A | |
abduction | |
abstraction refinement | |
Actions | |
Anti-unification | |
arithmetic constraints | |
Associativity | |
Automated reasoning | |
Automated Theorem Proving | |
B | |
Bayesian Machine Learning | |
benchmarking | |
Bernays–Schönfinkel Fragment | |
binary codes | |
C | |
Calculus of Names | |
Choice logics | |
clause learning from simple models | |
clause redundancy | |
closure redundancy | |
Cloud Security | |
Commonsense reasoning | |
Commutativity | |
Complexity | |
complexity analysis | |
Concurrency | |
connectedness | |
consequence relations | |
Constraint tableaux | |
counter systems | |
countermodel construction | |
CTL* | |
Cut Elimination | |
cut-elimination | |
Cyclic proofs | |
cylindrical algebraic coverings | |
D | |
Data analysis | |
decidability | |
decidable subclasses | |
Default logic | |
definitions | |
Description Logic | |
Description Logic EL | |
Diagonalizable matrices | |
differential dynamic logic | |
E | |
Effective algorithms | |
entailment | |
equational unification | |
evaluation | |
Eventual non-negativity | |
Explanation | |
F | |
factor interpretation | |
finite axiomatizability | |
first-order logic | |
first-order logic with equality | |
first-order theorem proving | |
Formula Simplification | |
Fuzzy proximity relations | |
G | |
generalization | |
Geometry Problem Solving | |
ground joinability | |
Gödel logic | |
H | |
Haskell | |
Higher-order logic | |
Hilbert-style proof systems | |
Hypersequents | |
I | |
infeasibility | |
Integer Programs | |
integer transition systems | |
Invariance | |
Isabelle/HOL | |
J | |
justifications | |
L | |
Lambek Calculus | |
Le\'sniewski | |
Linear Arithmetic | |
Linear dynamical systems | |
Linear Logic | |
Linear recurrence sequences | |
loop acceleration | |
lower runtime bounds | |
M | |
machine learning | |
maximum satisfiability | |
MaxSAT | |
Minimal tableau | |
minimal unsastisfiable set | |
minimality criterion | |
modal logic | |
Modal logics | |
N | |
NMatrices | |
nominal logic | |
Non-deterministic Semantics | |
Non-monotonic reasoning | |
non-termination | |
nonlinear real arithmetic | |
O | |
ontology | |
P | |
paraconsistency | |
parametric solution | |
path orders | |
pigeonhole principle | |
Planning | |
Preferences | |
preprocessing | |
preserving primitivity | |
prime implicates | |
Procedure | |
proof-search | |
Proof-search heuristics | |
Proofs | |
propagation redundancy | |
propagation redundant proof | |
Propositional Dynamic Logic | |
propositional intermediate logics | |
propositional logic | |
Q | |
Quantitative theories | |
R | |
randomization | |
reachability | |
Redundancy Elimination | |
Refutation calculus | |
relevance | |
rewriting logic | |
S | |
SAT Solving | |
satisfiability | |
Satisfiability Modulo Theories | |
saturation-based theorem proving | |
separation logic | |
Sequent Calculi | |
Sequent Calculus | |
SMT | |
sound and complete calculus | |
Strategy Scheduling | |
Subexponentials | |
substitution | |
Subsumption | |
superposition | |
symbolic reachability | |
syntax with bindings | |
Synthetic tableau | |
T | |
Tableaux | |
term rewriting | |
Termination | |
theorem proving | |
Theory of Sequences | |
TPTP | |
Transitive Closure Logic | |
Two-dimensional logics | |
Type Theory | |
U | |
upper runtime bounds | |
V | |
Verification | |
verification of hybrid systems | |
Visualization |