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1. 提供技术培训和支持,帮助老师掌握数字化教学工具的使用技巧,降低技术门槛;
2. 鼓励并激励教师参与数字化转型,设立奖励机制以增强改革主动性;
3. 建立知识产权保护机制,确保教师在数字化教学过程中的创新成果得到合理保护;
4. 加强数据安全管理,建立健全的数据保护制度和安全防护体系,保障教师和学生的信息安全。
1. 整合人工智能技术,提升教学智能化水平,例如利用智能辅助批改系统提高教学效率和质量;
2. 培养学生的信息素养和数据分析能力,引导他们主动参与数字化学习过程,实现个性化、定制化教学;
3. 推动教育大数据的应用,通过数据分析和挖掘,为教学决策提供科学依据,优化教学过程和结果;
4. 加强师生互动与合作,利用数字化平台促进教师之间的经验分享和合作研究,构建共享式教学资源库。
Application and Case Sharing of Digitization in Chinese Language Teaching
The digital transformation of higher education teaching entered a new phase in 2020, with significant changes occurring in Chinese language instruction. This transformation primarily involves four aspects: curriculum content, teaching resources, teaching methods, and teaching evaluation. This report will illustrate the application practices of digital teaching transformation in language education, using Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an example.
The digital transformation of Chinese language teaching includes digitization of curriculum content and teaching resources through design, production, and dissemination. In teaching implementation, digitization involves the design of digital teaching tools, pre-class previews, online supervision, offline interaction, and post-class exercises. In teaching evaluation, digitization encompasses aspects such as speech assessment, objective question assessment, and subjective question grading.
Teachers face various challenges in digital transformation, including technological barriers, initiative in reform, intellectual property rights, and data security. To help teachers address these issues, we can take the following measures:
1. Provide technical training and support to help teachers master the use of digital teaching tools and reduce technological barriers.
2. Encourage and incentivize teachers to participate in digital transformation by establishing reward mechanisms to enhance initiative in reform.
3. Establish intellectual property protection mechanisms to ensure that teachers' innovative achievements in digital teaching are properly protected.
4. Strengthen data security management by establishing sound data protection systems and security protocols to safeguard the information of teachers and students.
With the continuous emergence of new technologies, facing the development of artificial intelligence, digitalization will gradually evolve into "data intelligence." In this new stage, our considerations for empowering classrooms with "data intelligence" include:
1. Integrating artificial intelligence technology to enhance the intelligence level of teaching, such as using intelligent grading systems to improve teaching efficiency and quality.
2. Cultivating students' information literacy and data analysis capabilities, guiding them to actively participate in the digital learning process to achieve personalized and customized teaching.
3. Promoting the application of educational big data, providing scientific basis for teaching decisions through data analysis and mining to optimize teaching processes and outcomes.
4. Strengthening teacher-student interaction and collaboration by using digital platforms to facilitate experience sharing and collaborative research among teachers, thus building a shared teaching resource repository.
Through these considerations and practices, we can better realize the empowerment of classrooms with "data intelligence" and promote education digital transformation to a higher level.
09:30 | 工作坊: 文学性对话:基于图片或音视频材料的汉语口语及写作教学 |
11:30 | Literatur als (Ver)-Mittlerin von China-Kompetenz im Rahmen des Fremdsprachenunterrichts und darüber hinaus |
12:00 | China im Fachunterricht: Lehrpläne, Schulbücher, Materialien PRESENTER: Odila Schröder |
12:30 | Kompetenzvermittlung in der China AG – Zwischen Anspruch und Umsetzbarkeit |
11:30 | Chinesisch für Kinder: Wie können wir Sprache und Kultur im Unterricht erlebbar machen? |
14:00 | Unterrichtsmaterialien zur Schriftzeichendidaktik |
14:30 | Digital unterrichten mit Lóng neu PRESENTER: Uei Chiang-Schreiber |
15:00 | Personalisiertes Chinesischlernen mit dem Einsatz moderner (KI) Technologie PRESENTER: Michael Golth |
14:00 | Chinakompetenz im Sprachunterricht: Workshop für Lehramtsstudierende und Referendare PRESENTER: Lena Henningsen |
16:00 | Kriteriengeleitete Erstellung einer Materialsammlung für den schulischen Chinesischunterricht |