Program Introduction

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31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse Online Program

August 2 - 4, 2021; Online

Follow us on Twitter / Facebook: @TextDiscourse
Full Program Download in PDF Format: Link coming soon


31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse 

Conference Chairs
Keith Millis, Northern Illinois University
Joe Magliano, Georgia State University
Conference Organizing Committee
Srikanth Dandotkar, University of Southern Indiana
Mike Mensink, University of Wisconsin-Stout (Secretary & Webmaster)
Alexandra List, Pennsylvania State University
Matt McCrudden, Pennsylvania State University
Caitlin Mills, University of New Hampshire
Emily Smith, Siena College (Treasurer)


Program Review Committee

Nick Benesh, Waldorf University Andy Jarosz, Mississippi State University
Heather Bortfeld, University of California, Merced Celia Klin, Binghamton University
M. Anne Britt, Northern Illinois University William Levine, University of Arkansas
Reese Butterfuss, University of Minnesota Alexandra List, The Pennsylvania State University
Sarah Carlson, Georgia State University Kathryn McCarthy, Georgia State University
Sarah Creer, University of New Hampshire Matt McCrudden, The Pennsylvania State University
Scott Crossley, Georgia State University Caitlin Mills, University of New Hampshire
Srikanth Dandotkar, University of Southern Indiana Gregory Mills, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Irene-Anna Diakidoy, University of Cyprus Shingo Nahatame, University of Tsukuba
Peter Dixon, University of Alberta Tobias Richter, University of Würzburg
Andrew Elfenbein, University of Minnesota Nikita Salovich, Northwestern University
Jacqueline Evers-Vermeul, Utrecht University Andreas Schramm, Hamline University
Yuko Hijikata, University of Tsukuba Stephen Skalicky, Victoria University of Wellington
Scott Hinze, Middle Georgia State University Marc Stadtler, Ruhr-University Bochum
W. Sid Horton, Northwestern University Greg Trevors, University of South Carolina
Maj-Britt Isberner, University of Kassel Jennifer Wiley, University of Illinois Chicago
Allison Jaeger, St. John’s University Michael Wolfe, Grand Valley State University


Welcome to the 31st Annual Conference of the Society for Text & Discourse

Before you start conferencing, we wanted to steal a moment of your time to say a few words.Keith Millis

We are very excited and proud of this year’s conference.  The presentations are amazing, and because of the challenge of accommodating many time zones, we hope that you can easily view all of the synchronous events. The format of the conference was based on feedback as to how best to come together as a research community during a pandemic. We came up with a structure that is both familiar (“we did this virtual thing last year”) and newish (“Enhanced Sessions” “Roundtables”), and has small blessings (“You have up to 10 minutes for Flipgrid presentations!”). 

This conference would not have happened without the efforts of several groups of people that deserve our deep-felt thanks:

First, a thank you goes out for all if you who submitted a paper.  We received many submissions, all of which were excellent, making a rich program that speaks to many interests, perspectives, and facets of research relevant to text and discourse. 

Second, we would like to thank members of the Governing Board for shaping the direction of the society in regards to social equity issues.  At this conference, members will continue conversations regarding racial equity in science that were started at last year’s conference. We are pleased that Rod Roscoe will give a keynote on social justice in STEM education. His address will be followed by the discussion on how to increase diversity in our research community.

Joe MaglianoThird, we would like to thank members of the society for feedback and suggestions regarding the conference’s format. Based on that feedback, we are introducing Enhanced and Round Table Discussion formats for discussion-based sessions. We want to thank presenters and the moderators of these sessions for their bravery of doing something new in our venue. 

Fourth, we would like to acknowledge our members and their scholarship. Jean-Francois Rouet and Anne Britt will share the Distinguished Scientific Contributor Award for their 25 years researching how people comprehend and learn from multiple texts.  As the recipient of the Tom Trabasso Young Investigator Award, Doug Lombardi will give a talk on science literacy. As mentioned earlier, Rod Roscoe will give a keynote on equity in science. And congratulations to Anne Cook, Scott Crossley, and Celia Klin who are now Fellows of the Society for Text and Discourse.

Lastly, we would like to thank everyone who worked on this conference.  It takes a village, and thankfully, we have hard-working and thoughtful individuals in ours.  A big thank you goes out to each member of the Program Review Committee, members of the Conference Organizing Committee, the Emily Smith (Treasurer) and especially, Mike Mensink (Secretary/Webmaster). 


Here is to an awesome conference!

Keith Millis, Chair of the 2021 Virtual ConferenceJoe Magliano, Chair of the Governing Board, and Co-chair of the 2021 Virtual Conference

Society for Text & Discourse Leadership


Joseph P. Magliano, Georgia State University 2019-2022

Governing Board

Keith K. Millis, Northern Illinois University 2015-2021
Paul van den Broek, Leiden University 2015-2021
Jason L. G. Braasch, U. of Memphis 2016-2022
Chantel S. Prat, University of Washington 2016-2022
Jane Oakhill, University of Sussex 2017-2023
Gale M. Sinatra, University of Southern California 2017-2023
M. Anne Britt, Northern Illinois University 2018-2024
Panayiota Kendeou, University of Minnesota 2018-2024
Kate Cain, Lancaster University 2019-2025
Michael B. Wolfe, Grand Valley State University 2019-2025
Catherine M. Bohn-Gettler, College of Saint Benedict-Saint John’s University 2020-2026
Matthew T. McCrudden, Pennsylvania State University 2020-2026
Laura K. Allen, University of New Hampshire 2021-2027
Jean-François Rouet, University of Poitiers 2021-2027


Emily Smith, Siena College Treasurer (2020-2023)
Michael C. Mensink, University of Wisconsin-Stout Secretary (2017-2022)
Scott R. Hinze, Middle Georgia State University Secretary-elect (2022-2025)


Editors-in-Chief of Discourse Processes

Catherine M. Bohn-Gettler, College of Saint Benedict-Saint John’s University  
Johanna K. Kaakinen, University of Turku  

Fellows of the Society for Text & Discourse 

2021 Fellows

Anne E. Cook, University of Utah Scott A. Crossley, Georgia State University
Celia M. Klin, Binghamton University  


Current Fellows

Patricia A. Alexander, University of Maryland Joseph P. Magliano, Northern Illinois University
Richard C. Anderson, University of Illinois Gail McKoon, Ohio State University
Adrian Bangerter, University of Neuchâtel Danielle S. McNamara, Arizona State University
Susan E. Brennan, State University of New York at Stony Brook Bonnie J. F. Meyer, The Pennsylvania State University
M. Anne Britt, Northern Illinois University Keith Millis, Northern Illinois University
Kate Cain, Lancaster University Jerome L. Myers, University of Massachusetts
Herbert H. Clark, Stanford University Leo G. M. Noordman, Tilburg University
Manuel de Vega, Universidad de La Laguna Jane V. Oakhill, University of Sussex
Ivar Bråten, University of Oslo Edward J. O’Brien, University of New Hampshire
Paul Drew, University of York Herre van Oostendorp, University of Utrecht
Peter Foltz, University of Colorado Boulder Charles A. Perfetti, University of Pittsburgh
Jean E. Fox Tree, University of California Santa Cruz Natalie Person, Rhodes College
Alan Garnham, University of Sussex David N. Rapp, Northwestern University
Simon Garrod, University of Glasgow Jean-François Rouet, Université de Poitiers
Morton A. Gernsbacher, University of Wisconsin-Madison Ted J.M. Sanders, University of Utrecht
Richard J. Gerrig, State University of New York at Stony Brook Anthony J. Sanford, University of Glasgow
Arthur M. Glenberg, Arizona State University Emanuel Schegloff, University of California, Los Angeles
Susan R. Goldman, University of Illinois at Chicago Michael F. Schober, New School for Social Research
Charles Goodwin, University of California, Los Angeles Gale Sinatra, University of Southern California
Arthur C. Graesser, University of Memphis Murray Singer, University of Manitoba
Jeffrey T. Hancock, Stanford University Tanya Stivers, University of California, Los Angeles
Patrick Healey, Queen Mary University London Isabelle Tapiero, Université Lyon 2
Panayiota Kendeou, University of Minnesota Paul van den Broek, Leiden University
Walter Kintsch, University of Colorado Teun A. van Dijk, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Roger J. Kreuz, University of Memphis Eduardo Vidal-Abarca, Universitat de Valencia
R. Brooke Lea, Macalester College Wietske Vonk, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics-Nijmegen
José Antonio León, Autónoma University of Madrid James F. Voss, University of Pittsburgh
Debra L. Long, University of California-Davis Jennifer Wiley, University of Illinois at Chicago
Robert Jr. Lorch, University of Kentucky Rolf A. Zwaan, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Fellows Selection Committee: M. Anne Britt (Chair), Matt McCrudden, Jane Oakhill, & Paul van den Broek. Fellow status is awarded to Society for Text & Discourse members who have made sustained outstanding contributions to the science of their field in the areas of research, teaching, service, and/or application. Fellows’ contributions have enriched or advanced an area encompassed by the Society for Text & Discourse on a scale well beyond that of being a good researcher, practitioner, teacher, or supervisor.

Special ST&D 2021 Conference Issue

Cover of Discourse ProcessesDiscourse Processes ( is the official journal of the Society for Text & Discourse, and publishes an annual special issue focused on presentations given during the annual Society for Text & Discourse conference. 

We are extremely pleased to announce that a special issue, to appear in 2022, will be published representing work from both enhanced and standard sessions from the 2021 Society for Text & Discourse online meeting. Papers submitted for consideration to the special issue will go through the regular review process, with the goal of accelerating that process given the intended publication timeline. This is an excellent opportunity to publish your cutting-edge research in a timely fashion!

Submissions should be prepared according to the Discourse Processes manuscript guidelines found here.

All manuscripts should be submitted through the Discourse Processes submission portal as per those guidelines. In any such submission, indicate in your cover letter that he manuscript is being submitted for consideration in the “ST&D 2021 Special Issue.” 


The firm deadline for submissions is September 15, 2021


Please consider submitting your exciting conference presentations to Discourse Processes. Remember: Discourse Processes is the official journal of the Society for Text & Discourse. If you have any questions about the suitability of your conference presentation for the issue, e-mail the special issue editors:

  • Matt McCrudden ( 
  • Alex List (
  • Caitlin Mills (
  • Mike Mensink (

We look forward to your submissions!

32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse


Atlanta, USA; July 19-21 2022




33rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse


Oslo, Norway; June 2023
