This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
- | |
- Cryogenic temperature | |
- Hostile Environment | |
- Reliability | |
1 | |
1S1R | |
2 | |
2-DEG | |
2D dopant characterization | |
2DEG pinch-off | |
3 | |
3D integration | |
3D reconstruction | |
3D X-ray | |
3D-MIM capacitors | |
4 | |
4H-SiC MOSFETs | |
6 | |
60Co gamma rays source | |
A | |
a stability analysis method based on time domain | |
AC Stress | |
AC-DC flyback converter | |
Accelerated Aging | |
Accelerated aging tests | |
Accelerated degradation test | |
Accelerated Life Tests | |
Accelerated mechanical fatigue interconnection test | |
Accelerated step-stress test | |
accelerated testing | |
Active Balancing | |
Active Gate Driver | |
Active Implantable Medical Devices | |
Active Power Cycling | |
Additive manufacturing | |
Advanced Methodology | |
advanced packaging | |
advanced test strategys | |
Aero-electrical | |
AFM resiscope | |
Ag porous sheet bonding | |
Ageing indicator | |
Aging | |
Aging test | |
Al2O3 | |
AlGaN | |
AlN-AMB | |
AlN/GaN | |
Aluminium melting | |
Artificial intelligence | |
Assembly and Interconnection Technology | |
Assembly reliability | |
Atomic layer deposition | |
Automotive | |
Automotive power electronics | |
Avalanche photodiodes | |
B | |
back-barrier | |
Back-Gate Bias | |
Batteries | |
Battery aging | |
Battery cycling | |
Battery modelling | |
BEoL | |
Bias Temperature Instability | |
bipolar transistor | |
Bit flips | |
Blue laser radiation | |
Body Bias | |
Bond Wire Degradation Mode | |
Breakdown Voltage | |
BTI | |
C | |
Calibration methods | |
capacitance-voltage | |
capacitor | |
capacitor banks | |
Capacitor Parameter Monitoring | |
Capacitor Stress Balancing Control | |
Carrots defect | |
cascode GaN devices | |
Cascode GaN HEMT | |
Catastrophic damage | |
Cavity temperature | |
Charge Pumping | |
Chip | |
Chip resistors | |
CIGS Solar Cells | |
Classification algorithm | |
Clustering methods | |
Co-design | |
cold sinter joining | |
Collaboration | |
Collection Efficiency | |
Color-coded | |
Compact modeling | |
compression force | |
computed tomography | |
Condition Monitoring | |
Conducted emission | |
Constant Current Discharge | |
Constant Voltage Stress | |
contact characteristics | |
Copper Bond Wire | |
copper film sintering | |
copper wire | |
Copper-plated Silicone Carbide | |
counterfeit electronics | |
Crack propagation | |
creep tester | |
Crossbar array | |
Crystal plastic finite element method (CPFEM) | |
CSOP | |
Cu bonding | |
Cu oxidation | |
Cu particle sintering | |
Current Overshoot Suppression | |
current sharing | |
Current Stress | |
Current-crowding | |
current-voltage | |
current-voltage characteristics | |
CuxO risk | |
D | |
Damage modeling | |
Data fusion | |
DC contactor | |
DC stress | |
DC system | |
DC-link capacitor | |
DC-link capacitors | |
Decoupling capacitors | |
deep convolutional neural networks | |
deep-levels | |
Defect Depth Localization | |
Defect ellipse holes | |
Defect Generation | |
defects | |
Degradation | |
Degradation analysis | |
Degradation and failure | |
Degradation profile | |
Degradation-sensitive parameter | |
Delay control | |
Design Methodology | |
Design of Experiments | |
Detection | |
Device Degradation Modeling | |
Device Encapsulation | |
Device numerical simulation | |
Device Reliability | |
Diagnosis | |
Diagnostic circuit | |
die attach | |
Dielectric film | |
dielectric films | |
diffusion | |
Digital twin | |
diode rectifier | |
Direct liquid cooling | |
discrete device | |
Discrete Devices | |
Dose | |
double sided cooled modules | |
DPI | |
Dynamic Rdson | |
Dynamic Reverse Bias | |
Dynamic Ron | |
dynamic-RON | |
E | |
EBAC | |
EBIC | |
EBSD | |
Elasto-plasticity modeling | |
electrical characterization | |
electrical connectors | |
Electrical Degradation | |
Electro-thermal modeling | |
Electrochemical Migration | |
electrodeposition | |
Electroluminescence | |
Electrolytic capacitor | |
Electromigration | |
Electronic fuses | |
Electronic system | |
electronics inspection | |
Electrothermal effects | |
Electrothermal simulation | |
elevated temperature | |
EMI | |
Energy | |
Epitaxial layer damage | |
Epitaxy | |
Equipment | |
ESD | |
Extraction Efficiency | |
F | |
Fabrication technology | |
failure | |
Failure Analysis | |
Failure diagnostic | |
Failure indicator | |
Failure investigation | |
Failure Isolation | |
failure mechanism | |
Failure mechanisms | |
Failure mode | |
Failure mode competition | |
failure model | |
Failure Physics | |
Failure probability | |
Failure-mode | |
fake electronics | |
fast switching | |
Fatigue | |
fatigue life | |
fault detection | |
Fault localization | |
Fault simulation and injection | |
FE simulation | |
FEA | |
FEM simulations | |
Ferroelectric | |
FIB | |
Field-Plate | |
Filler Particle | |
FinFET | |
FinFET Technology | |
Finite Element Analysis | |
finite element simulation | |
Fitting algorithm | |
Flip-flop retention | |
Floquet theory | |
Focused Ion Beam | |
foldable displays | |
Front-side ageing | |
fuzz button contacts | |
G | |
Ga2O3 | |
Gallium Nitride | |
Galvanic Isolators | |
GaN | |
GaN HEMT | |
GaN HEMTs | |
GaN-HEMTs | |
Gate lifetime | |
Gate overshoot | |
Gate oxide degradation | |
Gate-crack modeling | |
gate-leakage | |
Gate-oxide degradation | |
Geometric parameters | |
Global Fault Isolation | |
Grain boundary | |
H | |
Hailstorms Damage | |
Hard switching | |
Hardened structure | |
HBM | |
HCD | |
HCI | |
heat | |
Heat dissipation | |
Heatsink optimization | |
heavy ion | |
Heavy ion irradiation | |
HEMT | |
High accuracy sensor | |
high bandwidth memory | |
High Humidity High Temperature Reverse Bias | |
high power | |
high temperature application | |
High Temperature Storage | |
High Voltage application | |
high-current-density | |
High-energy X-rays | |
holding voltage | |
hole injection | |
hot electron effect | |
HTGB | |
HTRB stress | |
Humidity Reliability | |
HVRB | |
Hybrid Switches | |
Hybrid thermal and electrical stresses | |
H³TRB | |
I | |
IGBT | |
IGBT power module | |
imbalanced supply voltage | |
IMD Fracture | |
impact ionization | |
impedance analysis | |
In-situ microscopic imaging | |
Increase | |
Independent PV-Storage DC Microgrid | |
Infrared Radiation | |
InGaN | |
Integrated analysis methodology | |
Intelligent power distribution | |
Interconnect | |
interface | |
interface degradation | |
interface Si02-SiC | |
intermetallic compounds | |
Internal activity | |
inverter | |
J | |
Junction temperature monitoring Measurement | |
L | |
large area connection | |
Laser | |
Laser diodes | |
Laser voltage probing | |
Latent damages | |
Lateral crack | |
lead forming | |
Leakage current | |
LED | |
LED failure mechanisms | |
LED reliability testing | |
Life model | |
lifetime | |
lifetime assessment | |
lifetime model | |
lifetime modelling and estimation | |
Light-induced defects | |
Lighting Applications | |
LISN | |
LIT | |
Lithium plating | |
Lithium-Ion battery | |
load current | |
Load sequence | |
Load-pull | |
Local thermal runaway | |
Lock-in Thermography | |
Long Short Term Memory | |
long-term degradation | |
Long-term reliability | |
Low-voltage power device | |
LSTM | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
Manufacturing Parameters | |
Markov chain | |
Masking Effects | |
MBU | |
Mechanical stress | |
MEMS | |
MEMS gyroscopes | |
Metal insulator metal (MIM) | |
Micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) | |
micro-raman | |
Microstructural evolution | |
Microstructure | |
MIM electrical properties | |
Minority carrier injection | |
MIS capacitor | |
Mission profile | |
Model | |
Modeling | |
Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) | |
mold compound | |
Molding | |
Monte Carlo | |
N | |
nanoprobing | |
Nanoscale Devices | |
natural length | |
NBT stress | |
Near field Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique (SAFT) | |
Negative activation energy | |
Neural Network | |
non-destructive detection | |
Non-Evaporated Getter (NEG) | |
Non-linear measurements | |
Non-volatile memories | |
Nonlinear capacitances | |
nonlinear model | |
normal stress | |
NTC thermistor | |
O | |
OBIRCh | |
OFF state stress | |
OFF-state breakdown | |
Off-state leakage | |
Ohmic Gate Device | |
On resistance degradation | |
On-Orbit | |
One-diode model | |
one-sided | |
Open Circuit Voltage | |
Opening | |
outdoor lighting | |
Over Current | |
overshoots | |
Ovonic Threshold Switching | |
oxidation | |
P | |
p-GaN gate | |
p-GaN gate HEMTs | |
p-GaN HEMT | |
Packaging | |
packaging reliability | |
Packaging stress | |
parallel connection | |
Paralleled devices reliability | |
Parameter extraction | |
Parasitic NPN transistor | |
Paris' law | |
Passivation | |
Passives | |
PBO Delamination | |
PCB Rogowski sensor | |
PCC wire | |
performance degradation | |
Phase Change Memory | |
Photo Emission | |
Photovoltaics | |
Photovoltaics Modules | |
Physic of failure | |
Physical Assurance | |
Physical of Failure | |
Physics of failure | |
Physics-informed machine learning | |
pitting corrosion | |
Planar and trench structures | |
Planar diode | |
plastic molded electronic devices | |
PNP | |
PoF | |
Porosity | |
power converters | |
Power cycle degradation | |
Power cycle test | |
power cycling | |
power cycling reliability | |
power cycling test | |
Power devices | |
Power diodes | |
power electronic modules | |
Power electronics | |
power eletronics | |
Power Module | |
Power module integrated cooler | |
Power modules | |
power modules in wind-energy applications | |
Power SiC MOSFETs | |
Powercycling | |
PowerMOSFET | |
Preprocessor | |
Press-pack | |
Principal component Analysis | |
Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) | |
Prognostics | |
Pulse Current Discharge | |
Q | |
Qualification | |
quality assessment | |
Quasi-static undesired switching | |
R | |
Radiation | |
radiation failure | |
Radiation Impact on Logic | |
rainflow counting | |
RDL Corrosion | |
Rdson | |
Reading reliability | |
Reconfigurable FET | |
Reliability | |
reliability analysis | |
reliability engineering | |
Reliability improvement | |
Reliability of memory array | |
Reliability Prediction | |
Reliability testing | |
Remaining useful life | |
Remaining Useful Life Prediction | |
Remaining useful lifetime | |
Repetitive hard-switching | |
repetitive short circuits | |
Residual Gas Analysis | |
Resistive switching | |
Reverse engineering | |
RF characterization | |
RF-Robustness | |
ringings | |
RISC-V | |
Robustness | |
S | |
S/D Implant Tilt Angle | |
Safe Operating Area | |
Sample preparation | |
Scanning Acoustic Microscopy (SAM) | |
Scanning probe microscopy | |
Scanning resistance profiling | |
Scanning spreading resistance microscopy | |
Schottky | |
Schottky gate device | |
Schottky-type p-GaN | |
Screening | |
Self-acceleration effect | |
self-biasing | |
Self-heating | |
semi-supervised parameter estimation | |
Sensors | |
series ac arc fault | |
SEU | |
Short circuit | |
Short Circuit Current | |
Short-circuit | |
short-circuit test | |
Si3N4-AMB | |
SiC devices | |
SiC MOSFET modeling | |
SiC MPS diode | |
SiC power device | |
SiC power devices | |
SiC power MOSFETs | |
Silicon | |
Silicon Carbide | |
Silicon carbide metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) | |
silicone degradation | |
silver coated copper particles | |
Silver sintering | |
Simulation | |
single event burnout | |
Single Event Transients | |
Single Event Upsets | |
Single-event burnout (SEB) | |
single-event effect | |
Single-Event Upset (SEU) | |
Sintered silver | |
sintering paste | |
SiON | |
SIP | |
Slew Rate | |
Smart spark plugs | |
Snapback | |
Soft switching | |
Soft-switching | |
Solar Cells | |
solder joint | |
Solder Stop Reliability | |
solid state lighting | |
solid-state power controller | |
Sorption Characterization | |
Space | |
Space Applications | |
Spacecraft sensor | |
spectrogram | |
Spectrunm | |
SPICE compact modeling | |
Split gate | |
SRAM | |
stability | |
Stacked Devices | |
State of health | |
step stress | |
sub-micron resolution | |
substrate solder degradation | |
sulfur induced corrosion | |
Surface Insulation Resistance | |
Surface potential decay | |
Surge current | |
Surge current (IFSM) | |
Surge current imbalance | |
Surrogate model | |
Switching locus | |
Switching loss | |
System in Package | |
System integration | |
System-in-Package | |
T | |
Tantalum capacitor | |
TCAD | |
TCAD simulation | |
TDDB | |
Technology Computer-aided Design | |
Temperature | |
Temperature distribution | |
Temperature-sensitive electrical parameters | |
Temporal depedency model | |
Test Vehicle | |
testing method | |
The maximum value of the rate of change of the drain current during the process of opening | |
thermal ageing | |
Thermal cyclic loading | |
Thermal design optimization | |
thermal interface materials | |
Thermal management | |
Thermal model | |
thermal modelling | |
Thermal performance | |
thermal reliability | |
Thermal Resistance (junction - case - heat sink) | |
Thermal shock reliability | |
Thermal Shock Test | |
thermal stress | |
Thermally Stimulated Depolarisation Current | |
Thermally stimulated depolarization current | |
Thermomecanical modeling | |
Threshold instability | |
Threshold Voltage | |
Threshold Voltage Degradation | |
Threshold voltage hysteresis | |
threshold voltage shift | |
Through‑silicon via (TSV) | |
TID | |
TID testing | |
Time domain characterization | |
Time-Dependent Dielectric Breakdown | |
Time-dependent gate degradation | |
Total Ionizing Dose | |
Trap-Assisted Tunneling | |
trapping | |
Trench MOSFETs | |
TSEP | |
TTF | |
U | |
UIS tests | |
Ultra-Fast recovery transients | |
Ultrasonic thick copper wires | |
V | |
Variability | |
VDMOS power transistors | |
Vertical GaN | |
void coalescence | |
VTH stability | |
W | |
Wafer Lavel Packaging (WLP) | |
wear | |
Welcome | |
Wide Band Gap (WBG) | |
Wide Band Gap devices | |
Wide frequency band | |
wire bond lift-off | |
wire bonding | |
wire bonds | |
X | |
x-ray imaging | |
XPS | |
Y | |
Yield | |
Z | |
ZrAlxOy | |
Zth-Measurement |