Days: Thursday, November 25th Friday, November 26th Saturday, November 27th
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Yajun ZOU, Vice Precident, Nanjing University
Guohua JI, Dean, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University
Zhenjiang SHEN, Foreign Academic of Japanese Academy of Enginneering, Kanazawa University
Greeting of each conference venues
Prof. Tsuyoshi HONJO, SPSD2019 Chair, Chiba University
Prof. Yasushi ASAMI, Vice President, The University of Tokyo
Prof. Feng ZHEN
SPSD2021 Conference Chair, Nanjing University
Dr. Kai WANG, President, China Academy of Urban Planning & Design
Dr. Timothy Jung, Director of Augmented and Virtual Reality Hub, Manchester Metropolitan University
Prof. Yenjong CHEN, Department of Urban Planning, Chengkung University
Dr Zhiqiang Feng, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh
Prof. Respati Wikantiyoso, Vice Rector, Universitas Merdeka Malang
Prof. Liangxiu HAN, Director of Centre for Advanced Computational Science, Manchester Metropolitan University
Prof. Yan LI, Vice President, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:10 | Analysis on the Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the Characteristics of Spatially Aggregated Elements in Urban Area (abstract) |
09:30 | The effects of Urban Landscape Pattern Evolution on Habitat Quality based on InVEST Model: A case of Harbin City (abstract) PRESENTER: Shuo Lv |
09:50 | Systematic review of bibliometrics-based spatial planning and sustainable development studies (abstract) |
10:10 | Optimizing the Habitat Quality of East Lake Scenic Area in Wuhan (abstract) |
09:10 | Spatial Characteristics and Evolution of Korean Nationality’s House in Tumen River Basin (abstract) |
09:30 | Research on the Protection and Renewal of Urban Historic District——Taking Cuiwei Village in Zhuhai City as an Example (abstract) ![]() |
09:50 | Using phenomenology theory as a trigger to explore the place spatial planning with adaptable growth of urban sustainable community A Case Study (abstract) PRESENTER: Qi Ge |
10:10 | Design and Research of Smart Scenario for Urban Underground Space (abstract) |
09:10 | Research on the Impact of Built Environment Factors on Urban Rail Transit Ridership Based on Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression Model: A Case Study in Chengdu, China (abstract) |
09:50 | Using Google Street View Panoramas to quickly evaluate the environmental aesthetics quality of Urban Blue Spaces (abstract) PRESENTER: Shixian Luo |
10:10 | Rural Landscape Vulnerability Assessment Method Incorporating Human Disturbance Factors: The Case of a Autonomous Prefecture in Southwestern China (abstract) ![]() |
09:10 | Exploring objective and subjective correlates with the vitality of agro-industrial complex companies in Korea: a structural equation model of psychometric survey data (abstract) |
09:30 | Study on spatial pattern evolution of shenyang city based on fractal theory (abstract) |
09:50 | How sustainable are the old industrial campuses and what can we learn from them? (abstract) |
10:10 | A study on business resumption before and after the lifting of evacuation order in the nuclear power plant affected area -A Study of Odaka, Minamisoma City, Five Years after the Lifting of Evacuation Order- (abstract) |
09:10 | Adaptative Strategies of Urban Park Planning for Climate Change (abstract) |
09:30 | The study of Benefit Assessment for Environment Improvement of Temporary Open Space : An Empirical Study of Taipei City (abstract) |
09:50 | A Summary of Urban Simulation Model Research —Based on the Whole Process of Japan's Territorial Planning (abstract) |
10:10 | The Pattern of Land Use Integration in Historic Areas to the CBD Zone: Comparative Study of Space Syntax Attributes on Malang, Melaka, and Kanazawa [from6E] (abstract) |
09:10 | Differences of local residents’ perception towards environment influenced by stream flow: A survey of the communities in the Upo Ramsar Wetland (abstract) PRESENTER: Baysok Jun |
09:30 | The Trend in Small-Size Residence for Single-Person Households and Distribution pattern of Urban-Life Housing around the University Campuses in Seoul (abstract) |
09:50 | A Spatial Planning Technique Using Ecological Knowledge of Local Residents: A study from the Hojobeol area of Shiheung City, Korea (abstract) |
10:10 | Reforming the Lifescape of Yangmingshan National Park with a Human-centric Building Management System (abstract) PRESENTER: Yen-Lyn Lin |
09:10 | Introducing a New Principle of Territorial Subsidiarity Reconfigured at Scales of Social Proximity in Situations of Catastrophic Disaster Events (abstract) PRESENTER: Nabil Menhem |
09:30 | Geographically and temporally weighted colocation quotients and its analysis of urban crime patterns in the Greater Manchester (abstract) |
09:50 | Key Factors of Bicycle Transportation in Winter Cities (abstract) |
10:10 | The Application Direction of Urban Integration Measurement and Planning Driven by Big Data -a case study of Nanjing and Jurong City, China[from6C]] (abstract) PRESENTER: Pengfei Fang |
09:10 | Resilience of Cultural Landscape Heritage for Urban Heritage Area (abstract) |
09:30 | People’s impressions and preferences of a historic street: Balancing heritage conservation and sustainable development (abstract) |
09:50 | Sustainable Agricultural and Tourism Area based on Community Participation in Greneng, Central Java, Indonesia (abstract) |
10:10 | Voices from the Edge Road: A Challenge for Making Denpasar a Walkable City (abstract) |
10:40 | Urban Attraction Policies for Science and Technology Talent in China (abstract) |
11:00 | [Unregistered, removed from 6A 11:20]Analysis of temporal and spatial distribution pattern of urban nighttime social activities based on multi-source data (abstract) |
11:20 | Analysis and Research on the Node Space of Ancient Villages Based on Space Syntax [from6C] (abstract) ![]() |
10:40 | Blockchain technology for food security: a case study of grain storehouse tender mode in Huzhou City (abstract) |
11:00 | Spatio-temporal distribution and environmental factors of lung cancer mortality (abstract) PRESENTER: Jingjing Tang |
11:20 | How Climate Change Impacts Urban Infrastructure in the Northeastern China and its Coping Strategies: An Analysis from Policy-Making Perspectives (abstract) |
11:40 | Research on the Spatial Features of Cuiwei Historic District Based on Space Syntax (abstract) ![]() |
10:40 | Man-made Impervious Surface and Its Potential Heat-related Threats to the Public Health (abstract) |
11:00 | IoT based Big Data Analytics for Elderly People’s Behavior in Home-based Care (abstract) |
11:20 | Research on smart city planning from the perspective of technology and civilization -Take Suzhou Taihu Science City as an example (abstract) |
10:40 | The Relationship of Land Assembly and Prices of Cost Equivalent Land in the Equalization of Land Rights Act: The Case Study of Taiwan (abstract) PRESENTER: Hsiao-Jui Su |
11:00 | The Impact of Land Use System in Japan, The Netherlands, and The United Kingdom on Permit Management (abstract) PRESENTER: Ruolan Lei |
11:20 | Green Open Space Alocation Based On Vegetation Density And Urban Surface Temperature In Palu [from6H] (abstract) |
10:40 | Analyzing the scientific evolution of Smart Village Research using science mapping (abstract) PRESENTER: Qian Wang |
11:00 | Understanding characteristics and role of spatial residential segregation for inclusive development in urban areas: A comparative study (abstract) |
11:20 | Study on the effectiveness of the Shiga Prefecture Watershed Control Ordinance (abstract) |
10:40 | An empirical study on the decision-making behavior of the elderly's Willingness to the Nomadic Style of Nursing Home — A case study of JiaXing City (abstract) |
11:00 | Travel Characteristics and Influencing Factors of the Elderly on the MRT:A Case Study in New Taipei and Taipei City (abstract) |
11:20 | Mobility Pattern Model of Educational Facilities Distribution Based on Space Syntax Analysis in the East Malang Development Area. (abstract) |
10:40 | Residents’ Perceptions and Attitudes Towards Winter in Cold Climate City (abstract) |
11:00 | Comparative Analysis of Yas Island Master Plans Between 2020 and 2030 by Using Space Syntax (abstract) |
11:20 | The Underlying Factors of Regionally Differentiated Covid-19 Impacts in Turkey (abstract) |
11:40 | Urban Design Strategies for Human Health and Emotional Wellbeing (abstract) |
10:40 | Mobility Pattern Model of Educational Facilities Distribution Based on Syntax Analysis Space in the East Malang Development Area. (abstract) |
11:00 | The Location of Temporary Evacuation Shelter (TES) in the Tsunami Prone of Palu Coastal Area (abstract) |
11:20 | Evaluation Of The Shape Of Tree Crowns To Protect Air Quality On The Roadside From The Co2 Dispersion Produced By The Transportation (abstract) |
11:40 | The Role of the Palu Local Government for Disaster Emergency Response 28 September 2018 (abstract) |
13:10 | The impact of urban parks accessibility in cold regions on leisure-time physical activity levels of older adults in winter (abstract) PRESENTER: Yifang Zhang |
13:30 | Research on Behavioral Characteristics of Bus Riders in a Compact City — A Case Study of Kumamoto City (abstract) PRESENTER: Qiaoling Fang |
13:50 | Research on the Evolution of the Spatial Structure and Complexity Characteristics of Urban Rail Transit Networks in Big Cities——Taking Beijing and Shanghai as Examples (abstract) PRESENTER: Pang Lei |
14:10 | Exploring the Impacts of Built Environment on Bike-sharing Trips Based on Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression: The Case of Guangzhou (abstract) PRESENTER: Guiyu Chen |
13:10 | Study on residents' willingness to community gardens construction in post epidemic Era:Investigation from Wuhan (abstract) |
13:50 | Social Capital: A critical asset for urban migrant workers’ livelihood security (abstract) PRESENTER: Andrew Kyaw |
14:10 | Research on the vitality, problems and Strategies of living streets based on POI data——Taking Qianshan District of Zhuhai City as an Example (abstract) ![]() |
13:10 | Study on close contacts between pedestrians in underground shopping streets using computer-vision tools (abstract) |
13:30 | Human-made flood driving forces in flood-prone areas: The case investigation of Cantho city, Vietnam (abstract) |
13:50 | Optimizing spatial allocation of COVID-19 vaccine by agent-based spatiotemporal simulations (abstract) |
13:10 | Study on the Demand Characteristics of Buying and Using Shared Electric Vehicles (abstract) |
13:30 | A Design Guideline on Smart Devices Allocating and Networking for Smart Environment Services in Smart and Healthy Building (abstract) PRESENTER: Yu Tian |
13:50 | Developing an online-historical building story maps based on 3D GIS and laser scanning for urban heritage digital governance (abstract) |
14:10 | Recognition and Classification of Riverscape Based on Cloud Image Annotation API (abstract) PRESENTER: Jiaying Shi |
13:10 | Disaster Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Strategies in Industrial Park (abstract) |
13:30 | Changing attitudes to flood defense in Japan -Through text mining analysis of newspaper editorials (abstract) PRESENTER: Yuuki Imai |
13:50 | Estimating Evacuation Shelter Capacity Based on Population Number used Machine Learning Method, Case Study: 2020 Hitoyoshi Flood in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan (abstract) PRESENTER: Arbi Surya Satria Ridwan |
14:10 | Importance of Investing in Disaster Prevention in Upstream Areas Revealed by the 2019's Huge Typhoon Disaster in Japan (abstract) |
13:10 | Applying Cultural Life Circuit to Vitalise Urban Living Environment (abstract) |
13:30 | Research on the benefit of natural ventilation in the living space of residential institutions for the elderly (abstract) |
13:50 | Multi-participation evaluation system on the renewal of urban villages: a study of residents and neighborhoods (abstract) |
14:10 | Existing building administration for the requirements of the rapid changing society’s responsibility analysis (abstract) |
13:10 | Participation in the adaptive reuse of private-led cultural heritages: two Dutch cases (abstract) |
13:30 | Impacts of Study Area Spatial Form on Co-Location Quotient Analysis: Evidence from Medical Resources in Wuhan City (abstract) |
13:50 | Main Aspects of the Legal System of Spatial Planning (Territorial Planning) and Development in Central-Eastern Europe on the example of Lithuania and Poland (abstract) |
14:20 | Street mobility metrics for analysing walking patterns. [from 5G] (abstract) |
14:40 | UrbanPS: A site selection framework for urban power station at micro-scale using genetic algorithm and geospatial big data (abstract) |
15:20 | Spatial layout characteristics and planning enlightenment of urban physical business under O2O e-commerce model: A case study of catering space in downtown Shenzhen (abstract) |
15:40 | Research on Spatial Characteristics of Urban Agglomeration Association Networks Based on Railway Travel (abstract) |
14:40 | Evaluation of Rural Public Space Service Functions in Highly Urbanized Areas: A Case Study of Rural Suburban Areas of Beijing (abstract) |
15:00 | Analysis of Environmental Factors Influencing the Choice of Running Paths Based on Big Data Visualization: Case Study of Washington D.C. (abstract) |
15:20 | Measurement and spatial pattern analysis of equalization level of basic public services-- Take Fujian Province as an example (abstract) |
15:40 | Design and Research on scenic visualization of Smart Library (abstract) |
14:40 | Analysis and Research on the Process of Industrial Development and Transformation of Historical Villages——Taking Cuiwei Village in Zhuhai City as an Example (abstract) ![]() |
15:00 | Study on the defensive characteristics of traditional civilian fortress settlements in central Henan --Taking Shenhou ancient town in the Ming and Qing Dynasties as an example (abstract) ![]() |
15:20 | Discussion on the protection and development of the native Hakka culture under the urban planning of Macau -- Take Ka Ho Village as Research Object (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Jiayue Fan |
15:40 | Discussion on Urban Epidemic Prevention and Control in Chang 'an City in Tang Dynasty (abstract) ![]() |
14:40 | Research of urban ventilation and NO2 pollutant distribution of different building configuration in Taiwan (abstract) PRESENTER: Chienying Tsai |
15:00 | Guideline on Smart Device Selection for Smart Environment Services in Smart and Healthy Building (abstract) PRESENTER: Yu Tian |
15:20 | [Unregistered, removed from 8D 15:00]Beijing Air Pollution Issues and Citizens' Environmental Awareness -- From the Viewpoint of Environmental Governance (abstract) |
15:40 | Effects of rising urban temperatures on the residents – A case study of Kolkata Metropolitan Region (abstract) |
14:40 | A Spatial Institutional Response to Industrial Land Use Policy towards Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Taiwan (abstract) |
15:00 | Correlation analysis between land-use and river pollution based on distance and concentration approaches for protecting algal reef ecosystem in Taoyuan’s coast (abstract) |
15:20 | The Impact of Land Ownership in Japan, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom on The Permits Management (abstract) PRESENTER: Xiao Teng |
15:40 | Research and International Comparison on the Depth Regulations of Underground Space Planning and Utilization (abstract) PRESENTER: Sinan Yue |
14:40 | Possibility of land use control by Disaster Hazard Area (abstract) |
15:00 | Analysis of the Process of Deciding on the Place of Residence of Households Affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake -A Case Study of District A, Area U in Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture- (abstract) |
15:20 | Analysis of changes in the residence rate after lifting of evacuation order due to the Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant accident -Five municipalities in the Hamadori region of Fukushima Prefecture- (abstract) |
15:40 | Changes in the Unified Exterior Form Facing on the Street and the Influencing Factors in Suburban Detached Residential Area - A Case Study of Mihara-Satsuki-no-danchi, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan- (abstract) |
16:10 | Determinants of House Prices in Small Cities in Northwest China (abstract) ![]() |
16:30 | The Study On Evaluation Index System Of Village Merger In Zhangjiakou (abstract) PRESENTER: Fan Yang |
16:50 | The Impact of The Spread of Pollutants in Different Urban Densities (abstract) |
17:10 | Analysis on the status quo and construction problems of domestic urban civil air defense engineering system (abstract) ![]() |
16:10 | Assessing the environmental benefits of urban ventilation corridors: A case study in Hefei, China (abstract) |
16:30 | Disparity in visiting preference for urban parks from a gender perspective with machine learning approach in Guangzhou, China (abstract) |
16:50 | A Systematic Literature Review and Research Frontier Analysis of Health Research in urban green space (abstract) |
16:10 | Discuss the ecological city planning in urban planning and design (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Jiayue Fan |
16:30 | Wearable Intelligence - a virtual fitness trainer for improving quality of life in communities (abstract) |
16:10 | Changes in Space Usage Behaviors after the Implementation of Seoul’s Bus Rapid Transit Project in Jongno Street: A Social Data Analysis (abstract) |
16:30 | The possibility of transit-oriented reorganizing Overview: A case study of low density occurrence around railway station spheres in Japanese conurbation (abstract) |
16:50 | Take “smart entrance” as an breakthrough point to discuss the feasibility of designing smart building with Unity. (abstract) |
16:10 | Research on the overlook landscape of Matsudo City based on the citizens' landscape preference (abstract) |
16:30 | Keyword Analysis of Forest Therapy in China Using Mapping and Bibliometrics (abstract) |
16:50 | Differences in perceived naturalness and preferred spaces among urban park visitor groups in Seoul, Korea (abstract) |
17:10 | Waterfront Developments and Public Space; Abu Dhabi’s mangroves as a Case Study (abstract) |
16:10 | Living Structure for Transforming Modern Cities to Be Living or More Living (abstract) |
16:30 | A Performance-Based Approach for Using Spatial Indicators in Sustainable Spatial Planning and Placemaking (abstract) |
16:50 | Retrofitting Existing Urban space Implementing neighborhoods parks and Walkability in Abu Dhabi City (abstract) |
17:10 | Modelling and analysing 3D urban colourscapes to support environmental design [from 6A] (abstract) |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:10 | Quantitative Study and Mapping of Mixed Use in the Old City Area Based on POI Data: A Case Study of Nanjing, China (abstract) PRESENTER: Yiwen Huang |
09:30 | Evaluation of Redevelopment Strategy for Industrial Zone in Urban Plan Area Based on SDGs Concept (abstract) |
09:10 | Study on the determinants of place attachment in suburban cities in the Greater Tokyo Area -- A Case Study of a University Self-Study Program for landscaping in NPO UDSK (abstract) |
09:30 | What Is New Ruralism and Why Does It Need for Spatial Planning: Focusing on Application to Korea as a New Rural Planning Principle (abstract) |
09:50 | Study on the actual situation of flood inundation risk in disaster base hospitals (abstract) |
09:10 | Assessment of the accessibility and activity intensity to identify future development priorities in Hefei city subway network. (abstract) |
09:30 | Estimating Walk Score and Examining Its Association with Safety Factors of Neighborhood Environment in Kumamoto, Japan (abstract) PRESENTER: Qiaohui Zhou |
09:50 | Prediction and control on population density determined by facility density —— A case of residence attraction areas in Kumamoto, Japan (abstract) |
10:10 | Assessment on Perceived Ecosystem Benefits of the local ecological assets in Jeju island (abstract) |
09:10 | Investigating the institutional challenges of urban governance towards smart city - The case study of Ho Chi Minh City (abstract) |
09:30 | Special Economic Zone of Amirabad Port in Caspian Sea; The Gateway to Trans-Regional Communications and Enhancing of the Corridor North-south International Transport (abstract) ![]() |
09:50 | Resilience oriented land use allocation for Taiwan (abstract) |
10:10 | The Impacts, Regional Innovation Systems, and Changes in the Post-Pandemic World-A Case Study of Taiwan (abstract) |
Closing Remark by Prof. Guangwei HUANG, Sophia University
Introduction of SPSD2023 Conference, by next SPSD Chair