Tags:digital transformation, information and educational environment, postgraduate pedagogical education and teacher’s professional development
The digital transformation of society promotes changes in all spheres of life, including education. Digitaland remote technologies for professional development are essential for those who combine study withwork and already have professional experience. The critical aspects of the continuity of the educationalprocess during crises and the creation of strategies for the effective implementation of digital toolsin postgraduate pedagogical education are the understanding of the general strategy of the digitaltransformation of education in general and postgraduate pedagogical education in particular. To ensurethe continuous professional development of teachers in today’s conditions, it is necessary to consider thepossibilities of digital transformation of postgraduate pedagogical education. The digital transformationstrategy of postgraduate education is impossible without analysing the needs and requests of teachers inprofessional development using digital technologies and possibilities of postgraduate education, takinginto account international experience. To determine teachers’ professional development possibilities, thearticle presents the results of a survey of 1472 teachers of various specialities and different professionalexperiences and conducted interviews with focus groups of 72 teachers with a high level of digitalcompetence and professional experience.
Professional Development of Teachers in Conditions of Digital Transformation of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education