This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
# | |
#MeToo | |
#NoMoreCraptions | |
#WhyISign | |
2 | |
2016 Presidential Election | |
A | |
Academia | |
Academic Conferences | |
Academic Impact | |
Academic Performance | |
Activity systems analysis | |
Actor-Network-Analysis | |
Adjustment | |
Adolescence | |
Adoption | |
advertisement | |
aesthetic entreprenurship | |
AfD | |
Affective Labour | |
Africa | |
age | |
Agency | |
Agenda Setting Theory | |
agreements | |
Algorithmic Imaginaries | |
Algorithms | |
Alternative social media | |
Ambiguity in Language | |
anonymity | |
API | |
Application Programming Interfaces | |
Asymmetric polarization | |
Athleisure brands | |
Athlete Activism | |
Athlete Representation | |
Audience Commodity | |
Australia Day | |
authenticity | |
Avatars | |
B | |
Bayesian network | |
Belief propagation | |
beverage | |
big data | |
Bipartite network projection | |
birthright citizenship | |
Body ideals | |
Bot Classification | |
botometer | |
Bots | |
botscan | |
botting | |
Brands | |
breaking news | |
breakthrough innovation | |
Brett Kavanaugh | |
C | |
Canada | |
Cancer disease | |
case study | |
case study selection | |
Change Management | |
changemyview | |
Charlottesville Protest | |
chilling effects | |
China | |
Chinese social media | |
citizen'e engagement | |
citizens' engagement | |
citizenship norms | |
classroom | |
climate change | |
clusters | |
collective action | |
college students | |
Colorism | |
Communication patterns | |
Communication Style | |
community | |
Community Detection | |
Community health | |
community of practice | |
community practices | |
comparison of smartphone and Internet addictions | |
complementors | |
Compulsive Internet Use Scale | |
Compulsory Mobile Internet Usage Scale | |
computational methods | |
computational social science | |
Computer-Mediated Introduction | |
Computer-Mediated Trustworthiness | |
consent | |
Consumer privacy | |
Content analysis | |
content curation | |
contentious politics | |
context collapse | |
Conversational analysis | |
Coordinated Domestic Troll | |
coping | |
CoreNatural Langauge Processing | |
craving | |
credentials | |
Credibility | |
crowdsourcing | |
CSW | |
cultural differences | |
Cultural ecosystem service | |
Cultural Identity | |
Culture | |
customer service | |
D | |
data | |
data analysis | |
data analytics | |
data ethics | |
Data Mining | |
Data privacy | |
data protection | |
data reduction | |
Datafication | |
Deaf | |
Death | |
decision making | |
Deepfakes | |
Deliberation | |
dialogic communication | |
diaspora | |
Diet | |
digital activism | |
digital divide | |
Digital evidence | |
Digital Feminism | |
Digital Gatekeeping | |
digital labor | |
digital media | |
digital memory | |
Digital scholarship | |
digital trace data | |
Disclosure | |
Discourse | |
distraction | |
Dykelands | |
E | |
E-cigarettes | |
e-participation | |
e-petitioning | |
Early career scholars | |
easy data | |
Echo chambers | |
education | |
educational tool | |
effective use | |
eHealth | |
Electronic Petitioning | |
emerging adulthood | |
Employee Brand Equity | |
Empowerment | |
Endorsement | |
Engagement | |
environmental movements | |
environmental regulatory governance | |
ethnic minorities | |
Event-Driven Communities | |
Exercise | |
Experience sampling method | |
extreme speech | |
F | |
faculty members | |
Fake news | |
Fake pornography | |
fear of missing out | |
feeds | |
Female victims | |
femininities | |
field site sampling | |
filtering ability | |
Finsta | |
Fitness Industry | |
food | |
Frame Analysis | |
framing | |
friends | |
G | |
gamification | |
gamification design | |
Gender | |
gender differences | |
Geo-target | |
Goals and Values | |
Government | |
government crowdsourcing | |
government social media use | |
Grief | |
H | |
hard data | |
hashtag | |
Hashtag Feminism | |
Hashtags | |
Health | |
Healthcare | |
healthcare technology | |
High Performance Athletes | |
high school | |
Higher education | |
Human trafficking | |
human-centered design | |
humanitarian | |
I | |
Identity | |
image | |
immigration | |
india | |
Indigenous peoples | |
inferences | |
influencer | |
Influencers | |
Informal Learning | |
informatics | |
Information Repertoire | |
Information Sources | |
Infrastructure Studies | |
Innovation Studies | |
instagram marketing | |
Instagram platform labour | |
Intergroup social dominance | |
international students | |
Internet addiction | |
Internet governance | |
internet localization | |
Internet skills | |
Internet trolling | |
interorganizational trust | |
interpersonal communication | |
Interview study | |
IPv6 Deployment | |
Issue Mapping | |
J | |
journalism | |
JSON | |
L | |
language use analysis | |
learning | |
Learning in the wild | |
Life Course | |
Lifestyle | |
Linguistic Analysis | |
Linked Data | |
Listeners | |
Literature review paper | |
loan | |
location sharing | |
longitudinal research | |
Lurking | |
M | |
machine learning | |
male HPV vaccination | |
media consumption | |
media use | |
Mental Health | |
messages boards | |
Metadata | |
method development | |
methods | |
MeToo | |
mining | |
misinformation | |
mixed methods | |
Mobile Application | |
Mobile Applications | |
mobile crowdsourcing | |
mobile learning | |
Mobile platform | |
mobilization | |
Model | |
modularity | |
Mongolia | |
motivation | |
motivations | |
multi-platform | |
multitasking | |
N | |
Narcissism | |
Narrative | |
Natural disasters | |
neoliberalism | |
network | |
network analysis | |
Network Mapping | |
networked framing | |
Networked individualism | |
networks | |
newcomer | |
Newcomers | |
news | |
News Media | |
NodeXL | |
Nonmonogamy | |
nutrition | |
O | |
Online abuse | |
online campaign | |
online communities | |
Online Dating | |
Online discussion forum | |
online discussion group | |
online engagement | |
online groups | |
Online harassment | |
online health discourse | |
Online persuasion | |
online privacy literacy | |
online resources | |
online social networks | |
Open Scholarship | |
Open source | |
organizational communication | |
Organizational Socialization | |
outrage language | |
P | |
paleontology | |
Partisanship | |
pedagogy | |
Perception | |
Permissions | |
Personal health information | |
Persuasion | |
platform partnerships | |
Platforms | |
Podcasting | |
Podcasts | |
Polarization | |
policy | |
policy reading attitudes | |
policy reading behavior | |
political campaigns | |
Political Communication | |
political engagement | |
Political Message Diffusion | |
political participation | |
political polarization | |
politics | |
Polyamory | |
Preparation of Future Faculty | |
privacy | |
privacy attitudes | |
privacy concerns | |
privacy cynicism | |
Privacy Discourse | |
privacy literacy | |
privacy paradox | |
privacy policy | |
Professional development | |
Professionalisation | |
profiling | |
Public discourse | |
public engagement | |
public engagement with science and technology | |
public sector | |
public service innovation | |
public trust | |
Q | |
Qualitative Analysis | |
qualitative data | |
Qualitative Research | |
qualitative sampling | |
quality | |
Quantitative Analysis | |
R | |
Radio | |
Recursive Governance | |
remix | |
research ethics | |
Researcher Identity | |
Retweet Network | |
Review | |
right to be forgotten | |
RSS | |
rules | |
Russian Facebook Ads | |
Russian Propaganda | |
S | |
Satisfaction | |
scale development | |
Scholarly Communication | |
scholars | |
schools | |
science communication | |
scientific communication | |
selective exposure | |
selective self-presentation | |
self-control | |
self-disclosure | |
Self-esteem | |
Self-harm | |
Self-injury | |
Self-objectification | |
Self-stigma | |
semantics | |
sentiment analysis | |
sexual assault | |
Sexual assault trials | |
Sexual image sharing | |
Sexuality | |
Shared Responsibility | |
Sharing Behaviors | |
Sharing Economy | |
Smart City | |
Smartphone addiction | |
Smartphone Addiction Scale | |
Snapchat | |
social adjustment to college/university | |
Social Bot | |
social exclusion | |
Social Media | |
Social Media Analytics | |
Social media bots | |
Social media community | |
social media engagement | |
Social Media Engineering | |
social media ethics | |
social media in education | |
social media in teaching | |
social media marketing | |
social media monitoring | |
Social media motivations | |
Social media networks | |
social media use | |
Social media use in government | |
social movement | |
social movements | |
Social Network Analysis | |
Social Networking Platforms | |
social networking site | |
Social Networks | |
social support | |
Software studies | |
Spatiotemporal | |
Speculative Videos | |
State Legislatures | |
structural equation model | |
students | |
Supervised Machine Learning | |
support | |
surveillance | |
Surveillance capitalism | |
surveillance realism | |
survey | |
Survey methodology | |
Surveys | |
susceptibility | |
sustainable governance | |
Swinging | |
Synthetic media | |
Sysomos | |
systematic review | |
T | |
teachers | |
technological affordances | |
Technopanic | |
teenagers | |
Telecommunications | |
Temporal Practices | |
temporality | |
terms of service | |
text | |
Text Analysis | |
text mining | |
Thanatology | |
The Conversation | |
Time | |
Topic Modeling | |
Trackers | |
traditional media | |
Transnational Publics | |
Transport for London (TfL) | |
trust | |
trust in service providers | |
trust towards public agencies | |
trustworthy computing | |
Tumblr | |
U | |
U.S. immigration | |
Undergraduate Students | |
United States | |
university | |
university branding | |
US Intelligence Agency | |
user perceptions | |
Users | |
Users' Perceptions | |
V | |
Visual Culture | |
W | |
web history | |
Web Professionals | |
Wikipedia | |
willingness to accept | |
women | |
Workplace Relationships | |
Y | |
Youth | |
YouTube | |
YouTuber | |
“ | |
“likes” |