Days: Wednesday, January 25th Thursday, January 26th Friday, January 27th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
Sessions are scheduled according to the UTC+00:00 Timezone (Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London)
A1 - Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research
08:30 | A Reflexive Look at Being Queer and Early Career Qualitative Scholars (abstract) PRESENTER: Meg C Jones |
08:50 | Research Ethics Training: Evaluating the Benefits to Researchers (abstract) |
09:10 | Exploring School Bullying: Designing the Research Question with Young Co-Researchers (abstract) PRESENTER: Niamh O'Brien |
09:30 | Using Digital Story-Telling to Capture Untold Stories of Medical Assistance in Dying (abstract) PRESENTER: Katherine Kortes-Miller |
09:50 | Arts-Based Multimodal Ethnography in Researching Culturally Diverse Transnational Carers in Ontario, Canada (abstract) PRESENTER: Allison Williams |
10:10 | Familiar in the Unfamiliar - Integrating Childrens Perspectives and Experiences in Evaluation of Procedure-Related Anesthesia During Pediatric Cancer Treatment. (abstract) PRESENTER: Helle Haslund-Thomsen |
10:30 | Is quality basic science education an attainable dream for all learners: A case of science education teaching and learning in some primary schools in South Africa (abstract) |
A2 - Systematization of approaches with Qualitative Studies
08:30 | Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Family Dynamics Worldwide: a Systematic Review (abstract) PRESENTER: Marian Louise Rivadillo |
08:50 | The Process of Developing a Theory on Post-Traumatic Growth Following Intimate Partner Violence Using Theory-Synthesis from Qualitative Studies (abstract) PRESENTER: Hulda Saedis Bryngeirsdottir |
09:10 | The Use of Meta-Ethnography to Synthesise the Experiences of Emotional Labour in Nursing Care (abstract) PRESENTER: Sara Fernández Basanta |
09:30 | How to Develop Land Reform Beneficiaries from Subsistence Farmers to Commercial Farmers: a Multiple Case Study (abstract) |
09:50 | Social Justice in Everyday Life (abstract) |
10:10 | Role of Nurses in Maternal and New Born Care at Rural and Tribal Community Health Centers of Madhya Pradesh ,India. (abstract) PRESENTER: Dr.Mamta Verma |
A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
08:30 | 'Listen to Me! I’M a Survivor': a Phenomenological Inquiry of Unfounded Sexual Assault. (abstract) PRESENTER: Jodie Murphy Oikonen |
08:50 | Constructing the Cult of the Self: on White, Working-Class Males and the Neoliberalisation of Identities – an Autoethnographic Study (abstract) |
09:10 | “They Didn’T Believe I Was Sexually Assaulted”: Women’S Voices on the Social and Health Impacts (abstract) PRESENTER: Karen McQueen |
09:30 | Understanding, Addressing, and Meeting the Complex Needs of People Living with Long Term Physical and Mental Health Conditions: a Qualitative Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Leire Ambrosio |
09:50 | Exploring Participants-Produced Podcasts in Participatory Research (abstract) PRESENTER: Olivier Ferlatte |
10:10 | Capturing Subtle but Transformative Change Through Qualitative Methods for Women Experiencing Severe and Multiple Disadvantage (abstract) PRESENTER: Melanie Boyce |
10:30 | Remote Learning Widened Educational Inequalities Among Teenage Mothers in Rural Areas of South Africa (abstract) PRESENTER: Tshimangadzo Selina Mudau |
B1 - Data Analysis Types
08:30 | 'I Put Myself in Their Hands': Case Study Exploring Trust in Healthcare Professionals (abstract) PRESENTER: Martina Tomagová |
08:50 | Professionalism in the Slovak Sociocultural Context: Nurse Managers´ Perspective (abstract) PRESENTER: Dominika Kalánková |
09:10 | How Can Feminist Phenomenology Inform Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Research into the Lived (Embodied) Experiences of Women Entrepreneurs? (abstract) PRESENTER: Edicleia Oliveira |
09:30 | Without Any of the Preconceived Notions of Who I Was: Transgender and Gender Expansive Students’ Experiences of Navigating Gender While Studying Abroad (abstract) PRESENTER: Amanda Kracen |
09:50 | Down Memory Lane: Eliciting Affective Geographies and Sites of Memory Through Participatory Mobile Biosensing. the UrBio Experimental Project. (abstract) PRESENTER: Ana Gonçalves |
10:10 | Silencing, Omission, and “Appropriate” Meaning Attribution: Identifying Different Narrative Silences (abstract) |
10:30 | Qualitative Methods in Exploring Refugee Mothers’ Experience in Child Feeding (abstract) PRESENTER: Ilana Chertok |
A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research / B3 - Qualitative Research in Web Context / B4 - Qualitative Analysis with Support of Specific Software
08:30 | Kaupapa Māori and Potential Development of a Robust Sensitive Research Framework (abstract) |
08:50 | When Physical Meets Digital – a Qualitative Study of the Factors Influencing Use of Digital Solutions to Promote Active and Healthy Lifestyles in an Asian Population (abstract) PRESENTER: Kumarasan Roystonn |
09:10 | Double Jeopardy: Researching Femininities and Masculinities Within the Family by Doing Narrative Interviews (abstract) PRESENTER: Marija Šarić |
09:30 | Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) as an Empirical Method for Human Rights Law in China (abstract) |
09:50 | Methodological Dilemmas of Virtual Ethnography in the Field of Health Research (abstract) |
10:10 | Strategies for Establishing and Sustaining Dialogues with Diverse Communities: an Example of Cocreation with Young Fathers and the Professional Workforce (abstract) |
10:30 | “Live or Monetize?” Real Estate Advertising in Pandemic Times: Evidence from an Exploratory Study in Lisbon and Porto, Portugal (abstract) |
Towards a pedagogical culture of teaching research methodologies in education: challenges, answers and ambitions
João Filipe Matos, Elsa Estrela, Carla Galego, João Piedade, André Freitas - Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development, Lusofona University (Portugal) / Education and Training Research and Development Research Unit, Lisboa University (Portugal)
The literature on teaching-learning research methodologies in education reflects a number of controversies regarding students’ methodological understanding of research (Nind et al., 2019) and pedagogical challenges experienced by teachers (Ross & Call-Cummings, 2020). This scenario consolidates the need for investment in the search for adequate knowledge to constitute a framework to organise the teaching of research methodologies in education. This panel aims to reveal the results from the field mapping (theoretical and empirical) of the ReMASE project in three parts: the challenges that led to this project; the results already gathered; and the ambitions for the near future…
Closeness and distance in Qualitative Research
Eli Buchbinder , Rivka A. Eisikivits, Zvi Eisikovits, & Guy Enosh - School of Social Work, University of Haifa (Israel) /Faculty of Education, University of Haifa (Israel)
One of the most crucial and perplexing issues in qualitative research is being a part of the phenomenon studied vs. being apart from the phenomenon. This has been dubbed the “etic vs. emic” positions. The panel aims to present the reflective processes involved in the researcher/participants relationships in various areas of inquiry. Closeness and distance are essential in all stages of the research process: the choice of the topic, entering the field, the relationship with participants, the ways of data collection, data analysis and ethical considerations…
Ethical Issues for Qualitative Research in the Digital Age
Arceli Rosario, Pavel Zubkov, David Lumowa, Gracel Ann Saban, Jasmin Tuapin
Adventist University of the Philippines, Silang, Cavite, Philippines; Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines
In this digital age, researchers have options other than traditional data collection methods. Data collection through online modalities, which brings advantages such as sample diversity, cost and time reduction, and wide geographical reach, has become an alternative. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, human interactions became limited; in-person conversations and on-site presence were impossible in some areas. Hence, researchers opted for Internet-mediated research activities. Even after the pandemic, conducting research online will continue to be an attractive modality…
Hugo Mártires (ESEC University of Algarve) and António Lacerda (Diretor ESEC University of Algarve)
What is creative about creative methods?
Sophie Woodward - University of Manchester (UK)
Creative methods are becoming more widely used within qualitative social science research, and this talk addresses the question of creativity specifically to think through creativity as both the use of creative practices (such as arts based methods) in research as well as the more subtle creativities of adapting existing methods (such as how we do interviews or ask questions of the data in our analysis). I take material methods (Woodward, 2019) as a case study to explore these questions to consider them as creative approaches in terms of adaptations of established methods (such as object interviews or ‘material’ ethnography) as well as the use of arts based and design-based methods to widen the repertoire of social science methods (for e.g. cultural probes or other arts-based methods such as collage). By taking the example of my fieldwork into dormant things (things people keep in attics, wardrobes and cupboards that they are no longer using), the talk will consider how these methods allow us to ask new questions of our research and data.
B1 - Data Analysis Types / B2 - Innovative processes of Qualitative Data Analysis
16:05 | Exploring Trust in Healthcare Professionals of Older Woman: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Juraj Čáp |
16:25 | Using Gioia Methodology to Investigate Inductively the New Role of the Sales Profession in BtoB Contexts (abstract) PRESENTER: Michel Klein |
16:45 | Interventions for Informal Caregivers of People with Advanced Chronic Illness: a Systematic Review (abstract) PRESENTER: Karen McGuigan |
17:05 | Education for Sustainability in PortugueseTeacher Education Programmes (abstract) |
17:25 | First and Second Order Accounts in Discourse-Based Interviews: Negotiating Expertise in Situated Encounters (abstract) PRESENTER: Ifigeneia Machili |
17:45 | The Role of Information and Technology in Improving the Digital Economy in the Sultanate of Oman (abstract) PRESENTER: Nabhan Alharrasi |
A1 - Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research / B2 - Innovative processes of Qualitative Data Analysis
16:05 | Feminist Qualitative Research into the Lived Experiences of Young Women Living with Anxiety (abstract) |
16:25 | Analyzing Qualitative Data for Research on Street-Level Bureaucracy: New Protocols Combining Thematic Analysis with Display Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Arpit Arora |
16:45 | Crafting a Foucauldian Approach for a Critical Analysis of Curriculum-as-Discourse (abstract) |
17:05 | An In-Depth Exploration of Thai–English Interpreters' Tacit Usage of Intercultural Communication via Creative Qualitative Methods (abstract) |
17:25 | The Geography of Intersectionality : a Methodological Approach to Stigma on the Lives of Women with Hiv in Mexico (abstract) PRESENTER: Ana Amuchástegui |
17:45 | Action research as a process of social empowerment: structures, contexts and actors (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria José Casa-Nova |
B3 - Qualitative Research in Web Context / B4 - Qualitative Analysis with Support of Specific Software
16:05 | Blogging About Being Agile: an Original Source to Study Managers' Identity (abstract) PRESENTER: Mariline Comeau Vallee |
16:25 | Sales and Marketing of Cage-Free Eggs in China: a Multi-Case Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Chen |
16:45 | Acceptance of an Internet-Based Campaign to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Among Children and Adolescents in Ecuador* (abstract) PRESENTER: Angélica Ochoa Avilés |
17:05 | Black TikTok Counterpublic: Black Content Creators' Use of TikTok to Construct and Disseminate Alternative American Political Epistemologies (abstract) PRESENTER: Marya T. Mtshali |
17:25 | Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Physical Activity and Mental Health in Individuals with Multimorbidity: an Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Leire Ambrosio |
B4 - Qualitative Analysis with Support of Specific Software / A1 - Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research
16:05 | A Model to Develop Middle Management Women in the Limpopo Public Service (abstract) |
16:25 | CAQDA-Compatible Procedures for Monitoring the Reproducibility of Coding in Qualitative Research (abstract) PRESENTER: Nina Fárová |
16:45 | Exploring the Research Practices of the Faculty in a Start-up Research University in the Philippines (abstract) PRESENTER: Elias Olapane |
17:05 | Feminist Perspectives on the Critical and Retrospective Reflexivity of Domestic Violence Research During the Doctoral Training (abstract) PRESENTER: Catherine Rousseau |
17:25 | Abductive Analysis, Assemblage Theory, and Qualitative Research (abstract) |
17:45 | Engaging Patients and Caregivers to Develop a Patient-Centered Research Agenda for Biologic and Artificial Knee Surgery Research (abstract) PRESENTER: Lisa Royse |
A1 - Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research / A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
16:05 | Ziyyarah: Ethical and Inter-Active Space for Conducting Interviews (abstract) |
16:25 | Aging Well in the Post-Migration Context Amongst Older Brazilian Women (abstract) PRESENTER: Stephanie Lucchese |
16:45 | Therapeutic Relationships and the Role of Habitus in Nurse-Driven Injectable Opioid Agonist Treatment Programs. (abstract) PRESENTER: Sarah Blawatt |
17:05 | The Power of Language in Qualitative Research: a PhD Nursing Student’s Journey of Unlearning Through Critical Self-Reflection and Writing (abstract) |
17:25 | Qualitative Research in the Organizational Analysis of the Family Business (abstract) |
A2 - Systematization of approaches with Qualitative Studies / A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research / B2 - Innovative processes of Qualitative Data Analysis
16:05 | Knowledge-to-Action in the Transition of Children with Clinical and Complex Care Demands from Hospital to Home (abstract) PRESENTER: Ivone Evangelista-Cabral |
16:25 | Integrating Implementation Science Frameworks with Qualitative Research: Lessons from the Field (abstract) PRESENTER: Ksenia Gorbenko |
16:45 | Social Representations on Death and Dying in the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy Due to Fetal Non-Viability in Chile (Fondecyt Regular 1200374 ) (abstract) PRESENTER: Mirliana Ramirez-Pereira |
17:05 | Intimacy Awakened: Summer Reunion of Left-Behind Children and Their Migrant Parents in Cities (abstract) |
17:25 | Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in Newly Graduated Physicians and Narratives of Performance During the COVID 19 Pandemic in 2020 (abstract) PRESENTER: Raquel Pedroso |
17:45 | A Phenomenographic Examination of Work Motivation to Perform at the Municipal Corporation of Bangladesh. (abstract) |
18:05 | The Art of Self-Leadership During Times of Unprecedented Global Change (abstract) PRESENTER: Dr Thelela Ngcetane-Vika |
A2 - Systematization of approaches with Qualitative Studies / A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research / B1 - Data Analysis Types / B4 - Qualitative Analysis with Support of Specific Software
16:05 | Development of Social and Emotional Skills in a Music School: Review of Teachers' and Students' Experience (abstract) PRESENTER: Ilona Tandzegolskienė |
16:25 | Phenomen Based Learning in Teaching a Foreign Language: Experience of Lithuanian Teachers (abstract) PRESENTER: Nijolė Čiučiulkienė |
16:45 | Using Phenomenographic Interviews in Health-Related Research: Reflections from a Study on Nurse Practitioner Capability (abstract) PRESENTER: Martha Whitfield |
17:05 | Developing Theory of Experience Through Meta-Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Elif Kus Saillard |
17:25 | I Just Wish You Would Listen to What I'M Saying, Not What You Want Me to Say: How Women Living on a Low Income Describe Access to Services (abstract) PRESENTER: Pilar Camargo-Plazas |
17:45 | There'S This Horrible Desperation—It Was Completely Unsustainable What We Were Doing: the Experiences of Frontline Providers Caring for Residents with Disabilities During a COVID-19 Outbreak. (abstract) PRESENTER: Pilar Camargo Plazas |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
Sessions are scheduled according to the UTC+00:00 Timezone (Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London)
A1 - Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research
08:30 | Longitudinal Qualitative Research Using Photovoice with Women Refugees (abstract) PRESENTER: Shannon McMorrow |
08:50 | Caught Between Epistemology and Field-Conditions: Travails of Young Qualitative Policy Researchers in India (abstract) PRESENTER: Himali Mhatre |
09:10 | Entering the State as a “Foreign Friend:” Doing an Ethnography of the Chinese Party-State (abstract) |
09:30 | Social Justice and the Public Sphere: Critical Inquiry into Social Work Professionalism (abstract) PRESENTER: Erin Gray |
09:50 | Managing Maternal Troubled Identities in Qualitative Interviews (abstract) |
10:10 | Protocols for Making Explicit the Research Paradigm and Research Strategy for Qualitative Research Designs (abstract) PRESENTER: Sameer Pendharker |
10:30 | A Framework for Inclusion of Historically Disadvantaged Individuals in Energy Distribution in South Africa – a Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (abstract) |
A1 - Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research / A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
08:30 | Digital Transformation (Dx) Disruption Within the South African Rural Society: Navigating the Digital Divide (abstract) |
08:50 | A Systematic Review of the Potential for Promotion of Southern Epistemologies in Educational Research: Ubuntu Phylosophy as a Research Paradigm (abstract) PRESENTER: Mfanelo Patrick Ntsobi |
09:10 | Nursing Knowledge Network: a Collaborative International Action-Research Endeavour (abstract) PRESENTER: Cristina Lavareda Baixinho |
09:30 | Architecture and Methodology of CAPES Graduate Self-Evaluation. New Qualitative Indicators Enlarge the Space for Innovation? (abstract) PRESENTER: Isabel Pinho |
09:50 | Patients’ Perceptions of Success After Vertebral Body Tethering (abstract) PRESENTER: Lisa Royse |
10:10 | Implications of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Well-Being of Survivors of Sexual Violence: an Israeli Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Keren Gueta |
10:30 | A Content Analysis of the Cause of Panic at the Outbreak of Covid-19 in South Africa (abstract) |
A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
08:30 | Health Professionals’ Experiences with the Implementation of the Exercise-Promoting Brief Intervention ‘primaMoves’ - a Reflexive Thematic Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Natascha Stürmer |
08:50 | Breaking Points in Contraceptive Trajectories: Identifying Levers to Deconstruct Contraceptive Burden. an Collaborative Qualitative Research Approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Sylvie Lévesque |
09:10 | Gender Equality and Happiness Amongst Young People: Fostering Agency (abstract) PRESENTER: Carmine Rustin |
09:30 | An African-Centred Psychological Perspective on Happiness (abstract) PRESENTER: Kopano Ratele |
09:50 | Caring Touch in ICU Nursing; the Communicating Body (abstract) PRESENTER: Lise Sandnes |
10:10 | Community Engagement, Intervention Behavior and the Prevention of Gas Leaks in New York City (abstract) PRESENTER: Katherine Gregory |
A1 - Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research / B1 - Data Analysis Types / B4 - Qualitative Analysis with Support of Specific Software / A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
08:30 | Value of Lived Experience (abstract) |
08:50 | Perception of the Situation and Adherence to Recommendations During COVID-19 Among Older Adults in Sweden - a Qualitative Interview Study Using Health Belief Model as Analytical Framework (abstract) PRESENTER: Johanna Gustavsson |
09:10 | Measuring Social Diversity on the Housing Market? a Discussion of Findings from a Qualitative Delphi Survey (abstract) PRESENTER: Ulrike Fettke |
09:30 | Autoethnograhical Discourse Analysis on Digital Transformation in Art Education Fields (abstract) |
09:50 | “Could You Help Me Die?”: on the Ethics of Researcher-Participant Relationship and the Limitations of Qualitative Research (abstract) |
10:10 | My Body is the Temple of God: An Investigation into The Role of Religiosity in Influencing Students’ Attitudes Toward sex and Identity Management Strategies After Engaging in Sex (abstract) |
10:30 | Exploring the Dichotomized Perspectives of Leadership and Management (abstract) PRESENTER: Doreen Kosi |
Exploring Uncertainty in Qualitative Research
Robert Meckin, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester (UK) and National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM), Southampton, Manchester & Edinburgh (UK)
Methodological uncertainties in qualitative research have changed in the wake in of recent pandemics, wars and political shifts. Social and physical restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic meant researchers changed methods by moving data generation online, changing foci, or pausing or stopping projects, all of which affect qualitative research in different ways partly depending on the stage a project is in. Methodological uncertainties include, among others, epistemological, ontological, affective, spatio-temporal and relational dimensions. The workshop draws on three phases of a research project called: Changing Research Practices: Methodological adaptations to the COVID-19 pandemic. The workshop is aimed at introducing different perspectives on uncertainty and articulating concepts and ideas with the experiences and projects of workshop participants…
DiscoverText - Humans and Machines Learning Together
Stuart Shulman, Texifter, LLC (USA)
DiscoverText is multilingual-capable platform designed for collecting, cleaning up, and categorizing text data. It is free for academics. This highly interactive workshop teaches participants how to use DiscoverText to build custom machine classifiers for sifting Twitter data, free text, emails, survey responses, RSS feeds, or any other digitized text and metadata. (…) By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to present valid, legal, defensible Twitter research based on qualitative, quantitative, mixed, and machine-learning methods without having to learn software coding, Python, or R…
Qualitative Data Analysis with ATLAS.ti: Gather Insights Quickly and Easily
Neringa Kalpokas and Ivana Radivojevic, ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH (DE)
ATLAS.ti is a powerful computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) that facilitates the analysis of unstructured and semi-structured data in any discipline. This workshop will present a global overview of ATLAS.ti Windows/Mac and Web, including the fundamental procedures related to creating a project, segmenting the data, coding, analysis, and obtaining results. The objective of this session is to provide a practical introduction of ATLAS.ti so that participants will know how to use the software in their own research projects, across any discipline and qualitative methodology…
Qualitative Data Analysis Using NVivo
Luís Manuel da Silva Martins - Nvivo Certified Trainer (PT)
This workshop aims to provide a practical experience for participants interested in discovering new ways of analyzing qualitative data using the software NVivo. The workshop will provide an introduction to the software’s features and capabilities, with a focus on hands-on learning through various activities and discussions…
A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
14:30 | Teaching Qualitative Research in Psychology: a Look at the Portuguese Reality (abstract) |
14:50 | Triangulating Mixed-Methods Data to Assess the Efficacy of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Redesign from Open-Bay to Single Family Rooms (abstract) PRESENTER: Stephanie Teixeira-Poit |
15:10 | Resistance Among Survivors of Domestic Abuse: a Creative Qualitative Exploration. (abstract) PRESENTER: Lucille Kelsall-Knight |
15:30 | Qualitative Evaluation of the Reality of ‘Doing’ Co-Research and Its Potential to Build the Knowledge Base for Undertaking Effective Survivor-Research (abstract) PRESENTER: Lisa Ward |
15:50 | The Challenges of Cross-Cultural and Multi-Language Research: Reflections from a Qualitative Study Focused on Female Genital Mutilation (abstract) PRESENTER: Laura Jones |
16:10 | An Exploratory Study on Choreographic Emergence and the Phenomenon of Togetherness: a Transformative Mixed Methods Approach (abstract) |
A1 - Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research / A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research / B2 - Innovative processes of Qualitative Data Analysis
14:30 | The Role of Education Infrastructure and School Safety in Learning and Development in Gauteng Provincial Schools (abstract) PRESENTER: Albert Chanee |
14:50 | Seriously-Injured Rugby Players Perspectives on Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Preclinical Spinal Cord Research: an Interview Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Pádraig Carroll |
15:10 | Sexual Assault Disclosure Among Sexual and Gender Minorities (abstract) PRESENTER: Jodie Murphy-Oikonen |
15:30 | Safety First Means Safety Fits: a Mixed Methods Analysis of Gender and Personal Protective Equipment Hackathon (abstract) PRESENTER: Kylie Parrotta |
15:50 | Navigating Qualitative Research in Inclusive Education: Perspectives from Novice Researchers (abstract) PRESENTER: Danielle Lane |
16:10 | Individual Vulnerability and Collective Emotional Experiences of Brazilians Living in Canada During the Pandemic (abstract) PRESENTER: Stephanie Lucchese |
A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research / B2 - Innovative processes of Qualitative Data Analysis / B3 - Qualitative Research in Web Context
14:30 | "Tell Me": Understanding Sexual Abuse Disclosure Within the Israeli LGBTQ Community on Social Media (abstract) PRESENTER: Dafna Tener |
14:50 | A Case Study on the Roadmap of a Start-up Research University in the Philippines (abstract) PRESENTER: Elias Olapane |
15:10 | Experiences of Adolescents with Selective Mutism and Their Caretakers (abstract) PRESENTER: Anja van der Voort |
15:30 | Focus Groups About Patients’ Perceptions of the Bariatric Surgery Process: a Contribution to Design New Interventions (abstract) PRESENTER: Cláudia Amaro dos Santos |
15:50 | Children’S View on Positive Health (abstract) PRESENTER: Lisa Tessensohn |
A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research / B3 - Qualitative Research in Web Context / B4 - Qualitative Analysis with Support of Specific Software
14:30 | Digital Presence and Identity Among Digital Scholars: a Thematic Analysis. (abstract) PRESENTER: Antonio Quintas-Mendes |
14:50 | Autoethnography of an Online Distance Education Teacher (abstract) |
15:10 | Coherence Between Research Methodology, Research Question and a Sensitive Dialogue (abstract) PRESENTER: Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt |
15:30 | Is Diversity in the Clouds? Multimodal Analysis of University Websites That Use the Term Diversity (abstract) PRESENTER: Azahara Jiménez-Millán |
15:50 | Working with Automated Transcripts: Three Approaches to Enhancement of Immersion, Focus or Scale of Qualitative Research (abstract) |
A1 - Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research / A2 - Systematization of approaches with Qualitative Studies / A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research / B1 - Data Analysis Types / B3 - Qualitative Research in Web Context
14:30 | A Safe Space for Black/Afro-Poles: a Virtual Ethnography (abstract) |
14:50 | Understanding Strengths and Barriers in Health Literacy Competencies Among PALOP Migrant Communities from Lisbon Metropolitan Area: a Qualitative Study Protocol (abstract) PRESENTER: Ana Catarina Maia |
15:10 | Communication Gaps and Management of Information During Cervical Cancer Prevention (abstract) PRESENTER: Carla Freijomil-Vázquez |
15:30 | Undergraduate and Graduate Students’ Challenges: a Qualitative Study with ONDAS Framework Across Multiple Disciplines and Innovative Research Methodologies (abstract) PRESENTER: Omar Khasro Akram |
15:50 | Discourses of Family Caregivers on Continuity of Safe Care for Children with Tracheostomy in School: a Qualitative Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Ivone Evangelista-Cabral |
16:10 | Data Analysis and Reflections on Using Narrative Inquiry to Explore the Experiences of Living with Chronic Pain in Emerging Adult Women (abstract) PRESENTER: Jenise Finlay |
16:30 | An Analysis of South Africa Public Entity Performance Using Biomatrix Systems Thinking Theory: a Case of South African Water Boards (abstract) |
A2 - Systematization of approaches with Qualitative Studies / A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research / B1 - Data Analysis Types / B2 - Innovative processes of Qualitative Data Analysis / B4 - Qualitative Analysis with Support of Specific Software
14:30 | “I Don’T Recognize Myself”. Women with Gynecological Cancer Tell Their Stories Through an Art-Informed Narrative Research (abstract) |
14:50 | Toward a Participatory Critical Ethnography: Engaging Research Participants in Critical Discourse Analysis of Ethnographic Texts (abstract) PRESENTER: Marina Mikhail |
15:10 | Just Energy? – Exploring the Intersection of Right-Wing Populism and Energy Transitions in Portuguese Media Discourses (abstract) PRESENTER: Andreia Valquaresma |
15:30 | ‘A Rich Man’S Sickness’: Understanding the Impact of Contextual and Structural Factors on the Everyday Experience of Liberians Living with Diabetes (abstract) PRESENTER: Paulina Bleah |
15:50 | Transfer or Translate? Trainer Reflections on Learning a New QDAS (abstract) PRESENTER: Kyle Bower |
16:10 | The Intersectionality of Race and Female Gender on STEM Career Ascendance (abstract) PRESENTER: Dawn Adams-Harmon |
16:30 | Jean Claude Abric'S Structural Model in Social Representations in People with Kidney Disease. (abstract) PRESENTER: Mirliana Ramirez-Pereira |
A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research / B3 - Qualitative Research in Web Context
14:30 | A Conceptual Framework for Pediatric Asthma Self-Management in an Andean City in Ecuador (abstract) PRESENTER: Cristina Ochoa Avilés |
14:50 | (Un)Deserving of Equal Education: How Experts Shape the Framing of Immigrants in US Newspapers (abstract) PRESENTER: Allan Colbern |
15:10 | Having That Conversation: a Constructivist Grounded Theory Exploring the Role of Nurses in Kidney Supportive Care in Dialysis in Canada (abstract) PRESENTER: Jovina Bachynski |
15:30 | Reflections of Unease: Researcher Emotionality in the Context of Longitudinal Qualitative Research in Higher Education (abstract) |
15:50 | Supports for Refugee Women’S Education: “Then We'Ll Go Together” (abstract) PRESENTER: Melissa Garza |
16:10 | Successes and Failures in the Implementation of Design Research for the Development of an Educational Innovation in Biology (abstract) PRESENTER: Erika Daza Pérez |
16:30 | Make the Most of Your Qualitative Research Findings (abstract) PRESENTER: Ivana Radivojevic |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
Sessions are scheduled according to the UTC+00:00 Timezone (Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London)
A1 - Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research
09:00 | The Relationship Between Theory and Qualitative Research: a Framework for Unravelling the Complexities (abstract) PRESENTER: Julie Taylor |
09:20 | Suicide Attempts of Sexual and Gender Minorities in Switzerland: a Reconstructive Personal Network Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Niolyne Jasmin Bomolo |
09:40 | Using a Lived Experience Approach in Qualitative Research - Exploring the Successes and Pitfalls to Create Learning for the Future (abstract) PRESENTER: Laura Patterson |
10:00 | Unpacking anti-Femininity in Education Research (abstract) PRESENTER: Desiree Forsythe |
10:20 | Focused Ethnography and Facilities Programming (abstract) PRESENTER: Franklin Goza |
10:40 | The Realities of Undertaking and Managing a Co-Research Project: a New Framework for Qualitative Research Practice (abstract) PRESENTER: Caroline Bradbury-Jones |
A1 - Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research / A2 - Systematization of approaches with Qualitative Studies / A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
09:00 | Reading and Writing Practices and Strategies in EFL in Primary Education: a Systematic Review (abstract) PRESENTER: Marta Fortunato |
09:20 | Researching Experiences of Vulnerable and/or Marginalized Groups (abstract) PRESENTER: Sigridur Halldorsdottir |
09:40 | A Staged Research Design to Reduce Perceived Risk and Improve Older Adults’ ICT Use (abstract) PRESENTER: Bernardo Figueiredo |
10:00 | Living with a Disability in the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Story Completion Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Sophie von Teichman |
10:20 | Using Qualitative Case Study in Program Evaluation: a Malleable Model for Actionable Insight (abstract) PRESENTER: Fred Volk |
10:40 | What Does a “CAQDAS Expect” from a User When Building the Methodological Design? (abstract) PRESENTER: Isabel Pinho |
A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
09:00 | Music for All: an Intervention Project in an Artistic School in Portugal (abstract) PRESENTER: Davys Moreno |
09:20 | Methodological Dilemmas and Challenges Using Qualitative Methods in Studies of the Most Vulnerable. (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Fehsenfeld |
09:40 | A Bibliometric Analysis on Virtual Reality in Education (abstract) PRESENTER: Judita Kasperiuniene |
10:00 | Social Representations of Vaccination in the Frame of Health and Illness - Biographical Narratives of Older People (abstract) |
10:20 | Community Readiness to Handle Food Safety Among Informal Food Vendors in Ecuador (abstract) PRESENTER: Angélica Ochoa Avilés |
10:40 | Joys and Hurdles of Positionality Statements in the Words of Doctoral Students (abstract) |
A1 - Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research / A2 - Systematization of approaches with Qualitative Studies / A3 - Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research / B4 - Qualitative Analysis with Support of Specific Software
09:00 | The Phenomenon of Orchestral Practice: Implications for Student Motivation and Learning (abstract) |
09:20 | Practice and Research in Arts Education: a Systematic Narrative Review (abstract) |
09:40 | The Organization of the Cello'S Sound Production Technique Through the Comparison of the Natural Use of the Human Voice (abstract) |
10:00 | Emerging Trends in Upper-Limb Embedded Devices: a Qualitative Research (abstract) PRESENTER: Celina Pinto Leão |
10:20 | Leaders in the Face of Cultural Diversity: Managing Challenges (abstract) PRESENTER: Mafalda Sousa |
10:40 | Critical Thinking Skills for Teaching Teachers of Nursing Schools of Peru 2021 (abstract) PRESENTER: Sonia Velasquez |
NOTE: Projection of presentations in recorded video format, submitted and published on the WCQR Youtube channel. The authors of published videos can attend the session and respond to comments and questions from participants.
09:01 | Perceptions of Women Regarding Rural Touristic Entrepreneurships and Empowerment: A Case Study in Sarapiquí, Costa Rica (abstract) PRESENTER: Patricia López-Estrada |
09:06 | POST-DIGITAL OVERFLOWS. SCREENS, LEARNING AND UNIVERSITY (abstract) PRESENTER: Aingeru Gutiérrez-Cabello Barragán |
09:11 | Conceptualizing and Modeling Relational Processes in Sociology: an Introduction to Disjointed Fluidity (abstract) |
09:16 | NVivo as a Tool Supporting Teamwork in the Context of Qualitative Research Carried out with the Use of Remote Communication - Possibilities, Limitations, Tips (abstract) PRESENTER: Jakub Niedbalski |
09:21 | From the Ministry of Happiness to the ‘Quality of Life and Happiness’ Portfolio – Content Analysis of Government Communication with webQDA (abstract) PRESENTER: Joao Filipe Ribeiro |
09:26 | Facilitating Family-Focused Care of Older Adults Living in Long-Term Care During Restricted Visiting Due to COVID-19: Analysis of Web Available Artifacts (abstract) |
09:31 | Canadian Law and the Reproductive Health Care Experiences of Women with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (abstract) PRESENTER: Danielle Jacobson |
09:36 | Messy Texts: Reflections on Cultural Safety in the Use Digital Story Completion (abstract) PRESENTER: Katherine Boydell |
09:41 | Analysis of the Perception of Leisure and Free Time Among the University Population. (abstract) PRESENTER: Juan Luis Cabanillas-Garcia |
09:46 | Observational study of experiential activities linked to Astronomy with CAQDAS NVivo (abstract) PRESENTER: Juan Luis Cabanillas-García |
09:51 | Health Professionals’ Experiences Regarding Healthcare of Women with Cervical Cancer Precursor Lesions: a Qualitative Research Project (abstract) PRESENTER: Paloma Madrid Prieto |
09:56 | How Do the Oral Health Complications of Cancer Impact Children’S Wellbeing? an Exploratory Qualitative Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Nona Attaran Kakhki |
10:01 | Observing the Transition and Visibility of Alternative Journalism to the Digital World – Qualitative Study (abstract) |
10:06 | Analysis of the Conceptual Structure of Information Recorded in Patents (abstract) PRESENTER: Eduardo Dutra Moresi |
10:11 | Three Proposals for Simplifying Qualitative Research (abstract) |
10:16 | Developing a Bricoleuric Strategy for a Single National Emergency Number in South Africa (abstract) |
10:21 | Using Transcripts of Service Sessions with Families for Nonprofit Quality Improvement (abstract) PRESENTER: Sara Bharwani |
10:26 | Integrating Women Who Are Refugees as Peer Research Assistants: Findings from a Longitudinal Participatory Action Research Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Shahin Kassam |
10:31 | Intersectionality and Constructivist Grounded Theory: Reflections on a Novel Approach to Equity-Oriented Research (abstract) |
10:36 | Autoethnography as a Tool for the Achievement of Deep Learning of University Students in Service-Learning Experiences. (abstract) |
10:41 | Obstetric Violence in Hospital-Based Childbirth: an Intersectional Feminist Poststructuralist Case Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrea Willett |
10:46 | Exploring Socio-Affective Processes in the Second-Language Classroom with Grounded Theory (abstract) |
10:51 | The End of Traditional Focus Groups? Scaling up Qualitative Research Quick, yet Maintaining Depth of Data with Larger Samples (abstract) PRESENTER: Hendrickson Cheong |
10:56 | Quantitative Dynamics of Qualitative Research: a Paradox in the Discourse (abstract) PRESENTER: Nisi Thusi |
11:01 | What Is Learning Motivation? Meanings for Medical Students (abstract) PRESENTER: Olga Salazar |
11:06 | "Listening to the Voices of Syrian Refugee Women: an Ethnographic Insight into the Journey from Trauma to Adaptation" (abstract) PRESENTER: Areej Al-Hamad |
11:11 | Do It Yourself (DIY): {an Innovative and Empowering Qualitative Research Approach to Promote Capacity Building Among Refugee Women} (abstract) PRESENTER: Areej Al-Hamad |
11:16 | Government'S Response to the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Ghana – a Content Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Moselle-Margaret Anum-Brown |
11:21 | Motivation of Diverse Patient Participation in HIV Research: a Qualitative Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Celestine He |
11:26 | Sexual Power Dynamics and the Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence Among Female Adolescents in Informal Settings of Lagos and Ibadan, Nigeria (abstract) PRESENTER: Olutoyin Opeyemi Ikuteyijo |
11:31 | Young Adult Children’S Perspectives of Their Divorced Parents’ New Dating: What Constitutes Appropriate Discussion and Introduction of a New Dating Partner? (abstract) |
11:36 | The Social Relations of Fieldwork: a Game of Snakes and Ladders (abstract) PRESENTER: Shobha Nepali |
11:41 | Reflections on Being a Nurse-Mother: Preliminary Findings on Role Clarity (abstract) PRESENTER: Kateryna Metersky |
11:46 | Unearthing Embodied Translations for 21st Century Piano-Pedagogy in More-than-Human Soundscapes (abstract) |
11:51 | Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents in Alberta (abstract) PRESENTER: Salima Meherali |
11:56 | Visualising Bibliographic Metadata Using CAQDAS webQDA in the Research on the Gender Gap in STEM Studies in Higher Education (abstract) PRESENTER: Sonia Verdugo-Castro |
12:01 | Diabetes Self-Management Education for Older Persons in Western Countries: a Scoping Review (abstract) PRESENTER: Pilar Camargo-Plazas |
12:06 | Preceptors and Students’ Perspectives on What Constitutes Successful Transition from LPN to RN (abstract) PRESENTER: Venise Bryan |
12:11 | Insights into the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Migrants’ Health and Wellbeing: a Virtual Photovoice Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria João Marques |
12:16 | Collaborative Analysis of Observational Data (abstract) PRESENTER: Charlotte McCartan |
12:21 | Hallway Talks: Informal Conversations in Health Care Research (abstract) PRESENTER: Charlotte McCartan |
12:26 | Sounds of Amazon (abstract) PRESENTER: Daniel De Souza Carvalho |
12:31 | Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Primary Care Delivery: a Qualitative Multi-Methods Case Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Charlotte McCartan |
12:36 | Understanding the Early Lived Experiences of Infants Admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (abstract) PRESENTER: Natalie Duffy |
12:41 | Transition Shock and Self-Efficacy Amongst New Graduate Nurses Amidst a Global Pandemic: a Literature Review (abstract) PRESENTER: Danica Nolette |
12:46 | Perceptions and Experiences of Pakistani-Descent Female Adolescents on Developing Sexuality and Self-Identity (abstract) PRESENTER: Neelam Punjani |
12:51 | Sexuality and Well-Being of Pakistani-Descent Female Adolescents Living in Canada: Perceptions and Recommendations (abstract) PRESENTER: Neelam Punjani |
12:56 | Using Timeline Methodology to Facilitate Qualitative Interviews to Explore Sexuality Experiences of Female Pakistani-Descent Immigrant Adolescents (abstract) PRESENTER: Neelam Punjani |
13:01 | Experiences and Challenges of Parents Regarding the Provision of Comprehensive Sexuality Education to Their Children – a Scoping Review Protocol (abstract) PRESENTER: Neelam Punjani |
13:06 | Phenomenological Research on the Youth’S Experiences on Agriculture in the Philippines (abstract) PRESENTER: Renz Garcia |
13:11 | Racism in the Academe: an Ethnographic Research Among Aeta (Indigenous) Students of a State University in the Philippines (abstract) PRESENTER: Camille Rose Carl Mendoza |
13:16 | Child Abuse Among Perpetrators in the Lens of Symbolic Interactionism: a Phenomenological Research in the Philippines (abstract) PRESENTER: Camille Rose Carl Mendoza |
13:21 | Understanding ICT Adaptation Among Indigenous People: a Symbolic Interaction Study on Aetas in the Philippines (abstract) PRESENTER: Camille Rose Carl Mendoza |
13:26 | Ableism Directed to Person with Disabilities: an Integrative Literature Review (abstract) PRESENTER: Juliana Corrêa |
13:31 | The Qualitative Study of Management Practices and Influence on Middle Managers’ Morale in PSU Banks (abstract) |
The Empirical Phenomenological Method (EPM): Theoretical Foundation and Research Applications
Luigina Mortari, Federica Valbusa, Marco Ubbiali, Rosi Bombieri, Roberta Silva - Department of Human Sciences, University of Verona (Italy)
In human and healthcare sciences, phenomenology is often assumed as the methodological framework for research in the field, but a dialogue with the theoretical fundations of the method generally lacks. We start from the assumption that a simplistic translation of Husserl’s phenomenological method in the empirical research is not possible, because it is conceived for the eidetic sciences; instead, a critical interpretation of Husserlian phenomenology is needed in order to found a phenomenological method, which can be applied in the science of experiences…
A descriptive phenomenological study: COVID-19 and the misnomers about technology in K-12 education
Carrie A. Cormier and Christiana C. Succar - Pinellas County Schools, St. Petersburg, Florida; Brevard County, Florida (USA)
This descriptive phenomenological study focuses on understanding the lived experiences of educators, students, and parents through unprecedented human lockdowns and abrupt switches in learning platforms due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The panel discussion will first introduce why we chose phenomenology as our study and briefly overview the topic’s impact. Then, a presentation of the study design and examples from the participants’ lived experiences. Next, we will discuss the early stages of our data analysis identifying the sense of the whole of the data, the psychological shifts in the data, some of the meaning units, and the essence of the participants’ experience. Finally, the panel will open the floor for discussion, advice, and questions…
Female Academics in Higher Education: Conducting Qualitative Research Against all Odds
Pamela Zapata-Sepúlveda (Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile); Carmen Araneda-Guirriman (Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile); Magdalena Suárez-Ortega (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain); Mirliana Ramírez-Pereira (Universidad de Chile, Chile); Michelle Espinoza-Lobos (Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile)
This panel brings together the experiences of four Chilean researchers and one Spanish researcher with different professional backgrounds (psychology, sociology, nursing, and education), who conduct qualitative inquiry from different approaches, moments, and gender sensitive about topics of interest in the border regions of Arica and Parinacota, and Tarapacá, both in northern Chile; the capital Santiago; and in Andalucía, southern Spain. In the panel, they will problematize their research experiences focusing on 3 binding methodological questions: how the Chilean and Spanish contexts of public education can or cannot underpin and determine their lines of research; how gender is perceived in the development of qualitative research questions and in relation to the challenges and opportunities that the Chilean and Spanish academy offers or denies to their mid-career academics…
How can Qualitative Research Advance Philosophy?
Anthony Fernandez - University of Southern Denmark (DK)
It’s easy enough to see how philosophy contributes to qualitative research methods. Each qualitative methodology is built upon ontological and epistemological foundations, many of which can be traced back to specific philosophers or philosophical traditions. However, qualitative researchers working across a wide variety of disciplines—including psychology, nursing, sport science, sociology, and anthropology—have also expressed a desire to reciprocally contribute to philosophical debates. Philosophy informs qualitative research; but qualitative research can also inform philosophy. In this presentation, I outline some of the ways that qualitative research can contribute to philosophical discussion and debate, and consider how we might establish more integrated qualitative-philosophical research programs.