Days: Monday, August 2nd Tuesday, August 3rd Wednesday, August 4th Thursday, August 5th
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10:00 | Reasoning With and About Documents 25 Years Later (abstract) PRESENTER: M. Anne Britt |
In this roundtable, the moderators will prepare a set of questions to prompt discussion. We have invited some ST&D members who have conducted verbal protocol research including Laura Allen, Virginia Clinton-Lisell, Josefine Karlsson, Matthew McCrudden, and Panayiota Kendeou. These panelists will not be asked to present but will have previewed the questions and be prepared to engage in discussion. We aim to use this one-hour discussion as a catalyst for further in-depth conversations aboutverbal protocol methodologies that can be continued in a future ST&D workshop and/or could be fleshed out in a special issue for Discourse Processes.
This symposium will report the results from the second year of a three-year grant to develop and refine the MOCCA reading assessment for use with college students. Papers include test development (i.e., form & items), item coding/qualitative analysis, and assessment results.
12:45 | MOCCA-College: Year 2 Results and Revisions (abstract) |
12:57 | How does Text Cohesion Explain Causal Processing? Findings from an Exploratory Examination of MOCCA-College Response Patterns (abstract) |
13:09 | College Readers’ Cognitive Profiles by Genre (abstract) |
13:21 | A Coding Scheme to Describe Emotional Dimensions in Narrative and Expository Texts (abstract) |
13:33 | Meta-Analysis on College Reading Assessments and GPA (abstract) |
14:00 | Educating About the Misinformation Effect Prior to Reading Does not Seem to Reduce it (abstract) ![]() |
14:12 | Watch Out: Fake! How Warning of Misinformation Affects Non-Experts’ Acceptance of Simplified Science Information (abstract) |
14:24 | Evaluation Reduces the Influence of False Information (abstract) |
14:36 | Evaluating Health Misinformation Trustworthiness Across Social Media Platforms and Trust in the Medical Establishment (abstract) |
14:48 | Gamifying Refutation Texts to Enhance Public Engagement with Health Promotion Messages (abstract) |
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10:00 | Learning in a multiple-text reading environment: roles of reading ability, knowledge, comprehension, and effort (abstract) |
10:12 | What Is Multiple-Text Integration All About? Teachers' Perceptions of the Aims and Assessment of Multiple-Text Integration (abstract) |
10:24 | The Influence of Thinking Dispositions on Integration and Recall of Multiple Texts (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Christian Tarchi |
10:36 | Text Presentation Order and Intertext Inferences Between Complementary Texts (abstract) |
10:48 | Scaffolding Multiple Document Literacy: Relationships Between Document Mapping and Argumentative Writing (abstract) |
11:15 | Scaffolding Scientific Reasoning and Discourse (abstract) |
In this roundtable facilitated by the editors of Discourse Processes, researchers will consider the advantages and challenges associated with adopting open science practices. With panelists who have experience in open science, this roundtable will begin with an overview of the big questions and topics related to open science. For example, this will include discussion of pre-registered reports; badging systems; the sharing of materials, datasets, and analysis scripts; open access. Following this overview, there will be time for open conversation among the panelists and participants to discuss the advantages and the potential problems with adopting particular open science practices. We will consider what open science is and why it matters, as well as discuss potential implications for the journal Discourse Processes.
14:00 | Purposeful Validation: Are Validation Processes and the Construction of a Mental Representation Influenced by Reading Goal? (abstract) |
14:12 | Text-Belief Consistency Effects in Bilingual Reading Contexts (abstract) |
14:24 | Attitude-Inconsistent Tweets Reduce Memory for Subsequent Information (abstract) |
14:36 | Partisan Patterns of Vaccine Beliefs and Trust in News Sources (abstract) |
14:48 | Task Goals Modulate the Alignment of Eye-Movements and Linguistic Strategies (abstract) |
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Serialized TV is a popular form of contemporary fiction, conveying continuing and complex plots that unfold episode by episode. These narrative forms have been of interest to the field of cognitive narratology with researchers identifying critical components of serializedplot. However, relatively little work specifically in discourse psychology has examined the effects of this fictional form on cognitive and affective processes. This roundtable discussion, which includes researchers in cognitive narratology and discourse psychology, will highlight interesting aspects of serialized TV worthy of interdisciplinary study. The goal is to build a foundation for productive research collaborations that enhance theoretical accounts of experiences with serialized narratives.
11:15 | Reading Minds, Reading Stories: Social-Cognitive Abilities are Related to Linguistic Processing of Narrative Viewpoint (abstract) |
11:27 | What Can Automated Analysis of Large-Scale Textual Data Teach Us about the Cultural Resources that Students Bring to Learning? (abstract) |
11:39 | Small Stories and the Narrative Construction of a Student’s Identities of Contention (abstract) |
11:51 | Does Writing in Gender-Fair Language Increase Cognitive Load? (abstract) |
12:03 | The Reading Gap in College: Proficiency, inferencing, and self-identified race (abstract) |
12:30 | Please Join Me/Us/Them on My/Our/Their Journey to Justice in STEM (abstract) |
Discussion Moderators
- Akua Nkansah-Amankra (they/them)
- Aireale Rodgers (she/her)
- Josh Schuschke (he/him)
There will be three concurrent breakout rooms in Zoom, one for each moderator. Zoom breakout sessions will not be recorded, but a notetaker in each session will take general notes on the discussion and record points made. Discussion contributions of participants will remain anonymous.
Reflection Questions for Discussion
- What did you learn from last year’s discussion?
- What is the value of increasing compositional diversity in our field and in our Society?
- What are the ways that the Society's current practices shape (e.g., hinder or facilitate) the level of compositional diversity (e.g.,aka hinder or facilitate)? How can we change them?
- What are the ways that the Society can increase its compositional diversity?
Important Considerations
During this discussion session, it will be important to recognize the following aspects:
- The moderators will be assisting in moving the conversation forward - they will not be there to provide judgment or validation.
- Members should trust the moderators to lead the conversation in ways that ensure that people are comfortable sharing their thoughts, but there will also be space allowed for other members to have reactions.
- These discussions can be uncomfortable/emotional to work through, and that is a normal part of this process.
- All members will have different experiences, understanding, and actions as part of this process.
- Using “I” statements will be an important and helpful behavior for the discussions.
Important Definitions
Racism is defined as a system of dominance, power and privilege based on racial group designations: rooted in the historical oppression of a group defined or perceived by dominant-group members as inferior, deviant, or undesirable; and occurring in circumstances where dominant group members create or accept societal privilege by maintaining structures, ideologies, values, and behavior that have the intent or effect of leaving nondominant group members relatively excluded from power, esteem, status, and/or equal access to societal resources (p.43).
Harrell, S. P. (2000). A multidimensional conceptualization of racism‐related stress: Implications for the well‐being of people of color. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70(1), 42-57.
Research demonstrates that there is neither a singular way to define nor operationalize a commitment to diversity. While we recognize that there are multiple dimensions of people’s social identities that can confer privilege or marginalization (e.g., sexual orientation, gender identity, dis/ability), our Society’s focus is on increasing structural, or compositional, diversity, which is defined as “the numerical representation of various racial/ethnic groups,” which have historically and persistently been underrepresented in academia (p. 279).
Hurtado, S., Clayton-Pedersen, A. R., Allen, W. R., & Milem, J. F. (1998). Enhancing campus climates for racial/ethnic diversity: Educational policy and practice. The Review of Higher Education, 21(3), 279-302.
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
August 5 is simply a placeholder for our online program: There are no synchronous presentations on this date. Please view the ST&D flipgrid page at to view the asynchronous Flipgrid presentations using the code: ST&D2020!
Using written language as indicator of personality: A meta-analytic study on computational models of language (abstract) ![]() |
“2” vs. “Two”: Does the Presentation of Numbers Matter? (abstract) |
Relation of Reading Motivation to Reading Comprehension Performance (abstract) |
Inconsistent Students’ Reading Comprehension in Traditional and Scenario-Based Assessments (abstract) |
Readability Assessment Tool for English Texts (abstract) |
Component Skill and Metacognitive Differences Between Traditional and Scenario-Based Comprehension Assessments (abstract) |
Development of a Novel Assessment of Quality of Word Knowledge (abstract) |
Processes in Literary Writing (abstract) ![]() |
Okay as a Marker for coordinating Transitions in Joint Actions: A cross-linguistic Comparison (abstract) ![]() |
How collaboration shapes conversational memory effects (abstract) |
Holistic or Analytic Evaluation? Comparison between Comparative Judgment and Analytical Rubrics Assessment (abstract) |
Parsing Text in a Workspace for Language Generation (abstract) ![]() |
Cohesion and Coherence-Building in Multiple Document Comprehension (abstract) ![]() |
Unfolding the Stages of a Multiple Source Use Task:
Testing a Moderated Mediation Model (abstract) |
A Differential N-gram Use Measure for Automated Essay Scoring (abstract) |
A Trade-off Relationship between Lexical and Prosodic Means in Expressing Subjective and Objective Causality (abstract) |
The Influence of Child, Text, and Assessment Factors on Comprehension: A longitudinal Investigation (abstract) |
Processing Past Tense Counterfactual Sentences in Text: Examining Young Adults from Diverse Backgrounds (abstract) |
Centrality Skills of Poor Comprehenders (abstract) |
Exploring Text-level Inferencing in Advanced Second Language Reading Comprehension Assessment Tasks (abstract) |
How Do Japanese L2 Readers Maintain Causal Coherence: Online and Offline Protocol Analyses (abstract) |
Same Topic, Different Genre: Elementary School Children's Mental Representations of Information Embedded in Narrative and Expository Texts (abstract) |
An exploration of word learning opportunities in children's books (abstract) |
Measuring Metacognitive Competence with the Inconsistency Task in Adolescents: Stability and Predictors of Age-related Differences (abstract) |
Just the Imagination? Mental Imagery Abilities in Specific Less Skilled Comprehenders (abstract) |
Classifying Discourse Elements in L2 Argumentative Essays Using Writing Fluency Measures (abstract) |
Predicting Cohesive Comprehension Based on Individual Differences and Genre Effects (abstract) ![]() |
Theory of Mind and Reading Comprehension: What Do We Know and Where Do We Go from Here? (abstract) |
Hercule Poirot, Mon (Faux) Ami: a Corpus Study on Agatha Christie’s Use of Language to Develop Character (abstract) ![]() |
A Large-Scale Corpus for Developing Readability Formulas (abstract) |
A Large-Scale Corpus for Assessing Discourse Elements in Writing (abstract) |
Word-to-Text Integration and Antecedent Accessibility: Eye-Tracking Evidence Extends Results of ERPs (abstract) |
The Role of the Establishment of Causal Connections and the Modality of Presentation of Discourse in the Generation of Emotion Inferences by Argentine College Students (abstract) |
Acquiring Expert’s Vocabulary: Analyzing Students Textual Feedback on Video Recordings. (abstract) ![]() |
A Corpus Stylistic Approach to Literature: Focusing on James Joyce’s Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (abstract) |
Living, Languages, Relations: A Contrastive Eco-Discourse Analysis of Lakota and English Language Writing (abstract) |
Face Threats and Argument Dialogicity in Primary and Secondary School Students (abstract) |
Critical Discourse Analysis of the Image of Foreign Political Protests in Czech Mass Media and Political Communication of Czech Politicians (abstract) |
Reading in print vs. on computer screen: Paper fosters on-task attention (abstract) |
Topic constraints influence divergence of task-unrelated thoughts but not overall rates in conversations (abstract) |
Examining the Effects of Visual and Verbal Thoughts on Reading Outcomes (abstract) ![]() |
Predicting Readers’ Online Thought Characteristics using Natural Language Processing Analyses (abstract) |
Mind wandering during reading of a novel: Evidence from multidimensional experience sampling and eye movements (abstract) |
A Corpus of Stories For Use in Examining The Effects of Reading Inaccurate and Accurate Assertions (abstract) |
Analyzing Discourses and Instructional Practices in News Media Literacy: Shifts in Co-Constructionism & Instructionism (abstract) |
Examining the Effects of Self-explanation on Students’ Inference Generation and Conceptual Change (abstract) |
Too Depleted to Comprehend: The Effect of Resource Depletion on Reading Comprehension (abstract) |
Predicting multiple text integration across tasks: The role of single text reading comprehension related variables (abstract) |
Comparing Sentence Reading Times for Satirical and Non-Satirical News Texts (abstract) |
Multimodal sequence processing in visual narratives: The contribution of verbal and visual information on comprehension (abstract) |
Text Genre Effects on Task-Unrelated and Personally-Connective Thought (abstract) |
The Interaction of Working Memory and Prior Knowledge in Text Comprehension (abstract) |
Disentangling Text Comprehension (abstract) |
The effect of paragraph length on the processing and enjoyment of journalistic text (abstract) |
How Do Positive Natural Language Quantifiers Convey Shortfall? (abstract) |
The Effects of Context on the Comprehension of Semantic Anomalies (abstract) |
Effects of Consciousness Presentation and Narrative Voice on Referential Expressions (abstract) |
Artistic-narrative communication from a neurocognitive perspective (abstract) |
Narrative Comprehension across Text, Audio, and Video in Elementary School Children (abstract) |
The Impact of Perspective Taking and Preference Formation on Narrative Comprehension (abstract) |
Improving Comprehension of Science Textbook Excerpts with Judgments of Comprehension (abstract) |
Closed-ended Practice Testing Can Improve Understanding From Text (abstract) |
Instructional Visuals Affect Students’ Judgments of Drawing When Learning from Science Text (abstract) ![]() |
The Role of Time Constraints and Domain Knowledge in Reading Comprehension Tests: The Case of Text-First versus Questions-First Strategies (abstract) |
A Multi-method Insight into Students’ Strategic Processing of Expository and Narrative Texts (abstract) |
Effects of Interactive Teacher-Generated Drawings on Students’ Understanding of Plate Tectonics (abstract) |
Effects of Question-Type Training in Preparation for the MCAT CARS (abstract) |
Learning More by Reading or Writing? Comparing Two Collaborative Learning Pedagogies (abstract) |
Does Reasoning about Scenarios Depend on Explicit, Task-Specific Strategy Use? (abstract) |
Disciplinary reading strategies predict learning from psychology textbooks (abstract) |
Adult Categorization of Questions about a Text by Source of Answer and Importance to Main Ideas (abstract) |
Executive function skills in making scientific evaluations and plausibility judgments (abstract) |
Communicating Scientific Uncertainty in the Context of the Corona Pandemic: How does the Use of Lexical Hedges Affect the Perceived Trustworthiness of Scientists and Politicians? (abstract) |
It Seems so Easy! Popularized Language in YouTube Videos Affects Laypeople’s Evaluation of the Content (abstract) |
Academic Language Development in Written Scientific Explanations by Fourth Graders throughout a Learning Sequence (abstract) |
Instructional Scaffolds to Facilitate Scientific and Critical Comparisons of Geological Phenomena (abstract) |
Text Structure in Science Teaching Materials for Primary Education (abstract) |
Access to the Textbase as a Source of Difficulty in Expository Text Comprehension (abstract) |
Supporting Comprehension in Computer-Based Science Simulations (abstract) |
Sourcing Through the Grapevine: Comprehending Multiple Perspectives in Texts Reflecting Gossip (abstract) ![]() |
Credibility Lost and Credibility Gained: Updating Source Credibility During Knowledge Revision (abstract) |
What is a good source? How a scientific source’s characteristics shape laypersons’ evaluation of source and claim credibility (abstract) |
Sourcing in Pre-Service Teachers’ Evaluations of Technology Applications for Classroom Use (abstract) |
Investigating Differences in Experts’ and Laypersons’ Evaluation of a Scientific Conflict with Eye-Tracking and Cued-Retrospective Thinking Aloud (abstract) |
Inadmissible Evidence: Integrating Irrelevant Information in a Multiple Source Scenario (abstract) ![]() |
The Role of Advanced Theory of Mind in Adolescents’ Sourcing while Reading Multiple Documents (abstract) |
How Does Emoji Valence Impact Text Message Interpretation? (abstract) |
Emojis and the interpretation of text messages between friends and between acquaintances (abstract) ![]() |
Using a Teacher Dashboard to Support Students Remotely on Science Inquiry (abstract) ![]() |
Designing an Online, Collaborative Environment to Facilitate Argumentative Discourse (abstract) |
Can Text Features of Investigative Questions in Science Predict Students’ Inquiry Competencies? (abstract) |
Toward Field Advancement: An Effort to Conceptualize Collaborative Reading Comprehension (abstract) |