- Open Track: topics that do not fit the other tracks, including but not limited to big data, privacy, intellectual property, professional ethics, ethical theory as related to computing, and the teaching computer ethics (Fran Grodzinsky and Catherine Flick)
- Fiction in Professional Ethics (Kai Kimppa)
- Video Games, Philosophy, and Society (Catherine Flick)
- Technology and the Law (Aimite Jorge and Kanwal DP Singh)
- Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Computing (Emad Yaghmaei)
- Living with Robots (Yuko Murakami)
- Networks, Crowdsourcing, and the Rise of Social Machines (Claudia Pagliari)
- Cyborg Ethics: wearables to insideables (Mario Arias-Oliva and Jorge PelegrÃn-Borondo)
- Digital Health: legal and ethical challenges and solutions (Diane Whitehouse)
- Is it cheating? Infidelity online (Sanjeev P. Sahni)
- Cybercrime: Psychological, Sociological, Cultural and Criminological perspectives (Indranath Gupta)
- ICT and the City (Michael Nagenborg)
- Graduate Student/Young Scholar Track