GCAI 2015 / Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence

The conference will be held in the main building of the University of Tbilisi. Click here to view the building on Google maps. All talks will be held in room 115 on the ground floor. 

The building is conveninently situated walking distance from the center of Tbilisi.


We do not recommend any specific hotels, since big Internet hotel booking Web sites have sufficient information about hotels and hotel reviews. For example, you can check information about hotels in Tbilisi or book a hotel through

We would recommend booking a hotel near the university or in the center (along Rustaveli avenue) or in the old city. If you stay far enough from the university to work, we recommend to use a taxi. Taxies in Tbilisi are very cheap and relatively easy to get. In Tbilisi it is common that the customer suggests the price, so you should check with your hotel what a reasonable price would be. If you do not know the price, you should ask. Tbilisi taxi drivers are usually very friendly and tend to ask the medium or upper part of reasonable prices, which is still very cheap on Western standards.
