This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
4 | |
4E Cognition | |
A | |
academic discourse | |
academic self-concept | |
academic socialization | |
academic support | |
Academic writing | |
accent anxiety | |
accuracy | |
achievement emotions | |
Achievement goals | |
achievement motivation | |
Action research | |
Active Inference | |
additional language learning | |
ADHD | |
adolescents | |
Adolescents perspectives | |
adult immigrant learners | |
adult learners | |
advising in language learning | |
affect | |
affect-regulation strategies | |
affective factors | |
Ageing | |
agency | |
Algeria | |
alienation | |
ambiguity tolerance | |
anguage classroom innovation | |
anti-flow | |
anti-ought-to-self | |
anxiety | |
applied positive psychology | |
Appraisal theory | |
approach-avoidance | |
Arabic | |
Argumentative Writing | |
Assessment | |
Attention | |
Attitude | |
attitudes | |
attitudes towards English varieties | |
Attributions | |
attrition | |
Audio-descriptions | |
Australia higher education | |
authenticity | |
Auto-ethnography | |
autobiographical memory | |
autoethnographic research | |
autoethnography | |
Autonomous language learning | |
autonomy | |
B | |
Basic psychological needs | |
Basque language | |
Basque-medium instruction | |
Behavioral task engagement | |
beliefs | |
Beliefs in Language Education | |
belonging | |
Bilingualism | |
blended EFL learning | |
blended learning | |
Boosting learners' motivation | |
Boredom | |
Brazil | |
Buoyancy | |
Burkinabe students | |
burn-out | |
burnout | |
C | |
Canada | |
case studies | |
CASEL Framework | |
Causal Mechanisms | |
Cause-and-effect | |
CDA | |
centrality | |
character strengths | |
Child development | |
children | |
children and youth | |
Children's wellbeing | |
Chinese | |
Chinese as a second language | |
Chinese diaspora in Austrlia | |
Chinese language | |
Chinese learners | |
Chinese learning motivation | |
Classroom application | |
Classroom Challenges | |
classroom emotions | |
classroom interactions | |
classroom reality | |
Classroom-level engagement | |
CLIL | |
CLPM | |
coaching in FLT | |
Cognition | |
cognitive complexity | |
Cognitive Load Theory | |
Cognitive Scientific Theory | |
collaborative writing | |
Collectivism | |
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages | |
Communication | |
Communicative Language Anxiety | |
Community | |
Competences | |
Complex and dynamic systems theory (CDST) | |
Complex Dynamic Systems Theory | |
complex systems | |
complexity | |
computational social network analysis (SNA) | |
computer-mediated feedback | |
concept change | |
Conceptual metaphors | |
confirmatory composite analysis | |
connectedness | |
Content and Language Integrated Learning | |
content-based materials | |
Contextual factors | |
Cops | |
cosmopolitanism | |
cost | |
Covid-19 | |
CPIA | |
Creativity | |
critical friendship | |
critical incidents | |
Critical linguistic awareness | |
Cross-cultural comparison | |
cultural barriers | |
cultural historical activity theory | |
Cultural Identity | |
Cultural influence | |
cultural stereotypes | |
Curiosity | |
D | |
data analysis | |
Desigualdad social | |
desire | |
Development of oral skills | |
Didactic experience | |
Dimensions of engagement | |
directed motivational currents | |
Directed Motivational Currents (DMCs) | |
discourse | |
discourse analysis | |
dissertation topic | |
DMC in third age | |
domain-specific wellbeing questionnaire | |
Dominant Language Constellations | |
drama | |
dual language immersion | |
duoethnography | |
Duolingo | |
dynamic computational social network analysis (SNA) | |
Dynamic Exploration of the Flow State | |
dynamics of learning | |
E | |
early career teachers | |
ecological | |
ecological perspective | |
ecological validity | |
Ecosystems | |
Education | |
Educational Assessment of Newly Arrived Students | |
educator well-being | |
Effort feedback | |
EFL | |
EFL learners | |
EFL practicum | |
EFL pre-service teachers | |
EFL teacher burnout | |
EFL teacher engagement | |
EFL teacher reengagement | |
EFL teachers | |
electroencephalography | |
elementary school | |
ELF | |
ELT | |
Emergency remote teaching | |
emergent leadership | |
EMI | |
emotion | |
emotion labor | |
Emotion Labour | |
emotion regulation | |
Emotion research | |
emotional and mental wellbeing | |
emotional and taboo Stroop task | |
Emotional contagion | |
emotional intelligence | |
Emotional Labor | |
emotional literacy skills | |
emotional support | |
Emotions | |
emotions in L2 | |
emotions of foreign language learners | |
Empathy | |
Engagement | |
Engagement in Language Use | |
engagement measure | |
Engagement with language | |
engagement with LX | |
Engaging learners emotionally | |
English | |
English ability | |
English as a Foreign Language | |
English as a foreign language classroom | |
English as a Lingua Franca | |
English as L3 | |
English education | |
English for academic purposes | |
English for Academic Purposes / EAP | |
English for Specific Purposes | |
English Language Classrooms | |
English language learners | |
English Language Teaching | |
English language teaching / ELT | |
English Medium Instruction | |
English private tutoring | |
English Vs Non-English Majors | |
English-major students | |
English-medium instruction | |
English-medium-instruction | |
enjoyment | |
Enseñanza bilingüe | |
envisioning | |
epistemic curiosity | |
Epistemic Emotions | |
ESOL | |
Ethics | |
ethnocultural empathy | |
Eudaimonia | |
Evaluación | |
event sampling | |
Executive functions | |
expectancy-value theory | |
experience sampling method | |
experimental design | |
Explicit Instruction | |
Exploratory Practice | |
exploratory structural equation modeling | |
Extensive reading | |
extracurricular project | |
extraversion | |
F | |
factor structure | |
feedback processing | |
feedback timing | |
Feedback-Seeking Behavior | |
First language teaching | |
fixed mindset | |
flipped classroom | |
flourishing | |
flow | |
Flow-Triggering Lesson Characteristics | |
fluency | |
Foreign Language | |
foreign language anxiety | |
foreign language anxiety (FLA) | |
foreign language boredom | |
Foreign language classroom | |
Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety | |
Foreign language education | |
foreign language enjoyment | |
Foreign Language Geragogy (FLG) | |
foreign language learning | |
Foreign Language Peace of Mind | |
Foreign Language performance | |
foreign language speaking proficiency | |
foreign language teacher emotion | |
foreign language teacher emotional labour | |
foreign language teacher support | |
foreign language teachers | |
Foreign language teaching and learning | |
foreign-accented speech | |
Free Energy Principle | |
French | |
French as a Foreign Language | |
French Immersion | |
French second language | |
Functional adequacy | |
Future L2 selves | |
Future selves | |
future time perspective | |
G | |
gambaru | |
game-based language learning | |
Gender | |
German | |
Global English | |
Goal complexes | |
Goal contents theory | |
goal effort | |
Goal orientation | |
goal progress | |
grades | |
grammar learning strategies | |
Grit | |
grounded theory | |
Group dynamics | |
growth mindset | |
H | |
Happiness | |
healthy ageing | |
heritage bilingualism | |
Heritage language anxiety | |
Heritage language exposure | |
Heritage language learners | |
Heritage speakers | |
high schoolers | |
high tension | |
Higher Education | |
Home language | |
hope | |
Humanising Education | |
I | |
ICT | |
ideal L2 self | |
ideal multilingual self | |
Ideal Self | |
identification | |
identities | |
identity | |
identity negotiations | |
identity tensions | |
ideology | |
Idiodynamic approach | |
idiodynamic method | |
Idiodynamics | |
Imposter Phenomenon | |
In-service | |
in-service teaching | |
in-sessional | |
Inclusion | |
incremental beliefs | |
individual difference variables | |
individual differences | |
individual preferences for corrective feedback | |
individualized learning | |
Individualized support | |
instrument | |
instrumental support | |
Integrated Performance Assessment | |
intelligent tutorial | |
Intensive English programs | |
intensive language courses | |
intensive longitudinal data | |
inter- and intra-individual variability | |
Interaction | |
interaction mindset | |
interactions | |
Intercultural | |
intercultural competence | |
intercultural contact | |
intercultural pragmatics | |
interest | |
interlocutor influence | |
internalization | |
international education | |
international migration | |
International posture | |
international summer schools | |
International teaching assistants | |
interpersonal relationships | |
Interpretation | |
Intervention | |
intervention study | |
intrapersonal affordances | |
Intuition | |
investment | |
investment theory | |
Island Ridge Curve | |
Italian as L2 | |
Italian diaspora in Australia | |
Italian L2 | |
Italian learning motivation | |
J | |
Japan | |
Japanese students | |
Japanese university students | |
K | |
Kindness | |
L | |
L+ study emotions | |
L1 discourse production | |
L1 use | |
L2 | |
L2 Anxiety | |
L2 engagement | |
L2 English writing | |
L2 German | |
L2 goals | |
L2 grit | |
L2 language teachers | |
L2 learning experience | |
L2 learning motivation | |
L2 motivation | |
L2 motivation in third age | |
L2 motivational self system | |
L2 proficiency | |
L2 prospective teachers | |
L2 reading task | |
L2 selves | |
L2 speaking anxiety | |
L2 teacher boredom | |
L2 teaching | |
L2 writing | |
L2 writing instructional approaches | |
L2 writing motivation | |
L2MSS | |
L3 learning | |
language and emotion | |
language and identity | |
language anxiety | |
language anxiety scales | |
language assessment | |
language attitudes | |
language coaching | |
language experience | |
Language learner mindset | |
language learner motivation | |
language learner wellbeing | |
language learning | |
language learning advising | |
language learning and teaching | |
Language learning and teaching psychology | |
Language learning and technology | |
Language learning aptitude | |
language learning careers | |
language learning engagement | |
language learning motivation | |
language learning narratives | |
Language Learning Strategies | |
language maintenance | |
Language Mindsets | |
Language other than English (LOTE) | |
language portraits | |
language proficiency | |
Language Support Intervention | |
language teacher education | |
language teacher emotions | |
language teacher identity | |
language teacher motivation | |
language teacher professional curiosity | |
language teacher wellbeing | |
language teachers | |
Language Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Beliefs | |
language teachers’ well-being | |
language teaching | |
late-life L2 learning | |
latent profile analysis | |
laughter meditation intervention (LMI) | |
Leadership Trust | |
Learner agency | |
learner autonomy | |
learner emotions | |
Learner engagement | |
Learner Generated Content | |
learner identity | |
Learner individual differences | |
Learner Motivational profiles | |
learner self-awareness | |
learner support | |
learner-centered theory | |
learning | |
Learning by feeling | |
Learning Environment | |
learning strategy | |
leveled readings | |
Lifelong learning | |
Lifespan | |
Linguistic awareness | |
linguistic capital | |
Linguistic insecurity | |
linguistic majors | |
linguistic repertoires | |
listening comprehension | |
Listening strategies | |
lived experience | |
Long-term | |
longitudinal and participatory research | |
longitudinal design | |
longitudinal qualitative research | |
longitudinal research | |
Longitudinal Research Design | |
LOTE | |
LOTE motivation | |
LOTEs | |
M | |
MALL | |
Mandarin Learning | |
measurement | |
Mental well-being | |
mentor feedback | |
Metacognition | |
metacognitive awareness | |
Metacognitive instruction | |
Metalinguistic awareness | |
Metalinguistic explanations | |
metapragmatic awareness | |
Methodology | |
micro development | |
migrant learners | |
Migrants | |
Migration | |
military institution | |
Mindfulness | |
Mindset theory | |
minority languages | |
mix-method study | |
mixed methods | |
mixed-effects model | |
Mixed-method research | |
Mixed-methods | |
mixed-methods approach | |
mixed-methods research | |
Mixed-Methods Study Design | |
Mobile Learning | |
mobile technologies | |
mobile-assisted language learning | |
Modern Greek as a Foreign Language | |
Moral judgements | |
motigraph | |
motivation | |
motivational dynamics | |
motivational interactions | |
motivational profiles | |
Motivational teaching strategies | |
multicultural personality | |
multilingual | |
multilingual context | |
multilingual education | |
multilingual identities | |
Multilingual identity | |
Multilingual learning | |
Multilingual motivation | |
multilingual motivational self-system | |
multilingual scenario | |
Multilingual Teenagers | |
multilingualism | |
multiliteracies | |
Multimodal Interaction Analysis | |
multimodality | |
multiple language learning | |
N | |
narrative | |
narrative analysis | |
narrative identity | |
Narrative inquiry | |
negotiating teacher and student perceptions | |
NeuroLearningPower® | |
Newly Arrived Pupils in Primary School | |
newspapers | |
non-native speakers (NNS) | |
novice language teachers | |
Novice teacher | |
O | |
Official Languages | |
older adults | |
online intercultural exchange | |
online language learning | |
online learning | |
Online teaching | |
Online teaching and learning | |
Online tutoring | |
openness to experience | |
optimal experiences | |
Oral corrective feedback | |
Oral creativity | |
oral fluency | |
others impressions | |
Ought-to self | |
P | |
Pakistan | |
Part-time teachers | |
pedagogical love | |
Pedagogy of Wonder | |
peer assessment | |
peer model | |
peer-coaching | |
Perceived Effectiveness of Instruction | |
Perceived teacher empathy | |
Perceptions | |
PERMA+ | |
perseverance | |
Persistence | |
Person-in-Context Relational View | |
Personal Investment | |
Personalised Learning for Migrant Pupils | |
personality traits | |
phase shifts | |
phenomenology | |
Planning writing | |
plurilingual language learning | |
plurilingual self | |
plurilingualism | |
poetry writing | |
portfolios | |
positive | |
positive affect | |
positive education | |
Positive Institutions | |
Positive interventions | |
positive language education | |
positive psychology | |
positive psychology interventions | |
possible selves | |
post study abroad | |
power-relations | |
Practitioner research | |
Pragmatic awareness | |
Pre-service | |
pre-service teacher trainee | |
pre-service teachers | |
pre-service teaching | |
pre-task planning | |
Predicting Brain | |
prediction | |
prevention | |
proactive language learning | |
procesos dinámicos | |
process tracing | |
Process writing | |
Procrastination | |
professional development | |
Professional identities | |
professionalism | |
proficiency | |
proficiency assessment | |
program evaluation | |
promotion | |
Prompts | |
pronunciation | |
psychology | |
psychology of language learning | |
psychology of language teachers | |
psychometric analysis | |
psychometric properties | |
Public speaking | |
Q | |
Q methodology | |
Q-Sorting Activity | |
Qualitative | |
qualitative inquiry | |
Qualitative research | |
qualitative study | |
quantitative methods | |
Quantitative study | |
Quebec French swearwords | |
Questionnaire | |
R | |
Rasch analysis | |
Rasch rating scale analysis | |
rationales | |
reading fluency | |
Reading skill | |
reading strategies | |
Reasons for goals | |
Recasts | |
reference group | |
reflection | |
reflective dialogue | |
Reflective Practice | |
reflective teaching | |
reflexive thematic analysis | |
regulatory focus theory | |
relationality | |
Rendimiento | |
Requests | |
Research methodology | |
research methods | |
Research synthesis | |
researcher identity | |
resilience | |
resistance | |
retirement | |
retirement resources | |
retrospection | |
Retrospective self | |
Rhetoric | |
Roles | |
S | |
Saudi Arabia | |
School-level engagement | |
school-university transition | |
scientific dissemination | |
Scoping review | |
screencast technology | |
second language | |
Second language acquisition | |
second language acquisition (SLA) | |
second language learners | |
second language learning | |
Second language teaching | |
Secondary Education | |
segunda lengua | |
self regulated learning | |
Self-access | |
self-assessment | |
self-awareness | |
self-competence | |
self-concept | |
Self-determination theory | |
self-efficacy | |
self-efficacy beliefs | |
Self-esteem | |
self-liking | |
self-monitoring | |
self-perceived competence | |
self-perceived proficiency | |
self-regulated learning | |
self-regulation | |
Self-regulation strategies | |
self-worth theory | |
sense of self efficacy | |
Service | |
short program | |
short-form questionnaire | |
Skills instruction | |
skills-based classroom activities | |
SLA | |
Small lens approach | |
Small Private Online Courses (SPOCs) | |
social contexts | |
social networks | |
Social Realist Perspective | |
Social Sciences and Humanities | |
Social-emotional learning | |
socio-affect | |
sociocultural adaptation | |
Spanish | |
Spanish as a foreign language | |
Spanish as a second language | |
Spanish in the U.S | |
Speaking | |
speaking and writing instructions | |
Split-Attention | |
state-of-the-art | |
Statistical methods | |
statistical modelling | |
status and solidarity attitudinal dimensions | |
strategies-based instruction | |
Strategy training | |
Strength-based | |
stress | |
Structural Equation Modeling | |
Structural equation modeling (SEM) | |
student emotions | |
Student Engagement | |
Student engagement with written corrective feedback | |
student feedback engagement | |
student feedback-seeking behaviors | |
Student interpreters | |
student motivation | |
Student Reengagement | |
student silence | |
student-teacher relationships | |
Students' well-being | |
study abroad | |
study-abroad SLA | |
subjectivity | |
Survey methodology | |
survival analysis | |
Synergistic Motivation | |
systematic literature review | |
T | |
t-test | |
task content | |
Task Flow | |
Task-based language teaching | |
teachability | |
teacher agency | |
teacher and student wellbeing | |
Teacher Development | |
teacher education | |
teacher educators' practices | |
teacher effectiveness | |
Teacher emotion | |
teacher emotions | |
teacher empowerment | |
teacher identity | |
teacher identity development | |
Teacher learning | |
Teacher motivation | |
teacher portrayal | |
teacher professional development | |
teacher psychology | |
teacher reengagement strategies | |
teacher roles | |
teacher self-efficacy | |
teacher status | |
Teacher Training | |
Teacher well-being | |
teacher wellbeing | |
teacher-student emotion transmission | |
Teacher-Student Rapport | |
teacher-student relationship | |
Teachers | |
Teachers' beliefs | |
teaching abroad | |
Teaching competences | |
teaching languages | |
teaching practices | |
teaching practicum | |
teenage learners | |
teenagers | |
test anxiety | |
Thailand | |
the ideal multilingual self | |
the random intercepts cross-lagged panel model (RI-CLPM) | |
the rooted L2 self | |
thematic analysis | |
Theory of Mind | |
Time Perspectives | |
Timescales | |
Training Needs | |
Training of early childhood education teachers | |
Trait Emotional Intelligence | |
Transformation experiences | |
transformative learning | |
Transformative positive psychology | |
Transformative research | |
Translation | |
transnational | |
transnationalism | |
U | |
Ukrainian refugees | |
umbilical cords | |
Undergraduate students | |
university instructors | |
University of the Third Age (U3A) | |
university teachers | |
utterance fluency | |
V | |
validation | |
validation analysis | |
variability | |
vision intervention | |
Vocabulary Learning | |
voluntad de comunicarse | |
Vulnerability | |
W | |
well-being | |
wellbeing | |
wellbeing literacy | |
wellbeing promotion | |
Willingness to Communicate | |
women educators | |
working memory | |
Workplace | |
workplace stress | |
Writing Achievement Outcomes | |
Writing and Reading Domains | |
Writing task | |
written corrective feedback | |
Written Corrective Feedback Processing | |
WTC | |
Y | |
young learners |