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08:00-17:00 Session 1: ICTERI-2024 Registration and Information Services

All times in the program are EEST (CEST+1, BST+2)

ICTERI-2024 Registration and Information Service Desk is located at the lobby of the conference building. The registered participants will get their information pack there. You can also ask about anything related to the conference and satellite events there. Please come alone and ask or use one of the ICTERI-2024 information channels online:

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08:30-10:00 Session 2A: IntelEdu-2024 Session-1

IntelEdu-2024 Session 1

Room: ЦШ-002

For online participants in this session:

Studying AI Technologies in Extracurricular Activities with Teenagers
PRESENTER: Nataliya Kushnir

ABSTRACT. Today, artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly transformed all spheres of society. One of the tasks of the education system is to prepare children for successful lives in a modern technological world, en- suring their professional realization and demand in the labor market. In this study, we describe the conduct of a class with students within the framework of extracurricular activities focused on artificial intelligence: terminology is introduced, an approximate lesson plan is provided, and methodological recommendations are given. During the class, children become familiar with the concepts of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the differences between them, the concept of computer vision, the stages of machine learning, the steps of object identification, data acquisition and classification, examples of image recognition projects, de- cision trees, the concept of neural networks and their training, and they also teach a machine with built-in artificial intelligence to "see" objects. Throughout the lesson, various games were proposed to help understand and assimilate complex concepts. The uniqueness of these classes lies in their duration and the variety of activities. They can be conducted in summer camps, during scientific studies/research during holidays. Spe- cial attention should be paid to the use of artificial intelligence in robotic systems. This combination allows for the expansion of the study of tradi- tional STEM subjects. The article presents the experience of conducting classes within the volunteer project "Ukrainian Hacker School" for chil- dren. Using the example of a class involving Zumi, the main approaches and features of AI learning for children aged 10-16 are revealed.

Artificial Intelligence in Open University Ecosystem Context

ABSTRACT. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most prevalent top- ics in modern science. It is also reflected in the higher education sphere. Implementation of AI in university activities requires prior analysis of spheres where artificial intelligence can be used to provide responsible and smart use of AI. Based on the survey of educational process par- ticipants, the authors analysed the level of readiness of respondents to AI utilisation, their apprehension of AI’s role in different spheres of uni- versity activities, and singled out spheres of open university ecosystem where AI can be used and presented as a structural model. Among the spheres of university activities where AI can be implemented there are infrastructure, security, management and administration, research, rat- ings, sustainable development, learning personalisation, and e-learning. The selection of artificial intelligence tools for each sphere was performed and presented. The results of the research can be used for planning of AI implementation in higher education institutions and AI policy formation.

Web-based information system "Common Information Space for Virtual Exchange Program
PRESENTER: Olga Pavlova

ABSTRACT. The increasing importance of online learning, blended learning, and virtual exchange programs in contemporary education necessitates the development of robust digital platforms. Design and implementation of a web-based information system titled "Common Information Space for Virtual Exchange Program" is presented in this paper. This system aims to facilitate seamless virtual exchange programs by providing a comprehensive platform for collaboration, communication, and resource sharing among students and educators globally. By integrating online and blended learning methodologies, the system ensures that high-quality educational resources are accessible to students irrespective of their geographical location, fostering an inclusive and diverse learning environment. The blended learning approach allows for greater flexibility and personalization, catering to varied learning styles and needs. Moreover, virtual exchange programs promoted through this platform enhance cross-cultural understanding and global awareness, equipping students with the skills necessary for a globally interconnected world. The "Common Information Space for Virtual Exchange Program" leverages these educational strategies to create an engaging and interactive learning ecosystem. It supports real-time communication and collaboration, significantly improving student engagement and participation. This, in turn, leads to more effective and meaningful learning outcomes.

08:30-10:00 Session 2B: DigiTransfEd-2024 Session-1

DigiTransfEd-2024 Session 1

Room: ЦШ-2-202

For online participants in this session:

Development of digital competence of the military leadership officers in the system of advanced training: a pedagogical experiment
PRESENTER: Alla Prokopenko

ABSTRACT. The study aims to find ways to solve the urgent problem of improving the military education system – the development of servicemen members’s digital competence. As a result of theoretical, methodological, and experimental work, the relevance of and needs for developing digital competence of the military leadership officers in various competence areas have been studied: Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration, Digital content creation, Safety, and Problem-solving. To fulfill these needs, an online optional course, "Digital Technologies in the Professional Activity of the military leadership officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," and a corresponding curriculum have been developed. The study also developed a computer-oriented methodological system aimed at enhancing digital competence within the framework of the advanced training system for military leadership officers. The effectiveness of this system was thoroughly tested during a pedagogical experiment. The analysis of the level characteristics of development in the experimental group before and after the formative experimental influence showed positive and statistically significant changes in digital competence development among officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine’s military command. Positive shifts across all components ofdigital competence (cognitive, operational-activity, and value-motivational) confirmed the achievementof the research goals and objectives, indicating the success of the implemented methodology and selectedteaching tools. This research significantly contributes to modernizing military education by emphasizing the formation and development of digital competence, which is crucial for conducting modern military operations and making operational decisions.

Design of MOOC "Innovative Teaching: Essentials of Digital Creativity and Hybrid Learning" for providing micro-credential for educators

ABSTRACT. The article presents the preliminary results of the research conducted as part of the Erasmus+ project101082858 CRED4TEACH "MOOC-based micro-credentials for teacher professional development". Some contradictions of professional training of future educators are given. To overcome them, it is advisable to implement micro-credentials. The design of the MOOC "Innovative Teaching: Essentials of DigitalCreativity and Hybrid Learning" for teachers, tutors, lecturers, instructors, and students of pedagogical specialities is presented. The course is designed for 90 academic hours so students will receive 3 ECTS. It includes self-study of theoretical material, completion of practical tasks, and a final project. The aim, target auditory, lists of competencies and learning outcomes, structure of MOOC are presented in the article.

Professional development of teachers in conditions of digital transformation of postgraduate pedagogical education

ABSTRACT. The digital transformation of society promotes changes in all spheres of life, including education. Digital and remote technologies for professional development are essential for those who combine study with work and already have professional experience. The critical aspects of the continuity of the educational process during crises and the creation of strategies for the effective implementation of digital tools in postgraduate pedagogical education are the understanding of the general strategy of the digital transformation of education in general and postgraduate pedagogical education in particular. To ensure the continuous professional development of teachers in today’s conditions, it is necessary to consider the possibilities of digital transformation of postgraduate pedagogical education. The digital transformation strategy of postgraduate education is impossible without analysing the needs and requests of teachers in professional development using digital technologies and possibilities of postgraduate education, taking into account international experience. To determine teachers’ professional development possibilities, the article presents the results of a survey of 1472 teachers of various specialities and different professional experiences and conducted interviews with focus groups of 72 teachers with a high level of digital competence and professional experience.

Gamification method using Minecraft for training future teachers of computer science
PRESENTER: Andrii Riabko

ABSTRACT. The article examines the integration of the content of the educational program from "Informatics: programming practicum" of training future computer science teachers in a higher educational institution to the Minecraft education game process. The peculiarities and possibilities of Minecraft education regarding the gamification of the educational process, which are confirmed in many studies and publications, are considered. Methods of integration of individual topics from the programming workshop into the Minecraft gameplay are proposed. Examples of tasks, projects and creative tasks are given. The results of the research-experimental verification of the methods of integration of programming learning into the Minecraft game process are described, which confirmed its effectiveness based on the application of the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test. The perspective and wide possibilities of integration of other educational subjects into the gameplay of Minecraft are noted.

08:30-10:00 Session 2C: 3L-Person-2024 Session-1

3L-Person-2024 Session 1

Room: ЦШ-2-203

For online participants in this session:

Peculiarities of Changes in the Structure of Intellectual and Personal Qualities of Students of the ICT Vocation
PRESENTER: Yuliia Nosenko

ABSTRACT. Almost all career guidance technologies, standards and approaches for IT-workers relate to technical or soft skills, but do not take into account that not all people can become the masters in IT domain because of some limitations of their abilities. Unfortunately, human psychological abilities are often out of HRs’ focus. That is why, we wished to study important abilities of IT-learners in projection on professionally important qualities of IT professionals from point of view of evolution (changes) of some intelligence and personality indices on the edge of a human transition from adolescent to young adult as a future IT-specialist. It has been revealed that structure of intelligence can change at micro-age intervals over the high school and university learning, though the most popular view of researchers was relatively stable level of intelligence after 15 years-old. Besides, our research has demonstrated a difference in that structure in high school pupils and university students despite the fact that all students studied in specialized classes or faculties and represented selective samples. Our findings allowed to propose educators to adapt educational process of IT-learners with regard to specific and/or non-specific training such professionally important psychological qualities as ability to solve practical computational tasks and operation with specials objects (both 2D and 3D)

Advantages and Limitations of Large Language Models in Chemistry Education: A Comparative Analysis of ChatGPT, Gemini and Copilot

ABSTRACT. The purpose of the article is to explore the potential and limitations of using text-based generative artificial intelligence — large language models (LLMs) in education, namely for teaching and learning Chemistry. The main objective of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of the performance and accuracy of some LLMs in chemical disciplines; and identify key challenges in their application. The LLMs were selected as the most commonly used based on the results of a student survey. The key factor in their popularity among Ukrainian students is their free access. We used LLMs like ChatGPT, Gemini and Copilot for solving tasks related to specific chemical disciplines aimed at assessing their viability for enhancing chemical education in Ukrainian higher education. We used the test questions spanning reproductive and productive levels requiring analysis and logical reasoning. And we conducted a comparative evaluation of AI performance against that of average Ukrainian students. As a result, LLMs showed potential mainly in areas that did not require logical reasoning, but they were generally inferior to students. Key challenges included grasping nuances, abstract concepts, recognizing formulas, equations, limitations of logical reasoning, and language barriers. Although LLMs are promising, their implementation requires addressing the identified limitations

Computer system for distance learning with integrated artificial intelligence

ABSTRACT. In this paper a distance learning system is developed. It allows improving the educational process and increasing convenience carrying out the educational process for teachers and students through integration in artificial intelligence system for creating tests. The system has a unique innovative functionality that allows you to easily create tests automatically, using artificial intelligence. It helps to significantly reduce time consumption the teacher. Before development, various modern ones were analyzed tools and selected Laravel framework, React library and ChatGpt service for using artificial intelligence. A monolithic one is chosen architecture that is best suited for this type of system. After development, comprehensive testing, validation and minimization were performed code, improving the weight and loading speed of the site. An experiment with the creation of a test with the help of AI confirmed the acceleration and efficiency system, which means that the set goal of the work has been achieved.

The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching Students Programming Languages

ABSTRACT. New technologies are increasingly becoming a part of a person's life, in par-ticular at the stage of education. Education is the main component of com-prehensive personality development and affects all spheres of human life. Hence the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is introduced into all spheres of life, could not remain unnoticed by higher education institutions (HEIs). Research conducted by the global scientific and pedagogical community along the advent of AI has shown its positive impact on the or-ganization of the educational process for students in higher education institutions. In the modern world, programming is becoming a basic skill for many professions and requires a modern approach to the organization of teaching programming languages to students of HEIs, since traditional teaching meth-ods cannot always provide the necessary level of student training in the con-ditions of rapid technological development. That is why the use of AI in teaching programming languages is relevant for several reasons: increasing the student's competitiveness in the modern labor market; introducing innovations into the educational system, which makes the learning process more exciting and motivating; increasing the effectiveness of teaching program-ming languages. The present study presents the results of the analysis of AI platforms that can be used in the process of teaching programming languages to students, according to the following criteria: intelligent educational sys-tems; automated assessment; interactive educational platforms; tutoring sys-tems; analysis of educational data; mobile applications for learning; virtual laboratories and AI for creating educational materials. It establishes that AI provides new opportunities for the teacher in the educational tasks develop-ment as well as provides a list of proposed 30 tasks that can be performed using AI. A survey was conducted among students of 1-4 years of study in HEIs, which showed that most of the respondents know about AI and active-ly use it in their educational activities. The most active users of AI turned out to be 1st-year students, that is, those who are just starting their way in pro-gramming and are ready to implement innovations in their educational and later professional activities. At the same time the 3rd-4th year students are more cautious in using AI, substantiating their attitude by the imperfection of existing models. The use of AI in teaching students programming languages provides an opportunity to adapt educational materials to the needs of each student. However, this requires the creation of new assessment methodologies and an individual approach to learning, which can be complicated for various reasons

Automation of checking student assignments in IT-related subjects based on AI systems

ABSTRACT. Automation of students’ program codes verification is an important task, as it provides an opportunity to provide prompt and effective feedback to the student, significantly reduce resource costs for checking solutions. In connection with the rapid development of AI systems, new opportunities and approaches of its automation appear. We consider a fundamentally new approach for estimation of time complexity of an algorithm. The study used AI systems for estimation the complexity of the algorithm based on code fragments. According to the obtained results, a decision is made regarding the suitability of these systems for automating the evaluation of students’ program codes. We also offer for consideration the methods of implementing such approaches to the automation of checking student assignments in IT-related subjects based on AI systems. To assess the time complexity of code fragments, we used Chat GPT, Bard, TimeComplexity.ai, Chatsonic. All AI systems which participated in the experiment accurately determined the algorithmic complexity for each of the code fragments written in Python. The results indicate that ChatGPT and Google Bard demonstrated satisfactory accuracy assessing time complexity of code fragments written in Java. We developed an API which allows to partially automate teacher’s work during checks of students’ assignments

Evaluation of satisfaction with the use of artificial intelligence in the educational process by teachers in Ukraine

ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the study of Ukrainian teachers' satisfaction with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the educational process. The rapid integration of AI into education involves the use of technologies such as virtual assistants, adaptive learning systems, and automated assessment. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of teachers' satisfaction and identify the main problems and advantages of using AI in Ukrainian schools. A survey conducted among 807 respondents in December 2023 showed that the most popular services are ChatGPT and Bard (Gemini). The majority of respondents noted increasing the availability of materials, improving the organization of the educational process, and automating the creation of didactic material as the main advantages of AI. At the same time, the main obstacles include technical limitations and risks associated with excessive dependence on technology. In general, the results of the study demonstrate a high interest and positive attitude towards AI among teachers, although there are problems that need to be solved for the effective implementation of technologies in the educational process. A model of AI use in education is proposed

Web Information Educational Assistant Service with focus on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems Technologies

ABSTRACT. In the 21st century, massive online courses and digital educational platforms have gained huge popularity and are widely used by many educational establishments worldwide. Smart data and artificial intelligence-related technologies have been sufficiently developed and researched for their usage in other industries. This paper presents a modern take on the potential usage of artificial intelligence-related and smart data-driven technologies, with the focus on educational platforms. The study outlines the smart system design and provides as in-depth data classifications for educational processes and methodologies. The Educational Assistant web-service software model that had been designed consists of data-centered smart sub-systems, such as knowledge, recommendation, assessment, and expert feedback components. Platform-relevant data structures and algorithms were designed using educational assistant communication system architecture. As a result, the platform-specific algorithm for grading and course content recommendation has been outlined in model, equation, and algorithmic flow representation. The presented platform is not meant to replace teacher or teacher-student interaction, its goal is to help overcome present obstacles due to the nature of online education and help both parties with the process. The novel smart educational platform can be further enhanced after sufficient data testing and appropriate AI/data algorithm adjustments. Both educational establishments and researchers in the field of educational technologies can use this AI teacher and student assistant platform

10:30-12:00 Session 3A: IntelEdu-2024 Session-2

IntelEdu-2024 Session 2

Room: ЦШ-002

For online participants in this session:

Using Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Automating the Conducting and Checking of Dictations
PRESENTER: Olha Pronina

ABSTRACT. In the modern world, the need for constant updating of knowledge and skills is becoming increasingly important. Accessible In- ternet and a variety of online platforms for distance learning allow people to learn throughout their lives, adapting to the changing demands of the labor market. Online educational platforms allow students to study at any time and from anywhere, which is especially important for people with limited access to traditional education due to geographic, temporal or other reasons. The introduction of artificial intelligence technologies into educational systems allows you to automate many tasks, as well as organize feed- back, helping students quickly identify and correct their mistakes. This contributes to a deeper understanding of the material and improves learn- ing outcomes. The presence of web-oriented educational systems allows you to serve a large number of students at the same time, which allows educational institutions to expand their audience without significant ad- ditional costs. This is also relevant for distance learning in case of unfore- seen circumstances. In this article, the authors show how, thanks to the introduction of AI, it is possible to automate the conduct and checking of dictations for distance learning. The development of the learning system used programming technologies JavaScript, Next.js, CSS, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, GoogleCloudStor- age, as well as GoogleText-to-Speech technologies - for generating dicta- tions in audio format in natural language, Googlediff-match-patch - for comparing text in real time, GoogleVertexAI - for detailed feedback and error analysis. The developed system for teachers provides functions that allow creating, managing and evaluating dictations. A convenient interface for working with dictations has been developed for students, including a feedback mechanism based on artificial intelligence. The developed web-oriented learning system, thanks to the use of AI, represents an innovative ap- proach to personalized language learning, and also shows the potential of AI and cloud technologies in the formation of future educational prac- tices.

Information-diagnostic online SMART platform based on the adaptation of an open-source virtual learning environment
PRESENTER: Olga Pavlova

ABSTRACT. This study focuses on the development of user requirements, permissions, and system architecture for the Information-Diagnostic Online SMART Platform, which is devoted to the adaptation of an open-source virtual learning environment. This platform aims to provide a comprehensive, flexible, and adaptive learning environment that meets all the needs of students in higher education.The platform leverages a personalized learning approach that is increasingly relevant in today's educational landscape. By addressing the unique needs, preferences, and learning styles of each student, it enhances engagement, motivation, and academic performance. Personalized learning allows students to advance at their own pace, focusing on areas where they need the most support while leveraging their strengths.The SMART platform's architecture prioritizes scalability, security, and user-friendliness. Key components, such as user requirements and permissions, are meticulously designed to handle a diverse user base while maintaining data integrity and privacy. This robust framework supports a wide range of educational activities, including real-time diagnostics, feedback, adaptive learning pathways, and resource recommendations. The platform's inclusive design principles providing accessibility for all students, including those with disabilities and particular learning needs. By integrating advanced analytics and adaptive technologies, it offers a dynamic and interactive learning experience that responds to individual student progress and feedback.

Mechanisms for Using Artificial Intelligence for Measurements in the Educational Online Environment

ABSTRACT. Today, artificial intelligence is actively being implemented in the educational sphere. The capabilities of artificial intelligence are widely applied not only in educational activities but can also be used for various types of measurements in the educational environment. Given the war that has been ongoing in Ukraine for over 2 years, the educational process in some higher education institutions, particularly relocated universities, takes place in a mixed format or sometimes remotely, which necessitates not only the improvement of personalized student learning and changes in the system of assessing the quality of their knowledge but also in studying students' attitudes and motivations towards the educational process under such difficult conditions. It is important to consider their focus, engagement, and interest in the learning material, as well as their readiness to interact with lecturers and provide feedback, which will ensure an improvement in the quality of the educational process and the quality preparation of future professionals. The aim of the article is to investigate the mechanisms for using artificial intelligence for measurements in the educational online environment (based on the experience of Kherson State University). The article attempts to use the capabilities of artificial intelligence to measure the concentration of students' attention during classes, their engagement in the lesson, and their readiness to provide feedback during mixed or remote learning. The issues that require further research regarding the use of artificial intelligence capabilities in measurements in the educational online environment include the following directions: the ability of artificial intelligence to characterize video recordings of educational classes concerning certain criteria that affect the quality of learning (level of attention, interaction activity, gestures and poses during the lesson, body tension, breathing and blinking frequency, lip and jaw movement, reaction to content, etc.); the ability of artificial intelligence to assist in creating analytical reports based on quantitative indicators provided to it, concerning learning outcomes or survey results; the ability of artificial intelligence to create automated applications or tools that could improve elements of personalized and student-centered learning in higher education institutions.

10:30-12:00 Session 3B: DigiTransfEd-2024 Session-2

DigiTransfEd-2024 Session 2

Room: ЦШ-2-202

For online participants in this session:

Technologies and algorithms for the implementation of the recommendation system for creating an individual study plan for a higher education student
PRESENTER: Yaroslav Ponzel

ABSTRACT. The functionality of recommendation systems is implemented in a lot of popular services and marketing platforms, as they provide an opportunity to analyze and filter information in terms of choosing the most suitable products, content, or services for the user according to his preferences and capabilities. However,in education, such functionality is also in great demand, especially when it comes to choosing educational content according to preferences and learning styles in order to create an educational trajectory based on previous experience and academic performance. Lack of understanding of their capabilities and preferences or inability to build a structured learning vector is inherent for applicants and first-year students. That is why this article analyzes the main problems in the implementation of a recommendation system for building an individual study plan for a higher education student, identifies the main ways to implement such a system, and builds a basic algorithm for a our recommendation system that can provide top disciplines for a student to study based on his or her previous learning outcomes, the learning outcomes of students of the same specialty for a certain period, and the factor of similarity of subjects and the choice of his or her specialization.

Visual Modeling Technologies in the Mathematical Training of Engineers in Modern Conditions of Digital Transformation of Approaches to Creating Visual Content

ABSTRACT. The article researches the problem of designing visualization technology for an advanced mathematics course by students of engineering specialities. The main components of the technology of visual learning are highlighted: the formation of basic educational elements, models of images of learning objects, improving the quality of analytical training of students and forming their knowledge, abilities, and skills in the use of scientific and methodological apparatus. A feature of the recommended pedagogical technology is that modern digital technologies are used in its implementation. Increasing the level of mathematical education of future engineers is an important component of their quality training. This involves understanding the essence of basic concepts and statements studied in advanced mathematics, their interpretation in various sciences, and the ability to build mathematical models and apply mathematical methods in solving applied problems. The article considersthe main approaches to establishing interdisciplinary connections in the process of teaching advancedmathematics to students of engineering specialties, in particular, in the field of mechanical engineering. The importance of using problems that illustrate the need to introduce basic mathematical concepts, which gives motivation and stimulates the study of mathematics, is emphasized. To implement the professional orientation of the advanced mathematics course, considerable attention is paid to applied problems, which contributes to the development of research skills of future specialists. It is noted that mathematical modelling is important for establishing interdisciplinary connections and forming a scientific and holistic perception of the world. The following types of student activities related to visual mathematical modeling were determined: development of visual mathematical models related to a specific task; selection and – if necessary – an adaptation of the existing model to solve this task; use of interpretation to make recommendations and predict the behavior of a particular procedure, avoiding explicit work with models.

Intelligent Parametric EducationalWeb Platform System Design

ABSTRACT. The new generation does not accept traditional teaching methods, at the same time, today’s young people are informational and technologically aware and strive for a new approach to acquiring knowledge and skills. In addition, the modern educational space has many global issues and challenges, including the challenges of the pandemic, and problems with access to electricity and networks, in connection with which distance learning is becoming increasingly relevant. Today, smart educational platforms partially solve these issues and can meet the needs of students, at the same time they do not fully cover the full range of modern requirements and technical capabilities for the educational process. The presented smart educational platform has absorbed the main technological innovations, namely smart systems built for processing large amounts of data, which are the main component, along with algorithms and artificial intelligence systems. The presented concept of understanding the educational platform is based on the practical experience of teaching and preparing trained courses for students of higher education institutions of various specialties. The presented system is based on the interaction of the teacher and the student and them with the smart system separately. This allows all participants in the educational process - students and teachers - to have access to the learning platform 24/7. In addition, thanks to modern concepts of software architecture and the paradigm of human interaction with the machine interface, the presented system provides an opportunity to work and dynamically change parameters by a teacher who does not have the appropriate technological knowledge or is not a professional software developer. The educational platform is part of a more global e-learning system and a new paradigm of modern education.

Semantic Analysis of Learning Objects: Thesaurus Approach for Digital Transformation of Educational Resources

ABSTRACT. This study is devoted to the problems of development of digital resources for education based on use of semantic technologies and knowledge management models aimed at the analysis of educational content. Digital transformation is a complex problem, therefore, we analyze only the semantic representation andsearch of learning objects (LOs) used by andragogue for construction of personalized learning trajectories(PLT). This special case of LO selection takes into account more complex set of their properties andanalyzes both LO metadata standards and elements of domain-specific characteristics of LOs. Proposed approach is aimed on the digital transformation of learning activities based on use of semantic technologies and knowledge management models that support analysis, structuring and retrieval of educational content with use of external knowledge sources. We propose information retrieval system that process formalized knowledge about learning course and student needs to find pertinent LOs that can be used in student PLT. An ontological approach provides creation of learning course thesaurus, and this thesaurus is processed as an input of retrieval procedure. Search results need in additional indexing with use of LO metadata standards and individual estimates of andragogue that transforms information into the LOs. Semantic Wiki environment is used for support of such indexingand storing of retrieved LOs and their structure.

10:30-12:00 Session 3C: 3L-Person-2024 Session-2

3L-Person-2024 Сесія 1

Room: ЦШ-2-203

For online participants in this session:

Analysis of digital technologies in Ukraine: problems and prospects

ABSTRACT. The article examines the development and diffusion of digital technologies in Ukraine and the EU, and their impact on society and the economy. It highlights the rapid growth and adoption of digital solutions and underlines Ukraine’s significant potential for further progress in this area. Key benefits of digital technologies for businesses include market forecasting, process automation, asset monitoring, cost reduction, improved product and service quality, and remote support. However, these benefits are accompanied by risks, such as potential job losses, cybersecurity and privacy threats, and data and human resource quality issues, especially in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). To assess the readiness of Ukrainian SMEs to adopt digital technologies and identify challenges, a survey was conducted. To increase the efficiency of digital transformation, the article proposes the creation of an innovation ecosystem that integrates the interests of all stakeholders. The Digital Innovation Hub model based on the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is presented as a successful example demonstrating effective collaboration between researchers, educational institutions, SMEs and international partners. This model helps to estimate resource costs and time, minimize development and implementation risks, and respond to customer needs. The systematic approach to combining science, education and business through digital technologies aims to enhance human potential and address economic and socio-economic issues. An increased focus on local digital innovation hubs will help build a national innovation ecosystem and enhance the competitiveness of the country’s digital technology sector.

Research on the feasibility of employing gamification technologies in the training process of IT specialization seekers

ABSTRACT. Despite the significant amount of published work on gamification in education, many aspects remain unexplored. Including question of gamification in gender perspectives and age-related considerations that has not been investigated yet. Amount of evidence-based researches, long-term studies and effective recommendations on gamifying educational content are equal to zero. The aim of this study is to find out the feasibility of introducing gamifi- cation technologies into the process of training applicants for IT majors. To achieve this aim, various scientific research methods were used, including literature analysis, experiments, result comparisons, and data analysis techniques. Multiple hypotheses on the effectiveness of gamification technologies in the process of training applicants for IT majors were formulated and investigated. Specifically, the study examined if there’s a significant correlation between participation levels in gamified courses and overall learning effectiveness, if active time spent in gamified courses positively impacts effectiveness, and if task completion relates to learning improvement for each specific task. Visualizations of the obtained results have been conducted. Particularly, a Scatter Plot with Regression Line has been constructed to depict the relationship between the level of participation in the gamified course and overall academic performance. Additionally, a Heat map correlation matrix has been created to display the level of dependence between the number of attempts for each test and the final exam score, along with other graphs. Python library tools in the Jupiter Notebook environment facilitated these analyses. In conclusion, participation in the gamified course positively impacts learning effectiveness, although its strength may vary depending on specific conditions.

Monitoring the effectiveness of the STEAM-oriented environment in general secondary education institutions: approaches to defining criteria
PRESENTER: Nataliia Soroko

ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the problems and advantages of monitoring the implementation of STEAM-oriented educational environment in institutions of general secondary education; identifying criteria and indicators for its implementation; analysis of the state of development of STEAM-oriented educational environments in 2024 in Ukraine based on defined criteria. The approaches to monitoring the STEAM-oriented educational environment development for general secondary education are highlighted. The study showed that there is a significant interest of teachers, students, and other participants in the educational process in the implementation and development of a STEAM-oriented educational environment in general education institutions. The study identified gaps in the assessment of the effectiveness of the use of STEM education in Ukrainian schools through a series of surveys and studies, especially in the absence of a single approach to continuous monitoring. Therefore, the authors proposed criteria based on both international approaches and the peculiarities of the Ukrainian education system. The following problems were identified in the Ukrainian educational institutions: funding of STEAM projects; provision of general education institutions with modern laboratories, tools, means of virtual and augmented reality, and special classrooms; maintaining the motivation of teachers and students to participate in STEAM-activities. The article analyses the results of studies by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as well as own studies carried out in 2022-2023 years. These studies have raised the issue of the effectiveness of the STEAM-oriented educational environment based on the point of view of Ukrainian teachers. The data revealed in the studies enhanced the identification of criteria that can be applied to the assessment of the influence of modern technologies on the educational process and the identification of the key factors contributing to the successful integration of STEM education in general secondary education institutions. The article aims to present the approaches and criteria for monitoring STEAM-oriented educational environments and analyze the challenges faced by Ukrainian secondary educational institutions nowadays

Using STACK to support adaptive mathematics learning in LMS Moodle
PRESENTER: Oksana Hlushak

ABSTRACT. The article describes some practices of using Systems for Teaching and Assessment using Computer Algebra Kernel (STACK) in LMS Moodle to organize and support adaptive mathematics learning at the university. It highlights the potential opportunities of this technology in the educational process to ensure effective teaching and learning in mixed or distance learning environments. Shifting the educational focus from providing static content, the same for all students, to a didactically motivated adaptive design of content and activities is an urgent task and goal of modern education. STACK is one of the leading technologies that allows the creation of dynamic, variable tests with automatic evaluation of student answers and individual feedback. However, there is no widespread practice of its use in Ukraine. Therefore, the author’s examples focus on the advantages of interactive math tests using the potential response tree, particularly during formative assessment, and step-by-step tasks with separate prompts for self-study. Examples of STACK integration with LMS Moodle functions, such as Quiz and Grouping users, demonstrate the technology’s capabilities to create personalized learning trajectories during the study of mathematical disciplines. Below are some feedback examples from students about the positive aspects of using STACK

Integrating formative assessment into higher education learning environment

ABSTRACT. The article explores the aspects of integrating formative assessment into the design of the learning environment. A pedagogical experiment was conducted at the National University Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic during the 2023-2024 academic year, focusing on the graphic training of first-year Industrial Engineering students. The experiment, carried out in three phases (ascertaining, formative, and control), it involved 56 students in the experimental group from the educational programs “Operation, Testing and Maintenance of Automobiles and Tractors” and “Internal Combustion Engines”. The control group consisted of 86 students from the programs “Metal-cutting Machines and Systems” and “Lifting and Transport, Road, Construction, Land Reclamation Machinery and Equipment”. The study concluded that formative assessment fosters a culture of independent work among students. A pedagogical model was designed to integrate formative assessment into students’ independent work, emphasizing a cyclical structure to enhance assessment skills. The main qualities developed through formative assessment include educational, personal, professional skills, and qualities related to cooperation and co-creation within the educational process. The article also highlights the role of digital technologies in the educational process. Key indicators of formative assessment identified are motivation to learn, self-analysis, self-assessment, mutual assessment, self-confidence, personal responsibility, and teamwork. The results demonstrate the positive impact of formative assessment on fostering a culture of independent work among students, supported by digital technologies.

Synergy of virtual learning environments in the context of implementing the principles of remote learning for higher education applicants: economic aspect

ABSTRACT. The article reveals the peculiarities of complex implementation of educational websites of teachers and learning management system in a remote learning environment, analyzes the economic aspect of their use: the continuity of training in extreme conditions, the ability of participants in the educational process to be in a safe place, and saving university resources. It is the synergistic combination of these components of the virtual environment improves the educational level of higher education applicants, develops their creative potential, ensures the effectiveness of learning activities on the use of modern digital technology. One of the links in creating a virtual learning environment is the development of free learning space through websites. It is stated that the teacher’s site should be integrated into the learning technology designed and implemented by the teacher. Then the logic and structure of the lesson will be an element of the teacher’s creativity, and he is able to choose his own strategy and teaching methods, and not just follow the presentation of the material proposed by other authors. In conditions when the idea of personality-oriented learning, built on the innovative activities of the teacher, is fundamental in education, this approach, according to our research, is crucial. Pedagogically balanced use of educational websites and learning management systems in remote education conditions by teachers in their professional activities contributes to providing students with individualized learning pace, differentiated complication of educational material and development of individual tasks taking into account students’ interests and in accordance with the profile of the educational institution. In order to implement virtual educational environment, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics of applicants for education in the organization of their learning activities, which allows students to build their own educational trajectory, taking into account individual learning rate, the depth of assimilation of the content of the training program and educational needs. The efficiency of such training will significantly improve with the integrated use and interaction of digital and information and communication technologies, which provides opportunities for expanding the individualization and differentiation of the educational process in accordance with the cognitive characteristics of applicants for education.

Development of digital competencies in immersive cloud-based educational environment
PRESENTER: Serhiy Semerikov

ABSTRACT. The development of digital competencies in higher education students is a key task for modern universities in the context of digital transformation of society. An effective means to achieve this goal is the use of an immersive cloud-based educational environment (ICBEE). This paper presents a model for using ICBEE in the formation of digital competencies, defines a system of digital competencies for future IT professionals and engineer-educators, and proposes a methodology for developing digital competencies in pre-service teachers using immersive technologies. The implementation of the proposed approaches will increase the level of digital competencies of higher education graduates and promote their successful professional self-realization in the digital society.

13:00-14:30 Session 4: DigiTransfEd-2024 Session-3

DigiTransfEd-2024 Session 3

Room: ЦШ-2-202

For online participants in this session:

School Digitalization Indicators in Educational Equity Analysis

ABSTRACT. Digital transformation of the educational landscape raises the issue of equal opportunities in education for all. National and international authorities work together on a strategy for the education system that combines equal opportunities and digitalization. Digitalization should not be seen as an end in itself. Rather, the concrete measures must be analyzed by their contribution to equal opportunities in education. This article is aimed at analyzing education digitalization indicators as well as other indicators of accessibility of education and digital key performance indicators from the point of their role in determining educational equity in Ukraine. The analytical tool of the principal component method was used. The main finding of the analysis is that the provision of households with fixed Internet and the availability of computers connected to the Internet in schools are the most important factors of educational equity in Ukraine. This conclusion can be used in developing state digital and education policy in Ukraine.

Developing and Validating an Integrated Three-Tier Multiple Choice Test for Smartphone-based Experiments in Physics

ABSTRACT. The increasing use of smartphone-based physics experiments has become a theme of many physics education-related research and publications, including its actual implementation inside the classroom. Measuring this scientific process and teachers’ and students’ corresponding conceptual understanding is needed. This paper aims to create a well-designed, reliable, validated integrated instrument to measure the intervention’s impact on the student’s conceptual understanding and science process skills (SPS) of various physics topics. The reliability measure was internal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha, and the validity measures were content and construct validity. The instrument was found reliable with an alpha point estimate value of 0.766, which is considered to be acceptably good. The content validity index revealed some items as inappropriate, so they were removed, and 30 items were appropriate. The exploratory factor analysis (EFA) revealed ten components that were measured in the instrument. These components were classified by their factor loads using orthogonal rotation in varimax. The manual analysis of these factor loads revealed that the EFA was measuring the teachers’ cognition level based on the question’s science process skills level. The most dominant scores were from remembering and lowly from evaluating level. This revealed the power of the instrument to integrate the SPS and conceptual understanding constructs into one instrument. The instrument is now validated; therefore, this paper suggests using this instrument to measure the level of integrated physics SPS and conceptual understanding during a smartphone-based physics experiment.

Immersive cloud-based educational environment of the university: Principles of design

ABSTRACT. This paper presents the principles of designing an immersive cloud-based educational environment for universities. Based on an analysis of the current state and foreign experience in implementing innovative ICT environments in higher education, the key components and design principles of an immersive cloud-based educational environment are identified. These principles include openness and accessibility, personification and adaptability, innovation and practical orientation of technologies, and the integration of traditional and cloud-based learning tools. The paper also discusses the development of teachers’ digital competencies necessary for effective work in such an environment. The proposed conceptual provisions form the basis for the systemic design of an immersive cloud-based educational environment as an innovative high-tech educational space focused on the individual development and professionalization of future specialists.