Days: Wednesday, July 7th Thursday, July 8th Friday, July 9th
Wednesday, July 7th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:30-09:45 Session 1: TC2021 Intro
Jason Davies (UCL, UK)
09:45-11:15 Session 2: Keynote (Julie Rattray)
Jason Davies (UCL, UK)
09:45 | On the Threshold of Power and Privilege (abstract) |
11:30-13:00 Session 3: UK and Europe 1-1
Anne Tierney (Heriot Watt University, UK)
11:30 | Liminality from the inside: Dimensions of students’ transformations in a threshold concepts-infused economics programme in South Africa (abstract) |
12:00 | Medical Student Simulation Teaching and Novel Threshold Concepts (abstract) |
12:30 | The Many Faces of Liminality - Thinking with Liminality (abstract) |
13:45-15:15 Session 4: UK and Europe 1-2
Abel Nyamapfene (University College London, UK)
13:45 | Threshold concepts in a physics course for students of environmental sciences (abstract) |
14:15 | Effectuation as Threshold Concept in Entrepreneurship? (abstract) |
14:45 | Threshold Connections: employing the Threshold Concept Framework to impact on classroom practice in secondary schools through collaborative research. (abstract) |
15:30-17:00 Session 5: UK and Europe 1-3
Julie Rattray (University of Durham, UK)
15:30 | Spatial response to liminality in first semester architect student’s design work. (abstract) |
16:00 | Bringing the student voice into threshold concept research - concept mapping in curriculum development (abstract) |
16:30 | The case for using Threshold Concepts for Learning Design in Creative Education (abstract) |
17:30-19:00 Session 6: USA and Canada 1-1
17:30 | Embracing Liminality: Tools for Negotiating Identity Shift in New-to-SoTL Colleagues (abstract) |
18:00 | Mixed Methods Strategies for Handling Methodological Issues within Threshold Concept Features (abstract) |
18:30 | Mapping core and threshold concepts across the interdisciplinary fields of One Health (abstract) |
19:30-21:00 Session 7: Keynote (Andrea Webb)
Susannah McGowan (Georgetown University, United States)
19:30 | Threshold Concepts to drive curriculum change (abstract) |
21:15-23:15 Session 8: USA and Canada 1-2
21:15 | Creating Networks of Practice through an Online Short Course (abstract) |
21:45 | Vital but not thresholds: Differentiating professional domain essentials and threshold knowledge (abstract) |
22:15 | Teaching students the threshold concept theory: A potential tool to develop students’ capacity to cope with liminality (abstract) |
22:45 | Describing the healthcare student threshold concept of interprofessionality: A phenomenography (abstract) |
Thursday, July 8th
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03:00-04:00 Session 9: Australia, New Zealand and China 1-1
03:00 | Threshold Concepts in the online learning space: A Study of Adult Learners' Transition, Attrition and Perseverance (abstract) |
03:30 | Acknowledging the affirmative: Evidence of supervision learning thresholds in thesis acknowledgements (abstract) |
04:45-05:45 Session 10: Australia, New Zealand and China 1-2
04:45 | The hidden threshold: the teacher’s bounded autonomy and tacit learning (abstract) |
05:15 | Incorporating shades of grey into higher education: Can we affect students’ tolerance of uncertainty/ambiguity through curricular practices? (abstract) |
09:00-10:30 Session 11: UK and Europe 2-1
Anne Tierney (Heriot Watt University, UK)
09:00 | Identity transformation: narratives of becoming a social care worker (abstract) |
09:30 | (Roundtable) Understanding the complexity of professional touch: combining qualitative research synthesis with threshold concepts (abstract) |
10:45-12:15 Session 12: UK and Europe 2-2
Julie Rattray (University of Durham, UK)
10:45 | Design and delivery of a new pre-qualifying doctoral programme: The experience of liminality when threshold concepts are not, yet, defined. (abstract) |
11:15 | Out of the comfort zone: the trouble with Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) (abstract) |
11:45 | Threshold concepts and unexpected transformations (abstract) |
13:00-14:30 Session 13: UK and Europe 2-3
Elia Gironacci (University of Warwick, UK)
13:00 | Research Title: How do undergraduate law students experience the learning threshold of law case reading? (abstract) |
13:30 | Threshold concepts in the Maltese secondary school economics classroom (abstract) |
14:00 | Mathematical proving as a threshold in undergraduate mathematics education (abstract) |
15:15-17:25 Session 14: UK and Europe 2-4
Michael Allardice (University of Dundee, UK)
15:15 | Why are we here? (abstract) |
15:25 | Threshold Concepts in Graduate Apprenticeships (abstract) |
15:55 | Roundtable: Upsetting the balance: liminality and academic identity during the Covid pandemic (abstract) |
16:55 | Crossing the Threshold into Law as a Mature Student (abstract) |
17:30-19:00 Session 15: USA and Canada 2-1
Susannah McGowan (Georgetown University, United States)
17:30 | Getting to the Hard Stuff: Talking and Walking Threshold Concepts to Advance Social Justice Learning in Teacher Education and Beyond (abstract) |
18:00 | Application of Threshold Concepts to the Science Taught in Art Conservation (abstract) PRESENTER: Alison Murray |
18:30 | Threshold Concepts in Religious Studies: A Qualitative and Theoretical Exploration of Threshold Concepts in a “Nodal” Curriculum (abstract) |
19:15-20:45 Session 16: USA and Canada 2-2
Jason Davies (UCL, UK)
19:15 | Developing interdisciplinary teaching resources for lexically ambiguous threshold concepts (abstract) |
19:45 | Transfer-mational Journey: Exploring Routes through Tough Places Across the Sciences (abstract) |
20:15 | Negotiating Pedagogical Perspectives: Adapting Threshold Concepts for a Shared Language of Writing Instruction (abstract) |
21:30-22:40 Session 17: USA and Canada 2-3
Matt Ravenstahl (FCPS, United States)
21:30 | Threshold Concepts Associated with ePortfolios (abstract) |
21:40 | Considering Art Education Through the Lens of Threshold Concepts and the Affective Dimension (abstract) |
22:10 | Becoming and Being: Threshold Concepts in Teacher Education (abstract) |
Friday, July 9th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
03:00-04:30 Session 18: Keynote (Julie Timmermans)
Andrea Webb (University of British Columbia, Canada)
03:00 | Keynote Session: Failure as a Native Informant (abstract) |
04:45-05:45 Session 19: Australia, New Zealand and China 2-1
04:45 | Crossing the threshold to expertise: Critical thinking for clinical practice (abstract) |
05:15 | Rites of Passage in Indigenous Studies (abstract) |
09:00-10:30 Session 20: UK and Europe 3-1
Elia Gironacci (University of Warwick, UK)
09:00 | Threshold Concepts in Translation Education: Investigating troublesome areas for undergraduate translation students in project-based learning (abstract) |
09:30 | Faculty Learning Communities: Threshold Concepts on holding it together (abstract) |
10:00 | Getting published in the publishing shark pool: a conceptual threshold crossing (abstract) PRESENTER: Gina Wisker |
10:45-12:15 Session 21: UK and Europe 3-2
Abel Nyamapfene (University College London, UK)
10:45 | Permanent Liminality Among Early Career Academics (abstract) |
11:15 | Knock, knock or Bang, bang? The moment when threshold concepts turn around a door (abstract) |
11:45 | The true nature of threshold concepts in teacher education as perceived of by Y1 and Y4 ELT student teachers in Oman (abstract) |
13:00-15:00 Session 22: UK and Europe 3-3
Julie Rattray (University of Durham, UK)
13:00 | Threshold Concepts: Universal or Contextual? A Round Table Discussion (abstract) |
14:00 | Don’t carry me over the threshold (abstract) |
14:30 | Exploring the use of multimodal screencasts for knowledge development in Higher Education (abstract) |
15:15-17:15 Session 23: UK and Europe 3-4
Elia Gironacci (University of Warwick, UK)
15:15 | Threshold graphics in occupational therapy: student learning in-between threshold concepts and inquiry graphics (abstract) |
15:45 | Can an Arts-Based Liminal Learning Experience Change Learner Cognition? (abstract) |
16:15 | Introducing threshold graphics: teaching and learning threshold concepts via inquiry graphics (abstract) |
16:45 | Threshold Graphics. A critical visual approach to threshold concepts in social care (abstract) |
17:15-17:30 Closing Remarks
Anne Tierney (Heriot Watt University, UK)