This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
3 | |
3D printing models | |
A | |
a new pedagogy of teaching | |
Academic integrity | |
academic literacies | |
academic writing | |
Accreditation | |
Accreditool | |
Achievement gaP | |
active participation | |
Adapting to outcomes-based education and accreditation | |
Age | |
AI aided Innovation | |
AJEA | |
Analogical thinking | |
Application | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Assessment | |
Assessment feedback strategies | |
Assessment fidelity | |
Assessment Integrity | |
Assessment Tasks | |
Asynchronous learning | |
attributes | |
authentic laboratory activities | |
Authentic Learning | |
Authentic learning and assessment | |
autoethnography | |
Automated Ideation | |
Aviation emissions | |
B | |
backwards course design | |
Belonging | |
Benchmarking | |
Biomanufacturing | |
Blended delivery | |
blended learning | |
Bloom’s Taxonomy | |
Bob Ross | |
C | |
Calculations | |
Campus sustainability | |
Campus-based learning | |
Capstone project | |
Capstone Projects | |
Cell Therapy | |
Challenges in curriculum design | |
Change | |
ChatGPT | |
Chemical engineering | |
circular design | |
circular economy | |
Civil Engineering | |
Civil Engineering degree program | |
Civil – Geotechnical Engineering | |
clean energy research | |
Co-Design | |
Cohort supervision model | |
collaboration | |
Collaboration with Industry | |
Collaborative Autoethnography | |
Competence | |
Competencies | |
Competency mapping | |
Competency Model | |
Complexity | |
Concrete Representational Abstract Instruction | |
Confidence | |
Constructive Alignment | |
Constructivism | |
Convergent thinking | |
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) | |
Covid | |
CRA | |
Creativity | |
Criterion-referenced assessment | |
critical reading | |
Critical thinking | |
cross-disciplinary collaboration | |
CS1 | |
cultural diversity | |
culture | |
curriculum design | |
Curriculum Development | |
Curriculum Mapping | |
curriculum renewal | |
Cynefin | |
D | |
Decolonisation | |
Deep learning | |
Definition | |
degree | |
Degree apprenticeship | |
Differentiated learning | |
difficulties | |
Digital Electronics | |
Digital Transformation | |
Direct Assessment | |
discipline | |
discipline-specific | |
dissemination | |
Diversity | |
Diversity and equity | |
E | |
Education | |
Education for sustainable development (ESD) | |
Education in Developing Countries | |
Educational Escape Room | |
Educational Escape Rooms | |
Educational institutions | |
Educational Paradigm | |
Educational Strategies | |
educational technology | |
educational videos | |
Empathy | |
Employability | |
Employability skills | |
Engagement | |
Engineering | |
Engineering 2035 Project | |
Engineering Capstone | |
engineering education | |
engineering futures skills | |
Engineering major | |
engineering majors | |
Engineering management | |
Engineering Practice | |
Engineering program specification | |
Engineering statistics | |
Engineering Technologist | |
Engineering Thinking | |
entrepreneurship | |
Environmental Engineering | |
Equity | |
evaluation | |
EWB challenge | |
F | |
face-to-face assessment | |
Failure | |
Fast prototyping | |
Feedback | |
Feedback Literacy | |
Final Year Projects | |
First Nations | |
First Year | |
First year education | |
First-year engineering | |
First-year Engineering Students | |
First-year students | |
flipped classroom | |
G | |
Game Based Learning | |
Game-based Learning | |
gamification | |
Gender | |
Generative AI | |
Grading | |
Graduate attributes | |
Graduate attributes related to affective domain | |
group work | |
GRTP | |
H | |
Hands-on experience | |
Higher education sector | |
Higher Education Standards | |
Honours project | |
Human and Social Dimensions | |
Humanitarian Engineering | |
hybrid teaching | |
I | |
Identity | |
Identity development | |
immersive learning | |
Impact | |
Inclusion | |
Inclusivity | |
Independent learning | |
Indigenous | |
Indigenous inclusion | |
Indigenous knowledge | |
Indigenous knowledges | |
Indigenous peoples | |
Individual | |
Industry | |
industry academia collaboration | |
industry partnerships | |
Industry-Academia Gap | |
industry-ready graduates | |
informal learning spaces | |
instructional design | |
Integration | |
integrity | |
Interaction | |
interdisciplinary learning | |
International students | |
Item Response Theory | |
J | |
Job-Ready Graduates | |
journals | |
journey into engineering education research | |
K | |
Knitting machines | |
Knowledge domains | |
L | |
Laboratory | |
Landscape study | |
large project-based groups | |
learning | |
Learning analytics | |
Learning Journey | |
learning management system | |
Learning outcomes | |
learning to program | |
Lego | |
Literature | |
Live-in-Field Experience | |
LMS data | |
local learning experience | |
M | |
Major selection | |
makerspace | |
management concepts | |
managerial skills | |
Manim | |
marking | |
Matlab | |
mechanical engineering | |
MEM | |
Metaphors | |
Microcredentials | |
Mindset | |
Mindset shift | |
motivation | |
multidisciplinary learning | |
Māori | |
N | |
non-programmers | |
O | |
Online assessment | |
online delivery | |
Online education | |
online learning | |
online work-experience | |
Orientation | |
Outcome Based Education | |
Outcomes-based evaluation | |
P | |
Partnership | |
Partnership Pedagogy | |
Pasifika | |
Pathways | |
PBL | |
Peer learning | |
Peer-Based Learning | |
Perceptions | |
Personal Academic Objectives | |
Personalised communication | |
pilot plant | |
Plastic recycling | |
PO attainment evaluation methods | |
practical skills | |
practice theories | |
pre-lecture content | |
Prior knowledge | |
problem solving | |
Problem solving skill | |
problem-based learning | |
procedural justice | |
Process mining | |
Professional identity | |
Professional skills | |
program learning outcomes | |
program logic model | |
Program Outcomes | |
Programming | |
Project based learning | |
Project-based | |
Project-based Learning | |
psychological safety | |
publication | |
publishing | |
python programming | |
Q | |
qualitative content analysis | |
R | |
Reflective Practice | |
Relational learning | |
Relationship building | |
research methodologies | |
research proposal | |
Retention | |
RHD student support | |
Robust statistics | |
Rubric | |
S | |
Sequences of Pedagogical Structure | |
SET | |
Sharepoint | |
Signals and Systems | |
Skills | |
skills development | |
Social and Economic Advancement | |
Social context of engineering | |
sociotechnical contexts | |
Software | |
software Industry | |
SoTL | |
Stage 1 competencies | |
STEM | |
STEM enrichment | |
student engagement | |
student evaluation | |
Student experience | |
student feedback | |
student outcomes | |
Student pathways | |
student problem-solving skills | |
Student Teams | |
Student Wellbeing | |
Students | |
students as partners | |
students learning | |
Students-as-partners | |
Surveying work camp | |
sustainability | |
Sustainability in engineering education | |
Sustainability principles | |
Sustainable Competencies | |
Sustainable development | |
systematic review | |
systems engineering | |
T | |
T-shaped graduate | |
teaching | |
teaching collaboration | |
Teaching engineering students | |
team-based | |
Team-based assessment | |
Team-based projects | |
Teamwork | |
Technological Design Context | |
Technological solutions | |
Technology | |
Technology-enhanced learning | |
Technology-enhanced teaching pedagogy and practice | |
Tertiary Education | |
test and evaluation | |
Textiles | |
thought experiment | |
Threshold concepts | |
tools | |
transformation | |
Transition | |
TRIZ Inventive Principles | |
Tutorial Solution Video | |
U | |
undergraduate engineering thesis | |
V | |
verification and validation | |
video production | |
Video Styles | |
visual learning | |
visual resources | |
W | |
WA requirements | |
Water literacy | |
WIL | |
work | |
Work Integrated Learning | |
Work Integrating Learning (WIL) | |
Work-integrated learning |