Days: Tuesday, June 14th Wednesday, June 15th Thursday, June 16th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
10:00 | Welcome to the 4th Street-level Bureaucracy Conference |
10:15 | Reframing Frontline Inquiry |
Liesanth Yde Nirmalarajan (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Matilde Høybye Mortensen (VIA university college, Denmark)
11:30 | Saving time for activation or relations? The legitimation and performance of automated decision-making for time efficiency in two street-level bureaucracies towards poor and unemployed clients (abstract) PRESENTER: Kettil Nordesjö Discussant: Julia Rabenhorst-Hartmann |
11:52 | The role of digital discretion and digital infrastructure for social case workers (abstract) PRESENTER: Lupita Svensson Discussant: Kettil Nordesjö |
12:14 | Digitalization effects on complaints managers’ discretion and handling of citizen complaints in local councils in Germany and the UK (abstract) Discussant: Lupita Svensson |
Rebecca Paraciani (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan), Italy)
Daniela Leonardi (University of Parma, Italy)
Paul van der Aa (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences - KCTO, Netherlands)
11:30 | Street-level bureaucracy as a “Pillar of Social Rights” (abstract) PRESENTER: Bettina Leibetseder |
11:52 | To refrain from a professional project: Understanding why the Norwegian social work profession avoided an open jurisdictional space of activation (abstract) PRESENTER: Tone Alm Andreassen |
12:14 | Evidence-Based Practice in Child Welfare Services: Employing a Collaborative Innovation Approach to Develop a Research-Supported Intervention to Reduce Child Maltreatment (abstract) PRESENTER: Eirin Pedersen |
11:30 | Inside the Welfare Regime: Local Professionals' Responses to Changed Social Policies (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicolette van Gestel |
11:52 | Activation Policy and Discretion in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) – introducing a multi-layered explanatory model (abstract) PRESENTER: Alf Roger Djupvik |
12:14 | Sanctioning and sabotage at the street level (abstract) PRESENTER: Anne Britt Djuve |
Lena Kjeldsen (VIA UC, Denmark)
Liesanth Yde Nirmalarajan (Aalborg University, Denmark)
14:00 | Moving “towards” or “too close” to the client? Comparing frontline workers’ use of digital technologies in the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration and the Norwegian Child Welfare Services (abstract) PRESENTER: Ida Bring Løberg Discussant: Frida Höglund |
14:22 | Beyond theoretical speculations -a scoping review on the consequences of artificial intelligence (AI) for street-level bureaucrats (abstract) PRESENTER: Lena Kjeldsen Discussant: Ida Bring Løberg |
14:44 | New perspectives on street-level bureaucracy: Using naturally occurring interaction to study digital frontline work (abstract) PRESENTER: Frida Höglund Discussant: Lena Kjeldsen |
Daniela Leonardi (University of Parma, Italy)
Rebecca Paraciani (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan), Italy)
14:00 | Discrepancies between the lived citizenship of residents and the current administrative and social work strategies to support aspirations of residents (abstract) PRESENTER: Bayartsetseg Terbish |
14:22 | Migrants as (anti-migration) Messengers? Africa-EU Migration Management and the Role of Migrant Returnees in Preventing Future Migration Flows (abstract) PRESENTER: Nora Ratzmann |
14:44 | Professional Resistances in front-line implementation of social programs in Chile. Characteristics, tensions, and perspectives of future in a changing context. (abstract) PRESENTER: Taly Reininger |
15:06 | Relations of trust between frontline workers and citizens – the role of context (abstract) |
Paul van der Aa (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences - KCTO, Netherlands)
14:00 | Stimulating reflective practice by street level bureaucrats delivering activation services: preliminary insights from an action based research program at a Dutch municipality (abstract) PRESENTER: Sophie van Buren |
14:22 | Professionalising activation work through knowledge and autonomy: Strategies of evidence-based practice and caseworker specialisation in the Norwegian Employment and Welfare service (NAV) (abstract) PRESENTER: Heidi Moen Gjersøe |
14:44 | Handling tensions in implementing an evidence-based supported employment approach for young people in Danish jobcenters (abstract) PRESENTER: Julia Salado-Rasmussen |
15:06 | “What we must change is our own mindset.” How the expert role of healthcare professionals affects the implementation of a work-oriented practice (abstract) |
14:00 | Danish jobcenters adaptation to policy reform and street level discretion (abstract) |
14:22 | Buying and selling the poor: the privatisation and commodification of welfare-to-work in Australia (abstract) PRESENTER: Mark Considine |
14:44 | Logistics of care - frontline practice in homebased elderly care (abstract) PRESENTER: Helle Cathrine Hansen |
15:06 | Contracting ‘person-centred’ working by results: frontline experiences from the introduction of an outcomes contract in housing and employment support (abstract) PRESENTER: Fernando Domingos |
Liesanth Yde Nirmalarajan (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Matilde Høybye Mortensen (VIA university college, Denmark)
16:00 | Generosity and patterns of use in digitally supported decision-making on social assistance eligibility in the Swedish PSS (abstract) Discussant: Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska |
16:22 | The new digital governance of welfare to work: conceptualising a new mode of governance at street-level (abstract) PRESENTER: Jenny Lewis Discussant: Nora Germundsson |
16:44 | When a Human Says “No” to a Computer: Frontline Oversight of the Profiling Algorithm in Public Employment Services in Poland (abstract) PRESENTER: Karolina Sztandar-Sztanderska Discussant: Jenny Lewis |
Dario Raspanti (University of Florence, Italy)
Daniela Leonardi (University of Parma, Italy)
16:00 | Getting into South-European judicial systems through the Street-level Bureaucracy. The case of Italian Immigration judges (abstract) PRESENTER: Alice Lacchei |
16:22 | Creating a New Frontline Employment Service in Indonesia: A Study of the Kartu Prakerja (KPK) Program (abstract) PRESENTER: Mark Considine |
16:44 | «We couldn’t do it without them!». Understanding the dynamics of social services provision in Italy in urban and rural areas (abstract) |
17:06 | Street-level Bureaucracy and Professional Discretion: How Public Service Motivation and Leadership Influence Village Health Volunteers’ Professional Discretion during the COVID-19 Pandemic (abstract) PRESENTER: Achakorn Wongpreedee |
Paul van der Aa (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences - KCTO, Netherlands)
16:00 | Effects of ‘Expertise from Experience’ on Professionalisation Processes in German Job Centres (abstract) PRESENTER: Johannes Wegner |
16:22 | Performance Evaluation of Street-Level Bureaucrats (SLB) by Citizens (abstract) PRESENTER: Mikkel Korsgaard Bork |
16:44 | Employer engagement as connective professionalism in street-level organizations (abstract) |
17:06 | Peer-level accountability and professional discretion in the child welfare service (abstract) PRESENTER: Tone Jørgensen |
16:00 | Freedom of Bureaucratic Behavior: Strategies to Cope During Public Service Delivery (abstract) |
16:22 | What facilitate the enforcement of traffic laws by police officers? (abstract) PRESENTER: Javad Siahkali Moradi |
16:44 | Impacts of Leader Communication on Street-Level Bureaucrats’ Implementation of Policy Reforms (abstract) PRESENTER: Maria Falk Mikkelsen |
17:06 | Street Harassment in Portugal: Obstacles to the Implementation of the Article 170.º of the Penal Code at the Street Level Bureaucrats of the Portuguese Public Security Force (PSP) (abstract) |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00 | The same only different? Street-level and high-level civil servants’ perspectives on statelessness in Austria (abstract) Discussant: Karen N. Breidahl |
09:22 | Everyday (B)ordering in highly politisised and contested environments: The case of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and Frontex (abstract) PRESENTER: Covadonga Bachiller Lopez Discussant: Victoria Reitter |
09:44 | Managing Asylum: Street-Level Organizations and Refugee Crises (abstract) PRESENTER: Karen Breidahl Discussant: Covadonga Bachiller Lopez |
09:00 | Front line enablement by performance measuring: An empirical comparison of prison guards and nurses in the Netherlands (abstract) |
09:22 | Ignorance and Discretion in Marketized Public Employment Services (abstract) PRESENTER: Zach Roche |
09:44 | Gender and policy-in-action in social insurance encounters (abstract) PRESENTER: Marie Flinkfeldt |
09:00 | Flying under the radar: Double standards in frontline workers’ identification of vulnerable children (abstract) |
09:22 | How did Street-Level Organizations delivering social services respond to the Corona pandemic? And what does this mean for their management after the crisis? A report from Germany (abstract) |
09:44 | Implementing the Participation Opportunities Act: How Street-Level-Managers Balance Budget and Hopes (abstract) PRESENTER: Claudia Globisch |
10:06 | Politicized street-level bureaucracy: SLBs as political agents (abstract) PRESENTER: Anat Gofen |
11:00 | Honneth: An expert’s guide to a successful, free, and self-realized human nature (abstract) |
11:22 | Emotional dissonance and boundary work among case officers at a Swedish government agency (abstract) |
11:44 | Street-level co-production: a conceptual model (abstract) |
12:06 | Procedural Justice and the Role of Street-Level Bureaucrats in Prompting Citizens to Act as Vigilantes: The Case of the Israeli Police (abstract) PRESENTER: Ofek Edri |
11:00 | Limits of Activation? How street-level bureaucrats in German jobcenters responded to the migration crisis (abstract) PRESENTER: Mariella Falkenhain Discussant: Lydia Mehrara |
11:22 | Job Centres and Mental Health of Refugees in Germany: A Street-Level Approach - Presenting a Mixed Methods Research Project (abstract) PRESENTER: Peter Kupka Discussant: Mariella Falkenhain |
11:44 | More than Health Care: The implications of cultural diversity for health care practice in Norway (abstract) Discussant: Peter Kupka |
11:00 | A ‘professional makeover’? Marketisation and the professional fragmentation of activation in Ireland (abstract) |
11:22 | Re-placing interaction? How digital technologies enable and constrain knowledge sharing among street-level workers (abstract) |
11:44 | Frontline professionals' use of health conceptions in collaborative contexts (abstract) |
11:00 | Organizational outputs of political reforms: the case of the disability keyperson in job centers (abstract) PRESENTER: Lena Kjeldsen |
11:22 | Governing advanced marginality on the frontline: Street-level practices of detecting and correcting non-compliance in UK employment services (abstract) |
11:44 | Bracketing power: New mixtures of freedom and power arising in the governance of employment services (abstract) PRESENTER: Mathias Herup Nielsen |
13:30 | Citizens and Street-level Bureaucracies as Co-producers of Democracy and Welfare: International Approaches to Promoting Children’s Participation in Child Welfare (abstract) PRESENTER: Katrin Kriz |
13:52 | Co-producing social work – the inclusion of volunteers in social care work with socially vulnerable drug users in a public sector SLO (abstract) |
14:14 | ThThe Negotiation of Authority - How face-to-face interaction supports co-production in bureaucratic encounters (abstract) PRESENTER: Søren Skaarup |
14:36 | Street-level judgements about welfare deservingness and their implications for the translation of policy into practice (abstract) |
13:30 | Extending boundaries of professional activity to promote desired policy outcomes in refugee integration (abstract) Discussant: Nora Ratzmann |
13:52 | Making the most of refugees’ human capital: integration policy and case worker decisions in Switzerland (abstract) PRESENTER: Ihssane Otmani Discussant: Elisabeth Busengdal |
14:14 | The under-recognised role of cultural brokerage in substantiating social rights claims (abstract) Discussant: Ihssane Otmani |
13:30 | Who deserves to be sanctioned? How normative ideas about welfare recipients shape street-level sanctioning practises (abstract) PRESENTER: Stefan Röhrer |
13:52 | The state role of institutionalised childcare in Brazil and Denmark (abstract) PRESENTER: Michael Hill |
14:14 | Meaningful activation work at frontline services in Norway and Portugal (abstract) |
14:36 | CHILDREN IN CONFLICT WITH THE LAW How social problems are constructed at the street-level of public administration (abstract) |
13:30 | Deservingness theory and social obligation orientations: a study of Norwegian street-level bureaucrats’ attitudes and discretionary decision-making (abstract) PRESENTER: Talieh Sadeghi |
13:52 | Prioritizing competing demands: the political tide as key influence on street-level bureaucrats’ decision-making (abstract) PRESENTER: Marije Huiting |
14:14 | Foster care social workers changing role in the marketized foster care (abstract) |
15:30 | Policy Talk: The Social Construction of Policy in Practice |
Address: Christiansborg Slotsplads, 1218 Copenhagen
NB! Please note that the restaurant is situated in the Tower which is part of the Danish Parliament’s area. This means that all guests must go through the security check at the entrance.
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
10:00 | Negotiating Conditionality and Trust at the Street Level (abstract) PRESENTER: Ray Griffin |
10:22 | Anger at the street-level: unintelligible participation or voice? (abstract) |
10:44 | After the plague state: reimagining social security from below (abstract) |
11:06 | Revisiting the role of social work in the non-take up of social rights in local social welfare systems: transforming and changing the rules of the institutional game? (abstract) PRESENTER: Lore Dewanckel |
10:00 | Educational and occupational aspiration formation among refugees: How Street-level bureaucrats perceive and shape refugee educational and occupational aspirations? (abstract) Discussant: Miika Kekki |
10:22 | Street-Level Resistance to Municipal Policies for Schooling of Newly Arrived Migrant Students (abstract) Discussant: Ihssane Otmani |
10:44 | Career counsellors’ discretion when working with clients with a migration background (abstract) PRESENTER: Miika Kekki Discussant: Nanna Ramsing Enemark |
10:00 | Eligibility Deliberations at the Welfare State’s Frontline: Rationales behind Uncertainty and the Inherent Risk of Discrimination in Social Assistance Assessments (abstract) PRESENTER: Klara Hussenius |
10:22 | The public encounter and the ethics of public office (abstract) |
10:44 | Between the Design and the Real: Managing policy and practical work in collaborative professional crime prevention (abstract) PRESENTER: Kristina Alstam |
11:45 | Do welfare conditionalities always undermine autonomy? Understanding young unemployed people’s experiences of mandatory activation. (abstract) |
12:07 | Co-production with vulnerable users in social work: The challenges of changed roles and power relations (abstract) |
12:29 | the vulnerable unemployed as value creator (abstract) |
11:45 | “This is not chemistry”: A qualitative study of a recovery capital assessment tool through the perspective of social work professionals. (abstract) |
12:07 | Child Welfare Service employees as co-producers of children’s quality of life (abstract) PRESENTER: Rolf Rønning |
12:29 | Trusting the numbers or trusting your gut. An anthropological examination of approaches to parenting and understanding child development in the Danish health care sector (abstract) |
12:51 | Work satisfaction and retention of street-level professionals in Danish child welfare services (abstract) PRESENTER: Kirstine Karmsteen |
11:45 | Employer engagement in the labour market participation of people with disabilities: investigating employers’ support needs (abstract) |
12:07 | Collaborative mental health treatment: current practices among mental health providers in Norway (abstract) PRESENTER: Joakim Finne |
12:29 | Ableist workplaces revisited: Exploring positive relational work in inclusive workplaces (abstract) PRESENTER: Eric Breit |
12:51 | Engaging small and medium sized enterprises in promoting the labour market participation of people with disabilities: A case study approach (abstract) |
In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest among social scientists in street-level theory and research. This panel brings experts in the field together to consider advances in this field since the publication of Lipsky's Street-Level Bureaucracy some 40 years ago, assessing three significant developments. First, conceptually, the field has moved beyond its roots in the study of large public bureaucracies that once dominated policy delivery to analyze the varieties of public, private, and mixed forms of street-level organizations that now operate at policy's front lines. Second, methodologically, studies have formulated and refined qualitative, quantitative, and hybrid approaches to examining how these organizations work. Third, the field has advanced internationally through multi-national and comparative studies that examine the role of street-level organizations in varied political contexts, for example as discussed in the conference’s thematic session on “Setting the scene for street-level bureaucracy theory to study service provision in the global south”. This roundtable will provide a forum for assessing the contributions of street-level research and theory to social science, highlighting key developments in the field and, perhaps most importantly, identifying promising new directions for research that recognizes the changing political, governance, organizational and technological world in which street-level organizations operate.
Round table participants: Michael Hill, Evelyn Brodkin, Mark Considine, Bernardo Zacka, and Gabriella Lotta.