Abstract Submissions
Instructions to Authors
Early abstract submissions are strongly encouraged. The TeaP organisers reserve the right to decline acceptance if the number of submissions by far exceeds the capacity. The deadline for all types of abstract submissions is the 15th January 2019. Acceptance of abstracts will occur on a rolling basis. All accepted abstracts will be part of the conference proceedings pdf (abstracts only) for the conference which is later available on a permanent basis at the TEAP Archive hosted by the ZPID in Trier.
At least one of the authors of an accepted abstract is required to register for the conference latest on the 28th February, 2019. Missing this deadline will lead to a cancellation of the submission because of the need to create a definite conference program. Payments can be made using all major credit cards. Please note that the early bird registration deadline is on the 15th February 2019.
To be considered, abstracts for posters, individual talks and symposia should contain a clear and explicit title and sufficient information about (1) the research question, (2) the hypothesis, (3) the sample size and method, (4) the results and (4) the conclusion. Abstracts should consist of not more than 250 words for either poster or talk formats. You will need to register with Easychair before you can submit.
Poster This format is ideal for work in progress and for first results that will benefit from extended discussions. The poster format may also be allocated if we are running out of spacetime for talks. When planning the poster, please bear in mind that the content of your poster needs to fit into DIN A0 portrait format (84.1 x 118.9 cm; 33.11 x 46.81 inches).
Individual Talk Individual talks will be organized in thematic sessions of 150 minutes hours with 5-6 presentations followed by a 30 minutes break. Please note that the presentation and discussion time in minutes is not yet final until we have the definite number of accepted and registered presentations.
Symposia consist of the submission of related abstracts for symposium about a particular research area and question. A symposium should consist of 5-6 talks, each with a separate abstract, and an additional summary abstract covering the overarching theme by the symposium convenor(s). Please write one overarching abstract for the entire symposium first and give it a title that is being used by all contributors plus a number. This repeated overarching title on each submission is important as it will identify those abstracts which belong to the same workshop. Contributors should write the title of their talk into the abstract text. In case symposium participants cannot take part, and/or the symposium cannot take place, the organiser will consider the remaining proposals as individual talks and allocate them to topic-focused workshops.
Abstracts for individual talks and symposia talks can also be submitted as a research report that will be published as an open-access article against a fee 70 GBP (British Pounds) incl. VAT which is to be paid at the same time as the conference registration fee (registration not open yet, so just submit the manuscript for review). If the open access fee is not paid at registration, only the abstract will be included in the conference abstracts which will be permanently archived at www.teap.de/memory. Please find examples of published open access conference papers and the DOI (digital object identifier) on this link Open Access Conference Proceedings (full articles only). EasyChair publishes volumes of conference proceedings in the EPiC series. The open-access papers may be referenced for Pubmed, Scopus, BibTex, Google Scholar and Crossref by EasyChair as they see fit for Psychology papers. The Word template for this longer format is available here. The maximum length is 10 pages and the file is not allowed to be larger than 2 MB.
Abstract Example
Schmidt, Adam, Universität Datenhof, An der Brücke 5, 10578 IMPACT, Germany
Myers, Eva, University of Experimental Design, Blackboard Avenue, CITATION 5N 89LS, UK
The use of repeated sampling in producing reliable research results
The use of small samples has been in the focus of the reliability debate which called into question some of the most well-established methods in psychological research. Our research question was whether repeated sampling and testing in (a) follow-up experiments or (b) within-subject designs is the better way to produce reliable experimental effects. As an exerimental paradigm, a verbal recall experiment on pro-active interference was used. Study 1 tested five samples of n=20 (N = 100) who completed the task in five different labs. Study 2 tested one small sample (n=20) that completed the task in one session but five times. The results showed considerable practice and learning effects during the five sessions in Study 2 which were not present in any of the five sessions of small samples in Study 1. Moreover, in the extended one-session condition, the experimental effect was statistically significant with a much higher effect size. We conclude that extended testing is a more reliable way of testing experimental effects than testing a large sample in shorter sessions because it controls for learning effects and minimises individual differences by giving every participant a fair learning opportunity.
190 words
This is the abstract submission link with two tracks:
The first track is for the individual conference abstract submissions. Submissions for conference proceedings need to be uploaded as a pdf using the Word template on the submission webpage.
The second track is for the submission for symposia. Please write one overarching abstract for the entire symposium first and give it a very concise title (as it counts towards the abstract word limit) that is being used by all contributors plus a number. This repeated overarching concise title on each submission is important as it will identify those abstracts which belong to the same workshop and it will determine the real-time allocation in the conference program. The individual submissions of symposium participants ensure that if the symposium organisers have cancellations, the talks could still be processed as individual contributions. Contributors should write the title of their own talk beneath the overarching symposium title. Like in the first track, submissions for conference proceedings need to be uploaded as a pdf using the Word template on the submission webpage.