This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
0 | |
0-1 laws | |
A | |
Abstract machines | |
active learning | |
Algebraic Circuits | |
Algebraic Geometry | |
alphabetic equivalence | |
Angluin algorithm | |
arithmetic | |
Asynchronicity | |
Automata | |
automata theory | |
automatic structures | |
B | |
Bar Recursion | |
Behavioural equivalence | |
bidirected | |
bisimilarity | |
Boolean algebra | |
bounded expansion | |
bounded-depth Frege | |
boundedness problem | |
C | |
canonization | |
categorical semantics | |
Category | |
category theory | |
characterization | |
chi-boundedness | |
Choiceless Polynomial Time | |
circuit complexity | |
circuit satisfiability | |
Circular proofs | |
classical realizability | |
clique-width | |
coalgebra | |
coherence | |
Coinduction | |
complete proof system | |
complexity | |
complexity analysis | |
Computable analysis | |
computational complexity | |
computer-checked proofs | |
computing termination probability | |
Concrete sheaves | |
Context-free languages | |
convex polyhedra | |
copy-discard categories | |
Cost models | |
countably basic monad | |
Cubical Type Theory | |
Curry-Howard | |
Curry-Howard correspondence | |
Cut Elimination | |
Cyclic proofs | |
D | |
data words | |
dataflow programming | |
decidability | |
deciding almost sure termination | |
Denotational semantics | |
density | |
dependent right adjoints | |
Descriptive Complexity | |
deterministic hierarchies | |
dichotomy theorem | |
distributed automata | |
Domains | |
dot-depth hierarchy | |
E | |
Eckmann-Hilton | |
element-free probabilities | |
enriched monad | |
equational logic | |
evaluation | |
Ewens distribution | |
expectation transformer | |
Expected runtime | |
explicit substitutions | |
Exponential local-global principle | |
F | |
feedback | |
finite abstraction | |
Finite Model Theory | |
finitely basic monad | |
first-order logic | |
first-order theory of the reals | |
fixed points | |
Fixed-Point Logic | |
formal semantics | |
free algebras | |
Function algebras | |
Functor of points | |
G | |
Gaifman Normal Form | |
game comonads | |
games | |
games on graphs | |
generalised soundness | |
gluing | |
graded modalities | |
Graded monads | |
graphical calculus | |
Guarded Recursion | |
H | |
higher categories | |
higher category theory | |
Higher Inductive Types | |
Higher order computation | |
higher-order | |
homotopy | |
homotopy type theory | |
hyperdoctrine | |
HyperLTL | |
Hyperproperties | |
I | |
Implicit Complexity | |
Independent Hashing | |
Induction and coinduction | |
infinite duration | |
infinite-domain constraint satisfaction problem | |
infinite-state systems | |
Interpretation | |
interpretations | |
isolation problem | |
isomorphism | |
L | |
Lafont category | |
lambda calculus | |
lambda-calculus | |
lambda-mu-calculus | |
linear equations | |
Linear Integer Arithmetic | |
linear logic | |
linear loops | |
linear real | |
Linear recurrence sequences | |
Linear-time/branching-time spectrum | |
Liveness | |
local consistency | |
local-time semantics | |
Locality | |
locally presentable category | |
Logarithmic Space | |
Logic | |
logic for PTime | |
logical relations | |
Lossy channel systems | |
lower bounds | |
LREC | |
M | |
Markov categories | |
membership | |
metrics | |
modal mu-calculus | |
modal type theory | |
modalities | |
model checking | |
model counting | |
modular circuits | |
monadic decomposability | |
monadic dependence | |
monadic stability | |
monads | |
monoidal category | |
monoidal stream | |
Mu-Calculus | |
multinomial theorem | |
multiset | |
mutation | |
N | |
negotiations | |
Nondeterminism | |
normalization | |
nowhere dense | |
Nullstellensatz | |
Number Fields | |
O | |
orbit-finite sets | |
P | |
PAC learning | |
parser | |
partial Horn theory | |
partial-order methods | |
partition | |
path induction | |
pathwidth | |
pebble-relation | |
petri nets | |
Physical observable | |
Pigeonhole principle | |
polymorphism | |
polynomial closure | |
Polynomial Identity Testing | |
positionality | |
positivity | |
Presburger | |
Presburger arithmetic | |
Preservation theorem | |
Presheaf Models of Type Theory | |
probabilistic (affine additive) higher-order recursion schemes | |
probabilistic programming | |
probability | |
probability distribution | |
probability distributions | |
process algebra | |
process graphs | |
productivity | |
proof nets | |
proof-as-program | |
pushdown | |
Q | |
quantifier alternation | |
quantitative algebra | |
quantitative reasoning | |
quantitative/qualitative verification of omega-regular properties | |
quantum programming | |
Quantum random walk | |
Quantum weakest precondition | |
R | |
Ramsey quantifier | |
random interpretations | |
Randomised Algorithms | |
randomized computation | |
reachability | |
reachability problem | |
Realizability | |
recurrent reachability | |
Recursion | |
Regular expressions | |
regular languages | |
resource approximation | |
restricted probabilistic tree stack automata | |
reversible | |
S | |
Safe recursion | |
safety | |
Satisfiability | |
Second-Order Arithmetic | |
semantics | |
semilinear sets | |
semiring semantics | |
semistrict | |
separation | |
Sequences of probability distributions | |
sets with atoms | |
Sherali-Adams | |
shrubdepth | |
Sigma-monoid | |
signal flow graph | |
Skolem Conjecture | |
Skolem Problem | |
soundness | |
Space complexity | |
Stochastic games | |
stochastic process | |
Straubing conjecture | |
stream | |
strict units | |
String constraints | |
structural soundness | |
Subword order | |
Sweedler dual | |
syllepsis | |
symmetric choice | |
Synchronization | |
Synthetic domain theory | |
synthetic probability | |
T | |
Taylor expansion | |
Team Semantics | |
Temporal Logic | |
Termination | |
thunk-force categories | |
timed automata | |
transducers | |
transduction | |
transductions | |
twin-width | |
two-variable first-order logic | |
type systems | |
type theory | |
U | |
Undecidability | |
Uniform Sampling | |
universal graphs | |
V | |
VC dimension | |
vector addition systems | |
Verification | |
W | |
Weighted automata | |
well-quasi-ordering | |
workflow nets | |
Ł | |
Łós-Tarski Theorem |