Days: Tuesday, June 18th Wednesday, June 19th Thursday, June 20th

Tuesday, June 18th

View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview

10:15-11:15 Session 2: Keynote Address: Mirko Noordegraaf
Marie Østergaard Møller (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Mirko Noordegraaf (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
‘Professional’ Street-Level Bureaucracy (PSLB) – Changing Forms of Professionalism in Public Service Delivery (abstract)
11:15-11:30Short Break
11:30-13:00 Session 3A: STREAM 10.1 - Collaborative Innovation in Street-level Research: Co-creating knowledge between research and practice
Mark Considine (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Dorte Caswell (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Dorte Caswell (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Tanja Dall (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Strengthening responsiveness through innovation and Co-creation of Knowledge between Employment Services and Research (abstract)
PRESENTER: Dorte Caswell
Discussant: Mette Sønderskov
Nina Solberg (VID Specialized University, Norway)
Human encounters in the welfarestate - a study of meetings between case managers and users in allocation office in Norway (abstract)
Discussant: Dorte Caswell
Mette Sønderskov (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway)
Anna Kirah (Kristiania University College, Norway)
Anat Gofen (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Facilitating bottom-up street-level innovation through positive deviance (PD) (abstract)
Discussant: Nina Solberg
11:30-13:00 Session 3B: STREAM 7.1 - Professional Mandate and Policy in Action: Practising Social Work in Street-Level Bureaucracies
Paul Van der Aa (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands)
Asia Loiferman Kogan (University of Haifa, Israel)
Einat Lavee (University of Haifa, Israel)
Street level managers’ influence on frontline practices with poor clients (abstract)
Katerina Mikulcova (University of Ostrava, Czechia)
Veronika Mia Racko (University of Ostrava, Czechia)
The construction of the unmotivated client as a tool for solving the dilemma between control and reflexive approaches of social workers working with vulnerable children in the Czech Republic (abstract)
Fabio Cappello (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Paolo Rossi (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Mara Sanfelici (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Care and control of service users: professional and organizational dilemmas for social workers in the initial access to social services (abstract)
PRESENTER: Fabio Cappello
11:30-13:00 Session 3C: STREAM 12.1 - SLB from the Client Perspective: Variations
Vincent Dubois (University of Strasbourg, France)
Aurélie Gonnet (Roskilde University (associate to CEET, CNAM), Denmark)
François Sarfati (Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne (associate to CEET, CNAM), France)
Jules Simha (CERLIS, Université de Paris (associate to CEET, CNAM), France)
Keeping the/at a distance. An analysis of the social construction of relations to the institution of unemployment (abstract)
PRESENTER: Aurélie Gonnet
Ingrid Witte (Örebro University, Sweden)
Thomas Strandberg (Örebro University, Sweden)
Johanna Gustafsson (Örebro University, Sweden)
Does gender matter in Supported Employment? A qualitative study of participants’ experiences (abstract)
PRESENTER: Ingrid Witte
Michal Gilboa (University of Haifa, Israel)
Saar Alon-Barkat (University of Haifa, Israel)
A multidimensional approach for exploring public sector stereotypes and their impact on citizens’ perceptions (abstract)
PRESENTER: Michal Gilboa
11:30-13:00 Session 3D: STREAM 11 - Setting the Scene for Street-level Bureaucracy in the Global South: Opportunities and challenges in context-based approaches
Dario Raspanti (University of Florence, Italy)
Rebecca Paraciani (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan), Italy)
Daniela Leonardi (University of Parma, Italy)
Antonella Golino (University of Molise, Italy)
Daniela Grignoli (University of Molise, Italy)
Sara Santini (INRCA - National Institute of Health and Science on Aging, Italy)
Welfare, older people and migrant women working in the care sector: a survey in central Italy (abstract)
PRESENTER: Antonella Golino
Kine Bækkevold (EFTA, Norway)
Ingunn Bjørkhaug (Fafo, Norway)
Shai Divon (NMBU, Norway)
Unpacking Resettlement: Exploring UNHCR street-level bureaucrats selection practices in Rwanda (abstract)
PRESENTER: Kine Bækkevold
Ana Caruso (FLACSO Argentina, Argentina)
Digital Transformations in Street Level Bureaucracies: the experience of a rural municipality in Argentina (abstract)
Juliana Montesano (University of Strasbourg - University of San Martín, France)
Beyond Automation: How Street-Level Bureaucrats Mitigate Flaws in Argentina's Universal Child Allowance (abstract)
11:30-13:00 Session 3E: STREAM 1.1 - Management and Organization of State-citizen Encounters
Niklas A. Andersen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Nicolette van Gestel (Tilburg University, Netherlands)
Flemming Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Street-level implementation of social policy in new forms of hybrid governance (abstract)
Elias Pekkola (Tampere University, Finland)
Rómulo Pinheiro (University of Agder, Norway)
Luiz Alonso de Andrade (Tampere University, Brazil)
Emmi Siirtola (Tampere University, Finland)
Resilience by chance or by design? Investigating social policy implementation evolution (abstract)
Avishai Benish (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Outsourcing Expertise: The Reconfiguration of Professionalism under the Regulatory Welfare State (abstract)
Emeli Shanks (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Marie Sallnäs (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Tommy Lundström (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Evelina Fridell Lif (Stockholm University, Sweden)
David Pålsson (Stockholm University, Sweden)
The Swedish foster care market: The field of independent foster care in an international context (abstract)
14:00-15:30 Session 4A: STREAM 10.2 - Collaborative Innovation in Street-level Research: Co-creating knowledge between research and practice
Mark Considine (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Dorte Caswell (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Stefan Szücs (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Making responsible innovation work: Creation and performance of a unique healthcare system (abstract)
Katrine Syppli Kohl (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Ditte Shapiro (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Marie Sandberg (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Rikke Egaa Jørgensen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Boundary obstacles in social innovation within the affective borderscape of deterrence (abstract)
Discussant: Stefan Szücs
14:00-15:30 Session 4B: STREAM 7.2 - Professional Mandate and Policy in Action: Practising Social Work in Street-Level Bureaucracies
Urban Nothdurfter (Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy)
Sarah Alminde (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Hanne Warming (Roskilde University, Denmark)
The role of templates and onboarding programs for frontline workers’ practice: The case of child participation in the Danish Agency of Family Law (abstract)
PRESENTER: Sarah Alminde
Sanni Lindroos (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Street-level workers’ discretion in administrative crisis in adult social work (abstract)
Elena Allegri (University of Piemonte Orientale (Eastern Piedmont), Italy)
Mara Sanfelici (University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy)
Anti- oppressive street level bureaucrats? An Italian study on social workers practices (abstract)
PRESENTER: Mara Sanfelici
14:00-15:30 Session 4C: STREAM 12.2 - SLB from the Client Perspective: Capitals
Merete Monrad (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Monika Senghaas (Institute for Employment Research, Germany)
Administrative capital from the client perspective: How citizens experience, respond to and cope with street-level bureaucracy in the context of welfare conditionality (abstract)
Daniela Leonardi (University of Turin, Italy)
lower classes and institutions: interactions, lack of interactions, conflicts (abstract)
Helle Cathrine Hansen (Oslo Metropolitan University, NOVA/Norwegian Social Research, Norway)
Old age poverty and welfare service encounters in the Norwegian welfare state (abstract)
14:00-15:30 Session 4D: STREAM 9.1 - Integrity, Psychological Safety and Equal Treatment
Marie Østergaard Møller (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Kim Loyens (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Ministerial advisors switching sides. A qualitative case study in Belgium (abstract)
Discussant: Gabriela Lotta
Shelena Keulemans (Radboud University, Netherlands)
The fearless workplace: Uncovering pathways to psychological safety at the frontlines (abstract)
Discussant: Kim Loyens
Gabriela Lotta (Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil)
Facing Authoritarian Populism: The Impact on Street-Level Bureaucrats and Public Service Delivery (abstract)
Discussant: Shelena Keulemans
Nadine Raaphorst (Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University, Netherlands)
Frontline interactions on inequal treatment of clients: an analysis of (in)equality talk (abstract)
Discussant: Michael Hill
14:00-15:30 Session 4E: STREAM 1.2 - Management and Organization of State-citizen Encounters
Nicolette van Gestel (Tilburg University, Netherlands)
Leif Kongsgaard (Aalborg University & Væksthusets Research Center, Denmark)
Reactive numbers: Exploring quantitative data as interventions in street-level bureaucracy work. (abstract)
Niklas Andersen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Arrested development - The lock-in mechanisms of performance regimes (abstract)
Kerstin Jacobsson (Göteborgs universitet, Sweden)
Hakan Johansson (Lund University, Sweden)
Governing Street-Level Bureaucracies: Towards a New Analytical Framework (abstract)
15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Session 5A: STREAM 4.1.1 - Digital Activation: How automation, algorithms and machine learning are reshaping public employment services
Sabina Pultz (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Silje Andresen (Fafo, Norway)
Maria Volckmar-Eeg (Fafo, Norway)
Artificial Intelligence in Norwegian Welfare Services: Caseworkers' Discretionary Decision-Making Process (abstract)
PRESENTER: Silje Andresen
Mareike Sirman-Winkler (Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany)
Daria Szafran (University of Mannheim, Germany)
Sonja Mei Wang (University of Wuppertal, Germany)
Algorithmic Profiling in Public Employment Services: A Systematic Review on the Effects on Caseworkers and Jobseekers (abstract)
Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
How context matters: human oversight of automated-decision-making systems in welfare administration (abstract)
Emma Holden (SETU, Ireland)
P.J. White (SETU, Ireland)
Brian Casey (SETU, Ireland)
Aisling Tuite (SETU, Ireland)
Antoinette Jordan (SETU, Ireland)
Ray Griffin (SETU, Ireland)
Public Labour Market Infrastructure: New digital horizons for public employment services (abstract)
PRESENTER: Emma Holden
16:00-17:30 Session 5B: STREAM 7.3 - Professional Mandate and Policy in Action: Practising Social Work in Street-Level Bureaucracies
Bettina Leibetseder (Landshut University of Applied Sciences, Austria)
Paul van der Aa (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands)
Leonie le Sage (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands)
Dutch practitioners’ perspectives on the added-value of social work engagement in job activation (abstract)
PRESENTER: Leonie le Sage
Tanja Dall (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Perceptions of professionalism among clients and social workers in public employment services (abstract)
16:00-17:30 Session 5C: STREAM 12.3 - SLB from the Client Perspective: Perceptions
Merete Monrad (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Miriam Raab (IAB Institute for Employment Research, Germany)
A burden on top of a burden? How welfare recipients’ interactions with street-level bureaucrats impact their experiences of administrative burden (abstract)
Borbála Kovács (Babeș-Bolyai University & Aarhus Universitet, Romania)
Jeremy Morris (Aarhus Universitet, Romania)
Describing "the system" from a user perspective: How welfare bureaucratic experiences make use of generalisations about "the" Romanian state (abstract)
PRESENTER: Borbála Kovács
Einat Lavee (University of Haifa, Israel)
The ‘Trust Paradox’: Explaining Clients’ Perceptions of Street Level Bureacrats (abstract)
Elise Massicard (CNRS/Ceri Sciences Po, France)
Which citizens solicit street-level bureaucrats and why? Insights from Turkey’s muhtars (abstract)
16:00-17:30 Session 5E: STREAM 1.3 - Management and Organization of State-citizen Encounters
Niklas A. Andersen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Tone Alm Andreassen (OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Eric Breit (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway)
Chris Rønningstad (OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Coordination through soft or hard boundaries? Exploring the effects of street-level managers’ configurational boundary work on coordinated employment and social services (abstract)
Ruth-Ellen Slåtsveen (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Torunn Wibe (The City of Oslo, Norway)
Liv Halvorsrud (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Anne Lund (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Interdisciplinary frontline teams in home-based healthcare: A study of trust model practices, paradoxes and dual belongings. (abstract)
Anne Hege Strand (Fafo, Norway)
Heidi Moen Gjersøe (VID Specialised University, Norway)
Navigating the roles of a service provider and a civil servant: activation services for young welfare users (abstract)
PRESENTER: Anne Hege Strand
Wednesday, June 19th

View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview

09:00-10:30 Session 6A: STREAM 4.1.2 - Digital Activation: How automation, algorithms and machine learning are reshaping public employment services
Michael McGann (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Ray Griffin (SETU, Ireland)
Aisling Tuite (SETU, Ireland)
Antoinette Jordan (SETU, Ireland)
Considering the animating ethos of designing digital first unemployment services: On the motivation of others (abstract)
PRESENTER: Ray Griffin
Jeremiah Brown (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
Binary Logic on the Frontlines: The Impact of Reshaping Discretion in the Digital Welfare State (abstract)
Marie Meilvang (UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole, Denmark)
Stella Mia Siehling-Monas (Københavns Professionshøjskole, Denmark)
Automatization of documentation in frontline social work (abstract)
PRESENTER: Marie Meilvang
09:00-10:30 Session 6B: STREAM 7.4 - Professional Mandate and Policy in Action: Practising Social Work in Street-Level Bureaucracies
Leonie Sage (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands)
Ofri Shalev Greenman (Haifa University, Israel)
Einat Lavee (Haifa University, Israel)
“Only under my terms”: Gender differences in street-level bureaucrats’ engagement in informal practices (abstract)
Kirstine Karmsteen (VIVE - the Danish Center for Social Science Research, Denmark)
Tea Bengtsson (VIVE - the Danish Center for Social Science Research, Denmark)
Sofie Henze-Pedersen (VIVE - the Danish Center for Social Science Research, Denmark)
Anne Mette Møller (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Transformations of Caseworkers’ Child Welfare Assessments Over Time: A Replication Study Using Vignettes to Track Changes in Practice (abstract)
Anders Kristensen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Enhancing Collaboration in Physical Child Abuse Cases: A Comprehensive Analysis of Intersectoral Challenges in Denmark (abstract)
Ingunn Myraunet (Oslo Metropolitan University / VID Specialized University, Norway)
Providing integrated care in interprofessional teams with peer support (abstract)
09:00-10:30 Session 6C: STREAM 12.4 - SLB from the Client Perspective: Burden or Support?
Vincent Dubois (University of Strasbourg, France)
Marie Rønshaugen (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway)
Siv Fladsrud Magnussen (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU), Norway)
Mette Sønderskov (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway)
Street-Level Bureaucracy: Perpetuating vulnerability among already marginalized clients? (abstract)
Helle Bendix Kleif (Aalborg University, Denmark)
48 cases of NEET’s: Coming to terms with the status quo? (abstract)
Merete Monrad (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Counter-emotions in the resistance of welfare recipients: the significance of online communities for coping with administrative burdens (abstract)
09:00-10:30 Session 6D: STREAM 9.2 - Bureaucratic Practices of Inclusion and Exclusion
Nadine Raaphorst (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Ingrid Espinoza (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Who deserves to be treated with (more) respect? Using Language as an Indicator of Behavior to Understand Deservingness Preferences (abstract)
Discussant: Michael Hill
Camilla Nordberg (Åbo Akademi University, Finland)
Paula Merikoski (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Bureaucratic violence and practices of silence in linguistically diversifying welfare institutions (abstract)
PRESENTER: Camilla Nordberg
Discussant: Ingrid Espinoza
Ahrum Chang (California State University Sacramento, United States)
Representative Bureaucracy on a Continuum: How Street-Level Interactional Contexts Change Bureaucratic Behavior (abstract)
Discussant: Nissim Cohen
Marie Møller (aalborg university, Denmark)
Michael Hill (University of Newcastle, UK)
Gabriela Thomazinho (FGV, Brazil)
Gabriela Lotta (FGV, Brazil)
Shared ideals – different circumstances (abstract)
PRESENTER: Marie Møller
Discussant: Camilla Nordberg
10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Session 7A: STREAM 4.1.3 - Digital Activation: How automation, algorithms and machine learning are reshaping public employment services
Ray Griffin (South East Technological University, Ireland)
Minela Kvakic (Østfold University College, Norway)
Karl Kristian Larsson (Child and Family Agency, Oslo Municipality, Norway)
Caseworkers on the digital streets: Discretion in the digital decision-making process (abstract)
PRESENTER: Minela Kvakic
Louise Jørring (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
(Re)crafting casework? how caseworkers create work meaning in the age of automation (abstract)
Åsa Mäkitalo (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Mona Lundin (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Mikaela Åberg (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
The invisible professional helper: Encounters at the digital frontline of public education (abstract)
PRESENTER: Åsa Mäkitalo
11:00-12:30 Session 7B: STREAM 4.1 - AI Technologies and their Consequences for Street-level Work
Ida Bring Løberg (The Norwegian Directorate of Labor and Welfare, Norway)
Rebecca Paraciani (University of Bologna, Italy)
Roberto Rizza (University of Bologna, Italy)
Issues on Digital Discretion. Exploring Street-Level Bureaucrats dealing with E-Government in Italy (abstract)
Discussant: Helena Iacobaeus
Julia Carlsson (Borås University, Sweden)
Teres Hjärpe (Lund University, Sweden)
Petra Svensson (Halmstad University, Sweden)
Digitalized social service- formation of "new" street-level relations and professional compensation (abstract)
PRESENTER: Julia Carlsson
Discussant: Ida Bring Løberg
Helena Iacobaeus (Linköping University, Sweden)
Johanna Sefyrin (Linköping University, Sweden)
Elin Wihlborg (Linkoping university, Sweden)
What's in a name? – How street-level bureaucrats label citizens while enhancing digital citizenship (abstract)
PRESENTER: Helena Iacobaeus
Discussant: Julia Carlsson
Ida Bring Løberg (The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, Norway)
Street-level bureaucracies in a digital age – how old structures operate in a new context (abstract)
Discussant: Rebecca Paraciani
11:00-12:30 Session 7C: STREAM 6.1 - Immigration, Integration and Street-level Work in Increasingly Diverse Societies
Karen Nielsen Breidahl (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Theresa Herzog-Abusaeeda (WU Vienna, Austria)
Street-Level Perspectives: Navigating Right-Wing Policies in Educational counselling for refugees (abstract)
Karen Nielsen Breidahl (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Jonas Krogh Madsen (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Burdens in the immigration system: Fragile encounters and how they matter! (abstract)
Martin Brussig (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Peter Kupka (Institut for Employment Research (IAB), Germany)
How job centres in Germany deal with the mental health of refugees (abstract)
PRESENTER: Martin Brussig
11:00-12:30 Session 7D: STREAM 9.3 - Bureaucracy and Place
Gabriela Lotta (Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil)
Paul du Gay (Royal Holloway University of London, Denmark)
Kirstine Zinck Pedersen (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Bureaucratic backsliding at state and street-level (abstract)
Discussant: Mia Arp Fallov
Giordano Magri (Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil)
Matthew Richmond (New Castle University, UK)
Street-level bureaucracy and territory: normative regimes and inequalities in São Paulo´s Cracolândia (abstract)
PRESENTER: Giordano Magri
Discussant: Anne Mette Møller
Mia Arp Fallov (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Andreas Møller Jørgensen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
An exploration into the configuration between place-social work -community: A conversation between Critical perspectives and ANT (abstract)
PRESENTER: Mia Arp Fallov
Anne Mette Moller (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
The Power of Writing things Down: Record Keeping in Frontline Work as Bureaucratic, Professional and Relational Practice (abstract)
Discussant: Giordano Magri
13:30-15:00 Session 8A: STREAM 3.1 - Unemployment Arrangements and Policy Delivery at the Street-level
Mikkel Bo Madsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Mark Considine (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Phuc Nguyen (La Trobe University, Australia)
What makes a good service model that effectively supports highly disadvantaged jobseekers? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Phuc Nguyen
Frank Bauer (Institute for Employment Research, Germany)
Street-level-bureaucrats within a triadic constellation: A new service for long-term unemployed in Germany (abstract)
Sebastian Brandl (University of Applied Labour Studies (HdBA), Germany)
Thorsten Braun (VIA University College, Denmark)
Edda Merete Luth (VIA University College, Denmark)
Michaela Schulze (University of Applied Labour Studies (HdBA), Germany)
New routes? Different ways of cooperation between SLBs and employers (abstract)
PRESENTER: Michaela Schulze
Kjetil Lundberg (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway)
Conditional Inclusion: Employers’ roles in work Inclusion policies targeting immigrant clients in Norway (abstract)
13:30-15:00 Session 8B: STREAM 4.2 - AI Technologies and their Consequences for Street-level Work
Ida Bring Løberg (The Norwegian Directorate of Labor and Welfare, Norway)
Janne Petroons (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Marjolijn De Wilde (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Koen Hermans (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Wim Van Lancker (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Linking automation and de jure discretion of street-level bureaucrats in social assistance (abstract)
PRESENTER: Janne Petroons
Discussant: Paolo Rossi
Paolo Rossi (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
Francesca Maci (University of Parma, Italy)
When the screens become the streets (abstract)
PRESENTER: Paolo Rossi
Discussant: Nora Germundsson
Nora Germundsson (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Hugo Stranz (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Åke Bergmark (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Reducing Administration? Unpacking the adoption of Robotic Process Automation in Swedish Social Assistance (abstract)
PRESENTER: Nora Germundsson
Discussant: Janne Petroons
13:30-15:00 Session 8C: STREAM 6.2 - Immigration, Integration and Street-level Work in Increasingly Diverse Societies
Andrea Spehar (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Hanne Kavli (Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Norway)
Florian Sichling (University of Vienna, University of Missouri - St. Louis, Austria)
Cultural diversity in street-level practice: Migrant-origin social workers during a refugee crisis in Germany (abstract)
Franziska Schreyer (Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Germany)
Katja Hartosch (Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Germany)
Thorsten Schlee (University Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
Translating Political Goals into Street-level Practice: New Inequalities, Job Centres and Ukrainian Refugees in Germany (abstract)
Karen N. Breidahl (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Evelyn Z. Brodkin (University of Chicago, United States)
Managing life in limbo: A street-level view of asylum-seekers' struggle to manage life at the edge of the welfare state (abstract)
13:30-15:00 Session 8D: STREAM 8.1 - Frontline Responsiveness
Marie Østergaard Møller (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Flávio Eiró (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Polarized frontlines: the politics of identities in policy implementation (abstract)
Aisling Tuite (South East Technological University, Ireland)
Ray Griffin (South East Technological University, Ireland)
Tracing the rise of ‘de-caring’ in social welfare policy and politics (abstract)
PRESENTER: Aisling Tuite
Mariana Scaff Haddad Bartos (University of Groningen / Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
Health Care for People Deprived of Liberty: analysing prison primary care teams through the lens of intersectorality (abstract)
Discussant: Aisling Tuite
Emily Corbett (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Michael McGann (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Mark Considine (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Towards trauma-informed employment services: Implications for street-level practice in the delivery of welfare-to-work (abstract)
PRESENTER: Emily Corbett
Discussant: Flávio Eiró
15:00-15:30Coffee Break
15:30-16:30 Session 9: Keynote Address: Anat Gofen
Marie Østergaard Møller (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Anat Gofen (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Bottom-up Policy Change: Upward processes in policymaking (abstract)
18:30-22:00 Conference dinner (optional): Restaurant 'Meyers i Tårnet'

Address: Christiansborg Slotsplads, 1218 Copenhagen

NB! Please note that the restaurant is situated in the Tower which is part of the Danish Parliament’s area. This means that all guests must go through the security check at the entrance.

Thursday, June 20th

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10:00-11:30 Session 10A: STREAM 3.2 - Unemployment Arrangements and Policy Delivery at the Street-level
Tea Bengtsson (Vive - the Danish Center for Social Science Research, Denmark)
Levana Magnus (University of Bristol, UK)
Activating couples under Universal Credit: street-level and household perspectives on welfare reform in the UK (abstract)
Mathias Herup Nielsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
A social investment state perceived from the street-level: Tensions within employment services (abstract)
Mareike Sirman-Winkler (Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany)
Justine Marienfeldt (University of Potsdam, Germany)
Markus Tepe (University of Bremen, Germany)
Street-level bureaucrats’ role identity – self-conceptualization and associated challenges (abstract)
Claudia Globisch (Institute of Employment Research (IAB), Germany)
Peter Kupka (Institute of Employment Research (IAB), Germany)
Kathrin Englert (Center for Evaluation and Policy Advice (ZEP), Germany)
Creative Discretion at the Frontline between Management and Budgets (abstract)
PRESENTER: Claudia Globisch
10:00-11:30 Session 10B: STREAM 2.1 - Co-production in Street-level Bureaucracy
Matilde Høybye-Mortensen (VIA University College, Denmark)
Tone Alm Andreassen (OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Therese Saltkjel (OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Does street-level organizations’ location in the service hierrarchy shape professionals’ conceptions of youth at risk? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Therese Saltkjel
Matilde Høybye-Mortensen (VIA university college, Denmark)
Coping in collaborative work (abstract)
Discussant: Therese Saltkjel
10:00-11:30 Session 10C: STREAM 6.1 - Immigration, Integration and Street-level Work in Increasingly Diverse Societies
Karen Nielsen Breidahl (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Maristella Cacciapaglia (University of Milan, Italy)
Paola Bonizzoni (University of Milan, Italy)
Maurizio Artero (University of Milan, Italy)
Long-awaited yet still pending: the case of 2020 amnesty program in Italy as experienced by foreign workers and employers (abstract)
Astrid Ouahyb Sundsbø (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Norway)
Immigration, integration and street-level work - Empirical insights from a in-depth case study of nav (in Bergen, Norway) (abstract)
Mariella Falkenhain (Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Research Unit "Joblessness and Social Inclusion", Germany)
Emilie Dobrovolski (Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Germany)
Nadja Brenning (Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Germany)
Maya Kim (Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Germany)
Why don‘t they work? System experience and work motivation of Ukrainian refugees in Germany (abstract)
10:00-11:30 Session 10D: STREAM 8.2 - Citizen Responsiveness
Michael Hill (Prof. emeritus, University of Newcastle, UK)
Hanna Carlsson (Radboud University, Netherlands)
Ludo Glimmerveen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Moving towards clients, but not too much: How home care workers and managers use boundary work repertoires to balance the need for responsiveness with the need to uphold regulations in the superdiverse context of Amsterdam (abstract)
PRESENTER: Hanna Carlsson
Discussant: Maja Müller
E. Lianne Visser (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Nadine Raaphorst (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Marie Østergaard Møller (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Eduard Schmidt (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Bernard Bernards (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Conceptualizing citizen responsiveness (abstract)
PRESENTER: E. Lianne Visser
Discussant: Hanna Carlsson
Maja Müller (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Mette Rømer (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Responsiveness from a citizen perspective. How do vulnerable citizens experience responsiveness in the front line of social work? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Maja Müller
Discussant: E. Lianne Visser
11:30-11:45Coffee Break
11:45-13:15 Session 11A: STREAM 3.3 - Unemployment Arrangements and Policy Delivery at the Street-level
Mathias Herup Nielsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Lena Kjeldsen (VIA University College, Denmark)
Finn Amby (VIA University College, Denmark)
Edda Luth (VIA University College, Denmark)
The long and winding road to a flexi-job in Denmark: From floating to fixed categories? (abstract)
PRESENTER: Lena Kjeldsen
Heidi Moen Gjersøe (OsloMet, Norway)
Andreea Alecu (OsloMet, Norway)
Espen Dahl (OsloMet, Norway)
Magne Bråthen (OsloMet, Norway)
The impact of inner-organisational factors of welfare and employment offices’ provision of activation services to long-term health beneficiaries (abstract)
Mikkel Bo Madsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Workplace Inclusion Capacity (abstract)
Johanna Gustafsson (Örebro University, Sweden)
Collaboration between employment support services and employers in successful work inclusion of persons with disabilities (abstract)
11:45-13:15 Session 11B: STREAM 2.2 - Co-production in Street-level Bureaucracy
Matilde Høybye-Mortensen (VIA University College, Denmark)
Andreja Pegan (University of Primorska, Slovenia)
Peter Aagaard (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Third-sector professionals in the mix of governance paradigms: Evidence from Denmark, England and Slovenia (abstract)
PRESENTER: Peter Aagaard
Discussant: Antoine Etienne
Erella Hamilton (Ashkelon Academic College, Israel)
Dikla Asraf (Ramat Eliyahu Urban Regeneration Administration, Israel)
From a Technocratic house committee to a residents' council: Definitions change due to a discourse between Street-level bureaucrats and neighborhood residents. (abstract)
PRESENTER: Erella Hamilton
Discussant: Peter Aagaard
Antoine Etienne (University of Strasbourg, France)
Housing First: an ethnography case study of practical fullfilment of "direct acess" principle (abstract)
Discussant: Erella Hamilton
11:45-13:45 Session 11C: STREAM 6.1.1 - Integration Work in the Nordic Countries
Silje Andresen (Fafo, Norway)
Maria Gussgard Volckmar-Eeg (Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Norway)
Liselott Sundbäck (Åbo Akademi University, Finland)
Camilla Nordberg (Åbo Akademi University, Finland)
The role of trust intermediators in street-level bureaucratic encounters between forced migrants and the welfare states of Finland and Sweden (abstract)
PRESENTER: Camilla Nordberg
Andrea Spehar (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
When does interculturalism reach its limits? Street level bureaucracy and diversity management in Sweden (abstract)
Nanna Enemark (Aalborg University, Denmark)
“We always want to give them a chance”: Discretion, duration, and differentiation in work with migrant students in a Danish municipality’s schools (abstract)
Miika Kekki (University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Emotional labour of career counsellors as street-level integrators (abstract)
Nerina Weiss (Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Norway)
Ragna Lillevik (Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Norway)
Ingunn Bjørkhaug (Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Norway)
The matrix: Norwegian resettlement decisions in diverging institutional contexts. (abstract)
PRESENTER: Ragna Lillevik
11:45-13:15 Session 11D: STREAM 8.3 - Responsiveness in Vulnerable Contexts
Nadine Raaphorst (Leiden University, Netherlands)
Masashi Yamabe (University of Nagasaki, Japan)
How Deliberation Affects Responsiveness to People in Need: The Consequences of Normative Dilemmas at the Frontline of a Japanese Welfare Office (abstract)
Discussant: Priyank Jain
Helena Stensøta (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
The state and alternative authorities: How does the frontline in Swedish “extra vulnerable neighbourhoods” perceive of the problem? (abstract)
Discussant: Masashi Yamabe
Priyank Jain (Doctoral Candidate, Centre for Policy Studies, IIT Bombay, India)
Reconceptualizing Bureaucratic Responsiveness: Divergent Perceptions in Street-Level Encounters Within a Weak Institutional Context (abstract)
Discussant: Helena Stensøta
14:15-15:45 Session 12: Roundtable: Advancing the Field of Street-level Research

Panel speakers:

Mark Considine (University of Melbourne), Gabriela Lotta (Fundação Getulio Vargas), Evelyn Brodkin (University of Chicago), Bernardo Zacka (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) & Michael Lipsky.

The panel participants have been given the freedom to discuss what they believe can advance the field of street-level research. Additionally, we have asked them to address two specific questions:

  1. The shift from New Public Management (NPM) to New Public Governance (NPG) emphasizes societal and stakeholder values beyond cost-effectiveness, requiring more adaptable governance structures. These changes, involving layering or hybridity, significantly influence global public service reform, scholarly discourse, and policymaking. However, the transformation of public organizations to become public value-oriented, especially at the street level, remains underexplored, particularly regarding the evolving roles of street-level bureaucrats. How does this shift in governance impact street-level bureaucrats?
  2. Digital era governance is frequently cited as transforming public service production, including frontline work and citizen interactions. How can we understand the impact of digitization and AI on street-level bureaucracy (SLB) research?
Michael Lipsky (prof. emeritus, United States)