This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
a collection of drones | |
Acoustic communication | |
Action strategy | |
Active free energy | |
actuator malfunction | |
Adaptation to environmental change | |
adaptive control | |
age polyethism | |
Agent-based model | |
Aggregation | |
Alternative plan | |
Angular momentum | |
Animal behavior | |
animal movements | |
Animal society | |
Ant | |
Ant colony | |
Ants | |
Armadillidium vulgare | |
Army Ant | |
artificial cell | |
Artificial Evolution | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Artificial Life | |
Artificial Muscle | |
auditory range | |
Autonomous Distributed System | |
Autonomous robotics | |
autonomous role allocation | |
Autonomy | |
AUV | |
axially moving system | |
B | |
Bat | |
behavior | |
Behavior analysis | |
Behavioral Evolution | |
behaviour | |
Behaviour Trees | |
best of n | |
best-of-n | |
best-of-n decisions | |
Bio-Inspired Robotics | |
Bio-inspired Swarm Modeling | |
Bio-inspired technology | |
Bio-micro-robots | |
Biochemical-micro-robots | |
bioengineering | |
biology | |
Biomimetics | |
Bipedal robot | |
bird’s muscle | |
Body oscillation | |
body size | |
Boid | |
Boids model | |
boundary control | |
brain size | |
brain-to-brain synchrony | |
bumblebee | |
Bursting behavior | |
C | |
C. elegans | |
cell forms | |
cell migration | |
cells and tissues | |
chaos | |
Chemotaxis | |
cockroaches | |
collaboration | |
collective bahavior | |
collective behavior | |
Collective behaviour | |
Collective cell migration | |
Collective Intelligence | |
Collective migration | |
Collective Motion | |
collective motions | |
Combinatorial optimization | |
Combined rimless wheel | |
Communication | |
Community | |
Complexity | |
computer modeling and simulation | |
consensus decision-making | |
constrained optimization | |
continuous-time recurrent neural network | |
Continuum robot | |
contrarians | |
control algorithm | |
control-based continuation | |
Conveyor system | |
Cooperation | |
Cooperative Transportation | |
coordination | |
Covering task | |
criticality | |
Crowding Effect | |
cubic modular robot | |
cuticle | |
D | |
decentralised decision making | |
Decentralized control | |
Decentralized systems | |
decision-making | |
Deep learning | |
deep Q-learning | |
DeviceOrientationEvent | |
Diacamma sp | |
Dictyostelium discoideum | |
Direct wave gait | |
Distributed Control | |
distributed decision making | |
distributed learning | |
Distributed node counting | |
Distributed Sensing | |
distribution of objects | |
Division of labor | |
Door | |
doubt point | |
drone | |
droplet | |
dynamic heterogeneity | |
Dynamic Optimization Problems | |
E | |
EAPs | |
Echolocation | |
Education | |
elastic material | |
emergence | |
Emergence of Communication | |
endoskeleton | |
Energy Gathering Task | |
engineering | |
Entrainment | |
equivalent penalty coefficient method | |
Event-triggered control | |
evolution | |
Evolutionary robotics | |
Evolutionary theory | |
F | |
Feral horse | |
fine sensor | |
firefly | |
Fish schooling | |
Fish schools | |
Flapping flight robot | |
flashing activity | |
focal adhesions | |
foraging | |
Force Characterization | |
Formation control | |
Formica japonica | |
forwarding | |
G | |
Game theory | |
Generalization | |
Generative Topographic Mapping | |
Genetic Algorithm | |
Genetic Programming | |
geometry | |
gesture recognition | |
group chase and escape | |
group composition | |
group navigation | |
Group-Level Behavior | |
H | |
Hebbian learning | |
herding | |
heterogeneity | |
heterogeneous | |
hierarchical information exchange | |
Hierarchical structure | |
homing direction | |
Homogenizing effect | |
Honey-bees mating optimization | |
Honeybee | |
Hopfield neural network | |
horses | |
Human Swarm | |
human-computer interface | |
human-in-the-loop | |
Human-swarm interaction | |
Hydrogels | |
Hyflex | |
Hymenoptera | |
Hyperheuristic | |
I | |
Image-based tracking | |
Indirect excitation | |
Individual heterogeneity | |
Information Bottlenecks | |
Information cascading | |
Infrared Location | |
Integrated information theory 3.0 | |
inter-cellular force transduction | |
Interaction Swarm | |
Intercellular Communication | |
Intergroup interactions | |
Interlimb coordination | |
Intermittent animal motion | |
interspecific competition | |
Intraspecific Competition | |
IPMCs | |
J | |
Japanese horseshoe bat | |
Jumping leg mechanism | |
K | |
Kilobots | |
Kin selection | |
L | |
ladder climbing | |
lane formation | |
Language | |
laziness | |
leader cell formation | |
Learning | |
Legged robot | |
Levy Flight | |
Levy walk | |
lifetime tracking | |
Light reflections | |
lighter-than-air | |
Limit cycle | |
liquid robot | |
local communication | |
locusts | |
Luciola parvula | |
luminescent organism | |
Lyapunov functional | |
Lyapunov method | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
Mandl's benchmark problem | |
Manufacture Technique | |
many-particle models | |
MAP-Elites | |
marine riser | |
Mathematical model | |
MDCK cells | |
Mesh Communication | |
Mesh Network | |
metric mapping | |
micro CT | |
micro-CT | |
Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis | |
microCT | |
Microphone array | |
Mobile Robots | |
Modular | |
Molecular programming | |
Monodomy | |
morphology | |
Motion design | |
movement ecology | |
multi-agent system | |
multi-agent systems | |
multi-directional rolling and jumping | |
Multi-legged animal | |
Multi-path planning | |
Multi-robots system | |
multiagent system | |
Multilevel society | |
muscles | |
musculoskeletal system | |
N | |
Navigation | |
nest use | |
neural network | |
Neural Networks | |
neural synchrony | |
neuron numbers | |
nonlinear dynamics | |
numerical bifurcation analysis | |
Numerical simulation | |
Nutrition | |
O | |
obstacle navigation | |
Ocean optics | |
octopus-inspired robot | |
ontogeny | |
OpenPose | |
Orientation estimation | |
origins of social complexity | |
ornithopter | |
oscillations | |
P | |
Parade | |
Particle Swarm Optimization | |
Passive dynamic walking | |
passive joint | |
Path generation | |
Patlak-Keller-Segel model | |
pattern formation | |
Pattern recognition | |
pedestrian control | |
Pedestrian flow | |
pharaoh ant | |
Phototaxis | |
physiology | |
planar structure formation | |
Point-footed biped | |
Polydomy | |
polygyny | |
population-based optimization algorithm | |
Possibility theory | |
Potential games | |
Predator-prey interaction | |
Problem of chases and escapes | |
Pursuit behavior | |
Q | |
quadrotors | |
Quality-diversity algorithms | |
quantitative measurement | |
Quorum Sensing | |
R | |
random searches | |
Rayleigh-Morse equations | |
Reaction-diffusion | |
Reactive behavior | |
Real Time Data Analysis | |
Reconfigurable modular robot | |
regulation | |
Rehabilitation | |
reinforcement learning | |
reproductivity effect | |
response threshold model | |
Retrograde wave gait | |
Rimless wheel | |
Robot | |
Robot collisions | |
Robot embodiment | |
Robot-animal | |
Robotics | |
S | |
Scalability | |
schooling | |
Self propelled particle | |
Self-attracting | |
Self-avoiding | |
Self-driving cars | |
self-optimization | |
Self-organization | |
self-propelled particles | |
Selfish Herd | |
Semantic Segmentation | |
Semi-passive walking | |
servo motor | |
sheepdog-type strategy | |
Shepherding | |
Short distance takeoff | |
sliding | |
Sliding friction | |
Sliding locomotion | |
slippery level surface | |
small signal | |
snake robot | |
social cognition | |
social coordination | |
social coupling | |
social dynamics | |
Social Evolution | |
social fluids | |
Social force model | |
Social insect | |
Social insects | |
social interactions | |
social network | |
Social network analysis | |
social networks | |
Social organization | |
Social Spider Optimization | |
Sociality | |
soft robot | |
Speaker array | |
State Transition of Raiding Patterns | |
Stochastic robotic swarm | |
stress fibers | |
Strict stealth walking | |
Sub-diffusion | |
Super-diffusion | |
superorganism | |
Supervisory Control | |
Swarm | |
swarm control | |
Swarm Raid | |
swarm resiliency | |
Swarm Robot | |
Swarm robotic systems | |
Swarm robotics | |
swarm robots | |
swarming | |
T | |
tadpole | |
tamper-resistant controller | |
Teleoperation | |
Teslasheet | |
The paradox of the heap | |
the ritual process | |
thorax | |
Time-series analysis | |
time-varying quantizer | |
topological data analysis | |
Topology optimization | |
Trap-jaw ant | |
Traveling salesman problem | |
Turing pattern | |
Two Dimensional Communication | |
U | |
UAV | |
ultra-fast movement | |
underactuated system | |
Underactuated systems | |
Underwater | |
Urban transit network design problem | |
V | |
Vampire bat | |
varying length | |
vibration suppression | |
Video Tracking | |
Virtual reality system for animals | |
visual information | |
Visual navigation | |
W | |
Waggle dance | |
waggling | |
Water tank experiment | |
Wireless Power Supply | |
Wobbling mass | |
Wonderful life utility | |
Worm-like robot | |
wound healing | |
X | |
X-ray live imaging | |
Z | |
zealots | |
fl | |
flapping robot |