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08:45-09:00 Session 1: Welcome to KUL2020

Vice president Anna Karlsson-Bengtsson

Location: Conference Hall
09:00-10:00 Session 2: Keynote speakers: Elinor Olaussen and Kjetil Knarlag, Universell, NTNU

Inclusive pedagogy  - Universal design as a pedagogical strategy and framework for inclusion

Abstract      Slides

Location: Conference Hall
10:00-10:20Coffee Break

Utställning med Chalmers Lärarstöd och Lärandestöd. CLS  finns på plats i Candelafoajén för att svara på frågor om stöd till lärare på Chalmers. Bland annat finns möjlighet att ställa frågor om Diploma (15 HEC), stöd för blended learning, skrivcentrum, mm

10:20-11:20 Session 3A: Work in progress x 3 and panel discussion
Location: Conference Hall
An inclusive, international learning environment? Program managers and lecturers report on ongoing work in Master’s programs
PRESENTER: Lena Peterson

ABSTRACT. Three short presentations from different Master programs at Chalmers. Each program will present how they have worked with an international environment, including how they have worked proactively to encourage greater inclusion and learning perspectives according to Chalmers' prioritised goals. These presentatiosn will be followed by an open discussion with the possibility for the audience to ask questions. Long abstract

10:20-11:20 Session 3B: Presentations 2x30 min
Location: Pascal
Studiestärkande åtgärder i mekatronikprogrammet
PRESENTER: Darya Heydari

ABSTRACT. Studiestärkande åtgärder har införts på mekatronikprogrammet. Studieteknik har införts som ett obligatoriskt moment, studenterna har fått en tidig kontakt med studievägledaren och fler uppföljningspunkter för studenter med låga studieresultat har införts. Andelen studenter som stannat kvar på programmet har ökat, liksom genomströmningen efter första året. Long abstract

Näringslivsrepresentanters bidrag till programutveckling – En fallstudie
PRESENTER: Susanne Kullberg

ABSTRACT. I en tid med hög teknikutvecklingshastighet, blir utmaningen att ingenjörsutbildningars innehåll möter arbetsmarknadens behov större än tidigare. Ett välfungerande samarbete mellan näringsliv och högskola blir särskilt viktigt. Denna intervjubaserade studie behandlar frågeställningen: Hur, varför, och med vad, bidrar näringslivsrepresentanter till programutveckling? Bidraget riktar sig främst till personer i utbildningsledande roller. Long abstract

10:20-11:20 Session 3C: Presentations 1x30 min
Location: Kelvin
Using active learning in hybrid learning environments

ABSTRACT. Engagement in synchronous learning activities is analysed both from a teacher and student perspective for two short flipped courses offered in a hybrid learning environment. Despite the remote nature of the courses for the off-site attendees in particular, careful planning of the synchronous activities resulted in deep student engagement. Long abstract

10:20-11:20 Session 3D: Workshop
Location: Tesla
Dealing with Evaluation in Advanced Technical Courses at the Master-Level – Is the “Tentamen” the Best Way to Assess the Student’s Learning?

ABSTRACT. Advanced Master courses in Physics and Engineering place an ever-stronger emphasis on advanced simulation tools, but it is difficult to assess the student competences in a fair manner. Does Chalmers have the right IT infrastructure to go beyond the traditional “tentamen”? What is the best way to assess student’s learning? Long abstract

10:20-11:20 Session 3E: Workshop
Location: Newton
Hands-on workshop för att få in klimatutmaningen i kurser vid Chalmers
PRESENTER: Erik O Sterner

ABSTRACT. Vi ser ett växande behov av att ta vara på studenters intresse för klimatutmaningen och skapa lärandeaktiviteter som är intresseväckande, engagerande och lärorika. I denna workshop får intresserade lärare stöd i att integrera klimatfrågan i högskolekurser med hands-on guidning kring tre olika läromaterial som deltagarna får möjlighet att testa. Long abstract

10:20-11:20 Session 3F: Roundtable discussion
Location: Coulomb
Hur kan och bör virtual reality användas i högskolepedagogik?

ABSTRACT. Virtual reality och augmented reality är än så länge nästan helt oprövade tekniker inom högskolepedagogik. Numera är hårdvaran så pass billig att det kan finnas praktiska tillämpningar av tekniken, och frågan uppstår då… vad kan och bör vi använda virtual reality till inom högskolan? Long abstract

11:30-12:30 Session 4B: Meet the Pedagogical Prize Laureates of 2019
Location: Pascal
Overcoming challenges in interdisciplinary educational programmes

ABSTRACT. The complexity of current research questions frequently demands a combination of expertise where cross-disciplinary training is of increasing importance. It is essential to train students to improve problem-solving skills by synthesizing interdisciplinary tools and evaluating issues from different research areas by exploring alternative teaching methods.

Two Birds with One Stone - Integrating Outreach and Sustainable Development
PRESENTER: Frances Sprei

ABSTRACT. Computer Engineering students struggle to connect their profession with sustainable development. We therefore asked them to develop applications promoting sustainability together with Ericsson and Västtrafik. We found that the companies want a long-term collaboration; the students find the course relevant but demanding; and teaching together is both fun and rewarding.

11:30-12:30 Session 4C: Work in progress 3x20 min
Location: Kelvin
Hur kan Chalmers biblioteks onlinemodul öka studenternas kunskap i informationskompetens?
PRESENTER: Anna Volkova

ABSTRACT. 2016 skapade Chalmers bibliotek en onlinemodul, Chalmers Library Education Online (CLEO) riktad till kandidatarbetare för att öka deras informationskompetens. Vi kommer att presentera arbetet med CLEO 2.0 i Canvas med förhoppningar att även mastersprogram skulle kunna integrera den engelska versionen i befintliga kurser. Long abstract

One Book, One Chalmers: Extending Classroom Conversations
PRESENTER: Kathryn Hansen

ABSTRACT. In 2019, Chalmers launched the One Book, One Chalmers (OBOC) program, which encourages students across all disciplines to read the same book. This presentation’s goal is to show instructors how to align their courses with OBOC, expanding the reach of their classroom conversations about important topics, such as ethics. Long abstract

Pedagogic Aspects of Scholarly Information Literacy: A Course on a Systematic Approach to Literature Reviews

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this work-in-progress presentation is to discuss pedagogical challenges and to present a short course on how to conduct literature reviews with a systematic approach. Target audience is researchers, teachers and doctoral students. The Division of Information Literacy at Chalmers Library will offer this course in 2020. Long abstract

11:30-12:30 Session 4D: Workshop
Location: Tesla
Workshop om resultatrapportering och examination

ABSTRACT. Examinationsprocessen håller på att digitaliseras.
Workshopen vänder sig till examinatorer som har börjat använda digital examination eller planerar att börja.
Workshopens syfte är att ta fram vad tekniken behöver stödja för att få en pedagogisk och effektiv examination. Diskussionspunkter; hantering av bonuspoäng samt hur ska ett digitalt examinationssystem fungera. Long abstract

11:30-12:30 Session 4E: Roundtable discussion
Location: Newton
What you need to go on a teaching sabbatical to learn and how to plan for it

ABSTRACT. In this roundtable, teaching sabbatical alumni will tell how this made them better teachers and what they learnt that they could not have learnt in other ways. It is the hope that the discussions lead to that more teachers go on teaching sabbaticals and that such visits are optimally planned. Long abstract

11:30-12:30 Session 4F: Roundtable diskussion
Location: Coulomb
Exchanging experiences from innovative learning initiatives at Chalmers seeking to respond to new societal challenges and demands
PRESENTER: Linnea Johansson

ABSTRACT. Changes in global landscapes, demand for new or broader competencies, and sustainability challenges demand new skills from our students and hence adjustments to how we approach education. During this session, we seek to exchange experiences from and between innovative learning initiatives at Chalmers that seek to respond to these issues. Long abstract

12:30-13:20Lunch Break

Utställning med Chalmers Lärarstöd och Lärandestöd. CLS  finns på plats i Candelafoajén för att svara på frågor om stöd till lärare på Chalmers. Bland annat finns möjlighet att ställa frågor om Diploma (15 HEC), stöd för blended learning, skrivcentrum, mm

13:20-14:20 Session 5B: Presentations 2x30 min.

The first presentation during this session will be held by Johan Larsbrink, "Supervisor of the year" 2019

Location: Pascal
Supervision in academia – reflection on Do’s and Don’ts

ABSTRACT. Supervisors of PhD students (and advisors of postdocs) have a great responsibility to balance their own needs to those of the students. In this presentation, I will highlight examples of successful and poor attitudes to supervision, and how the quality of supervision and leadership in academia could possibly be increased.

Evaluation of the fulfillment of the national goals for doctoral studies

ABSTRACT. Fulfillment of the national goals for doctoral studies was assessed by PhD students and their supervisors (111 people in total). Results show remarkable differences between both respondent categories and specific goals, and that most of the progress in doctoral studies is perceived to occur in the second and third years. Long abstract

13:20-14:20 Session 5C: Work in progress 2x20 min
Location: Kelvin
Didactical aspects on teaching using advanced software

ABSTRACT. The learning objectives include both advanced theory and mastering a state-of-the-art software for advanced simulations. Two tough goals that we aim at reaching by allowing students to investigate the causal relationships and ask questions to the software in order to obtain deep understanding of theory and numerical methods. Long abstract

Group assigments - is peer instruction always a good method to improve learning?

ABSTRACT. Group assignments have been used in Physics courses. To stimulate students to use the power of the group, experiments with different formats solution presentation has been used and an analysis has been made of how this influences the scores on the final individual exam has been made. Long abstract

13:20-14:20 Session 5D: Workshop
Location: Tesla
Effective approaches to challenging conceptualisations of writing: Five research supervisors and their negotiation of writing development challenges

ABSTRACT. PhD and MSc students might come from a different writing tradition than supervisors, might rely on a different language for accessing the academic English of the discipline, and might have limited writing experience. These are writing related challenges supervisors face, and three supervisors offer some suggested approaches in this workshop. Long abstract

13:20-14:20 Session 5E: Workshop
Location: Newton
Learning media makeover
PRESENTER: Anders Bark

ABSTRACT. Have you ever thought of refurbishing your old presentation materials? Do you wish remake them into up-to-date digital learning media? In this workshop you are invited to take part in the actual process of redesigning and digitalizing a sample presentation.

13:20-14:20 Session 5F: Roundtable discussion
Location: Coulomb
Vilka pedagogiska verktyg behövs i lärplattformen Canvas

ABSTRACT. En möjlighet med den nya lärplattformen Canvas är att integrera kompletterande tredjepartsverktyg. Det finns dock ett stort antal sådana verktyg, och ett urval behöver göras för att fokusera resurser och för att effektivisera för studenter och lärare. Vilka pedagogiska behov bör styra valet och vilka verktyg bör integreras med Canvas? Long abstract

14:20-14:50Coffee Break

Utställning med Chalmers Lärarstöd och Lärandestöd. CLS  finns på plats i Candelafoajén för att svara på frågor om stöd till lärare på Chalmers. Bland annat finns möjlighet att ställa frågor om Diploma (15 HEC), stöd för blended learning, skrivcentrum, mm

14:50-15:50 Session 6B: Presentations 2x30 min
Location: Pascal
A thematic analysis of student reflections on pair-work home assignments

ABSTRACT. We introduced pair-work in hand-in assignments in an master level course, performed in semi-randomly selected pairs, followed by the reporting of reflections from the students about their collaboration and respective contributions. Our findings indicate an increased motivation, an improved quality of work and presentation, and synergistic effects. Long abstract

What makes an effective literature seminar? A study from a quality management perspective

ABSTRACT. This study uses quality function deployment as a tool to understand what makes an effective literature seminar considering students’ and teachers’ needs. Results show that the teachers should focus on the types of activities, how the reading assignment will be, the leading style, the types of questions and the interaction. Long abstract

14:50-15:50 Session 6C: Presentations 2x30 min
Location: Kelvin
Chalmers Five Star Campus program as Living Labs Opportunities
PRESENTER: David Blekhman

ABSTRACT. Chalmers’ Five Star Campus develops the campus based “sustainable future” projects. These projects are well suited to create learning opportunities as Living Labs available to instructors for relevant courses. This presentation is a collaborative effort with California State LA with similar experiences on its campus. Long abstract

A coarse look at course evaluations - coupling to course quality and gender bias

ABSTRACT. What do student course evaluations really tell us about course (and teacher) quality? Let’s look at possible problems (example: gender bias) and other evaluation methods (example: teaching practices inventory). Data on “overall impression”, suggests that Chalmers students favour courses given by male examiners when it comes to “top notch” ratings. Long abstract    Slides

14:50-15:50 Session 6D: Workshop
Location: Tesla
Making the culturally diverse classroom work: activities for successful groups

ABSTRACT. This workshop will focus on useful strategies and activities for culturally diverse classrooms, with a focus on group work in engineering projects. The workshop is intended for all those who teach or will teach culturally diverse groups. Long abstract

14:50-15:50 Session 6F: Roundtable discussion
Location: Coulomb
Two-to-Tango – A European ELF/EMI teacher training course and the view on writing and written assessment expressed by participants

ABSTRACT. How do we manage to read between the lines and get at student learning in written assignments? What are our assumptions about writing, language, and learning when we design and assess assignments or written exams? We would like to discuss this against our experience of an European teacher-training course. Long abstract

16:00-16:15 Session 7: Closure

Vice President Anna Karlsson-Bengtsson

Location: Conference Hall