This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
# | |
#crime prevention | |
#policy management | |
#professional strategies | |
A | |
Action research | |
Activation | |
Activation policy | |
Activation work | |
Active labour market policies | |
Active labour market policy | |
Administrative reforms | |
Advanced marginality | |
Affiliative-avoidant | |
Agnotology | |
alcohol and drug related treatment | |
Artificial intelligence | |
Aspirations | |
assessment tools | |
Asylum policy | |
Attitudes | |
Australia | |
automated decision-making | |
Automation | |
B | |
back-to-work agreements | |
benefit sanctions | |
Biomedicine | |
brokerage | |
budget allocation and use | |
bureaucractic encounter | |
Bureaucratic behavior | |
C | |
career counselling | |
CARIN criteria | |
case management system | |
Case officers | |
categorization | |
change | |
Change Management | |
Child maintenance | |
child welfare | |
child welfare decision making | |
Child Welfare Service Intervention | |
Child Welfare Services (CWS) | |
children | |
Chile | |
citizen | |
Citizen-state interactions | |
Citizens | |
civilising process | |
client participation | |
Co-production | |
Collaborative Organizational Innovation | |
Commodification | |
Community co-production | |
complaints management | |
constructing social problems | |
Context | |
Conversation analysis | |
Conversation analysis (CA) | |
Copenhagen | |
Coping | |
coping strategies | |
Covid Realities research programme | |
covid-19 | |
cross-cultural health care | |
cross-professional work | |
cultural diversity | |
cultural translation | |
D | |
Danish Welfare State | |
De-skilling | |
Decision making | |
Decision-making | |
Denmark | |
Deservingness theory | |
digital automation | |
digital discretion | |
digital generated data | |
digital infrastructure | |
Digitalisation | |
Digitalization | |
digitally supported decision-making | |
digitization | |
Disability | |
Disability keyperson | |
disciplining | |
Discrepancies | |
discretion | |
Discretionary power | |
discrimination | |
divided societies | |
Double standards | |
DSS | |
E | |
Early childcare and education | |
Early prevention | |
Education policy | |
educational guidelines | |
emancipation | |
emotions | |
employer engagement | |
Employers'support needs | |
Employment | |
Employment services | |
Empowerment | |
enablement thesis | |
Enabling labour market supports | |
ethnicity bias | |
Evidence Based Practise | |
Evidence-based practice | |
Experience | |
Expertise | |
Experts by lived experience | |
F | |
Face-to-face encounters | |
Fixed-effect modeling | |
foster care | |
Freedom | |
Front Line Practices | |
frontline | |
Frontline care work | |
Frontline delivery | |
Frontline encounters | |
frontline practices | |
frontline professionals | |
Frontline work | |
Frontline workers | |
G | |
Gender | |
gender violence | |
Germany | |
Global South | |
Governance | |
Gut-feelings | |
H | |
Health conceptions | |
healthcare encounters | |
Healthcare organizations | |
high-level bureaucrats | |
high-quality connections | |
Home-based elderly care | |
human resource management | |
Human service organizations (HSO) | |
I | |
Ignorance | |
Implementation | |
Inclusion of volunteers and voluntary work | |
inclusive workplaces | |
Individual Placement and Support | |
Indonesia | |
Information and communication technologies | |
Institutional ethnography | |
Institutional logics | |
integration | |
Integration policy | |
interaction | |
international | |
interviews and observations | |
Ireland | |
J | |
Job centers | |
job centres | |
Job placements | |
Judicial systems | |
K | |
Knowledge forms | |
Knowledge sharing | |
L | |
labour market activation | |
Labour market integration | |
labour market policy | |
Law enforcement | |
leader communication | |
Lived experiences | |
local government | |
long-term consequences after sexual abuse in childhood and youth | |
M | |
management | |
managerial steering | |
Market governance | |
marketisation | |
marketization | |
meaningful work | |
meaningfulness | |
Measures for formal training | |
mediation of policy reform | |
Mediterranean countries | |
mental health | |
Metrification | |
midwifery | |
migration | |
Migration Management | |
Mongolia | |
moral dispositions | |
Moral Practice Regimes (MPR) | |
Motivation | |
N | |
Naturally occurring data | |
NAV | |
NEET's | |
New methods of social work | |
New Public Governance | |
New Public Management | |
Newly Arrived Migrant Students | |
non-take up | |
Normative dilemma's | |
Norway | |
nursing | |
O | |
Organisation | |
Organisational Goals | |
Organisational learning | |
Organizational Corrective Actions | |
Organizational ethnography | |
outcomes-based contract | |
P | |
Parenting | |
participation | |
pedagogy | |
Peer Support | |
peer-level accountability | |
People with disabilities | |
performance measuring | |
Performance-based contracting | |
personalisation | |
Phenomenology | |
police investigations | |
police officers | |
policies | |
policing migration | |
policy | |
Policy implementation | |
policy intention | |
Political tide | |
politicization | |
Power | |
practices | |
Pre-employment Card | |
Privatisation | |
Procedural Justice | |
profession | |
professional agency | |
professional autonomy | |
professional behavior | |
Professional Discretion | |
Professional expert roles | |
Professional practice | |
Professional Resistance | |
Professionalisation | |
professionalisation strategies | |
professionalism | |
Professionalization | |
Professonalism | |
profiling | |
Psychiatric rehabilitation | |
Public administration | |
Public administration and social work strategies | |
Public employment services | |
Public health | |
public management models | |
Public management reform | |
public office | |
public order | |
Public service delivery | |
public service logic | |
Public Service Motivation | |
Q | |
qualitative data | |
Qualitative methods | |
R | |
Recognition | |
recovery capital | |
Reflective practice | |
reflective professional practices | |
reframing | |
refugee integration | |
refugees | |
Regulations | |
resilience | |
robotic process automation | |
roles | |
RPA | |
rural areas | |
Rural-urban migration | |
S | |
Sabotage | |
Self-determination theory | |
Self-governance | |
Self-Other Agreement | |
self-realization | |
SLB | |
SME's | |
social administration | |
social assistance | |
social caseworkers | |
social construction | |
Social innovation | |
Social insurance | |
social obligations | |
Social policy | |
Social Programs | |
Social rights | |
social security | |
social service | |
social services | |
Social welfare provisions | |
social work | |
social work professionals | |
social workers | |
sociology of professions | |
Southern Europe | |
state-authorities | |
statelessness | |
Strategies | |
street harassment | |
Street level bureaucracy | |
street level bureucrats | |
street level discretion | |
street level divergence | |
Street level organisations | |
Street level organizations | |
Street level policy entrepreneurs | |
Street level theory | |
Street-level | |
Street-level bureacracy | |
Street-level bureaucracies | |
Street-level bureaucracy | |
street-level bureaucrat | |
Street-level bureaucrats | |
Street-level encounters | |
street-level knowledge and expertise | |
street-level organizations | |
street-level professionals | |
street-level workers | |
street-level-management | |
Streetlevel bureaucrats | |
Supported Employment | |
Survey | |
Sweden | |
T | |
Textual interaction | |
Thailand | |
Time-efficiency | |
Traffic police officers | |
Transformational Leadership | |
trauma-informed social policy approach | |
Trust | |
turnover | |
U | |
uncertainty | |
Unemployed youth | |
Unemployment | |
universalism | |
urban areas | |
V | |
Vigilantism | |
vignette study | |
Village Health Volunteer | |
Visiting nurses | |
Vocational rehabilitation | |
voice | |
vulnerability | |
Vulnerable children | |
Vulnerable citizens | |
vulnerable unemployed | |
W | |
welcome | |
Welfare Conditionality | |
welfare deservingness | |
Welfare institutions | |
Welfare reform | |
welfare regime | |
Welfare Services | |
Welfare to work | |
Welfare-to-work | |
Y | |
Youth |