This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(multi-) fractal | |
3 | |
3-D models | |
5 | |
5E Instractional Model | |
A | |
A.Whitehead | |
abstract activities | |
academic text | |
academic writing | |
accelerated motion | |
activity | |
adaptive learning | |
adolescence | |
agent | |
agrarian university | |
Amarican English | |
Analysis | |
and development | |
Anderson's Iris | |
ant approach | |
approaches to formation of mathematical competence | |
Approximation Theory and Fourier Series | |
Arduino | |
art of teaching | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
artistic design | |
associate professor | |
Astronomy | |
Augmented Reality | |
author and reader | |
author school | |
automatic control | |
axiological approach | |
B | |
bachelor of statistics | |
bachelors majoring in statistics | |
based on complex networks | |
basic stage | |
bilingual didactic approach | |
bilingual education | |
bilingual model of training of future specialists audio-lingual method | |
blended learning | |
business foreign language | |
C | |
C++ | |
Canada | |
centaur problem | |
Centre for Creative Mathematics Learning | |
chaos-dynamic | |
chemistry | |
children with health limited capacity | |
cloud services | |
cloud-based learning technologies | |
cloud-based learning tools | |
CoCalc | |
Cognitive activity | |
cognitive component of communicative competence behavioral component of communicative competence | |
cognitive effects | |
communication | |
communication skill | |
communication skill formation | |
communication skills | |
communication technologies | |
communication technology | |
communicative competence | |
communicative culture | |
communicative method | |
communicative orientation | |
communicative tolerance of communicative competence | |
competence | |
competence approach | |
competence education | |
competency formation | |
competency-based learning | |
competitiveness | |
complementary" principle | |
computer mathematics systems | |
computer mediated communication | |
computer modelling | |
computer science | |
computer simulation | |
concise associative and dissociative dictionary | |
concrete activities | |
conducting supervisory groups | |
context of lockdown | |
course | |
creative approaches | |
Creative Commons licenses | |
criteria | |
critical thinking | |
CS training | |
cultural development | |
Cyber-security education | |
D | |
deci-sion making | |
Department of Mathematics and Methods of its Teaching | |
development | |
development preschool | |
Diagnosis | |
diagnostic cognition | |
dialogic culture | |
dialogue | |
digital competence | |
Digital instrument didactics | |
digital literacy | |
digital measurement systems | |
disrupted communication | |
distance learning | |
distance learning technologies | |
distributed computing | |
Dual Education | |
Dyslexia | |
E | |
e-devices | |
e-learning | |
early network models | |
ecological-discursive paradigm | |
ecology | |
economic freedom | |
education | |
education and scientific space | |
education in conflict | |
education kindergarten | |
education seekers | |
educational environment | |
educational environment design | |
educational process | |
educational research | |
educational space of author school | |
educational supervision | |
educational technologies of author school | |
Educational testing | |
effectiveness of vocational (vocational-technical) education | |
electronic testing | |
Elementary schoolchildren | |
emotional component of communicative competence | |
Employment | |
engineering | |
English for special purpose | |
English for specific purposes (ESP) | |
English language | |
Entrepreneurship education | |
environmental concept | |
ESP | |
ethical values | |
ethics of conservation | |
European Union | |
external factors of communicative competence formation | |
external independent evaluation | |
F | |
factors forming the cognitive independence of students | |
final assessment | |
final control | |
first language | |
fishbone | |
foreign language | |
foreign language knowledge | |
foreign language learning | |
foreign language training | |
four-dimensional ontology | |
frame | |
functional teaching | |
fundamental subjects | |
future energy engineering student | |
Future IT Specialists | |
future Masters of restaurant service | |
future Mathematics teachers | |
future teacher of musical art | |
future teachers | |
G | |
Game development | |
gamification | |
GDP | |
general intelligence | |
GeoGebra | |
Gran | |
gravity acceleration sensor | |
group work | |
gyro system | |
H | |
H.Jonas | |
happpyness | |
hard skills | |
hearing impairment | |
Hearing-speech memory | |
hierarchy analysis method | |
higher education | |
higher pedagogical educational establishment | |
higher school | |
historical architectural objects | |
Hometask | |
hospitality industry | |
I | |
ICT | |
ICT-mediated intsruction | |
Identity | |
Immersive learning environment | |
implementation | |
Implementation of ICT | |
importance indicators | |
Inclusion | |
inclusive class | |
inclusive education | |
Independent Work | |
individual characteristics of subjects of educational activity | |
individualization | |
information and communication technology | |
information and communications technology in education | |
information and consulting environment | |
information platforms | |
information security | |
information society | |
information support | |
information system | |
information technology | |
informational | |
informational and educational environment | |
informatization | |
Innovations | |
innovative competency | |
innovative educational methods | |
inorganic chemistry | |
inplementation of inclusive approch | |
institution of higher education | |
integrated course | |
integrated course science | |
integrated teaching | |
integrating gyroscopic gravimeter | |
interactive book | |
interactive exercise | |
interactive exercise LearningApps | |
interactive learning technology | |
interactive teaching methods | |
internal factors of communicative competence formation | |
International Experience | |
irreversible | |
IT-professionals | |
IT-sphere specialists | |
item analysis | |
Ivanna Blazhkevyc | |
J | |
J. Dewey | |
K | |
key competences | |
key competencies (soft skills) | |
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University | |
L | |
labor market | |
laboratory work | |
language schools | |
lateral thinking | |
Learner Autonomy | |
learning methodology of political linguistics political education | |
learning principles | |
LEGO | |
lifelong | |
lifelong learning | |
literary text | |
Literature lesson | |
M | |
M. Lipman | |
management | |
Management Core Courses | |
maritime education | |
Math students | |
mathematical analysis | |
mathematical competence | |
Mathematical Education | |
mathematical experiment | |
mathematical preparation | |
mathematical science | |
mathematical statistic | |
mathematical young explorer's club | |
mathematics education | |
mathematics teacher | |
mathematics teaching | |
matrix | |
Max Kidruk | |
media | |
media culture | |
media education | |
media education associations | |
media literacy | |
media technologies | |
method for assessing | |
methodic systems | |
methodological toolkit | |
methodology | |
methods building and printing | |
metric geometry | |
mini project | |
mobile app | |
model | |
model experiment | |
model of educational supervision | |
model supervision retrainig of inclusive education professionals | |
models of learning | |
modernization | |
Moodle | |
moodle system | |
Motivation | |
Multilingual education | |
multimodal | |
music art teacher | |
music therapy | |
music-performing training | |
mutual learning | |
N | |
narrative | |
Narrative Tolerance | |
national patriotic education | |
native language | |
natural cycle | |
natural science | |
NetLogo | |
network administration | |
neural computing | |
neural networks | |
neuro-network technologies | |
new generation teacher | |
non-Euclidean Geometry | |
non-formal education | |
Non-linguistic university | |
O | |
okhoronka | |
older preschool children artistic and | |
olympiad tasks | |
one | |
online lesson | |
online service | |
open electronic educational resources | |
Operating Systems | |
P | |
P. Freire | |
paired comparisons | |
parallel programming | |
pedagogical consultation | |
pedagogical science | |
periodisation | |
person | |
personal identity | |
Personal Learning Environment | |
PhD students training | |
philosophy of education | |
Philosophy on bilingual education | |
physics | |
physics of morality | |
political discourse | |
political linguistics | |
population genetics | |
postgraduate pedagogical education | |
PowToon | |
practical philosophy | |
practice | |
pre-service teachers | |
presentation | |
primary education | |
problem | |
problem solving in informatics | |
problems of Mathematics teaching | |
productive activities distance education | |
professional competence | |
professional development | |
professional diagram of preschool and primary education specialists | |
professional education | |
professional skills of teachers | |
professional training | |
professionalization | |
programming | |
Programming Training Project | |
project technology | |
project technology implementation | |
pseudoreplication | |
psycho-didactic approaches | |
psycho-didactics | |
psychological and pedagogical model of the student | |
psychological and pedagogical training | |
Q | |
quality of education | |
quantum | |
quarantine | |
quarantine COVID-19 | |
quarantine period | |
question combination variability | |
question forms | |
R | |
Readiness for Implementing Educational Innovation | |
Rectilinear Placement | |
recurrent | |
regional training program | |
replication | |
research | |
research activities | |
research activity | |
research result | |
research trend | |
S | |
sample correlation coefficient | |
school principal as the leader of author school | |
scientific approaches | |
scores | |
scribe-presentation | |
second language | |
secondary data analysis | |
selection criteria | |
senior teacher | |
sequence | |
ship engineers | |
social | |
Sociocultural competence | |
sociological information | |
sociological research | |
socionics | |
sociotype | |
soft skill | |
soft skills | |
Software Engineering | |
special educational needs | |
Special learning environment | |
Specialized Training | |
spreadsheets | |
stakeholder of inclusive education | |
standard deviation | |
standard level | |
state pedagogical university | |
static transfer constant | |
STEM | |
STEM competencies | |
STEM Disciplines | |
STEM education | |
STEM teachers | |
structure of mathematical competence | |
student | |
students with special educational needs GeoGebra Dynamic Mathematics system | |
students' educational activity | |
students’ needs | |
studying math | |
Suggestive techniques | |
summer school | |
Systematicity of learning activity | |
T | |
teacher of Physics and Mathematics | |
teacher training | |
teachers of Humanitarian disciplines | |
teaching aid | |
teaching mathematics | |
teaching mathematics and teaching student | |
teaching parallel and distributed computing | |
Team Working | |
teamwork skill | |
teamwork skill formation | |
technical university | |
technique of training singing | |
technology emoji | |
test control | |
test format | |
test score | |
testing | |
the cognitive independence | |
the educational ideal of Ukrainian | |
the learner-centred paradigm | |
The narrative theory of historical knowledge | |
the pedagogical concept of author school | |
the subject of cognitive activity | |
the teacher-centred paradigm | |
three | |
Tolerant inclusive sociocultural world paradigm | |
translating Children Literature | |
two | |
U | |
Ukraine | |
Ukrainian context | |
understanding | |
Unity Engine | |
universal skills | |
university | |
V | |
virtual practices | |
virtual reality | |
visualization | |
Z | |
zakhoronka | |
М | |
Математическое образование | |
б | |
будущие учителя математики | |
в | |
виртуальная учебная среда | |
віддаленого робочого столу | |
л | |
лінійне програмування | |
о | |
опукле програмування. | |
п | |
педагогические исследования | |
подвійний інтегральний | |
профессиональная ответственность | |
у | |
учителя математики | |
х | |
хмарні технології |