Days: Tuesday, August 2nd Wednesday, August 3rd Thursday, August 4th Friday, August 5th
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"Temporal and Data Logic, Linear Recurrences and Equation Systems": 6 papers (12 min presentation + 2-3 min Q&A)
09:00 | Temporal Team Semantics Revisited (abstract) PRESENTER: Jens Oliver Gutsfeld |
09:15 | Deciding Hyperproperties Combined with Functional Specifications (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Jana Hofmann |
09:30 | Reasoning on Data Words over Numeric Domains (abstract) PRESENTER: Anthony Widjaja Lin |
09:45 | Solvability of orbit-finite systems of linear equations (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Sławomir Lasota |
10:00 | Computing the Density of the Positivity Set for Linear Recurrence Sequences (abstract) |
10:15 | On the Skolem Problem and the Skolem Conjecture (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: James Worrell |
11:10 | Information Structures for Privacy and Fairness (abstract) |
Lunch will be held in Taub lobby (CP, LICS, ICLP) and in The Grand Water Research Institute (KR, FSCD, SAT).
"Lambda Calculus, Quantum Programming, Games in Category Theory": 6 papers (12 min presentation + 2-3 min Q&A)
14:00 | Curry and Howard Meet Borel (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Paolo Pistone |
14:15 | Resource approximation for the lambda-mu-calculus (abstract) |
14:30 | Graded Monads and Behavioural Equivalence Games (abstract) PRESENTER: Chase Ford |
14:45 | The Pebble-Relation Comonad in Finite Model Theory (abstract) PRESENTER: Yoàv Montacute |
15:00 | Quantum Expectation Transformers for Cost Analysis (abstract) PRESENTER: Vladimir Zamdzhiev |
15:15 | Quantum Weakest Preconditions for Reasoning about Expected Runtimes of Quantum Programs (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Junyi Liu |
"Type and Category Theory": 6 papers (12 min presentation + 2-3 min Q&A)
16:00 | Semantics for two-dimensional type theory (abstract) PRESENTER: Benedikt Ahrens |
16:15 | Normalization for Multimodal Type Theory (abstract) ![]() |
16:30 | Zigzag normalisation for associative n-categories (abstract) PRESENTER: Lukas Heidemann |
16:45 | Syllepsis in Homotopy Type Theory (abstract) PRESENTER: G. A. Kavvos |
17:00 | Greatest HITs: Higher inductive types in coinductive definitions via induction under clocks (abstract) PRESENTER: Rasmus Ejlers Møgelberg |
17:15 | A Type Theory for Strictly Unital Infinity-Categories (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Alex Rice |
17:30 | Thinking Fast and Slow in AI (abstract) |
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"Quantitative Algebra, Probabilities and Monads": 6 papers (12 min presentation + 2-3 min Q&A)
09:00 | Varieties of quantitative algebras and their monads (abstract) |
09:15 | Beyond Nonexpansive Operations in Quantitative Algebraic Reasoning (abstract) PRESENTER: Matteo Mio |
09:30 | Concrete categories and higher-order recursion (with applications including probability, differentiability, and full abstraction) (abstract) PRESENTER: Cristina Matache |
09:45 | Probability monads with submonads of deterministic states (abstract) PRESENTER: Sean Moss |
10:00 | Monoidal Streams for Dataflow Programming (abstract) PRESENTER: Mario Román |
10:15 | Partitions and Ewens Distributions in element-free Probability Theory (abstract) |
"Automata, Transducers and Games": 6 papers (12 min presentation + 2-3 min Q&A)
11:00 | Abstractions for the local-time semantics of timed automata: a foundation for partial-order methods (abstract) PRESENTER: Igor Walukiewicz |
11:15 | The boundedness and zero isolation problems for weighted automata over nonnegative rationals (abstract) PRESENTER: David Purser |
11:30 | Efficient Construction of Reversible Transducers from Regular Transducer Expressions (abstract) PRESENTER: Govind R |
11:45 | Active learning for sound negotiations (abstract) PRESENTER: Igor Walukiewicz |
12:00 | Stochastic Games with Synchronizing Objectives (abstract) |
12:15 | Characterizing Positionality in Games of Infinite Duration over Infinite Graphs (abstract) |
Lunch will be held in Taub lobby (CP, LICS, ICLP) and in The Grand Water Research Institute (KR, FSCD, SAT).
Semantic Intermediate Representations for the Working Metatheoretician:
Abstract: Designers of typed programming languages commonly prove meta-theoretic properties such as type soundness for at least a core of their language. But any practical language implementation must provide some way of interoperating with code written in other languages -- usually via a foreign-function interface (FFI) -- which opens the door to new, potentially unsafe, behaviors that aren't accounted for in the original type soundness proof. Despite the prevalence of interoperability in practical software, principled foundations for the end-to-end design, implementation, and verification of interoperability mechanisms have been largely neglected. In this talk, I'll advocate a proof technique for _working metatheoreticians_ seeking to ensure soundness or security properties of real languages, which implement interoperability using glue code that mediates interaction between languages after compilation to a common lower-level intermediate representation (IR). This proof technique involves building a _semantic intermediate representation_: a semantic model of source-language types as relations on terms of the lower-level IR. Semantic IRs can be used to guide the design and implementation of sound FFIs and to verify that the IR glue code used to implement conversions ensures type soundness. More interestingly, semantic IRs provide a basis for numerous avenues of future work on the principled design of language interoperability: how to support the inclusion of libraries whose behavior is foreign to the original language, how to prove soundness and security properties that are robust to behaviors (attackers) outside of the semantic IR, and how to develop a semantic-IR compiler backend that makes it easier to implement and verify sound interoperability for a wide array of source languages.
Linear recurrences and Skolem problem (rescheduled talks from Tuesday)
Edon Kelmendi. Computing the Density of the Positivity Set for Linear Recurrence Sequences15 min
Richard Lipton, Florian Luca, Joris Nieuwveld, Joel Ouaknine, David Purser and James Worrell. On the Skolem Problem and the Skolem Conjecture15 min
Mario Roman. Monoidal Streams for Dataflow Programming
Paolo Pistone. Curry and Howard Meet Borel
Pascal Schweitzer. Choiceless Polynomial Time with Witnessed Symmetric Choice
Yoàv Montacute. The Pebble-Related Comonad in Finite Model Theory
Felipe Ferreira Santos. Separating LREC from LFP
Nikolas Mählmann. Model Checking on Interpretations of Classes of Bounded Local Cliquewidth
pickup at 18:00 from the Technion (Tour at Haifa, no food will be provided)
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"Linear Logic and Proof Systems": 6 papers (12 min presentation + 2-3 min Q&A)
09:00 | Linear-Algebraic Models of Linear Logic as Categories of Modules over Sigma-Semirings (abstract) PRESENTER: Takeshi Tsukada |
09:15 | Bouncing threads for circular and non-wellfounded proofs (abstract) PRESENTER: David Baelde |
09:30 | On the strength of Sherali-Adams and Nullstellensatz as propositional proof systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Ilario Bonacina |
09:45 | A functorial excursion between algebraic geometry and linear logic (abstract) ![]() |
10:00 | Logical Foundations of Quantitative Equality (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Francesco Dagnino |
10:15 | Exponentials as Substitutions and the Cost of Cut Elimination in Linear Logic (abstract) |
"Graphs, Behavioural Equivalences and Learning": 6 papers (12 min presentation + 2-3 min Q&A)
11:00 | Treelike decompositions for transductions of sparse graphs (abstract) PRESENTER: Sandra Kiefer |
11:15 | Stable graphs of bounded twin-width (abstract) PRESENTER: Jakub Gajarský |
11:30 | Model Checking on Interpretations of Classes of Bounded Local Cliquewidth (abstract) PRESENTER: Nikolas Mählmann |
11:45 | Size measures and alphabetic equivalence in the mu-calculus (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Johannes Marti |
12:00 | Milner's Proof System for Regular Expressions Modulo Bisimilarity is Complete (abstract) |
12:15 | Computable PAC Learning of Continuous Features (abstract) PRESENTER: Cameron Freer |
Lunch will be held in Taub lobby (CP, LICS, ICLP) and in The Grand Water Research Institute (KR, FSCD, SAT).
"FOL, SOL and Model Theory": 6 papers (12 min presentation + 2-3 min Q&A)
14:00 | The amazing mixed polynomial closure and its applications to two-variable first-order logic (abstract) |
14:15 | The Regular Languages of First-Order Logic with One Alternation (abstract) PRESENTER: Corentin Barloy |
14:30 | Zero-One Laws and Almost Sure Valuations of First-Order Logic in Semiring Semantics (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Matthias Naaf |
14:45 | Geometric decision procedures and the VC dimension of linear arithmetic theories (abstract) PRESENTER: Alessio Mansutti |
15:00 | A direct computational interpretation of second-order arithmetic via update recursion (abstract) |
15:15 | When Locality Meets Preservation (abstract) |
16:00 | Complexity Measures for Reactive Systems (abstract) |
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Transducers of polynomial growth
Abstract: The polyregular functions are a class of string-to-string functions that have polynomial size outputs, and which can be defined using finite state models. There are many equivalent definitions of this class, with roots in automata theory, programming languages and logic. The talk surveys recent results on polyregular functions. It presents five of the equivalent definitions, and gives self-contained proofs for most of the equivalences. Decision problems as well as restricted subclasses of the polyregular functions are also discussed.
Daniel Gratzer. Normalization for multimodal type theory
Clemens Grabmayer. Milner's Proof System for Regular Expressions Modulo Bisimilarity is Complete
Soumodev Mal. On the Satisfiability of Context-free String Constraints with Subword Ordering
Matthias Naaf. Zero-One Laws and Almost Sure Valuations of First-Order Logic in Semiring Semantics
Jana Hofmann. Deciding Hyperproperties combined with Functional Specifications
"Verification": 6 papers (12 min presentation + 2-3 min Q&A)
11:00 | On the Satisfiability of Context-free String Constraints with Subword Ordering (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Soumodev Mal |
11:15 | The complexity of soundness in workflow nets (abstract) PRESENTER: Philip Offtermatt |
11:30 | Lower Bounds for the Reachability Problem in Fixed Dimensional VASSes (abstract) ![]() ![]() PRESENTER: Wojciech Czerwiński |
11:45 | Probabilistic Verification Beyond Context-Freeness (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Andrzej Murawski |
12:00 | Ramsey Quantifiers over Automatic Structures: Complexity and Applications to Verification (abstract) PRESENTER: Pascal Bergsträßer |
12:15 | The complexity of bidirected reachability in valence systems (abstract) PRESENTER: Georg Zetzsche |
Lunch will be held in Taub lobby (CP, LICS, ICLP) and in The Grand Water Research Institute (KR, FSCD, SAT).
"Complexity and Circuits": 6 papers (12 min presentation + 2-3 min Q&A)
14:00 | Separating LREC from LFP (abstract) PRESENTER: Felipe Ferreira Santos |
14:15 | Reasonable Space for the Lambda-Calculus, Logarithmically (abstract) PRESENTER: Gabriele Vanoni |
14:30 | Cyclic Implicit Complexity (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Gianluca Curzi |
14:45 | Identity testing for radical expressions (abstract) PRESENTER: Klara Nosan |
15:00 | Complexity of Modular Circuits (abstract) PRESENTER: Piotr Kawałek |
15:15 | Choiceless Polynomial Time with Witnessed Symmetric Choice (abstract) PRESENTER: Pascal Schweitzer |
"CSP, SAT, Boolean algebra": 3 papers (12 min presentation + 2-3 min Q&A)
16:00 | On Almost-Uniform Generation of SAT Solutions: The power of 3-wise independent hashing (abstract) |
16:15 | Smooth approximations and CSPs over finitely bounded homogeneous structures (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Michael Pinsker |
16:30 | A first-order completeness result about characteristic Boolean algebras in classical realizability (abstract) |
Award Session: Kleene award, LICS Test-of-Time award, Church award