This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(in)subordination | |
(Swiss) German | |
- | |
- climate | |
- contrastive analysis | |
- discourse analysis | |
- environment | |
- French | |
- German | |
- morphological integration | |
- neologisms | |
- norm variations | |
- standard vs. real language acceptance | |
- verb inflection | |
- Wikipedia | |
2 | |
2nd person | |
A | |
A/Ā-movement | |
Absolute form | |
academic corpus | |
acceptability experiments | |
accountability | |
AcI | |
acronyms | |
action descriptions | |
action formation | |
Address Forms | |
Adpositions | |
Adverb | |
adverbial subordination | |
adverbials | |
adversarial contexts | |
aesthetic perception | |
affective stance | |
affiliation | |
aggregates | |
ambiguity | |
annotation | |
areal linguistics | |
argument composition | |
argument structure | |
Argument structure pattern | |
Armenian | |
article | |
assertive particles | |
atmospherical uses | |
automatic classification | |
Azeri Turkic | |
B | |
Bilingual comparable corpus | |
bilingual dictionaries | |
Bilinguals | |
Binding | |
binominal construction | |
blending | |
Borrowing | |
British English | |
Bulgarian | |
C | |
C-command | |
Cappadocian Greek | |
case assignment | |
case marking | |
causal analysis | |
certainty markers | |
Chinese | |
chéngyǔ | |
clause embedding | |
Clause Union | |
Clitic Doubling | |
clitics | |
co-occurrence | |
co-speech gesture | |
cognitive linguistics | |
Cognitive Turn in Contrastive Analysis | |
Cohesion | |
collocation analysis | |
Comics | |
comparable corpora | |
Comparable data | |
Comparable multilingual corpora | |
Comparative analysis | |
Comparative Concepts | |
comparative linguistics | |
comparative perspective | |
comparatives | |
complementary alternation | |
complementation | |
complexity principle | |
complicating actions | |
compound | |
conceptual metaphor | |
concessive adverbs | |
concessive conditionals | |
Conditional perfection | |
confrontations | |
Connectives | |
Construct form | |
Construction Grammar | |
constructional approach | |
Constructions | |
contrast | |
Contrast marking | |
contrasting neologisms | |
contrastive | |
contrastive analyses | |
contrastive analysis | |
Contrastive analysis of L1 and L2 | |
contrastive corpus data | |
contrastive corpus methodology | |
contrastive focus reduplication | |
Contrastive L2 teaching | |
contrastive lexicographic structures | |
Contrastive lexicology | |
contrastive linguistics | |
contrastive linguistics as pilot typology | |
contrastive/comparative linguistics | |
contructions | |
conventional implicature | |
conventional vs. novel | |
converb | |
converbs | |
conversation analysis | |
coordinators | |
core arguments | |
corpora | |
corpus | |
corpus data | |
corpus linguistics | |
corpus-driven semantico-pragmatic analysis | |
cotrastive grammar | |
countability | |
Croatian | |
cross-cultural pragmatics | |
cross-linguistic comparison | |
Cross-Linguistic Corpus-Assisted Discourse Analysis | |
cross-linguistic L2 teaching/learning | |
cross-modal correspondences | |
crosscultural perspective | |
crosslinguistic perspective | |
crosslinguistic variation | |
Czech | |
D | |
Daakaka | |
Danish | |
Definite article | |
defrosting | |
Degema | |
Deontic Modality | |
Dependent-marking | |
Derivation | |
destination advertising | |
diachronic syntax | |
differential object marking | |
direct confrontation | |
Direct objects | |
discourse linguistics based on Foucault | |
discourse markers | |
distributional differences | |
ditransitive construction | |
dominance | |
Dutch | |
E | |
Embedded constructions | |
Endoreflexive | |
English | |
English Eurolect | |
English-German contrasts | |
English/Spanish | |
entropy | |
enunciative pragmatics | |
equatives | |
equivalent | |
EuReCo | |
Europe | |
European languages | |
European Portuguese | |
European Union | |
evaluation | |
event structure | |
Exclamative | |
Exhaustivity | |
existential construction | |
expectation | |
experimental syntax | |
Expletive | |
explicit teaching of L2 phonetics | |
external possession construction | |
F | |
false friends | |
feature inheritance | |
feature valuation | |
figurative language | |
figurative polysemy | |
film-retellings | |
finiteness and non-finiteness | |
fixdness | |
Focus | |
foreign accent modeling | |
foreign language acquisition | |
Foreign-learned vocabulary | |
Formal approaches | |
frame semantics | |
French | |
french-chinese | |
frequency | |
functional analogues | |
functional eqivalence | |
functional grammar | |
functional model | |
Functionalist approaches | |
Future constructions | |
G | |
general number languages | |
genre analysis | |
German | |
German L3 | |
Germanic Languages | |
Germanic languages (German Dutch Swedish) | |
gerunds | |
Gesture studies | |
gradience | |
gradient phonological representations | |
grammar | |
grammatical doubts/uncertainties | |
Grammatical gender | |
grammatical number | |
H | |
Heritage Languages | |
Hindi | |
Historiography of Linguistics | |
how come | |
human reference | |
Hungarian | |
hypoanalysis | |
I | |
idiomatic expressions | |
idiomaticity | |
imperative | |
impersonal constructions | |
implicational hierarchies | |
Implicatures | |
impoliteness | |
Incest | |
Inchoativization | |
Inferential statistics | |
inflectional behavior of word-formation products (compounds) | |
Inflectional morphology | |
informal interaction | |
Information structure | |
information theory | |
Information-action alternation | |
initialisms | |
Interactional competence | |
interactional linguistics | |
international comparable corpus | |
interpreting | |
interpreting unit | |
interrogatives | |
isiZulu Sesotho and French | |
Italian | |
Italian learners | |
J | |
Japanese | |
joint utterance formulation | |
judicial language | |
K | |
Kibiri | |
Korean | |
Kurdish | |
Kurmanji Kurdish | |
L | |
L1 Mandarin | |
L2 interaction | |
L2 learners as bilingual persons | |
L2 speakers | |
Ladin | |
Language acquisition | |
language attitudes | |
language change | |
Language comparison | |
language complexity | |
language contact | |
language development | |
language dominance | |
language efficiency | |
Language endangerment | |
language perception | |
Language Typology | |
language/variety contact | |
languagy typology | |
learner corpus | |
learner language | |
Learner-led Ponetic-phonological Contrastive Analysis | |
learners'phonetic-phonological awareness | |
legal discourse | |
lexical accent | |
lexical cloning | |
lexical semantics | |
Lexicology | |
Lexicon | |
light verb construction | |
light-verb constructions | |
linguistic research software | |
longitudinal CA | |
M | |
Mandarin | |
mass nouns | |
mass/count distinction | |
Meaning | |
Media Discourse | |
media language | |
media linguistics | |
meta-pragmatics | |
metalinguistic status | |
metaphorical uses | |
Mirativity | |
modal negation | |
modal particles | |
Modal Verbs | |
modern Greek | |
modifiers | |
Monolinguals | |
monologic and dialogic genre | |
moralization | |
Morphological Exponence | |
Morphology | |
Morphosyntax | |
multilingual corpus | |
Multimodal analysis | |
Multimodality | |
music | |
N | |
narratives | |
negation particle | |
Neo-Aramaic | |
newsmark | |
nominalisatio | |
normativity | |
Norwegian | |
noun phrase | |
noun phrase modification | |
noun sequence | |
number | |
O | |
object clause | |
oral narrative development | |
P | |
Palatinate | |
Papua New Guinea | |
paragraph continuation tasks | |
parallel corpora | |
parallel corpus | |
paronym comparison | |
participles | |
particles | |
passivisation | |
past tense | |
Pennsylvania Dutch | |
performed language | |
Persian | |
personal names | |
Phonetic-Phonological Contrastive Analysis | |
phonological phrasing | |
phraseological units | |
Phraseology | |
pluralia tantum nouns | |
polarity | |
Polish | |
Polish Eurolect | |
politeness | |
politeness theory | |
political discourse | |
polyphony | |
pop cultural linguistics | |
pop culture | |
population size | |
possesion | |
Possession | |
possessive | |
pragmatic development | |
pragmatic frames | |
pragmatic speech acts | |
pragmatic typology | |
pragmatics | |
prepositional object clause | |
present participle | |
problem behaviour | |
processing strategy | |
Projection | |
prominence | |
Pronoun | |
Propositional Argument | |
prosody | |
Proverbs | |
psycholinguistics | |
Q | |
qualitative typology | |
quantification | |
quantitative linguistics | |
Quantitative methodology | |
quantitative typology | |
Quechua | |
Question types | |
R | |
reduplicative Phraseme Constructions | |
referential negation | |
reflexive | |
Reflexive Anticausative | |
register study | |
research-informed L2 teaching | |
response token | |
retrospective shift | |
Romance | |
Romance languages | |
Romance languages (Italian) | |
root meaning | |
Russian | |
S | |
Satellite-framed | |
secondary predication | |
segmentation and alignment | |
Semantic gender | |
semantic maps | |
semantic transfer | |
Semantics | |
Semantics and pragmatics | |
semantics-syntax interface | |
semi-spontaneous data | |
sentence adverbs | |
Sentence bracket | |
sentential models | |
Serial Verb Constructions | |
similatives | |
simultaneous interpreting corpus | |
singular/plural | |
singulative/basic | |
Sinhala | |
Situated action | |
sociolinguistics | |
Space | |
Spanish | |
Spanish L3 | |
specialized language | |
spoken Czech | |
spoken German | |
spoken language | |
stance management | |
stance marking | |
standard variation | |
subordinators | |
Swedish | |
Synonymy | |
syntactic complexity | |
syntactic ergativity | |
syntactic indeterminacy | |
syntactic island | |
syntax | |
T | |
Taboo Language | |
tag questions | |
Tagalog | |
Target | |
temporal Junctures | |
temporal perspective point | |
tertium comparationis | |
text genres | |
textlinguistics | |
theory | |
total accountability | |
tough construction | |
transfert errors typology | |
Transitive Anticausative | |
translation | |
translation problems | |
Translation studies | |
Turkish | |
Type-Shift | |
Typological turn | |
Typology | |
U | |
uniplex/multiplex | |
usage patterns | |
V | |
valence alternation | |
Valency | |
variation | |
variational pragmatics | |
verb classes model | |
verb ellipsis | |
Verb phrase | |
verbal adverbs | |
Verbal style | |
verbal versus nominal tendencies | |
verbless and zero-predicate structures | |
Verbs | |
verbs of motion | |
video data | |
voice | |
W | |
weather nouns | |
West Germanic | |
wh/phi-features | |
why | |
Word formation | |
word order | |
word selection | |
Y | |
Yiddish | |
“ | |
“generative phonology” contrastive analysis model | |
“phoneme-and-allophone” (or structural) contrastive analysis model |