![]() | Yevhen Romanenko
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Bio Outstanding Ukrainian scientist, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Science in public administration, vice-rector of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Born April 04, 1978 in Kyiv. Education Higher. In 2000 - Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics on the specialty «Jurisprudence». In 2002 - magistracy of the Ukrainian Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine and the University of North London (UK) on the specialty «Public Administration». In 2005 - magistracy of the National Academy of Management on the specialty «Jurisprudence». In 2012 - magistracy of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management and SIC-Academy (UK) on the specialty «Business Administration». Awards, honorary titles. Awarded by church and state awards. Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Laureate of the President's Award for Young Scientists, Laureate of the Ivan Franko Award in the nomination "For the best scientific work in the information sphere". Employment. 1995-1996 - lawyer of PE "Scorpio & Co"; From 1995-1996 - private lawyer of Private Enterprise «Scorpio&Co». From 1996-1997 - lawyer of «Agroprominvest». From 1998-1999 - lawyer of Social services for youth and adolescents of the Podil District Administration in Kyiv. From 1999-2000 - Head of the Legal Dept. of Kyiv City Union of protection consumes rights. From 2000-2001 - layer of the Dept. of protection of historical monuments, cultural and historical environment of Kyiv City State Administration. From 2002-2003 - Head of Dept. of contracting work of Judicial Dept. of State Court Administration of Ukraine. From 2003-2005 - Head of Dept. of administration of affairs of the State Commission with Regulation of Markets of Financial Services of Ukraine. From 2005-2005 - Head of Dept of legal support of the State Mortgage Institution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. From 2005-2006 - Head of Dept. of support of the work of the Chamber with considering affairs by the appeals of individuals of the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine. From 2006-2010 - Chairman of the Podolsk district in Kyiv state administration. From 2010-2011 - professor of Dept. of administrative and medical management of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. From 2011-2012 - director of the State Enterprise «Ukrecoresursy» of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. From 2012 - 2013 - doctoral student of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine;From 2013-2014 - Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. From 2014-2015 - Head of Dept. of state architectural and construction control and supervision of the State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate of Ukraine. From 2014-2015 - Head of the State Architectural and Construction Control and Supervision Department of the State Architectural and Construction Inspection of Ukraine; From 2015 - May 2018 - Head of the Department of Public Administration of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management; From May 2018 - till now - Vicerector of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Scientific and social activities. General Director of the Ukrainian Association of Employer Organizations in the Field of Higher Education. President of the public scientific organization " Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Science in Public Administration. Member of the Scientific and Expert Council of the State Architectural and Construction Inspection of Ukraine. Academician of the Ukrainian Technological Academy, International Academy of Humanities, Academy of Sciences of the Public Administration and Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine. Honorary Doctor of the National Institute of Economic Studies (Batumi, Georgia). Civil servant of the 3 rd rank. Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine. The editor-in-chief of reviewed by international scientific and methodological bases, the professional from public administration collection "Public Management", the electronic scientific journal on legal sciences and public administration "Expert: the paradigm of legal sciences and government", the electronic scientific journal on public administration "Public administration and national Security. "Member of editorial colleges of journals" Sociology of Law "," Strategy and tactics of state administration " , "Bulletin of the National Mediation and Reconciliation Service", "Scientific Bulletin: Public Administration", "Scientific Compilation of the Institute of Public Administration in the Field of Civil Protection", "International Journal of New Economics, Public Administration and Law", "Innovative Economics and Management "(Georgia) and" International Journal of Legal Studies "(Poland)," Legal and Social Studies "(Poland). The chairman of the dissertation council of IAPM on public administration. He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers on public administration. Advisor to the Chairman of the State Space Agency of Ukraine. Lawyer. Arbitrator of the National Mediation and Reconciliation Service, Head of the Information and Consultation Center of the National Mediation and Reconciliation Service in Kyiv and the Kiev region. Marital status. Married, brings up three sons.