Joint Paër room
- Session B (Sep 23 17:00-18:40) Silicon technologies, nanoelectronics and MEMS : from device reliability to back-end reliability
- Session A-1 (Sep 24 10:00-11:20) Accelerated life tests and design of experiments
- Session BPA (Sep 25 09:20-09:40) Best paper IPFA 2024
- Session Invited C (Sep 25 09:40-10:20)
- Session C (Sep 25 10:40-12:00) Progress in Failure Analysis: Defect detection and Analysis
- Session WS-FA (Sep 25 14:00-17:00)
- Session G (Sep 26 08:20-10:20) Photonics reliability
- Session I (Sep 26 10:40-12:20) Extreme environments and Radiation