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10:30-12:00 Session 10A: Workshop

Teaching Qualitative Research in Covid-19 Times

Melanie Nind (National Centre for Research Methods/ Education School, University of Southampton, UK) and Sarah Lewthwaite (Centre for Research in Inclusion / Education School, University of Southampton, UK)

The NCRM Pedagogy of Methodological Learning study concluded that teaching qualitative research involves conceptually difficult material, which requires deep knowledge of qualitative research and involves fostering reflexivity. Participating teachers of qualitative methods used student-centred learning and active and experiential learning approaches, as well as their own and learners’ data and standpoints, in seeking deep engagement. The Covid-19 pandemic has necessitated new creativity in how qualitative research is conducted and taught and learnt, including the common switch to online.

This workshop aims to engage participants who teach qualitative methods to reflect on the interactions between the nature of qualitative research, their teaching approaches and the changing social context. Participants will use the framework of teaching approach, strategy, tactics and tasks from Nind and Lewthwaite (2020) to discursively reflect on what is most important to them in teaching research methods and how we bring our pedagogical and research values into our (online) classrooms and supervisions. The expected outcome is new clarity and enhanced energy for making our teaching of qualitative research internally coherent and fit for our time. The workshop will last for 1.5 hours.

10:30-12:00 Session 10B: Workshop

Qualitative Evidence Synthesis – An Introduction

King Costa (Global Centre for Academic Research, South Africa) and Lloyd Leach (Department of Sport, Recreation and Exercise Science, University of the Western Cape, South Africa)

Brief context: The outbreak of COVID-19 disrupted research methods just as it had to all other sectors of education across the globe. Many institutions and organisations, including researchers sought to find ways to deal with research while observing the requirement for remote interactions. While many options have been implemented, the use of systematic reviews, and in particular, Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) have not been explored.Objective(s): This workshop introduces opportunities students and researchers can explore with a rigorous and high-level methodology such as QES. It also introduces the value of research preservation through evidence collation. It provides participants with real-time approach to appraise literature to ascertain quality of primary research for supporting decisions for social interventions.

10:30-12:00 Session 10C: Workshop

Introduction to ATLAS.ti 22:Tools for Digging into your Qualitative Data

Neringa Kalpokas (Director, ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH) and Ivana Radivojevic (Project Manager, ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH)

ATLAS.ti is a powerful computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS) that facilitates the analysis of unstructured and semi-structured data in any discipline. This workshop will present a global overview of ATLAS.ti 22 Win/Mac and Web, including the fundamental procedures related to creating a project, segmenting the data, coding, analysis, and obtaining results. The objective of this session is to provide a practical introduction of ATLAS.ti so that participants will know how to use the software in their own research projects, across any discipline and qualitative methodology. This session will show each step of creating a project, organising and importing various types of data (including text, image, audio, video, survey data, bibliographic references, Evernote data, Twitter data, and geo-data), carrying out coding and writing memos, creating semantic networks, using the advanced analysis tools, and exporting reports of results. The diverse features of ATLAS.ti can help you to arrange, reassemble, and manage your material in creative yet systematic ways. You can use ATLAS.ti for your qualitative study, literature review, or mixed methods research. Students use the software to complete their theses and dissertations. Researchers conduct their analyses and obtain rigorous results to publish in journals with the help of ATLAS.ti. Professionals take advantage of the software to carry out private research, evaluate programmes and analyse market trends. By attending this Demo Session on ATLAS.ti 22, each person will leave with a global understanding of how the software works and in what ways they can take advantage of this tool to dig deeper into their qualitative data.

12:10-13:40 Session 11A: Abstract Presentation
Legitimacy of pain: A Qualitative Approach

ABSTRACT. Introduction: Current research has shown that pain is not a purely physical sensation. While there may be a nociceptive component of pain, the brain has to interpret the damage as an unpleasant experience to be considered as such pain. Therefore, pain is a complex emotion, that can be affected by psychological, cultural and social factors. In particular, social legitimacy of pain, social perceptions that make some kinds of pain more credible and worth of being cared than others, may affect the way people experience and manage pain

Goals and Methods. This contribution presents the results of a study about the legitimacy of pain in Spanish society. The study applied two different research techniques. First, 8 focus groups with the general population in order to study social perceptions about the legitimacy of pain. Second, 19 interviews with people affected by different types of pain, whether it has physical, psychic, emotional or social causes. The objective was to check if there are any correspondence between social discourses on the legitimacy of pain and the experiences of people who currently suffer from pain.

Results: Our results points to a huge difference between public discourses about pain produced in the focus groups and the perceptions of the sufferers interviewed. Participants in focus groups showed a high degree of empathy to pain in all its variants, including its psychological and emotional ones. But the interviews with people in pain told a very different story. The sufferers tend to complain about a huge pressure to rejoin their everyday roles, a widespread sense of being habitually questioned or blamed by their own conditions, and a broad lack of understanding by their environments.

Conclusions: The possible causes of these differences and its implications for the study of pain will be discussed.

The person with chronic kidney disease: commitment to the course of illness

ABSTRACT. Introduction - In the context of nursing care of patients with Chronic Kidney disease, there is an evident need to expand our understanding of the implications of the commitment by people in the course of their diseases. Commitment is action in the sense that action means freedom and knowledge Personal commitment targets beyond the current situation of the “here and now” circumstances. It is the ability to anticipate and shape future situations, it requires behavioral changes, according to the goals to be attained, in order to achieve certain personal wellness and quality of life. Such commitment constitutes a highly personal choice. This study is set out to investigate and contribute to understanding by exploring and describing the process of commitment to health by patients with a chronic illness. Goals and Methods - Considering that commitment is the patient’s responsible attitude towards illness and that self-awareness account for changes in lifestyle and setting of new goals for life, the subject under investigation is: • How the person with chronic kidney disease commits to the course of his illness? Ethnographic methodologies with in-depth interviews, participant observation, and field notes are considered to be the best approach to obtaining rich data. Data were collected from 10 adults with Chronic Kidney disease. Data analyses were made by using content analyses. Results- we found 3 categories, commitment focus, commitment level, and commitment type Conclusion - The commitment to the course of the disease is a predictor and supports changes in health behaviors. The levels of commitment are related to the levels of satisfaction, the size of the investment, and the quality of alternatives in the life changes made related to the disease. The greater the commitment, the more easily they make and maintain the changes necessary for the stability of the disease. The commitment to the disease is greater and more easily maintained if the management of the therapeutic regime is shared with the family. Changing habits and attitudes are difficult when the group in which the person is included does not feel the need to change.

Learning to Lead: An Approach to Develop Leading Skills in Software Engineering at University
PRESENTER: Sonia Pamplona

ABSTRACT. Introduction The success of a project depends greatly on how the people involved are able to work together towards the same goal. The leader of a project is an enabler of this task and acts to inspire and organize the team energies and capabilities to achieve the project target. This is why students need to develop soft skills in addition to hard skills during their time at university.

This is not a trivial challenge because leadership is, to a large extent, experiential. In this work we present the results of our approach towards learning leadership in software engineering in university degree studies.

In Software Engineering (January-May 2021), we created a fictitious software company composed by the 58 students who had signed up for the course. An external fictitious client engaged a project to be delivered by this company. The company was led by three senior students who used this experience as subject for their final thesis. This work focuses only on the learning process of these three students.

Goals and Methods The objective is to analyze the learning process experienced by the leader students. We have used the following sources for our qualitative study: final theses of the three students and interviews with the students, the course professor and the client.

Results We have witnessed the evolution and improvement in the approach of the leader students to communication and leadership challenges during project execution. Moreover, each of the students has obtained their own set of skills, byproduct of their motivation and their degree of responsibility within the software company.

Conclusions This work makes two contributions to the educational community: the design of the educational approach, and the design of the qualitative analytical process. Both can serve as a reference for future leadership training initiatives.

The effects of counseling on Health Care workers (HCWs) with comorbidities as compared to those without comorbidities in South Africa

ABSTRACT. Comorbidities in Public Health Sector are a major health risk associated with increased health care cost. HCWs presenting with comorbidities exhaust health budget due to chronic absenteeism as compared to HCWs with no comorbidities. This is an ongoing study with the purpose to review literature on effects of counseling on HCWs with comorbidities. The study aims to understand narratives of HCWs with comorbidities as well as developing a framework for managing them. Theory on Person Centered Approach and Social Constructivism will assist to understand their narratives. This will help to reframe the research question which is “How effective is counseling on HCWs with comorbidities as compared to HCWs with no comorbidities. South African studies between 2018 and 2021 were selected using Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES) which compares qualitative findings. QES looks for common themes that lie across qualitative investigations. Purposive Sampling was adopted to select relevant articles using key words to be included in the study. For data collection, Prisma workflow will be used, which will assist to identify, select, screen, and appraise articles for eligibility, while Critical Appraisal and Skills Program (CASP) is best for appraising relevant articles for inclusion according to the ten criteria list. A thematic analysis based on narratives together with WEBQDA software will be used to analyze data. The findings from the study will benefit managers in reducing the risk and cost on Health Care Systems and ease the burden on HCW without comorbidities. Recommendations will be made based on gaps identified from the reviews.

12:10-13:40 Session 11B: Abstract Presentation
Iterative development of semi-structured interviews using dialogic theory

ABSTRACT. Introduction: The primary goal of interview research is to understand as deeply as possible the perspectives of research participants. Needless to say, various meta-discussions of interview research illustrate that the interview process is confounded by, among other things, a number of influences that relate to the complexities of social interaction. Differences in positionalities between researcher and research participant present significant challenges in both structuring the interview and making sense of the result data, necessitating development of a methodological framework to provide guidance for researchers engaged with interview research in multicultural and multilingual contexts.

Goals and methods: This necessitates an analysis of interview data drawn from a larger ethnographic study of a language classroom context involving an L1 English-speaking researcher and L1 Japanese-speaking students of English to illustrate challenges within and methodological implications for interview research. Discourse analysis employing theories of dialogue provides useful guidance for post-interview reflections that can help to shape future iterations of interviews and other engaged interactions with research participants.

Results: Discussion of this analysis highlights instances where researcher and research participant encounter differences in understanding not merely at a language level but also at a discourse level where there is a misalignment of expectations and cultural assumptions, prompting the researcher to redevelop semi-structured interviews with later respondents. In particular, critical consideration of an iterative process that alternates between conducting interviews and producing reflections leads to a proposed formalization of methodological development while in the field, taking into account research participants' identities and sociocultural resources.

Conclusions: These reflections and methodological shifts thus form the basis for a methodological framework that can benefit researchers in not simply considering their positionality relative to the research context, but also in more concretely crafting interview research to cross divides of language and culture.

Digital management of material, information, and data by a student with special needs in a higher education institution during COVID-19
PRESENTER: Mohamed Samunn

ABSTRACT. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and digital accessibility help increase learning access and reduce barriers for students with special needs in higher education (HE) institutions. This is critical as COVID-19 has transformed learning to an online format and requires adequate digital access without barriers for a student to make their educational journey smooth. UDL guides faculty and students to design learning tasks and assignments that can be completed in multiple ways. Educational assistive technology (EAT) helps HE students with special needs to explore and identify the differences between their learning barriers and learning opportunities available. EAT is used to find alternative ways to access and engage with the learning materials and activities that are presented to them and helps manage the learning differences of the student. This paper is based on the experience of the author as an educational therapist and as a caregiver to his undergraduate son with special needs who uses EAT from his secondary school onwards. This case study uses interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) as a research methodology to understand the lived experience of the author’s son using EAT in his learning journey. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted and supplemented with two vignettes outlining the experience of the mother (primary caregiver of the student) and the father. Data analysis revealed that this student benefits from EAT that enhances a set of skills and talents that are unique to him. The findings are descriptive in nature and do not directly relate to any theory and is considered as a rich description of the experience of EAT usage by people with special needs.

Diagramming complex thinking: Challenges and opportunities in qualitatively analysing the complexity of thinking patterns and movements

ABSTRACT. Introduction. Diagrams, maps and other visual techniques serve different purposes in qualitative research, playing different roles, at different stages. In evaluating cognitive complexity, structural properties as differentiation and integration are often captured through a network approach. We adopt a framework for conceptualising complex thinking as a mode of coupling with a target system that is organised according to properties of complex systems, where the outcomes might depend on the relational configuration of such properties. Goals. We aimed to develop a qualitative process to analyse the complexity of the thinking underlying case conceptualisations in an exploratory study with practitioners, conducting family assessments/interventions in cases of multiple challenges. This process should be coherent with the embodied, process, “in motion” nature of the thinking, capturing as many properties as possible and attending to the “parts'' (‘building blocks’ and micro thinking movements) and the whole (macro “dance”, characterised by a particular relational configuration). Methods. We built upon our conceptual framework to develop a mapping process for building diagrams, capturing different contents and properties (parts) of the thinking. We then coded a sample of visual maps to develop the broad categories of a new scheme aiming to grasp salient qualities of these maps (wholes). Results. We illustrate a preliminary proposal of a process and notation for diagramming maps of complex thinking as:(i) outcomes of an initial qualitative coding exercise (guided by the theoretical framework); (ii) input tools, generating new types of relational information to be further coded, to qualify overall configurations of relations and movements. Conclusions. We reflect on the potential, challenges and limitations of our proposal and expand reflection from research to practice, focusing on its performative potential to support the enactment of the properties it aims to map, towards more complex outcomes (e.g. emergence of novel clinical hypotheses).

Network-based participatory evaluation, self-regulation and sustainability in Professional Higher Education
PRESENTER: Denise Leite

ABSTRACT. The Professional and Technological Education Professional Master’s Program (ProfEPT) has been operating since 2017, across Brazil’s most distant locations. Its interdisciplinary curriculum seeks both the production of knowledge and the development of products by performing research that integrates the knowledge inherent in the world of labour, to the universal knowledge systematized making use of distance and remote learning with Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs). This article will be emphasized the procedures of its self-regulating evaluation, which best characterizes the perspective of the pro-sustainable development attitudes in higher education. The network-based participatory evaluation assigns spaces for discussion and participation of actors involved in the 40 Associate Institutions at a National level. The experience of the first evaluative cycle points to the power of a network-based post-graduate self-evaluation because it can promote self-regulation, co-management and sustainable development. The results of self-evaluation support and steer the definitions of ProfEPT’s Strategic Planning and highlight the fact that this Master’s Program operates at a network level, which in and on itself corresponds to a pedagogic-educational innovation that spurs today’s education towards the future of countries with poor enrolment professional and technological higher education rates. The challenge of this self-assessment is to use it to improve the quality of networked higher education.

12:10-13:40 Session 11C: Abstract Presentation
Public Procurement as an Instrument for Transparency and Competition of Public Procurement

ABSTRACT. Public procurement fosters the development of States, promoting economic efficiency and the promotion of social and environmental good. Public procurement is an instrument of administrative action to satisfy collective needs, but also a strategic instrument for governments. This type of contracts refers to economically and socially relevant acquisitions, interferes with job creation and encourages investment, and it is highly relevant in the national budget, representing 4.18% of Portuguese GDP, in 2019. The present study intends to analyse public procurement, in the last decade, regarding the transparency of public procurement procedures and the promotion of competition between economic operators in the attainment of the public interest. For this purpose, we use the qualitative methodology, which includes document analysis of public procurement reports from the Institute of Public Procurement, Real Estate and Construction, and content analysis of the material collected through interviews with specialists in public procurement. We defined dimensions of analysis, categorized data and created units of analysis, in an initial data coding matrix, and systematized the interviews in recording units. The qualitative methodology aims to understand and describe phenomena and can use the participants' perceptions and experiences to understand the multiple realities. Regarding the results, this work made it possible to verify that the transparency of procurement processes has been increasing, however, there are points for improvement, and that the opening to competition, by the contracting entities, has had a favourable evolution, but it can obtain superior results, as there is an excessive use of the direct award. Increased competition and greater transparency in the use of public money are benefits from the implementation of the Public Contracts Code, driven by the obligation to advertise public contracts on the BASE portal and by electronic public procurement.

Home(s) and “staying at home”: An exploratory study of the psychosocial impacts of housing inequalities during the Covid-19 pandemic

ABSTRACT. Introduction: The right to housing is inseparable from the right to life and constitutes the basis for other fundamental human rights. The Covid-19 pandemic put housing at the forefront of defence against the new coronavirus, making structural inequalities in housing more visible and dramatic.  Goals  and  Methods:  This  article  aims  to  study  the  impact  of  housing  conditions  on  the  Covid-19 pandemic experience using mixed methods. It presents the preliminary results of a survey with open and closed questions applied to 527 residents in Portugal in 2021.  Results: The results show that people with better housing conditions report a more positive impact of housing during the pandemic, namely on physical and psychological health. The textual analysis with the software IRAMUTEQ to the answers to the open question reveals that the positive impact is associated mainly with the possibility of practicing physical exercise and developing leisure activities outdoors. On the contrary, the lack of indoor or outdoor space, problems with humidity and infiltration, poor sound insulation, or little sun exposure are associated with the experience of health problems and deterioration of  emotional  and  psychological  well-being.  The  results,  therefore,  suggest  that  the  adherence  to  the measures of confinement and social isolation at home produce very differentiated experiences depending on the housing conditions of the populations, with important impacts both in terms of physical and mental health.  Conclusions: It is concluded that there is a need to combine quantitative and qualitative methodologies to understand the relationship between inequalities in housing conditions and the psychosocial impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Social research in COVID-19 pandemic times: A systematic visuo-textual analysis of student experiences in postgraduate training
PRESENTER: Sandra Saúde

ABSTRACT. The COVID-19 pandemic has lasted over a year and a half with direct implications for society and, especially for the dynamics of interpersonal relationships. The “new normal” has impacts on various domains of human activity, including social research, which depends heavily on the richness of interaction, preferably direct and in person, with the object of study. Given the periods of confinement and mandatory social distancing, research plans had to be changed and study objectives, schedules, methods of participant selection, and above all, the form of data collection reviewed.

Aiming to understand how such changes in social research processes were experienced, an exploratory and qualitative study was undertaken with students undergoing empirical research within the scope of postgraduate training at a Portuguese Higher Education School. For this, the use of visual data, such as photos and descriptions about them (textual data) was applied. The visual and textual study was guided by three questions raising opinions about the experience of undertaking social research during a pandemic period. The systematic visuo-textual analysis framework, developed by Nicole Brown and Jo Collins in 2021, was used to analyze the collected material, guiding the way in which visual and textual datasets should be explored, analyzed and interpreted. The aim of this framework, according to the authors, is to systematically connect visual and textual information and interpretation, whereby none of the modes of communication is seen as superior to the others.

The results allowed us to conclude that for most students, the pandemic situation negatively influenced the development of research processes. The break in full social experience forced highly individualized research paths that were much more demanding in terms of organization, motivation, personal resilience and compatibility with family life. Although adapting the research procedures to the online format was not difficult, it required additional learning time.

Change Management as a requirement in introducing ICT in curriculum delivery – The Gauteng Experience

ABSTRACT. The main objective of this study is to establish the role that change management plays in introducing ICT in curriculum delivery with special reference to Gauteng Province. A desktop literature review was adopted to gather information on how change management can impact on the effectiveness of ICT integration, not only in the South African context but also on the global and African context. Support for ICT integration in education is overwhelmingly positive; ICT is seen as having made a positive contribution to education; More training is required to improve teachers’ competencies in ICT usage and More support needs to be provided to the principals, School Management Teams (SMTs) and School Governing Bodies (SGBs) in terms of training. In order to optimise the results of the change management process in ICT integration into the curriculum, the researcher recommended the following: Establish a change management committee whose sole mandate is to ensure an effective integration of ICT projects; Ensure sufficient and effective continuous training support to the educators, principals, SMTs and SGBs before, during and after launch of the ICT project; Continuous evaluation of the change process to assess if intended objectives are being achieved; Ensure undivided buy-in and support from the district and top management and Ensure funding is made available to increase the provision of ICT equipment in schools and to invest in the ongoing maintenance and upkeep of the infrastructure.

12:11-13:40 Session 12: Video Presentation

NOTE: Projection of presentations in recorded video format, submitted and published on the WCQR Youtube channel. The authors of published videos can attend the session and respond to comments and questions from participants.


English as Medium of Instruction and Student-Centered Learning methodologies in food studies: a case study
PRESENTER: Leandro Oliveira

ABSTRACT. Introduction: English as Medium of Instruction (EMI) and Student-Centered Learning (SCL) methodologies are identified as innovative strategies to respond to the challenges of the internationalization of education. This is important for the food science studies that support a sector of activity integrating different areas of knowledge, based in complex and diverse supply chains, and involving a high degree of internationalization. Goals and Methods: This study aims to identify and describe the strategies and methodologies most used in the implementation of EMI and of SCL approaches in food studies to allow an analysis for the future development of the educational offers. The case study was focused on the Faculty of Biotechnology of the Portuguese Catholic University, which offers courses in food science-related studies at the level of bachelor, masters, and doctoral degrees. Data collection was based on the literature review, institutional reports, as well as curricula and syllabus of the courses. Results: The adoption of EMI is part of the university internationalization strategy, however, it is currently only used when there are international students in the classes, with no specific methodology implemented. The EMI offer is relevant, with 4 MSc and 2 PhD programs courses fully taught in English. The SCL methodologies most used and widely spread throughout the curricular units are problem-based learning, case studies, teaching by research and specialized seminars. Conclusions: Despite the lack of articulation between the faculty and other relevant organic units, the staff has long years of experience in English teaching and highly committed to the learning process. The adoption of EMI and SCL methodologies is an opportunity to promote the internationalization of the educational offer, to answer current national socio-economic challenges, to attract English speaking students, and increase the competitiveness among international universities.

Innovative Teaching Methodology for the Development of Management Competences in Nursing Students

ABSTRACT. Introduction: It is emphasized that managerial skills must enable the development of sustainable competitive advantage for hospital associations, in addition to effectiveness in the care provided. Thus, it is necessary to develop these skills in nursing students. Objective: To implement a teaching strategy for the development of managerial competences in nursing students in the hospital environment. Method: Qualitative approach, based on the intervention study. The setting was a Brazilian Public Higher Education Institution. 12 professors and 54 nursing students participated. The collection took place between 2019 and 2021. The research was carried out in three stages: first, Focus Groups were carried out with the professors in order to identify the priority managerial competences for teaching. In a second moment, workshops for discussion of management cases were implemented in nursing students to develop the most mentioned competences. In a third moment, individual interviews were carried out with the students in order to analyze/interpret the experience of the intervention carried out. For data analysis, inductive thematic analysis was used. Results: The professors scored four priority managerial competences for development: Leadership; Decision Making; Interpersonal Relationship and Communication. 13 workshops were held to implement the competences instituted by the professors in nursing students through a management case discussion. The cases were elaborated by the experience of the researchers and were intended to encourage discussions and interventions for the development of managerial competences, and for this to be possible, some guiding questions were considered. After performing the intervention, we evaluated the intervention through semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The application of intervention workshops for the development of competences has traveled to fill gaps in the training of hospital nurses, since, for so many reasons, these professionals do not develop their competences, nor do they effectively put them into practice.

Doing Qualitative Research Using Phenomenological Inquiry: An approach from Heidegger's standpoint

ABSTRACT. The phenomenological method is constantly evolving and has been developed and applied in a variety of ways. A particularly major development was introduced by Martin Heidegger who stated that we cannot suspend our preconceptions and the nature and effects of our preconceptions can be explored by studying the socio-historical evolution and formation of our ‘being-in-the-world'. However, many researchers and methodologists have claimed they are utilizing the interpretive phenomenological method in social science research with Heidegger’s philosophy, with common sense that a qualitative researcher who wants to employ his or her phenomenological investigation must conduct bracketing any preconceived beliefs for a non-biased attitude of doing research. This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing debate regarding how phenomenologists should conduct and justify their research. Through the classical discursive approach, the paper consists of three sections. In the first section, the paper delineates three characteristics of Heideggerian thinking in performing interpretive phenomenological research: (1) grasping the problem of identity; (2) acknowledging the inadequacy of ontology; and (3) interpreting the subject matter through historical critiques. The second section then critically examines the foundation issues of phenomenological inquiry, such as a priori knowledge, the data analysis process, and research predicaments such as validity, reliability, and creditability. The result of the study is the outline of six introductory steps for conducting Heideggerian phenomenological inquiry in social science and policymaking research where investigators are dealing with a diversity of existing and alternative worldviews. In the conclusion, some limitations of phenomenological inquiry are presented to provide additional light on the present controversy about comprehending phenomenological research methodologies and to reconcile interpretive phenomenological inquiry with Heidegger's phenomenology philosophy.

Ethics and Humanities in the undergraduate medicine at Federal University of Bahia
PRESENTER: Renata Veras

ABSTRACT. Introduction: The daily life of health services points out that the work of many doctors is still inconsistent with the idea of humanization of services. In this way, considering that the practice suffers direct reflexes from the training, the contents covered in medical training is a very important object of study. Understanding the possible curricular themes that influence the performance of these professionals can be significant to think about solutions to change what is inappropriate. Goals and Methods: Considering this, the present study aimed to analise how the contributions of the humanities field are inserted in the text of the Etic Humanistic Axis (EHA) of the curriculum of the medical course at the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Bahia. For that, the Iramuteq software was used to organize and to treat the data, producing a word cloud and a similarity tree. Based on the phylosophy of a science open and free for everyone, this software it was a fundamental instrument to make the study more dynamic and rigorous. The text of 8 subjects were analyzed and as an analytical method, documental analysis was chosen. Results: The results showed that the EHA points to a rich diversity of themes, but also a trend to approaches related to ethical practice and conflict resolution. Conclusions: These observations show that UFBA's medical curriculum is yet inconsistent with the proposal for humanistic medical training, not satisfying what the National Curriculum Guidelines and the initial proposal of the Political Pedagogical Project of the course recommend. This reinforces the need to promote changes in the formation of this students and also to further research on this training, also considering aspects of classroom practices, in addition to the documentary perspective.

Social Network Analysis and its use based on Nvivo example
PRESENTER: Jakub Niedbalski

ABSTRACT. Introduction

The intense growth of network research is part of a more general shift taking place since the mid-twentieth century. It regards moving away from individualistic, atomistic theories toward research that allows for understanding relationships, context, and a systemic view. A consequence of this is the ever-increasing number of network analysis applications to research various types of entities and processes. Therefore, tools such as sociograms appear to be a direct response by CAQDAS software developers to the growing needs of researchers and the proliferating trends in scientific research.

Goals and Methods

The essential goal of the paper is to present social network analysis - tools for analyzing connections between people or other social entities. In the speech, we focus on the critical characteristics of this perspective, and we review its applicability. Our speech is of reviewing and explanatory nature. It is based on our personal experience as CAQDAS users.


Even though the methods used in social network analysis fall into the category of quantitative social research methods, they are increasingly finding acceptance among qualitative researchers, followed by NVivo being equipped with this type of functionality. Therefore, we attempt to outline a general framework for using selected NVivo features, focusing on the ability to create sociograms.


Network analysis is based on the belief that patterns of relationships between people, and between organizations, are not random and they have consequences, either as structural constraints or as opportunities arising from position in the structure. With the tools available in NVivo, we can successfully show these relationships. For that reason, tools such as sociograms available in NVivo seem to be a direct response from software developers to the growing needs of researchers interested in network analysis and the spreading research trends in this area.

How operate literature review through qualitative and quantitative analysis integration?
PRESENTER: Isabel Pinho

ABSTRACT. Usually, a literature review takes time and becomes a demanding step in any research project. The proposal presented in this article intends to structure this work in an organised and transparent way for all project participants and the structured elaboration of its report. Integrating qualitative and quantitative analysis provides opportunities to carry out a solid, practical, and in-depth literature review. The purpose of this article is to present a guide that explores the potentials of qualitative and quantitative analysis integration to develop a solid and replicable literature review. The paper proposes an integrative approach comprising six steps: 1) research design; 2) Data Collection for bibliometric analysis; 3) Search string refinement; 4) Bibliometric analysis; 5) qualitative analysis, and 6) report and dissemination of research results. These guidelines can facilitate the bibliographic analysis process and relevant article sample selection. Once the sample of publications is defined, it is possible to conduct a deep analysis through the content analysis. Software tools, such as R Bibibliometrix, VOSviewer, Gephi, yEd and webQDA, can be used for practical work during all collection, analysis, and reporting processes. From a large amount of data, selecting a sample of relevant literature is facilitated by interpreting bibliometric results. The specification of the methodology allows the replication and updating of the literature review in an interactive, systematic, and collaborative way gives a more transparent and organised approach to improving the literature review.

Discrimination and Denial of the Rights of Women With Disabilities

ABSTRACT. Women suffer situations of double discrimination, because they are women and because they have a disability. Women are disadvantaged in educational, employment, social, legal and economic terms. The prevalence of disability in the total population of Castilla y León is 6.86%, 48.2% are women and half of the people with disabilities are 65 years old or older. The objectives of the study presented were to know the real situation of women with disabilities in the Autonomous Community of Castile and León, to elaborate a profile of these women from their own perception, and to propose actions that may improve their quality of life. Under a multi-method approach of an exploratory and descriptive nature, the authors elaborated a survey to which 526 womenresponded, almost all of them were aged 35 to 64, most of them withintellectual disabilities. Results: The answers indicate the importance thatthese women give to the availability of support, to the need to carry outactions that may improve their quality of life, mainly in the dimensions ofself-determination, social relations and emotional well-being, and the need tosensitize the community. Conclusions: In rural and urban settings, self-determination is the most important concern, followed by inclusion and emotional well-being. They demand greater availability of personal assistants, in number and hours, regulated by the administration (59.4% are aware of the figure of the personal assistant, but only 21.1% use it). They do not show a denial of access to maternity (40.7% have children, and of those who do not have children, 37.8% indicate that the decision not to have them was their own. The study highlights the importance of specifically planning social awareness programs, training women with disabilities, as well as guaranteeing their basic rights by providing opportunities and emotional support programs to improve their self-perception.

Reconstruction of Daily life: The Lived experience of the family post-caregiver

ABSTRACT. Thinking about the family’s post-caregiver is recognizing the complexity inherent to the trajectory of care. Although the experience of caring has been widely explored, little is known about the experience of the post-caregiver, the reconstruction of their daily life is essential to understand the resumption of life of the family’s post-caregiver. This investigation started from the question: What is the post-caregivers’ experience in the reconstruction of their daily life? It aims to understand the post-caregivers' experience in the reconstruction of their daily life. This study is based on a phenomenological methodology with an interpretive design embedded in the Interpretative Phenomenological Approach. The eleven participants had been previously accompanied by an Integrated Continuous Care Team. An in-depth, unstructured interview was conducted, enabling participants to share significant moments after the decease of the person they had taken care of and to share how they reconstruct their daily life. The phenomenon of reconstruction daily life of this participants' is revealed in the dynamic of the simultaneous relationship: with the past, recalling what was experienced, with the present, in the recognition of the self as well as in their continuous response as they return to the world and to life and, with the future, envisioning an imaginary of challenges and uncertainties. It is in everyday life that participants are reconnected with themselves, with others and with the world. Through this study, nurses will be able to access the lived experience of these post-caregivers and to challenge themselves in the way they provide care, valuing the expertise to pay attention, improving their intervention in presence. The Integrated Continuous Care Teams in the Community Care Units could be challenged to strengthen support networks for family’s post-caregivers in cooperation with other partners and social resources.

The reshuffle of the United Arab Emirates government in 2020 and the new context of happiness as a government policy - Content analysis with webQDA

ABSTRACT. Introduction: The United Arab Emirates social, political, economic and technological trajectory has been surprising, particularly after the last decade of the last century. One of the essential factors of the United Arab Emirates governance model is its long-term vision. From a governance perspective, the Federation government has been a pioneer in introducing unconventional concepts into politics. In 2016, we started the study of Government Communication by the government of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, with special emphasis on the Ministry of Happiness. Goals and Methods: In this paper, we analyze the government reshuffle that took place in July 2020, with the aim of understanding the new framework of the happiness policy and the strategic vision inherent to this government reform. We have anchored the study in the qualitative methodology. We have retrieved from the corpus latente the news disseminated by the government, in English language, about this event. After studying the news, a list of the headlines of the news was drawn up. A content analysis with support of webQDA software was developed both to the list and to the government’s full text about this subject. Conclusions: The content analysis allowed us to understand the government's new strategic vision and to perceive the new framing of Happiness as a government policy in the new government organization. The results allowed us to conclude, that the news had a great echo in local and international online media and that the reshuffle was based on the implementation of a new strategy related to the Federation's vision for the future, above all, through the digital transformation. As for the Ministry of Happiness, we inferred that the government might have concluded that the concept was already sufficiently rooted in organizations and societyas the designated Happiness Folder was transferred to the Ministry of Community Development.

Effectiveness of In-Service Education and Training (INSET) of Teachers in Gloria District

ABSTRACT. In the context of the Philippine education system, In-Service Education and Training (INSET) is one of the important instruments for improving teaching practices and school development. However, little has been done to look into the efficacy of the in-service training to explore what teachers know and believe about this program in their specific context. Based on the unpleasant comments and feedback from teachers regarding how they conducted the in-service training in their respective schools prompted the researcher to conduct evaluation research on the efficacy of the INSET in the school district of Gloria, Oriental Mindoro. Using a Phenomenological qualitative approach, online interviews via Zoom were conducted with 13 Proficient (Teachers I-III) public secondary school teachers of Gloria district and asked them to respond to open-ended questions. Results of the analysis of the responses demonstrated that there was no planning standard the planning team followed and often teachers were not consulted. Teachers were also looking forward to being trained by experts. Leading skills teachers improved through training were classroom management, assessment, communication, and ICT. But the delivery of the training was always challenged with usual problems like venue, insufficient foods, and materials, and the quality of speakers and topic speak and these were also the indicators that mostly impacted their professional development. This study confirms that the development of a comprehensive in-service professional development plan is a significant educational endeavor for each sampled public secondary school in the Gloria district

Perceptions of Primary School English Teachers regarding Distance Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in San Carlos, Costa Rica

ABSTRACT. Abstract. The 2020 academic year was disrupted due to the COVID-19 global health emergency. The Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica announced that the teaching-learning process was going to change to the modality of distance education to avoid the students’ detachment from the formal educational system. This case study, which is based on inductive qualitative research, collected, and triangulated data through in-depth interviews, document gathering of self-study guides and video recordings. As the study took place amid the pandemic, the data collection was carried out through virtual environments. Data were analyzed using domain analysis (Hatch, 2002) and WebQDA (Costa et al., 2019) to conduct digital semantic coding to categorize the primary school English teachers’ opinions and experiences in rural schools during the pandemic. The purpose of this study is to describe the perceptions of four primary school English teachers from Dirección Regional de Educación San Carlos regarding distance education. Results suggested three main findings. The first result emphasized strong feelings of stress, difficulty to cope with the new modality, fatigue, work overload, and discrimination experienced by the teachers. The second result highlighted a sense of self-efficacy regarding the teachers’ reflective and technological skills which led to strengthen their pedagogical decision-making processes. The last outcome shed light on a set of drastic changes that became normalized endeavors as the teachers adapted to distance education towards the end of the school year. This study has contributed to the existing literature on distance education for a better comprehension of the pedagogical mediation and professional context of the English teachers of San Carlos, Costa Rica during the health crisis.

Qualitative analysis methodology in digital alternative journalism - exploring the Reporters Sans Frontières platform

ABSTRACT. Introduction: Alternative journalism is usually associated with political involvement or activism, but it also addresses a series of other themes such as minorities, ethnic groups, cultural and social actions usually managed by non-professionals. However, there are several examples in which journalists work professionally in the political and investigative aspects of this type of journalism. Technological innovation, especially since the expansion of internet 2.0 and the creation of social networks, has been a fertile field to the expansion alternative journalism. Our purpose is to carry out a study on digital alternative journalism, including the most important digital platforms in Portugal, some of the so-called best digital publications in English language and, above all to explore the work and contents of the online platform Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF). Goals and Methods: The work aims to understand the main themes addressed by alternative journalism organizations in the digital arena and to learn more about the RSF platform. This study is of an exploratory nature regarding alternative journalism from a digital presence perspective. We have used qualitative methodology and content analysis, data analysis and case study as qualitative research techniques. Data was retrieved from the corpus latente. Conclusions: This paper emphasizes the importance of qualitative research built on mixed research processes. We believe that our research is a contribution to a better understanding of the preferred themes, digital visibility and the importance of the work and professionalism of Reporters Sans Frontières journalists. The results allow us to infer that most digital alternative journalism platforms focus on politics and that the RSF through its significant worldwide network publishes sensitive issues of the global political environment.

Trends in techno-social environments and gerontechnological innovation: A mapping supported by webQDA

ABSTRACT. • Introduction; CAQDAS, such as webQDA, offer the researcher support as a tool to process qualitative data and to be able to develop the analysis. A literature mapping has been carried out in the framework of an R&D&I project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation on techno-social environments and gerontechnological innovation. • Aims and methods; The mapping consisted of reviewing the publications indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases on Livinglab and Seniorlab in the last five years. The study aims to identify current trends in the field. The mapping results have been analysed together with data collected on interventions in the area, at Spanish and European levels. Methodologically, a qualitative procedure has been followed, delving into the content of the sources; and the method employed is the mapping of scientific production. After defining objectives, research questions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, attention was focused on answering these questions. The type of publication, the source, the time trend over the years of publication, the countries of publication, the number of citations of each publication, etc. have been analysed. In addition, the subject matter of the publications and the focus of the research work were also examined. In conjunction with the lines in European environments, the thematic lines allow us to see the current trends in techno-social environments and gerontechnological innovation. webQDA has provided support in the analysis process by generating visual outputs, such as the conceptual map of the project and the word cloud and the frequencies of occurrence of terms. • Results; As a result of the analysis process, a robust line of work around the quality of life has been detected. • Conclusions; Finally, it can be concluded that CAQDAS are programmes that can offer support and support to the researcher in the different moments of the research, including the theoretical stage.

Rehabilitation Nurse's Perspective on Transitional Care: An Online Focus Group
PRESENTER: Rita Pedrosa

ABSTRACT. Introduction Portugal shows an increased incidence of disability and chronic diseases, leading to an inevitable need to transition between levels of care and a clear need to adapt responses, countering fragmentation care. WHO suggests intervention strategies for Person-centered health systems, highlighting transitional care as a priority practice. Advanced nursing practice ensures the continuity of care between different levels of care. Goals and Methods To identify facilitating/hindering elements of the different dimensions in continuity of care and identify rehabilitation care needs in transitional care, a Focus Group was carried out including Rehabilitation Nurses of a hospital unit and the Community Rehabilitation Nurses from the same geographical area. Results Four categories and sexteen subcategories, defined a posteriori, emerged from the Focus Group exploratory analysis. Promotion of care coordination and Promotion of continuity of care were the two most expressive categories. The Rehabilitation Nurses focused their intentions in guideline development for referring the person to the community, in communication standardization between professionals (method and language) and peers formation. They also mention as an improvement proposal the computer systems standardization. So that it is possible not only to share information, but also to monitor the evolution of the care process according to the same health indicators. Conclusions The community coordination and hospital care reveals a persistent challenge, demonstrating a tendency to decrease hospital length of stay, home monitoring and, consequently, the bed occupancy rate. Multidisciplinary teams by themselves demonstrate that are not enough. It is necessary to guarantee training, monitoring and coordination between levels of care. Ensuring transitional care is imperative to develop a sustainable health system, increasing the quality of care and person satisfaction.

Negative Impact of COVID-19 on Elderly : A Systematic Review

ABSTRACT. Abstract:

Introduction: Early in the pandemic, older people were identified as one of the most vulnerable population. More than 80% of deaths occur in adults over the age of 65. Several conditions have been clearly established to protect the elderly, such as banning visits to nursing homes. Therefore, it is important to fully understand how this pandemic has affected the elderly. This study covers the negative effects on the physical and mental health of the elderlies during COVID-19 pandemic.

Methodology: A systematic review of the literature to identify COVID-19 papers with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) using PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, BioMed Central (BMC) and Frontier in November 2019 to present. Included studies are those that investigate the psychological and physical impact on elderly (>=65 years old) resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unrelated, duplicated, unavailable full texts/abstract-only papers, and studies that analyzed mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of alcohol and other drugs are excluded.

Results: A total of 12 studies are included out of 352. According to our study, there is an increased risk of mental health problems such as fear, anxiety and depression; and increased physical health problems on vulnerability of elderlies, incidence of cardiac problem and poor nutrition.

Conclusion: The findings summarized in this review suggest that older adults experienced negative consequences for the ongoing pandemic, both physically and mentally. This is likely to be due to fewer changes in daily routines compared to their daily routines before the pandemic, particularly due to lockdowns in many countries and restrictions imposed on older groups.

Keywords: COVID-19; Negative impact; Elderly; Mental health; Physical health

How to care Heart Faiure Patients - Nursing interventions
PRESENTER: Ana Sofia Nabais

ABSTRACT. Heart Failure (HF) reveals to be a highly dysfunctional disease, with impact in the biopsychosocial dimensions of the individual. The worldwide progressive growth of HF incidence, caused by longer life expectancy, results in higher HF rehospitalization rates. Is estimated that nearly 90% of HF rehospitalization resulted of avoidable causes - impaired knowledge in HF self-care and impaired therapeutic adhesion. Objective: identify most common nursing interventions to satisfy impaired Basic Human Needs and promote compensation of symptoms, transitional-care from hospital to home and patient follow-through. Method: systematic review in CINAHL and MEDLINE data bases to answer the study question: “which nursing interventions can be done to people with Heart failure?” Results: Ten studies were included. Nursing interventions focused on compensation of symptoms during hospitalization promote well-being and the individual health status. Preparing the patient transition to home since admission allows the premature identification and adequate response to patient needs. Language adaptation during health education and a periodic follow-through revealed to be effective measures to promote independency in HF self-care and drop of mortality and rehospitalization rates. Even though these interventions show great results, they are not so frequent in clinical practice, justified by lack of specialized education about HF among health care professionals, empowerment culture and incapacity to keep an adequate patient follow-through.

An online problem-based learning, during the pandemic: the analyze SWOT of the nursing student´s opinion

ABSTRACT. Problem-based learning (PBL) enables nursing students to acquire and develop the competencies necessary for professional nursing. The COVID-19 pandemic that plagued the world, required epidemiological control measures, which for nursing education, included a transition to online, by using digital platforms. The SWOT analysis was used as an instrument to analyze internal and external factors, in PBL, during the period mentioned. The aim of the study was to analyze the evaluation performed by the students about the PBL experience in Nursing Decision Making Process course of the Undergraduate Nursing Program, at the Nursing School of Lisbon (at higher education level). It is a descriptive, cross-sectional, qualitative nature study, with data collection developed through documental analysis of the 'global evaluation of the course' which integrates the evaluation questionnaires and from the student´s tutors’ groups final evaluation of PBL experience online. The analysis of the qualitative data was performed according to Bardin through the webQDA software®. The study included 49 students who responded to the 'curriculum unit global evaluation', 48 groups of students, totalizing 573, from the academic years of 2020 and 2021. The results, concerning the strengths, were the orientation and personalization as teaching strategies, developed during the tutorial orientation; as for weaknesses was highlighted the insufficient time available for the development of the learning process, above all the elaboration of the learning tasks; as for opportunities, the promotion of learning, without the consumption of traveling time, home to school; for the threats the focus was on work overload, to respond simultaneously to the different curricular units´ solicitations. Through the SWOT analysis, was possible to understand the students' opinions about the PBL, taught online and design strategies to minimize the weaknesses and threats.

Coding large qualitative data sets electronically while maintaining methodological rigor

ABSTRACT. Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, qualitative data collection was limited to methods that kept researchers and participants at safe distances, and those limitations encouraged more reliance on electronic data collection. With electronic data collection also comes electronic data analysis. Yet, it is important to carry human interaction and decision-making through the data analysis process.

Goals and Methods: This presentation will show that traditional norms of data analysis can be applied to large data sets without sacrificing accuracy. This process of data analysis focuses on human analysis of all data received, while using software to organize, compare, and contrast findings.

It fits squarely in two of the required conference themes: (1) qualitative mixed methods research and (2) qualitative analysis with support of specific software.

The proposed presentation will include descriptions of three case studies illustrating the coding of information relating to the lived experiences of military and veteran populations in the United States. Each research case will include an explanation of the research questions, data collection methods, research analysis and outcomes. The data sets range from just more than 1,000 respondents to nearly 17,000 respondents to open-ended questions in online surveys.

Results: All three completed studies used the same data analysis method, showing that the system can be scaled. Additionally, all three studies’ results have been validated by later U.S. Department of Defense scrutiny.

Conclusions: This project will conclude with best practices learned for analyzing the data that values human data analysis without over-reliance on software. It will describe team coding processes that ensure inter-coder reliability and yield accurate, reliable findings. It will also show how large data sets can be parsed for analysis without missing participants’ responses.

Researching Rural Women: Significance of the Interaction between Participants and the Researcher’s ‘Self’

ABSTRACT. Borne out of my doctoral thesis, this paper adds to feminist epistemology by describing methodological nuances of knowledge construction about rural women. Drawing from the methodology adopted and research process undertaken during the study, this paper argues for use of feminist methodological approach in researching rural women’s lives. The study was conducted within a research paradigm constructed at the intersection of feminism and phenomenology to express the experiential and differential accounts of the participants in the study. The primary argument of the paper is that knowledge is not created in a vacuum and that knowledge creation is a dialogical and dialectical interaction with no privilege given to the researcher or the participant. It acknowledges the dialectical and interactive nature of the research process while also presenting the importance of the interaction between ‘situatedness’ of the researcher and of participants in construction of knowledge. The paper also argues that researcher’s ‘self’ often comes in the way of procuring and presenting women’s experiences in an analytical and critical manner. By presenting the journey of the researcher, it shows how such ethical challenges may be navigated in the field. It asserts that being aware of reflexivity, dialogical interactive nature of feminist research and ‘situated knowledges’ helps neutralize the power relations in the study. The paper brings out that women construct knowledge in different ways from each other and at other times in similar. However, they all experience their society and lives very conscious of their situation in that society, in their family and in their caste groups. Importantly, it highlights that they have knowledge but often do not have a sense of ownership to that knowledge and thus hesitate from sharing with researcher what they themselves do not consider theirs in the first place.

Perception of barriers and facilitators of the patient safety program in university dental clinics: An ethnographic approach

ABSTRACT. Introduction. Patient safety is a topic of growing interest since it directly influences the quality of health care, this being a fundamental principle of health services. Dental practice is immersed in this topic since its field work is the human being and is subject to the conscious or unconscious production of unfavorable health events; especially with technological growth and the complexity of procedures that generates an increased risk of presenting adverse events. Objective: To investigate the perception of barriers and facilitators of the patient safety program from the perspective of administrative and health care personnel in university dental clinics. Methods: qualitative study with ethnographic approach, using 4 focus groups and 14 semi-structured interviews in a public and a private institution, located in Cali (Colombia), for 2020 and 2021. The administrative theory of quality in health services was used, adapting Donabedian's model. Results: 21 factors were found to be influential in the development of patient safety programs, according to the perceptions of the study participants. The factors were grouped into two categories: structure and organizational processes; with five subcategories: internal factors of the institution, institutional context, individual staff factors, patient factors, and work team factors. Seven factors were identified as facilitators, two constituted some barrier, and twelve functioned as a barrier or facilitators depending on institutional development. Conclusions: There are several factors that affect patient safety in university dental clinics, and they become from the perspective of health administration in opportunities for improvement that require initiatives by decision makers in health services to design and implement adequate patient safety programs. This study provides a broad understanding of the difficulties and potential solutions to meet the challenges of patient safety programs in dental services.

Postanesthesia Nursing Clinical Reasoning: Contributions to Managing Uncertainty

ABSTRACT. The effectiveness of postoperative care is highly dependent on the accurate clinical reasoning. Given the dynamic processes required to come to a diagnosis, uncertainty is expected during practice, nevertheless, it may permeate the foundations of clinical reasoning, which can jeopardize diagnostic accuracy and consequently safety of the health care. Therefore, it is intended to contribute to uncertainty management in postanesthesia nursing clinical reasoning. Three studies will be undertaken athwart exploratory sequential design: Study 1 qualitative descriptive exploratory through semi-structured interviews, content analysis technique and data analysis by MAXQDA a) to describe the postanesthesia nurses perceptions about uncertainty in clinical reasoning at recovery room, b) to characterize the patterns of uncertainty in postanesthesia nursing clinical reasoning, c) to outline the perspectives and strategies/coping tools of postanesthesia nurses capable to improve the management of uncertain in clinical reasoning; study 2 cross-sectional study through online survey by soSci Survey and analyzed using SPSS a) to develop, apply and validate the Postanesthesia Nursing Script Concordance Test (PaNSCT), b) to estimate the psychometric properties of PaNSCT and study 3 a) to design a decision-support guideline to manage uncertainty in postanesthesia clinical reasoning. This research may provide insights invaluable for health care providers and policy makers representing a starting point for the development of organizational strategies that allow nurses to know how to direct supported and targeted practices regarding the phenomenon to building a safer postoperative care.

Nursing interventions after angioplasty to client with acute myocardial infarction in a intensive care unit

ABSTRACT. Contextualization: During 2019 there were 4 275 deaths due to AMI, having decreased by 7.5% compared to 2018 (INE, 2021). Angioplasty has reduced the morbidity and mortality of this pathology, however it isn’t risks free. With this article, we intend to identify the nursing interventions for patients with postangioplasty AMI in the ICU, focusing on the prevention and treatment of possible complications, on training the patient for self-care. Objective: To identify nursing interventions for patients suffering from AMI after angioplasty in the ICU. Methodology: This narrative literature review was prepared following the reference of Cronin, Ryan & Coughlan (2008). The survey took place through CINAHL Complete and MEDLINE Complete. The time limit concerns 2016 and 2021, including articles written in Portuguese, English and Spanish. We used gray literature to supplement information. Results: The research resulted in 16 articles, related to nursing interventions for patients suffering from AMI after angioplasty. These interventions include hemodynamic monitoring, prevention of complications, including hemorrhage, hematoma, pain control, anxiety management and teaching to increase health literacy. Conclusion: With this project development, it was possible to answer the research question. Through critical analysis of the literature with clinical practice, it was possible to infer that the core of nurses' interventions are similar. These should focus on monitoring, stabilizing and recovering the patient until hospital discharge.

Studying inclusion in music education - an integrative literature review as a support in the choice of methodology, using Webqda.
PRESENTER: Davys Moreno

ABSTRACT. In order to make the most correct choice regarding the methodology to be used in our research, we wanted to reflect and try to clarify the methodological paths that we, curious teacher-researchers, are following. The objectives of this work were to base the choice of the methodology to be used in our research project related to the Inclusive Education of children with special needs in Music Arts Education Programmes in Portugal. In this sense, we started by comparing methodologies used in another research works on the same theme. We carried out an integrative literature review according to the theme of our study, to identify the articles related to it. To this end, we began by searching through selected keywords in English between 2015 and 2020 in the search engine Google Scholar and b-on, and in the following databases: ERIC, Web of Science, and Scopus. All the compiled information was organised and studied through content analysis supported by the webQDA software package. We compared the methodological options of 40 selected studies. We found 3 empirical studies, 27 studies using a methodology embedded in an interpretative paradigm and 10 studies using a socio-critical perspective. However, according to the subject of our study, there is only one study in our area using the Action-Research Methodology. Nevertheless, considering the other methodological possibilities, we confirmed that this methodology is the most appropriate for our type of study. The flexibility and collaborative nature of Action-Research is an advantage for the problems we investigate. The researcher can be considered as part of the reality under study, allowing us to achieve an in-depth understanding of the problems and practical situations. From this perspective, all subjects can be participants in the construction of knowledge, in a continuous dialectical process, in favour of inclusion.

Transitional Experience of Nurse Educators to the Outcomes Based Education Nursing Curriculum

ABSTRACT. Through the years, our nursing leaders ensure and guide that the nurses being produced by the educational institution are locally and globally competitive and are equipped with the basic knowledge and skills required as a beginner nurse. This is done by constantly configuring and improving our nursing education by suiting the nursing curriculum to the essential assets of being a nurse. The purpose of this qualitative transcendental phenomenology was to describe the movement of nurse educators to new OBE nursing curriculum implementation through the lens of Schlossberg's transition theory as the basis in developing the curriculum transition model. Credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability were employed to ensure the study's reliability and validity and to limit external clouding allowing the true meaning of the phenomena. Ethical principles were strictly followed throughout the research process. The research protocol was reviewed and endorsed by the Ethical Review Committee of a higher education institution in Manila. Among the nineteen educators who participated in this study, there were five themes that were identified, namely: Shifting Paradigms Toward a Student-Centered Curriculum, Challenges in the Midst of Transition, Setting the Groundwork Through Capacitation, Uncovering Healthy Work Environment: Fostering Collaboration, and Inspirational Leadership, lastly Transitioning for the better: Acceptance and Change. Furthermore, shared associations were also looked into as they went through the three phases. Finally, the proposed curriculum transition model entails three essential components that are requisites for achieving seamless, efficient, and effective curriculum transition, specifically: leadership, capacitation, and a healthy work environment. To successfully implement curriculum transition myriad factors and measures must take into consideration. Hence, administrative support plays a substantial part during the transition. Moreover, academic nurse educators may utilize the curriculum transition model to guide them on how to do the transition effectively and efficiently and implement the curriculum's goal fully.

Analysis of the communication of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder through webQDA: an exploratory study
PRESENTER: Davys Moreno

ABSTRACT. When working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, it is clear that the greatest difficulty lies in promoting their communication and socialization. This qualitative and exploratory study was conducted in Brazil in 2017. It focused on the use of a Short Film in which a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder followed the instructions of a Music Teacher through a video on a mobile phone. This Short Film was analysed using the content analysis technique supported by software on the webQDA platform. It aimed to observe the Communication Functions and Forms of Communication that the child with Autism Spectrum Disorder used during two situations. It was observed that there were limitations in the Forms of Communication and Communication Functions of the child under study, with some improvements with the introduction of video via mobile phone. The data seems to confirm that the use of digital technologies is a good complement for teaching and learning. In conclusion, it can be observed that the mobile phone seems to contribute to making information accessible to children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, namely in the improvement of their communication. Finally, it is suggested that further experimental studies should be carried out which include observation in several contexts.

Psychoanalytic informed qualitative research: theoretical methodological contributions

ABSTRACT. The present article advances a theoretical and methodological reflection on psychoanalytic informed qualitative research. The goal is to describe the conceptualisation of a methodological device coherent with the ontological and epistemological assumptions of psychoanalysis. In other words, the device is based on the concept of a “non-transparent” research subject, who does not make his nature known to either himself or others. Therefore, the need arises for the development of devices which provide access to the subject, in order to grasp not just the explicit dimensions of signification, but also their pre-conscious and unconscious counterparts. A conceptual research was conducted on countertransference among psychoanalysts, resorting to free association narrative interviews (FANI). This study is covered in the article, so as to illustrate the identification of theoretical and methodological problems related to the usage of this type of qualitative research. An analysis of the interviews conducted by the research group, for the conceptual research, is used as an example, to illustrate the specific features of the employed device. The device is based on the dynamics created within the group and on the emergence of interpretative lines of the unconscious subjective dimensions of the interviewee, as they relate to the topics under analysis. Starting from a theoretical framework on thought work, we highlight three processes supporting the procedure used for analysing the interviews: negative capability, alpha dream work and selected fact.

Methodological reflexions about inclusive and communitarian group discussion in virtual environments

ABSTRACT. Covid-19 pandemic has implied new approaches to develop qualitative research. Nevertheless, inequalities in access to internet and technologies has increase inequalities to knowledge and discussions in pandemic era. This reflection aims to contribute an analysis of learnings and challenges related to planning, developing and analysis of groups discussion in virtual environment, incorporating inclusive and communitarian requirements. It is established challenges, learnings, advantages, and disadvantages in transition from presential based group discussion to virtual based group discussion, due to requirements of pandemic COVID-19. Activities were called “Afternoon snack about inclusive development”. Three virtual group discussions (migration, aged people, and people with disabilities) were performed using telematic environment (zoom rooms) with transmission to YouTube channel. These activities were aimed to produce knowledge and provide a social recognition of their experiences during pandemic era and communitarian strategies used. Civil organizations, academic professor and university students participated in each group from several areas in Chile during 2020 and 2021. Informed consent process was asked and accepted. About relevant learning to prevent, sign language planning, quality of internet connection, digital literacy, and spare time availability are topic to planning and be aware in activities. About strengths, diversity and citizen-based opinion, group discussion moderator and previous relationship with organizers are key topics of this strategy. This strategy provides new angles and practices in inclusive and communitarian work and knowledge production. Likewise, improve confidence and symmetry in conclusions and argues. Conclusion. Virtual groups discussions require adjustment for assure inclusion and communitarian perspective. In this line, these strategies establish a horizontal and closer dialogues between academic, student and community abut critical topics. Moreover, it has the possibility to diversify and recognise experiences of key actors in topics in a real time methodology.

Thermalism in Portugal: corporate response to the COVID-19 pandemic – Strategy, Human Resources and marketing approach

ABSTRACT. Introduction: Health tourism is currently one of the fastest growing forms of tourism. In Portugal, the “Tourism Strategy 2027” highlighted thermal activity as a means of economic development in the country's regions. On March 11, 2020, WHO declared a covid-19 pandemic. In Portugal, all thermal establishments took the initiative to suspend activity. After the lockdown period, the units had to adapt to restart, following the guidelines of the health authorities. Goals and Methods: The objective of this paper is to analyze how the thermal units have adapted to the current situation, trying to understand if the consumer behavior changed due to the pandemic. We present a qualitative research proposal, through content analysis. The analysis was carried out considering public statements by representatives of 21 units in mainland Portugal, published in the media, from March 2020. The webQDA software was used to support the analysis of qualitative data. Results: Safety and treatments were considered key elements. There were no differences in behavior considering property. All regions behaved in the same way regarding compliance with the health organization's directives, the use of masks and seeking to give the customer more security and confidence. Human resources were essential for adapting spas to ensure strict safety and hygiene rules, as well as respect for physical distance. In terms of marketing and innovation, the biggest references are at the product level. Conclusions: All units needed to adapt to the behavior of consumers, taking into account the public health conditions and the level of hygiene of the facilities. Interest in health services for disease prevention, strengthening immunity and promoting healthy behaviors and lifestyles has increased a lot and managers believe it will continue to grow exponentially in the coming years.

Language challenges in Higher Education during the Covid-19 pandemic in a multilingual society: A Qualitative Evidence Synthesis (QES)

ABSTRACT. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) was declared a pandemic in March / 2020, indicating that the disease had spread to all continents. Many South African universities began implementing online-based learning to replace classroom lectures. The problem in a multilingual society, there are numerous impediments to students learning online with English as a medium of exchange. The purpose of this study is to identify the language challenges that arose as the result of the introduction of online learning in higher education. This study's investigative activities will be guided by the theories of Cognitivism and Connectivism. The study will conduct a Qualitative Evidence Systematic Review a summary of research literature that focuses on a single question, and purports the role of systematic reviews within evidence-based practices. A qualitative meta-synthesis according to the PICO framework (Population/Place; Intervention; Comparator; Outcome) will seek to answer the question ‘What are the language challenges in Higher Education during the Covid-19 pandemic in a multilingual society in Gauteng’. Articles will be critically appraised for eligibility using the PRISMA flow diagram, screening the relevance and removing duplicates through assessment tool called CASP. This method provides an opportunity to analyze data both deductively using positivist approach while using interpretivist approach to understand phenomenon. The researcher will use purposive sampling to select a number of articles that must go into the study. Thematic analysis will be performed on a sample of 20 articles. The articles that will be considered for analysis are those that have received Ethical approval by the authors. The findings of this ongoing study is expected to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the language challenge in higher education with students in a multilingual society. Recommendations would aimed at informing language policy makers.

A Model to Develop Middle Management Women in Limpopo Public Service to Enhance Service Delivery

ABSTRACT. In Limpopo Public Service, very few women are occupying positions of middle management and above, contrary to popular narrative on gender equity on women empowerment entrenched as central feature of employment equity. The problem with these contradictions and disparities results in a continuum of imbalances that impede the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while adversely impacting on service delivery. The purpose of the study is to develop a Model to minimise contradictions and disparities related to gender equity to enhance service delivery. Empowerment and gender equity theories will be used to frame the research question: “how to develop a Model for developing women in Limpopo Public Service at middle management to enhance service delivery?” A case study method will be used with interpretivism as a chosen philosophy/paradigm. The study will be conducted at Municipalities and provincial departments. A purposive sampling method will be used to select twenty (20) women participants from middle management. Interviews (personally/zoom/webinar) of semi-structured open questions will be the data collection strategy, substantiated with archival information. The study will use data triangulation to ensure rigor. Data will be analysed using a thematic analysis. The researcher will ensure that ethical elements are considered: Participants consent form, ethical clearance form, interview Guide and permission from Gatekeepers of participants workplaces are obtained and completed. The study will benefit middle management women by effective implementation of the developed model.

Exploring the dark side of digital inclusion: the lived experiences of survivors of internet fraud

ABSTRACT. Digital inclusion has increasingly become an important topic encapsulating social and political issues inclusive of human rights, equality, community and civic engagement. Global efforts to roll back the digital divide are predicated on the promise of the emancipatory effects of digital inclusion. The effects and potential of digital inclusion are not controversial. However, the dark side of such inclusion manifests in the deception and fraud that thrives in cyberspace. While reports and statistics on the incidence of various scams and internet fraud cases abound, there is less reporting on the lived experiences of those who have been victims of such internet crime. The purpose of this study is therefore to answer the question: what are the lived experiences of victims/survivors of internet fraud? The study documents the experiences of people who have suffered loss, trauma or related experiences involving internet fraud. The research method for this study is Narrative Inquiry. As a research methodology, Narrative Inquiry allows the researcher a systematic view of people’s experiences and stories (of being victims of internet fraud in this instance) and narratively digging or inquiring into their lived experiences. Narrative Inquiry about the stories and lived experiences of participants is similar to phenomenology, where the researcher also narrates their thoughts, assumptions and experiences of the phenomena. The sample of 8 participants willing to share their stories will be generated through snowballing. The participants’ narratives will be transformed through thematic analysis undertaken using webQDA under the lens of Bounded Rationality Theory within the interpretivist paradigm. The significance of this study will be the insights gained from the lived experiences of internet fraud victims/survivors which will be useful in crafting interventions to better protect citizens from internet scams.

Vaccine Hesitation in Childhood: Narrative Review of Information Published on Social Media About Vaccination in contemporaneity

ABSTRACT. Introduction: vaccines are considered one of the most important interventions in public health and with the best cost-benefit in the prevention of several high morbidity and lethality diseases. Despite this, vaccination coverage rates worldwide have been threatened by the phenomenon of vaccination hesitation, considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the ten greatest threats to public health. Resisting vaccination is a process caused by various interests, as old as the vaccine itself. Compounding the problem, currently, the media and social networks, which have the enormous power to influence people, often disclose incorrect information about vaccines and without adequate scientific basis, negatively impacting vaccine rates in the population. Objective: to understand the correlation between the information disseminated on social media and the reduction in childhood vaccination rates. Methods: Narrative Review, with a qualitative approach, which used the technique of content analysis in original or review articles, indexed in national and international databases and/or journals, in Portuguese and English, published between 2011 and 2021, available in full and free of charge, and that addressed the issue of the relationship between social media and vaccine hesitation. Results: 89 articles were analyzed, in which it was observed that the main information on immunobiologicals was provided by government sources or newspapers/news agencies; the main means of dissemination used were videos on the YouTube platform, and sources were also found with positions neutral or against vaccination, with alarmist information about adverse post-vaccination effects, culminating in vaccination distrust in the population. Conclusion: social networks have become a fertile ground for the production and circulation of fake news, whether in its context or content; hence the importance of the health professional's engagement in strengthening the population's confidence regarding immunization, minimizing vaccine hesitation.

Development of learning and core content in an online research Master

ABSTRACT. Introduction: Online education is growing by leaps and bounds and more and more universities must adapt their training offer to offer online degrees. But this is not an easy task, since both teachers and students must adapt to the changes involved in the use of this educational model with face-to-face education. The research has been developed in one of the postgraduate degrees of the University of Extremadura, which is developed virtually. Specifically, the University Master's Degree in Research in Teacher Training and ICT. Goals and Methods:The general objective of the research has been: “To determine if there is a change in learning towards research, knowledge and use of ICT resources and in the fundamental concepts observed in the Master”. Twenty-one students have participated in the research. The research has been developed in two phases, a pilot study and a definitive one. The research design has been based on content analysis, on the Theory of Nuclear Concepts and Pathfinder Associative Networks for data analysis. Two data collections were taken, one at the beginning and the other at the end of the course. A category table, an open response questionnaire and a structured interview were designed and validated for data collection. Results and conclusions:The main conclusions obtained have been that collaborative activities are very important in e-learning, as well as the use of ICT, being mainly used for communication and data analysis. The students have a basic knowledge of ICT resources. Among the main problems detected in the teaching / learning process, they stand out in the teaching staff and in the organization.

Barriers faced by nurses working in Primary Health Units: Brazilian case study

ABSTRACT. Introduction: In many countries Primary Health Care (PHC) coordinates health assistance to the population and in this field, Nursing is essential area. In Brazil, we witnessed the gradual de-funding of the PHC. PHC has not received sufficient funding to fulfill the participatory mission in the Unified Health System. Nursing has limited performance because of the adoption of policies that are disjointed from the commitment to respond to health needs. Goals: To know the potential and the limits of Nursing performance at the municipal level and to recognize the potential of webQDA® for qualitative analysis of the barriers faced by nurses working in Basic Health Units (UBS). Method: Qualitative study that carried out the content analysis of Bardin, with the support of webQDA®, to unveil the meaning of the speeches from two focus groups, carried out with the collaboration of 13 nurses working in UBS in a city in São Paulo. Results and Discussion: The speeches transcribed in a word file were inserted in webQDA® as an internal source. The coding tree for the empirical categories was created, with the inclusion of the codes: ‘Identified Barriers’ and ‘Overcoming Reality’. In view of the content analysis, as recommended by Bardin, the sub-categories emerged, coded as: Identified Barriers: Work Overload, facing complex health needs and Deficit in the availability of resources; and Overcoming Reality: Nursing as a Social Practice. Conclusions: The webQDA® supported the systematization of the critical analysis of qualitative data, allowing us to note that the performance of Nursing in Basic Health Units faces barriers related to work overload, deficit in the availability of resources and response to complex needs. However, Nursing as a Social Practice has an important element to provide overcoming reality.

Bibliographic and content review on the use of ICT in people with disabilities and with autism spectrum disorder during the pandemic period

ABSTRACT. Introduction. The crisis situation caused by the appearance of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused serious problems in the educational area worldwide. An unprecedented scenario has been generated for people with disabilities or handicaps, presenting major problems such as social isolation, emotional imbalance, widening of the digital divide, Goals and Methods. The general objective of the research has been: “Analyze the scientific production related to the use of ICT as a means of improving the teaching and learning process of people with disabilities and with autism spectrum disorder”. A bibliographic, documentary and content analysis was carried out. Various publications from the International database, Google Scholar, have been evaluated by using the descriptors: ICT, disability, education, pandemic and COVID-19. Articles that met the inclusion or exclusion criteria set by the research team were filtered, generating a total of 50 reviewed publications. A table of categories was generated based on the categories, subcategories, contents, questions and research objectives. Results and conclusions. It has been proven that ICT have been able to help students with disabilities and autism spectrum disorders to be able to communicate efficiently, efficiently develop the teaching and learning process during the period in which they did not attend regularly schools. Similarly, it has been observed that there are still many difficulties and a great problem in access to ICT resources by this group. In order to properly use ICT resources in this group, it is essential to know the disability treated, as well as the possibilities, benefits and problems that the use of electronic devices may cause in the teaching and learning process.

Study and analysis of learning and teaching in higher education
PRESENTER: Violeta Hidalgo

ABSTRACT. This article shows the result of the research carried out during the 2020/21 academic year, in the subject of Information Security, taught in Higher Education, in the fourth year of the Degree in Telematics Engineering in Telecommunications and also in the Degree in Computer Engi-neering in Information Technology, at the University Center of Mérida of the University of Extremadura.  The motivation of the research was to monitor the teaching, in a non-invasive way that helps in the teaching / learning process, while the students do not feel that they are being evaluated, minimizing the stress produced by the exams, and trying to automate the learning assessment process so that the teacher has a quick and easy-to-use tool that provides information on the evolution of the students' mental structure, online.  The bases of the study that we present are differrent investigations on pathfinder associative networks and nuclear concepts.  The re-search process developed in several stages.  The first step consisted in obtaining the prior knowledge of the students with the help of software created for this purpose.  With the data obtainned, the associative pathfinder networks of each student were created to know their mental structure.  Data were collected at various moments of the teaching course, to verify the evolution of the teaching-learning process and through associative pathfinder networks, the mental structures of the students were graphically represented, being able to observe the evo-lution of learning during the teaching period. 

Patient Safety in Nursing Graduation: Student Perspective

ABSTRACT. Description: A problem that needs a very serious discussion and needs to be done in responsible way is “Patient Safety”, the subjetct is essential to equip future professionals for the prevention of adverse events and development of the patient safety culture. Justification: Patient Safety needs to be carried on a diagnosis situation in Nursing Graduation at ASCES- UNITA University in the context of teaching offered in the classroom and in the mandatory curricular internships. Objective: To analyze the perception of students about Patient Safety during Nursing Graduation at the University ASCES-UNITA Methodological path: This is a unique, instrumental, exploratory case study with a qualitative approach carried out in a private university in the interior of Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected in an Online Focus Group (GFO) with 12 students from the Nursing course. The data obtained were processed in the qualitative research software, NVivo, version 12.0. Results: The data processed in the software showed the students' perception about the theme divided into three categories, namely, teaching in the classroom, in the curricular internships and attributes for the management of future nurses. Although the university did not have a specific discipline for Patient Safety, the subject is covered since the beginning of the course by all professors in a satisfactory manner, according to them. Conclusion: Investing in the training of health professionals based on patient safety measures is one of the biggest investments that universities can propose, sharpening the criticality for the qualification of care and reduction of hospital costs, seeking to preserve life above all.

Analysis of the Beliefs Manifested by Individuals on Facebook in Face of COVID-19
PRESENTER: Sheyla Fernandes

ABSTRACT. Introduction: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), presented itself as a disease with high potential for contagion and that quickly became a public health emergency, requiring the adoption of some circulation and sanitary measures in order to contain the progress of the disease. These changes and uncertainties of the disease promote great psychological pressure, which can trigger psychological problems. With this, Online Social Networks (RSO) proved to be facilitators of communication and information sharing, promoting a support network, externalizing the beliefs of individuals and coping strategies. Objectives: The objective was to analyze the manifestation of beliefs about the pandemic of COVID-19 among Facebook users in the country. Methods: This study obtained its data through the search with the descriptors "COVID-19", "coronavirus" and "quarantine" in open pages and groups, which addressed the issues in question and presented a minimum number of 50 thousand likes / members / followers on the Facebook site (http://facebook.com.br). The comments were collected and transformed into two textual corpusanalyzed using the Iramuteq software using the similarity analysis method, making it possible to verify the connection between the words present. Results: With the similitude analysis, the first corpuscalled “Humor” presented the terms: father, friend and quarantine as central and connected words. The second corpuscalled "Information" presented the central words: god, son and person. Conclusion: Through this analysis of the manifestations of beliefs in Online Social Networks in face of the pandemic of COVID-19 in Brazil, it was possible to draw a look in the light of social behavior in the face of a period of global health crisis

Use And Attributes Given to Practices and Complementary by Pregnant Women Who Use Primary Health Care System

ABSTRACT. Introduction: Integrative and Complementary Practices (PICS) has been used in several care modalities. Goal: This work aims to comprehend the use and atribute given to PICS by pregnant women who use it. Methodology: This is a qualitative study, developed with 11 pregnant women from the southwest region of the state of Goiás in two time cuts: 2020 and 2021. The data were collected through semi structured interview technique and with the help of a software, a thematic analysis of inductive approach was made, contemplating phases such as data familiarization, data-drive codification strategy and, search, review, definition, and nomination of the chosen themes. This study was submitted to and approved by CEP/PRPPG/UFG (decision n° 3.933.350). Results and Discussion: To physical and emotional complaints noted in pregnancy, emerged on speech prime use of drug treatments and PICS have had a complementary role, with the use of Phytotehrapy/medicinal plants, Auriculotherapy, Aromatherapy and Cupping Therapy. The women who were interviewed assertively attribute decrease in physical discomfort to the use of PICS, demonstrated by the use of the words ‘’helped’’ and ‘’improved’’. When it comes to emotions, it can be seen in such speeches the moderation of such emotions, with the words ‘’helped’’ ‘’to relieve’’, besides the encounter of antagonistic effect to what was being felt, expressed in the use of words such as ‘’calm down’’ ‘’to relax’’ and ‘’to tranquilize’’. The benefits of the use of PICS extrapolate to family and community, after the revelation of their social relationships being positively impacted and repeatedly recommend the use of PCIS to other people and desire to PICS institutionalization in the list of prenatal care. Considerations: Although PICS are put in complementary gestational care, its use in among pregnant users is copious and positve, which contributes to community scope and fortification in APS.

15:00-16:00 Session 14: Plenary Conference

Undertaking Qualitative Research with Co-researchers: The Messy Reality

Caroline Bradbury-Jones (University of Birmingham (UK)

Participatory approaches are extremely popular in qualitative research and the modes of engagement are many and varied. Working with members of the public as co-researchers is one participatory approach that has gained considerable traction over recent years. Co-research is an approach whereby lay public are integrated into a research team and they engage actively with different elements of the project. They are frequently chosen on the basis of their shared experiences and/or characteristics with the study participants. An aspiration model of engagement is for co-researchers to co-design the study and co-produce its outputs. The rationale is that their insider stance can bring invaluable insights into shaping the research questions and the methods through which these are addressed. In real world research this gold standard ‘inception to end’ model can be difficult (although not impossible) to achieve, but nevertheless, the engagement of co-researchers for key parts of a research project is infinitely achievable. In qualitative research, co-researchers are frequently involved with data generation, analysis and report writing. The argument is that a shared identity with the study participants, yields rich qualitative insights that are difficult to achieve with an outsider lens.

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