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Room: 256 Link:
08:30 | PRESENTER: Oksana Klochko ABSTRACT. The article presents a digital modeling of ecophilic tendencies of university students' consciousness based on the integrative application of digital, mathematical, anthropological, psychological methods and approaches. In order to determine the optimal number of clusters, we used the Hubert index and its graphical representation, hierarchical clustering with Ward's minimum variance method (Ward D and Ward D2) and its visual representation, distance matrix and visualization based on it. We clustered the objects using two clustering methods - K-Means and Canopy. Based on the study of ecophilic tendencies of consciousness using cluster modeling with the help of K-Means and Canopy methods, the 3rd and 4th clusters were formed. The 4 cluster models are more representative clustering models. In these models, the "ecophilic" clusters (25-28%) with medium and high levels of ecophilic tendencies of consciousness are defined as system-organizing, the "dominant" clusters (42-46%) with a slight development of ecophilic tendencies of consciousness; the "transitional" clusters (5-7%), which indicates the presence of "ecological potential" in the clusters with the lowest level of ecophilic tendencies of consciousness. This structure of clusters also reflects the presence of humanistic and democratic traditions in the system of which ecologization is realized in an intellectualized, aestheticized way, which corresponds to the ideology of sustainable development goals aimed at unlocking human potential. Accordingly, the results of the study of ecophilic tendencies in the consciousness of university students underlie the conceptualization of two directions of ecologization that can be simultaneously represented as existentially harmonizing and aesthetically harmonizing. The above directions are used to develop ecophilic tendencies of university students' consciousness, in particular, future mathematics teachers, students of information technology and to improve the health-saving competence of physical education teachers, in the system of which the ecological aspect is a significant factor for health preservation. |
09:00 | The Role of Information Technologies in the Management of Bio-Innovation Ecosystems PRESENTER: Tetiana Korniienko ABSTRACT. A prerequisite for overcoming the modern challenges that arose at the beginning of the 21st century is the transformation of production and consumption systems per the principles of sustainable development. The most promising approaches in this transformation are the convergence of the knowledge-based bioeconomy and digitalization, which will contribute to developing an innovative circular bioeconomy. Innovations play a crucial role in the dynamics of the bioeconomic transformation by generating gross added value, increasing profitability and labor productivity, and enabling the adoption of modern technologies. The primary driving force for changes in business activity is usually the search for a niche that provides a competitive advantage for enterprises. This advantage can be achieved by creating new value chains or modifying the configuration of existing ones in the bioeconomy, all within the framework of sustainable development. This article aims to determine the role of information technologies and trends in developing innovative activities in Ukraine’s bioeconomy sector. This determination is based on a comparative statistical assessment of key indicators of business entities that can be attributed to the innovative bioeconomy. The analysis reveals that the share of innovative products in the volume of industrial products sold in Ukraine averages at 1.9%, significantly lower than European countries' indicators. The low level of innovativeness in Ukraine’s bioeconomic sector is a direct consequence of the limited investment in innovation, which decreased by almost 70% between 2014 and 2020. It has been revealed that the structure of innovative products within the bio-economic sector is primarily dominated by enterprises utilizing medium and low-tech production processes, such as food, chemical, and woodworking industries. On the other hand, high-tech production includes the manufacturing of primary pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical preparations, computers, electronic and optical products, which is mainly represented by enterprises within the traditional sector that heavily rely on fossil resources. Research indicates that the level of technological advancement and innovation in the Ukrainian bio-economic sector is currently low and exhibits a negative trend. Although enterprises operating in the bio-economic sphere possess significant potential for development and innovation implementation, their production, operational, and economic processes require reorganization and modernization by integrating innovative approaches.According to the author’s vision the conceptual model of bioeconomic digital transformation based on sustainable development, delivered in the article, integrating modern information technologies, into the bio-economic transformation process can facilitate the creation of a unique digital environment called innovative bio-economic ecosystems. These ecosystems aim to support the sustainable bio-economic transformation of socio-economic systems by engaging all relevant stakeholders. By adopting the proposed approach of digital transformation within the bioeconomy, it becomes feasible to achieve the primary objectives of sustainable development, including the creation of new employment opportunities, enhanced competitiveness of bio-economic products, improved quality of ecosystem services, promotion of consumer-oriented production, resource conservation, and climate impact. |
09:20 | Experience in Creating and Using Online Courses on Algorithmization and Programming Based on Task Books PRESENTER: Olha Hniedkova ABSTRACT. Distance education plays an important role in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the growing geopolitical challenges. Electronic educational resources (EER), in particular distance learning courses, are widely used in both secondary and higher education. Requirements for the quality of EER become relevant, especially for ensuring of students' independent activity at practical tasks. For students of the "Software Engineering" specialty, courses in algorithmization and programming are basic. The feature of the "Programming" discipline is the presence of a significant number of tasks on programming mathematical tasks. An analysis of educational literature showed there are practically no thematic tasks books that have important characteristics: a task books is devoted to mathematical tasks programming and is an elementary introduction to computer algebra; supports the most common programming languages in sports programming Pascal, C/C++, Python, etc. The paper proposes the model of learning pedagogical system in the three-subject didactics paradigm. On the example of the course "Practice of Programming Olympiad Tasks" the system of registration and monitoring of mathematical tasks programming using wiki technology is considered. Within the framework of the proposed model of learning pedagogical system, the subsystems of the use of didactic materials of lectures, a task book, practical exercises and laboratory works are described. The methods and tools of organizing support for students' independent activity are illustrated using the example of a workshop for solving Olympiad tasks in programming. |
09:40 | Model of Monitoring the Cybersecurity System in Maritime Transport PRESENTER: Hennadiy Kravtsov ABSTRACT. The strengthening of the role of information in the economy, in particular in transport, is accompanied by the growth of cyber threats. The International Maritime Organization has developed and adopted a number of foundational cybersecurity documents that define requirements for cybersecurity management on board ships. These documents oblige the administration of maritime companies to ensure proper consideration of cyber risks and the application of protection methods in security management systems. The development and establishment of relevant uniform rules is an urgent task for both maritime companies and ships. The most promising direction of ensuring information security is, of course, the use of mathematical models. Such models describe the processes of interaction of a cyberspace violator and the protection system, which should take into account possible cyberattacks on the ship and ensure the preservation and inviolability of the ship's information as much as possible. Analysis of research in the field of building mathematical models of processes taking place in cyberspace shows that, firstly, this is a really relevant research direction, and, secondly, at the moment there are many different theories that form the basis of modeling. The authors of this work propose a new approach to the mathematical modeling of the cyber security management system on the ship, namely, the use of the theory of Markov chains, since a cyberattack on a ship can happen at any random moment, and this event does not always depend on cyberattacks that occurred some time ago. Therefore, a model of the cyber security management system on the ship as a subsystem of the enterprise security management system was built using mathematical modeling methods. Such concepts as the state of cyber security of the ship, the probabilistic relationship between the states, regulation of actions according to the state are defined. The mathematical model of the cyber security management system is based on the model of discrete Markov processes, in which the vertices of the digraph of the Markov chain are the cyber security states of the ship. Connections between the states of the ship's cyber security system were investigated using an expert method. The developed model is illustrated on the example of accounting for the state of cyber security of a ship. The considered methods and technologies of the ship's cyber security system are implemented in the educational process of the Kherson Maritime Academy in the distance course "Cyber security of ship computer systems and networks". |
Room: 205 Link:
08:30 | Analysis of experience of digital transformation in education in Germany PRESENTER: Kateryna Osadcha ABSTRACT. The article analyzes the experience of digitization of higher education institutions in Germany. Based on the analysis of scientific papers for the last 10 years, it has been found that the issue of digital transformation in education is important in the German educational discourse. This is indicated by the analysis of search results in Google Trends, Google Scholar, ERIC, Scopus and Web of Science. The more detailed analysis of papers for the last 5 years has been made. For this, the criteria have been defined (5-year period of publication, compliance with the field of higher education in Germany, clear indication of ways to implement digital transformation, significant practical contribution and effectiveness). The selected papers have been classified into 5 thematic groups. Significant examples of scientific papers from each thematic group have been analyzed in more detail. Based on the analysis, certain ways to improve the digital transformation of Ukrainian higher education institutions have been proposed. |
09:00 | PRESENTER: Tetiana Terletska ABSTRACT. The article provides an overview of international and Ukrainian legal acts related to the digital transformation of higher education, which is not limited to and not determined by the introduction of digital technologies into the activities of the university, it involves much deeper changes, namely the formation of a new model of university functioning and activity. The advantages of digital transformation are the creation of opportunities for cooperation, the expansion of service provision and changes in approaches to work, individual and group educational needs, which require the creation of a university ecosystem based on the worldview and methodological principles of openness and continuity of the learning process. The analysis of the ideas of digital transformation and the design of the university ecosystem is based on the research of leading scientists of the world and Ukraine. The authors offer a list of functioning ecosystems that are directly or indirectly related to university education, their features and strengths are indicated. The prerequisites for the creation of the Grinchenko University ecosystem in the conditions of digital transformation are also presented, and the basis for its construction is assessed. |
09:30 | Level and scope of involvement of Ukrainian higher education and research institutions in e-infrastructures: survey results ![]() PRESENTER: Anna Iatsyshyn ABSTRACT. The article investigates the level and scope of engagement of Ukrainian higher education and research institutions in e-infrastructures. The article consideres the impact of digital transformation on higher education and research, highlighting the role of e-infrastructures within these institutions. Among the key benefits brought about by digital transformation in the academic sphere are faster access to information, improved scientific collaboration, and data preservation. The main advantages of utilizing e-infrastructures in higher education and supporting research institutions include: access to infrastructure and resources, support for diverse scientific domains, high productivity and efficiency, integration with international initiatives, collaborative work and cooperation, ensuring security and confidentiality, and fostering the development of the national scientific and technological community. The publication provides an overview of the main types of e-infrastructures in Ukraine, including the Ukrainian National Grid, Ukrainian Research and Academic Network (URAN), GÉANT, and the National Repository of Academic Texts. The key characteristics of these e-infrastructures are described. The organization and results of the a All-Ukrainian survey conducted among higher education and research institutions regarding their levels of engagement with e-infrastructures are presented. This survey was initiated and organized by the authors of this publication with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Overall, the article demonstrates the crucial role that e-infrastructures play in the development of higher education and research in the context of digital transformation. Recommendations for further improvement of these e-infrastructures are proposed. Based on the survey results, the possibility of developing of various national and institutional policies, both general and personalized, considering the different levels of engagement with e-infrastructures for educational and research purposes in different institutions is highlighted. |
Room: 256 Link:
10:30 | Use of Research E-infrastructures within the Realm of Open Science: Case of Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions PRESENTER: Nataliia Bazeliuk ABSTRACT. The paper analyses the usage of research e-infrastructures in the realm of Open Science in Ukraine’s higher education institutions (HEIs). Specifically, the study assesses the degree of organisational support for the research e-infrastructure dedicated to Open Science endeavours. This support encompasses providing unique tools, resources, and services tailored to facilitate specific HEIs’ research activities. Additionally, the investigation scrutinises the functioning of the structural units and personnel responsible for developing and maintaining the research e-infrastructures. Furthermore, the paper delineates the salient features of utilising services that constitute the research e-infrastructures ecosystem for Open Science in HEIs of Ukraine. Notably, these services encompass mechanisms to ensure open access to publications, mechanisms for the storage and management of open research data, initiatives focused on the professional development of research and academic staff, endeavours aimed at enhancing research responsibility and integrity, systems for research performance evaluation, and efforts towards the advancement of citizen science. A comprehensive analysis of survey data, which aimed to examine the current state of organisational support for research e-infrastructure in Ukrainian HEIs, bases the research findings presented in this study. The survey involved a substantial sample size, with 1,502 participants representing over 110 HEIs. The analysis revealed that while there has been significant progress at the national level in promoting Open Science, there is still a notable fragmentation in implementing comprehensive Open Science policies, particularly concerning e-infrastructures, at the institutional level. The findings further highlight significant areas for improvement in the current state of organisational support for research e-infrastructure in Ukrainian HEIs. The authors propose several key recommendations from the study to address these challenges. First and foremost, there is a need to establish a pervasive culture of Open Science at the institutional level, whereby HEIs prioritise the integration of Open Science principles into their key normative documents. In addition, it is crucial to appoint highly competent professionals to administer and manage research e-infrastructures within HEIs. Developing a well-crafted communication policy that promotes awareness of available e-infrastructure resources and services and facilitates access to research infrastructures is essential to foster employee awareness and understanding. Furthermore, the active engagement of employees from IT departments and library workers is critical in operational and supportive aspects of research e-infrastructure. Continuous professional development and training initiatives are also crucial to elevate the proficiency of research and academic staff. Ultimately, creating an environment that fosters impactful research practices is paramount. By implementing these recommendations, HEIs can improve their organisational support for research e-infrastructure, strengthen their commitment to Open Science, and enhance their institutions’ research capabilities and impact. |
11:00 | Principles of Open Science in the Activities of the Technical University PRESENTER: Olha Hulai ABSTRACT. Open access to knowledge is an irreversible trend in the modern scientific world. World trends in the use of the principles of Open Science and their implementation in the activities of the Ukrainian Technical University are analyzed in the article. In Lutsk National Technical University, the principles of Open Science are implemented in three main ways: in the education-al process; in scientific activities; in informal promotion among students and other interested parties. Participation in international projects, in particular ERASMUS +, causes changes in educational and scientific activities towards creating a virtuous and competitive educational space. New disciplines, such as “Open Scientific Foundations and Information Management Practice” or “Open Science” have been introduced into the educational process of masters and postgraduates. The realization of the principles of Open Science is directly related to digital cloud technologies. The implementation of the policy of openness of scientific research is mostly reduced to open publications in scientific journals and public discussion of research results at conferences and seminars. Informal trainings on academic integrity and open science with the participation of students and teachers contribute to the popularization of the principles of Open Science. |
11:20 | Open Science and Researcher Digital Capabilities for Empowering Ph.D. Student Training in Higher Education Institutions PRESENTER: Olena Kuzminska ABSTRACT. The openness of science is gaining momentum in the digital era, prompting new visions, research methods, and innovations at universities. While the study of open science postulates and practices can expand the capabilities of future scholars, digital ones included, to provide a tentative action plan for research digitalization, foster cooperation, and transparency, improve research reproducibility, as well as enhance its visibility and significance, this issue, however, often remains overlooked when training specialists in higher education institutions. In an effort to combine the research practice of open science and the practice of training Ph.D. students in higher education institutions of Ukraine, we developed the elective training module “Digital technologies in modern scientific research: learning Open Science” in compliance with DACUM methodology. In our study, in terms of labor market requirements, we are guided by the need to train researchers capable of effective realization in the context of digital open science and explore the descriptors of researchers’ digital competence (Jisc Researcher) as an expected outcome of postgraduate studies at universities. Results of experimental inspection of the developed module application in the process of master students learning at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University have confirmed the relevance of its development and application while allowing to pinpoint certain problems. Accordingly, the prospects of further studies include bolstering the practical component of training and strengthening horizontal connections between universities and project teams in order for the Ph.D. students to gain the experience of scientific research digitalization and create the environment for Ph.D. students to form digital competencies in regards to digital proficiency, productivity, identity, and wellbeing. |
11:40 | Open Science Services to Support the Activities of the Virtual Research Team in the EDUPORT Project PRESENTER: Mariya Shyshkina ABSTRACT. The article considers the peculiarities of forming virtual systems of open science in higher education institutions, which is an essential prerequisite for training ICT-competent specialists capable of active, practical, scientifically justified application of the most modern ICT in their professional activities. The modern European trends in the formation of cloud-oriented systems of open science in higher education institutions are considered; the experience of implementing the services of cloud-based systems of open science to support the processes of scientific cooperation within “V4 Educational Academic Portal for Integrating IT into Education” (EDUPORT) is summarized; the prospects of using cloud-based platforms and adaptive content management services in the activity of a teacher and scientist are determined. The cloud-oriented IT support system for research activities of a virtual scientific team of the EDUPORT project consists of network ICT infrastructure, educational software WPadV4 and PIKS channels - online application (PHP/MySQL) - personal information and communication system of project participants. The experience of using this cloud-oriented open science system to support communication; joint work; adaptive content management; creation and use of electronic educational resources in organizing educational and scientific cooperation in virtual international teams created based on several higher education institutions is summarized. It was established that due to the broader involvement of means and services of scientific and educational cloud-oriented platforms in the educational and research process of higher education institutions, as well as various types of corporate cloud services, it is possible to achieve positive changes in the implementation of educational and scientific activities, applying new forms and models of its organization, and achieve positive effect both on the results of training and on the development of scientific research, improving the level of their organization, increasing efficiency. |
Room: 205 Link:
10:30 | Fostering communication and collaboration skills for computer science students by means of ICT tools ![]() PRESENTER: Svitlana Symonenko ABSTRACT. The paper deals with the aspects of enhancing communication and collaboration skills for computer science students at higher educational institutions. The significance of communication and collaboration skills for successful careers of computer science professionals is discussed. Peculiarities of teaching communication and collaboration skills with the focus on pedagogical approaches, methods and strategies are given. Certain benefits of application of English interface online application in training collaboration and communication skills are highlighted. Authors’ experience of implementing mock projects imitating professional assignments for training collaboration and English communication is presented. Assessment of the collaboration quality level while working on the projects is considered. |
11:00 | Digital transformation of secondary education of Ukraine and the quality of teaching natural and mathematical sciences in the conditions of war ![]() PRESENTER: Iryna Vorotnykova ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of digital transformation of secondary education in Ukraine to ensure the quality of teaching natural and mathematical sciences in the conditions of war. The analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the digital transformation of secondary education made it possible to single out tools for self-assessment by educational institutions of their activities and highlight the main indicators, recommendations for the introduction of digital technologies and ensuring quality science, mathematics education in war conditions. Empirical research methods such as a qualitative approach using interviews and focus groups as methods of data collection and statistical methods made it possible to draw conclusions about the levels of digital competence of teachers and students, their understanding of the digital transformation of education and the influence of its components on the implementation of quality science and mathematics education. During the study, hypotheses were confirmed regarding the positive impact of increasing the level of digital competence of teachers on the attitude and readiness for digital transformation, the impact of digital transformation on the quality of science and mathematics education in war conditions, and the need to consider the characteristics of children to increase their positive motivation. |
11:30 | Informatization of continuous professional training of a foreign language teacher PRESENTER: Olha Kanibolotska ABSTRACT. The article substantiates the relevance of intensifying the process of continuous training of foreign language teachers following Ukraine’s informatization of the modern education system. The authors present the concept of reformatting the foreign language professional training of a modern foreign language teacher who will be competitive in the new Ukrainian school. It has been pointed out that one of the determining conditions for the implementation of practical strategic tasks of education modernisation is the training of future foreign language teachers. Due to the expansion of the information space in the system of continuous education, a competency-based approach to the professional development of future teachers of any speciality, including the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), is becoming increasingly important. These technologies are the basis for modern social development, and their tools contribute to the improvement of personal qualities, variability and individualization of education. Their implementation opens up fundamentally new opportunities in the organization of the educational process. The authors cover modern approaches to the formation of foreign language training of future foreign language teachers utilizing blended learning, e-learning, m-learning, u-learning, flipped learning, eTwinning, "Online Driver" model scheme and others. The modern information tools presented by the authors of the study allowed to develop and implement in the educational process an organizational model of continuing professional education of foreign language teachers to increase the level of ICT competence. The stages of training future Foreign Language teachers in Ukrainian higher education institutions are characterized and the form of monitoring the formation of ICT competence of research participants using the certified Digital Literacy course is presented. The study was conducted within the framework of the Erasmus + KA2 National Project on "Development of foreign language teacher training capacity as a way to implement multilingual education and European integration of Ukraine" (610427-EPP-1-2019-1-EE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), which was implemented at Zaporizhzhia National University. The necessity of developing modern information resources for organizing a system of advanced training of foreign language teachers in comprehensive schools and higher institutions is substantiated. |
Room: 256 Link:
13:00 | PRESENTER: Vasyl Oleksiuk ABSTRACT. The paper is a study of using cloud technologies to teach the Linux operating system to future computer science teachers. The authors integrated the NDG Linux Essentials MOOC course, Apache Cloudstack and Proxmox VE private cloud platforms into the CL-OS Cloud Lab. A model of such a lab was developed. The paper describes the author's teaching materials such as tests, essays and assignments. They complement the resources of the cloud lab. The specifics of students' activities in the conditions of the real educational process according to the methodology of blended learning were analyzed. To confirm the effectiveness of the Cloud Laboratory methodology, a pedagogical experiment was conducted in the study. Its results were tested using statistical methods such as ANOVA for repeated measures and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. These methods made it possible to investigate some of the factors that influence the educational performance of future computer science teachers in learning Linux. |
13:30 | Content-analysis Program for Media Studies. Case Study of Research into Hate Speech PRESENTER: Yuliya Krylova-Grek ABSTRACT. This paper presents the results of interdisciplinary project that is a combination of computer program and psycholinguistic approach to media study. In the research we presented the programs that can be used for monitoring and analysis of media content to identify hate speech at its early stage. The aims of research were the following: 1) develop content analysis program for monitoring Russian media outlets; 2) apply the psycholinguistic approach for identifying hidden and manipulative hate speech. In the research there were used two types of content-analysis: quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative content analysis was conducted with computer program that was developed to select publication that could have contained hate speech. For qualitative content analysis the psycholinguistic method of text analysis was used. The method applies for identification methods and tolls that journalists use to incriminate hidden and manipulative hate speech. It is hypothesized that programs of content-analysis help to optimize work and makes it less time-consuming and more effective for analyst, journalists and other specialists who involved into media study. Methods. Quantitative content analysis, psycholinguistic method of qualitative content-analysis. Quantitative content analysis was developed with Python programming language. The publications were selected according to the key words, periods of search (month) and the name of outlet. The list of key words includes words that are used in media for discrimination, dehumanization, and marginalization of objects of hate. Implementation such a program helped to reduce time of monitoring of media outlets. The qualitative content-analysis was conducted with the authors’ psycholinguistic method of text analysis that can be applied for analyzing media texts. The programs of content analysis were applied within the project “Hate Speech in Online Media Publicizing Events in Crimea”. The results were published in a data analysis report on spreading the hate speech in the Russian language media communicating the armed Ukraine – Russia conflict and events related to it in Crimea on a regular base (December 2020 – May 2021). The research showed that the content analysis programs used in the project are useful tools for systematizing and processing data in humanities research and can be used by a wide range of specialist who have deal with collection and processing of information (media, communication, human rights and so on). |
13:50 | Elements of Computer Graphics in the Process of Learning the Basics of Programming in the Python Language in Secondary School ![]() PRESENTER: Vitalii Bazurin ABSTRACT. Teaching the basics of programming in secondary school is important for improving pupils’ thinking skills, their ability to develop algorithms and implement these algorithms in programming languages, as well as introducing pupils to the professions of the IT industry. The objective of the article is to prove that learning Python programming will be more effective if pupils can visually observe the results of the algorithm execution and to experimentally verify the effectiveness of programming tasks that use built-in graphical objects of the Python language and visualize the implementation of algorithms in the Python language. To achieve the objective the author’s method of teaching Python programming was introduced, it is based on the use of built-in computer graphics tools in the Python language. In the learning process the programming task was visualized using the built-in computer graphics tools of the Python language. As a result of the experiment, it was determined that the use of computer graphics elements contributed to a better learning by pupils of the main algorithmic constructions and their syntax in the Python language. |
14:10 | Exploring Flexibility, Innovative Approaches, and Transactional Distance in an Art Therapy Course: Promoting Learning and Managing Stress ![]() PRESENTER: Kateryna Bondar ABSTRACT. This study examines the utilization of flexible learning methods in an art therapy course and explores innovative approaches to enhance learning outcomes and manage stress. The course incorporates a HyFlex model, allowing students to participate in-person, synchronously online, or asynchronously through recorded classes, accommodating diverse student circumstances. This flexibility proves invaluable during challenging situations, such as rocket attacks or migration-related issues, as recorded classes provide accessibility and convenience. The design of art therapy assignments focuses on cognitive and emotional aspects, creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment. The assessment of transactional distance reveals high student satisfaction, positive learning experiences, and strong engagement with online art therapy tools. The findings underscore the importance of managing stress and promoting effective learning in art therapy education. By addressing stress signs and implementing student-centered approaches, art therapy courses can optimize learning outcomes and facilitate the acquisition of professional skills. |
Room: 205 Link:
13:00 | PRESENTER: Andrii Riabko ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the use of chatbot capabilities, a product of artificial intelligence that can complement traditional learning formats. The article discusses the process of creating and testing a physics problem-solving algorithm implemented in a chatbot designed to teach users to solve typical physics problems. The training bot created by the authors offers the user to solve a typical problem, controls the correctness of the solution process, and asks guiding questions and tasks. A chatbot is a tool for sequential learning, so the purpose of creating a chatbot is to develop students’ interest in the subject, familiarise them with typical problem-solving schemes, and assist teachers in individual work with students. The chatbot developed by the authors performs 4 main functions: educational, entertaining, motivational, and reminder. The technology of creating chatbots has wide possibilities for building different types of training courses. The effectiveness of the described method was tested in two groups of students. In the first group, the teacher provided explanations in the process of solving the tasks, and in Group 2, students solved the tasks independently using a chatbot. Statistical processing was based on the Mann-Whitney U test. It was found that there was no significant difference in the levels of problem-solving skills in the comparison groups. |
13:30 | PRESENTER: Vasyl Oleksiuk ABSTRACT. The article is devoted to the systematisation of the experience of the implementation of a cloud-orientedlearning environment of secondary schools. In this study there is a survey of students and teachers ofTernopil region (Ukraine). The paper describes and analyses the conducted survey in detail. It is possibleto find out the opinions and experiences of the participants of the educational process regarding the useof cloud technologies. One of the results of the article is the presented model of a cloud-based learningenvironment. It is based on two popular cloud platforms such as Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace.An important aspect of the study is the use of the SAML protocol to connect these platforms to provide asingle sign-on system. The stages of deploying a cloud-based learning environment are described. Theseinclude the preparation, configuration and integration of cloud platforms. The use of Microsoft Teamsas the main communication tool in the cloud learning environment is considered. An example of theuse and configuration of this programme is described. Some theoretical and practical experiences ofusing cloud services in education were studied. They allowed the authors to draw conclusions about theadvantages and disadvantages of this approach. The results of the pilot application of this model wereevaluated. |
14:00 | Pre-service elementary school teacher perspectives on the use of digital gamification activities in language teaching ![]() ABSTRACT. In this mixed-method study, the author examines the perceptions of elementary school teachers before and after learning the module on the digital gamification of language teaching using ICT technology. Quantitative data was gathered through surveying, and qualitative data was obtained through the analysis of artefacts (language teaching activities). Based on the descriptional statistics, the author concludes participants have a favorable attitude towards the gamification of the language teaching. The qualitative analysis showed that Ukrainian students accept the uncertainty of wartime teaching and gamify the activities using low-stress gamification mechanics and tend to use digital tools, that can be easily used in both online and offline settings. This study adds to the field of second language acquisition, language teaching and teaching pre-service teachers digital gamification. |
Room: 256 Link:
15:00 | PRESENTER: Anna Iatsyshyn ABSTRACT. Information-analytical systems (IAS) are essential for conducting scientific research in the digital era. They enable researchers to access, analyze, and process information, collaborate and share knowledge, optimize information retrieval and update, and support decision-making processes. In this paper, we examine the concept of “IAS for supporting scientific activities” and present some examples of IAS developed by Ukrainian scientists for various research domains. These IAS help researchers store, organize, and analyze information on the scientific research outcomes in Ukraine, which improves the efficiency and effectiveness of scientific activities. We also discuss the benefits of using IAS for scientific research, such as accelerating the pace of scientific discoveries, providing wide access to scientific information, facilitating knowledge exchange, and contributing to collaborative solutions for complex problems. |
15:30 | Secondary Education and Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Prospects PRESENTER: Maiia Marienko ABSTRACT. Analysis of recent research and publications has shown that there is a serious problem in Ukrainian society regarding the use of artificial intelligence. The analysis of ZN.UA survey data showed that the majority of respondents do not know what artificial intelligence is and do not use it. Therefore, there are certain prejudices regarding the use of artificial intelligence in education. The concept of "artificial intelligence literacy" as a component of digital competence needs further research. Literacy in the field of artificial intelligence can be the basis for creating methods of using artificial intelligence in secondary education in Ukraine. The article presents the main components of literacy in the field of artificial intelligence. The author proposes to adapt the experience of digital story writing to the secondary education of Ukraine. At the same time, digital storytelling involves the use of artificial intelligence services as aids. It is shown that the toolkit of the European cloud of open science contains not only cloud services of open science, but also services of artificial intelligence (which are both cloud-based and based on the principles of open science). For example, the basic principles of working with the artificial intelligence service AI-GeoSpecies (included in the European cloud of open science) are considered. Within the framework of the performed research, an intermediate section of the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment was conducted. It was found that teachers need further professional development measures on the topic of using artificial intelligence services. There is a need to create methods for secondary education using artificial intelligence in the educational process. The attitude of teachers towards artificial intelligence services is positive. Educators have repeatedly used artificial intelligence and know the interpretation of this term. |
15:50 | PRESENTER: Artur Moroz ABSTRACT. In this paper the utilisation of neural networks is examined, focusing on an electronic tourist information query system as an example. The analysis begins with a review of the fundamental principles underlying the operation of neural networks, their distinctions from traditional programming, and the reasons they can be beneficial in such systems. Additionally, the work of OpenAI and their development of ChatGPT are considered, illustrating the potential applications of neural networks in real-world scenarios. The paper compares the capabilities of neural networks with dynamic parameter sets against hardcoded logic. An analysis of the impact of these approaches on the speed of system development and the number of possible parameter combinations is conducted. The study also describes the implementation of neural networks on the Node.js platform, demonstrating the practical aspects of this approach, and analysing specific examples of responses and reactions to unforeseen queries for which programming a response is unfeasible. The study includes an analysis of existing query systems and the development and implementation of a prototype system. Moreover, the paper encompasses a comparative analysis of experiment results. The findings corroborate the advantages of neural networks over traditional hardcoded logic, contributing to the enhancement of tourist services in the digital age. |
16:10 | PRESENTER: Artur Moroz ABSTRACT. One of the directions in artificial intelligence (AI) development is the automation of the software development process. Programmers need to write a lot of code, but thanks to intelligent AI algorithms, tools are being developed that can assist with the automation of this process. In this paper an investigation is conducted into the capabilities and impact of artificial intelligence tools in program code development. The primary use cases and advantages of these tools in terms of development efficiency are examined and demonstrated. Two main tools that are currently used in program code development, Copilot and ChatGPT, are considered. A comparison is made regarding the speed of program code development, training based on certain test tasks, where a test group of developers is tasked with completing them using these tools. It is proven that the advancement of artificial intelligence technologies in the field of software development opens up new opportunities for improving productivity and efficiency in development. The obtained results confirm the advantages of using artificial intelligence as assistants in the development of program code for computer systems. |
Room: 205 Link:
15:00 | Ways of engaging students of pedagogical universities in the conditions of online learning of the integrated course "Methodology of teaching "Art" at school" ![]() PRESENTER: Larysa Bezemchuk ABSTRACT. The article examines the current problems of providing methods of work in online conditions for future music teachers studying at pedagogical universities in the specialty 014 Secondary education (Musical art). A review of the latest research in the context of the adopted educational standards and the implementation of the ideas of the New Ukrainian School requires the search for effective ways of working with students through digital education. The training of future music teachers based on the principles of integrated learning takes into account the didactic skills associated with the involvement of specialists in musical specialties in artistic and creative activities based on the didactic module (perception-performance, creation and evaluation of the results of artistic activity). The work presents the method of working online with students, which basically has a defined modular structure. The methodology was implemented in the conditions of online learning on the example of students mastering the integrated course "Methodology of teaching "Art" at school". Taking into account the specifics of this educational discipline, which reveals modern integrated approaches to teaching art at school, we structured the stages of its study according to the levels of student involvement in working with digital tools (cognitivedevelopmental, constructive and creative). An attempt was made to offer students at each stage of education the performance of professionally oriented situations, whic"Lecture-consilium" is defined as an effective form of working with a student audience in synchronous mode using modern information technologies for the presentation of creative projects in integrated "Art" lessons. A separate place is given to examples of conducting a review and advisory session, in the form of a flex model. The method of working with a student audience of a mixed form of education with the help of means of telecommunication with the use of graphic and symbolic means is presented. h included working with electronic textbooks, using the tools "Саnva", "LearningApps", Суbase 12. According to the goals of the work, the effectiveness of the methodology of working in an online format during the assimilation of integrated course using criteria that determine the level of integration and pedagogical skills of future music teachers. Also, a preliminary analysis of the influence of the online work method on the level of motivation of students for future musical and pedagogical activities and the increase of creative motivation to perform special tasks in the performance of art (instrumental, vocal, choral creativity) using innovative learning technologies. The level of success was studied on the example of the successful completion of professionally oriented tasks, which included designing art lessons, creating art projects, working with information tools, which is a methodical toolkit for practical implementation in the work of educational institutions . In order to obtain preliminary results and check the effectiveness of the method of work in the online format on the formation of integration and pedagogical skills of students of pedagogical universities majoring in 014 Secondary Education (Musical Art), a study was conducted in separate groups of the full-time and part-time departments of the Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after Hryhoriy Skovoroda on department of musical art. Accordingly, three criteria were selected: Informational and motivational demonstrated a degree of awareness in the information environment, the ability to perceive artistic information on the Internet, perform tasks of professionally oriented content with the help of online resources. Analytical and active criterion is students' ability to independently create art projects and didactic constructions of lessons for working with students during the period of pedagogical practice in a distance format. Active-transformative, which reflected the manifestations of the creative motives of the applicants during artistic and creative activities (perception-performance-creationevaluation of work) in the conditions of online education. The presented and discussed results, which can be viewed via the links, allowed us to conclude that our online learning method for students of music majors of pedagogical universities can potentially be used as a basis for finding modern methods of work of students and students in online learning conditions. It is planned to expand the range of issues related to the implementation of the methodology in universities outside Ukraine, since the performance of professionally oriented tasks was offered to students from the People's Republic of China, who received a positive result of working with students in Chinese schools during pedagogical practice in remote mode. |
15:30 | Mobile applications design for digital education: IT-students’ engagement experience on conditions of online learning the course “Mobile technologies” ![]() PRESENTER: Liudmyla Gryzun ABSTRACT. The paper treats the currently essential problems of mobile digital education provision with high-quality aids and the challenges of online training of IT-specialists. Based on the recent studies review and educational practice analysis, it is revealed the urgency of our research connected with the problems of dropping students’ motivation to learn and necessity to find out efficient ways to involve them into active and practically significant kinds of learning activities. Minding the great potential of mobile didactic aids and benefits of their using in the educational practice, it was undertaken the attempt to implement project-based learning (PBL) strategy and engage the students of IT majors with development of practically meaningful projects within the “Mobile technologies” course online doing. According with goals the work, is to highlight the branches of project themes, characterized the stages and the results of students’ work upon them. It is also provided preliminary analysis of the impact of such an activity on the students’ learning motivation. It is also covered the preparation stage of the survey on the estimation of the students’ motivation as an impact of PBL implementation. The survey consists of 20 items comprising 4 subsections corresponding to the amount of the revealed motivation dimensions (attention, appealing to learner’s past experience, positive attitude, and satisfaction). To obtain preliminary results and test the designed survey reliability, it was conducted in some groups of potential IT-specialists who completed the online course “Mobile technologies”. The acceptable reliability of the scales was proved. According to the score intervals, there were distinguished four levels of motivation. The results of the survey, according to the levels of students’ motivation are presented and discussed. There were also given and discussed the results of the authors’ observations according to the monitoring program. It was concluded that the obtained results of the conducted survey and our monitoring program may be used potentially as a basis for holding the comprehensive empirical research for the verification of the impact which made the offered PBL on the level of students’ motivation. It is planned to widen respondents’ range to generalize the survey results and to expand it by specifying the changes caused by the introduced methods, which makes a prospect of our work. |
15:50 | Elaboration content of the e-learning course for the educational and professional programme "Navigation and Ship handling" to develop foreign language communicative competence ![]() PRESENTER: Iryna Shvetsova ABSTRACT. Maritime safety and foreign language competence are complex and interrelated. The study focuses on the empirical evaluation of the integration of the module "Visual and Sound Signalling" into the course "Maritime English" for specialists in navigation and Ship Handling in order to improve their professional competence related to the requirements of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea (COLREG-72). The content of the e-course is designed to identify topics that will contribute to the reduction of maritime safety issues. This article presents the content of the e-course under the educational and professional programme "Navigation and Ship Handling" aimed at developing foreign language communicative competence. The article provides key learning objectives and outcomes; a summary of the content of individual parts, as well as the structure of classes in accordance with communicative and blended learning approaches. The effectiveness of the course has been verified by both qualitative and quantitative indicators, which indicates that this teaching concept is viable for further development. The findings of this article can be useful for teachers of maritime English and will help to teach safety issues alongside language teaching in accordance with the requirements of STCW-72 and Model Course 3.17 Maritime English. |
16:10 | PRESENTER: Oleksandr Kanivets ABSTRACT. The intensive development of agricultural engineering and agricultural technologies requires a future engineer to have a thorough knowledge of the structure and purpose of modern agricultural machinery. In the process of training future engineers in the educational process of higher agricultural educational institutions, a problem has arisen, which is the lack of such equipment as training models. Smart technologies of Industry 4.0, such as artificial intelligence, digital twins, virtual and augmented reality, allow to optimize the educational process, increase its efficiency and reduce the time spent on learning due to a new stage of automation. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main stages of VR application development and the possibilities of using virtual reality to study the structure of tractors. The main object of study is a tractor, so the issue of developing a digital twin was resolved separately. The VR application was developed as a smartphone program using a Google Cardboard headset, and the Unity game engine was chosen as the development environment. The main scene shows a hangar with electronic models of a John Deere 6195M tractor and a virtual avatar. One model of the tractor is disassembled into separate components to study its internal structure. A script was written for the virtual avatar to allow it to move. In particular, the avatar moves when the camera is tilted down to a certain angle. Red markers are placed near the tractor nodes, which interact with the avatar’s sight and display information panels. The information panels tell about the name of the node, its purpose, and technical characteristics. The use of the program we developed in the educational process has shown that higher education students liked the process of gaining knowledge in a game form, but it should be noted that the movement of the virtual avatar sometimes caused dizziness in some users. |
Room: 256 Link:
17:00 | Virtual Labs - the Tool to Expand the Possibilities and Quality of a Workshop in Physics for the Technical University PRESENTER: Olha Pronina ABSTRACT. Computerization of all levels, branches and areas of higher education today is a key issue for the research of all scientists in the world. An actual task is to organize a computer learning environment at the university in accordance with the needs of users. Part of this environment is virtual labs. In particular, an important issue is the conduct of laboratory work in physics. Thanks to the creation of virtual laboratory works, experiments are available to students that are not possible in the educational laboratory. The transition to a remote form of the educational process during the pandemic prepared all levels of education in Ukraine for work in war conditions. The article describes the experience of fully providing the course "Physics" with high-quality virtual laboratory work for students of technical specialties. The developed laboratory reproduces the actions of real experiments (selection of conditions and initial parameters, observation of the phenomenon, appropriate measurements and processing of results) of both traditional workshops and scientific research. |
17:20 | LMS Moodle as Means of Asynchronous Learning for Innovative Teaching Methods Implementation in Time of War PRESENTER: Tetiana Terletska ABSTRACT. Utilisation of innovative pedagogical technologies diversifies educational process, allows teachers to make learning more effective and boost students’ motivation. At the same time, current learning conditions generate numerous challenges both for teachers and students. Under martial law distance education remains in priority due to the risks. In addition, forced migration, aircraft alerts and blackouts seriously influence the abilities of higher education institutions to arrange synchronous learning. Thus, the authors focus on the ways to ensure high quality of education when the learning process is predominantly asynchronous. Learning management systems remain the environment where all learning activities are gathered in one place and available for all teachers and students regardless of time and the participants’ location. However, for high quality learning it is not enough just to upload materials for reading and watching. Interaction with peers and teachers is an important part of education. Considering that, the paper addresses the problems of interactive teaching and learning methods implementation in asynchronous mode. LMS Moodle activities which contribute to the organisation of communication and collaboration, formative assessment and problem-based learning are analysed. The results of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University teachers’ survey, presented in the article, has shown that although the e-learning system of the university is actively used to provide the educational process, the number of activities used by teachers is limited to Assignment, Lesson, and Quiz. The authors explore the possibilities of other Moodle activities such as Forum, Workshop and Wiki to arrange asynchronous learning and implementation of innovative teaching methods in particular. Teachers and students can significantly benefit from using various LMS Moodle activities and settings for different teaching and learning methods implementation. Under the conditions of war, when the access to educational resources can be limited or available not for all education process participants, it is important to broaden knowledge on existing tools and make the most of their resources to ensure the best possible quality of education. |
17:50 | Monitoring and Analysis of Student Performance in the Process of Participating in a Software Development Project ![]() PRESENTER: Oleksandr Sharyhin ABSTRACT. This study presents a comprehensive approach to monitoring and analyzing student performance in the context of software development projects. The primary focus is on the development of novel performance metrics that effectively capture the level of control required from the Team Leader and the quality of work assessed by the QA Engineer. The introduced metrics, namely Relative Control Degree and Relative Quality Assurance Degree, offer a robust framework for evaluating and understanding student performance across project, company, and industry levels. The authors provide valuable recommendations for interpreting the results and utilizing the proposed performance metrics. This study presents an innovative application that calculates the defined performance metrics, allowing for real-time monitoring of student performance as developers. This practical tool offers a means to track and evaluate student progress throughout the project lifecycle, enabling timely feedback and intervention as needed. The utilization of the developed performance metrics holds significant implications for project management and student development. By implementing the recommended practices, educational institutions and industry professionals can enhance the effectiveness of software development projects, improve student learning outcomes, and promote a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. In conclusion, the proposed performance metrics, supported by recommendations and a dedicated application, empower project stakeholders to optimize control, quality assurance, and student development. |
18:20 | Creation of The Effective Educational Environment for The Development of Soft Skills of Future Primary School Teachers by Means of Cloud Technologies PRESENTER: Oksana Bilier ABSTRACT. The article considers the possibilities of using cloud technologies to create an effective educational environment is aimed at the development of future primary school teachers' soft skills. The experience of using cloud technologies is demonstrated, the advantages, challenges and possible limitations of their use are revealed. Prospects for further development of the topic are determined. The main aspects of the article include: clarification of the essence of the concept of “educational environment” and signs of a quality educational environment; review of the potential of cloud technologies for the development of future primary school teachers' soft skills; characteristics of the SAMR model, which describes the levels of technology integration in the educational process; systematized data on types of activities, their impact on the development of certain Soft Skills of future primary school teachers and applied cloud technologies with practical implementation examples. The obtained research results are emphasized the potential of cloud technologies in creating an effective educational environment is aimed at the development of soft skills of future primary school teachers. The conclusions of the article can be served as a basis for further research and the development of programs and strategies aimed at the effective use of cloud technologies in the educational process. |
18:50 | Results of the workshop MROL 2023 PRESENTER: Hennadiy Kravtsov |
Room: 205 Link:
17:00 | Digital Technologies for Conducting Dictations in Ukrainian PRESENTER: Olena Piatykop ABSTRACT. At present, modern information technologies are developing very rapidly. A lot of different software tools are being created to improve and simplify people's lives. This is especially true in the context of distance learning. In the context of online learning, the traditional form of conducting dictations needs to be transformed. Therefore, it is possible to propose automation of the process of conducting and checking dictations using software. The paper analyzes scientific research and publications of the current state of language synthesis technologies and text similarity testing. With the help of C# and the language synthesis libraries of Microsoft, Google, Amazon, software has been developed that allows the user to listen and type text, and then automatically check it with the initial sample. The conducted testing for different types of errors showed the possibility and expediency of development the system for conducting and checking dictations. Follow-up activities will focus on improving the effectiveness of the program. The use of such programs will help improve the organization of conducting and checking dictations during distance learning and self-training of students. |
17:30 | The preparation and defense of qualification works in the context of the digitalisation of higher education ![]() PRESENTER: Andrii Morozov ABSTRACT. The situation in which Ukraine has found itself since February 2022 has also contributed to the development of digitalization of all processes in higher education. Thus, higher education institutions have such forms of control as course design, diploma design, various types of practices, etc. In this context, the issue of digital transformation of diploma design is the most relevant, since explanatory notes to qualification works must be kept at the university upon graduation and go through several stages to be admitted to defense. The article presents the experience of the Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University in digitalizing the process of diploma design. The procedure of the process of preparing and defending a qualification work with a detailed description of each step is presented. |
17:50 | PRESENTER: Nataliya Kushnir ABSTRACT. Presently, the advent of artificial intelligence has created a rift in society, with two distinct groups emerging: advocates who embrace the potential of AI to positively transform lives and skeptics who harbor concerns over its development, with the most alarming fear being the potential destruction of human civilization. Nevertheless, it is evident that artificial intelligence has permeated various facets of society, with an ever-expanding array of services relying on this technology. A noteworthy observation is that students and apprentices are increasingly engaging with AI-driven services, often without a complete grasp of its underlying principles, effective application, or potential risks. Consequently, it becomes crucial to equip future educators with sufficient expertise in this domain, enabling them to assist their students in safely and purposefully utilizing AI-based services to attain specific objectives. The article analyzes the research and recommendations concerning AI's integration in education. We highlight essential aspects that must be emphasized during the training of prospective teachers in the fundamentals of artificial intelligence. Additionally, various applications of AI within the educational process. are proposed. The suggested structure can serve as the foundation for a standalone module or be further expanded into a comprehensive educational discipline. |