This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
4 | |
4IR | |
A | |
Access to healthcare | |
Access to social services | |
accessibility | |
Action research | |
Acute myocardial infarction | |
Adverse events | |
African women | |
Alpha dream work | |
Alternative journalism | |
Angioplasty | |
Application of ICT in learning | |
Art-based methodologies | |
Art-based research | |
ATLAS.ti | |
Auditor General | |
Autism Spectrum Disorder | |
B | |
Basic Education | |
Basic Health Unit | |
behaviour change | |
Bibliometric analysis | |
Bill of Law | |
Bounded Rationality | |
Brazilian Executive Power | |
Bricolage | |
Bricoleuric | |
C | |
Capabilities | |
Case study | |
Cervical cancer prevention | |
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia | |
Change management | |
Chronic kidney disease | |
chronically ill | |
Clinical Reasoning | |
Codification | |
Cognitive complexity | |
Collaborative Steering Committees | |
commitment | |
Common law | |
Communication | |
community assets | |
Community Health Indicators | |
Comorbidities | |
Companies Act | |
competencies | |
Competition | |
Complementary and integrative practices | |
Complex Thinking | |
Comprehensive Health Care | |
Content analysis | |
Continuing Education | |
Continuity of care | |
Cooperative learning | |
Coping | |
Coronavirus | |
Corporate governance | |
Costa Rica | |
Counselling | |
counter-narratives | |
COVID-19 | |
Covid-19 pandemic | |
criança | |
critical discourse analysis | |
Critical Race Theory | |
Curriculum | |
D | |
Daily life | |
Dental Staff | |
Diabetes self-management education | |
Diagnostic | |
Diagramming | |
dialogic theory | |
Digital Divide | |
Digital Inclusion | |
directed content analysis | |
Director’s duties | |
Disability | |
discourse analysis | |
Distance education | |
drawings | |
E | |
Early childhood development | |
Economic Activity | |
Education Higher | |
Education transformation | |
educational assistive technology (EAT) | |
Educational outcomes | |
Educational Psychology | |
educação médica | |
efficacy | |
Elderly | |
electronic data analysis | |
Emergency numbers | |
Emotional regulation | |
Empowerment | |
English as Medium of Instruction | |
English teaching | |
episodic master narrative | |
Ethnography | |
Evaluator's Role | |
Evidence-Based Practice | |
Experiential detail | |
experts | |
F | |
fake news | |
Family post-caregiver | |
Feminism | |
Feminist Methodology | |
Fiction | |
Financial Management | |
Focus Groups | |
Food Studies | |
foundational master narrative | |
Framework | |
Free Association Narrative Interview (FANI) | |
Functionality | |
Future | |
G | |
Gauteng Department of Education | |
Gender and Intersectionality | |
gender minority adolescents | |
Gerontechnological innovation | |
Global Health Research | |
Glocalisation | |
Government Communication | |
group discussion | |
guidelines | |
H | |
Health Care Workers | |
health crisis | |
Health Management | |
health tourism | |
Heart failure | |
Heidegger | |
Heideggerian phenomenology | |
Hermeneutic phenomenology | |
Hesitação vacinal | |
Higher Education | |
Historically Disadvantaged Individuals | |
Home Education | |
Homeless Persons | |
Homeschooling | |
Hospital | |
hospitality | |
Hospitalization | |
Housing | |
Human papillomavirus | |
Human resource practices | |
Human Resources | |
Humanities | |
Humanization | |
Hybrid Model | |
I | |
ICT | |
ICT Integration | |
Identity | |
idiography | |
Inclusion | |
Information Communication Technology | |
Initial teacher training | |
Instil | |
Integrating text mining and qualitative analysis | |
Integrative Literature Review | |
Intensive care unit | |
Internationalization | |
Internet Fraud | |
interpretative phenomenological analysis | |
interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) | |
interpretive phenomenological research | |
Interprofessional Relations | |
interviews | |
Investment Appraisal | |
K | |
K12 program | |
Knowledge | |
L | |
labour market | |
Land ownership | |
Large textual data sets | |
Leadership | |
Leadership Capabilities | |
Leadership Development | |
Leading Skills | |
Learning | |
Learning problems | |
Learning process | |
Lesotho | |
LGBTQ+ | |
Literature Review | |
Lived experience | |
lockdown | |
M | |
Management | |
Mapping | |
marketing | |
Medical education | |
Medical School | |
mental health | |
methodology | |
Middle Management Women | |
Middle Managers | |
midias sociais | |
Mixed intra-paradigm qualitative research design | |
Mixed Methods | |
Mixed methods. | |
Mobile Phone | |
Model Development | |
Monetization | |
Multilingual society | |
Music Education | |
N | |
narrative resistance | |
Negative capability | |
Negative impact | |
Network-Based participatory Evaluation | |
Nuclear concepts | |
nurse educators | |
Nurses | |
Nursing | |
Nursing care | |
Nursing Education | |
Nursing interventions | |
Nursing program | |
Nursing Students | |
NVivo | |
O | |
Older adults | |
Online Learning | |
online qualitative data | |
Operational Efficiency Petroleum | |
Organizational Climate | |
OTT | |
outcomes-based education | |
P | |
Pain | |
pandemic | |
Participant anonymity | |
participants' voice | |
Participatory action research | |
Participatory Evaluation | |
Pathfinder Associative Networks | |
Patient Assistance Team | |
Patient Safety | |
patient-healthcare professional relationship | |
Pedagogical value | |
pediatria | |
Performance | |
phenomenological inquiry | |
phenomenological research methods | |
Phenomenology | |
Photovoice | |
Physical health | |
Place attachment | |
positionality | |
Positive psychology | |
Postanesthesia Nursing | |
Postoperative Care | |
Poststructuralism | |
Practice Guidelines as Topic | |
Pregnant | |
Prescriptive | |
Primary Health Care | |
primary school education | |
Primary school teachers | |
Problem Based Learning | |
Professional Competence | |
professional development | |
Professional Master | |
Psychological adaptation | |
psychology | |
Psychosocial impacts | |
Public entities | |
public health | |
Public Procurement | |
Public-Private Partnerships | |
Q | |
Q-sorting | |
Qualitative analysis | |
Qualitative and Quantitative data | |
qualitative content analysis | |
Qualitative data data analyses | |
Qualitative health research | |
Qualitative Methodology | |
qualitative representation | |
Qualitative Research | |
Qualitative reserch | |
Quality | |
quality of life | |
Quarantine | |
Queer Theory | |
R | |
Radiodiagnosis | |
Reflection | |
Reflexivity and Situatedness | |
Regulation | |
Rehabilitation Nurse | |
Reporters Sans Frontières | |
Research | |
Research in psychoanalysis | |
Researcher process | |
Restorying | |
Review | |
rights discrimination | |
S | |
School Management Teams | |
Schools for Health Professionals | |
Scientific Mapping | |
Scoping Review | |
Security risk management (SRM) | |
Selected fact | |
self-efficacy | |
self-management | |
self-perception | |
Self-Regulated Learning | |
Semi-supervised topic modeling | |
Service Delivery | |
Social determinants of health | |
Social inequalities | |
Social Legitimacy | |
Social Network Analysis | |
Social perceptions of health | |
social policy | |
social research experiences | |
Sociograms | |
Software Engineering | |
South African Police Service | |
Storytelling | |
Strategies | |
Strategy | |
Student Nurses | |
Student-Centered Learning | |
Students | |
Students Nursing | |
support networks | |
supports | |
sustainability | |
Sustainable Future | |
SWOT analysis | |
systematic visuo-textual analysis | |
T | |
teachers | |
Teachers' collegial discussions | |
Teachers' communities of learning | |
Teaching and Learning | |
Teaching Hospitals | |
teaching methodologies | |
Techno-social environments | |
Telecommuting | |
textual analysis | |
Textual data | |
Thematic analysis | |
theoretical domains framework | |
Therapeutic | |
thermalism | |
training | |
Transformation | |
Transition | |
Transitional care | |
transitional experience | |
Transparency | |
trust | |
U | |
UAE Happiness Ministry | |
Uncertainty | |
undergraduate students | |
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) | |
University | |
V | |
Value-significance | |
Video Analysis | |
virtual environments | |
virtual ethnography | |
visual methods | |
Visual outputs | |
Visual techniques | |
Visualizing conversation data | |
W | |
webQDA | |
Women | |
women with disabilities | |
Women´s health | |
Work Changes | |
Working Capital |