Days: Monday, September 28th Tuesday, September 29th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
- Welcome by Dean of Social Science at Aalborg University Rasmus Antoft
- Reflections on the changing nature of Nordic working life by the Danish Minister of Employment Peter Hummelgaard
09:30 | Responsible autonomy and Nordic employment relations. Corona and democracy at work [VIR] (abstract) |
11:00 | Open words by Mervi Hasu and Pia Houni [VIR] (abstract) |
11:10 | Involvement, autonomy and innovation in Danish firms [VIR] (abstract) |
11:30 | Jungles or gardens in public servants’ work? Agentic discursive resources of employees in the Nordic welfare states [VIR] (abstract) |
11:50 | Work as loyalty? Playfully theorizing two concepts [VIR] (abstract) |
12:10 | Conclusion & discussion (abstract) |
- Welcome & introduction, 5 min (chairs)
- Three presentations (10 min. each followed by 10 min. of discussion)
- Outro and concluding reflections (chairs)
Erik Mygind du Plessis (CBS, Deparment of Managment, Politics and Society, Denmark)
11:00 | Welcome & introduction (abstract) |
11:05 | Too smart to participate?; Rational reasons for withholding participation in organization development [VIR] (abstract) |
11:30 | Changes in Norwegian Whistleblowing Legislation – what do the changes mean for developing a climate supportive of whistleblowing and learning? [VIR] (abstract) |
11:55 | Leaders and managers role in whistleblowing: Seen from psychology and law [VIR] (abstract) |
12:20 | Outro and concluding reflections (abstract) |
11:00 | Disability disclosure in a hiring setting – the employer perspective [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Jeffrey Moore |
11:22 | Artificial Intelligence and the recruitment and selection process: A case of subtle discrimination towards disabled jobseekers [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Kaja Larsen Østerud |
11:44 | Understanding inclusive organizations through ecological systems theory [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Irmgard Borghouts |
12:06 | Perspectives in inclusive workplaces: A cross-cultural study of necessary conditions for successful creation of teams with employees with disabilities [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Frederike Scholz |
NB! NEW link
11:00 | The effects of entrepreneurship education on occupational choices: Results from a quasi-experiment [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Rasmus Ravn |
11:30 | Impact evaluation of activation and chains of various services for least employable job-seekers [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Henning Jørgensen |
12:00 | Economic incentives and social inequality: The impact of two early retirement reform on retirement decisions in Denmark [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Simo Aho |
11:00 | Patients’ online access to their medical records and the invisibility work of doctors as a strategy to retain professional control [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Hanna Marie Ihlebæk |
11:30 | Digitalisation and professional work in healthcare: technology, knowledge and learning [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Claus Bossen |
12:00 | Digitization of healthcare and Medical Secretaries in Denmark [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Bjarne Pareliussen |
11:00 | Translation of work routines and professional tools - Online communication technology in home care psychiatry [VIR] (abstract) |
11:30 | Coping with the dual challenge: the work of bank employees in upheaval [VIR] (abstract) |
12:00 | Framing the digital evolution – technological investment and change in Nordic manufacturing [VIR] (abstract) |
13:30 | Same as it ever was? The Cultural Constraint on the Nordic Working Life Model [VIR] (abstract) |
15:00 | Creative knowledge and quality of working life [VIR] (abstract) |
15:20 | Voluntary work for digital surviving of the citizens – source for learning or humble obligation? [VIR] (abstract) |
15:40 | Meaningful work, older age and entrepreneurship: Tactics for making work meaningful [VIR] (abstract) |
16:00 | Conclusion & discussion (abstract) |
15:00 | Social innovation in the civil society working life [VIR] (abstract) |
15:30 | “I keep pushing the wall” Highly skilled visible minority migrant women’s strategies for success [VIR] (abstract) |
16:00 | Institutional Diversity and the Immigrant Wage Gap? A comparison between the German and British experience with statutory minimum wages [VIR] (abstract) |
16:30 | The active line in a ’suspended state’: Asylum reception in Denmark and Sweden [VIR] (abstract) |
17:00 | Employer preferences towards recruitment of refugees? A Danish vignette study [VIR] (abstract) |
15:00 | A benefit of last resort: How Gatekeeping practices determine access to Incapacity Pension in Germany [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Finn Amby |
15:30 | Narrating the good stories: How street level bureaucrats foster labour market participation for people with disabilities [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Helle Holt |
16:00 | Do you believe in me? -a vignette experiment on caseworkers’ belief in the ability of people with mobility impairments to find jobs (abstract) Discussant: Patrizia Aurich-Beerheide |
16:30 | Different situations, different lack of information - A qualitative study of the experienced barriers in employment of people with physical disability [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Camilla Lundberg |
15:00 | The coming dead of activation as labour market paradigm [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Christian Uhrenholdt Madsen |
15:30 | Certified occupational health and safety management - Assessment or improvement? [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Kristian Nielsen |
16:00 | Improving standards for management of psycho-social working environment [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Lancine Eric Diop |
16:30 | Making use of fidelity reviews in implementation and impact evaluations of Supported Employment interventions [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Hans Jørgen Limborg |
15:00 | Why joining the Army? Motives, expectations and experiences of recruits to the Swedish Armed Forces [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Louise Møller Pedersen |
15:30 | Attractive and sustainable work in the equine sector – an explorative study in riding schools and trotting stables in Sweden [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Kurt Keller |
16:00 | Good working conditions - a theoretical outline [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Gunnar Gillberg |
16:30 | Importance of good management and social support at work [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Hanne Keller |
16:54 | Meaningful work [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Åsa Bergman Bruhn |
17:24 | Work engagement, job satisfaction and intention to leave [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Signe Laursen |
15:00 | ‘Making it’ in an insular labour market: strategies and constraints for obtaining an income while living on an island [VIR] (abstract) |
15:30 | Dynamics of chronic unemployment in Denmark, Finland and Germany [VIR] (abstract) |
16:00 | Part-time workers’ career trajectories by the length of hours and reason for part-time. A 10-year follow-up study [VIR] (abstract) |
16:30 | Employment in the Informal Economy: Evidence from European Social Survey 2004-2018 [VIR] (abstract) |
15:00 | Digital divides among Finnish wage earners: statistical analysis [VIR] (abstract) |
15:30 | The significance of occupational change on income inequality in Sweden [VIR] (abstract) |
16:00 | The Corona-crisis, working life and mental health - A study of the lock-down period in Denmark [VIR] (abstract) |
16:30 | Union Density in a Changing Occupational Structure [VIR] (abstract) |
15:00 | New technologies are transforming the work of social workers [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Marte Fanneløb Giskeødegård |
15:30 | Digital discourse of work – changing the images of work through a change in market [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Jo Krøjer |
16:00 | Emotional labour on the digital labour market: Platform workers’ commodification of the self [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Bjarne Pareliussen |
16:30 | Digital transitions in the maritime organizations: Changing the Game by Power by the Hour and Remote Monitoring [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Amalie Marie Bonde Jørgensen |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00 | And about time too….: Youth, Precarity and Mobilities [VIR] (abstract) |
10:30 | Retirement timing and post-retirement health: Quasi-experimental evidence from Denmark [VIR] (abstract) |
10:50 | Senior policy and worksite social capital [VIR] (abstract) |
11:10 | Impacts of organizational change on senior employees [VIR] (abstract) |
11:30 | Youth orientation among managers and workers in Norwegian working life [VIR] (abstract) |
11:50 | Self-employment from a privileged position – ageing (domestic) migrants [VIR] (abstract) |
12:10 | Innovation and the ageing workforce – a review of research [VIR] (abstract) |
(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
Liza Reisel (Institute for Social Research, Norway)
Mari Teigen (Institute for Social Research, Norway)
10:30 | “It is just, it is a struggle.” On work-life-balance among PhD holders in Iceland [VIR] (abstract) |
10:54 | The challenges facing the new radical family policy reform in Finland - Reconfigured corporatism and the struggle for gender equality in the labour market [VIR] (abstract) |
11:18 | Working the cracks: Eight strategic principles on how to come out on top [VIR] (abstract) |
11:42 | Gender and patterns of international recruitment in Norwegian research and higher education [VIR] (abstract) |
12:06 | Invisibility and discrimination? Skilled migrant women in the Finnish labor market [VIR] (abstract) |
(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
10:30 | Social inequalities in employment trends in cancer survivors in Norway and Sweden 2001-2017 [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Frederik Thuesen |
11:00 | Adolescence Mental Health Problems and Upper Secondary School Completion - The Role of Family Resource [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Thomas Bredgaard |
11:30 | Daring the labour market? How self-confidence and worries among persons with mobility disabilities affect jobs search and employment [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Kjetil A. van der Wel |
12:00 | Attitudes and behaviour of employers towards recruitment of persons with disabilities [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Maria Reinholdt Jensen |
(please disregard the date in the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
10:30 | Managing Dilemmas in Everyday Work [VIR] (abstract) |
10:50 | Coaching Finnish Home-Care Teams Towards Self-Organization: Experiences and Outcomes [VIR] (abstract) |
11:10 | Modes of collective cooperation at the public workplace [VIR] (abstract) |
11:30 | Work identity among Danish high school teachers – preliminary findings from an ongoing qualitative study [VIR] (abstract) |
11:50 | Locally initiated bureaucracy in hospitals – a paradox? [VIR] (abstract) |
(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
10:30 | ENCOURAGING TALK in Finnish Working Life, Social/ Health Care and IT [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Louise Møller Pedersen |
10:54 | Associations between social capital and quality of health care services among Danish hospital employees [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Åsa Bergman Bruhn |
11:18 | Social capital, self-reported quality and clinical quality of health care services at 10 selected departments at a Danish hospital [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Gunnar Gillberg |
11:42 | Associations between social capital at work and mental health among subgroups of employees at a Danish hospital [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Hanne Keller |
(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
10:30 | Knowledge workers on the Danish labour market – are they facing precarious working conditions and what are the challenges for social partners and political actors? [VIR] (abstract) |
10:54 | ‘Market’ and ‘network’ in the practice of platform-mediated online knowledge work [VIR] (abstract) |
11:18 | Post-industrial service society and business consulting profession - new terms for professional work and employment [VIR] (abstract) |
11:42 | Employment Relations in the platform economy: Perspectives and Consequences seen from the perspective of Young Workers [VIR] (abstract) |
(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
10:30 | Working with robots [VIR] (abstract) |
11:00 | The impact of robots on employment – evidence from seven European countries during 1993-2015 [VIR] (abstract) |
Inge Bonfils will start out with a general introduction to the session.
(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
Øystein Spjelkavik (Work Research Institute, Competence Center for Work Inclusion, OsloMet, Norway)
10:30 | Supported Employment within active labor market policies (ALMP) in the Nordic Countries [VIR] (abstract) |
10:50 | Supported Employment in the light of Active Labour Market Policy – the Danish case [VIR] (abstract) |
11:10 | Why did the mainstreaming of IPS fail? Re-evaluation of four supported employment initiatives in Finland [VIR] (abstract) |
(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
10:30 | Digital platforms, professional boundaries and technical translations [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Annette Kamp |
11:00 | New technologies in professional work. ‘Tinkering’ as a means of developing professional identities [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Sabina Pultz |
11:30 | Pushing and pulling: the micropolitics of virtual communication tools [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Hans Christian Garmann Johnsen |
12:00 | Can the dialogical approach address the new technological challenges in the workplace? [VIR] (abstract) Discussant: Bertil Rolandsson |
The session will conclude with a discussion based on all the presentations in the session (i.e. in both session 7H and 8A)
Stefan C. Hardonk (Centre for Disability Studies, University of Iceland, Iceland)
13:30 | Programmed to fail? Do successful participants in active labour market programmes gain access to healthy jobs? [VIR] (abstract) |
14:00 | Inclusion of disabled people in the labour market: job coaches’ perspective on supported employment in Iceland [VIR] (abstract) |
(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
13:30 | How international is Nordic working life research? Results and discussion around Swedish survey result [VIR] (abstract) |
13:50 | Collective agreement based Safety and Health consulting services – Strength and weaknesses of a new trend in Danish OSH regulation [VIR] (abstract) |
14:10 | Troubled but not dead - corporatism and reduced power resources in three small states [VIR] (abstract) |
14:30 | Bringing power resources back in [VIR] (abstract) |
(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
13:30 | TITLE TBC Authority and prestige of the journalists in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe [VIR] (abstract) |
14:00 | Technological change as curse or redemption for journalistic labour: A case study of TV news reporters and camera reporters [VIR] (abstract) |
(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
13:30 | Labour or nature? The ecomodernist dilemma in the discourses on green jobs in Norway [VIR] (abstract) |
13:50 | Selling advice: Escalation-oriented practices and resonance-sensitivity in Danish retail banking [VIR] (abstract) |
14:10 | The importance of gaining gender work life balance for the future of new generations and of the economy in the rural north [VIR] (abstract) |
14:30 | Declining union density – looking into the black box [VIR] (abstract) |
(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
13:30 | Employees whom are managers without titles: A contribution to identifying an unconscious managerial layer in modern organizations [VIR] (abstract) |
13:52 | Development of Professional capital in primary schools through team collaboration [VIR] (abstract) |
14:14 | Collaboration around tasks and schedules – An intervention study in public schools [VIR] (abstract) |
14:36 | Hvilken skole er den digitale skolen? [VIR] (abstract) |
(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)
13:30 | Work life balance [VIR] (abstract) |
13:50 | Work-life balance following bereavement: A mixed methods study of widowed parents [VIR] (abstract) |
- Final remarks by chair Thomas Bredgaard