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17:00-19:00 Session 4: Inclusion, primary & vocational education

Inclusion, primary & vocational education, Google Meet room:

Análisis de las emociones en el aprendizaje de algoritmos voraces con realidad aumentada [Analysis of the emotions experienced by learning greedy algorithms with augmented reality]

ABSTRACT. En las asignaturas de algoritmia de informática, los estudiantes suelen tener dificultad en entender el código fuente resultante de aplicar diferentes esquemas algorítmicos. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que pretende apoyar a los estudiantes en su proceso de aprendizaje de algoritmos voraces mediante el uso de una herramienta con realidad aumentada. Esta herramienta permite enfocar con el móvil el código fuente del algoritmo voraz de Dijkstra escrito en soporte de papel y aumentar el mismo con explicaciones sobre su comportamiento. La investigación consistió en realizar una experiencia con alumnos en el aula utilizando la herramienta y validar el nivel de conocimiento y las emociones experimentadas durante la experiencia. De acuerdo con los resultados hallados, las emociones positivas de los estudiantes fueron casi el doble en intensidad que las negativas, manteniéndose el nivel de disfrute del estudiante pese a la complejidad de la tarea (entender el algoritmo de Dijkstra). Sin embargo, se encontró que la ansiedad que experimentaron los estudiantes aumentó prácticamente el doble desde que comenzó la experiencia hasta que finalizó.

[Algorithm subjects are complex to understand for students. They have trouble understanding how the source code of algorithms resolve problems. This article presents a tool based on augmented reality in order to learn greedy algorithms. Student uses his/her smartphone’s camera to focus the Dijkstra algorithm’s source code written on paper and the tool shows how the algorithm works. An experience was carried out where students used the tool in classroom in order to learn Dijkstra algorithm. Students’ emotions and knowledge level was assessed in this experience. The results show that positive emotions experienced by students were almost twice as intense as negative emotions ones. Despite the complexity of the task (understanding Dijkstra algorithm) the level of enjoyment of students was continuous during the experience. However, during the experience, the anxiety experienced by students was twice as much anxiety at the beginning.]

Desarrollo de un agente conversacional para el aprendizaje de SQL
PRESENTER: Antonio Balderas

ABSTRACT. El aprendizaje del lenguaje SQL es uno de los pilares fundamentales en la formación de los ingenieros en informática. Sin embargo, su aprendizaje suele presentar dificultades para los estudiantes, sobre todo cuando gran parte del estudio de la materia se realiza de manera autónoma. En este trabajo, se desarrolla un agente conversacional (chatbot) para el aprendizaje del SQL. El chatbot, permitirá al estudiante realizar una serie de ejercicios SQL mientras le brinda, por un lado, ayuda para realizar los ejercicios y, por otro lado, retroalimentación en base a las acciones del estudiante. Este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo con estudiantes de bases de datos y los resultados indican que el chatbot no solo es útil para el estudiante, sino también para el profesorado por la cantidad de información que la aplicación le proporciona.

An Augmented Reality information system designed to promote STEM education

ABSTRACT. The PlanetarySystemGO is an information system that is being designed to promote STEM education in the context of planetary systems of the Universe. Besides providing information about the celestial bodies of the Universe, it also provides information about its dimensions being possible to explore different scales. The information system includes a mobile augmented reality location-based game and a web application with a back-office. The game that can be played with a smartphone consists in a sort of planet hunt in an outdoor space. The players need to walk in the real world to find virtual objects, which are celestial bodies such as stars or planets that appear on the screen of the mobile device. During the several stages of the game, information about the celestial bodies is provided and a set of multiple-choice questions needs to be answered. The player gains points as he succeeds by either finding the planets’ orbits, the celestial bodies or answering the questions correctly. The backoffice is responsible for administering learning objects and data management through a web application running in a web browser. Through the back-office, teachers can introduce contents about the celestial bodies that they intend their students to learn and also the set of multiple-choice questions that they find appropriate in order to evaluate their students’ knowledge about these contents. Therefore, the PlanetarySystemGO may be implemented in any level of school curricula to promote STEM learning

Descubriendo la presión a través de un Paisaje de Aprendizaje con Genially - Uncovering the pressure through a Learning Landscape with Genially

ABSTRACT. Se ha diseñado un Paisaje de Aprendizaje para trabajar el concepto de presión con alumnos de 4º de ESO. Esta estrategia didáctica que combina las Inteligencias Múltiples y la Taxonomía de Bloom permite tener en cuenta las capacidades de todos los estudiantes y en función de las mismas ofrecer una enseñanza personalizada. Se pone de manifiesto que atender a la diversidad no significa cambiar el currículo, sino enseñar lo mismo con diferentes actividades. Además, se describen las bases del aprendizaje significativo y se revisa la legislación vigente para resaltar la importancia del estudio por competencias y la posibilidad de incluirlas y evaluarlas dentro del Paisaje de Aprendizaje, gracias a la relación cercana que guardan con las Inteligencias Múltiples. Utilizando la aplicación Genially se han integrado actividades muy diferentes, de modo que los estudiantes, trabajando en grupo, realizan un itinerario que ellos mismos eligen, diseñando su proceso de aprendizaje, del concepto de presión. _____ This paper includes the design of a Learning Landscape to work on the concept of pressure with students between 15 and 16 years old. This didactic strategy combines Multiple Intelligences and Bloom’s Taxonomy, allowing to take into account the capacities of all students and based on them, offer personalized teaching. It is collected that attending to diversity does not mean changing the curriculum. Attending to diversity consists of teaching the same content with different activities. Also, the bases of meaningful learning are described. In addition, the current legislation is reviewed to highlight the importance of the study by competences and the possibility of including and evaluating them within the Learning Landscape, because there is a close relationship between Multiple Intelligences and competences. A wide variety of activities have been integrated using Genially application, so that the students, working in groups, carry out an itinerary that they themselves choose, designing their learning process, of the concept of pressure

The Use of Facebook and Instagram in Communication with New Students: the Case of Portuguese Public Universities

ABSTRACT. The increasing use of social networks and the high number of its users has led Higher Education Institutions, for some years now, to establish a presence on these platforms and to take hold of the potential increase of their proximity with their target audience and, most of all, with their students. In this context, the study presented in this article aimed to understand the use that Portuguese Public Universities make of social networks, in particular Facebook and Instagram, to communicate with new students. Methodologically, a descriptive study, consisting of the observation of the official Facebook and Instagram pages of all Portuguese Public Universities, was undertaken during the month of September 2018, a period associated with start of the academic year and the welcoming of new students. Through data collection and analysis of variables such as publication topics, the content shared and the interaction generated, it was possible to establish that universities use social networks to communicate with their audience, namely through the use of images with hyperlinks to the HEI’s website (on Facebook) and photos and videos (on Instagram). During the period analyzed, the publications were mostly focused on the welcoming of new students with content such as the institutional welcome messages from the HEI’s deans.

SmartFeedback: Augmented audience response system for intelligent feedback
PRESENTER: Ramon Hervas

ABSTRACT. Active participation in classroom is a critical teaching tool to achieve significant learning, which encourages critical thinking and, ultimately, makes possible to improve academic results. In recent years, innovative strategies have been developed, such as the use of devices to support participation, known as Audience Response systems (ARS) or informally, clickers. The present work proposes the development and initial validation of a system based on an augmented ARS device, with three types of functionalities (a) Programmed, the teacher can pose questions or surveys to the students, who will be able to participate through the ARS; (b) Spontaneous, an innovative functionality that allows the affective, improvised and natural participation of the audience, so that it will be possible to provide emotional feedback about any event produced in the class; (c) Implicit, the mere presence of the device and its position with respect to the rest of the devices will provide valuable data to study social behaviors and habits. The aim of all this is not only to make teaching activities more dynamic, but it is also a valuable and new source of information for the teacher, including permanent feedback of learning, opinions, emotions and social behavior, which can be used for studying their relationship with academic results. This paper describes the ARS prototype developed, whose functionalities have been tested through a trial with 19 users that helps to answer design questions for this type of devices.