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United Poster Session ICCS + Physio - every day (Объединенная постерная сессия МККН + РФО - каждый день)
14:00 | Peculiar Action of Higher Mental Functions While Forming Engineering Thinking ABSTRACT. The article presents the results of how peculiarly higher mental functions can act while forming secondary school students’ engineering thinking under the convergence of science and technologies. We also suggest using cognitive strategies and pedagogical technologies that contribute to the most effective development of students’ logical memory, creative imagination and purposeful thinking. |
14:00 | Взаимосвязь когнитивного стиля «полезависимость-поленезависимость» и психолингвистических маркеров в речевой деятельности подростков PRESENTER: Ирина Ахтамьянова ABSTRACT. Когнитивный стиль личности представляет собой индивидуально своеобразные приемы получения и переработки информации об окружающем мире, представляющие собой тонкие инструменты, с помощью которых строится индивидуальная картина мира. Полученные данные можно использовать в работе психологов, психотерапевтов при проведении психологического консультирования, а также при проведении автороведческих экспертиз |
14:00 | Simultaneous Experience of Opposite Emotions in the Musical Space as a Source of Cognitive-Reflexive Activity ABSTRACT. The study examines the phenomenon of simultaneous experience of the recipient of opposite (multidirectional) emotions caused by a single musical stimulus. We analyze compositions that simultaneously actualize the listener's emotions of inspiration and emptiness. Inspiration, coupled with a sense of emptiness, gives a person the opportunity to experience a kind of "emotional confidence", as it forms a belief in a positive way out of a state of helplessness and hopelessness. Through the experience of multidirectional feelings, the palette is enriched, the range of emotional reactions of the individual is expanded, which are subsequently extrapolated into the real life space. |
14:00 | Method for Automated Recognition of Frustration-Derived Aggression in Texts PRESENTER: Дмитрий Девяткин ABSTRACT. The paper proposes a method for automatic recognition of reactions to frustration in the text. It also presents the results of a study that allowed the creation of linguistic templates for extragressive responses aimed at protecting the "Self"; The paper demonstrates the results of computer experiments conducted on the Rosenzweig test protocols. When processing the texts of E-reactions to frustration, a linguistic analyzer "PCA Machine" was used, which considers the formal-grammatical indicators of categorical meanings of verbs and names, aggregated by the relational-situational model. Experimental results show that in most cases the templates allow detecting E-reactions. Moreover, the share of unrecognized reactions is small; however, to increase the recognition reliability, it is necessary to consider additional features when classifying reaction types, including taking into account the context of statements. |
14:00 | Metaphorization of the Concepts of Life, Death and Love in Terms of the Theory of Embodied Cognition ABSTRACT. This article discusses the mechanisms of selecting units of figurative nomination for the abstract concepts of Life, Death and Love in the light of the theory of embodied cognition. The paper emphasizes the important role of bodily experience gained by interacting with the environment for the processes of conceptualization and categorization. |
14:00 | "World Image" as Integral Cognitive Structure and Personal Metaphorical Representations About the Other People ABSTRACT. Comparative analysis of the features of the "world image" in people who differ in metaphorical perceptions of "friends" and "foes" is conducted. Metaphor content analysis, testing, narrative analysis, methods of mathematical statistics were applied. For the first time, various parameters of the narrative “world image” of the subject are revealed. It is concluded that the attribution of positive or negative and ambivalent metaphorical characteristics for “friends” and “foes” is associated with a positive or ambivalent “world image” of the “conceptual” or “perceptual” type. |
14:00 | Emotions and Monoamines: Towards a New Approach to the Emotional Text Classification in Sentiment Analysis PRESENTER: Kolmogorova Anastasia ABSTRACT. The paper aims to present a way of classifying Internet-texts in Russian according to their monoamine status composed from the serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine levels supposed to be present in text producer blood. In order to find out the verbal markers for low-serotonergic, high-serotonergic, low-noradrenergic, high-noradrenergic, low-dopaminergic and high-dopaminergic texts the corpora data had been assessed within the non-discrete emotional tonality annotation procedure. Based on the Lövheim Cube model including eight emotional classes, it permitted to map the assessment results to a particular point in the Cube’s 3D space. Six subcorpora were formatted from the assessed data according to their monoamine status. The parameters of verbal structures proper to the corpora-antipodes provided by Sketch Engine gave us potential serotonergic features such as absolutist words, adjective-noun combinations, numerals, noradrenergic features – indefinite and demonstrative pronouns, quantifier words – and dopaminergic features – combinatorics of как, etc. The results described give a perspective for the sentiment analysis which consists not only in relating the linguistic representation with its corresponding emotional status but to the individual’s biochemical response as well, thereby representing wider the mechanism of emotion generation. |
14:00 | Phonological and Orthographic Processing During Reading in Russian Adults PRESENTER: Vladislava Staroverova ABSTRACT. In the present study, we investigate parafoveal processing of phonological and orthographic information in Russian adults during reading using the invisible boundary eye tracking paradigm. Participants read sentences with embedded target nouns which are presented in 5 conditions: original, pseudohomophone, transposed-letter and two control conditions. |
14:00 | Duration of Insight and Analytical Solutions in Anagram Solution Task PRESENTER: Алексей Алексеевич Медынцев ABSTRACT. Studies of insight solution in problem solving is an important direction of modern science. The aim of this study was to investigate the temporal characteristics of the insight and analytical solutions specificity on anagram tasks solution. Since the insight solution may be preceded by the stages associated with this phenomenon (failed attempts, a period of impasse), we assumed that the insight solution process will be stretched in time. Moreover, the number of correct answers will be greater in case of insight solutions rather than the analytical. It was also assumed that the warmth ratings would be different in the case of an insight and analytical solutions. Method. 20 seconds were given to solve each anagram, during which the participants were asked to give a self-report on their feelings-of-warmth two times ("Close", "Far", "Very Far"). If the answer was given, the participants were asked to evaluate whether the solution was an insight or an analytical one. Results and discussion. The frequency of correct decisions with insight decisions was significantly higher than with analytical ones. Histograms analysis of the time distribution for insight solutions made it possible to distinguish two “bursts”: during the first seconds after the presentation of the stimulus and in the region of the 13th second. The conducted cluster analysis of the insight solutions’ distribution, as well as the fact that clusters differ in the participants’ warmth ratings, suggests to us that these insight solutions may be the result of two different psychological mechanisms. |
14:00 | The Estimating of Factors Affecting the Opening Selection in Hooded Crows (Corvus Cornix) PRESENTER: Svetlana Buinitskaya ABSTRACT. The research of the ability to match one’s body limits to the opening to pass through contributes to the self-awareness studies in humans and non-human animals. However, the issue remains undetermined if the subject chooses the opening according to body limits representation or to other factors. We first applied this method to examine cognitive abilities in birds and find it promising to these subjects. Notably, our results show that not body limits representation but other factors affect the opening selection. Two of three crows preferred larger openings, despite the fact that the smaller openings were also suitable for passage. This is in agreement with the results of children (Brownell et al. 2007) and dogs (Maeda, Fujita 2010) studies. Therefore, if the larger opening is the only one suitable for passage and the animal subject chooses it, it is not the evidence that this animal performs the body limits representation. |
14:00 | Acquisition of the Russian Case System by Monolingual and Bilingual Children: Psycholinguistic Approach PRESENTER: Nina Ladinskaya ABSTRACT. The study compares the acquisition of Russian nominal case inflections by Russian monolingual and Russian-English bilingual children (2-6 years old). The first aim of the study to examine at what age monolingual and bilingual children learn to generalize rules of nominal case usage. Second aim to ob-serve quantitative and qualitative differences in acquiring the Russian case system in the two populations: Russian monolinguals and Russian-English bilinguals. Children perform a picture-based sentence completion task with re-al words and pseudowords. Five sentence frames are constructed to bias the children’s responses towards the use of a noun form in one of the five oblique Russian cases, across three declensions plus plural forms. The stimuli include 24 words (for the naming of real objects) and 24 pseudowords (for the naming of non-existing objects). Data collection is in progress, but pilot results (35 monolinguals, 10 bilinguals) show that both monolingual and bilingual children learn to generalize morphological rules to novel input by the age of 2 and that nouns in the plural form are acquired later in language development. Compared to monolinguals, bilingual children tend to substitute oblique cases with the nominative case even at 4-5 years of age. The study complements existing longitudinal data on the acquisition of the Russian case system by testing both monolingual and bilingual children’s knowledge of all nominal oblique inflections at a time across a wide age span. |
14:00 | One'S Metaphoric Cognition About Difficult Life Situations and Social Frustration as Predictors of One'S Coping Strategies ABSTRACT. The author touch on the problem of psychosocial personal characteristics as predictors of the coping behavior. The author used content-analysis of metaphors, tests and methods of mathematical statistics (quartiles, regression analysis, Kruskal-Wallis H-test) and discovered the dependence between social frustration, metaphors of difficult life situations and coping-strategies. So, a high level of social frustration is connected with low rational and adaptive coping strategies in difficult life situations. Various coping strategies are associated with different metaphors of difficult life situations and of their participants: "friends" and "aliens". The metaphors reflect personal perception of these situations based on scales "short distance-long distance", "rational value-emotional value" and on parameters "undertaking the responsibility – placing the responsibility with others", "stereotypical or differentiated image of the situation". |
14:00 | Особенности нейрокогнитивного развития подростков с разной цифровой активностью PRESENTER: Галина Солдатова ABSTRACT. Работа посвящена изучению нейрокогнитивных функций у подростков с разной пользовательской активностью. Выборку составили 100 подростков в возрасте от 11 до 17 лет. Были использованы нейропсихологические методики и социально-психологический опросник, включающий в себя вопросы, оценивающие интенсивность использования интернета. Все подростки были разделены на три группы, в зависимости от интенсивности использования интернета: низкая пользовательская активность (до 3 часов в день), средняя (от 3 до 5 часов в день) и высокая пользовательская активность (более 5 часов в день).У подростков со средней пользовательской активностью было обнаружено большее количество позитивных результатов в нейрокогнитивных параметрах, по сравнению с двумя другими группами, и особенно с группой подростков с высокой пользовательской активностью. Полученные результаты дают возможность предположить, что существует оптимальное количество времени, которое дети и подростки могут проводить в интернете не только без ущерба, но и с пользой для когнитивного развития. |
14:00 | Efficiency of Short-Term HRV Biofeedback Training in Adolescents 15-16 Years with Different Internet Addiction’S Levels PRESENTER: Liliya Poskotinova ABSTRACT. The risk of developing Internet dependent behavior in adolescents 15-16 years may be accompanied by a decrease in the ability to self-regulation. Adolescents with a level of 47 or more points on the Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS) showed a lower increase in total HRV compared to individuals with CIAS less than 47 points during short-term HRV biofeedback training (3 min). The least efficacy of HRV biofeedback training was found in individuals with withdrawal symptoms, i.e. with a pronounced deterioration in well-being with the impossibility of access to Internet resources. |
14:00 | Влияние 21-суточной «сухой» иммерсии на оценку размеров отрезков в иллюзиях Понзо и Мюллер-Лайера PRESENTER: Инна Сергеевна Соснина ABSTRACT. Зрительные иллюзии используются для изучения зрительного восприятия в том числе при измененных состояниях испытуемого, вызванных, например, сенсорной депривацией [ или физической нагрузкой (Suzuki et al., 1965; Lybrand et al., 1954) ]. Известно, что их сила у одного и того же человека может зависеть от способа оценки предъявленных стимулов. Так, при моторном (а не вербальном) ответе путем имитации схватывания многие иллюзии практически исчезают. Этот эффект объясняется в рамках концепции двух подсистем зрительного восприятия, для «опознания» и для «действия», связанных с работой вентрального и дорсального путей обработки информации (Giese, Rizzolatti, 2015). Прежде нами было показано, что на протяжении 5-суточной «сухой» иммерсии (СИ) в задаче «треккинга» (проведения пальцем по экрану компьютера) меняется сила иллюзий Понзо и Мюллер-Лайера (Соснина и др., 2018). Такие изменения могут быть связаны с селективными изменениями в работе дорсального потока обработки зрительной информации, наблюдаемыми в условиях микрогравитации (Cheron et al., 2014; Шошина и др., 2019). Исследования изменения зрительного восприятия при более долговременных СИ ранее не проводились. Аналогично предыдущему исследованию (Соснина и др., 2018), в качестве стимульного материала были выбраны иллюзии Понзо и Мюллер-Лайера. Целью работы являлось исследование влияния 21-суточной СИ на силу иллюзий Понзо и Мюллер-Лайера при различных модальностях ответа испытателей: вербальной и сенсомоторной. Методика. Исследования проводили с участием 10 испытателей-правшей до начала СИ, на 3-и, 10-е, 20-е сутки СИ, а также по ее окончании. Использовалось 3 вида стимулов (нейтральные отрезки без иллюзии, иллюзия Мюллер-Лайера, иллюзия Понзо). Сначала предъявлялось 3 пары нейтральных отрезков, потом 3 пары отрезков, обрамленных остриями, вызывающих иллюзию Мюллер-Лайера, затем 3 пары отрезков, вызывающих иллюзию Понзо. Стимулы предъявлялись на сенсорном мониторе IIYAMA Prolite T2252MTS, размер видимой области которого составлял 476.64x268.11 мм, разрешение - 1920x800 пикселей. На первом этапе испытатели вербально оценивали разницу между отрезками, на втором – осуществлялась сенсомоторная оценка длин отрезков ведущей рукой. Испытателю необходимо было провести рукой по верхнему и нижнему центральным отрезкам, которые он видит перед собой (т.е. в условии зрительной обратной связи), сверху вниз, слева направо. Далее по команде, данной экспериментатором, изображение исчезало, и испытателю нужно было воспроизвести длину отрезков, совершая аналогичные движения руки по пустому экрану (по памяти, без зрительной обратной связи). Сила иллюзии считалась положительной, если испытуемые переоценивали верхний отрезок. Значимость отличий силы иллюзий от нуля в каждом дне измерений определялась на уровне p<0.05 для средних значений, взятых в разрезе испытуемых, с помощью рангового критерия Уилкоксона. Статистическая обработка данных проводилась в среде технических вычислений Matlab R2016b (Matworks Inc., version Результаты и обсуждение. При вербальной оценке сила иллюзии Мюллер-Лайера была положительна во все дни измерений (в среднем 1.2±0.14%, p<0.05), сила иллюзии Понзо была положительна при первом измерении фона (0.42±0.11%, p<0.03), а далее в ходе иммерсии убывала до нулевого значения. Результаты сенсомоторной оценки отличались от вербальной. При запоминании на второй день фоновых измерений имеет место существенная недооценка верхнего отрезка нейтрального стимула по отношению к прочим дням измерений (3.46±0.66%, p<0.01). Иллюзия Мюллер-Лайера в этом случае сильнее, чем при вербальном ответе (p<0.05), и не зависит от дня измерения (6.99±0.36). Напротив, иллюзия Понзо слабее, чем при вербальном ответе (-1.1±0.25%, p<0.05). Значимая недооценка верхнего отрезка наблюдается на десятый день СИ (-1.32±0.66%, p<0.01). Следует отметить, что мы стабильно получаем отличия при сенсомоторной оценке для этих двух иллюзий в задаче запоминания. Иллюзия Понзо в такой задаче обычно отсутствует, а для иллюзии Мюллер-Лайера фиксируются характерные отличия в оценке размеров отрезков. Мы полагаем, что эти отличия в силе иллюзий связаны с тем, что иллюзии обязаны своему возникновению особенностям обработки сцены на различных уровнях зрительной системы (Карпинская, Ляховецкий, 2014; Соснина и др., 2018). При воспроизведении оценка длины верхнего отрезка нейтрального стимула на двадцатый день СИ была ниже, чем на третий день СИ (-2.27±0.66% vs 0.35±1.67%, p<0.05). Иллюзия Мюллер-Лайера была выше нуля во все дни измерений, кроме измерения, проведенного после окончания СИ. На двадцатый день СИ иллюзия была сильнее, чем на второй день фоновых измерений (10.63±3.07% vs 6.66±2.34%, p<0.05) и на десятый день СИ (10.63±3.07% vs 4.48±1.47%, p<0.01). Сила иллюзии Понзо во все дни измерений не отличалась от нуля. Задача воспроизведения предполагает не простую непосредственную оценку стимула, а использование рабочей памяти (Martín-Loeches et al., 1998). По-видимому, в выполнении такой, более сложной, чем запоминание, моторной задачи участвует не только механизмы, связанные с активацией дорсального потока, но и вентрального потока. С этим может быть связана более сложная картина зависимости ответов испытателей от дня измерений. Обнаружено, что СИ влияет преимущественно на моторный ответ. Изменения, заключающиеся в снижении силы зрительных иллюзий, более выражены для более сложной моторной задачи, выполняемой в отсутствии зрительной обратной связи. Результаты хорошо согласуются с данными, полученными нами прежде в условиях 5-суточной СИ (Соснина и др., 2018), и свидетельствуют о гиперактивации дорсального потока обработки зрительной информации за счет гравитационной разгрузки. РФФИ №19-013-00036 Suzuki Y., Fujii K., Onizawa T. (1965). Studies on sensory deprivation: IV. Part 6. Effects of sensory deprivation upon perceptual function. Tohoku Psychologica Folia. 24: 24-29. Lybrand W.A., Andrews T.G., Ross S. Systemic (1954) Fatigue and Perceptual Organization. The American J. of Psychology. 67(4): 704-707. Giese M.A., Rizzolatti G. (2015) Neural and Computational Mechanisms of Action Processing: Interaction between Visual and Motor Representations. Neuron. 88(1): 167–180. Соснина И.С., Ляховецкий В.А., Зеленский К.А., Карпинская В.Ю., Томиловская Е.С. (2018) Влияние 5-суточной «сухой» иммерсии на силу иллюзий Понзо и Мюллер-Лайера. Журнал Высшей Нервной Деятельности. 68(3): 313-326. Cheron G., Leroy A, Palmero-Soler E., De Saedeleer C., Bengoetxea A., Cebolla A.-M., Vidal M., Dan B., Berthoz A., McIntyre J. (2014) Gravity influences top-down signals in visual processing. PLoS ONE 9(1): e82371. Карпинская В., Ляховецкий В. (2014) Различия в сенсомоторной оценке иллюзий Понзо и Мюллер-Лайера. Психологические исследования. 7(38): 3. Martín-Loeches M., Valdés B., Gómez-Jarabo G., Rubia F.J. (1998) Working Memory Within The Visual Dorsal Stream: Brain Potentials of Spatial Location and Motion Direction Encoding Into Memory. International Journal of Neurosci. 96 (1-2): 87-105. |
14:00 | Poststroke Brain Plasticity in Sensory Aphasia PRESENTER: Сергей Александрович Варламов ABSTRACT. Sensory aphasia is one of the most severe types of speech disorders, since a patient loses the ability to understand speech that is addressed to him, and loses the ability to produce utterances. Clinical observations have shown that in the pathology there is an impairment in ability to sufficiently distinguish phonemes. In this study, neural network rearrangements were evaluated against the background of restoration of the speech function sensory component in patients with aphasia according to fMRI data obtained during hospitalization and after undergoing therapy At the Center of Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation. On the background of clinical improvement impressive component of the speech, there were reducing the number of the right inferior frontal region connections with other brain areas, increased functional connectivity with the right cerebellum and lower right parietal lobe, and reduced functional connectivity with the left cerebellum. The aim of this study was to identify key patterns of the auditory-speech system functional reorganization against the background of the speech function impressive component restoration in patients with post-stroke sensory aphasia. |
14:00 | Interaction Between Oculomotor Impairments and Voluntary Attention and Working Memory Disorders in Children with Cerebellar Tumors PRESENTER: Marina Shurupova ABSTRACT. Visual cognition relies heavily on eye movement system and their coherence and effectiveness is reflected in its parameters. Damage to the cerebellum arising from, among other reasons, tumor treatment, results in disturbance of visuospatial perception and visual attention. 55 children patients from 9 to 17 years old with a history of successful cerebellar tumor treatment participated in experiments. Arrington 60 Hz eye tracker was used to record eye movements. Our aim was to investigate interaction between eye movement parameters and sustained attention and visuospatial working memory. The patients performed gaze fixation on the object and visually guided saccades execution in two separate tasks. We also assessed their sustained attention span and visuospatial memory capacity using CANTAB cognitive tests battery. Lower stability of gaze fixation was accompanied by decrease in sustained attention span. A positive correlation was found between percentage of hypermetric saccades, the number of false alarms in visual sustained attention test and smaller visuospatial memory capacity. These results demonstrate the interaction between cognitive processes disturbances and oculomotor deficits resulting from cerebellar tumor treatment. Our findings further the understanding of visuomotor cognitive behavior mechanisms and may provide a foundation for additional rehabilitation techniques. |
14:00 | Social Identity in Cognitive Orientations of Schoolchildren ABSTRACT. The article studies the influence of social factors (collective subjectivity, personal freedom) on cognitive orientations of school children. The empirical part of the study was based on the M. Kuhn and T. Mcpartland’s Twenty Statements Test (TST). 73 school children took part in the experiment. Collective subjectivity – as a component of social identity – has been identified by the responses in the in-groups; as for personal freedom, it has been identified by the number and content of characteristics of one’s own personality. Two hypotheses have been tasted: (1) the influence of the psychological atmosphere in the classroom on cognitive orientation of school children; (2) principles of educational activities at school and their influence on the content of cognitive orientation and collective subjectivity. Both hypotheses have been empirically confirmed at statistically significant levels. |
14:00 | Anxiety in Predicting School-Age Children ABSTRACT. The article describes the features of prognostic capabilities in relation to the severity of the state of anxiety in younger schoolchildren. The purpose of the research is to identify the structure of forecasting in younger schoolchildren with different levels of general and school anxiety – that is, is was conducted in order to determine how schoolchildren build their forecasts being in an anxious state associated with educational and extracurricular activities. This involved the study of the anxiety and prognostic skills of younger schoolchildren. The obtained empirical data were processed using the SPSS - 17 program and then analyzed by the research group. We used qualitative and quantitative analysis, correlation analysis with construction of pleiades, and structural analysis. We were able to identify correlations between indicators of anxiety and prognostic capabilities and single out groups according to the level of the development of forecasting skills. After the analysis of all the data, we have discovered that with an increase of the level of school anxiety children begin to predict situations that have antisocial nature. In contrast to students with a low level of general anxiety, the forecasting structure of younger schoolchildren with an average level of general anxiety is more complex and holistic and covers many components. Low level of general anxiety determines a simplified forecasting structure. With a low level of school anxiety, the forecasting structure is more complex, it includes a wide range of characteristics of prognostic competence. The research showed that the anxiety of younger students does not affect the level of the development of prognostic skills, but determines the structure of forecasting. |
14:00 | Mirror Image Factor in Vision and Thinking ABSTRACT. The world picture on the retina is created by a mirror image, as in a mirror; there is reason to believe that the mirror factor is also manifested in thinking. |
14:00 | Network Representation of Polysemous Word Semantic Space ABSTRACT. The article discusses the network principle of semantic word structure organization. In the process of obtaining individual linguistic experience a basic network of semantic components is formed. As a result of an experimental study, it was shown that a native speaker reproduces 30% of the explanatory dictionary entry volume. A native speaker does not need to “keep” all the meanings in his mental vocabulary and select them from the “list” in order to operate them and understand general information since this contradicts the principle of language saving. The semantic components included in the semantic word structure form groups, the union of which occurred as a result of the language experience. The most frequent semantic components occupy dominant positions and are able to keep the structure whole. In further studies we were able to model the interconnections of semantic components based on the answers given by experiment participants. |
14:00 | Daytime Sleepiness Rating Scale Approbation in Older Adults with Different Range of Cognitive Deficits. PRESENTER: Kovrov Gennadii ABSTRACT. Daytime sleepiness in older adults is a common symptom of progressive cognitive disorders and significantly decreases quality of life. There are different rating scales in clinical practice designed to diagnose excessive sleepiness. The possibility of using Daytime Sleepiness Rating Scale to analyze sleepiness in older adults is not studied yet. |
14:00 | РАСПОЗНАВАНИЕ РОЕВ ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЙ PRESENTER: Ирина Литовченко ABSTRACT. На современных данных о сейсмичности региона осуществлялось распознавание «роев» землетрясений. Применялся алгоритм распознавания образов на основе графической кластеризации данных. |
14:00 | Перенос в имплицитном выучивании последовательностей PRESENTER: Алена Крюкова ABSTRACT. Исследование посвящено применению имплицитного знания последовательности в процессе переноса. Цель исследования состояла в обнаружении эффекта переноса имплицитного правила, усвоенного при обучении перцептивной последовательности, на решение задач по определению пространственной локализации стимула. Был проведен эксперимент с использованием техники "выучивание последовательностей". В результате был установлен эффект переноса, выраженный в неосознанном применении имплицитного знания структуры перцептивной последовательности, то есть обнаружении ее в новой информации. Следствием этого стало ускорение решения задач по определению пространственной локализации стимула. |
14:00 | Speech Identification: Subjective Approach ABSTRACT. Viewing a text as a subjective depiction of a non-verbal situation presupposes that the author reveals his personal traits. The program PsychoThesaurus is aimed at identifying emotional state and possible mental health issues through speech analysis. |
14:00 | Гетерогенность клинической картины аутистических расстройств отражается в особенностях спектральных характеристик ЭЭГ PRESENTER: Светлана Тюшкевич ABSTRACT. In the group of children with autism, the relationships between the main clinical manifestations of autism and the spectral characteristics of EEG were investigated. A distinct deficiency of the sensorimotor rhythm was revealed in the fronto-central zones of the left hemisphere cortex in the group of children with pronounced stereotypical manifestations. In children with a predominance of socio-communicative disorders, the level of beta activity in the frontotemporal zones of the cerebral cortex was moderately elevated. |
14:00 | Dynamics of Mistakes in the Face Memory Test During the Unilateral Radiation Exposure on Brain PRESENTER: Mariya Kaverina ABSTRACT. Long-term consequences of radiotherapy were studied in patients with extracerebral tumors located in the basal areas of the left and right temporal lobes of the brain. Face memory test was used for this purpose. Positive changes of the mnestic function were found, which were due to the improvement of the functional state of the hemisphere that was not the target of the radial treatment. The article discusses the hypothesis of the compensatory resources of the brain activated with the aborted growth of a tumor. |
14:00 | Theory of Mind and Behavioral Control in Children with and Without Borderline Intellectual Disorder PRESENTER: Galina Vilenskaya ABSTRACT. In this paper, we have compared the development of theory of mind (ToM) and behavioral control in children with special needs with/without borderline disorder of intellectual development. An assessment of ToM included tasks for understanding visual perspectives, false beliefs, deception, and “white lies”. “Reading the Mind in the Eyes ” test was used to assess the understanding of mental states by the expression of eyes. Behavioral control is assessed by Kogan’s task of combining attributes, Tower of Hanoi, Temmle-Dorki-Amen “Test of children anxiety”, neuropsychological tasks. For assessment of intelligence, we used Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC). The study involved 34 children 7-11 years old (13 girls). The research revealed significant differences in the understanding of communicative intentions in situation of deception and “white lies” and in recognition of emotions and other mental states between children with and without mild disorder of intellectual development. Thus, children with special needs 7-11 yr old with borderline disorder of intellectual development have ToM deficit comparing with their peers with normal verbal intelligence, while the deficit of self-regulation is weakly expressed in them. |
14:00 | Neural Network Modeling of the Structure of Conceptual Experience in the Context of Testing This Block in the Model of Intelligence M.А. Kholodnaya ABSTRACT. The development of the mathematical apparatus and applied tools for processing and analyzing experimental data obtained in empirical studies allows us to better understand the essence of many phenomena and events, including the composition and structure of the mental experience of the subject of activity. As the basis for the analysis, we chose the structural model of intelligence proposed by M.A.Kholodnaya(2019, p. 157), and one of the 6 blocks is conceptual in its components (Kholodnaya, 2012): semantic, categorical and conceptual abilities. To analyze the model, an empirical study was conducted, a sample of which was presented to 100 schoolchildren (54 girls and 46 boys) of the 9th grade of school No. 1201 in Moscow, aged 14–16 years (median –15 years). Methods: “Conceptual synthesis” (Kholodnaya, 2012) - the variable “Synthesis”, “Generalization of three words” (Kholodnaya, 2012) - the variable “Generalization”, “Visual semantics of words” (Artemyeva, 1980) - the variables “Names” and “ Signs. " To process the results, we used graph analysis and non-network analysis (STATISTICA 12 and SPSS 21.1). During the procedure of neural network modeling of conceptual abilities, the following model was obtained: RBF 20-5-1, the training productivity of which was 56.7803, and the test productivity was 37.2745, the learning algorithm was BFGS 2, the error function was SOS, the activation function of hidden neurons was hyperbolic, and the activation function of the output neurons is identical. As can be seen from the results of constructing a neural network model of indicators of conceptual experience, the accuracy of the obtained model is low, allowing a percentage of 43.2197 to correctly identify errors, which is unacceptable for the trust of the obtained model. When considering sensitivity analysis, i.e. analysis of the importance of variables, such an important fact was established that the first place in significance in the constructed model is occupied precisely by conceptual abilities (1.0659), the second, and accordingly, less significant place belongs to categorical abilities (1.0506), and semantic abilities to generate attributes and interpretations take 3rd and 4th place, respectively 1.04 and 1.02. Therefore, it was concluded that, although the low reliability of the constructed neural network model nevertheless made it possible to argue the fidelity of the structure of the conceptual block of mental experience, proposed by M.A. Kholodnaya. |
14:00 | The Simulator Model for Teaching Simultaneous Interpretation Taking into Account the Student’S Cognitive Load ABSTRACT. The report presents a simulator model for training simultaneous interpreters in conditions as close as possible to real ones. In addition to developing translation skills, the model makes it possible to increase stress tolerance due to cognitive provocations that occur in micro-scenario cases, requiring students to display responses. Design content is graded not by the level of foreign language proficiency, but by the level of cognitive load of the student, which allows you to overcome psychological barriers from the beginning of training, and not at the workplace. The simulator also has a built-in teacher function, which is performed by a partner-a virtual cognitive agent who is with the student in the cabin. |
14:00 | Analysis of EEG Alpha Rhythms Reactivity Relative to the Dynamics of Upper Limb Biocontrol Indicators in Stabilometric Training Series PRESENTER: Сергей Анатольевич Махин ABSTRACT. The study involved 25 healthy right-handed male volunteers and implemented the analysis of the EEG alpha rhythm reactivity dynamics in frontal, central, parietal and occipital regions while they participated in a series of training sessions of learning to control the power platform with visual feedback. By the 4th-day training, the alpha rhythm reactivity index (RI) significantly increased in parietal and occipital EEG areas. The dynamics of changes in alpha rhythm reactivity correlated with the indicators of biocontrol efficiency specifically for conditions of using right and left hands. For the right hand, the magnitude of changes in statokinesiogram area (S, mm2) correlated negatively with the RI changes in the EEG locus O2 (r = -0.46, p = 0.032), and changes in statokinesiogram length (L, mm) had a negative trend of realtionship with the RI changes in locus F3 (r = -0.42, p = 0.053). For the left hand, the only negative statistical trend was found between the magnitude of changes in work index (A, J) and the RI changes in locus P4 (r = -0.41, p = 0.061). |
14:00 | Genome-Wide and Epigenetic Research of Intelligence PRESENTER: Маргарита Валентиновна Алфимова ABSTRACT. The exploration of interindividual variability of intelligence at the genome level is an integral part of modern research on the biological organization of cognitive processes. Here, we review the results of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of intelligence. Arguments are presented in favor of the further investigation of the GWAS results using epigenetic approaches. In the context of the problems associated with the methodology of epigenetic studies, we briefly discuss our own data on the relationship between DNA methylation and cognitive functions in healthy individuals and schizophrenia patients. |
14:00 | Phonetic Ambiguity Resolution: To Be or Not To Be Aware PRESENTER: Ольга Игоревна Пилатова ABSTRACT. The results of the experiment (N = 65) of the study on the mechanism of phonetic ambiguity resolution are presented. A priming methodology was employed. The data obtained corresponds to the theory of nonconscious negative choice of contextually inappropriate meanings (Allakhverdov 1974, 1993). In contrast to the activation-based model (Gernsbacher 1989), the negative choice is not about the gradual suppression of activated contextually irrelevant interpretation, but is aimed to keep it from awareness within the recognition of a context. That results in negative priming effect on a word semantically related to the inappropriate meaning and positive priming effect on it when the context changes. |
14:00 | Synapses – Soma – Axon Hodgkin-Huxley Network for Modeling Epileptic Seizes Detected from the Intracranial EEG Signals PRESENTER: Sergey Borisenok ABSTRACT. The implementation of controlled mathematical Hodgkin-Huxley neurons to form a network model for suppressing the epileptic seizures detected from the intracranial EEG signals is presented in the study. Three basic model elements are presented: synapses function, soma and axon. The goal of modeling will be to identify the beginning of pre-ictal phase in the observed EEG and design the possible electrode control stimulus acting on the tissue to suppress the seizure. |
14:00 | Saccadic Eye Movements During Reading Texts in Children Survived Posterior Fossa Tumors: the Pilot Study PRESENTER: Софья Анатольевна Миронец ABSTRACT. Damage to the cerebellum arising from, among other reasons, tumor treatment, results in disturbances of reading. 11 children (М=12.7±2.45), 6 patients of them with a history of successful cerebellar tumor treatment participated were recruited to the pilot experiment. Our aim was to investigate eye movements parameters during reading texts of different complexity. Arrington 60 Hz eye tracker was used to record eye movements. We considered the following parameters: (a) average fixation duration; (b) number of fixations per word; (c) number of fixations per line; (d) saccadic amplitude; (e) percentage of saccadic regressions; (f) total reading time for each text; (g) coefficient of variation of progressive saccadic amplitude; (h) number of words per second. Pilot results demonstrate the qualitative phenomenology of the eye movement scanpath during reading, and patients have a tendency to increase the fixation duration. This finding calls for further investigations on other parameters. |
14:00 | The Ability to Determine the Direction of Gaze According to the Face Video: Comparison with Eye Tracking Data PRESENTER: Alexander Zhegallo ABSTRACT. The fundamental possibility of using OpenFace software to determine the direction of view from the video of the model’s face is shown. At the same time, the gaze direction, reconstructed from the results of parallel video recording of a person, does not coincide with the tracking data. As the most probable sources of mismatch, we assume different camera angles and a difference in the algorithms for processing turns of the subject’s head. |
14:00 | The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and the Psychological System of Activity: Is There Any Difference Among University Students Majoring in Humanities and Engineering? PRESENTER: Екатерина Игоревна Перикова ABSTRACT. The aim of the present study is to analyze the relationships between emotional intelligence (EI) and parameters of the psychological system of activity among university students majoring in humanities (N = 176) and engineering fields (N = 223). For young adults majoring in humanities linear regression revealed that the study participants’ sex, satisfaction with life and orientation to the future explained 28% of the variance of intrapersonal EI (R2 = 0.298; adjusted R2 = 0.285; F = 16.76; p < 0.001). For young adults majoring in engineering six variables (satisfaction with life, planning, survival vs self-expression values, orientation to the future, taking risk for achievement and sex) accounted for 26% of the variance (R2 = 0.282; adjusted R2 = 0.261; F = 5.612; p < 0.05) in intrapersonal EI. Only planning and taking risk for achievement accounted for 7.4 % of interpersonal EI (R2 = 0.080; adjusted R2 = 0.074; F = 14.65; p < 0.001) for young adults majoring in humanities. In the subsample of young adults majoring in engineering three variables (systemic reflection, purposefulness and taking risk for achievement ) jointly explained 30% of the variance, R2 = 0,317; adjusted R2 = 0.307; F = 12.147; p < 0.001. To sum up, EI has revealed a relationship with the psychological parameters of activity. However the predictors contributing to intrapersonal EI and interpersonal EI differed in groups of young adults majoring in humanities and engineering. |
14:00 | Cognitive Biases in Judgment Evaluation: the Role of Label and Verbal Representation PRESENTER: Yulia Sudorgina ABSTRACT. Category label affects respondents’ evaluation of judgements. In particular, respondents evaluate explanations with category labels as more persuasive (Giffin, Wilkenfeld and Lombrozo, 2017), especially when the label is conventional (Hemmatian and Sloman, 2018). Metaphoricity as a linguistic attribute have an impact on people’s perception of things (Thibodeau, Hendricks and Boroditsky, 2017). Will the labels with metaphoric attribute affect people’s evaluation of judgements similar to category labels, and are there any individual differences in judgement evaluation depending on the label type? We conducted an experiment where respondents red four texts with different categories. The categories varied by two factors: 1) label type - category or metaphor; 2) conventional or non-conventional label. After each text respondents were asked to evaluate the persuasion of the explanation with label made by a main character of the text. We also tested the probability of respondents to transfer the attribute of a new category example to the whole category. Individual differences were assessed through the respondents’ disposition to use inner speech (or verbal representation) which was measured by one scale from adapted Internal Representation Questionnaire (Roebuck and Lupyan, 2020). The results showed that the persuasion of explanation was affected by conventionality but not by label type. However, the division of respondents in two groups by verbal representation revealed that respondents with low level of verbal representation were more prone to transfer information about the category when the label was metaphoric rather than category, and vice versa in the group of respondents with high level of verbal representation. The findings replicate the effect of conventionality of category on judgement evaluation and demonstrate individual differences in transfer of category information depending on the label type. |
14:00 | Cognitive Map of the Regions of Russia ABSTRACT. Human’s world-image reflects basic categories of personal identity (Koltko-Rivera, Berger, Luckmann, Leont’ev, Petrenko). And one of its main components is the image of Russia, which is systemically important representation in human world-image. The image of country consists of a number of categories, defining its integrality and independent. Such aspects as historic-cultural, cultural-linguistical, and characters defining «face» of the country in its different demonstrations. The aim of the research was to detect perception particularities of image of Russia and its separate parts by young people from different regions. There were used a survey and immersed interview, projective methods in the research. The results proof concepts about significance of mass media impact on human individual consciousness. Organization of images of country regions without personal experience happens due to information and images created by mass media. |
14:00 | The Role of Motor Component in Insight Problem-Solving Process PRESENTER: Александр Курицын ABSTRACT. One of the most relevant to modern cognitive science is the question of the role of human body organization and motor activity in the cognitive processes. Now, a special place in solving of this question is occupied by the Embodied Cognition research program that defines our body as one of the most important components of cognition. On the basis of this concept, in our work we investigate how motor activity can influence the insight problem-solving processes, namely, insight symmetry task. Motor activity of three types was an experimental condition: embodied, semi-embodied and control activity. It was shown that the level of motor activity embodiment influences the time of solution of the problem, but for confirmation of the influence on the solution success it is necessary to conduct additional research. |
RCAI-2020: Natural Language Processing I (КИИ-2020: Анализ текстов естественного языка I)
Natalya Loukachevitch (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
Djavdet Suleymanov (Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Russia)
14:30 | The Study of Argumentative Relations in Popular Science Discourse PRESENTER: Elena Sidorova ABSTRACT. The paper presents an approach to modeling and study of argumentation found in popular science literature. The study of argumentation is performed by means of comparative analysis of discourse structures. Different types of argumentative structure are considered and the co-occurrence of arguments “from Expert opin-ion” with other types of argumentative reasoning typical of the popular science genre is analyzed. With the view of automatic extraction of argumentative rela-tions, the analysis of correlation between rhetorical and argumentative annotations was carried out. The experiment was conducted on a corpus of 11 articles of the popular science genre from the Ru-RSTreebank. |
14:50 | Analysis of the Persuasiveness of Argumentation in Popular Science Texts PRESENTER: Yury Zagorulko ABSTRACT. The paper discusses the methods of modeling and assessing the quality of the argumentation used in popular science texts, as well as the software supporting them. First, the authors study the aspects of argumentation per-suasiveness, i.e. the validity of conclusions presented in the articles. Argumentation modeling is performed using the argumentation ontology based on the AIF format (Argument Interchange Format), which was adopted by the international community as a standard notation for describing arguments and argumentation schemes. The authors supplemented this ontology with the facilities necessary for modeling and analyzing the quality of argumentation in popular science discourse. In particular, the facilities were introduced into the ontology to allow the arguments and statements used in them to be assigned estimates of persuasiveness (degree of the truth) and to model the target audience. Thanks to these facilities, it became possible to analyze the persuasiveness of argumentation for different target audiences. To solve this problem, a model and an algorithm for calculating the persuasiveness of arguments allowing taking into account conflicts between the arguments have been proposed. The paper also provides an example of constructing a network of arguments and calculating the degree of their persuasiveness using the developed software system. |
15:10 | Revealing Implicit Relations in Russian Legal Texts PRESENTER: Dmitry Deviatkin ABSTRACT. In this paper, new methods for detecting implicit links and links between legal documents are proposed. Those methods are based on approaches for building vector representations of words, such as Word2Vec, FastText, as well as vector representations of texts and sentences: BERT and Doc2Vec. In addition, as part of this study, we propose an approach to create a dataset for the detection of implicit links and provide such a dataset. The dataset contains more than 36K Russian legal documents. The experiments on that dataset show applicability of the proposed methods. Namely, BERT-based fine-tuned models show the best performance; however, they have the highest demand for memory and computational resources. |
15:30 | Method for Detecting Text Markers of Depression and Depressiveness PRESENTER: Anastasiya Ushakova ABSTRACT. The paper explores the use of the AQJSM method, which is built upon com-bining the JSM and AQ methods, to identify cause-effect relationships be-tween psychological characteristics and text parameters produced by indi-viduals with these characteristics. The study included two groups of subjects: the "depression" group (patients with clinical depression) and the "depres-siveness" group (non-clinical patients who have high scores on the Beck de-pression scale). The use of the AQJSM algorithm allowed discussing the problem of validity in modern research in the field of automatic network psychodiagnostics. It was found out that different sets of text parameters act as linguistic markers of clinical depression and depressiveness. |
15:50 | Development of Natural Language Answer Processor Prototype for E-Learning PRESENTER: Nikolai Prokopyev ABSTRACT. Automated knowledge control is an important component of e-Learning systems. Moreover, as an analysis of the most recent publications shows, the possibility of automated free natural language answers assessment is almost not represented in modern e-learning systems. Existing educational technologies either support only a test approach to knowledge control, or when processing a natural-language answer, its semantic structure is not taken into account sufficiently for accurate assessment. This paper presents a software prototype that implements an algorithm for semantic processing of natural language answers. The basis of the algorithm is a theoretical pragmatically-oriented model proposed by D.S.Suleymanov, where main methodological principles are the principle of context determinism and the principle of meaning expectation. The implemented prototype was evaluated in order to verify its compliance with theoretical model and obtain the data necessary for further development of model and algorithm. |
16:10 | Distributional Models in the Task of Hypernym Discovery PRESENTER: Vasiliy Yadrintsev ABSTRACT. The paper describes our participation in the first task of automatically taxonomy construction for the Russian. This task is as follows: unknown input-words need to be matched with hypernyms from the existing taxonomy. The paper shows what results can be achieved using pre-trained distribution models without additional training. |
16:30 | Keyword Extraction Approach Based on Probabilistic-Entropy, Graph, and Neural Network Methods PRESENTER: Anton Selivanov ABSTRACT. Nowadays, a set of automatic keyword extraction methods are developed based on statistical and graph features of texts. Transfer learning approaches allows to use additional word features obtained from deep neural network models fitted to solve different tasks. The paper proposes an integrated approach for keyword extraction based on a classification model that aggregates results of probabilistic-entropy, graph methods, and word features extracted from a neural network for text title generation. To validate the method, a dataset of news texts was gathered, with keywords manually selected through crowdsourcing. As a result, the accuracy of keyword extraction using developed solution is 72% (metric f1, weighted by classes), which is ~ 5% better compared to existing methods. |
Neuroinfo-2020: Neurobiology and Neurobionics (Нейроинформатика-2020: Нейробиология и нейробионика)
14:30 | Towards neuroinformatic approach for second-person neuroscience PRESENTER: Lubov Podladchikova ABSTRACT. In this work experimental and neuroinformatic approaches to solve current prob-lems in second-person neuroscience area are presented. Main attention is paid to dynamics of gaze fixations and emotions of test participants jointly viewed videos because these types of human activity are always the first behavioral responses during tasks solution. Initial testing of the developed experimental approach indi-cates the possibility of successfully solving the tasks under studying. |
14:50 | Complexity of continuous functions and novel technologies for classification of multi-channel EEG records PRESENTER: Boris Darkhovsky ABSTRACT. The basic concepts and results of the theory of epsilon-complexity of continuous functions are described. Based on this theory, the principles of new technologies for the classification of multichannel EEG signals are formulated. The proposed technologies do not use (as opposed to known) any assumptions about the mechanisms of EEG signal generation and, therefore, are model-free. The results of the first applications of new technologies to the analysis of real encephalographic data are presented. |
15:10 | Operational Visual Presence Control of Students in the Classroom PRESENTER: Oleg Fedyaev ABSTRACT. The task of automating the attendance of students in the classroom is solved using computer vision. A convolutional neural network is used to recognize a person’s face. The recognition process is implemented in real time. Localization of faces in frames from a video camera was performed by the Viola-Jones method. The convolutional neural network of the VGGFace model forms the features of a person’s face. Identification of the person occurs by the similarity of signs of persons. The software version of the system is implemented using the Keras and OpenCV libraries. |
15:30 | A Model of Instrumentalization of Movements Obtained by Sensorimotor Cortex Stimulation ABSTRACT. A model of the physiological mechanism of instrumentalization (spontaneous reproduction) of movements caused by stimulation of the sensorimotor cortex under the influence of reinforcement is presented. Instrumentalization is based on enhancing the excitatory connections of cortical pyramidal neurons with dopamine neurons and with each other under conditions of dopamine drive. The correct change in the connections between pyramidal neurons is critically dependent on the reduction of dopamine drive immediately after reaching the target state of neural activity. |
15:50 | Bursts Correlation in a Non-Stationary EEG ABSTRACT. Non-stationary EEG is presented as a set of bursts of electrical activity of neural ensembles in various spectral ranges. An expression is obtained for the wavelet correlation function of two EEG signals. The correlations of flares are analyzed for the deterministic EEG model, in which all spectral-temporal parameters of flares are exactly known, as well as for the stochastic EEG model. |
16:10 | Neural Activity Retaining in Response to Flash Stimulus in a Ring Model of an Orientation Hypercolumn with Recurrent Connections, Synaptic Depression and Slow NMDA Kinetics PRESENTER: Vasily Tiselko ABSTRACT. Cortical neural networks in vivo are able to retain their activity evoked by a short stimulus. We compare and analyze two mathematical models of ring-structured networks of an orientational hypercolumn of the visual cortex in order to distinguish the contributions of recurrent connections, synaptic depression, and slow synaptic kinetics into the retention effect. A comparison of a more elaborated model with the classical ring-model has helped to translate the mathematical analysis of the later model to the former one. As shown, the network with developed recurrent connections reproduces the retention effect compared to that in experiments. The synaptic depression prevents the effect, however the long-lasting excitatory synaptic current recovers the property. Accounting of the slow kinetics of the NMDA receptors, a characteristic post-peak plateau of activity is reproduced. The models show an invariance to contrast of visual stimuli. Simulations reveal a major role of strong excitatory recurrent connections in the retention effect. |
16:30 | Is the Reinforcement Learning Theory Well Suited to Fit the Functioning of the Cerebral Cortex-Basal Ganglia System? ABSTRACT. The research of W Schultz in the late 1980s and the early 1990s of the effect of uncertainty in reward delivery in the behavioral experiments with monkey on the release of dopamine by dopaminergic structures of the midbrain [1, 2] highlighted the analogy between the amount of phasic dopamine release by dopaminergic structures and the reward prediction error of the RL theory [3]. After that the functioning of the cortex-basal ganglia system is analysed as a possible Reinforcement learning (RL) [4] network. This system is an array of partly connected parallel loops. The basal ganglia is divided into dorsal and ventral subdivisions. In accordance with their functions we can further distinguish four parts in it: dorsolateral striatum, dorsomedial striatum, nucleus accumbens core, nucleus accumbens medial shell. The part of the whole cerebral cortex-basal ganglia system with a center in the dorsolateral striatum may represent action a, used in RL theory, with the center in dorsomedial striatum represent action value Q(s,a,), with nucleus accumbens core contain state value V(s), the part of this system based on nucleus accumbens medial shell calculates policy π, but in different way than RL theory does. |
МККН+РФО: Мозг и сознание. Часть 1 (ICCS + Physio: Brain and Consciousness. Part 1)
15:00 | Экспериментальная Модель Исследования Сознания в Парадигме Сон- Бодрствование PRESENTER: Vladimir Dorokhov ABSTRACT. We developed an experimental model that allows research of consciousness level and contents and its neural correlates during spontaneous awakening. Psychomotor test used in our studies includes simultaneous counting and button pressings and allows to assess several fallings asleep and awakenings during one hour. It gives the researcher several episodes of “micro-sleep” and the following consciousness activation. EEG recordings gives accurate information about sleep depth, awakening moments and brain activity during activation. Test performance in its turn gives information about activation level and whether it was high enough to perform rather complicated instruction correctly after awakening episode, i.e. subject’s consciousness contents. |
15:45 | Can the Cerebral Cortex Be a Substrate of Consciousness? PRESENTER: Ivan Pigarev ABSTRACT. I.N. Pigarev, M.L. Pigareva. Institute for information transmission problems (Kharkevich institute), RAS, Institute of higher nervous activity and neurophysiology, RAS. (Moscow, Russia) |
16:15 | EEG Changes During Transition from Slow-Wave Sleep to Wakefulness PRESENTER: Юлия Валерьевна Ураинцева ABSTRACT. Arousals during sleep offer an opportunity to characterize the brain processes involved in the transition from one vigilance state to another. We analyzed electroencephalographic (EEG) activity during sound-induced arousals in NREM sleep. Wavelet spectral analyses were performed to compare EEG signals during two types of arousals: those that lead to transient wakefulness, and those that do not. Patterns of cortical activity during arousals are heterogeneous, their spectral composition is related to type of arousal and cortical area. |
16:30 | Восстановление сознания при пробуждении от ортодоксального сна PRESENTER: Кристина Михайловна Левкович ABSTRACT. В данной работе мы описываем поэтапное восстановление сознания при пробуждении от третьей стадии ортодоксального при помощи изучения поведенческих реакций и когнитивных вызванных потенциалов в ответ на сложноорганизованные последовательности звуков. На первых этапах пробуждения не было выявлено значимых изменений вызванных потенциалов в ответ на глобальную нерегулярность. И только после восстановления альфа-ритма и двигательной реакции регистрируются выраженные когнитивные компоненты: P3a и более поздний когнитивный компонент N400 - индекс обработки значимой информации и реакции на появление неконгруэнтного стимула. |
16:45 | Research of the Influence of Meditation on the Basic Brain Mechanisms PRESENTER: Svyatoslav Medvedev ABSTRACT. This work examines the problem of the influence of Buddhist meditation practices on the basic mechanisms of the brain: automatic processes of perception and differentiation of stimuli of the external world, the work of the mechanisms of error detection. The Mismatch Negativity (MMN) paradigm is used. It is shown that in the group of experienced practitioners the amplitude of MMN decreases during meditation. It is assumed that extensive meditation experience forms an alternative state of consciousness, which is characterized by blocking of processing the information flow from the outside world. |
17:00 | Influence of Anxiety on the Effectiveness of Restoring Psychomotor Activity Under Conditions of Activation of Consciousness in Spontaneous Awakening PRESENTER: Nadegda Petrenko ABSTRACT. Within the concept of “neuronal correlates of consciousness” (Koch et. al. 2016) using the continuous-discrete psychomotor test (Dorokhov, 2003) investigated the behavioral and neurophysiological characteristics of subjects with different efficiency of the recovery of psychomotor activity – in conditions of activation of consciousness with spontaneous awakening from sleep. During the time of the experiment, the subjects performed two alternating tasks: the account “myself” from 1 to 10 with simultaneous pressing the right hand button, and only the account of “myself”, without pressing. The monotonous nature of the test contributes to the rapid decrease in the level of wakefulness at the beginning of the experience when falling asleep and in the future – after spontaneous awakenings. Thus the researcher the opportunity to observe and study a number of episodes of sleep–Wake for a short period of time. The subject is given the instruction: in case of Wake-up to resume the test, starting with the task with button presses. The emergence of clicks on the button in this case is a behavioral indicator of the resumption of cognitive processes, inhibited during sleep, that allows to investigate the dynamics of physiological and psychological processes that accompany the transition from sleep to wakefulness. Spontaneous recovery test requires the activation of consciousness that is accompanied by retrieving instructions from memory and informed its implementation. The correct execution of the test can be used to assess the effectiveness of recovery of cognitive function after waking up. Differences in the degree of recovery of cognitive functioning after episodes of microsleep indicating differences in the level of consciousness, which manifests itself. Studied behavioral and EEG characteristics of students with perfect test execution with spontaneous awakening (n=15) and those who have met the patterns in which the number of taps it was less than that required by the instruction (n=14). Each subject examined two a two-minute segment of recording: directly after the start of the test run and after waking up. Using the Fourier transform evaluated the power characteristics of the EEG. Using analysis of variance (RM ANOVA) investigated the influence of the factors “group” (2 levels: with high efficiency test run after waking up with errors) and “situation” (2 levels: first experience and after you Wake up) changes the mean power of the alpha rhythm. When restoring execution of the psychomotor test, after waking the subjects, who performed it with high efficiency, the alpha rhythm was expressed significantly higher in the subjects with errors. Previously, we have shown the dependence of the efficiency of recovery of cognitive functions under short-term (up to 20 s, i.e., one cycle of the account clicks on the button (full or partial) without them) revivals to the severity of alpha-activation (Cheremushkin, et al. 2020). The fact of the differences in power of alpha oscillations on a longer time interval of subjects with errors and without them, and reinforces in the mind to consider the characteristics of the EEG as an objective quantitative indicator of the efficiency of recovery of conscious cognitive activity during spontaneous awakening and indicating differences in the activation level of consciousness that is present in this case. Prior experience the students have filled in the “Journal of sleep“ (sleep time the night before, feeling upon awakening, and sleep quality), assessed the level of sleepiness (according to the scales of ESS (Epworth Sleepiness Scale) and KSS (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale)) and its condition on the questionnaires. They also filled out a clinical questionnaire for anxiety and depression (HADS). Discovered that the level of anxiety in the group without errors execution of the psychomotor test was significantly lower than in the group with errors (according to the Mann-Whitney test). On the other indicators, these groups didn't differ statistically. It should also be mentioned that in the beginning of the experiment, we analyze the time interval, all subjects except one (a single pattern of taps) made no mistakes when performing the psychomotor test. These facts suggest that the prior experience of students in the studied groups were in the same functional state. The influence of anxiety on the effectiveness of the restoration activities after awakening enhances our ability to predict the adaptive capacity of the brain during transient States of the cycle sleep―wakefulness. Koch C., Massimini, M., Boly M., Tononi G., In 2016. Neural correlates of consciousness: progress and problems. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 17(5), 307-321. Dorokhov V. B., 2003. Alpha spindles and K-complex – phasic activation patterns during spontaneous recovery of disorders of psychomotor activities in various stages of slumber. The journal of higher nervous activity them. I. P. Pavlov. 53(4), 502-511. Cheremushkin E. A., Petrenko N. E. Ganjaliyeva M. S., Dorokhov V. B., 2020. Characteristics of EEG in the process of brief spontaneous awakenings of different duration with changes in psychomotor activity caused by falling asleep. Russian physiological journal. I. M. Sechenov. 106(3), 1-14. |
МККН+РФО: Когнитивное развитие и обучение (ICCS + Physio: Cognitive Development and Learning)
15:00 | Cognitive Development of Children 6-7 Years Old PRESENTER: Татьяна Андреевна Филиппова ABSTRACT. The theses presents the results of a population-based study of the functional development of children 6-7 years old, conducted in 2019 in 5 regions of Russia. High and average levels of attention, visual and auditory memory, voluntary regulation, visual perception and hand-eye coordination in preschoolers vary from 77.2 to 86.8%, which indicates the possibility of successful adaptation to school and mastering the basic school skills of most children. Speech development, which is one of the key and most significant cognitive functions, is sufficiently formed only in 66.5% of preschool children. Correlation analysis showed a high level of correlation of cognitive indicators (r = 0.52-0.60) and a low level between indicators of cognitive and physical development. |
15:15 | Age-Dependent Changes of the Brain Executive Functions in Preschool Children PRESENTER: Марина Николаевна Захарова ABSTRACT. The goal of the interdisciplinary neuropsychological and EEG study was to reveal age-dependent changes of the brain executive functions (EF) in three groups of preschool children: 6-6.5 years (n = 49), 6.5-7 years (n = 117) and 7-7.5 years (n = 60). Neuropsychological examination showed a lower level of EF maturity in younger group. The significant age differences were found in the programming of actions. Visual structural analysis of the EEG patterns reflecting functional state of the brain regulatory structures (RS) did not reveal between-group differences. At the same time, individual features of the RS functioning correlated with the neuropsychological assessment scores. Children with EEG signs of suboptimal functioning of the fronto-thalamic system (FTS) and children with EEG signs of suboptimal functioning of the fronto-basal structures (FBS) demonstrated significantly more expressed difficulties in different components of programming functions compared with children without any EEG signs of suboptimal functioning of RS: children with suboptimal state of FTS had significantly higher neuropsychological indexes of the difficulties in the assimilation of new activity algorithms, whereas children with suboptimal state of FBS had significantly higher neuropsychological indexes of difficulties in task switching. |
15:30 | The Relationship Between Cognitive Flexibility and Narrative Production in 5-6-Year-Old Children PRESENTER: Ekaterina Oshchepkova ABSTRACT. The relationship between regulatory functions and speech in children remains a problem for a number of sciences: ontolinguistics and psycholinguistics, developmental and educational psychology, communication theory, neuropsychology and neurolinguistics. There seems to be some lack of congruency in the data already published. No studies have yet been conducted in Russia. It is important to clarify the relationship between cognitive flexibility and oral speech production in preschoolers for both theoretical psychology and neuroscience. Both psychological and neurolinguistic techniques were used in our study. The «Dimensional Change Card Sort» test (Zelazo 2006) was used to assess the cognitive flexibility. The «Retelling the text» and «Composing a story based on a picture» tests were used to evaluate children speech abilities. Narratives obtained from children were evaluated using neuro-linguistic criteria developed by Akhutina (2016), and criteria based on discourse analysis (Van Dijk 1978). 287 children (145 girls and 142 boys) (5-6 years old) (average age 68.4 months, Sd = 5.8 months) who attended the senior kindergarten groups in Moscow participated in our study. The results show significant correlations between the level of cognitive flexibility and some indicators of language development: semantic completeness, adequacy, programming of the story, as well as the correct narrative structure. In addition, significant correlations were found between cognitive flexibility and general language development (number of words, syntagmas and sentences). Moreover, the same relationships were found for story retelling, as well for creating a story based on a picture. The results of this study might be useful for educational psychologists in their dealing with learning difficulties. |
15:45 | Comparative Study of Cognitive Abilities in Nonhuman Primates Containing in Conditions Close to Natural and in 4-5-Year-Old Human Children PRESENTER: Inna Golubeva ABSTRACT. The goal of the study was to provide the cognitive study of forming separate concepts and their synthesis in the nonhuman primates (lemur catta, rhesus macaques and white-handed gibbons) containing in conditions close to natural in the Leningrad Zoo and Biological collection of the Pavlov Institute of Physiology, RAS as well as in human children of 4-5 years old. The number of trials for forming the concept of size in nonhuman primates was in between 40 and 70 trials while that for forming the concept of contour shape was in between 80 and 130 trials. It was significantly bigger (p<0.001) compared to the number of trials for forming those two concepts in the 4-5-year-old human children. Moreover, the number of trials for forming the concept of size in macaques was significantly smaller (p<0.05) compared to that in the gibbons. The number of trials for forming the concept of contour shape in macaques was significantly smaller (p<0.05) compared to that in the lemurs. All the participants were able to synthesize the two concepts for creating the idea of the concrete group of objects. However, the number of trials for the synthesis of the two concepts in lemurs was much bigger compared to that in the children (p<0.001), macaques (p<0.01) and gibbons (p<0.01). The study allowed to compare the speed of forming two separate concepts and their synthesis for creating the idea about the concrete group of objects among the three species of nonhuman primates containing in conditions close to natural as well as 4-5-year-old human children. |
16:00 | The Functional State of the Body of Primary Schoolchildren When Performing Mental Tasks on Different Electronic Devices and Paper. PRESENTER: Irina Ermakova ABSTRACT. The study of the functional state of the autonomic and cardiovascular systems in children of 8–9 years of age while working on different electronic devices and paper media made it possible to identify favorable and unfavorable adaptations to cognitive activity. According to the direction of the change in the concentration of cortisol in response to mental tasks, two types of reaction were established: increase (type I reaction) or decrease (type II reaction). |
16:15 | Typological Features of Psychophysiological Reactivity of Children 6-7 Years Old ABSTRACT. Comparison of individual shifts in the indicators of the functional state (FS) of children 6-7 years old revealed two types of autonomic response to cognitive load. The first type is the reaction predominantly by sympathetic type; the second one is the reaction by parasympathetic type. The said above types of reaction differ by predominant direction of psychophysiological changes of FS at cognitive tension performance with comfort speed in comparison with mobilizational readiness. |
16:30 | Theoretical and empirical criteria for selecting cognitive overperformers: Data from primary schools in Moscow PRESENTER: Elena Khoroshkova ABSTRACT. Cognitive abilities are related to academic performance and professional success. Research shows that about 1-10% of individuals have outstanding cognitive abilities. Critically, theoretical and empirical criteria of assessing cognitive performance are understudied and less well understood. A measure of core cognitive performance is mental attentional capacity that reflects the number of items an individual can hold and manipulate in mind and quantitative changes in its development have been theoretically defined. We examine normative performance, as well as theoretical and empirical criteria for identifying children with outstanding cognitive performance in early grades using a classic measure of mental-attentional capacity. Children in grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 (N = 277) completed the Figural Intersection Task (FIT). Results show that normative scores from Russian speaking children closely followed theoretical expectations for all grades and were in agreement with past empirical data. Criteria for overperformance were set to be +2 and +3 above theoretical expectations and empirical scores for each age group. For this measure percentages close to those obtained in the literature were obtained using the +3 units higher than normative theoretically and empirically driven criterial. Considerations for future research and practical implications are discussed. |
16:45 | The Limbic System of the Brain and the Voluntary Control of Behavior in Adolescents PRESENTER: Регина Мачинская ABSTRACT. The present study concerns the relationship between suboptimal functioning of limbic structures and the disturbance of the voluntary control of behavior and cognition in adolescents. Individual behavioral characteristics were assessed with the help of a self-report questionnaire; cognitive control was evaluated during the neuropsychological examination. A visual analysis of resting-state electroencephalogram (EEG) was applied to identify the patterns of suboptimal functioning of limbic structures. Two groups (control and experimental) of adolescents aged 13-16 years participated in the study. The control group (N = 66, 37 male, 29 female, mean age = 14.45 ± 1.1 yrs.) included adolescents without any EEG patterns of limbic origin and without other EEG patterns of subcortical or cortical origin; and the experimental group (N = 51, 31 male, 20 female, mean age = 14.3 ± 1.2 yrs.) included adolescents with EEG patterns of limbic origin and without other abnormal EEG patterns. It was found that adolescents with EEG patterns of limbic origin showed a more pronounced tendency towards ignoring social norms (p = 0.016) and a propensity for aggression (p = 0.022), as compared with the control group. According to the neuropsychological examination, adolescents with ‘limbic’ EEG patterns demonstrated significantly more expressed difficulties in recognizing facial patterns with a negative emotional valence (hatred, anger, disgust) (p = 0.031) and in maintaining action programs (p = 0.002), poor self-control (p = 0.004), as compared with the control group. The obtained data suggest that suboptimal functioning of limbic structures may cause adolescents’ problem behavior, because of the difficulties in the processing of negatively colored social information, and poor prediction of negative consequences of own actions as well as poor motivation for long-term maintenance of attention. |
17:00 | The Efficiency of Spatial Working Memory in Adolescents from 10 to 17 Years PRESENTER: Виктория Исматуллина ABSTRACT. The study analyzes individual differences in the working memory efficiency in the sample of 292 adolescents aged 10 to 17 (58% girls). We used “Spatial working memory” test from CANTABeclipse battery to assess the spatial memory efficiency in the memory search task with 4, 6, and 8 boxes. Age differences were found for all test measures (from r =0,199 to r=-0,247 with p from 0,001 to 0,05). Older adolescents performed faster and with fewer mistakes. Age differences were most notable in the complex 8 boxes series comparing to 4 and 6 boxes. The results show linear increase in the working memory capacity from 10 to 17 years old related to the ability to operate with bigger chunks of information. |
17:15 | The Relationship of IQ Characteristics with Spatial Synchronization of Brain Biopotentials in Adolescents PRESENTER: Olga Kruchinina ABSTRACT. Изучение взаимосвязи индивидуальных особенностей паттерна ЭЭГ и уровня когнитивного развития у детей является актуальным направлением современной нейро- и психофизиологии. Поскольку недостаток фундаментальных знаний о когнитивных и нейрофизиологических механизмах и законах формирования особенностей реализации вербальной деятельности, а также особенностях функциональной связности речевых зон мозга, ощущается особенно остро, когда встает вопрос о модернизации методов обучения детей и подростков. Проведено сопоставление характера изменений пространственной синхронизации биопотенциалов мозга у подростков 12-13 и 15-17 лет (N=49, 23 юношей) при восприятии устных и письменных текстов со шкальными оценками субтестов методики Векслера – WISC (The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children), в адаптированной и стандартизированной версии (Филимоненко, Тимофеев, 1992). ЭЭГ регистрировали от 20 монополярных отведений. Для безартефактых 4-х с эпох анализа вычислялись матрицы коэффициентов кросскорреляции ЭЭГ от всех отведений попарно. Вклад каждой из зон коры в организацию пространственной синхронизации биопотенциалов (ПСБП) мозга определяли, вычисляя число V(i) для каждого из отведений ЭЭГ (где i – порядковый номер отведения) - «долю объема», приходящуюся на i-й вектор, характеризующую степень отличия процесса от совокупности остальных. Для оценки связи топических особенностей пространственной синхронизации биопотенциалов мозга с психологическими характеристиками подростков мы вычисляли корреляции показателей V(i) для каждого из 20 отведений ЭЭГ при восприятии на слух и чтении текстов с шкальными оценками каждого из субтестов Векслера. Сопоставление данных психологического тестирования про группам испытуемых с результатами электроэнцефалографического исследования произведено методом регрессионного анализа. Ранее было показано, что в топологических особенностях пространственной организации межкортикальных взаимодействий, наблюдающихся в фоновом состоянии покоя испытуемых, находят отражение задатки способностей к успешному выполнению различных видов когнитивной деятельности, что позволяет говорить о наличии в пространственно-временной организации биоэлектрической активности мозга предикторов врожденных индивидуально-типологических свойств в деятельности ЦНС (Панасевич, Цицерошин, 2015). Поскольку в данном исследовании электрофизиологические показатели регистрировались при выполнении вербальных заданий на восприятие текстов, мы рассчитывали выявить наиболее значимые корреляции именно с вербальными субтестами методики Векслера. У подростков обеих возрастных групп были выявлены положительные корреляции связей нижнелобной, височной и теменной областей правого полушария (F8, T4, P4) (при р < 0.01) с успешностью выполнения субтестов «Понятливость» и «Словарный». В соответствии с моделью Баннатина (1974) эти субтесты методики Векслера относятся к фактору вербальной концептуализации. В старшей группе подростков выявлены положительные корреляции топических особенностей ПСБП мозга в центральной и нижнелобной областях правого полушария (F8, С4) с высокими баллами вербальных субтестов «Арифметический» и «Повторение цифр», которые Баннатин (1974) относит к т.н. фактору последовательности. Кроме того в младшей из исследованных нами групп подростков (12-13 лет) выявлены отрицательные корреляции связей височных областей левого полушария (Т1, Т5) при восприятии как устных, так и письменных текстов с высокими баллами субтеста «Последовательные картинки». В соответствии с моделью Баннатина (1974) этот субтест относятся к т.н. пространственному фактору. Несмотря на то, что данный субтест относится к пулу невербальных субтестов методики Векслера, назвать его полностью невербальным нельзя, т.е. для анализа сложных сюжетных картинок и восстановления последовательности событий требуется глубокий семантический анализ и вербализация. Полученные нами данные согласуются с описанными ранее корреляциями между показателями IQ и активностью многих областей коры мозга: лобной, теменной, височной и затылочной (Haier et al., 2005; Colom et al., 2006). У испытуемых с высокими показателями интеллекта функциональная связность при выполнении сложных когнитивных задач, включая вербальные задания, задействует большее количество областей мозга (Gray et al., 2003; Fangmeier et al., 2006). Существуют данные о положительной коррелиреляции у детей более высоких оценок словарного запаса (оцениваемого по методике Векслера) с плотностью серого вещества в супрамаргинальной извилине билатерально (Lee et al., 2007). А уменьшение плотности серого вещества в левой дорсолатеральной лобной и теменной областях коррелирует с увеличением словарного запаса и успеваемостью при решении словесных задач у подростков (Sowell et al., 2004). Кроме того в различных экспериментальных парадигмах показан уникальный вклад и важная роль височно-теменных областей в становлении навыка чтения (Karipidis et al., 2018). Таким образом в топологических особенностях пространственной организации межкортикальных взаимодействий, наблюдающихся при вербальной деятельности, выявлены предпосылки успешного выполнения различных видов когнитивной деятельности. Работа выполнена в рамках госзадания ИЭФБ РАН. Список литературы: Филимоненко Ю.И., Тимофеев В.И. 1994. Руководство к методике исследования интеллекта у детей Д. Векслера (WISC): Адапт. вариант. СПб.: Госстандарт России, ГП “ИМАТОН”, 94 с. Панасевич Е.А., Цицерошин М.Н. 2015. Отражение в топологических особенностях пространственной организации межкортикальных взаимодействий способности к успешному выполнению детьми 5–лет различных видов когнитивной деятельности (гендерные различия). Физиология человека. Т. 41. № 5.С. 39. Bannatyne, A. 1974. Diagnosis: A note on recategorization of WISC scale scores. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 7, 272–273. Haier R.J., Jung R.E., Yeo R.A., Head K., Alkire M.T. 2005. The neuroanatomy of general intelligence: sex matters. Neuroimage 25: 320–327. Colom R., Jung R.E., Haier R.J. 2006. Distributed brain sites for the g-factor of intelligence. Neuroimage 31: 1359–1365. Gray J.R., Chabris C.F., Braver T.S. 2003. Neural mechanisms of general fluid intelligence. Nat Neurosci 6: 316–322. Fangmeier T., Knauff M., Ruff C.C., Sloutsky V. 2006. FMRI evidence for a three-stage model of deductive reasoning. J Cogn Neurosci 18: 320–334. Sowell E.R., Thompson P.M., Leonard C.M., Welcome S.E., Kan E., Toga A.W. 2004. Longitudinal mapping of cortical thickness and brain growth in normal children. J. Neurosci. 24(38):8223-8231. Karipidis I.I., Pleisch G., Brandeis D. Roth A., Röthlisberger M., Schneebeli M., Walitza S., Brem S. 2018. Simulating reading acquisition: The link between reading outcome and multimodal brain signatures of letter-speech sound learning in prereaders. Sci Rep. 8(1):7121. |
17:30 | Features of Oculomotor Activity When Reading Text from Various Electronic Devices for Displaying Information at Adolescents PRESENTER: Владимир Вячеславович Иванов ABSTRACT. This study examined age-related changes in oculomotor activity at 11-15 aged pupils. Our study showed that, the formation of skills that provide the reading process does not stop in adolescence. The heterochrony of the development of mental operations and the brain structures providing them, the influence of the motivational factor is reflected in the age-related changes in the speed of perception and processing of textual information. A study of the perception of information on various electronic devices did not reveal significant differences in eye movements between reading from a liquid crystal display and an e-ink display if used for a short time. |
17:45 | Intellectual Development of Adolescents 13-17 Years Old PRESENTER: Екатерина Логинова ABSTRACT. The features of the development and interconnections of structural components are considered intelligence in adolescents 13-17 years old. The low results of verbal and non-verbal tasks, in the structure of which are speech, abstract thinking, working memory, are noted. Speech is a leading radical in the formation of structural components of intelligence in adolescents. It is noted that when performing mathematical tasks in boys, a greater number of psychophysiological functions are involved, which indicates functional stress, and a smaller number of relationships in girls indicates a greater specificity of cognitive functions in performing mathematical tasks. |
18:00 | Normative Standards of the Speech Development of Russian Children from 8 to 36 Months PRESENTER: Marina Eliseeva ABSTRACT. This paper is based on analysis of data from «The MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory» - questionnaires of speech and communicative development of children of early age , which encompasses various spheres of children’s speech development. The MacArthur CDI was translated into Russian by a group of authors: M. B. Eliseeva, E. A.Vershinina, V. L. Ryskina, S.N. Ceytlin. We did this research from 2000 to 2012. The Russian version of the CDI was administered to 1805 monolingual children aged 8 to 36 months (902 girls and 903 boys). Significant qualitative differences in the lexicon in the Russian versions of questionnaires in comparison to the English version are caused by features of the Russian culture and life. Most items in the Russian version take account of longitudinal studies carried out on children learning Russian. The norms are calculated both on the basis of average numbers and medians. Norms can be used for speech diagnostics of children with normal and deviant development, monolingual and bilingual. The Norms of lexical development are available on the websites:, The norms are calculated both on the basis of average numbers and medians. |
18:15 | Attention to Face and Joint Attention in Infants PRESENTER: Alexander Kotyusov ABSTRACT. The eye-tracking study was conducted to examine the interraletion between attention to face and joint attention in infants in the end of the first year of life. Stimuli were six gaze following videos and eight images with pictures of face and othe objects. There were weak negative significant correlation (rs=-0.388) between gaze following different scores and proportion of completed trials on attention to face. |
18:30 | Половые различия в показателях вербального интеллекта подростков ABSTRACT. Анализируются данные, полученные на выборке подростков 12-15 лет (N = 62) в результате применения вербальных субтестов Словарь и Сходство 5-й редакции детского теста Векслера (WISC-V). Выявлены особенности вербального интеллекта подростков, связанные с полом. Показано, что девочки-подростки превосходят своих сверстников-мальчиков по ряду вербальных показателей. Подчеркивается необходимость учета данного обстоятельства в педагогической практике. |
18:45 | Age Peculiarities of Formation of Representations of Pupils and Students. ABSTRACT. Using the method of cross sections, identifies current trends in the development of representations on populations of pupils and students. The article is an attempt to answer the question about what is the role of individual features of representation, certain individually changeable integral features of performance at various stages of school and University education. The results of the study of integral characteristics (brightness-clearness, controllability, liveliness), taking into account age and different modalities of representation. This study reveals the contribution of each of the integral features of representation throughout the period of study, school-University, highlighting age-related peculiarities of formation of representations of pupils and students. The study has identified two distinct phases, characterized by different dynamics of formation of representations, school and University. Feature of the age groups relevant school is the decrease of liveliness and a simultaneous increase in brightness-clearness, controllability, ability to representations brightness-clearness, and University – increase in liveliness and simultaneous decrease in brightness-clearness, controllability and ability to representations of brightness-sharpness of representations. |
19:00 | Attention Features Of Aboriginal And Non-Aboriginal Arctic Population ABSTRACT. The aborigines of the Arctic, compared with non-aborigines, marked rigidity of attention characteristics and increased time to perform the same amount of work. Gender features that characterize the dynamics of mental activity, with the inertia of mental concentration among men, were revealed. For non-aboriginal population, rigidity of attention, both among men and women, is due to the Arctic experience. The inertia of attention and changes in the temporal characteristics of attention among the aborigines of the Arctic are due to age. |
МККН+РФО: Когнитивные функции внимания (ICCS + Physio: Cognitive Function of Attention)
15:00 | Gender Differences in the Effectiveness of Object and Spatial Attention PRESENTER: Софья Сергеевна Попова ABSTRACT. We study gender differences in the in the functioning of attention and in particular in "inattentional blindness" under various conditions. The phenomenon of "inattentional blindness" describes the inability to detect a well-defined object when attention is directed to something else (Mack & Rock, 1998). We have varied the working memory load level and compare efficiency of shape detection and object localization in men and women. The sample was 160 students (71 males, 89 females) with normal or corrected to normal visual acuity. In the experiment we used tasks to compare the length of lines and remember the color of figures, during this was presented a critical stimulus. We compared the frequency of correct detection of the critical stimulus, its shape and location at high or low load of working memory. The results show that the increasing of working memory load leads to an increasing of "inattentional blindness" in male sample and to a deterioration in the identification of the shape of the object in women sample. In addition, we see that the coherence of the systems of object and spatial attention is higher in women sample than in men. |
15:15 | FMRI Correlates of Mental Attentional Capacity in Children: Data from Moscow Schools PRESENTER: Andrei Faber ABSTRACT. Intelligence is significantly related to core cognitive abilities such as executive function and working memory. Mental attentional capacity is considered as the maturational component of working memory and corresponds to the amount of information that a person can simultaneously hold and process. Functional neuroimaging studies with adults show that prefrontal and parietal regions underlie function mental attention. Critically little is known about the brain correlates of mental attentional capacity in children. Functional magnetic resonance imaging examined the brain correlates of 18 children (9-12 years). Results show a linear relation in frontoparietal brain regions. Understanding neurobiological mechanisms underlying development of mental attentional capacity can inform educational practices and improve personalized teaching for children. |
15:30 | Study of the Role of Cognitive Functions by Means of the Caused Rhythmic Activity of the Brain PRESENTER: Eugeny Aidarkin ABSTRACT. Analysis delta and theta rhythm ERP`s by components isopotential maps in surround masking showed different contribution of brain rhythms in the analysis of the target stimulus and masker. It is shown that the analysis of the target stimulus was accompanied by an increase in delta rhythmic activity and decreased theta rhythm ERP. In the paper we discussed the functional role of delta and theta rhythmic activity of the human brain, depending on the modality of the target and masking stimulus and their order. |
15:45 | Mental Attention and Different Aspects of Inhibitory Control PRESENTER: Valentina Bachurina ABSTRACT. Mental attention is the resource that provides operational mental space for effortful processing of information and is considered the maturational component of working memory (Arsalidou et al., 2010). Inhibition is a cognitive ability that allows us to block or suppress irrelevant information associated with a prepotent response in order to selectively focus on relevant information (Gordon et al. 2018). WM and inhibition are core cognitive abilities, that allow us to maintain and process relevant information and suppress irrelevant information and behaviour (Diamond 2013). Despite the fact that the complex relationship between these functions has been studied, its nature remains unclear. Some studies show that WM and inhibition are tightly connected (Unsworth et al., 2004, Meier et al., 2018), while others find no association between the two (Miyake et al., 2010, Maraver et al., 2016). The present study investigated the relations between two components of inhibition (response inhibition and suppression of irrelevant information) and working memory or mental attention. |
16:00 | Alpha-Band Effective Connectivity During Cued Versus Implicit Modality-Specific Anticipatory Attention: EEG-Source Analysis PRESENTER: Ilya V. Talalay ABSTRACT. Effective connectivity was studied in a group of 24 right‐handed, healthy adults (9 male, 15 female) aged 22 ± 4.75 during the preparation for task performance in the cued attention, implicit anticipation, and baseline conditions. Participants performed visual and auditory versions of the temporal order judgment task. Alpha-band effective connectivity was assessed by means of directed transfer function computed in the source space for preselected regions of interest (ROI). The results of the present study indicate the top-down influence of the right frontal eye field on the right intraparietal cortex during auditory cued attention. Moreover, a modality-specific influence of the frontal eye field on the primary auditory cortex was observed in the right hemisphere. The analysis of effective connectivity during implicit anticipation showed the influence of the primary visual cortex on the ventral premotor cortex, the intraparietal cortex, and the primary auditory cortex in the left hemisphere for the auditory modality. The obtained configuration of effective links does not correspond to the configuration of functional links found in our previous study. Such results might be caused by the following: some “third-party” structures may influence the activity of two investigated cortices thus causing a statistical dependence (functional link) and no causal interaction (effective link) between them; the activity of different frequency bands might underlie effective connectivity during the deployment of different types of anticipatory attention; another set of ROIs might better reflect effective connectivity during cued attention and implicit anticipation. |
16:15 | Detection and Discrimination Mechanisms in the Bimodal Choice Reaction ABSTRACT. Under the conditions of a bimodal (light, sound) choice reaction, the features of detection (100<RT<250 ms) and discrimination (250<RT<650 ms) reactions were studied according to the parameters of reaction time (RT) and lateralized readiness potential. Research has shown that in the detection response, motor decision making was associated with significant activation of both modalities of the ipsilateral hemispheres to stimuli, and in the detection response, the left hemisphere. At the same time, the stages of formation and implementation of the motor reaction developed sequentially in accordance with the two-process model, while the detection reaction develops in parallel, in accordance with the HED model. |
16:30 | Effects of Cranial Irradiation with High-Energy Protons on Visuo-Motor Behaviour in Monkeys PRESENTER: Александр В. Латанов ABSTRACT. In order to model effects of radiation on human central nervous system during long-duration space flights we investigated instrumental task performance in three irradiated monkeys (Macaca mulatta). The task mimicked key components of human operator activity. Cranial irradiation with high-energy protons (170 MeV, 3 Gy) did not result in disturbance of instrumental performance, but hand and eye movement latencies increased. We propose that disturbance of executive control and attention systems can account for these results. |
МККН+РФО: Язык и речь. Когнитивная лингвистика и языковая коммуникация. Часть 1 (ICCS + Physio: Language and Speech. Cognitive Linguistics and Language Communication. Part 1)
16:45 | Searching in “Russian Pear Chats and Stories”: Challenges of Multi-Party Multichannel Communication PRESENTER: Nikolay Korotaev ABSTRACT. We present basic features of the search system developed for the multichannel “Russian Pear Chats and Stories” corpus (RUPEX; beta version 0.12.14). Contrary to most similar initiatives, the search operates online and provides a convenient graphic user interface that allows users to dynamically create queries and view results in a multi-layered format. This allows to study the multichannel communication in its natural complexity. An example of a complex query consisting of three interrelated units is presented to illustrate the capacities of the search system. |
17:00 | Similarity or Unity? the EEG Coherent Connections During Creating Original and Humorous Phrases via Insight ![]() PRESENTER: Liudmila Dikaya ABSTRACT. The study of the EEG coherent connections during creating original and humorous phrases via insight by students with special educational needs in the field of creative expression (n=78) has been conducted. Based on the findings, we can conclude that the insight-based method of creating humorous ideas needs high emotional stress from test subjects, which shows in the EEG coherence in teta band. We revealed strong coherent connections between right hemisphere prefrontal cortex areas and left hemisphere posterior cortex areas in students in creating both the original and the humorous ideas in alpha band (p < 0.05). So we can admit similarity and unity of the EEG coherent connections during creating original and humorous phrases via insight. |
17:15 | Answering Questions with Negation: Acceptability Judgment Experiment ABSTRACT. Strategies for answering questions that contain negation are different for different languages. In Russian, the "yes" and "no" answers to such questions often give rise to ambiguity: they can mean both agreement with the propositional content of the question or denial. This paper analyzes the results of an acceptability judgment task in a sample of 50 adult native Russian speakers and an experiment in a sample of 20 native speakers. During the experiment, the subjects answered questions with negation expressed in different ways (the negative particle, pronouns and pronominal words with the prefix "ni-", negative predicatives, negation in combination with the "li" particle) and evaluated the possible answers in terms of their grammatical acceptability. The results of the experiment showed that the way of expressing negation in the question and the "li" particle affect both the judgments on the acceptability of possible answers and the choice of an answer with an implication of denial. |
17:30 | Regional Differences in Intelligence in Russia and Cognitive Complexity of VKontakte User’S Posts PRESENTER: Екатерина Валуева ABSTRACT. A sample of public text posts of random Vkontakte users from 85 Russian regions was downloaded. The analysis revealed four formal and grammatical indicators that can be considered as markers of cognitive complexity of the text posts. These markers contribute independently as predictors of regional intelligence and all together explain 60% of its variance. The emotional components of posts correlate positively with regional intelligence but do not contribute significantly to regional intelligence after the cognitive complexity markers are taken into account. In addition, we found that publication activity and literacy in texts of Vkontakte users correlate with regional intelligence. These results provide a basis for the new intelligence assessment tools by properties of the text posts in social networks. These tools could have certain advantages over traditional psychometric methods of measuring intelligence in regional intelligence studies. |
17:45 | The Influence of RT and BBC on Cognitive Attitudes and Psychophysiological Indicators of Individuals PRESENTER: Alexandr Petukhov ABSTRACT. This article presents the results of an experimental study of the way the modern media affect the cognitive attitudes of individuals on the example of two leading international TV channels - RT and BBC. In order to conduct this study our team developed an experimental plan for the psychophysiological recording of deformation of cognitive attitudes under the external informational influence. The study was conducted at the Department of Psychophysiology of the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod from March to May 2018. The experiment was conducted on twenty-one (21) volunteers aged from nineteen to thirty-six, the average age of the group being twenty-four. Since the largest audience of modern communication networks is the younger generation, they became the focus of the study. The authors analyzed the deformations of the cognitive attitudes of individuals to identify distinctive features of these processes. |
18:00 | Cross-Cultural Comparison of Visual Scanning Strategies and Cognitive Processing in the Lexical Search Task PRESENTER: Мария Давидовна Рабесон ABSTRACT. Studying the influence of cultural and linguistic factors in cognitive activity is becoming increasingly relevant (Nisbett et al., 2003). It was previously shown that the writing system (alphabetic or hieroglyphic) and the direction of reading affect cognitive processing strategies (Reilly, Radach, 2012). In this study, we compared the eye movement indicators of Russian, Japanese and Chinese students when searching for meaningful English words among randomly organised letters of the Latin alphabet. We checked the assumption that linguistic experience (the native language and the writing system of this language) affects visual scanning strategies and the cognitive processing of verbal material. The study involved 64 respondents from Russia, China and Japan. The participants demonstrated a similar level of English proficiency (verbal English competence testing was conducted with Word Associates Test). The subjects were presented with 18 letter matrices. The procedure to develop stimulus material included the randomization of letters of the Latin alphabet within each matrix (15*15 letters each) in accordance with the frequency of letters in English. The matrices were filled with 10 words (from 4 to 9 letters), which could be arranged vertically or horizontally. Each of the matrices was presented on the monitor screen for 40 seconds. A calibration point was demonstrated between the presentations. The task of the subjects was to find the word and highlight it by clicking a computer mouse. Eye movements were recorded by the SMI Gaze & Eye-tracking System (SMIRED 250Hz). Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out through the SPSS package. The data of 475 trials were additionally analyzed on the parameters of saccadic angles and change in gaze direction. Word recognition results. The total number of words found and the number of horizontal words found is significantly different in the three language groups (F = 15.4, p <0.01; F = 14.9, p <0.01, respectively). In this indicator, Russian students exceeded Japanese and Chinese subjects. Since the level of knowledge of the language in all groups was approximately the same, such results can only be explained by the fact that the task itself was simpler for native speakers of Russian. Mastering the literal writing involves the skill of element-wise reconstruction of words, which was the key to the experimental task. Aquisition of hieroglyphic writing does not imply the development of such cognitive skills, thus, Chinese and Japanese students are less skilled in constructing letter strings and evaluating their lexical consistency. The number of vertical words found differs less significantly (F = 4.6, p <0.05). In this indicator, Japanese students exceeded both Russian and Chinese subjects. This is well explained by the fact that in Japanese writing, reading occurs along vertical guides. Scanning Patterns. The analysis of variance in changing the direction of eye movements during the search showed that students of the Japanese group change saccade directions in the range of 90-135 ° (F = 17.02, p <0.001) more often than others. Thus, saccades of return directions are most characteristic of this group of subjects. At the same time, participants in the group of Russian students are much more likely to demonstrate translational saccades in the range of 0-45 ° (F = 12.58, p <0.001). Representatives of a group of Chinese students show a trend towards the smallest number of return saccades in the range of 135-180 °. Perhaps this is due to the logographic writing of the Chinese language, where each unit is interpreted unambiguously and the need for returns is reduced, in contrast to Japanese writing, where the characters are used along with the syllabic writing. At the same time, the analysis of saccade directions showed that Japanese students use vertical transitions more often. Changing the direction of saccade in vertical orientation is most characteristic in this group, which may be due to the peculiarities of Japanese writing, where vertically oriented writing is considered a priority, in contrast to Chinese hieroglyphic writing and the Russian alphabet. The nature of cognitive processing. One of the significant characteristics of cognitive processing is the ratio of fixation duration and saccaddic amplitude in the patterns of eye movements (Velichkovsky et al., 2005). Significant differences between the groups were established for both of these parameters (F = 85.66, p <0.01; F = 42, p <0.01, respectively). At the same time, the Russian sample was characterized by high average fixation durations (m = 239.5ms) and low saccade amplitudes (m = 4.1o), while the opposite trend was recorded for the Japanese sample: lower average fixation durations (m = 201.6ms) and higher saccade amplitude values (m = 10.3o). The performance of Chinese students took the intermediate position. This suggests that Russian subjects used a method of cognitive processing based on focal attention. While Japanese speakers use a more ambient and gliding type of processing. Similar results can also be determined by the features of the subjects’native language writing. Conclusion Thus, an analysis of the performance, saccade directions, and the nature of cognitive processing in searching for lexical units shows that the writing system of the native language affects the parameters of visual verbal stimuli processing. The basic characteristics of perceptual analysis are associated with early linguistic experience and are embedded in the architecture of other cognitive processes. The research is supported by RFBR (Project # 20-013-00674). References Nisbett, R. E., Peng, K., Choi, I., Norenzayan, A. (2001). Culture and systems of thought: Holistic versus analytic cognition. Psychological Review, 108, 291-310. Reilly, R., Radach, R. (2012). The dynamics of reading in non-Roman writing systems: A reading and writing special issue. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 25 (5), 935–950. Velichkovsky, B. M., Joos, M., Helmert, J. R., Pannasch, S. (2005). Two visual systems and their eye movements: Evidence from static and dynamic scene perception. In Proceedings of the XXVII conference of the cognitive science society (pp. 2283-2288). |
18:15 | Abnormal Ontogenesis and Neurophysiological Mechanisms Speech Disorders in Children PRESENTER: Nadezhda Kozhushko ABSTRACT. The basic neuropsychological knowledge about the localization of higher mental functions and speech are based on the neurosurgical studies of adult patients [1]. Therefore, the model of abnormal ontogenesis of perinatal origin can be used to study the development of the brain activity of the child. Treatment children with mental disorders by tDCS can to take a high therapeutic effect and allows to study of the formation of new skills and abilities, including impressive and expressive speech, as well as communicative functions - in cases of autism spectrum disorders. |
18:30 | ERP Features During Detection of Different Types of Spelling Errors PRESENTER: Anna B. Rebreikina ABSTRACT. We analyzed the amplitude of the event-related potentials (ERPs) in response to printed words with spelling rules violations: 1) жи/ши/ча/ща/чу/щу [ži/ši/ča/šča/ču/šču]; 2) unstressed vowels at the word root. Our data show that the detection of the first type of spelling errors is associated with the visual word form analysis and occurs at an early stage of about 100 ms. The recognition of the second type of errors is probably associated with memory and lexical access and occurs later, starting from 300 ms. |
RCAI-2020: Natural Language Processing II (КИИ-2020: Анализ текстов естественного языка II)
Natalya Loukachevitch (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
Djavdet Suleymanov (Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Russia)
17:00 | The Influence of Different Methods on the Quality of the Russian-Tatar Neural Machine Translation PRESENTER: Aidar Khusainov ABSTRACT. This article presents the results of experiments on the use of various methods and algorithms in creating the Russian-Tatar machine translation system. As a basic algorithm, we used a neural network approach based on the Transformer architec-ture as well as various algorithms to increase the amount of parallel data using monolingual corpora (back-translation). For the first time experiments were con-ducted for the Russian-Tatar language pair on the use of transfer learning (based on Kazakh-Russian parallel corpus). As the main training data, we created and used the parallel corpus with a total volume of about 1 million Russian-Tatar sen-tence pairs. Experiments show that the created system is superior in quality to the currently existing Russian-Tatar translators. The best quality for the Russian-Tatar translation direction was achieved by our basic model (BLEU 35.4), and for the Tatar-Russian direction – by the model for which the back-translation algo-rithm was used (BLEU 39.2). |
17:20 | Automatic Labelling of Genre-Specific Collections for Word Sense Disambiguation in Russian PRESENTER: Angelina Bolshina ABSTRACT. The best approaches in Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) are supervised and rely on large amounts of hand-labelled data, which is not always available and costly to create. In our work we describe an approach that is used to create an automatically labelled collection based on the monosemous relatives (related unambiguous entries) for Russian. The main contribution of our work is that we extracted monosemous relatives that can be located at relatively long distances from a target ambiguous word and ranked them according to the similarity measure to the target sense. We evaluated word sense disambiguation models based on a nearest neighbor classification on BERT and ELMo embeddings and two text collections. Our work relies on the Russian wordnet RuWordNet. |
17:40 | Neural-Network Method for Determining Text Author'S Sentiment to an Aspect Specified by the Named Entity PRESENTER: Aleksandr Naumov ABSTRACT. This study presents the approach to aspect-based sentiment analysis where a named entity of certain category is considered as an aspect. Such task formulation is a novelty and opens up the opportunity to determine writers' attitude to organizations and people considered in texts. This task required a dataset of Russian-language sentences where sentiment with respect to certain named entities would be labeled, which we collected using a crowdsourcing platform. Sentiment determination is based on a deep neural network with attention mechanism, and ELMo language model for word vector representation. The proposed model is validated on available data of a similar task. The resulting performance (by the f1-micro metric) on the collected dataset is 0.72, which is the new state of the art for the Russian language. |
18:00 | Application of the BERT Language Model for Sentiment Analysis of Social Network Posts PRESENTER: Andrey Konstantinov ABSTRACT. The paper proposes an original algorithm for the training dataset formation for a neural network that provides sentiment analysis of social networks posts. This ar-ticle also describes the use of a neural network to determine the sentiment values of a social network posts using the word2vec and BERT algorithms. Also con-ducted experiments confirming the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. |
18:20 | Automating Hierarchical Subject Index Construction for Scientific Documents ABSTRACT. Subject, or back-of-the-book index consists of significant terms with relevant page numbers of the text document, thus providing an easy access to its content. The paper describes methods developed for automating main stages of subject indexing for specialized texts: namely, term extraction, selection of the most important ones, detecting their reference pages, as well as recognizing semantic relations among selected index terms in order to structure them into hierarchy. The developed methods are intended for processing scientific documents in Russian and are based both on formal linguistics rules and unsupervised machine learning. Experimental evaluation of the methods have shown their sufficient quality to be built into computer subject indexing system. |
18:40 | Virtual Convention Center: an Intelligent eBICA-Based Platform for Scientific Conferences and Distance Learning, Using VE/VR Technologies PRESENTER: Alexei V. Samsonovich ABSTRACT. Key advantage of hosting events in VR is the possibility to use Virtual Actors as participants. Their human-level social emotionality is supported by the eBICA model. The conference BICA*AI 2020 ( will be used as a testbed. |
Neuroinfo-2020: Neural Network Theory, Concepts and Architectures (Нейроинформатика-2020: Теория нейронных сетей)
17:00 | Find a Needle in a Haystack - Sorting arXiv Articles by Your Criteria PRESENTER: Vladimir Shakirov ABSTRACT. Over a thousand articles in machine learning are published on arXiv every week. The purpose of this article is to offer and describe a software that allows one to sort arXiv articles according to users' criteria. It can be useful in journal clubs or in research to highlight subjectively interesting articles satisfying user-specified constraints like period of publishing, relevant and irrelevant topics and keywords. Another purpose of the article was to show typical choices faced by the authors in adjusting this software and the rationales for default settings. That can help new users to get start easier and faster. The software can be used also in other research areas outside of machine learning. The source code is available at |
17:20 | Decoding Neural Signals with a Compact and Interpretable Convolutional Neural Network PRESENTER: Artur Petrosyan ABSTRACT. In this work, we motivate and present a novel compact CNN. We also describe a theoretically justified approach to interpreting the spatial and temporal weights in the architectures that combine adaptation in both space and time, such as ours. We apply the proposed architecture to Berlin BCI IV competition and our own datasets to decode electrocorticogram into finger kinematics. Without feature engineering our architecture delivers similar or better decoding accuracy as compared to the BCI competition winner. After training the network, we interpret the solution and extract physiologically meaningful patterns corresponding to both spatial and temporal convolution weights. |
17:40 | STDP-Based Classificational Spiking Neural Networks Combining Rate and Temporal Coding PRESENTER: Danila Vlasov ABSTRACT. This paper proposes the method for constructing multi-layer classificational spiking neural networks based on STDP learning, where layers are trained sequentially. A layer with rate encoding performs a transformation of the input data, and a layer with temporal encoding decodes the output of the first layer. The accuracy of this two-layer network is 96\% on the Fisher's iris dataset and 95\% on the Wisconsin breast cancer dataset. The result is more robust on different classification tasks than a sole first layer with rule-interpreting its output spike rates. |
18:00 | Electrocardiogram Generation and Feature Extraction Using a Variational Autoencoder PRESENTER: Vladislav Kuznetsov ABSTRACT. The method of ECG generation for a single cardio cycle using a variational autoencoder is proposed. The goal is to extract as few features as possible that would allow the original ECG signal to be restored with sufficient accuracy. Using the proposed approach, we extracted 25 features, which in many cases can be interpreted. Our approach can be used for improving the quality of automatic diagnostics and for augmentation. |
18:20 | Dynamic Real-Time Objects Tracking Algorithm PRESENTER: Illya Tykhonov ABSTRACT. The problem of predicting the location of an object (the coordinates of the bounding box) based on the recognition results obtained in the previous steps and ideas about the operation of the human visual analyzer is considered. The solution involves the implementation of prediction results in the architecture of the recognition system and intelligent tracking of object trajectories in real time. In addition, the task is to create a dictionary of generated images in the feature language. |
18:40 | Динамика рекуррентных сетей частотных нейронов при контролируемом обучении генерации переключательных последовательностей PRESENTER: Oleg Maslennikov ABSTRACT. Анализируются объекты фазового пространства, возникающие при обучении рекуррентных сетей частотных нейронов генерировать многомерные последовательности заданной конфигурации. Рассматривается три типа задач: во-первых, автономная генерация сложных последовательностей выходными нейронами, активируемыми рекуррентной сетью. Во-вторых, активация выходных нейронов входными импульсами. В-третьих, задача переключения между различными последовательностями активаций посредством входных импульсов. |
МККН+РФО: Зрительная система и когнитивные процессы (ICCS + Physio: Visual System and Cognitive Processes)
17:15 | The Estimating of the Text Navigation Efficiency Using Eye Movements Parameters PRESENTER: Tatiana Ledneva ABSTRACT. The dynamic and navigational characteristics of digital texts are important parameters influencing the effectiveness of informational searching. Various combinations of these characteristics facilitate or obstruct information retrieval process. In this work, an experimental procedure was developed and tested to examine the effect of navigation and dynamic characteristics of the presentation of text on digital devices on the effectiveness of information search. The eye-tracking technique was also used to estimate the eye movement parameters during working with texts in different mediums. Four types of setups of digital text presentation were created, varying in the way they allowed to interact dynamically with the text and in the number of navigation cues. 15 participants took part in the experiment. Their task was to read the text and find the answers for the questions in the texts. The searching time and the scan-path complexity were measured to estimate the effectiveness of the search. It was found the significant influence of factors of the navigation method and the presence of miniatures on the scan-path complexity and the searching time for answers in the text (p<0.05). The scrolling type of navigation combined with miniatures of the pages facilitated the highest performance. These results were explained through cognitive load concepts. |
17:30 | Eye Movement Indicators of the Natural Reasoning PRESENTER: Artem Ivanovich Kovalev ABSTRACT. Despite the great popularity of such method as eye tracking, during the analysis of the possibilities of its use in the study of natural reasoning, it was found that the existing examples of such studies have non-systematic character and are devoted only to obtaining an additional information about the processes of reasoning. In this work, we studied the possibility of using cognitive-psychological indicators (oculomotor parameters, time and accuracy of solving the task) to differentiate the processes of reasoning on the example of different types of propositional inferences. (Modus Ponens, Modus Tollendo Ponens, Modus Ponendo Tollens, Modus Tollens) and two variants of each of the types (correct and incorrect, or with the negation in the different parts). During the experimental approbation of the developed empirical procedure, we found the significant differences in the response time, the accuracy of the response, as well as the number and duration of fixations for the differernt types and options of the syllogisms being solved. |
17:45 | Eye Movement Patterns of Visual Semantic Search in Subjects with Different Language Expertise PRESENTER: Анна Игоревна Измалкова ABSTRACT. The research was aimed at identifying universal patterns of visual semantic search organization in subjects with different language expertise. The subjects were supposed to perform a kind of lexical decision task – find 10 4-letter English words in a random letter matrix (15*15). Subjects with lower WAT lexical test score demonstrated nearly twice higher blink count, compared to subjects with higher WAT score (F(2;288)=6,6, p<0,01), as well as higher blink duration (F(2;288)=14,2, p<0,01), which must be due to higher level of cognitive load. We also identified two eye movement patterns – “sequential”, with fewer change of direction (prevailing 45° angles) and shorter saccadic amplitude, and “chaotic”, with more angles 45°-180° and longer saccadic amplitude. Subjects with lower WAT score tended to prefer “chaotic” eye movement pattern (81,8% cases compared to 18,2% of “sequential” pattern), while subjects with higher WAT score used sequential pattern more often (49,1% cases of “chaotic” and 51,9% cases of “sequential” pattern). The coefficient of contingency between the WAT group and eye movement pattern was 0,21, p<0,01. The acquired data can be used in computer-based foreign language tests and in textbook design. |
18:00 | Identification of Interest During Reading by Parameters of Eye Movements and Electrical Activity of the Brain PRESENTER: Ксения Юрьевна Шеденко ABSTRACT. Interest is related to the possibility of receiving new information, better understanding of current information, enhanced attention to the object, information processing, comprehension of the object, learning and motivation. The aim of this study is an investigation of eye movements and EEG parameters associated with interest. 38 healthy subjects aged from 18 to 27 years (mean age 22 ± 0,4) took part in this study. Theta band power, fixation duration and amplitude of saccades are associated with interest estimate, inclusive of hesitation. These parameters might be used for the determination of cognitive-emotional state or evaluation of content, for example, educational materials. |
18:15 | The Relationship of Speech Functions and Contrast Sensitivity of the Visual System in Schizophrenia PRESENTER: Irina Shoshina ABSTRACT. Speech impairment is one of the most important clinical markers of schizophrenia (Kuperberg, 2010). As part of the problem of objectifying the diagnosis of mental disorders, it is of interest to search the relationship of cognitive impairment and the biological characteristics of the brain. Cognitive abilities are great related with processes of visual perception. In the visual system, the processes of distinguishing the spatial-frequency characteristics of the stimulus is provided by many neural complexes tuned to perception the different spatial frequencies. The main ones are magnocellular and parvocellular channels. The magnocellular channels are more sensitive to perception of the low spatial and high temporal frequencies, while parvocellular channels, on the contrary, are sensitive to high spatial and low temporal frequencies (Gori et al., 2015). The hypothesis of this study was that the contrast sensitivity of the visual system, which the evidence of functional state of the magno- and parvocellular systems, is associated with of speech dysfunctions in schizophrenia (Shoshina, Shelepin, 2016; Silverstein, et al., 2017). The work was based on data from 74 patients: 38 patients with the first episode of schizophrenia and 36 patients with chronic schizophrenia. The functional state of the magno- and parvocellular systems was evaluated by computer recording the contrast sensitivity of the visual system in the range of low, medium, and high spatial frequencies. We used the Gabor elements with a spatial frequency of 0.4; 4.0 and 10.0 cycle/deg. The state of speech function was registered with a Verbal fluency test. The results of the correlation analysis indicated of a pronounced relationship between of contrast sensitivity and the results of the Verbal fluency test in patients with the first episode of schizophrenia. Values of the Pearson correlation on phonetic memory and contrast sensitivity at low and medium frequencies were, respectively, r = 0.62 and r = 0.65, p <0.05; the same for semantic memory r = 0.56, r = 0.54. In chronic patients the correlation was not detected. Thus, a change the filtration of visual information in range of the low spatial frequency, due to the operation predominantly of the magnocellular system and the global analysis mechanism, has pronounced relationships with the performance of the Verbal fluency test. Supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grants №18-013-01245). |
18:30 | Транссаккадическое восприятие экологически валидных объектов ABSTRACT. На материале распознавания выражений лица экспериментально изучались особенности восприятия экологически-валидных объектов (1) во время целенаправленных саккад и (2) в парасаккадическом режиме. Показано, что во время скачков глаз, возможность адекватного восприятия выражения лица, сохраняется, и зависит от модальности экспонируемой эмоции. Транссаккадическое восприятие сопровождается эффектами ложной локализации лица. Перцептогенез выражения лица способен выполняться не только в период устойчивой фиксации взора, но и на пике скорости (около 400°/с.) быстрых движений глаз. Динамика восприятия выражений лица непосредственно до, во время и после выполнения целенаправленной саккады, отличается от эффекта «парасаккадического торможения». Описана структура микроактов зрительного восприятия, базирующаяся на тактовой природе глазодвигательной активности. |
18:45 | Eye Micromovements as a Stochastic Process: Analysis Method PRESENTER: Виктор Ефимович Дубровский ABSTRACT. Eye micromovements play a significant role in the of visual information processing. Mostly their analysis is to detect microsaccades and evaluate the frequency of occurrence. In this paper a simplified double-circuit model of a motion control system is proposed to study micromovements as a random process. By splitting the actual recording into two components, it is possible to separate and analyze the eye micromovements. A fast nonparametric smoothing algorithm was proposed and tested, which allows to find an estimate of the eye path components. |
19:00 | Extra-Foveal Perception of Geometric Shapes PRESENTER: Анна Александровна Дренёва ABSTRACT. The paper addresses the possibilities and limitations of extrafoveal processing during a categorical visual search. The previous research established that the target could be identified from the very first saccade or without any, suggesting the extrafoveal perception being necessarily involved. However, the limits in possible complexity defining the processed information are still not clear. We performed four experiments (with 20 subjects for Experiment 1, 13 for Experiment 2, 12 for Experiment 3, and 29 for Experiment 4 respectively) with gradual increase of the stimuli complexity to determine the role of extrafoveal processing in searching for the categorically defined geometric shape. The series of experiments demonstrated a significant role of extrafoveal processing while searching for simple shapes and its gradual decrease in the condition with more complicated shapes. A novel methodological approach allowed to reveal pronounced individual differences in using extrafoveal analysis and to examine the performance of each particular participant. The forced condition with the prohibition of eye movements enabled to investigate the efficacy of covert attention in the condition with complicated shapes. Our results indicate that during the categorical search both foveal and extra-foveal processing are simultaneously involved, and the specificity of their interaction is determined by the low-level perceptual processes, individual characteristics, the task condition, and the instruction. |
19:15 | Spatial-Temporal Measure for Grouping the Eye Tracking Data PRESENTER: Mikhail Zhuravlev ABSTRACT. Eye tracking data are spatio-temporal in nature, i.e. they are made up of fixations where the gaze is considered to be stationary and the movements between fixations which are called saccades. The presence of two heterogeneous elements (saccades and fixations) makes the analysis of eye tracking data much more complicated than matching the trajectories as geometrical objects. Meanwhile, it is a pressing challenge since the similarity of gaze trajectories could allow one to match the resulting groups with cognitive or behavioral characteristics. We propose a way to compare gaze trajectories which accounts for both spatial and temporal aspects of a scan-path, or a sequence of fixations and saccades for each participant in an eye-tracking experiment. Using the proposed distance, we distinguish the sub-sets of ‘similar’ trajectories of real eye tracking data. Also, we performed the analysis of similarity between the trajectories based on saccadic directions calculations. All these approaches demonstrate that real set of eye tracking data can be clustered by different though rigorous criteria. We get different subsets of similar trajectories depending on the method we used. In our opinion, these approaches reveal the structural properties of the trajectories’ sets and can be used in further research combined with cognitive data related to the participants in the eye tracking experiments. |
19:30 | Saccadic Hypermetria as a Marker of Cerebellar Disorders PRESENTER: Marina Shurupova ABSTRACT. Damage to the cerebellum leads to dysmetria of saccades, which is expressed in hypo - or hypermetria. Amplitudes of visually guided saccades were studied in 48 patients (9-17 years old) with cerebellar injuries as a result of tumor treatment and in 37 healthy children of the same age range. A large proportion of hypermetric saccades was detected in patients, while the proportions of hypometric saccades did not differ in these groups. The dominance of hypermetric saccades in patients is a significant marker of cerebellar disorders. |
Рабочая сессия "Котла идей Нейронета" 13 октября 2020 (243-е заседание)
Vladimir Shakirov (Научно-исследовательский институт системных исследований РАН, Москва, Russia)