This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
1 | |
1. shift verification left | |
2 | |
2. Functional fault-simulation | |
2.5D | |
3 | |
3. test coverage | |
3D | |
3DIC | |
4 | |
4. test coverage correlation between post-RTL and post-ATPG | |
A | |
adaptive stress | |
ADC testing | |
address swapping | |
aging | |
AI accelerator | |
algorithm | |
analog and mixed-signal circuit | |
Analog to Digital Converter | |
ANN attack | |
Application-based protection | |
Architecturally Correct Execution | |
area | |
artificial intelligence | |
ATE | |
ATPG | |
Authentication | |
AutoEncoder | |
Automated Test Environments | |
Automatic Test Equipment | |
automatic test pattern generation | |
automatic testing | |
automotive | |
Autonomous Vehicles | |
B | |
Backdoored checksum | |
BIST | |
board level connectivity | |
Board Test | |
C | |
C-Phy | |
C-PHY Receiver | |
Calibration | |
Callbacks | |
cell aware test | |
Cell-Net | |
chain diagnosis | |
Charge pump | |
Chip Performance Prediction | |
CIS | |
CMOS image sensor | |
Computing-in-Memory | |
Concurrent Error Correction | |
Concurrent Error Detection | |
congestion | |
contrastive learning | |
cores | |
Corruptibility | |
count | |
Cross-Layer Safety Analysis | |
CTLE | |
Current Source | |
custom ASIC | |
D | |
data center | |
data centers | |
decision tree | |
deep learning accelerators | |
Deep neural network | |
Defect | |
defect dependent reflection (DDR) | |
defect identification | |
defect independent reflection (DIR) | |
defect pattern | |
Defect pattern classification | |
Delay Testing | |
design convergence | |
Design for testability | |
Design-for-Test | |
Deviation tolerance | |
Device Variation | |
device-aware | |
DFT | |
diagnosis resolution | |
DIB Hardware Solution | |
Digital circuit testing | |
Digital to Analog Converter | |
dimensional extension | |
Direct conversion receiver | |
Domain-Specific Languages | |
DPPM | |
Dynamic Obfuscation | |
E | |
EDA | |
embedded | |
Embedded Core | |
embedded core testing | |
embedded cores | |
embedded instruments | |
Embedding learning | |
Equalizer | |
ETS-800 | |
Evolutionary Learning | |
expert system | |
F | |
fabless | |
Failure Analysis | |
Failure Correction | |
False Summing Node Method | |
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) | |
Fault Analysis Countermeasure | |
Fault Injection | |
fault modeling | |
Fault Models | |
Fault Reduction | |
Fault Sensitivity Analysis | |
faulty CPUs | |
Feature extraction | |
FFT | |
FinFET | |
Fingerprinting | |
Finite State Machine | |
flat-top window | |
Formal Fault Propagation Analysis | |
Formal Methods | |
Foundry | |
FPGA | |
FR4 | |
functional criticality | |
Functional Fault | |
functional path | |
functional port as test interface | |
Functional Safety | |
functional self test | |
Functional testing | |
G | |
Gaussian process | |
generic IEEE P1687.1 transformations | |
Genetic Algorithm | |
H | |
Hardware Security | |
Hardware Systematic Errors | |
Hardware Trojans | |
Harmonic Distortion | |
hierarchical integrated scan | |
Hierarchical Systems | |
High Bandwidth | |
high coverage | |
High Reliability | |
High-Reliability | |
high-resolution TDR | |
Howland Current Source | |
HVST | |
HW/SW Systems | |
I | |
IC Test | |
IEEE 1500 | |
IEEE 1687 | |
IEEE 1838 | |
IEEE Std 1500 | |
IEEE Std 1581 | |
IEEE Std. 1149.1 | |
IEEE Std. 1687 | |
IEEE Std. P1687.1 | |
In-Field | |
incoherent sampling | |
Inline | |
Insider Attack Detection | |
Integrated Circuits and Boards | |
IOT | |
IP Security | |
IQ correction | |
IQ imbalance | |
ir-drop | |
ISO26262 | |
J | |
jitter generation | |
jitter injection | |
L | |
Layout | |
LED Driver | |
Logic Locking | |
Logic Testing | |
low DPPM | |
Low Power Controller | |
Low Power Test | |
LVDS | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
Manufacturing | |
Manufacturing Defects | |
Manufacturing test | |
Memory | |
memory interface test | |
memory repair | |
memory yield | |
Memristor crossbar | |
Minions | |
MIPI | |
misclassification-driven training | |
Monitoring | |
MRAM | |
Multi-Pattern Wafer Map | |
Multi-site test | |
Multiple Bit Upset | |
multiple transition | |
Multisite Testing | |
Mutation Testing | |
N | |
necessary assignments | |
neural twin | |
NeuralNetwork | |
non-TAP interface | |
O | |
On-Chip Decompressor | |
On-line testing | |
One-shot learning | |
open-short normalization (OSN) | |
Operational Amplifier | |
optical test | |
P | |
Packaging | |
path delay | |
pattern optimization | |
PCB material | |
PE-Net | |
performance | |
performance screening | |
periodic maintenance | |
Phase Locked loop (PLL) | |
physical design | |
physical implementation | |
physical layer | |
physical synthesis | |
pixel array | |
power | |
power-aware | |
PPA | |
process and runtime variation | |
Process variation | |
production test | |
PUF | |
R | |
Radio Frequency (RF) | |
RAM sequential ATPG | |
Read Decision Failure | |
Reconfigurable Scan Networks | |
Recycling Detection | |
relevant devices | |
relevant signals | |
Reliability | |
reliable sensing mechanisms | |
repair sharing | |
ReRAM | |
RF receiver | |
ring oscillator | |
robustness | |
RootCauseAnalysis | |
RoT (Root of Trust) | |
routing | |
S | |
Safe Faults | |
scan chain failure | |
scan compression | |
scan-based designs | |
Secure Access | |
security | |
Security Metrics | |
Self-AdaptiveLearning | |
semi-supervised learning | |
Semiconductor testing | |
SerDes | |
serial interface | |
Shared bus interface | |
Silent data corruption | |
silicon | |
Simulation | |
Single Event Upset | |
Site to Site Variations | |
SLT | |
small delay defects | |
Smart Sampling | |
Soft error mitigation | |
Soft Errors | |
Soft-Errors | |
software-based self-test | |
Spintronic | |
Standards | |
static test compaction | |
Statistical Ineffective Fault Attack (SIFA) | |
Stress | |
structural faults | |
Stuck At | |
Summing Node Method | |
SVM | |
Symbolic execution | |
Synthesis | |
systematic defect | |
T | |
Tachyon-100G | |
Template Attack | |
Test | |
Test Compression | |
test debug | |
Test Infrastructure Security | |
test program generation | |
Test Program Verification | |
Test Range networks | |
Test Standards | |
Test Technology | |
Test Volume Data | |
Testability | |
Tester | |
Testing | |
threaded diagnosis | |
timing constraints | |
trace with branches | |
Transfer learning | |
transformation algorithm | |
Transient Fault | |
transistor aging | |
Transition | |
transition delay fault | |
Trim search | |
Triplet CNN | |
tunability | |
U | |
udfm | |
unsupervised machine learning | |
Untrusted foundry | |
V | |
validation | |
variability | |
Verification | |
Voltage controlled Oscillator (VCO) | |
volume diagnosis | |
W | |
wafer map | |
Wafer map classification | |
wafer map pattern recognition | |
Wafer-level Variation Modeling | |
Weakly Supervised Learning | |
Weight deviation | |
Wrapper | |
X | |
XORing | |
Y | |
yield learning | |
YieldImprovement | |
Z | |
zero defect | |
Zero IF Receiver |