This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
3 | |
3D modelling | |
4 | |
40 Hz Auditiry Steady State Responses (ASSR) | |
7 | |
7-11-years-old children | |
9 | |
9 dot | |
A | |
Abductive Inference | |
abilities | |
aboriginal | |
absence epilepsy | |
abstract actions | |
academic achievement in the Russian language | |
academic performance | |
acceptability judgment | |
accidental humor | |
acoustic event | |
acquired prosopagnosia | |
action words | |
activation in working memory | |
activation of brain structures | |
Active Neural Mapping | |
adaptability | |
adaptation | |
adaptation risk | |
adaptive antenna array | |
adaptive antenna arrays | |
adaptive boosting | |
adaptive control | |
adaptive education | |
adaptive human capabilities | |
adaptive neuromodulation | |
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) | |
additional parameters | |
ADHD | |
adolescence | |
adolescents | |
ADOS-2 | |
advertising | |
aerial image | |
aerobic and anaerobic capabilities | |
aerobic capabilities | |
Aesop’s fable paradigm | |
aesthetic emotions | |
aesthetic preferences | |
affective circumplex | |
affective computing | |
affective priming | |
affective words | |
Affectivity | |
age features | |
age-depended differences | |
ageing | |
Agent | |
agents-based systems | |
aging | |
agraphia | |
Aha! experience | |
alexithymia | |
Algebraic Bayesian networks | |
algebraic model | |
algorithm | |
alien" people | |
aliens | |
allosteric modulation | |
alpha and theta synchronization | |
alpha oscillations | |
alpha rhythm | |
alpha waves | |
alpha-rhythm | |
Alphabet | |
ambiguity | |
ambiguity tolerance | |
Ammon’s Test | |
amnesia | |
AMPA | |
amplitude-phase | |
an internal feeling of causality | |
anagrams | |
analysis of argumentation persuasiveness | |
analysis of intra-network processes | |
analysis of syndrome | |
Analytic Tableaux | |
analytic theory | |
analytical strategies | |
analytical–rational styles | |
and | |
angle | |
animal cognition | |
animal model | |
animated emotional expressions | |
anisomycin | |
annotation of concept | |
ant colony optimization | |
anthropocentric objects | |
Anthropology | |
anti-relapse behavior | |
anti-saccade | |
antibiotics | |
antinaturalism | |
anxiety | |
Anytime Algorithms | |
aorta | |
aphasia | |
ApoE genotype | |
application development | |
applied artificial intelligence systems | |
Applied semiotics | |
Approximate Number Sense | |
approximation by neural network | |
Arbitration Court | |
archaic languages | |
Arctic | |
areas of the cerebral cortex | |
argument mining | |
argumentation | |
argumentation modeling | |
argumentative annotation | |
argumentative relation | |
arithmetic task | |
arithmetic tasks | |
arm movements control | |
arousals | |
art pictorial | |
Arthrogryposis | |
artificial brain | |
artificial emotional intelligence | |
artificial grammar learning | |
artificial intelligence | |
artificial mind | |
artificial neural nets | |
artificial neural network | |
artificial neural networks | |
artificial intelligence | |
arXiv | |
aspect based sentiment analysis | |
assembly manufacturing | |
associative and conceptual way of grouping cognitive learning | |
associative learning | |
ASSR | |
astrocyte | |
asymmetry | |
asymmetry of the brain hemispheres | |
asynchronous dynamics | |
AT-TECHNOLOGY workbench | |
athlete functional status | |
attention | |
attention biases | |
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder | |
attention monitoring | |
attention to face | |
attitudes | |
Attractor | |
attribute | |
attribute space | |
attributes’ aggregation | |
audio information | |
audiotext reproduction | |
auditory and verbal memory | |
auditory high-frequency stimulation | |
auditory P300 | |
Auditory perception | |
auditory processing | |
auditory steady-state response | |
autism | |
Autism spectrum disorder | |
Autism Spectrum Disorders | |
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) | |
autistic spectrum disorders | |
auto-encoder | |
autobiographical memory | |
automated task performance | |
automatic answer assessment | |
automatic classification | |
automatic control | |
Automatic keyword extraction | |
automatic term extraction | |
autonomic arousal | |
autonomic nervous system | |
autonomic provision | |
autonomous agent | |
autonomous agents | |
autonomous life support | |
autonomous navigation | |
autonomous robots | |
Autoregression | |
availability heuristic | |
avatars | |
Axiomatizable Class | |
B | |
back-of-the-book indexing | |
backward chaining | |
balance | |
Bank | |
BAS | |
basal ganglia | |
baseline indicators | |
basic axiological categories | |
basic psychological needs | |
Basic Recognition Modules | |
Basic values | |
Bayes formula | |
Bayesian Belief Network | |
Bayesian formula | |
bayesian methods | |
BBN | |
BCI | |
BCI systems | |
BCI-interface | |
beauty | |
behavior | |
Behavior Episodes | |
behavior genetics | |
Behavior Intensity | |
Behavior Rate | |
behavioral control | |
behavioral disorders | |
behaviour | |
believable characters | |
believable virtual characters | |
BERT | |
Beta oscillations | |
beta waves | |
Bibliometric Analysis | |
bidirectional synaptic plasticity | |
big data | |
Big Five | |
bilingual advantage hypothesis | |
bilingual experience factors | |
bilingualism | |
bilinguals | |
biliteracy | |
bimodal choice reaction | |
binaural beats | |
biocultural co-contructivism | |
Bioengineering System | |
biofeedback | |
bioinformatics | |
Bioinspired methods | |
biologically plausible learning | |
biologists | |
biomarkers | |
Biomedical Signal | |
biomorphic modeling | |
biosatellite | |
biotechnology | |
bipolar disorder | |
blockator | |
blood flow | |
body image | |
body limits representation | |
body schemata | |
body-awareness | |
Bonferroni's method | |
Boolean algebra | |
boundaries | |
Boyko test | |
boys | |
brain | |
brain areas | |
brain default system | |
Brain development | |
brain executive functions | |
brain injury | |
brain lipidome | |
brain regions | |
brain rhythm | |
brain rhythmic activity | |
brain traveling waves | |
brain travelling waves | |
brain tumor | |
Brain-computer interface | |
brain-computer interfaces | |
Brain-machine interface | |
brainstem | |
Broca's area | |
Buddhist meditation practices | |
bursting | |
butyric acid | |
C | |
c-Fos expression | |
CA1 | |
calcium channels | |
calcium imaging | |
calcium ions | |
case study | |
Catalytic Process | |
categorical reflex | |
categorical search | |
categorization | |
category | |
category labels | |
Category learning | |
Catell test | |
Causal reasoning | |
Causal Relations | |
causality | |
CBS | |
Cell | |
cerebellar disorders | |
cerebellum | |
cerebral circulation | |
cerebral cortex | |
cerebral palsy | |
Certainty factor | |
cervical dystonia | |
Characteristics | |
Chemical Technology | |
chicks | |
child development | |
child language acquisition | |
child neuropsychology | |
children | |
children of 5-6 years of age | |
children with disabilities | |
children with hereditary diseases | |
chimera states | |
chlorophyll index | |
choice | |
choline acetyltransferase | |
Christian Patristics | |
chronic disorders of consciousness | |
chunk decomposition | |
cingulate cortex | |
circular inspection | |
classification | |
classification algorithms | |
Clicks Probability | |
clinical death | |
Cloninger | |
closed itemsets | |
closure of time connections | |
cluster analysis | |
clustering | |
Clustering with Intent | |
CNN | |
co-operation | |
coalition | |
COCA corpus manager | |
cognition | |
Cognition of nature | |
cognitive | |
cognitive abilities | |
cognitive ability | |
Cognitive Activity | |
cognitive activity effectiveness | |
cognitive analysis | |
cognitive and personality resources | |
cognitive architecture | |
cognitive architectures | |
cognitive assumptions | |
cognitive attitudes | |
cognitive category | |
cognitive complexity | |
cognitive context | |
cognitive control | |
cognitive demands | |
cognitive development | |
cognitive development of children | |
cognitive disciplines | |
cognitive dysfunctions | |
cognitive effort | |
Cognitive evaluation | |
cognitive flexibility | |
cognitive function | |
cognitive functions | |
cognitive gadgets | |
cognitive geomapping | |
cognitive goal | |
cognitive linguistics | |
cognitive load | |
cognitive map | |
Cognitive Mapping and Planning | |
cognitive maps | |
cognitive mechanism | |
cognitive mechanism of semantic derivation | |
cognitive model | |
Cognitive modeling | |
cognitive orientations | |
cognitive poetics | |
cognitive procedures | |
cognitive process | |
cognitive processes | |
cognitive processes in reading | |
cognitive processing | |
cognitive processing of verbal information | |
cognitive profile1 | |
cognitive psychology | |
cognitive resource | |
cognitive science | |
Cognitive Science of Religion | |
cognitive sociology | |
cognitive sociology of science | |
cognitive sphere | |
cognitive state | |
cognitive strategies | |
cognitive style | |
cognitive synthesis | |
cognitive systems and technologies | |
cognitive task | |
cognitive tasks | |
cognitive technologies | |
cognitive theory | |
cognitive tool | |
cognitive-discursive practices | |
cognitive-motor dissociation | |
cognitively gifted children | |
cognitivity | |
cognitom | |
cognizing subject | |
coherence | |
coherence of signals | |
collective subjectivity | |
color | |
combined method of knowledge acquisition | |
combined neural network | |
comic | |
communication | |
communicative difficulties | |
communicative sphere | |
compensatory functions | |
complementarity | |
complementary representations | |
complex conditioned reflex | |
complex modeling | |
Complex Network | |
complex systems | |
Complex Technical System | |
Complexity | |
complexity paradigm | |
components of the perspective | |
composite indicator | |
compositional ontological model | |
Comprehension | |
computational biology | |
computational intelligence | |
computational metaphor identification | |
computational psychiatry | |
computer incident | |
computer load | |
computer network | |
computer testing | |
Computer Vision | |
computer vision system | |
concept | |
concept definition | |
concepts | |
conceptual category truth vs lie | |
Conceptual errors | |
conceptual experience | |
conceptual flexibility | |
conceptual metaphors | |
Conceptual Models | |
Conceptual Processing | |
conceptual structure | |
Conceptual structures in natural language processing and linguistics | |
concrete actions | |
condition assessment | |
conditional reflex | |
conditioned defensive reflex | |
conditioned reflex | |
Conditioned reinforcement | |
conditions | |
conductance-based synapse | |
confidence | |
conflict | |
conflict based search | |
congruency effect | |
connected speech | |
connectivity | |
conscious and unconscious aspects | |
conscious self-regulation | |
consciousness | |
consciousness study | |
constant screen | |
Constrained Clustering | |
constraint propagation | |
construal of the world | |
Constructing | |
context field | |
context memory | |
context-dependent memory | |
contextual memory | |
contrast | |
contrast sensitivity | |
Contrastive loss | |
control | |
control algorithm | |
control of networks | |
controlled comparison | |
conventionality | |
conversation vs. monologue | |
conversion rate | |
convolutional neural network | |
convolutional neural networks | |
cooperativity | |
coping behavior | |
coping strategies | |
coping styles | |
copula | |
Coriolis Vibratory Gyroscope | |
corporate clients | |
corpus linguistics | |
correlation | |
correlation analysis | |
Correlation maximization | |
correlation of bursts of non-stationary EEG | |
cortex data compression | |
cortical interactions | |
cortical mechanisms of language and speech | |
Cortical Representation of Words | |
Cortical spreading depression | |
Cortical Travelling Waves | |
cortisol | |
Corvidae | |
Corvidae family | |
cosmic radiation | |
coupled oscillators | |
coupling | |
covert cognition | |
COVID-19 | |
creative imagination | |
creative task | |
creativity | |
creativity problem solving | |
criteria | |
Cross-correlation | |
cross-cultural differences | |
cross-cultural differences perception of emotions | |
cross-cultural studies | |
Cross-spectrum | |
crosslinguistic influence | |
crystal classification | |
crystallized intelligence | |
cued attention | |
Cultural neuroscience | |
Cultural values | |
cultural-historical approach | |
cultural-historical discourse | |
Culture | |
current-based synapse | |
customer flow | |
cyber-physical systems | |
cyberphysical system | |
Cyrillic alphabet | |
D | |
data analysis | |
Data and Text mining | |
data integration | |
data mining | |
data model | |
data simulation | |
daytime nap | |
daytime sleep | |
daytime sleepiness | |
deaf people | |
deaf readers | |
decentralization | |
decision making | |
Decision support | |
Decision support systems | |
Decision Tables | |
decision-making | |
decision-making in animals | |
Decision-Making Module | |
declarative memory | |
Decrease of memory storage of weights | |
Deep Embedding | |
deep learning | |
deep neural networks | |
deep recurrent neural networks | |
Deep Representation | |
Default Mode Network (DMN) | |
defectivity | |
defense mechanisms | |
definition of a concept | |
deictic behavior | |
delayed mental development | |
Dense descriptors | |
depression | |
depressive-delusional conditions | |
deprivation | |
Design | |
Destructive Formats of Communicative Behavior | |
detection | |
detection of implicit relationships | |
developing situation | |
development | |
development disorders | |
development of face cognition | |
developmental deviations | |
developmental neuropsychology | |
deviant behavior | |
diagnosis | |
diagnostic expert systems | |
diagnostics of basic emotions | |
Dialogica | |
differential diagnosis of schizophrenia | |
difficult life situation | |
difficulties of visual-spatial perception | |
diffusion MRI | |
digital angel | |
digital footprints | |
Digitalization | |
dimensionality reduction | |
Directed energy deposition | |
Dirichlet distribution | |
Disabled people rehabilitation | |
disambiguation | |
discrimination | |
disembodiment | |
disorders of consciousness | |
displays | |
distance learning | |
distributed behavior coordination | |
distributed cognition | |
distribution of significances | |
Distributional models | |
Distributive semantics | |
DNA | |
DNA Language | |
DNA-computing | |
domain adaptation | |
Domain Case | |
Domain Ontology | |
Domain Theory | |
dopamine | |
dopaminergic and cholinergic systems | |
dorsmedial striatum | |
dorsolateral striatum | |
double-plasticity | |
Drift analysis | |
drive | |
drive reduction | |
DRM-paradigm | |
drug sedation | |
Dual Expert System | |
dual-route | |
dynamic chaos | |
Dynamic Expert System | |
Dynamic Modes | |
dynamic systems | |
dynamical system | |
dyslexia | |
E | |
e-Assessment | |
e-Learning | |
EAAT2 | |
early adolescents | |
early age | |
early development | |
early ontogenesis | |
earning logic gate | |
EBCI | |
ECG | |
ECoG | |
ecology | |
economic games | |
EcoSleep CUBE | |
Edgar Morin | |
education | |
EEG | |
EEG coherent connections | |
EEG correlates | |
EEG data | |
EEG inverse problem | |
EEG resting state | |
EEG riemannian approach | |
EEG synchronization | |
EEG-signal | |
effect specificity | |
effective connectivity | |
effectiveness of activity | |
efficacy control | |
efficacy of activity | |
efficiency | |
Elderly | |
electrical cortical stimulation | |
electricity price | |
electrocardiography | |
electrocorticography | |
electroencephalogram | |
electroencephalography | |
electromyography | |
electron paramagnetic resonance | |
electronic devices | |
elementary logic problem | |
Elmo | |
Embodied cognition | |
embodied mind | |
embodied personality | |
embodiment | |
emergency | |
EMG | |
Emotiogenic Stimulation | |
emotion | |
emotion regulation | |
emotional | |
emotional communication | |
emotional distractor | |
emotional diversity | |
emotional evaluations | |
emotional facial expression | |
emotional granularity | |
emotional intellect | |
emotional intelligence | |
emotional learning | |
emotional maladjustment | |
emotional regulation | |
Emotional Response | |
emotional sphere | |
Emotional Struggle | |
emotional valence | |
emotional-needs architecture | |
emotionality | |
emotions | |
emotions classification | |
empathy | |
empirical constructivism | |
empirical research data | |
enactivism | |
End-to-End Clustering | |
endowments | |
Energy minimization | |
English | |
entity-focused ontology | |
epigenetics | |
epilepsy | |
epilepsy phenotype | |
epileptic seizures modelling | |
Epileptiform activity | |
epistemic modality | |
Ericksen's flanker task | |
ERP | |
ERPs | |
Error Analysis | |
error detection | |
error detector | |
esports | |
Estimates for Fuzzy statements | |
ethically aligned design | |
ethno-inclusion | |
ethnocentrism | |
evaluation of neural network architectures | |
event related desynchronization | |
event-focused ontology | |
event-related potential | |
event-related potentials | |
event-related synchronization | |
event-related telemetry of the heart rate (ERT HR) | |
evidence | |
evjlunionary computing | |
evoked potentials | |
evolution | |
evolution of human language | |
evolution of the phenomenon of ability | |
evolutionary fuzzy system | |
Evolutionary modeling | |
evolving fuzzy systems | |
excitability of neurons | |
excitation-inhibition balance | |
executive control | |
executive function skills | |
executive functions | |
Exopsyche | |
exoskeleton | |
experiment | |
Experimental Economics | |
experimental linguistics | |
experimental research | |
experimental sampling method | |
Expert evaluations | |
expert opinion inference | |
expert selection | |
Expert System | |
expertise | |
experts and novices | |
explanation | |
exposure factors | |
exposure to print | |
Exteriorization of mental functions | |
extra-foveal perception | |
extrapolation task | |
Extremal problems | |
extremism | |
eye movement | |
eye movements | |
eye tracker | |
eye tracking | |
eye-brain-computer interfaces | |
eye-movements | |
eye-tracking | |
eye-tracking in reading | |
eye-tracking while reading | |
eyetracking | |
F | |
f-mri | |
face | |
face orienting | |
face recognition | |
facial expression | |
facial expressions | |
facial perception | |
factors | |
failure avoidance motivation | |
falling asleep | |
familiar faces | |
family education | |
fast neural network | |
fastText | |
fatigue | |
FCA | |
feature extraction | |
Feature Hashing | |
feature nameability | |
Feature Selection | |
Feedback | |
feeling of agency | |
female gender | |
female students | |
field dependence-field independence | |
fine motor precision | |
fine-tuning | |
fire safety | |
fire service | |
firefighting | |
first language acquisition | |
first-person referent | |
flash-stimulus response | |
flat contour images | |
flexible model | |
flexible rationality | |
flexible resources | |
Fluid intelligence | |
Flynn effect | |
fMRI | |
fNIRS tomography | |
focal cortical dysplasia | |
font | |
Forecasting | |
foreign language aptitude | |
foreign language learning | |
foreign language proficiency | |
Foreign languages | |
foreigners | |
forensic diagnostics | |
forgetting strategy | |
Formal Concept Analysis | |
formal concepts analysis | |
formal context | |
formalized qualitative analysis | |
formation | |
forming concepts | |
foveal architecture | |
FPGA | |
frame | |
frames | |
framing | |
free energy | |
free verbalization method | |
Free will | |
French | |
frequency of action potentials | |
friends | |
frog | |
Frontoparietal network | |
full family | |
function | |
Function Words | |
functional bilingualism | |
Functional brain networks | |
functional connectivity | |
functional connectomes | |
functional electric stimulation | |
functional load | |
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) | |
functional MRI | |
functional state | |
functional system | |
functional systems | |
Future of Humanity | |
Fuzzy Control | |
Fuzzy Graph | |
Fuzzy inputs | |
Fuzzy Logics | |
Fuzzy truth value | |
fuzzy-possible model | |
G | |
game artificial intelligence | |
gaming AR environment | |
gamma oscillations | |
gamma rhythm | |
gamma–Poisson model of behavior | |
gastropods | |
gate neural network | |
gaze behavior | |
gaze following | |
gaze-based interaction | |
geckos | |
gender difference | |
gender differences | |
gene | |
gene expression | |
gene mutations | |
general intelligence | |
Generalized Approach to Modelling and Analysis of Nonfactors | |
generation of scientific knowledge | |
Generative adversarial network | |
generative learning | |
Genetic | |
genetic algorithm | |
genetic model of epilepsy | |
genius | |
genome | |
genomes | |
geoconcept | |
geometric figures | |
geometric figures discrimination | |
geometric illusions | |
geometric shapes | |
geospace | |
gesture | |
gibbons | |
giftedness | |
glioma | |
Global testing | |
global workspace | |
globus pallidus | |
glutamate | |
glutamate receptors | |
gnosis | |
go/no go task | |
Goal-directed actions | |
goalkeeper | |
good-enough processing | |
Gradient Boosting | |
Grammatical coordination | |
grammatical errors | |
grammatical roles assignment | |
graphic languages | |
grasping movements | |
gravitational unloading | |
great apes | |
grid | |
grid cells | |
grounded cognition | |
group control | |
grouping of data | |
H | |
Habitat | |
Habits | |
handedness | |
hardware neuron | |
hardware-software complex | |
hashing | |
have | |
head direction cells | |
head-mounted display | |
healthy lifestyle | |
hearing loss | |
heart | |
heart rate | |
heart rate telemetry | |
heart rate variability | |
heavy fractions of synaptosomes of hippocampus | |
Hebb`s rule | |
helping behavior | |
hematopoiesis | |
hemisphere asymmetry | |
hemispheric interactions | |
hesitation | |
Heterogeneous Networks | |
heterogeneous neural module | |
heuristic function | |
heuristic search | |
heuristic strategies | |
Heuristic Structures | |
hierarchical cluster analysis | |
hierarchical networks | |
hierarchical social categorization | |
hierarchical subject index | |
hierarchical task networks | |
high-risk occupations | |
hindsight bias | |
hint | |
hippocampus | |
history of learning | |
hockey | |
Hodgkin-Huxley neuron | |
Holistic-analytic processing | |
homonyms | |
homophones | |
hooded crows | |
Hopfield model | |
Hopfield Neural Network | |
human | |
Human error detection | |
Human Health | |
human inner world | |
Human Life | |
human pose detection | |
Human-computer interface | |
human-like artificial general intelligence | |
human-machine interface | |
human-to-human interaction | |
humanoid robots | |
humour | |
hV4 | |
Hybrid Intelligent Information System (HIIS) | |
hybridization | |
hydrogen sulfide | |
hyperbola | |
hyperbolic numbers | |
Hyperedge | |
Hypergraph | |
Hyperhomocysteinemia | |
hypernetworks | |
Hypernym discovery | |
hyperparameters | |
hypnosis | |
hypnotic suggestibility | |
Hypothalamus | |
I | |
I Knew It All Along" effect | |
ICA | |
identification | |
identified neurons | |
IGT | |
Illusion | |
image map | |
image processing | |
image recognition | |
image search | |
image segmentation | |
Imitation | |
imitative behavior | |
immunology | |
implicit anticipation | |
implicit learning | |
Implicit theories of emotion | |
implicit theory | |
imprinting | |
inattentional blindness | |
inclusion | |
increment adaptation | |
individual approach | |
individual differences | |
individual educational space | |
individual experience | |
Individualism | |
individualization | |
induced emotions | |
induced psychosis | |
induction of basic emotions | |
infancy | |
infants | |
inference | |
inferentialism | |
infocommunication technologies | |
information demand | |
information granulation | |
information indexes | |
information influence | |
information load | |
information processes in neurons and neural systems | |
information processing | |
information processing fluency | |
information technology | |
Information-analytical processes | |
informatization | |
inhibition | |
inhibitory control | |
inner speech | |
insight | |
insight problem solving | |
insight symmetry task | |
instrumental behavior | |
instrumental conditioning | |
Instrumental learning | |
insula | |
integrated expert systems | |
Integrated System | |
integration | |
Integration of Physical Methods | |
integrity | |
intellectual analytics | |
intellectual performance | |
intellectual styles | |
intellegent system | |
intelligence | |
intelligent agents | |
intelligent information search | |
intelligent recognition systems | |
intelligent robot | |
intelligent system | |
intense locomotion | |
intensity | |
intensity of publication in social media | |
intention | |
intentional binding | |
intentional forgetting | |
inter-neural communication | |
Interaction between learning and evolution | |
interaction intensity estimates | |
Interactive Clustering | |
Interactive Visualization | |
intercultural communication | |
intercultural dialogue | |
interdependence | |
interdependence of impulsation | |
Interdisciplinarity | |
interdisciplinary research in psychology | |
interdisciplinary transfer | |
interest | |
interestingness measure | |
interference | |
Interhemispheric asymmetry of brain | |
Interlocutor | |
internal picture of the defect | |
internal speech | |
internationalization | |
internet | |
Internet addiction | |
interpersonal conflict | |
interpretability of fuzzy systems | |
Interpretation | |
interpretation of actions | |
interrogative sentences | |
intra-cortical hypothesis | |
intracranial EEG | |
intraoperative brain mapping | |
introspection | |
intuitive feelings | |
intuitive–experiential styles | |
invariant | |
invariant matrices | |
Inverse Problems | |
invertebrates | |
Inverted Classroom | |
Invisible boundary | |
inward disorder pattern | |
ion channels | |
ionizing radiation | |
Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) | |
ipsilateral and contralateral hemispheres | |
IQ | |
ischemic brain stroke | |
Ising model | |
IVF | |
Izard’s differential emotional scale | |
Izard’s scale of differential emotions | |
J | |
job mentality | |
joint attention | |
journal club | |
JSM Method | |
judgment of solvability | |
K | |
Keras | |
key points | |
keywords | |
Knowledge Base | |
Knowledge base ciphering | |
knowledge discovery | |
knowledge discovery in sociology | |
knowledge management | |
knowledge processing operation | |
knowledge representation | |
knowledge representation formalism | |
knowledge-processing diagram | |
Kohonen layer | |
Kohonen’s layer | |
L | |
L1 | |
L1 acquisition | |
L2 | |
labels | |
Laboratory games | |
laboratory mice | |
landscape architecture | |
language | |
language acquisition | |
language and ageing | |
language attrition | |
language development | |
language expertise | |
language extinction | |
language interference | |
Language model | |
language of science | |
language processing | |
language transfer | |
Languages of PAcific Rim | |
Laser technological equipment | |
Laser-based additive manufacturing | |
late ontogenesis | |
latent class analysis | |
lateral preferences | |
lateralization | |
lateralized readiness potential | |
Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuron with Adaptive Threshold | |
learning | |
learning difficulties | |
Learning to Cluster | |
learning to read | |
learning with a teacher | |
learning without math | |
ledger | |
left-hemisphere functional patterns of objects | |
legal information extraction | |
lemur | |
lengthening | |
leptin | |
levels of functioning | |
Levenberg-Marquardt method | |
lexical access | |
Lexical choice | |
lexical meaning | |
lexical metaphor association | |
lexical profile | |
lexical typology | |
Lexical-syntactic pattern | |
likeness relation | |
limb kinematics decoding | |
Limbic structures of the brain | |
Linear programming | |
linguistic | |
linguistic and non-linguistic deictics | |
linguistic decision making | |
linguistic experience | |
linguistic intuition | |
linguistic majors | |
linguistic metaphor | |
linguistic patterns and rules | |
Linguistic template | |
linguistic variable values | |
lipidome | |
lipidome evolution | |
lipidomics | |
lipids | |
Liquid State Machine | |
loads of various types | |
local field potentials | |
local potentials | |
Local Rules Of Self-Organization | |
local search | |
Localization | |
localization of faces | |
localizer | |
logic | |
logic gate network | |
logic reasoning | |
Logical Inference | |
logical memory | |
Logistic Regression | |
long-range interaction | |
Long-term orientation | |
long-term potentiation | |
loudness discrimination | |
low-density EEG | |
Low-frequency brain oscillations | |
Low-resourced Language | |
LP structure | |
LP-structure | |
LRTCs | |
LSTM model | |
lucid dream | |
lucid dreaming | |
Lysosomal diseases | |
Lövheim Cube | |
M | |
MacArthur CDI | |
machine learning | |
machine vision | |
Magnetoencephalography | |
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) | |
magnocellular and parvocellular system | |
Maintaining consistency | |
making a decision | |
Mamdani-type systems | |
manipulation | |
manual control | |
map merging | |
MAPF | |
mapping | |
mass infocommunication services | |
mass media impact | |
Math | |
mathematical cognition | |
mathematical model | |
Mathematical model for integrating expert evaluations | |
mathematical ontology | |
mathematical skills | |
mathematical success | |
mathematics | |
matrices | |
matrix | |
Maximization of mutual information | |
maximum power point tracking | |
meaning | |
meaning concretization | |
meaning selection | |
Medical Messenger | |
medicine | |
MEG | |
Mehrabian Test | |
membrane and threshold potentials | |
membrane potential | |
memorizing faces | |
memory | |
memory consolidation | |
memristor | |
meningioma | |
menstrual cycle | |
mental | |
Mental architecture | |
mental arithmetic | |
mental attention | |
mental attentional capacity | |
mental development | |
Mental fatigue | |
Mental function | |
mental health | |
mental lexicon | |
mental map | |
mental model of professional activity | |
mental predicates | |
mental representation | |
mental representations | |
mental resources | |
mental rotation | |
mental states | |
mental tasks | |
mental-attentional capacity | |
mentality | |
merging social networks | |
mesenchymal stem cells | |
metacognition | |
metacognitive hints | |
metacognitive judgements | |
metacognitive processes | |
metacognitive regulation | |
metadata | |
Metagraph | |
metal oxide gas sensor | |
Metal rotation | |
metaphor | |
metaphoricity predictors | |
metaphors | |
Metavertex | |
Metavertice | |
methodological foundations of neuropsychology | |
methodological issues | |
methodology | |
metonymy | |
mice | |
microbiota | |
microelectrode recording | |
micromovements | |
microsleep | |
Migraine | |
MIMO-Agents | |
Mind | |
minimal norm estimate | |
minimally consciousness state | |
mirror image factor | |
mirror neuron system | |
mirror neurons | |
mirror transformation | |
mismatch negativity | |
mission | |
mixed emotions meta-emotions | |
Mixed-Initiative Clustering | |
MMN | |
mnemonic goal | |
modalities of perception | |
model | |
model of the psyche | |
Model Transformation | |
Model-Driven Engineering | |
model-free technologies for classification | |
modeling | |
Modeling Biosystem Functions | |
modeling of biosystem functions | |
Modeling of stressful situations | |
Moderated Confirmatory Factor analysis | |
modern engineer | |
modified descriptive image algebra | |
modified fuzzy neural net | |
modular robots | |
modularity | |
molecular dynamics | |
molecular genetic algorithms | |
molecular genetics | |
molecular neurobiology | |
mollusca | |
Monoamines | |
Monosemous relatives | |
mood incongruent recollection | |
mood repair | |
Mooney figure disambiguation | |
moral agent | |
Moral law | |
morphogenesis | |
morphology | |
morphosyntactic metaphor association | |
Morris water maze | |
mothers of children with ASD | |
motion planning | |
motion tracking | |
motivation | |
motivation to success | |
motor activity | |
motor center | |
motor control | |
Motor disorders | |
motor estimation | |
motor functions | |
motor imagery | |
motor imagery BCI | |
motor performance | |
motor task | |
Movement biocontrol | |
movement choice | |
moving object | |
MRI | |
MRI scans | |
mu rhythm | |
mu-rhythm | |
mu-rhythm supression | |
Multi-Agent System | |
multi-agent systems | |
multi-attribute objects | |
multichannel communication | |
multidimensional scaling | |
multidimensional time series | |
multilingualism | |
multimodal communication | |
multimodal corpus | |
multimodal stimuli | |
multimodal text | |
Multimodal texts | |
multinomial distribution | |
multiple agents | |
multiple criteria choice | |
multiple objects tracking | |
multisensor stimulation | |
multisets | |
multitasking | |
muscle adaptations | |
muscular energy and working capacity | |
music | |
music information retrieval | |
musical experiences | |
musical instruments | |
musical performance | |
musicians | |
N | |
N-tuple Algebra | |
n-vicinity method | |
N1 | |
N100 | |
N2pc | |
N400 | |
N400 effect | |
naive geography | |
NAPS | |
narrative-based concept | |
narratives | |
narrow/wide equivalence range | |
native speakers | |
natural discourse | |
Natural Language | |
natural language processing | |
naturalism | |
nature-like | |
Navigation | |
NDVI | |
near synonyms | |
near-death experience | |
negation | |
negative choice | |
negative priming effect | |
neocortex | |
NeoroLab | |
Network Activity | |
network neuroscience | |
network of interacting agents | |
networks neuroscience | |
Networks of Complex Agents | |
neural activity retention | |
neural correlates | |
neural correlates of consciousness | |
neural correlates of reflection | |
neural dynamics | |
neural ensembles | |
neural field equations | |
Neural Machine Translation | |
neural network | |
Neural network compression | |
neural network control | |
neural network learning | |
neural network recurrent cells | |
neural network structure | |
neural network structures with a developed feedback loop system | |
neural network technologies | |
neural networks | |
neural networks ensemble | |
neural networks passing DMTS test | |
neural trait approach | |
Neuro-Fuzzy Cognitive Temporal Model | |
Neuro-Fuzzy Componental Temporal Model | |
Neuro-fuzzy Petri nets | |
neuro-motor apparatus | |
neurobiology | |
neurocognitive deficit | |
neurocognitive mechanisms | |
neurocomputer interface | |
neurodynamic indicators | |
neurofeedback | |
neuroimaging data | |
neuroimaging data analysis | |
neuroinflammation | |
neuromolecular approach | |
Neuromorphic Processor | |
Neuromorphic Systems | |
neuromorphology | |
neuron | |
neuron connections architecture | |
neuron mechanism of constant screen | |
neuron mechanisms of mirror transformations | |
neuron-glial interaction | |
neuronal activity | |
neuronal ensemles | |
neuronal integrator | |
neuroperformance | |
neurophysiological processes of speech and language | |
neuroplasticity | |
neuropsychological assessment | |
neuropsychological diagnostics | |
neuropsychological rehabilitation | |
neuropsychology | |
neurorehabilitation | |
Neuroscience | |
neuroscience of dreaming | |
neurosemantics | |
neurosteroids | |
neurosurgery | |
neurotechnology | |
neurotic disorders | |
neurotransmitter | |
neurotransmitteres | |
neutrons | |
newborns | |
nine-dot | |
nitric oxide | |
NL-texts | |
NMDA | |
NMDA receptors | |
no | |
non-aboriginal | |
non-atomistic strategy | |
non-human primates | |
non-specific facial features | |
non-suicidal self-injuring behavior | |
Non-verbal IQ | |
non-words | |
nonconscious speech processing | |
noninvasive brain stimulation | |
nonlinear output feedback | |
nonparametric robust smoothing | |
nonsymbolic representation | |
nonverbal IQ | |
norepinephrine | |
normative models of motherhood | |
norms of speech development of children | |
NoSQL Databases | |
not | |
notion | |
O | |
object forecasting | |
object recognition | |
object-oriented programming | |
objects discrimination | |
observation | |
observation and reproduction of rhythm | |
observational learning | |
observer reference system | |
occupational stress | |
occupational well-being | |
oculomotor activity | |
oculomotor efficiency | |
Oddball paradigm | |
Off-policy Methods | |
Oh yes! experience | |
older adults | |
olfactory bulbs | |
oligomers | |
on-line | |
oncology | |
Online Advertising | |
Online Learning | |
Ontological Model | |
Ontologies for laser-based additive manufacturing | |
ontology | |
ontology design pattern | |
ontology development | |
Open key ciphering | |
OpenFace | |
operation | |
opinion | |
Optical kinesthetic system | |
optimization | |
optokinetic nystagmus | |
oral communication | |
organic electronics | |
organization of communication networks | |
original ideas | |
Orphan diseases | |
orthographic learning | |
Orthographic processing | |
orthographic representation | |
Orthophoto | |
oscillations | |
OWL | |
own" people | |
oxidative stress | |
P | |
p-chlorophenylalanine | |
P-FIT | |
P300 | |
P3a | |
P3b | |
paired comparisons method | |
Pandemic behavior | |
Pandemic COVID-19 | |
paradigm gaps | |
paradigms | |
Parafoveal processing | |
parametric measures | |
parametric synthesis | |
parametric training | |
paranoia | |
paranoid schizophrenia | |
parental behavior | |
parental cognition | |
parenthetical modal words | |
parenting style | |
parietal cortex | |
parietal lobe | |
Parkinson's disease | |
Parkinson‘s disease | |
part-whole recognition paradigm | |
partial differential equations | |
particle recognition | |
particles | |
passive learning | |
patent landscape | |
path finding | |
path-planning | |
pattern mining | |
patterns of activity | |
patterns of the evolution of the phenomenon of ability | |
Pavlovian synapse | |
Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer | |
PCI | |
perceived task difficulty | |
perception | |
perception of a person’s personality according to his image | |
perception of personality | |
perceptual constancy | |
perceptual constraints | |
Perceptual images | |
perceptual set effect | |
perceptual study | |
percolation transition | |
Performance | |
perinatal administration | |
Perinatal hypoxia | |
perinatal pathology | |
periodic spatial heterogeneity | |
person-oriented and distance-oriented scenes | |
personal freedom | |
personality | |
personality psychology | |
Personality Traits | |
personalized medicine | |
persons with disabilities | |
perspectivization | |
PET | |
pharmaceutics | |
Phoneme discrimination | |
phonemic coding errors | |
phonemic processing | |
phonetic ambiguity | |
phonological dyslexia | |
Phonological processing | |
phonological representation | |
photogrammetry | |
physical activity | |
Physical cognition | |
physical development | |
physical fitness | |
physical performance | |
physiological data processing methods | |
phytomass | |
piecewise homogeneous medium | |
place cells | |
plalsticity | |
Planimetry | |
planning | |
plant disease detection | |
pleasure | |
points of axiological reference | |
policemen of road patrol service | |
Policy Gradient | |
political discourse | |
politician's dilemma | |
poly-p-xylylene | |
polycode text | |
Polylinguals | |
popular science discourse | |
popular science text | |
portrait image and face photo | |
positivism | |
post-pragmatic strategy | |
Post-training | |
posterior fossa tumors | |
Posting | |
postulates | |
postural stability | |
power joystick | |
pragmatism | |
preattentive | |
Prediction | |
Predictive Analytics | |
Predictive coding | |
predictive mind | |
Prefrontal cortex | |
prefrontal lobe | |
prep lay | |
preschool age | |
preschool children | |
presurgical | |
preterm birth | |
primary auditory cortex | |
primary school age | |
primary school children | |
primary students | |
Prior experience | |
prisoner’s dilemma | |
Probabilistic Forecasting | |
probabilistic graphical models | |
probabilistic hierarchy | |
probabilistic reinforcement | |
probability | |
Problem behavior | |
problem of choosing stimulus material | |
Problem Ontology | |
problem solving | |
problem-oriented methodology | |
Problem-solving strategy | |
procedural memory | |
Production | |
Production Logic | |
production-logic system | |
professional abilities | |
professional activity | |
professional choice | |
professional skills | |
professionals | |
Proficiency | |
profiling | |
progesterone | |
prognosis | |
prognostic capabilities | |
programming | |
pronoun processing and resolution | |
properties of the nervous system | |
propofol | |
proprioceptive diagnostics | |
Prosocial behavior | |
prosody and syntax | |
protein synthesis | |
protein synthesis inhibition | |
protocols of learning | |
protons | |
provinces of the Russian Federation | |
PSO | |
psoriasis | |
psychiatry | |
Psycholinguistic database | |
psycholinguistic experiment | |
psycholinguistics | |
Psychological and Pedagogical Prevention | |
psychological assistance | |
Psychological characteristics | |
Psychological Features of the Author | |
psychological portrait | |
psychological states | |
psychological system of activity | |
psychology | |
Psychology of perception | |
psychoneurological state of children | |
psychophysical experiment | |
Psychophysical problem | |
psychophysics | |
psychophysiological interactions | |
psychophysiological markers | |
psychophysiological reactivity | |
psychosemantic experiment | |
psychosemantic methods | |
psychosemantics | |
psychoticism | |
PTSD | |
puberty | |
Published Images | |
pulse coupled oscillators | |
pupillometry | |
purposeful control | |
purposeful thinking | |
purposeful visual perception | |
putative cell type | |
puzzle-box | |
Python | |
Q | |
Qualisys | |
qualitative estimates | |
quality of activity | |
quantitative EEG | |
quantization | |
quantum | |
quantum computer | |
quantum technologies | |
question | |
Questionnaire | |
R | |
race | |
radial basis functions networks | |
radially symmetric solutions | |
Radiation Belts of the Earth | |
radiotherapy | |
Random Forest | |
random graphs | |
rapid cortical plasticity | |
rating scale | |
rats | |
Reaction on frustration | |
reaction time | |
reactivity of the cardiovascular system | |
readiness for risk | |
reading | |
reading comprehension | |
reading fluency | |
reading skill in children | |
reading skills | |
reading-related skills | |
real-time systems | |
reasoning | |
recent behavior | |
receptor | |
receptors | |
recognition | |
recognition of term relations | |
reconsolidation | |
Rectification | |
recurrent connections | |
recurrent depression | |
recurrent neural network | |
recurrent neural networks | |
refactoring | |
reference | |
reference ranking | |
reference system in physics | |
referential ambiguity | |
referential choice | |
referential expressions | |
refinement of the differential model | |
reflection | |
region-based morphometry | |
Region-based multivariate pattern analysis | |
regulation | |
regulatory peptides | |
rehabilitation | |
rehabilitation of adolescents | |
reinforcement | |
reinforcement learning | |
Reinforcement learning theory | |
relational data schema | |
relational ontology | |
Relational-situational analysis | |
Relatives of Alzheimer's Patients | |
Relativistic Electrons Flux | |
relevant features | |
religious beliefs | |
Remote Associates Tasks | |
Remote Monitoring | |
Remoteness | |
reorganization of memory | |
representation | |
Representation learning | |
representative graph | |
research using a polygraph | |
Reserve Stroop effect | |
Reservoir neural networks | |
resistance to interference | |
resistor matrix | |
Resource | |
response modes | |
resting state | |
resting state EEG | |
resting state fMRI | |
resting state networks | |
resting-state EEG | |
Resting-state fMRI | |
Retina Model | |
retrosplenial cortex | |
reward | |
rhesus macaques | |
rhizome | |
risk | |
risk assessment | |
RNA sequencing | |
Road Intersection | |
robot | |
robotic agents | |
robotic system | |
robotics | |
rodents | |
roof defect | |
ROS | |
Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study | |
rostrocaudal axis | |
Routing | |
RSD | |
rule extraction | |
rule of categorization | |
Rules | |
Russian | |
Russian as a second language | |
Russian case | |
Russian dataset | |
Russian language | |
Russian regions | |
Russian-Turkic bilingualism | |
rusvectores | |
RuWordNet | |
S | |
Saccade | |
saccade deviations | |
saccades | |
saccadic trajectory | |
safe behavior | |
safety climate | |
salient features | |
sampling | |
satisfiability modulo theory | |
scanning tunneling microscopy | |
scenario | |
scenario forecast | |
schizophrenia | |
Scholastic Difficulties | |
science | |
Scientific expertise | |
scientific knowledge | |
scientific search | |
scientific subject domain | |
scientometrics | |
screen time | |
search engines | |
second language acquisition | |
second-order effects | |
second-order filters | |
second-person neuroscience | |
secondary radiation | |
security dilemma | |
Security patterns | |
security violation characteristic | |
segmentation | |
selection | |
selective neural networks | |
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors | |
self attitude | |
self-adaptive search algorithms | |
Self-awareness | |
self-consciousness | |
self-determination theory | |
Self-driving Car | |
self-efficacy | |
Self-help | |
Self-image | |
self-organization | |
self-paced reading task | |
self-ratings | |
self-reflexion | |
self-regulation | |
self-repair | |
self-similar graph | |
self-similarity | |
Selfie motivation | |
semantic ambiguity | |
semantic concreteness | |
semantic continuity | |
Semantic coordination | |
semantic correlates | |
semantic differential | |
semantic field | |
semantic gist activation | |
semantic heuristics | |
semantic image analysis | |
semantic network | |
semantic oppositions | |
Semantic Representation | |
semantic salience | |
semantic search | |
semantic shift | |
semantic similarity | |
semantic similarity of words | |
semantic spaces | |
semantic structure | |
semantics | |
sematic memory | |
Semi-Supervised Clustering | |
sensation | |
sense of agency | |
sensorimotor activity | |
sensorimotor cortex | |
sensorimotor learning | |
sensory aphasia | |
sensory gating | |
Sensory images | |
sensory sensitivity | |
sensory task | |
sensory uncertainty | |
sentence comprehension | |
sentence processing | |
sentiment analysis | |
sequence learning | |
serotonin | |
service manipulator | |
severe speech disorders | |
sex | |
sex-dependent differences | |
sexual dimorphism | |
short definite descriptions | |
short-term memory | |
short-term visual memory | |
siamese networks | |
sight translation | |
Sight-reading | |
signal detection/discrimination | |
signal encoding | |
signal filtering | |
signal processing | |
signature graph | |
signs of basic emotions | |
similar document retrieval | |
simulation systems | |
Simultaneous experience of opposite emotions | |
single cells | |
single neuron | |
single-parent family | |
situation | |
SLAM | |
sleep | |
sleep deprivation | |
sleep latency | |
slots | |
slow-wave sleep | |
smart load model | |
snail | |
social and communicative development | |
social and job demand | |
social anxiety | |
social attetnion | |
social behavior | |
social conflict | |
social dimension of the research process | |
social dominance hierarchy | |
social dominance perception | |
social engineering | |
social engineering attacks | |
social frustration | |
social identity | |
social inequality | |
social learning | |
social media | |
social memory | |
social net | |
Social Network | |
social networks | |
social support | |
social transmission of food preference | |
sociocultural threats | |
sodium butyrate | |
soft skills | |
software development tool | |
Software security | |
solar plant | |
Solar Wind | |
solution time | |
Solver | |
somatosensory cortex | |
some experimental data | |
space semantization | |
Space separation | |
Spark | |
Sparse Neural Network | |
spatial | |
spatial coding | |
spatial cognition | |
spatial contextual learning | |
spatial filter | |
spatial memory | |
spatial navigation | |
spatial puzzle | |
spatial thinking | |
spatial working memory | |
spatial-temporal measure in set of trajectories | |
Spearmen’s Low of Diminishing return | |
Special educational needs | |
specialization of neurons | |
spectral characteristics | |
spectral EEG characteristics | |
speech | |
Speech comprehension | |
speech development | |
speech diagnostics | |
Speech disfluency | |
speech disturbances | |
Speech Learning | |
speech mapping | |
speech perception and recognition | |
speech segmentation | |
speed gradient control | |
speed gradient method | |
spelling rules violations | |
spherical model | |
spike width | |
spike-wave discharges | |
spiking neural networks | |
spiking neuron | |
Spin-glass | |
spoken discourse | |
spoken word recognition | |
Spoken Word Recognition Time | |
spontaneous activity | |
spontaneous behavior | |
Spontaneous stream of consciousness | |
sport | |
sports science | |
Spreadsheets | |
Spurious Pattern | |
stabilometry | |
state of consciousness | |
static and low-amplitude arm movements | |
Statistical Hypothesis Testing | |
statistical mechanics | |
statistical shape analysis | |
Statistical testing | |
STDP | |
stepwise control | |
Stimulation | |
stimulus | |
stimulus onset synchrony | |
STQ77 | |
stress | |
stress factors | |
stroke | |
Stroop effect | |
Stroop test | |
structural connectivity | |
structural decomposition | |
structural heuristics | |
structural model | |
structural MRI | |
structural synthesis | |
structure | |
structure adaptation | |
structure network | |
structure of complex emotions | |
structure of intelligence | |
students | |
students with special educational needs in creative expression | |
Subject | |
subject area | |
Subject Domain | |
subject of psychology | |
subject-object orientations in life situations | |
subjective reality | |
subjective significance | |
subjective vitality | |
subjective well-being | |
subjectness | |
submerged electrodes | |
subsystems of visual perception | |
subthalamic nucleus | |
Successful communication strategies | |
successful solution | |
sum-of-costs optimality | |
Super computer | |
super-intelligence | |
surgery | |
survey | |
sustainability | |
Sustained Field | |
Swarm intelligence | |
syllogism | |
symbol | |
symmetry detection | |
synaptic coupling | |
synaptic plasticity | |
synchronization | |
synergy | |
synonyms networks | |
synthesis of scientific knowledge | |
synthesizing formed concepts | |
systematic approach | |
systems | |
Systems of constraints | |
T | |
talent | |
tandem gait | |
target-culture transformation | |
task difficulty | |
task switch | |
Task switching | |
tDCS | |
technical characteristic and semantic aspect of reading | |
technogenesis | |
technology | |
technology integration | |
teenagers | |
Telemedicine | |
telemetry of heart rate | |
teleological approach | |
telomere | |
Temporal cross-decoding generalization | |
temporal database | |
temporal filter | |
temporal knowledge | |
temporality | |
tensor product representations | |
TEPR | |
term | |
terminal states of consciousness | |
terrestrial snail | |
test | |
testing | |
Text | |
text analysis | |
Text and image | |
Text Mining | |
text navigation | |
Text Parameters | |
Text summarization | |
texture | |
thalamo-cortical system | |
thalamus | |
the ability to recreate a visual image in tactile perception | |
the analysis of the latent space | |
The Consciousness of Information System | |
the constraint satisfaction problem | |
The mirror neuron systems | |
the number of operations | |
the quality of life | |
The similarity score | |
the space of similarity | |
The Subconsciousness of Information System | |
the Tatar Language | |
the theory of mind | |
theory | |
Theory of Class | |
Theory of mind | |
theory of system justification | |
thesaurus | |
theta rhythm | |
theta-band | |
thinking | |
third language acquisition | |
third-person referent | |
threat modelling | |
three-dimensional model of the object | |
three-dimensional space | |
three-stage description of stress | |
Three-Stage Stress Description | |
Threshold Models | |
time delay | |
time perception | |
Time Series | |
Time Series Prediction | |
token frequency | |
tolerance and intolerance for ambiguity | |
Tool-use | |
topological data analysis | |
topological space | |
torus semicircularis | |
Toulouse-Pireton test | |
TOVA | |
tracking | |
tracking of objects | |
training data preprocessing | |
transcendence | |
transcranial magnetic stimulation | |
transdisciplinarity | |
transfer learning | |
translation studies | |
translator training | |
transparent environment | |
travelling salesman problem | |
trend | |
triplet loss | |
Trust Game | |
tumor | |
tumors of the central nervous system | |
tunnel transition | |
two-dimensional space | |
type frequency | |
types of autonomic reaction | |
types of communicative behavior | |
types of conceptual ontologies | |
typological analysis of society | |
typological characteristic | |
tyrosine hydroxylase | |
U | |
ultra-high risk (UHR) of schizophrenia | |
Uncertainty and Inconsistency in Knowledge | |
unconscious plagiarism | |
Understanding | |
unfamiliar face | |
unfamiliar faces | |
uniform and non-uniform solar irradiance | |
unmanned vehicle | |
unstructured data analysis | |
urban environment | |
utterance of words | |
V | |
Value system | |
values | |
variable resistor | |
variational autoencoder | |
vection | |
vector representation of meaning | |
vegetative state | |
ventral striatum | |
Ventral visual cortex | |
VEPAL emotional expression base | |
verb management | |
verbal | |
verbal alternations | |
verbal ambiguity | |
verbal and non-verbal tasks | |
verbal evaluations | |
Verbal fluency test | |
verbal intelligence | |
verbal representation | |
verbal stimuli | |
verbs of falling | |
verbs of motion | |
verse | |
vestibular system | |
video analysis | |
video analytics | |
video control | |
video game | |
video stream | |
viewpoint | |
virtual characters | |
virtual environment | |
virtual reality | |
virtual reality environment | |
virtual sport | |
visible spectrum gaze tracking | |
Vision | |
vision and thinking | |
vision-based simultaneous localization and mapping | |
visual | |
visual and spatial perception | |
visual attention | |
visual cortex | |
visual ERP | |
visual perception | |
visual properties | |
Visual question answering | |
visual reading strategies | |
visual search | |
visual semantic search | |
visual space perception stability | |
visual viewing patterns | |
visual word recognition | |
visual-motor coordination | |
visual-spatial perception | |
visual-spatial working memory | |
VO1 | |
Volume conduction | |
voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping | |
W | |
wakefulness | |
warmth ratings | |
wave and swarm algorithms | |
wave function reduction | |
Wavelet correlation function | |
WCST | |
Web Application | |
web development | |
Web-Quest | |
Wechsler test | |
Weight quantization | |
weights interpretation | |
wideband interference | |
Wideband wireless communication | |
wild rodent | |
Wishart distribution | |
Word acquisition | |
word and document embedding | |
word association experiment | |
Word Ordering | |
Word sense disambiguation | |
word wrapping | |
word2vec | |
words | |
working memory | |
working memory capacity | |
working memory load | |
World image | |
world picture | |
writing system | |
Writing to Myself | |
written narrative | |
Written Reflection | |
Y | |
Young People | |
younger schoolboy | |
younger schoolchildren | |
Z | |
Ziehl-Nielsen | |
zoopsychology | |
« | |
«сухая» иммерсия | |
А | |
АФП | |
В | |
Вербальный интеллект | |
Вес тела | |
Г | |
Гравитационная разгрузка | |
Д | |
ДСМ-метод | |
И | |
Извлечение знаний | |
Интерфейс мозг-компьютер | |
К | |
Ключевые слова: dynamic expression of complex emotions | |
Крысы | |
М | |
М-ответ | |
МРТ | |
Н | |
Нейро-моторный аппарат | |
Нейрокогнитивные функции | |
Нейрон | |
Нейрональные сети theory of mind | |
О | |
Образ-Алгоритм | |
Оптимальное время использования интернета | |
П | |
ПСС | |
Подростки | |
Половые различия | |
Пользовательская активность | |
Постгипогравитационная реадаптация | |
С | |
Сomplex Graphs | |
Самосознание | |
Социальные взаимодействия в виртуальной среде | |
Схема тела | |
Э | |
ЭЭГ | |
Я | |
Я-Другой | |
а | |
аntiresources | |
абстрактность | |
автоматическая генерация | |
адк | |
активный орган | |
аминокислоты | |
аналогия | |
анозогнозия | |
б | |
база знаний | |
билингвизм | |
бодрствование | |
в | |
вариативная форма | |
вегетативный статус | |
векторная психофизиология | |
вероятность | |
видеопоток | |
видеосистема | |
виртуальная реальность | |
внимание | |
возраст | |
восприятие | |
восприятие движения | |
врачи | |
время | |
вызванные потенциалы | |
выучивание последовательностей | |
г | |
гимны Ригведы | |
глиальные клетки | |
гравитация | |
грамматика Панини | |
д | |
движение глаз | |
движения глаз | |
деятельность | |
диагностика состояний сердечно-сосудистой системы | |
дизайн веб-сайта | |
дипольные источники ЭЭГ | |
дислексия | |
дистанцированность | |
дифференциальная чувствительность | |
дневной сон | |
ж | |
жест | |
жестовые признаки | |
з | |
задача | |
звукоформа | |
здоровьесбережение | |
знаний | |
зрение | |
зрительные вызванные потенциалы | |
зрительные образы | |
и | |
идеомоторная тренировка | |
иллюзия Мюллер-Лайера | |
иллюзия Понзо | |
имплицитное научение | |
инсайт | |
интеллектуальные системы | |
интеллектуальный анализ данных | |
интервал | |
информационный фактор | |
искусственный интеллект | |
ишемический инсульт | |
к | |
когнитивная карта | |
когнитивные процессы | |
когнитивный стиль | |
кодирование | |
кодирования | |
коллективная память | |
коммуникативная память | |
коммуникация | |
компьютеризация | |
конкретность | |
конспецифические сигналы | |
концепт | |
концептуальные карты | |
кортико-спинальная возбудимость | |
кросскультурные различия | |
круговой осмотр | |
л | |
лимит времени | |
лингвистические тесты | |
лицо | |
логика | |
логопедические проблемы | |
локальная активность мозга | |
м | |
материя-независимое | |
машинное обучение | |
медицина | |
ментальное внимание | |
ментальные репрезентации | |
микросон | |
младшие школьники | |
мнемические процессы | |
мнемотехника | |
модальности восприятия | |
моделирование | |
модель мозга | |
мозг | |
музыкальное воспитание | |
мультисенсорная интеграция | |
мысленная тренировка | |
мысленные образы | |
мышечные ощущения | |
мышление | |
н | |
нарушение осознания | |
негативность рассогласования | |
нейронная сеть | |
нейронные корреляты сознания | |
нейронные сети | |
нейрореабилитация | |
нейросемантика | |
нейросетевые технологии | |
нейросети | |
нейрофизиология | |
некоррелированные последовательности | |
низкочастотная фильтрация | |
номер канала | |
о | |
облачные | |
обнаружение | |
образ города | |
обучение | |
обучение с учителем | |
онтогенез | |
операция сходства | |
опознание | |
опрос информантов | |
оптический имиджинг | |
ориентация по слуху | |
ортодоксальный сон | |
оценка | |
п | |
парадигма сна-бодрствования | |
переключательная динамика | |
перцептивные действия | |
перцептивные последовательности | |
перцептивный образ | |
перцепция | |
поведение | |
подготовительное внимание | |
подростки | |
полезависимость | |
поленезависимость | |
полный комплекс Нота | |
постуральный баланс | |
представители национальных культур | |
принятие решений | |
принятие решения | |
пробуждение | |
пространственные последовательности | |
простые зрительные признаки | |
профессиональное выгорание | |
профессиональное развитие | |
прямая маскировка | |
психика | |
психолингвистика | |
психолингвистическая база данных | |
психология | |
психомоторный тест | |
психосемантика | |
психосемантический пространственный эмоциональный | |
психофизиологические взаимодействия | |
р | |
рабочая память | |
различение объектов | |
распознавание | |
распознавание образов | |
распознавание эмоциональной экспресии лица | |
рациональный компонент | |
регуляторные пептиды | |
резервуарные вычисления | |
рекуррентная нейронная сеть | |
речевая деятельность | |
речепорождение | |
речь | |
риск артериальной гипертонии | |
рой землетрясений | |
русский осётр | |
с | |
с-fos | |
сognitive abilities | |
сonfigural face perception | |
саккадическое и парасаккадическое торможение | |
сверточные нейросети | |
свидетельство | |
сейсмичность региона | |
сенсорная задача | |
сжатие данных в кортексе | |
сигнал | |
синтетический аналог АВП | |
система искусственного интеллекта | |
словари | |
словарь Нигханту | |
содержание | |
сознание | |
социальные медиа | |
социальный интеллект | |
специальность | |
спорт | |
способы обработки материала | |
стадии сна | |
старение | |
степень депрессивности | |
стойка хоккеиста | |
стрельба из лука | |
структуризация знаний | |
студенты | |
субъективное благополучие | |
сфера употребления жеста | |
т | |
теология | |
теория | |
тета-ритм | |
технологии | |
технология искусственного интеллекта | |
тмнр | |
транссаккадическое восприятие | |
трехкомпонентная структура | |
трудности обучения | |
трёхмерные объекты | |
трёхмерный объект | |
тюркско-русский билингвизм | |
у | |
уверенность | |
уровни сознания | |
учащиеся средних классов | |
учителя | |
ф | |
фМРТ | |
фактор | |
факторы влияющие на построение образа городской среды | |
феномен присутствия | |
флоуметрия | |
фонематический анализ | |
фонематическое восприятие | |
фонологическая обработка | |
формула Байеса | |
х | |
хвостатые ядра | |
хоккей | |
ц | |
ценности | |
ценностные ориентации | |
ч | |
человек | |
чтение | |
ш | |
шизофрения | |
школы изучения присутствия | |
э | |
эволюционная антропология | |
электромагнитное поле сверхнизкой частоты | |
эмоциональный компонент | |
эффект переноса | |
эффективность деятельности | |
эффекты ложной локализации лица | |
я | |
язык | |
“ | |
“cognitive matrix” | |
“Go\No Go” paradigm | |
“hypofrontality” | |
“naïve” maps |