
Herbrand Award 2022

The International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE) Herbrand Award for Distinguished Contributions to Automated Reasoning is presented to

Natarajan Shankar

in recognition of his highly influential work in several areas of automated reasoning, notably in formalization of proofs, cooperation of interactive theorem proving and decision procedures, and applications to verification.

2022 Herbrand AwardCommittee: Franz Baader (Chair), Pascal Fontaine, Radu Iosif, Silvio Ghilardi.


Best Paper Award 

  • Anupam Das and Marianna Girlando. "Cyclic Proofs, Hypersequents, and Transitive Closure Logic"



Best Student Paper Award

  • André Duarte. "Ground joinability and connectedness in the superposition calculus" (co-authored by Konstantin Korovin)

Bill McCune PhD Award 2022

The International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE) Bill McCune PhD Award in Automated Reasoning is presented to

Alexander Bentkamp

for his dissertation “Superposition for Higher-Order Logic"” supervised by Prof. Wan Fokkink, Dr. Jasmin Blanchette, and Dr. Uwe Waldmann. The thesis was selected for its substantial contributions to the field of Automated Reasoning, with the development of a complete set of theoretical tools to generalize the superposition calculus to higher-order logic. In particular, the thesis introduced a new family of well-founded ordering on terms, the embedding path orderings, which are instrumental to lift the calculus from first-order to higher-order logic while retaining refutational completeness. The development of those orderings and of the calculus itself had immediate impact on automated higher-order theorem provers with outstanding empirical results as well as a very successful performance in tool competitions.

2022 Bill McCune PhD Award Committee: Nikolaj Bjørner, Pascal Fontaine, Carsten Fuhs, Marijn Heule, Cláudia Nalon (chair), Andrew Reynolds, Philipp Rümmer, Martina Seidl, Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, and René Thiemann.


Woody Bledsoe Student Travel Awards 2022

The Woody Bledsoe award honors outstanding contributions of students to automated reasoning. The winners are selected by quality of the contribution. We encourage all student authors for IJCAR 2022 and affiliated workshops and events, to apply for the Woody Bledsoe Award, independently of a financial need. Please specify in your recommendation letter whether there is a financial need or not. The decision on the award will be done independently of a financial need. An application to the Woody Bledsoe Student Award consists of (i) a recommendation letter of up to 300 words from the student’s advisor, (ii) full contact details for the students, and (iii) details  whether the student has a paper/talk contribution at IJCAR 2022 and its related events. Applications should be sent by e-mail to the ijcar2022@easychair.org.

Recipients of the Woody Bledsoe Student Travel Awards 2022

  • Julie Cailler
  • André Duarte
  • Yong Kiam Tan
  • Daniil Kozhemiachenko 
  • Nils Lommen 
  • Cleo Pau
  • Martin Raška
  • Joseph Reeves