Days: Wednesday, November 20th Thursday, November 21st Friday, November 22nd
Wednesday, November 20th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
13:00-13:45 Session 1A: Optimization 1
Location: Room A
13:00 | Toward Tracking to Serial Movement for Two Swarm Intelligence Algorithms in Dynamic Environments (abstract) |
13:15 | Evolving Behaviour Trees for Supervisory Control of Robot Swarms (abstract) |
13:30 | Generating Collective Foraging Behavior For Robotic Swarm using Deep Reinforcement Learning (abstract) |
13:00-14:00 Session 1B: Macro-biosystems 1
Location: Room B
13:00 | Division of Labor at the Group Level in Ant Societies (abstract) |
13:15 | The Collective Burden of Choice in Group-living Organisms (abstract) |
13:30 | Collective Decision-making in Cockroaches and Potential Regulation Mechanisms of Behaviour within Groups (abstract) |
13:45 | Crab-like Robots Could be Regarded as Swarm-mates by Soldier Crabs (abstract) |
14:15-15:15 Session 2A: Optimization 2
Location: Room A
14:15 | Towards Adaptation to Environmental Change without Network Revision in Urban Transit Network Design Problem (abstract) |
14:30 | Tamper-Resistant Controller Using Neural Network for Time-varying Quantized Control (abstract) |
14:45 | Global Path for Covering Tasks Performed by Swarming Chloroplastic Robots (abstract) ![]() |
15:00 | Statistical Analysis on Activity Time Series of Ants, Camponotus japonicus (abstract) |
14:15-15:15 Session 2B: Macro-biosystems 2
Location: Room B
14:15 | Ant Microbial Endosymbionts and the Emergent Properties of Social Groups (abstract) ![]() |
14:30 | Autonomous Transition between Self-Avoiding Walk and Self-Attracting Walk in the Artificial Ant Model (abstract) |
14:45 | State Transition of Raiding Patterns based on Food Location by An Army Ant Model (abstract) |
15:00 | An Autonomous Role Assignment by Response Threshold Model Based on Contact Stimulus with Foraging Ants (abstract) |
14:15-15:15 Session 2C: UAV
Location: Room C
14:15 | Gesture-Based Interface for Multi-Agent and Swarm Formation Control (abstract) |
14:30 | A Study of Robotic Swarms and Emergent Behaviors using 25+ Real-World Lighter-Than-Air Autonomous Agents (LTA3) (abstract) |
14:45 | UAV Swarm with Mesh Radios: Development Update (abstract) ![]() |
15:00 | Disaster Response Simulation by Drones Using Group Decision Making Model BRT (abstract) ![]() |
15:30-16:30 Session 3A: Optimization 3
Location: Room A
15:30 | Hearing the Shape of a Chemical Reactor with a Deep Network of Swarms (abstract) |
15:45 | Distributed Possibilistic Learning in Multi-Agent Systems (abstract) |
16:00 | One-shot Path Planning for Multi-agent Systems Using Fully Convolutional Neural Network (abstract) |
16:15 | Distributed Size Estimation in Swarms by Network Reduction (abstract) |
15:30-16:30 Session 3B: Collective dynamics 1
Location: Room B
15:30 | Visualization of Dynamic Structure in Flocking Behavior (abstract) |
15:45 | Heap Paradox in Fish Schools (abstract) ![]() |
16:00 | Schooling of Silvery Fish – the Impact of Light Reflections (abstract) |
16:15 | Numerical Simulation Based on 3D Behavior Model for Fish Schooling (abstract) |
15:30-16:30 Session 3C: Formation
Location: Room C
15:30 | Formation of Planar Structures with Rollable and Jumpable Cubic Modular Robots (abstract) |
15:45 | Formation Control for Multiple Quadrotors Based on Optimal Regulation of Individual and Cooperative Performance Outputs (abstract) |
16:00 | Event-triggered Formation Control of a Multi-agent System (abstract) |
16:15 | Quantitative Evaluation for the Quality of the Military Parade (abstract) ![]() |
17:00-17:45 Session 4: Keynote Speech 1
Location: Room A
17:00 | The Ecology of Collective Behavior (abstract) |
Thursday, November 21st
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09:00-10:30 Session 5: Keynote Speech 2
Location: Room A
09:00 | Perspectives on Robotic Coordination and Bioinspiration (abstract) |
09:45 | Life as Collective Emergent Phenomena (abstract) |
10:45-12:15 Session 6A: Macro-biosystems 3
Location: Room A
10:45 | Pursuit Tactics of Predatory Bats: Predictive Shooting of Echolocation Sonar Beam and Appropriate Combination of Two Types of Flight Maneuvers (abstract) |
11:00 | Collective Departure in Feral Horses: Combining Wild Animals with Drone (abstract) |
11:15 | Population-level Coordination under Perceptual Constraints: the Impact of Neighbors within Auditory Range on Olive Baboon (Papio anubis) Hroup Movements (abstract) |
11:30 | Flashing Activity of Group of Firefly Luciola parvula in Fields: Camera-based Quantitative Measurement and Temporal Variation (abstract) |
11:45 | A Network Model of the Emergence of Stateless Complex Society in Southern Peru (abstract) |
12:00 | Modeling and Application of Frog Choruses as an Autonomous Distributed Communication System over Multiple Time Scales (abstract) |
10:45-12:15 Session 6B: Collective dynamics 2
Location: Room B
10:45 | Two Extentions of Heterogenous Boid Model (abstract) |
11:00 | Minimized BOID: Aggregation, Reunion, and Following without Spatial Information (abstract) |
11:15 | Detecting Information Cascading as Bursting Behavior in Honeybee Hives (abstract) |
11:30 | Lifetime Tracking of Bees Reveals Individual-level Variability in Nest Use with Age (abstract) |
11:45 | Behavioral Variance and Collective Motion (abstract) |
12:00 | Towards Collective Artificial General Intelligence: Learning from Constricted Communication Bottlenecks (abstract) |
10:45-12:15 Session 6C: Mobile robot
Location: Room C
10:45 | Ladder Climbing Robot Inspired by Octopus’s Behavior (abstract) |
11:00 | Simple Multi-legged Model Reveals that Retrograde-wave Gait Rather Attenuates Body Oscillation than Direct-wave Gait (abstract) ![]() |
11:15 | Self-organized Shape-optimizing Strategy for Single-legged Modular Robots to Traverse Unknown Gap Environment (abstract) |
11:30 | Control of a Passive Joint in a Snake Robot Using Rolling Motion (abstract) |
11:45 | Insect-Inspired Visual Navigation On-Board Autonomous Robots (abstract) |
12:00 | Development of Jumping Leg Mechanism of Bird Type Flying Robot and Jumping Experiment by Automatic Contraction and Release Using External Device (abstract) |
13:00-15:00 Session 7: Poster
Location: Poster
13:00 | P01: Simplified Manufacture Technique for Artificial Muscle (abstract) |
13:00 | P02: Realization of Flapping Motion of a Flapping Robot Based on Muscle Structure of Birds (abstract) |
13:00 | P03: Self-organized Diverse Forms and Migration Modes in Isolated Epithelial Cells (abstract) |
13:00 | P04: Neural Synchrony as a Social Coupling Mechanism (abstract) |
13:00 | P05: Multilevel Structure in Feral Horse Society: Evidence from Aerial Observation Using Drones (abstract) |
13:00 | P06: A report for the Ontogeny of Schooling Behavior in Homo- and Heterogeneous Tadpole Groups (abstract) |
13:00 | P07: A Machine-Learning Based Real-Time Analysis to Quantify the Effects of Gut Microbes in Social Insect Collective Behavior (abstract) ![]() |
13:00 | P09: Bipartite Network Analysis Reveals Task Allocation in Social Insects (abstract) |
13:00 | P10: Termites in Maze: Emergence of the Correct Route through Excitatory Transmission among Individuals (abstract) |
13:00 | P11: Behavior of Solitary Ant During Obstacle Navigation Depending on Methods for Food Transportation (abstract) |
13:00 | P12: Evaluation of Phototaxis of Pillbugs (Armadillidium vulgare) to Light Stimulus Intensity (abstract) |
13:00 | P13: Self-optimization in Biologically-inspired Topologies: Two Cases for the C. elegans Connectome (abstract) |
13:00 | P14: Self-organising Agent-Based Model to Study Stream-breaking Phenomenon During Aggregation Phase of Dictyostelium discoideum (abstract) |
13:00 | P15: H3BMO, A new Honey Bee HyperHeuristic based on the Mating Process (abstract) |
13:00 | P16: Mathematical Model for Flight of Bats in a Bounded Space (abstract) |
13:00 | P17: An Agent-based Model for the Community of Vampire Bats that Survive by Sharing Food (abstract) |
13:00 | P18: Quantitative Estimation of the Intensity of Intra- and Interspecific Competition by Population Growth Data in an Ant (abstract) |
13:00 | P19: Social and Genetic Structure of Monomorium triviale, a Clonal but Caste Dimorphic Ant (abstract) |
13:00 | P20: Regulatory Mechanism Predates the Evolution of Self-organizing Capacity in Simulated Ant-like Robots (abstract) |
13:00 | P21: Lévy Walks Emerge near a Critical Point (abstract) |
13:00 | P22: The Blind Swarm System with Minimized Boid An Implementation of a Swarm System Only Requires a Single Signal (abstract) |
13:00 | P23: Being Dumbledore’s Army (abstract) |
13:00 | P24: Guiding a Flock of Robots via a Locally Informed Teleoperated Robot (abstract) |
13:00 | P25: Analysis of Sheepdog-type Navigation for Minimal Sheep Model (abstract) |
13:00 | P26: Demonstration of Swarm Alignment Behavior by Distributed Acoustic Robots (abstract) |
13:00 | P27: Decentralized Control for Self-driving Cars Capable of Moving Fast, Smoothly, and Safely on Two-dimensional Plane (abstract) |
13:00 | P28: Motion Design of a Snake Robot to Pass through a Door (abstract) |
13:00 | P29: Adaptive Control of Flexible Marine Risers with Varying Length (abstract) ![]() |
13:00 | P30: Aquabot – A Modular Autonomous Underwater Robotics Platform (abstract) |
13:00 | P31: Towards a Novel Force-Stroke Characterization Method for Hydrogels in Energy-Autonomous Actuation in Distributed Sensing Networks (abstract) |
13:00 | P32: Feasibility Study of Cooperative Task Concept through Energy Gathering using Teslasheet Wireless Power Supply (abstract) |
15:15-16:15 Session 8A: Swarm systems 1
Location: Room A
15:15 | Swarm Robots Using Levy Flight in Targets Exploration -Computer Simulation for Performance of Levy Flight with Fixed and Updated Minimum Movement- (abstract) |
15:30 | Automated Construction of Metric Maps using a Stochastic Robotic Swarm Leveraging Received Signal Strength (abstract) |
15:45 | Adaptive Foraging Behavior of Swarm robots based on Simple Cooperation Mechanism (abstract) |
16:00 | Simulation for Cooperative Transportation of a Circular Object by Multi-Robot (abstract) |
15:15-16:15 Session 8B: OS: Engineering insect morphology by natural selection 1
Location: Room B
15:15 | Thorax Strength and Skeleton Reduction in Ant Workers (abstract) |
15:30 | Miniaturisation and Strength in Worker Ants: 3D Integration of Muscles and Skeleton in a Tiny Box (abstract) |
15:45 | Automated Tissue Segmentation of Micro-CT Images by Deep Learning and its Application to Comparative Morphology (abstract) |
16:00 | Neurobiology and Biomechanics of Ultra Fast Movement in the Trap-jaw Ant (abstract) |
15:15-16:15 Session 8C: OS: Advanced locomotive functions and control techniques for bio-inspired robots 1
Location: Room C
15:15 | Indirectly Controlled Combined Rimless Wheel That Consists of Eight- and Ten-legged Wheels via Entrainment Effect (abstract) |
15:30 | Stable Gait Generation of Impaired Biped Robot with One-side Actuation and Reaction Wheel on Other Side (abstract) |
15:45 | Conveyor Manipulation System Using High-speed Crawling-like Locomotion Robot (abstract) |
16:00 | A Novel Worm-like Locomotion Robot Slides on Slippery Ground with Asymmetric Inner Oscillation (abstract) |
16:30-17:30 Session 9A: Swarm systems 2
Location: Room A
16:30 | Constrained Optimization by Improved Particle Swarm Optimization with the Equivalent Penalty Coefficient Method (abstract) |
16:45 | Keep Calm and Vote on: Swarm Resiliency in Collective Decision Making (abstract) |
17:00 | Rethinking Natural Swarm Intelligence from the Crowded Selfish Herd Scenario (abstract) ![]() |
17:15 | Framework for Present Scalability in Swarm Robotic Systems and New Implementations to Increase Efficiency (abstract) |
16:30-17:30 Session 9B: OS: Engineering insect morphology by natural selection 2
Location: Room B
16:30 | Are Brains of Social Insects Special? (abstract) |
16:45 | Oral Fluid Exchange and the Power of the Social Circulatory System (abstract) |
17:00 | Division of Labor in Experimental Social Groups with Controlled Variation in Genetic, Demographic, and Morphological Composition (abstract) |
17:15 | Accessing nature’s genius: How can biologists organize biological knowledge to support inspired human innovation? (abstract) |
16:30-17:15 Session 9C: OS: Advanced locomotive functions and control techniques for bio-inspired robots 2
Location: Room C
16:30 | High-speed Crawling-like Locomotion Robot Using Wobbling Mass and Reaction Wheel (abstract) |
16:45 | A Novel Vibrating Conveyor System Based on Principle of Limit Cycle Walking (abstract) |
17:00 | Generation of Strict Stealth Walking Gait for 3-link Underactuated Biped Robot (abstract) |
Friday, November 22nd
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-10:30 Session 10: Keynote Speech 3
Location: Room A
09:00 | Current Swarm Robotics Research at IRIDIA: Mergeable Nervous Systems and Blockchain Based Smart Contracts for Robot Swarms (abstract) |
09:45 | Computational and Robotic Modeling of Social Interactions in Schooling Fish (abstract) |
10:45-12:30 Session 11A: OS: Swarm math
Location: Room A
10:45 | Mathematical Modeling of Self-propelled Particles for Understanding Collective Motions (abstract) |
11:00 | Separation of Pedestrian Counter Flows with an Array of Obstacles (abstract) |
11:15 | Feedback Control to Analyze the Coarse Behavior of Agent-Based Simulations and Experiments (abstract) |
11:30 | Optimization with Chases and Escapes (abstract) |
11:45 | Decentralized Topology Optimization Implemented as a Self-Organization of Multi-Agent Systems (abstract) |
12:00 | A Positive Role of Heterogeneity of the Agents in a Model of Group Chase and Escape (abstract) |
12:15 | Discontinuous Phase Transition in Chemotactic Aggregation with Density-dependent Pressure (abstract) |
10:45-12:15 Session 11B: Micro-biosystems
Location: Room B
10:45 | Effects of Robot Collisions on Collective Behavior in Evolutionary Robotic Swarms (abstract) |
11:00 | Using MAP-Elites to Optimize Self-Assembling Behaviors in a Swarm of Bio-micro-robots (abstract) |
11:15 | Bio-inspired Liquid Robots Mimicking the Cell Behaviour (abstract) |
11:30 | Interactive, Programmable Control of Collective Cell Migration in Living Tissues (abstract) |
11:45 | Influence of Dynamic-heterogeneity on Collective Cell Migration during Wound Healing (abstract) |