This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
1 | |
1) Transition to practice | |
1)transition shock | |
2 | |
2) LPN to RN transition | |
2)self-efficacy | |
3 | |
3) Preceptorship | |
3)newly graduate nurse | |
4 | |
4)transition to practice | |
5 | |
5)pandemic | |
A | |
A-synchronous online focus groups | |
abductive analysis | |
Ableism | |
abortion | |
Abuse disclosure | |
Access and ethics process | |
Access to social services | |
Accessibility | |
Action-Research | |
adaptation | |
addiction | |
ADMI | |
Adolescence | |
Adolescents | |
Advanced | |
Affective geographies | |
African-centred | |
Afro-Poles | |
Agency | |
Aging | |
agrarian economy | |
Agriculture | |
Alberta | |
Alternative journalism | |
Amazon Forest | |
Analysis and QES | |
Analysis of posts | |
animal welfare | |
Anti-Blackness | |
anti-femininity | |
anxiety | |
Applied Linguistics | |
Applied scientific ontology | |
aprendizaje | |
architecture | |
Art | |
Art Education | |
art education field | |
Art-based | |
Art-Based methods | |
art-based presentation | |
Artistic research | |
Arts Education Programmes of Music | |
Asian | |
assemblage theory | |
assemblages | |
Asthma | |
Astronomy | |
ATLAS ti 22 | |
ATLAS.ti | |
Attributes | |
Auto-Transcription | |
Autoethnography | |
Axiology | |
B | |
bariatric surgery | |
Basic education | |
behavioral health | |
bias | |
bibliometric analysis | |
bibliometrics | |
bibliometrix | |
Big Qual | |
biographical interviews | |
Biomatrix systems thinking theory | |
blogs | |
body touch | |
Brazil | |
Brazilians | |
Bricolage | |
Bricoleuric/Bricolage | |
BtoB selling | |
burnout | |
C | |
cage-free eggs | |
Canada | |
Cancer | |
Capability | |
Caregivers | |
Caregiving | |
caring touch | |
Case study | |
Case study research | |
CDA | |
cello sound production technique | |
Cello voice | |
cello vowel | |
Cerebral Palsy | |
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia | |
Challenges | |
Challenges and barriers | |
Challenges in data collection | |
Change | |
Child abuse | |
Child feeding | |
Child Health | |
Child Wellbeing | |
Children | |
Children's perspective | |
China | |
Chronic gastrointestinal tract disease | |
Chronic heart disease | |
chronic pain | |
circular migration | |
Clandinin and Connelly | |
Clinical Research Participation | |
co-research | |
co-word analysis | |
Cocreation | |
codesign | |
coding | |
cognitive processes | |
Collaboration | |
collaborative analysis | |
collaborative autoethnography | |
collaborative research | |
collaborative researcher | |
collective trauma | |
commercial farmers | |
Communication | |
Community | |
community engagement | |
Community readiness | |
Community-Based Participatory Research | |
comprehensive sexuality education | |
concept testing | |
Conceptions | |
Conceptual framework | |
conceptual structure | |
conceptualization | |
Consensual Qualitative Research | |
Construction Safety | |
Content analise | |
Content analysis | |
content-analysis | |
Contextual effects | |
contraceptive burden | |
coronavirus | |
coronavirus infections | |
Costa Rica | |
Counting | |
COVID-19 | |
COVID-19 pandemic | |
Creative methodology | |
Critical analysis health sciences | |
critical and retrospective reflexivity | |
critical autoethnography | |
Critical care nursing | |
critical discourse analysis | |
critical ethnography | |
Critical Hermeneutics | |
Critical Realism | |
Critical Suicidology | |
critical theory | |
Critical thinking | |
Cross-cultural qualitative research | |
Cultural conditions | |
Cultural diversity in organizations | |
cultural safety | |
Curriculum-as-discourse | |
D | |
data richness | |
data science | |
Dating | |
de/colonizing research | |
Death | |
Decision Making | |
Decolonial psychology | |
Deep learning | |
defamiliarization | |
Deficiency | |
Definitions of Qualitative Research | |
Delphi study | |
Democratic Republic of Congo | |
Descriptive Phenomenology | |
Descriptive thematic analysis | |
Desing research | |
Development Communication | |
Diabetes | |
Diabetes self-management education | |
Dialogic Education | |
dialogue | |
Dialogues | |
Dialysis | |
Didactic sequence | |
Diet | |
Digital divide | |
Digital Economy | |
Digital Identity | |
Digital Scholars | |
Digital stories | |
digital story completion | |
Digital technologies | |
Digital transformation | |
digital transformation era | |
Digitalization | |
direct service | |
Disability | |
discourse | |
discourse-based interview | |
Display | |
Display Analysis | |
Distance Education | |
diversity | |
Do It Yourself (DIY) | |
Doctoral Education | |
Doctoral Theses | |
doctoral training | |
Document Analysis | |
doing gender | |
domestic violence | |
duoethnography | |
E | |
Ecoacustic Theory | |
Economic Inclusion | |
Ecuador | |
EdTech | |
educación médica | |
Education | |
Education for Sustainability | |
education infrastructure | |
education research | |
education transformation | |
educational supports | |
embodied consciousness | |
Emergency numbers | |
emergency services | |
emerging adult women | |
Emotional Adjustment | |
emotional experiences | |
Employee Experience | |
Employees | |
Empowerment | |
End of Life | |
End Stage renal Disease | |
energy justice | |
energy transition | |
Engagement | |
Entering Institutions | |
enterprise | |
Entrepreneurship | |
epistemology | |
Equity | |
estudiantes de medicina | |
Ethical Inquiry | |
ethics | |
Ethnographic practice | |
Everyday life | |
Evidence - based research | |
Expand | |
Experiences | |
Experiential learning | |
Experimental Mindset | |
Experts | |
Explorative study | |
exploratory qualitative research | |
F | |
facilities programming | |
Faculty-Researchers | |
family | |
Family Care | |
Family dynamics | |
family life | |
Family-focused nursing care | |
Female Adolescent | |
female adolescents | |
female genital cutting/mutilation | |
Female genital mutilation | |
femininity | |
feminist approach | |
feminist phenomenology | |
feminist qualitative research | |
Feminist Theory | |
fetal non-viability | |
fieldwork | |
Fieldwork in developing countries | |
focus group | |
focus groups | |
focused ethnography | |
follow-up | |
Food safety | |
Foucauldian Discourse Analysis | |
Frame analysis | |
Framework | |
Free time | |
Frontline providers | |
G | |
gas leak prevention | |
gender | |
Gender and Workplace Composition | |
Gender equality | |
Gender identity | |
Gender theory | |
Generative dance | |
geriatrics | |
Gioia methodology | |
Girls Voices | |
Government Communication | |
Graduate Self-Evaluation | |
Grounded Theory | |
Grounded Theory Methodology | |
Group identity | |
guidelines | |
Gynecological Cancer | |
H | |
habitus | |
Happiness | |
Happiness’ Portfolio | |
Health | |
Health Belief Model | |
health care | |
Health care access | |
Health education | |
Health Literacy | |
health narratives | |
Health promotion | |
health seeking | |
Health-related research | |
Healthcare | |
Healthy lifestyle | |
hegemonic practices | |
Heidegger | |
Hermeneutic phenomenology | |
high risk infants | |
Historically Disadvantage Individuals | |
HIV | |
homelessness | |
housing | |
Human Behaviour | |
Human Rights | |
I | |
ICU nursing | |
identification | |
Identities | |
Identity | |
identity construction | |
imagination | |
Immigrant | |
immigrant female adolescents | |
Immigration | |
Immigration Federalism | |
Impact and change | |
Impact of COVID-19 | |
implementation fidelity | |
Implementation framework | |
Implementation Science | |
In-depth Interviews | |
Inclusion | |
inclusive design | |
Inclusive Education | |
Indigeneity | |
Indigenous | |
Indigenous people | |
Inductive approach | |
Industrial Fields | |
Inequality | |
Inerview | |
informal conversations | |
informal interviews | |
Information and communication technology | |
Innovation | |
Innovation Technology | |
innovative qualitative data analysis | |
Innovative Research Framework | |
Inquiry-based activities | |
institutional ethnography | |
instrumental learning | |
Integrating results | |
interaction | |
intercultural mediation | |
intergrated care | |
Internet-based | |
Interpretative phenomenological analysis | |
Interpretative Phenomenological analysis (IPA) | |
Interpreters | |
Interpretive methodologies | |
Intersectionality | |
Interventions | |
Interview | |
Interviews | |
Intimate partner violence | |
Intimate partner violence (IPV) | |
Involvement | |
K | |
Key account management | |
kidney failure | |
Knowledge | |
Knowledge Exchange | |
Knowledge Structure | |
L | |
land reform | |
language as embodied | |
Language learning perspective | |
latent corpus data | |
Law | |
Leadership | |
Leadership challenges | |
Learning and Service Methodology | |
learning ecologies | |
learning lives | |
left-behind children | |
Leisure | |
LGBTQ+ | |
LGBTQ+ community | |
Liberia | |
link workers | |
Literature review | |
lived experience | |
lived experiences | |
Lived-experience | |
Living Systematic Review | |
Local government | |
lockdown | |
long term conditions | |
Longitudinal Participatory Action Research | |
Longitudinal qualitative research | |
Low income | |
M | |
Management | |
Marginalised groups | |
marketing | |
Masculinity | |
Master Dissertations | |
maternal | |
Mechanism models | |
Medical Assistance in Dying | |
memory | |
mental health | |
mental health research | |
mentorship | |
Meta-analysis | |
methodological consciousness | |
Methodological rigour | |
Methodology | |
Mexico | |
Middle Management Women | |
migrant parents | |
Migrants | |
Migrants Communities | |
migration | |
Minorities | |
mixed methods | |
mixed methods research | |
Mixed Research Strategy | |
Mixed-methods | |
Mixed-Methods Data | |
Model Development | |
modeling tools | |
motivación | |
motivation | |
multi-case study | |
Multi-language qualitative research | |
Multidisciplinary | |
Multimodal analysis | |
Multimodal Ethnography | |
multisectoral | |
Muslim Americans | |
Māori | |
N | |
Narrative | |
narrative analysis | |
Narrative Inquiry | |
narrative interview | |
Narrative Reflective Process | |
narrative research | |
narrative selection | |
narrative silence | |
Narrative synthesis | |
Narratives | |
Natural science | |
Neoliberalism | |
Newspapers | |
nicu | |
Nigeria | |
Non verbal communication | |
nonprofit | |
Normalization Process Theory | |
Novice Researchers | |
Numerical data | |
nurse | |
nurse managers | |
nurse-mother | |
Nurse-Patient Relations | |
nurses | |
Nursing | |
NVivo | |
O | |
observational research | |
observations | |
Obstetric Violence | |
Occupational Health and Safety | |
Office 365 | |
older adults | |
older people | |
Older persons | |
Older woman | |
Oman Vision 2040 | |
ONDAS Framework | |
Online Education | |
Online health community | |
Online Presence | |
Ontology | |
opioids | |
opportunistic interviewing | |
Oral Health | |
Orchestra | |
Outreach | |
P | |
Palliative Care | |
pandemic | |
Panic | |
Papillomavirus infections | |
Parent-child Communication | |
Parents | |
participant first and second order accounts | |
participatory action research | |
participatory approaches | |
participatory arts research | |
participatory conversations | |
Participatory methods | |
Participatory mobile biosensing | |
participatory reflexive practice | |
participatory research | |
participatory strategies | |
Partnership working | |
patent analysis | |
Patient and public involvement | |
Patient care | |
patient engagement | |
patient-centered care | |
patient-centered outcomes research | |
Patient-healthcare professional relationship | |
patients' perceptions of success | |
Peer Research Assistants | |
People living with HIV | |
perceived risks | |
person-centred care | |
personal communication | |
Personal Network Analysis | |
Personal Protective Equipment | |
Phenomen based learning (PhenoBL) | |
Phenomenographic examination | |
Phenomenography | |
phenomenological hermeneutic | |
phenomenology | |
Philippines | |
Photovoice | |
Physical activity | |
Physician-patient relations | |
physicians | |
podcasting | |
police response to sexual assault | |
Policy | |
policy recommendations | |
political epistemology | |
politics of the field | |
Portugal | |
Positionality | |
Positive Health | |
post-migration context | |
Post-traumatic growth (PTG) | |
Postgraduate Students | |
posthuman understanding | |
postmodern feminism | |
postsecondary transitions | |
Poverty | |
Power dynamic | |
Power of Language | |
Preclinical research | |
Press Freedom Index | |
preterm | |
primary care | |
Primary education | |
Primary school age | |
professional exhaustion | |
professional identity | |
Professional-patient relations | |
professionalism | |
program evaluation | |
psychiatric survivors | |
Psychology | |
Psychology training | |
purposive sampling | |
Q | |
qualitative | |
Qualitative Analise | |
Qualitative analysis | |
Qualitative Comparative Analysis | |
Qualitative data | |
Qualitative Data Analysis | |
qualitative data analysis software | |
Qualitative design | |
Qualitative epistemology | |
Qualitative Indicators | |
Qualitative interviewing | |
Qualitative interviews | |
Qualitative Longitudinal research | |
qualitative methodology | |
qualitative methods | |
Qualitative research | |
Qualitative Research in Health | |
Qualitative research methods | |
Qualitative Research Strategy | |
Quality | |
Quality education | |
quality improvement | |
quality of life | |
queer | |
R | |
race | |
Racialized | |
Racism | |
rape crisis centers | |
Re-Presentation | |
real estate advertising | |
Reflection | |
Reflexive Ethnography | |
Reflexive thematic analysis | |
Reflexivity | |
refugee women | |
Refugees | |
rehabilitation | |
Relacional ontology | |
relational sociology | |
religiosity | |
remote work | |
renewable energy infrastructures | |
Reporters Sans Frontières. | |
Reporting sexual victimization | |
reproducibility | |
reproductive health care | |
Research | |
Research assumptions | |
Research Design | |
Research ethics | |
research interview | |
research management | |
Research Methodology | |
Research Paradigm | |
Research Paradigms | |
research practice | |
Research Practices | |
Research University | |
Researcher attachment | |
researcher emotionality | |
Researcher training | |
Researcher-defined paradigms | |
Researcher-Participant Boundaries | |
Researcher-Participant Relationship | |
Researchers | |
Researching vulnerable and marginalized groups | |
RET | |
rhizomatic approaches | |
right-wing populism | |
River of Experience drawing technique | |
Roadmap | |
role clarity | |
role conflict | |
rural | |
rural areas | |
Rural Societies | |
Rural Tourism | |
S | |
Safe Spaces | |
Sales | |
Sales enablement | |
Sales management | |
Scalability | |
Scholars | |
School | |
School bullying | |
School Nursing | |
school safety | |
Science education | |
Sciences | |
Scoping review | |
Second Language Learning | |
Second-order perspectives | |
SEED method | |
Selective Mutism | |
Self-leadership | |
Self-management | |
Self-organization | |
semi-structured interview | |
semi-structured interviews | |
Sense of belonging | |
sensitive issues | |
Sensitive Research | |
Sex-negotiation | |
Sexual abuse | |
Sexual and Gender Minorities | |
Sexual and Reproductive Health | |
sexual assault | |
Sexual assault disclosure | |
sexual violence | |
Sexuality | |
Singapore | |
SIT | |
situational mapping | |
Skills | |
Snake and Ladder game | |
Social constructionism | |
Social determinants of health | |
social exclusion | |
social inclusion | |
Social justice | |
social marketing | |
Social Media | |
social networks | |
social prescribing | |
Social relations of the field | |
Social relations of work | |
social representations | |
Social science methodologies | |
Social Sciences | |
Social transformation | |
social work | |
Social-emotional abilities | |
Social-emotional education | |
Socio-affective processes | |
Socio-critical Paradigm | |
socio-territorial inequalities | |
South Africa | |
South African public entity | |
Spinal-cord injury | |
stakeholder participation | |
Start-Up | |
STEM | |
STEM education | |
Stereotypes | |
Story completion | |
Strategies and outcomes | |
Strategy | |
Street-Level Bureaucracy | |
Study abroad | |
subsistence farmers | |
Suffering | |
supportive care | |
survivor-led | |
Survivorship | |
Sweden | |
System | |
Systematic Literature Review | |
Systematic review | |
Systematization of approaches | |
systemic oppression | |
Systems thinking theory | |
T | |
Teacher Education | |
Teachers | |
Teaching a foreign language | |
teaching and learning | |
Teaching and learning EFL reading and writing | |
Teaching in music school | |
Teaching qualitative methods | |
Teaching qualitative research | |
Teaching strategies | |
teamwork | |
technology | |
Technology adoption | |
teenage mothers | |
telehealth | |
textual analysis | |
textual data | |
The research question | |
The State | |
The Vancouver-School of Doing Phenomenology | |
thematic analysis | |
Theories | |
Theory | |
theory construction | |
Theory development | |
Theory synthesis | |
therapeutic-relationship | |
Thermoregulation | |
Timelines | |
Togetherness | |
Transcritpion | |
Transect walks | |
Transformative mixed methods | |
Transgender and gender expansive | |
Translational Knowledge | |
Transnational | |
trauma | |
treatment | |
Triangulation | |
troubles identity | |
Trust | |
U | |
Undergraduate Students | |
unfounded | |
unfounded sexual assault | |
University | |
University Officials | |
university students | |
upper-limb | |
V | |
vaccines | |
Variations | |
vertebral body tethering | |
vignette | |
virtual care | |
Virtual Ethnography | |
Virtual etnography | |
virtual focus groups | |
virtual reality | |
virtual research | |
virtual worlds | |
Visualisation | |
voluntary interruption pregnancy | |
vulnerability | |
Vulnerable groups | |
Vulnerable Populations | |
W | |
water boards | |
Wearable biosensor data | |
wearable devices | |
Web content | |
web latent corpus | |
Web-based data collection | |
webQDA | |
Well-being | |
Wellbeing | |
Women | |
Women health | |
women's entrepreneurship | |
Women's health | |
Work motivation | |
Working-Class | |
Worldwide | |
Y | |
young adult women | |
Young people as co-researchers | |
young women | |
Youth | |
Z | |
Zoom |