Tags:Artificial Intelligence Systems, Data-driven Service, Educational Technologies, Information System Design and MOOC
In the 21st century, massive online courses and digital educational platforms have gained huge popularity and are widely used by many educational establishments worldwide. Smart data and artificial intelligence-related technologies have been sufficiently developed and researched for their usage in other industries. This paper presents a modern take on the potential usage of artificial intelligence-related and smart data-driven technologies, with the focus on educational platforms. The study outlines the smart system design and provides as in-depth data classifications for educational processes and methodologies. The Educational Assistant web-service software model that had been designed consists of data-centered smart sub-systems, such as knowledge, recommendation, assessment, and expert feedback components. Platform-relevant data structures and algorithms were designed using educational assistant communication system architecture. As a result, the platform-specific algorithm for grading and course content recommendation has been outlined in model, equation, and algorithmic flow representation. The presented platform is not meant to replace teacher or teacher-student interaction, its goal is to help overcome present obstacles due to the nature of online education and help both parties with the process. The novel smart educational platform can be further enhanced after sufficient data testing and appropriate AI/data algorithm adjustments. Both educational establishments and researchers in the field of educational technologies can use this AI teacher and student assistant platform
Web Information Educational Assistant Service with Focus on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems Technologies