Zoom Room B
Zoom link will be added in Underline platform.
- Session 1B (Oct 12 09:30-10:30) ML for Diagnosis
- Session 2B (Oct 12 12:00-13:00) Wafer Map Classification I
- Session P2 (Oct 12 14:00-15:00) What is the best high-speed I/O Test Method: 1149.10 or high speed I/O protocol?
- Session 3B (Oct 13 09:30-10:30) Wafer Map Classification II
- Session 4B (Oct 13 12:00-13:00) Failure Diagnosis
- Session 5B (Oct 14 09:30-10:30) Test Data (Short Paper)
- Session 6B (Oct 14 12:00-13:00) Analog Testing