Days: Wednesday, January 26th Thursday, January 27th Friday, January 28th

Wednesday, January 26th

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11:00-12:00 Session 1: Plenary Conference

How Equity and Inclusion can Help us Become “Better” Qualitative Researchers

Anna CohenMiller (Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan)

In this keynote, Dr. CohenMiller engages audiences to consider the ways in which equity and inclusion are at the center of becoming “better” qualitative researchers. Integrated within the session are self-reflective questions that can be used as tools for current or future research. Using an interactive format, CohenMiller encourages audiences to critically self-reflect about their understanding of socially just qualitative research and the ways in which we can work together to uncover appropriate solutions to work with participants and communities. The keynote incorporates central concepts from the recent textbook, Questions in Qualitative Social Justice Research in Multicultural Contexts (CohenMiller & Boivin, 2022, Routledge), and offers examples of qualitative research that centers equity and inclusion.

12:10-13:40 Session 2A: Abstract Presentation
Co-creating Knowledge under the Mixed Qualitative Intra-Paradigm Methodology (abstract)
Resisting the episodic and complying with the foundational: Navigating between different types of master narratives (abstract)
Barriers and facilitators to sustaining community mental health assets: Exploring key factors affecting sustainability using the Theoretical Domains Framework (abstract)
Corporate Governance: The Impact of The Auditor General’s Reports on the Public Entities of Zimbabwe (abstract)
12:10-13:40 Session 2B: Abstract Presentation
A semi-supervised, topic modelling-based visualization method for the qualitative analysis of teachers' collegial discussions (abstract)
PRESENTER: Corrado Matta
Factors contributing to and preventing mothers of children 1-6 aged from participating in the labour market in Kazakhstan (abstract)
Students’ Transition from K12 Program to Nursing Program: An Experiential Detail (abstract)
Combining interviews and drawings: methodological considerations (abstract)
PRESENTER: Elise Ricadat
12:10-13:40 Session 2C: Abstract Presentation
" Methodological path supported by software for mapping qualitative indicators for Best Health Practices for the homeless population" (abstract)
PRESENTER: Lucimara Fornari
Home education in Bill nr. 2.401/2019 and its discussion in newspapers and magazines published on the web (abstract)
Learning to work in collaboration with women living on a low-income in Kingston, Ontario, Canada: A Participatory Action Research Project (abstract)
A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis on the Inclusion of Middle Managers in Strategy Development as a Contributor for Positive Organizational Performance (abstract)
13:50-15:20 Session 3A: Panel Discussion: The Present and the Future of Qualitative Research in Asia: Strategies and Directions

The Present and the Future of Qualitative Research in Asia: Strategies and Directions

Arceli Rosario (Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines), Pavel Zubkov (Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines), David Lumowa (Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines), and Gracel Ann Saban (Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies, Silang, Cavite, Philippines)


With the growing interest in qualitative research and the increasing expectation to meet its methodological demands, qualitative researchers must strive to equip themselves with adequate knowledge and skills. In addition, they must know trends in qualitative research and decide which of those they can appropriately do and apply in their setting. According to Flick (2014), there are new methodological trends in qualitative research such as visual and electronic data, qualitative online research, using computers, hybridization, triangulation, linking qualitative and quantitative research, and ensuring quality of qualitative research (p. 528). Hesse-Biber (2017) adds that qualitative researchers should engage in more conversations regarding ethics, explore methodological innovations such as arts-based research and autoethnography, and consider other theoretical perspectives. Other innovations are the use of big data (Davison, Edwards, Jamieson, & Weller, 2019) and rethinking quality criteria for qualitative research (Morse, 2015). In this presentation, we will focus on some trends and possible future directions of qualitative research in Asia. We will discuss the following: (a) using well-established research designs, methods, and frameworks; (b) conducting data collection that is culturally-relevant and ethical; (c) using indigenous philosophical frameworks; and (d) building a community of qualitative researchers. Our presentation is rooted in our experience as the leadership team of the Asian Qualitative Research Association (AQRA), which was founded in 2015. We will share how AQRA has played a role in empowering qualitative researchers in Asia and how it has provided a platform for a conversation with qualitative researchers in other parts of the world.

13:50-15:20 Session 3B: Panel Discussion: Health interventions for self-management: the role of qualitative approaches in mixed methods research

Health interventions for self-management: the role of qualitative approaches in mixed methods research

Célia Soares (Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, School of Health, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Portugal and Centre for Interdisciplinary Applied Research in Health, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Portugal), Carla Pereira (Department of Physiotherapy, School of Health, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Portugal and Centre for Interdisciplinary Applied Research in Health, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Portugal), Carmen Caeiro (Department of Physiotherapy, School of Health, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Portugal and Centre for Interdisciplinary Applied Research in Health, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Portugal) and Madalena Gomes da Silva (Department of Physiotherapy, School of Health, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Portugal and Centre for Interdisciplinary Applied Research in Health, Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Portugal)


Self-management is a term widely used in health education and health promotion programs. Overall, it reflects the person’s active participation in treatment and is a common frame for (often chronic) disease patient education programs (Lorig, & Holman, 2003; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). Health educational or intervention programs’ common purpose is to facilitate knowledge generation and skills development necessary for individual’s self-care and self-management (Chaturvedi et al., 2018). However, the activities that encourage promotion, maintenance, and/or restoration of health often call for new models of behavior and change of beliefs (e.g., barriers, risks, benefits, self-efficacy). The long-term success of health promotion interventions is often compromised by the difficulties participants experience in maintaining adherence to prescribed behavioral changes (Middleton et al., 2013).

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13:50-15:20 Session 3C: Panel Discussion: Knowledge Transfer and the Challenges of the Virtual World

Knowledge Transfer and the Challenges of the Virtual World

Maria Helena Presado (Departamento de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica, CIDNUR, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Portugal), Fátima Mendes Marques (Departamento de Enfermagem de Reabilitação, CIDNUR, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Portugal), Óscar Ferreira (Departamento de Fundamentos de Enfermagem, CIDNUR, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Portugal), Mário Cardoso (Departamento de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica, CIDNUR, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Portugal), Tiago Nascimento (Departamento de Gestão, CIDNUR, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Portugal), Cristina Lavareda Baixinho (Departamento de Enfermagem de Reabilitação, CIDNUR, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, Portugal) and Armando David Sousa (Centro Hospitalar do Funchal, Madeira, CIDNUR, Portugal).


Evidence-Based Practice has emerged as a hot topic in the discussion about the use of knowledge, raising concerns about the effectiveness and feasibility of its approach and the fact that clinical evidence and decision-making are timely, appropriate, and meaningful for people or communities (Apóstolo, 2017). In this discourse, the transfer of evidence has been debated by the importance of ensuring an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) (Apóstolo, 2017; Baixinho, Ferreira, Marques, Presado, Cardoso, & Sousa, 2019). The transfer of knowledge to the clinic is a complex process and involves more than the dissemination or communication of research results; it implies the planning and implementation of strategies to identify target audiences, such as clinicians, managers, policy agents, consumers, among others (Apóstolo, 2017). It also implies collaborative work (Baixinho et al., 2019), design, implementation and methods to organize and transfer information that is understandable and usable in the making of decisions (Apóstolo, 2017; Baixinho & Costa, 2019).

15:30-17:00 Session 4A: Workshop

Workshop: How to use the critical incident technique as a teaching tool

Michel Klein (Université de Strasbourg, France)

Inductive in nature, the critical incident technique (CIT) is recognized as an effective exploratory and investigative tool and is frequently used as a qualitative research method. The CIT makes it possible the identification of behaviors that have been observed to lead to success or failure of a specific task. The CIT obtains a record of these specific behaviors from those in the best position to make the necessary observations and evaluations. The current move to online learning requires the academic communities to develop new learning activities. The CIT can actually be utilized as a teaching tool. The objective of the workshop is to engage participants who are willing to develop new active learning activities either in face-to-face, online or hybrid teaching settings. The workshop design draws on a workshop the facilitator ran in France. The general principles of the CIT will be discussed. Participants will be provided with examples of how the CIT can be used as a teaching tool. They will create a learning activity or teaching sequence in their own discipline and will be given a feedback. The aim is to demonstrate how a qualitative research method can be used as a very engaging and reflexive teaching tool. The workshop will last for 90 minutes.

15:30-17:00 Session 4B: Workshop

Transforming qualitative data into findings: Best practices and pitfalls to avoid

Marie-Hélène Paré (Timberlake Consultants - UK)

How do you move from coding your data to identifying relationships, looking for associations and seeking patterns across codes? How do you uncover the underlying structure of your data so to formulate explanations, make theoretical predictions and generate hypotheses about your findings?

This workshop will teach you some of the key strategies to do the above, irrespective of whether you use induction, deduction or abduction in your qualitative analysis. We will first define what patterns are in qualitative analysis, the role they play in helping researchers to move beyond merely "identifying themes" in the data (and reporting these as quotes in the results section of articles) to uncover the empirical structure of the data based on patterns of cooccurrence, sequence and proximity of codes. We'll then look at a number of techniques for transforming qualitative data into findings, such as clustering themes to create typologies, aggregating themes for formulating hypotheses, and scoring themes across cases. The workshop will conclude by looking at the ladder of abstraction in qualitative analysis whereby different qualitative outcomes reach different level of inferences. This ladder is particularly helpful in planning how much work your qualitative analysis will require if your study outcome is set to identify associations (e.g. go for a walk in a park) or develop a full-blown middle-range theory (e.g. climb the Everest).

Thursday, January 27th

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10:30-11:30 Session 5: Round Table

Transmedia Data Challenges: Collection, Analysis and Beyond

Judita Kasperiuniene (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania), Edgaras Ščiglinskas (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) and Tomas Krilavičius (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania)

Transmedia narratives are a new and rapidly evolving concept that has gained extreme popularity in our days. It is a new but rapidly evolving technique where a single story is told through a variety of digital tools - virtual environments, computer games, apps, interactive webcasts, and many others in a variety of virtual platforms such as websites, blogs, social networks, gaming portals and many more. Transmedia narrative is a specific type of storytelling that allows listeners to become part of the story. In this roundtable, we will show different examples of transmedia narratives and showcase applications of different technologies for data collection and analysis. We will discuss the application of artificial environments and smart devices for behavioural data collection. Moreover, we will show how to use artificial intelligence, language technologies, data visualization, and social networks analysis tools to investigate such data to gain novel insights and generate new ideas and research.

12:50-14:20 Session 7A: Abstract Presentation
"Treating risk": Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia patients´ perceptions of medical surveillance (abstract)
Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Organizational Climate in A Hospital Context to Fight Covid-19: Preliminary Note (abstract)
Best Practices for Conducting a Literature Review with ATLAS.ti 22 (abstract)
PRESENTER: Neringa Kalpokas
Creating Hybrid over the Top (OTT) monetisation Model in South Africa (abstract)
12:50-14:20 Session 7B: Abstract Presentation
Introduction to qualitative research in Educational Psychology: Feedback from master’s students (abstract)
Scoping review on Patient Safety in the area of Radiodiagnostics, with support of webQDA® software (abstract)
Collaborative steering committees as a strategy for implementing participatory evaluations in Global Health Research (abstract)
Findings as Fiction: Disrupting Traditional Methods of Research Dissemination to Consider Audiences Within and Beyond the Academy (abstract)
12:50-14:20 Session 7C: Abstract Presentation
Work Changes due to COVID-19: Perceptions of Portuguese Workers (abstract)
Working during Covid-19 lockdowns: Qualitative study of psychological adaptation of nurses and telecommuting workers during pandemic phases I and III (abstract)
PRESENTER: Mónica Pires
A Capabilities Framework for Human Resources Professionals within the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in South Africa (abstract)
Participant anonymity: Subverting, protecting and critiquing research participants’ voices in contexts of inequity (abstract)
14:30-16:00 Session 8A: Panel Discussion: Best Practices for Undertaking and Publishing Qualitative Scholarship

Best Practices for Undertaking and Publishing Qualitative Scholarship

Wayne Babchuk (Department of Educational Psychology University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA), Dawn O. Braithwaite (Department of Communication Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA), Rochelle L. Dalla (Department of Child, Youth, & Family Studies University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA), Katie M. Edwards (Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Family, & Schools, and Educational Psychology University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA), Tiffani Luethke (Department of Communications University of Nebraska-Kearney, USA), Tiffany Young (Department of Education Doane University of Crete, Nebraska, USA)


Publishing is a critical component of academic scholarship and is a key component for faculty and student success. Historically, much attention has been given to publishing quantitative research with less attention and status accorded to publishing qualitative scholarship. In addition, editors and reviewers may not be as educated on the different goals and standards for evaluating qualitative scholarship. While undertaking and publishing qualitative scholarship shares features in common with all scholarly peer reviewed publications, there are unique features to this work that both authors and reviewers need to consider. The discussion panelists are all affiliated with the Qualitative and Mixed Methods Interest Group (QMM) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln USA; part of the university’s interdisciplinary Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Consortium (SBSRC).

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14:30-16:00 Session 8B: Panel Discussion: Biographical-Narrative research in education: a sociopolitical commitment

Biographical-Narrative research in education: a socio-political commitment

José Ignacio Rivas Flores (Department of Didactics and School Management, University of Malaga, Spain), Piedad Calvo León (Department of Didactics and School Management, University of Malaga, Spain), José Luis del Río Fernández (Department of Didactics and School Management, University of Malaga, Spain), María José Delgado Corredera (Doctoral student, University of Malaga, Spain), Pablo Fernández Torres (Department of Didactics and School Management, University of Malaga, Spain), Blas González Alba (Junta de Andalucía, Spain), Analía Elizabeth Leite Méndez (Department of Didactics and School Management, University of Malaga, Spain), Moisés Mañas Olmo (Department of Research Methods, University of Málaga, Spain), Virginia Martagón Vázquez (Department of Didactics and School Management, University of Malaga, Spain), and M. Esther Prados Megías (Department of Education, University of Almeria, Spain)


The panel presents some advances in biographical-narrative research based on the projects currently being carried out by ProCIE Research Group (Spain). The purpose is to highlight the role played by this type of research in social transformation developed in different educational contexts, formal and non-formal. Especially in those in which the group is involved. In these works, there is a special interest in that research and training (both go hand in hand) are part of processes of change and transformation in communities, groups and individuals that are especially vulnerable or at risk of vulnerability, which has always led us to act from a particular political, educational, ethical, and epistemological position in which the different members feel committed.

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16:10-18:10 Session 9A: Abstract Presentation
Guidelines for Student Self-Efficacy in the Teaching and Learning Environment of Undergraduate Natural Sciences (abstract)
Arthur's trust in healthcare professionals: An interpretative phenomenological analysis case study (abstract)
Dealing with the challenges of a virtual classroom ethnography. (abstract)
Researching the Living World of Security Risk Management (SRM) (abstract)
A Qualitative Investigation of the Barriers and Facilitators To Lgbtq+ Young People‘s Self-Management of Their Mental Health (abstract)
16:10-18:10 Session 9B: Abstract Presentation
A Research Team’s Journey of Unpacking the Lived Experience of a COVID-19 Outbreak for Frontline Providers in a Residential Setting for Those with Disabilities: The Simplicity and the Power of Asking to Understand (abstract)
PRESENTER: Lenora Duhn
The big challenge out here is getting stuff: Exploring how the social determinants of health affect diabetes self-management education for older adults (abstract)
It’s Possible to Learn Evidence in The Nursing Degree Course? (abstract)
Instilling Value-Significance in Land Ownership in the Northern Cape Province (abstract)
16:10-18:10 Session 9C: Abstract Presentation
Developing a bricoleuric strategy for a single national emergency number in South Africa (abstract)
Developing a Model for Achieving Operational Efficiency for Historically Disadvantaged Individuals within the Petroleum Industry (abstract)
PRESENTER: Harry Mtshweni
Developing a Public-Private Partnership Model for a Medical School: A Case Study for Lesotho (abstract)
Positive Psychology as a Strategy for Leadership Development in Gauteng Hospitals: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (abstract)
16:10-18:10 Session 9D: Abstract Presentation
A Critical Examination of the Common Law Director Duties and Shareholder Remedies as Codified into the UK Companies Act 2006 (abstract)
ACAID System – A Diagnostic, Prescriptive, Therapeutic Framework for Perpetrators and Victims of Gender Based Violence (abstract)
PRESENTER: Violet M Shai
Connecting Theoretical Perspectives and Praxis on African Women Leadership and Development Agenda (abstract)
The Relevance of Financial Management Practices in Struggling Small-Medium Enterprises in South Africa (abstract)
The role and potential of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in early childhood education in South Africa: A theoretical perspective (abstract)
Friday, January 28th

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10:30-12:00 Session 10A: Workshop

Teaching Qualitative Research in Covid-19 Times

Melanie Nind (National Centre for Research Methods/ Education School, University of Southampton, UK) and Sarah Lewthwaite (Centre for Research in Inclusion / Education School, University of Southampton, UK)

The NCRM Pedagogy of Methodological Learning study concluded that teaching qualitative research involves conceptually difficult material, which requires deep knowledge of qualitative research and involves fostering reflexivity. Participating teachers of qualitative methods used student-centred learning and active and experiential learning approaches, as well as their own and learners’ data and standpoints, in seeking deep engagement. The Covid-19 pandemic has necessitated new creativity in how qualitative research is conducted and taught and learnt, including the common switch to online.

This workshop aims to engage participants who teach qualitative methods to reflect on the interactions between the nature of qualitative research, their teaching approaches and the changing social context. Participants will use the framework of teaching approach, strategy, tactics and tasks from Nind and Lewthwaite (2020) to discursively reflect on what is most important to them in teaching research methods and how we bring our pedagogical and research values into our (online) classrooms and supervisions. The expected outcome is new clarity and enhanced energy for making our teaching of qualitative research internally coherent and fit for our time. The workshop will last for 1.5 hours.

10:30-12:00 Session 10B: Workshop

Qualitative Evidence Synthesis – An Introduction

King Costa (Global Centre for Academic Research, South Africa) and Lloyd Leach (Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science, University of the Western Cape, South Africa)

Brief context: The outbreak of COVID-19 disrupted research methods just as it had to all other sectors of education across the globe. Many institutions and organisations, including researchers sought to find ways to deal with research while observing the requirement for remote interactions. While many options have been implemented, the use of systematic reviews, and in particular, Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) have not been explored.Objective(s): This workshop introduces opportunities students and researchers can explore with a rigorous and high-level methodology such as QES. It also introduces the value of research preservation through evidence collation. It provides participants with real-time approach to appraise literature to ascertain quality of primary research for supporting decisions for social interventions.

10:30-12:00 Session 10C: Workshop

Introduction to ATLAS.ti 22:Tools for Digging into your Qualitative Data

Neringa Kalpokas (Director, ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH) and Ivana Radivojevic (Project Manager, ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH)

ATLAS.ti is a powerful computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) that facilitates the analysis of unstructured and semi-structured data in any discipline. This workshop will present a global overview of ATLAS.ti 22 Win/Mac and Web, including the fundamental procedures related to creating a project, segmenting the data, coding, analysis, and obtaining results. The objective of this session is to provide a practical introduction of ATLAS.ti so that participants will know how to use the software in their own research projects, across any discipline and qualitative methodology. This session will show each step of creating a project, organising and importing various types of data (including text, image, audio, video, survey data, bibliographic references, Evernote data, Twitter data, and geo-data), carrying out coding and writing memos, creating semantic networks, using the advanced analysis tools, and exporting reports of results. The diverse features of ATLAS.ti can help you to arrange, reassemble, and manage your material in creative yet systematic ways. You can use ATLAS.ti for your qualitative study, literature review, or mixed methods research. Students use the software to complete their theses and dissertations. Researchers conduct their analyses and obtain rigorous results to publish in journals with the help of ATLAS.ti. Professionals take advantage of the software to carry out private research, evaluate programmes and analyse market trends. By attending this Demo Session on ATLAS.ti 22, each person will leave with a global understanding of how the software works and in what ways they can take advantage of this tool to dig deeper into their qualitative data.

12:10-13:40 Session 11A: Abstract Presentation
Legitimacy of pain: A Qualitative Approach (abstract)
The person with chronic kidney disease: commitment to the course of illness (abstract)
Learning to Lead: An Approach to Develop Leading Skills in Software Engineering at University (abstract)
PRESENTER: Sonia Pamplona
The effects of counseling on Health Care workers (HCWs) with comorbidities as compared to those without comorbidities in South Africa (abstract)
12:10-13:40 Session 11B: Abstract Presentation
Iterative development of semi-structured interviews using dialogic theory (abstract)
Digital management of material, information, and data by a student with special needs in a higher education institution during COVID-19 (abstract)
PRESENTER: Mohamed Samunn
Diagramming complex thinking: Challenges and opportunities in qualitatively analysing the complexity of thinking patterns and movements (abstract)
Network-based participatory evaluation, self-regulation and sustainability in Professional Higher Education (abstract)
PRESENTER: Denise Leite
12:10-13:40 Session 11C: Abstract Presentation
Public Procurement as an Instrument for Transparency and Competition of Public Procurement (abstract)
Home(s) and “staying at home”: An exploratory study of the psychosocial impacts of housing inequalities during the Covid-19 pandemic (abstract)
Social research in COVID-19 pandemic times: A systematic visuo-textual analysis of student experiences in postgraduate training (abstract)
PRESENTER: Sandra Saúde
Change Management as a requirement in introducing ICT in curriculum delivery – The Gauteng Experience (abstract)
12:11-13:40 Session 12: Video Presentation

NOTE: Projection of presentations in recorded video format, submitted and published on the WCQR Youtube channel. The authors of published videos can attend the session and respond to comments and questions from participants.


English as Medium of Instruction and Student-Centered Learning methodologies in food studies: a case study (abstract)
PRESENTER: Leandro Oliveira
Innovative Teaching Methodology for the Development of Management Competences in Nursing Students (abstract)
Doing Qualitative Research Using Phenomenological Inquiry: An approach from Heidegger's standpoint (abstract)
Ethics and Humanities in the undergraduate medicine at Federal University of Bahia (abstract)
PRESENTER: Renata Veras
Social Network Analysis and its use based on Nvivo example (abstract)
PRESENTER: Jakub Niedbalski
How operate literature review through qualitative and quantitative analysis integration? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Isabel Pinho
Discrimination and Denial of the Rights of Women With Disabilities (abstract)
Reconstruction of Daily life: The Lived experience of the family post-caregiver (abstract)
The reshuffle of the United Arab Emirates government in 2020 and the new context of happiness as a government policy - Content analysis with webQDA (abstract)
Effectiveness of In-Service Education and Training (INSET) of Teachers in Gloria District (abstract)
Perceptions of Primary School English Teachers regarding Distance Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in San Carlos, Costa Rica (abstract)
Qualitative analysis methodology in digital alternative journalism - exploring the Reporters Sans Frontières platform (abstract)
Trends in techno-social environments and gerontechnological innovation: A mapping supported by webQDA (abstract)
Rehabilitation Nurse's Perspective on Transitional Care: An Online Focus Group (abstract)
PRESENTER: Rita Pedrosa
Negative Impact of COVID-19 on Elderly : A Systematic Review (abstract)
How to care Heart Faiure Patients - Nursing interventions (abstract)
PRESENTER: Ana Sofia Nabais
An online problem-based learning, during the pandemic: the analyze SWOT of the nursing student´s opinion (abstract)
Coding large qualitative data sets electronically while maintaining methodological rigor (abstract)
Researching Rural Women: Significance of the Interaction between Participants and the Researcher’s ‘Self’ (abstract)
Perception of barriers and facilitators of the patient safety program in university dental clinics: An ethnographic approach (abstract)
Postanesthesia Nursing Clinical Reasoning: Contributions to Managing Uncertainty (abstract)
Nursing interventions after angioplasty to client with acute myocardial infarction in a intensive care unit (abstract)
Studying inclusion in music education - an integrative literature review as a support in the choice of methodology, using Webqda. (abstract)
PRESENTER: Davys Moreno
Transitional Experience of Nurse Educators to the Outcomes Based Education Nursing Curriculum (abstract)
Analysis of the communication of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder through webQDA: an exploratory study (abstract)
PRESENTER: Davys Moreno
Psychoanalytic informed qualitative research: theoretical methodological contributions (abstract)
Methodological reflexions about inclusive and communitarian group discussion in virtual environments (abstract)
Thermalism in Portugal: corporate response to the COVID-19 pandemic – Strategy, Human Resources and marketing approach (abstract)
Language challenges in Higher Education during the Covid-19 pandemic in a multilingual society: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) (abstract)
A Model to Develop Middle Management Women in Limpopo Public Service to Enhance Service Delivery (abstract)
Exploring the dark side of digital inclusion: the lived experiences of survivors of internet fraud (abstract)
Vaccine Hesitation in Childhood: Narrative Review of Information Published on Social Media About Vaccination in contemporaneity (abstract)
Development of learning and core content in an online research Master (abstract)
Barriers faced by nurses working in Primary Health Units: Brazilian case study (abstract)
Bibliographic and content review on the use of ICT in people with disabilities and with autism spectrum disorder during the pandemic period (abstract)
Study and analysis of learning and teaching in higher education (abstract)
PRESENTER: Violeta Hidalgo
Patient Safety in Nursing Graduation: Student Perspective (abstract)
Analysis of the Beliefs Manifested by Individuals on Facebook in Face of COVID-19 (abstract)
PRESENTER: Sheyla Fernandes
Use And Attributes Given to Practices and Complementary by Pregnant Women Who Use Primary Health Care System (abstract)
15:00-16:00 Session 14: Plenary Conference

Undertaking Qualitative Research with Co-researchers: The Messy Reality

Caroline Bradbury-Jones (University of Birmingham (UK)

Participatory approaches are extremely popular in qualitative research and the modes of engagement are many and varied. Working with members of the public as co-researchers is one participatory approach that has gained considerable traction over recent years. Co-research is an approach whereby lay public are integrated into a research team and they engage actively with different elements of the project. They are frequently chosen on the basis of their shared experiences and/or characteristics with the study participants. An aspiration model of engagement is for co-researchers to co-design the study and co-produce its outputs. The rationale is that their insider stance can bring invaluable insights into shaping the research questions and the methods through which these are addressed. In real world research this gold standard ‘inception to end’ model can be difficult (although not impossible) to achieve, but nevertheless, the engagement of co-researchers for key parts of a research project is infinitely achievable. In qualitative research, co-researchers are frequently involved with data generation, analysis and report writing. The argument is that a shared identity with the study participants, yields rich qualitative insights that are difficult to achieve with an outsider lens.

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