education that can be used in domestic universities. Also considered one of the approaches to the formation of methodological and information support for training of future specialists in information technology in the dual form of education based on distance learning support system developed on the basis of Moodle system, presented experience in implementing elements of dual education at the Faculty of Information Technology and Systems of Cherkasy State Technological University. |
11:00 | Formation of communication and teamwork skills of future IT-specialists using project technology PRESENTER: Maksym Pavlenko ABSTRACT. The subject of the study is the formation of communication and teamwork skills of future IT-specialists, using project technology in teaching the administration of computer systems and networks. Content analysis of research has shown that communication and teamwork skills are the most requested and necessary soft skills for future IT professionals. It is offered to use project technology of training for their formation. This technology consists of the approaches and tools application used in real-world software development. To implement this technology, we propose to use mind maps for design. The organization of the working process on the project is implemented in Jira Software, Asana or Trello. Communication among project participants should be implemented with the help of several means: video chats (Zoom, Skype, Google Meet) and written communication in corporate messengers (Slack, Zulip). Experimental verification has shown the efficiency of the proposed design technology implementation. |
11:20 | The use of online coding platforms as additional distance tools in programming education PRESENTER: Anna Iatsyshyn ABSTRACT. This study analyzes various publications of scientists on the training of future IT specialists and the features of training programming using online simulators. The authors of the article made a comparative description of different online platforms for teaching programming according to certain criteria, selected interesting tasks from the online platform, which have already been used to teach students. Online programming simulators have significant potential in organizing an effective distance learning system in Ukrainian universities. It is important to use online simulators in the learning process as an additional tool for the formation of professional competencies, which provides more intensive involvement of students in the process of writing code and practical (situational) application of existing knowledge. Gamification of the process of training future IT specialists helps to increase cognitive activity, and hence – the quality of the educational process and distance learning in particular. The authors recommend the use of online programming simulators as an additional tool for teaching computer science disciplines, taking into account their functionality, as well as the level of preparation of students and the expected learning outcomes. |
11:40 | The effectiveness of GitHub cloud services for implementing a programming training project: students’ point of view PRESENTER: Oleksandra Parhomenko ABSTRACT. In today's IT industry, it is important to develop the ability of IT students to collaboratively develop software, professional and personal skills. An effective method for developing such skills in future IT specialists is to organize different types of educational projects related to different programming technologies during the execution of mini projects, group and individual project assignments, term papers, academic training within the academic disciplines. The paper summarizes the results of a pedagogical study involving 29 expert students who study Computer Science and Software Engineering and used cloud service for GitHub collaborative IT development projects. The research findings testify, the most effective characteristics of this service, according to experts, identified the possibility of collaborative development of software (i1), the convenience of bug tracking (i3) and the convenience of the code editor (i7). It offers examples and results of using GitHub cloud service in the process of executing educational projects by future IT specialists. |
12:00 | Project-based Learning in a Computer Modelling Course PRESENTER: Vasyl Oleksiuk ABSTRACT. The paper reports authors’ experience of implementing educational projects in a computer modelling course offered to the students majoring in "Secondary Education. Computer Science" at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. We analyze approaches to teaching mathematical and computer modelling such as: integration of modelling tasks, naturalistic case study, using of role-playing games, possibilities of STEM-education, motivation and positive attitude to modelling training, etc. Than we illustrate the implementation of the project to study the population dynamics of the grape snail Helix pomatia. The implementation of the project splits into several stages: formulation of the problem, presentation of project tasks, brainstorming, development, testing, presentation of results. The study was conducted at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University within the Norwegian-Ukrainian Project “Development of students' mathematical competencies through Digital Mathematical Modelling” (DeDiMaMo) in partnership with the University of Agder (Norway) and Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University. |
12:20 | Use of Augmented Reality-enabled prototyping of Cyber-Physical Systems for improving cyber-security education PRESENTER: Yuriy Skorenkyy ABSTRACT. The use of augmented reality-enabled scenarios in cybersecurity teaching is proposed in the article to respond to new requirements for the rapid adoption of new technologies and profound knowledge of cybersecurity issues by professionals. Implementation of project-type activities based on real cybersecurity issues in application fields of cyber-physical systems is suggested to improve the competence forming. A use-case of agricultural cyber-physical system of systems is discussed as a viable example of augmented reality-enabled prototyping of cybersecurity risk-aware architecture. The necessary steps are analysis of general and business-specific tasks on cybersecurity, creation of a list of competencies, formalized in educational standards and curricula, development of gaming scenarios for the formation of hard and soft skills, development of the scenario management system for AR interfaces. The system using AR tools can be easily adapted to different cybersecurity training activities. Industrial cyber-physical systems may be vulnerable due to insecure wireless connectivity, lack of encryption, inadequate access policy. The project-based learning complex is focused on the implementation of a data acquisition, storage and processing platform for new sensor networks and instruments. Representing all the diverse information on different layers will be greatly improved by use of the developed holographic projection AR tools. |
12:40 | Using Augmented Reality Technologies for STEM Education Organization PRESENTER: Nataliia Valko ABSTRACT. Modernization of the education system and the emergence of innovative learning technologies can improve the educational process. The use of augmented reality technology improves the learning of individual students, their motivation, as well as helps in organizing teamwork, group cooperation. As the topic of augmented reality in education is quite new and little studied for STEM education, the study reviews publications on this topic, describes the concept of augmented reality, the analysis of augmented reality technologies is carried out, which are adapted to the teaching of natural and mathematical disciplines. The role of STEM-approach with augmented reality in the educational process is determined. An example of the use of augmented reality as part of a robotics project is given |
13:00 | Development of career guidance quests using WebAR PRESENTER: Serhiy Semerikov ABSTRACT. Career-guidance quests that involve solving intellectual and search problems in a game are associated with one’s future career, being one of modern means of recruiting school leavers to vocational and higher educational institutions. Such specific computer tools of virtual and augmented reality as pupils’ mobile Internet gadgets can enhance visual character and interactivity of quest problems. The article deals with applying augmented reality in the web environment to solving these tasks. The authors propose a prototype of a career guidance quest system using WebAR technology. |
13:20 | Methodic quest: reinventing the system PRESENTER: Serhiy Semerikov ABSTRACT. Key talk on the modelling of the methodic systems CS learming |
Viacheslav Osadchyi (Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
09:00 | PhD student training: principles and implementation PRESENTER: Maksym Yenin ABSTRACT. The article deals with the problem of PhD student training. The Salzburg Principles about the improvement and quality assurance of doctoral programs at universities in every country from European University Association are analysed and materials of LERU on quality culture in Doctoral Education in Europe are used. The three focuses of the research component of doctoral program are proposed. The first focus relates to reproducible research principle. The second focus is related to the use of multivariae models of phenomena’s study and SEM methodology. The SEM methodology is mostly based on deductive logic, involves the preliminary construction of a structural model of the relationships between the variables in order to further check for consistency with the experimental data. The third focus combines qualitative and quantitative methods and the use of triangulation (data triangulation, investigation triangulation, theory triangulation etc.). The content of selected courses for doctorate students is proposed: Reproducible Research and Multivariate Methods in Scientific Research courses. The importance of courses related to the future career is demonstrated, in particular the career of academic researcher. Further development of our work is the creation of teaching and methodological support for selected course “Twitter for professional development of PhD students”. |
09:20 | Method for assessing the information content of factors forming the cognitive independence of students ![]() PRESENTER: Victoriya Logvinenko ABSTRACT. The article describes the problem of awakening the cognitive activity of students, arising due to revolutionary transformations in teaching technologies. It shows the need to study the factors that affect cognitive activity and assesses the information content of those factors. Based on the method of pair comparisons, a technology for ranking the factors affecting cognitive activity has been developed. A mathematical model of the formation and processing of expert assessment results and an example of calculations are given, and the feasibility of including the subsystem for evaluating factors affecting cognitive activity in the computer control system of the university is shown. The structure of an adaptive e-learning system based on the technology of taking into account the factors that form the cognitive independence of students is described Experiments carried out in 3 universities of Ukraine have shown that the use of the developed mathematical model and information technology allows to increase significantly academic performance and to decrease the frequency of refusals from independent work of students using the e-learning environment. |
09:40 | Research of professional responsibility of students of technical specialities by means of information and communication technologies PRESENTER: Nataliia Habrusieva ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the use of information technologies for pedagogical research aimed at studying the formation of key competencies and learning outcomes in higher education institutions, in particular, the professional responsibility of students of technical specialties. The diagnostic capabilities of the ATutor system, which operates at the Ternopil National Technical University named after Ivan Pului (Ukraine), are presented. The process of data collection involving distance learning technologies and the results of the analysis of the study are described. The state of formation of professional responsibility in students of technical specialties is determined, the main problems and difficulties in the formation of professional responsibility of future specialists in the technical field are clarified, and the possibilities and role of social disciplines are revealed. The structural and logical scheme of integrating disciplines of a humanitarian cycle in a distance learning course “Professional Responsibility of a Technical Specialist in Modern Conditions” is presented. |
10:00 | The development of creative thinking as an important task of educational process PRESENTER: Alina Vinkovskaya ABSTRACT. Current trends in improving the educational system involve the parallel acquisition of multifaceted knowledge, the maximum expansion of horizons and the preparation of students for the optimal choice of profession. Scientists and methodologists from many countries work in this direction. The solution of these problems is inextricably linked with the task of developing general intelligence and creative thinking. In this work the role of lateral thinking in the creative process is discussed. Lateral thinking is an important component of creative thinking. The article discusses the essence of lateral thinking and possible ways to test it. Here we discuss also the features of the probability distribution function for various psychological parameters characterizing the personality. It was noticed that the more universal the psychological parameter, the closer its probability distribution to the ideal normal distribution. It is shown that the probability distribution of the lateral thinking parameter is similar to the normal distribution of Eysenck’s parameter for general intelligence. The latter indicates that lateral thinking is a fairly universal personality trait. |
10:20 | The peculiarities of the usage of AR-technologies in the process of hardiness of future professionals PRESENTER: Hanna Varina ABSTRACT. One of the main challenges of today is to increase the resilience of individuals to stressful environmental factors and preserve the quality of life and efficiency. Hardiness is a psychological phenomenon, the essence of which is a productive way out of the crisis towards personal growth. Taking into account the effectiveness of information and technological progress, the issue of internalization of AR-technologies in the process of training a competitive, viable specialist who is able to mobilize and self-realize internal potential resources is vital. The scientific article analyzes the possibilities of using innovative AR-technologies in the process of developing the hardiness of the future specialist on the basis of the implementation of competence and subject-personal approach to the introduction of AR-technologies in the educational process in the system of higher education. The article describes the experience of integrated implementation of elements of augmented reality in the program of development of hardiness - Hardiness Enhancing Lifestyle Program based on the concept of BYOD. According to the results of the obtained empirical data the efficiency of using innovative AR-technologies in the structure of mobile applications in the process of development of the components of hardiness of the personality of the future specialist is proved. Prospect for further research is the development of a methodology for integrated implementation of AR-technologies in the practice of higher education in order to optimize the training of future professionals. |
10:40 | An electronic environment of higher education institution (on the example of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University) PRESENTER: Andrii Morozov ABSTRACT. The article considers the expediency of developing and using the electronic environment of a higher education institution. It was found that the existence of such an electronic environment of a higher education institution would allow us to effectively use the available resources of higher education. A model of the electronic environment of a higher education institution is proposed, which consists of 4 components: educational, scientific, organizational, and managerial. The structural elements of each of the components are described. An example of the implementation of such an electronic environment on the example of the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University is considered. The personal offices of the student and the teacher, which are realized according to the given model at the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, are considered in detail. It is established that the indisputable advantage is the complete identification of the person who went to different parts of such an environment, another advantage is the integrated use of logins and passwords to all these components. |
11:00 | Implementation of adaptive learning at higher education institutions by means of Moodle LMS PRESENTER: Тetiana Terletska ABSTRACT. E-learning courses have become popular means of delivering knowledge to students in higher education institutions. Most participants of learning process note that they benefit from the possibility to gain knowledge regardless of time, location and device they use. Among other advantages possibility to return to learnt material several times, divide material into parts, consume information through different types of educational materials (video, infographics, presentations, text, quizzes etc) are mentioned. At the same time most of the surveyed students chose that they lack personalization both of materials and studying process, limited in terms of fulfillment and would like to have a choice of the level of study. The educational trend that is able to put into practice the above mentioned requirements is blended learning as it has a range of advantages such as usability, consideration of individual abilities, additional materials introduction, activities monitoring. Although it combines offline and online learning, effectiveness of e-learning courses designed for its implementation play a crucial role. To make a learning process correspondent to the students’ needs adaptive learning can be introduced in higher education institutions. Adaptive learning is a methodology that allows to identify level of students’ knowledge and their learning styles and transform materials, tasks and ways of their delivery according to the needs of learning process participants. LMS Moodle offers different solutions for adaptive learning. They provide administrators and teachers with tools to vary all stages of a learning process starting with delivery of information and ending with assessment. |
11:20 | PRESENTER: Vladyslav Velychko ABSTRACT. The article looks into the effective use of open electronic educational resources. The concept of open electronic educational resources is exposed, their structure and key elements are presented, issues of implementation in educational practice are considered. Requirements for open electronic educational resources are de-fined, tools for designing and platforms for their support and dissemination are identified. The analysis of the existing open electronic educational resources and the experience of their use is conducted. The principles of open electronic resources design based on crowdsourcing are revealed. The stages of creating e-learning resources that meet open Creative Commons licenses on the examples of preservice teachers' training are explored. The essence of Creative Commons licenses is reflected. The theoretical and methodological principles of the use of open electronic educational resources in the educational activity of pre-service teachers are considered. There is a direct link between open educational resources and university education |
11:40 | PRESENTER: Anastasiia Tokarieva ABSTRACT. In the present context of COVID-19 lockdown, when pedagogies had to turn from in-person to virtual instructions computer-mediated communication (CMC), including distance learning and e-learning, has come to the foreground in order to maintain the barrier-free educational environment. The three-dimensional model of the e-learning, which includes the principles of knowledge acquisition at ‘any place’, at ‘any time’, at ‘any speed’ is incomplete without the organizational culture component. The analysis of what e-learning modes are used in a particular institution, to measure the efficiency of distance courses and, further, to suggest the most effective model and the ways of e-learning integration into a particular HEI according to its needs’ analysis was set up as the aim of this article. To achieve this aim, a complex of qualitative and quantitative research methods was applied. Therefore, in the first phase of our inquiry, a literature review was conducted in which we analyzed the definitions of ‘distance learning’ and ‘e-learning’, traced the history of the question, and collected the main characteristics, quality parameters, and models of the distance and e-learning. On the later phases we introduced the form ‘Analysis of the Distance Learning Tools Preferences’, disseminated among the teachers; a questionnaire ‘Distance Learning Mode of Work Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction’, disseminated among students, and ‘The Instructional Materials Motivation (IMMS)’ online survey by J.M. Keller to measure the efficiency of the distance learning courses design, also disseminated among students. The empirical data was collected at Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, the Department of Foreign Languages during March-May, 2020. Thirty instructors from the Department of Foreign Languages and twenty-three students from the first-third years of Foreign Languages studies who regularly participated in online lessons took part in the experiment. Based on the theoretical and empirical data, we got a picture of the e-learning state (in its first approximation) in our HEI, proved that the forms and questionnaires used in the experiment may serve as informative tools of quantitative measurement, drafted the format for further improvement of the e-learning in our organization. |
12:00 | PRESENTER: Alona Litvinchuk ABSTRACT. The article deals with the concept of student-centred Personal Learning Environment (PLE) in the context of higher education, which is used as a means of transforming foreign language learning and teaching practices. It aims to reveal the opportunities for creating PLEs through incorporating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the process of foreign language education. The study focuses on the roles of teachers and students of non-language University majors in designing efficient learning environments highly adapted to changing objectives and student personal needs. The authors reveal the unlimited potential of ICT in constructing PLEs for both in-class activities and informal learning, providing a scope of practical student’s activities which imply their active engagement both in and outside the classroom, as well as constructing a flexible, personalized, time and space independent learning environment. Students, teachers, ICT, which is a set of resources based on the use of educational technology tools thoroughly selected and organised in order to manage the content, applying relevant methods of teaching and learning strategies, as well as a learning process, are all regarded as constituents of PLEs aimed at mastering four foreign language skills when taking the course “Foreign Language for Specific Purposes”: reading, listening, writing and speaking within personal, academic, and field-related contexts. |
12:20 | Students’ computer-based workshops in mandatory classes of English for students majoring in psychology and linguistics: A comparative experimental study PRESENTER: Olha Lebid ABSTRACT. This article addresses the issue of developing and using students’ workshops in English. In the article, such workshops are defined as the fullest form of peer-teaching in which one or several students (workshop organizers) guide their group-mates in performing extra-linguistic learning activities conducted in the target language. The research describes workshops as one of the most efficient ways of involuntary (subconscious) target language acquisition achieved through extra-linguistic practical (experiential) activities performed by way of communication in the language to be learned. The article reports the results of a comparative experimental study in which students of a non-linguistic major (Psychology) and students majoring in English as a foreign language on which their career option (Applied Linguistics) is based were practicing workshops in English in their mandatory classes on that language. The results of the experimental study clearly demonstrate and prove that workshop practice was quite successful in both cases not only in what concerns the involuntary (subconscious) development of learners’ target language communication skills. No less evident was the development of some of the students’ psychological qualities (emotional intelligence) important for their further studies and professional careers. |
12:40 | Application of ICT tools in teaching American English for computer science students in the context of global challenges ![]() PRESENTER: Nataliia Zaitseva ABSTRACT. The article deals with the urgent issue of American English learning for IT-professionals under challenging conditions of the changeable economic situation in the world. Some statistical data on global education trends and its analysis are given to confirm the topicality of the problem. State-of-the-art trends in foreign language teaching in the context of global challenges are presented. It is stated that informal education environments, distant learning platforms, virtual reality environments, artificial intelligence applications and collaboration platforms are to be mastered by Ukrainian undergraduates. Certain peculiarities of choosing and studying British and American English course by students of IT-specialities at three Ukrainian universities are given: the course choice procedure, the reasons for course preference, and the syllabus content. The best technologies, applications and tools for classroom activities and independent learning are substantiated, specific examples of their application for British and American English course learning are presented. The transferability of the skills inculcated in the course participants through implementation of the certain tools is founded. |
13:00 | Exploring the experience of integrated teaching of the management core courses in a foreign language based on ICT use PRESENTER: Yana Dybchynska ABSTRACT. The authors search the solution to the practical tasks of the contemporary education characterized by the increasing role of individual work in implementation of ICT at the lessons and in the independent work, the development of new principles, strategies and methods of teaching within the framework of integrated learning. These novelties can be applied when teaching professional subjects and foreign language and will provide the effective learning process aimed at acquiring the necessary competencies. The research discusses the process of integrated teaching using ICT and defines the organizational and educational conditions of integrated building of professional and foreign language competences using ICT. The authors generalize the experience of implementation of contemporary innovative technologies in integrated teaching of the professional subjects and foreign languages and analyze the ways of the effective ICT use in the integrated teaching of the management core courses in a foreign language The content analysis performed in the research provides the basis for classification of both positive and negative aspects accompanying ICT use in education. |
13:20 | The formation of educational environment in foreign language training of energy engineering students by means of project technology PRESENTER: Nataliia Bilan ABSTRACT. The article deals with the results of experimental work concerning the educational environment formation that is focused on the foreign language training of future energy engineering students. Project learning technology is chosen as the means of formation. A model of the educational environment for the metalanguage studying of the speciality of energy engineering students has been developed. In the educational process, educational projects with elements of professional orientation were implemented in accordance with the subject of the discipline «Business Foreign Language», and the language abilities and internal potential of students were taken into account. The preparedness of energy engineering students to integrate knowledge of professionally oriented disciplines into a foreign language environment for solving project tasks of communicative nature has been determined. According to the results of the pedagogical experiment, it was established that in the process of project activity the mastering level of lexical and speech competences as the components of foreign language competence of students has significantly increased. The developed educational environment is characterized by differentiation, individuality, independence, autonomy, informativeness, creativity, which allows to create the necessary conditions for successful learning of foreign language, development of creative thinking, communicative skills of energy engineers students, formation of foreign, communicative, professional, informational, project, research competencies. |
13:40 | Assessing online education during the COVID-19 pandemic: a survey of lecturers in Ukraine PRESENTER: Liudmyla Bakhmat ABSTRACT. The winter and spring of 2020 was a challenging time worldwide. The COVID-19 pandemic seriously affected all spheres of life: from an industrial decline to educational transformations. In order to continue the 2019/2020 academic year, higher educational institutions had to adjust in-class learning to online. This paper aims at assessing the satisfaction and acceptance rate of Ukrainian lecturers with online education, as well as indicating problems and benefits they had singled out. The technical side of online education was also of interest. Therefore, the study employed an online survey to investigate technical support and tools used during the quarantine, advantages and disadvantages of online teaching, the level of satisfaction and acceptance. The findings from the study suggest that lecturers got different levels of technical support and used an assortment of tools to organise online education. The study revealed that the main advantage was time efficiency, while internet connection and technical problems were the most commonplace problems. Other findings of the survey are that lecturers were partially satisfied with online education but showed low acceptance of online education. |
14:00 | From the experience of organizing artistic and productive activities of older preschool children by means of distance education in the conditions of quarantine measures for the spread of COVID-19 PRESENTER: Maryna Shtefan ABSTRACT. The relevance of the article relates to the need for continuing preschool education under quarantine conditions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by means of distance technologies and preparation of children for STEAM-education. Artistic and productive activities are considered to be the resource of STEAM-education. The aim of the article is to substantiate educational opportunities of distance education programs for undertaking artistic and productive activities of older preschool children on quarantine. Research methods: theoretical analysis, surveys, generalization of experience, analysis of children's products, parental feedback. The scientific basis of the study is a set of approaches of different levels. Scientific novelty of the research is two-fold. The possibility of organizing artistic and productive activities of older preschool children by means of remote technologies in terms of preparing parents to interact with educators and organizational, technical, informational assistance to children. The features of the organization of such education in Ukraine under conditions of introducing quarantine measures are revealed. Practical significance is viewed through development and approbation of the content of classes on artistic and productive activities, integrated with the fundamentals of mathematics. There have been developed the questionnaires on digital competence for educators and digital literacy for parents. |
14:20 | Developing digital competence of teachers of Humanitarian disciplines in the conditions of COVID-19 quarantine measures PRESENTER: Svitlana Dotsenko ABSTRACT. The relevance of the research is explained by the necessity of developing digital competence of teachers of Humanitarian disciplines at the higher education institutions (HEIs) in the conditions of the quarantine measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. It is particularly challenging for teachers of Humanitarian disciplines, who are not specialists in the digital sphere as their profession is focused on humans. The purpose of the paper is to define the influence of the quarantine on the work of teachers at HEIs, revealing the level of the development, challenges and peculiarities of enhancing the digital competence of teachers of Humanitarian disciplines, theirs needs in education and giving recommendations how to arrange education and make administrative decisions. The methods of the research are survey, theoretical analysis, others. The results are to define the peculiarities of the influence of the quarantine on the arrangement of distance learning, the peculiarities of developing digital competence of teachers during the quarantine, their needs in education, the challenges in conducting mass distance learning, the determined complex of scientific approaches to developing digital competence. The practical significance of the research refers to developing three internship programs, based on the results of diagnosing teachers’ digital competence. |
14:40 | Features of distance learning of cloud technologies for the organization educational process in quarantine PRESENTER: Tetiana Vakaliuk ABSTRACT. The article substantiates the need to develop and implement a distance course "Cloud technologies in the educational process in quarantine". It is noted that the purpose of the course was to acquaint teachers of general secondary education institutions, college teachers, vocational and higher education institutions with the basic possibilities of using cloud technologies to ensure the educational process in distance learning. The list of topics with which the students got acquainted is given: basic concepts, models of cloud services, architecture and proposals from leading cloud services companies; cloud services in the work of the teacher, the peculiarities of working with mail; cloud storage as an alternative to replacing conventional drives; opportunities to create documents with the provision of sharing rights to multiple users; opportunities to create Internet surveys using cloud technologies; opportunities to create presentations using cloud technologies; cloud-based means of creating smart maps; means of creating sites; cloud-based learning management systems (for example, Google Classroom). The peculiarities of the proposed distance course and the difficulties that the students had in performing certain tasks are identified and described. The statistical results of the course are given. |
15:00 | Analyzing the levels of formation of future teachers’ innovative competency in Ukraine PRESENTER: Violetta Panchenko ABSTRACT. The scientific novelty of the article lies in determining and analyzing the levels of formation of innovative competency of students studying at the Faculty of Foreign Philology, Faculty of Primary Education and the Ukrainian Language and Literature Faculty. The high level of the motivational component prevails, while the content and the technological components are at a fairly low level. Future teachers’ ability to be reflexive is not sufficiently developed either. According to the majority of the respondents, the lack of necessary theoretical knowledge, lack of awareness of innovations in education and lack of perfect facilities are the main factors influencing the formation of future teachers’ innovative competency in Ukraine. Among the conditions relevant to the formation of innovative competency, the students noted the possibility to challenge stereotypes, awareness of the desired creative search, limited material resources and lack of time. |
15:20 | Implementation of professionally oriented ICT in the process of managers training PRESENTER: Olena Dolgopol ABSTRACT. The article touches upon the problem of introducing professionally oriented software products based on information and communication technologies into the educational process of training managers of the hotel, restaurant and tourism business. The purpose of the study is to prove the effectiveness of the implementation of professionally oriented software products based on ICT in the training of managers. The research is based on the analysis of recommendations of employers and managers of the specialties "Tourism" and "Hotel business", the content of educational programs for training bachelors in management, the content of general professional and special competencies, the structural and logical scheme of disciplines. The most effective information and communication technologies using computer software products that contribute to the formation of a set of professional competencies in future managers have been identified: MS Project, Teamwork, TeamLab, Open Workbench, GanttProject, dotProject, Outlook, OneNote, EverNote, Nirvana, Wunderlist, Toggl, MS Office, Office 365, Document.Online, AllFusion Process Modeler 7, MS Visio, MS PowerPoint, MS Sway, Libre office.Impress, FreeMind, Mind42, ViSta, MacANOVA, Matrixer. The effectiveness of these technologies has been experimentally tested in the course of practical training in the format of full-time distance learning and practical training of student managers. The research describes the technology of using professional software products in the educational process. The effectiveness of these technologies has been experimentally tested in the course of practical training in the format of full-time distance learning and practical training of student managers. The research describes the technology of using professional software products in the educational process. The results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed that the introduction of information and communication technologies contributes to the formation of professional competencies in the field of ICT among students of this specialty. The conducted research proves the need for changes in the working curricula of disciplines "Information systems and technologies", "Practices of information and communication technologies", "Statistics", "Management and administration", "Finance, money and credit", "Accounting and audit". "Business foreign language", "Professional rhetoric", "Foreign professional language", "PR and advertising technologies", "Business accounting", "International business management", "Electronic business information technologies". |
15:40 | Media technologies and virtual practices in creative approaches to educational training of a social worker PRESENTER: Iryna Pokulyta ABSTRACT. The educational system has undergone significant transformations in recent decades, the main catalyst of which is the development of the information sphere of society. Both individual elements and the structural, substantive content are modified and updated. Among the vectors that determine the dynamics and direction of this process is the growing socio-cultural role of modern media, which are based on digital technologies as a globalization platform and the main type of communication. The change of the information code - digitalization of the media sphere, creation of new media platforms of social interaction initiates the need to build an educational system that meets the demands of today. Among the many factors that are currently relevant in educational approaches are media technologies. Their role in the training of specialists in various fields is growing symptomatically, as it is associated with the functions of "new media", which for the subject of activity become transgressive guidelines for constructing reality. Educational and further professional activity of a social worker needs to be reconsidered in the context of innovative strategies, first of all formation of media technologies in social work. Their formation is based on modern principles of new media: interactivity of communication and gamification of virtual practices. In social work at different levels of activity of the representatives of this sphere, media competencies are in demand, which include mastery of instrumental methods of implementing game, virtual, art practices as a motivational resource, technology of initiating social activity, cultural-adaptive and creative orientation of social assistance clients. This issue includes the specifics of the profession of social worker through the prism of the possibilities of filling his case with a creative resource - the tools of media technology in social work. The article outlines both the potential of gamification and virtualization of media practices in the educational and further professional activities of a social worker, and points out the possible dangers of implementing these technologies for certain categories of people in need. The article is a research exploration in the formation of a professional strategy of a social worker based on the involvement of the latest media practices as an expansion of media tools, the implementation of a creative approach to helping the client of social services. |
16:00 | Application of the hierarchy analysis method for the choice of the computer mathematics system for the IT-sphere specialists preparation PRESENTER: Valentina Yunchyk ABSTRACT. Peculiarities of the usage of the hierarchy analysis method for the making decision on the choice of the most efficient computer mathematics system (CMS) used for the preparation of the IT-sphere specialists are in the focus of the research. Eight alter-natives were selected for the hierarchy analysis method and seven criteria were consid-ered. The alternative is chosen by means of figuring of the priority vector corresponding to each alternative. The alternative with the highest value is considered the right deci-sion. The scale of impact was used that is the scale of evaluations for the paired comparisons of the advantage of the first object over other with meaning from 1 to 9. The basic criteria for which the alternatives are calculated were described in the course research; their characteristics were chosen, in particular functionalities, studying materials, on-line mode, mobile application, license, language support and an open code. The matrix of the paired comparisons for each criterion was constructed and numerical characteristics of these matrices were calculated – the highest own value, the index of compatibility and the index of the consistency of formulas. Every matrix is composed of the expert evaluations for the alternatives, which are the systems of computer mathematics used in the courses of mathematics. Based on the results of the calculations carried out the impact of the alternative was shown and the system having the highest impact was chosen. |
16:20 | Petri Nets Android Application as a Mobile Aid for Students’ Mastering Modelling PRESENTER: Liudmyla Gryzun ABSTRACT. Building models of various processes and their further investigation has been always in focus of different specialists’ training. There are some quite well known mechanisms and tools of modelling. However, Petri nets theory has found its wide application to the real-life parallel processes modelling. Petri nets give powerful facilities for dynamic models building and enable comprehensive learning of the process peculiarities. Hence, it is important to have relevant tools which allow to apply Petri nets potential to educational practice on purpose of earning by students skills of models building and investigation. The aim of the paper is to depict the functionality of the authors’ mobile Android application "Petri Nets Tool-Kit", and to specify means and examples of its using for mastering modelling by students. Developed and represented in the paper mobile application provides students with the set of tools which enables to create, edit, save their own Petri nets as well as to change their parameters, visualize changing and play various scenarios of the modelled process. The "Petri Nets Tool-Kit" also contains relevant theoretical materials and the set of ready-made Petri nets examples, which makes the application attractive for mobile learning both in classroom activity and in students’ independent work in the context of their vocational training in terms of different specialties. |
16:40 | USING INTERACTIVE SCRIBE-PRESENTATIONS WHEN TEACHING UKRAINIAN PRESENTER: Irina Shcherbak ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the urgent topic of using new modern information technologies in lessons in general and in the Ukrainian language lessons in particular. The authors of the article prove that multimedia presentations have become one of the most popular ways of visual accompaniment in the presentation of theoretical material. In the article the authors analyze the results of the external independent evaluation (EIE) of the Ukrainian language and literature from 2015 to 2018 as well as online testing results of students from the Australian, Canadian and Polish diasporas on the level of Ukrainian language proficiency. According to this analysis it is determined that the level of knowledge on this subject deteriorates every year. Relying on these statistics, scientists have proved the need to improve the quality of knowledge using multimedia presentations, which provide more effective perception of educational information by helping students to visualize it. The researchers have proved the effectiveness of using the PowToon service in teaching philological disciplines in the educational process. This article is a practical step-by-step assistant for teachers and academic staff in creating a scribe-presentation. The authors have analyzed in detail the peculiarities of the methodological approaches that are worth using for effective implementation of PowToon and PowerPoint in the educational process (competence/ (the ability to actualize available knowledge, skills, experience to solve the difficult tasks in professional activities), systemic (forms the relationship in the study of philology disciplines, systematizes and structures complex information, using them in teaching), informative (use of information and communication technologies in the study of philology disciplines). The effectiveness of using online (PowToon) and offline (PowerPoint) services to create multimedia presentations has been compared. The key stages of the scribe and the advantages of the scribe-presentation have been considered. Taking into account that information is absorbed and reproduced better when it is visualized, that is, through visual perception, therefore, it is proved that use of PowToon service is accompanied by positive emotions and high indicators in the students’ learning outcomes. It is confirmed by a reflection questionnaire at the end of the lesson. The questionnaire consists of five questions and is evaluated on a 10-point scale. After analyzing the responses to the questionnaire the authors have come to the conclusion that the use of the script-presentations has a better influence on the perception of new visual information; increases the motivation for learning, interest in a subject that prompts subjects of the educational process to develop their creative projects and use their knowledge in everyday life; saves teachers’ time while preparing for a lesson; inspires teachers and academic staff to give unusual lessons and provide new interesting teaching ideas, as well as create integrated lessons. |
Pavlo Nechypurenko (Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
13:40 | ABSTRACT. The paper is dedicated to the problem of true and pseudoreplication of a biological experiment, in particular in the educational process. It was found that this issue is relatively new and actual for the methodology of biological experiments in general. Its solution in science ensures the veracity of the results obtained and the relevancy of the formulated conclusions. In national biology teaching methods at school, the problem of true and pseudoreplication of the experiment was not reflected. The author covers an issue of true replication teaching when setting up a model experiment to study genetic-evolutionary processes in populations. The paper discloses the experience in evolution of a model experiment and its development aimed at formation of ideas about technical and biological replication by the example of study of the genetic structure of an ideal population in generations. For this purpose, there was developed a web page that allows to automatically implement technical and biological experiment replication. There was described an experience of approbation of the proposed variant of the experiment, and its difficulties and advantages were revealed. |
14:00 | The origin of misconceptions in inorganic chemistry and their correction by computer modelling ABSTRACT. The paper goal was to analyse the typical mistakes in the learning of the university course of inorganic chemistry, determine the origin of misconceptions and estimate the effectiveness of the use of computer simulations to correct false chemical concepts. Ten problems that are the most typical for students were revealed. One of the leading causes of their occurrence is the failure of many students to form mental relationships between different levels of representation of chemical knowledge - microscopic, macroscopic and symbolic. Other reasons include an insufficient understanding of the material, the incompleteness of the knowledge of the microscopic basis of processes, and inability to work with different models, including misunderstanding of their purpose and constraints. NetLogo programming environment was used for students’ self-administering tests to study gas laws. Scope for the usage of NetLogo models was estimated in correcting of incorrectly formed conceptions of the chemical knowledge. Independent work with NetLogo models facilitates the formation of stable relationships between multiple levels of representation of chemical information. It improves an understanding of the studied topic fundamentally, and this holds for all students practically independently of their grounding level in chemistry. The introduction of computer simulation into the practice of teaching chemical subjects shows promise. Still, it requires the solution of several scientific, methodological, logistical and organisational issues. |
14:20 | Specifics of using image visualization within education of the upcoming chemistry teachers with augmented reality technology PRESENTER: Liliia Midak ABSTRACT. It is beneficial to study chemical disciplines, applying the Augmented Reality for the upcoming chemistry teachers, as far as the visualisation of the demonstration material in the 3D helps students understand various processes and phenomena, the structure of chemical compounds and the mechanisms of their correlation in a better way. The object of the project is the development of program and printed tools, designed to visualize the education process within chemistry disciplines according to the augmented reality technology. The authors have developed applications, designed for visualisation of the study material with AR. When a mobile phone is pointed on a marker, the image “comes to life”, its three-dimensional model appears; it can be manipulated in some way (inversion, enlargement, viewing from different sides) to understand its structure, operating principle etc. better. Applying augmented reality objects gives the teacher an opportunity to explain big amount of theory quickly and effectively, and the students - to memorise it effectively, develops creativity and boosts motivation for study. Applying AR while training the upcoming chemistry teachers gives the ability to prepare them for applying this technology during the education process in the general secondary education establishments. |
14:40 | Computational method for studying the thermal conductivity of molecular crystals in the course of condensed matter physics PRESENTER: Oleg Pursky ABSTRACT. This paper presents a computational method for studying the thermal conductivity of molecular crystals that can be used in the educational course of condensed matter physics. This method is based on the Debye model of thermal conductivity in the approximation of the corresponding relaxation times and allows studying the heat transfer processes features in simple molecular crystals at temperatures close to or above Debye temperature. The thermal conductivity is analysed in the framework of modified Debye model in which heat is transferred by low-frequency phonons and above the phonon mobility edge by ”diffusive” modes migrating randomly from site to site. The mobility edge ω0 is found from the condition that the phonon mean-free path cannot become smaller than half the phonon wavelength. The contributions of phonon-phonon, one-, and two-phonon scattering to the total thermal resistance of molecular crystals are calculated under the assumption that the different scattering mechanisms contribute additively. The presented computational method will be useful in pedagogical activities for teaching students of physical faculties. |
15:00 | Development of soft skills of teachers of Physics and Mathematics PRESENTER: Kseniia Tsytsiura ABSTRACT. The article considers the problem of the development of soft skills of teachers of Physics and Mathematics in the system of postgraduate pedagogical education of Ukraine. The experience of foreign countries in general and the People’s Republic of China in particular on the relevant online and offline teachers’ course training has been analyzed, the essence and significance of such soft skills as sociability, creativity, empathy for the professional development of teachers of Physics and Mathematics has been characterized. The state of these skills development of teachers of Physics and Mathematics was studied, the average level of the development these skills has been stated. The possibilities of the development of soft skills were determined, the four-stage process of their transition from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence in the system of postgraduate education was substantiated. The principles, forms, methods, technologies of the development of soft skills in the system of advanced training of teachers of Physics and Mathematics were discussed with the emphasis placed on the role of heuristic methods and forms, creative technologies of the development of soft skills. |
15:20 | Expanding opportunities for professional development through the use of integrated teaching PRESENTER: Svitlana Bodnar ABSTRACT. The article highlights the problem of introducing integrated teaching the students majoring in economics in the educational process of Ukrainian tertiary non-linguistic schools. It presents the peculiarities of the immersion into a foreign language environment arising from the acquisition of the professional knowledge in a foreign language. Some strategies for integrated teaching are suggested: 1) systematic repetition of the linguistic and professional material; 2) use of each language unit, which is under study, in its maximum possible linguistic and professional environments and in the connection with the previously learned material; 3) implementation of a major subject (Microeconomics) and a foreign language (English) integration in the educational process of Ukrainian tertiary schools. The programme duration was 4 months. A total of 90 students majoring in economics participated in the programme of integrated teaching. After the completion of the programme the students' professional knowledge and foreign language proficiency were assessed and their feedback collected and analyzed. Data were obtained from pre-and-post assessment tests of language and professional proficiency. Results indicated the effectiveness of the suggested educational strategies, the use of which provided a possibility of the transition from training period to a real professional communication. |
15:40 | Formation of the scientist image in modern conditions of digital society transformation PRESENTER: Anna Iatsyshyn ABSTRACT. The publication considers factors that are influencing formation of scientists image especially: availability to inform scientist or scientific organization about the registration, scientometric indices, use of global identifiers to improve accuracy in calculating indicators, publication of papers in journals with high impact factor, publications in resources that provide visibility in global information space, involvement in global communications system, level of competence. Specialists in various fields of science developed a number of practical recommendations for various techniques and tools that can be used and are helpful to create and to make, both personal image and image of the organization, institution, firm, etc. Also, main directions of using digital technologies to create the image of scientists are identified and substantiated. Scientists formulated recommendations to make their own image using digital systems based on analysis of scientific literature and personal experience: author’s digital identifier ORCID, profiles in international scientometric systems, saved publications in electronic libraries, profiles in social and scientific electronic networks, etc. |
Serhiy Semerikov (Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Yaroslav Shramko (Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)