Days: Monday, September 28th Tuesday, September 29th

Monday, September 28th

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09:00-09:30 Session 1: Words of welcome [VIR]
  • Welcome by Dean of Social Science at Aalborg University Rasmus Antoft
  • Reflections on the changing nature of Nordic working life by the Danish Minister of Employment Peter Hummelgaard


Thomas Bredgaard (Aalborg University, Denmark)
09:30-10:30 Session 2: Keynote address: Helge Hvid [VIR]
Stine Rasmussen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Helge Hvid (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Responsible autonomy and Nordic employment relations. Corona and democracy at work [VIR] (abstract)
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-12:30 Session 3A: [13] THEMATIC SESSION: No more Colourless working life part II
Pia Houni (University of Tampere, Finland)
Mervi Hasu (University of Oslo, Norway)
Pia Houni (University of Tampere, Finland)
Open words by Mervi Hasu and Pia Houni [VIR] (abstract)
Louise Møller Pedersen (Aalborg University, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Denmark)
Peter Nielsen (Aalborg University, Department og Poltic and Society, Denmark)
Involvement, autonomy and innovation in Danish firms [VIR] (abstract)
Mervi Hasu (University of Oslo, Norway)
Jungles or gardens in public servants’ work? Agentic discursive resources of employees in the Nordic welfare states [VIR] (abstract)
Markus Arvidson (Karlstad University, Sweden)
Jonas Axelsson (Karlstad University, Sweden)
Work as loyalty? Playfully theorizing two concepts [VIR] (abstract)
Pia Houni (University of Tampere, Finland)
Mervi Hasu (University of Oslo, Norway)
Conclusion & discussion (abstract)
11:00-12:30 Session 3B: [3] TEMATIC SESSION: The Nordic way, is it under threat or still going strong? The Nordic model and work-life in the Nordic region, seen from whistleblowing research
  • Welcome & introduction, 5 min (chairs)
  • Three presentations (10 min. each followed by 10 min. of discussion)
  • Outro and concluding reflections (chairs)


Brita Bjørkelo (Norwegian Police University College, Norway)
Erik Mygind du Plessis (CBS, Deparment of Managment, Politics and Society, Denmark)
Brita Bjørkelo (Norwegian Police University College, Norway)
Erik Mygind du Plessis (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Welcome & introduction (abstract)
Kristin Lebesby (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Jos Benders (CESO, KU Leuven, Belgium)
Too smart to participate?; Rational reasons for withholding participation in organization development [VIR] (abstract)
Anne Oline Haugen (Inland Norway University, Norway)
Åse Storhaug Hole (Inland Norway University, Norway)
Changes in Norwegian Whistleblowing Legislation – what do the changes mean for developing a climate supportive of whistleblowing and learning? [VIR] (abstract)
Brita Bjørkelo (Norwegian Police University College, Norway)
Birthe Eriksen (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway)
Leaders and managers role in whistleblowing: Seen from psychology and law [VIR] (abstract)
Erik Mygind du Plessis (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Brita Bjørkelo (Norwegian Police University College, Norway)
Outro and concluding reflections (abstract)
11:00-12:30 Session 3C: [9] THEMATIC SESSION: Are Nordic labour markets inclusive for persons with disabilities?
Frederik Thuesen (VIVE - The Danish Center for Social Science Research, Denmark)
Kaja Larsen Østerud (Norwegian Social Research, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Disability disclosure in a hiring setting – the employer perspective [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Jeffrey Moore
Frederike Scholz (Hasselt University, Belgium)
Artificial Intelligence and the recruitment and selection process: A case of subtle discrimination towards disabled jobseekers [VIR] (abstract)
Susan Doughty (Anderson University, United States)
Jeffrey Moore (Anderson University, United States)
Understanding inclusive organizations through ecological systems theory [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Irmgard Borghouts
Jeffrey Moore (Anderson University, United States)
Charissa Freese (Tilburg University, Netherlands)
Thomas Bredgaard (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Irmgard Borghouts (Tilburg University, Netherlands)
Perspectives in inclusive workplaces: A cross-cultural study of necessary conditions for successful creation of teams with employees with disabilities [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Frederike Scholz
11:00-12:30 Session 3D: [4] THEMATIC SESSION: Evaluation of Working Life Interventions and Labour Market Policies
Simo Aho (Tampere university, Finland)
Rasmus Ravn (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Kristian Nielsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Stephan Heblich (University of Toronto, Canada)
The effects of entrepreneurship education on occupational choices: Results from a quasi-experiment [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Rasmus Ravn
Simo Aho (Tampere university, Finland)
Impact evaluation of activation and chains of various services for least employable job-seekers [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Henning Jørgensen
Lancine Eric Diop (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Anna Diop-Christensen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Economic incentives and social inequality: The impact of two early retirement reform on retirement decisions in Denmark [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Simo Aho
11:00-12:30 Session 3E: [20] THEMATIC SESSION: New Technologies, professions and professionalism
Annette Kamp (Roskilde University, Department for People and Technology, Denmark)
Jesper Petersson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Christel Backman (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Patients’ online access to their medical records and the invisibility work of doctors as a strategy to retain professional control [VIR] (abstract)
Hanna Marie Ihlebæk (Østfold University College, Norway)
Camilla Gjellebæk (Østfold University College, Norway)
Digitalisation and professional work in healthcare: technology, knowledge and learning [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Claus Bossen
Pernille Bertelsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Claus Bossen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Digitization of healthcare and Medical Secretaries in Denmark [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Bjarne Pareliussen
11:00-12:30 Session 3F: [7] THEMATIC SESSION: Technological change, digitalization, and quality of work
Tomas Berglund (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Anna Marie Lassen (University College North Denmark (UCN), Denmark)
Pernille Bertelsen (Aalborg University (AAU), Denmark)
Translation of work routines and professional tools - Online communication technology in home care psychiatry [VIR] (abstract)
Tuomo Alasoini (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Coping with the dual challenge: the work of bank employees in upheaval [VIR] (abstract)
Bertil Rolandsson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Tuomo Alasoini (Tampere University, Finland)
Jon Erik Dölvik (FAFO, Norway)
Anna Hedenus (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Anna Ilsoe (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Trine Pernille Larsen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Johan Roed Steen (FAFO, Norway)
Framing the digital evolution – technological investment and change in Nordic manufacturing [VIR] (abstract)
13:30-14:30 Session 4: Keynote address: Cathie Jo Martin [VIR]
Thomas Bredgaard (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Cathie Jo Martin (Boston University, United States)
Same as it ever was? The Cultural Constraint on the Nordic Working Life Model [VIR] (abstract)
14:30-15:00Coffee break
15:00-17:00 Session 5A: [13] THEMATIC SESSION: No more Colourless working life part II
Mervi Hasu (University of Oslo, Norway)
Pia Houni (University of Tampere, Finland)
Creative knowledge and quality of working life [VIR] (abstract)
Eveliina Saari (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Kristiina Korjonen-Kuusipuro (University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Maria Hirvonen (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Jarno Turunen (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Susanna Kalavainen (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Voluntary work for digital surviving of the citizens – source for learning or humble obligation? [VIR] (abstract)
Sara Lindström (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Heli Ansio (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Reetta Raitoharju (Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Meaningful work, older age and entrepreneurship: Tactics for making work meaningful [VIR] (abstract)
Mervi Hasu (University of Oslo, Norway)
Pia Houni (University of Tampere, Finland)
Conclusion & discussion (abstract)
15:00-17:30 Session 5B: [17] THEMATIC SESSION: Employment trajectories and socio-economic integration among Refugees and Immigrants
Hanne Kavli (FAFO, Norway)
Karen Nielsen Breidahl (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Malin Lindberg (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden)
Cecilia Nahnfeldt (Uppsala University & Research Unit of The Church of Sweden, Sweden)
Johan Hvenmark (Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College, Sweden)
Social innovation in the civil society working life [VIR] (abstract)
Thora H. Christiansen (University of Iceland, Iceland)
Erla S. Kristjánsdóttir (University of Iceland, Iceland)
“I keep pushing the wall” Highly skilled visible minority migrant women’s strategies for success [VIR] (abstract)
Anna Diop-Christensen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Institutional Diversity and the Immigrant Wage Gap? A comparison between the German and British experience with statutory minimum wages [VIR] (abstract)
Karen Nielsen Breidahl (Aalborg University, Denmark)
The active line in a ’suspended state’: Asylum reception in Denmark and Sweden [VIR] (abstract)
Thomas Bredgaard (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Rasmus Ravn (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Employer preferences towards recruitment of refugees? A Danish vignette study [VIR] (abstract)
15:00-17:00 Session 5C: [9] THEMATIC SESSION: Are Nordic labour markets inclusive for persons with disabilities?
Kaja Larsen Østerud (Norwegian Social Research, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Patrizia Aurich-Beerheide (University of Duisburg, Germany)
Martin Brussing (University of Duisburg, Germany)
A benefit of last resort: How Gatekeeping practices determine access to Incapacity Pension in Germany [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Finn Amby
Camilla Lundberg (Work Research Institute/OsloMet, Norway)
Narrating the good stories: How street level bureaucrats foster labour market participation for people with disabilities [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Helle Holt
Finn Amby (VIA UC, Denmark)
Lena Kjeldsen (VIA UC, Denmark)
Do you believe in me? -a vignette experiment on caseworkers’ belief in the ability of people with mobility impairments to find jobs (abstract)
Helle Holt (VIVE, Denmark)
Different situations, different lack of information - A qualitative study of the experienced barriers in employment of people with physical disability [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Camilla Lundberg
15:00-17:00 Session 5D: [4] THEMATIC SESSION: Evaluation of Working Life Interventions and Labour Market Policies
Simo Aho (Tampere university, Finland)
Rasmus Ravn (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Henning Jørgensen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
The coming dead of activation as labour market paradigm [VIR] (abstract)
Christian Uhrenholdt Madsen (TeamArbejdsliv & The National Research Centre for Working Environment Research, Denmark)
Johnny Dyreborg (The National Research Centre for Working Environment Research, Denmark)
Peter Hasle (Department of Technology and Innovation, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
Line Leonhardt Laursen (The National Research Centre for Working Environment Research, Denmark)
Certified occupational health and safety management - Assessment or improvement? [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Kristian Nielsen
Hans Joergen Limborg (Teamarbejdsliv, Denmark)
Improving standards for management of psycho-social working environment [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Lancine Eric Diop
Julia Salado-Rasmussen (Department of Social Work, University College Copenhagen, Denmark)
Stella Mia Sieling-Monas (Department of Social Work, University College Copenhagen, Denmark)
Inge Bonfils (Department of Social Work, University College Copenhagen, Denmark)
Thomas Mackrill (Department of Social Work, University College Copenhagen, Denmark)
Making use of fidelity reviews in implementation and impact evaluations of Supported Employment interventions [VIR] (abstract)
15:00-17:30 Session 5E: [16] THEMATIC SESSION: Positive psychosocial factors at work
Louise Møller Pedersen (Aalborg University, Department of Culture and Learning, Denmark)
Gunnar Gillberg (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Jan Holmer (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Roland Kadefors (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Anders Östebo (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Why joining the Army? Motives, expectations and experiences of recruits to the Swedish Armed Forces [VIR] (abstract)
Åsa Bergman Bruhn (Dalarna University, Sweden)
Attractive and sustainable work in the equine sector – an explorative study in riding schools and trotting stables in Sweden [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Kurt Keller
Kurt Keller (Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University, Denmark)
Hanne Keller (Department of Culture and Learning. Aalborg University, Denmark)
Good working conditions - a theoretical outline [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Gunnar Gillberg
Hjördís Sigursteinsdóttir (University of Akureyri, Iceland)
G. Linda Rafnsdóttir (University of Iceland, Iceland)
Importance of good management and social support at work [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Hanne Keller
Hanne Keller (Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University, Denmark)
Meaningful work [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Åsa Bergman Bruhn
Hjördís Sigursteinsdóttir (University of Akureyri, Iceland)
Work engagement, job satisfaction and intention to leave [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Signe Laursen
15:00-17:00 Session 5F: [2] THEMATIC SESSION: Non-standard employment and precariousness in a Nordic context
Stine Rasmussen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Helene Pristed Nielsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
‘Making it’ in an insular labour market: strategies and constraints for obtaining an income while living on an island [VIR] (abstract)
Simo Aho (Tampere university, Finland)
Regina Konle-Seidl (IAB, Germany)
Thomas Rothe (IAB, Germany)
Stine Rasmussen (AAU, Denmark)
Rasmus Ravn (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Magnus Jespersen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Dynamics of chronic unemployment in Denmark, Finland and Germany [VIR] (abstract)
Satu Ojala (Tampere University, Finland)
Niklas Mäkinen (University of Tampere, Finland)
Jouko Nätti (Tampere University, Finland)
Part-time workers’ career trajectories by the length of hours and reason for part-time. A 10-year follow-up study [VIR] (abstract)
Niklas Mäkinen (University of Tampere, Finland)
Employment in the Informal Economy: Evidence from European Social Survey 2004-2018 [VIR] (abstract)
15:00-17:00 Session 5G: [7] THEMATIC SESSION: Technological change, digitalization, and quality of work
Bertil Rolandsson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Tuomo Alasoini (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Arja Ala-Laurinaho (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Marja Känsälä (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Eveliina Saari (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Laura Seppänen (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Seppo Tuomivaara (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Digital divides among Finnish wage earners: statistical analysis [VIR] (abstract)
Tomas Berglund (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
The significance of occupational change on income inequality in Sweden [VIR] (abstract)
Thomas Bredgaard (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Claus D. Hansen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Jeppe Fuglsang Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
The Corona-crisis, working life and mental health - A study of the lock-down period in Denmark [VIR] (abstract)
Tomas Berglund (Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Jesper Prytz (Department of Sociology and Work Science, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Union Density in a Changing Occupational Structure [VIR] (abstract)
15:00-17:00 Session 5H: [20] THEMATIC SESSION: New Technologies, Professions and professionalism
Agnete Meldgaard Hansen (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Amalie Marie Bonde Jørgensen (Roskilde Universitet, Denmark)
New technologies are transforming the work of social workers [VIR] (abstract)
Marte Fanneløb Giskeødegård (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Kristina Kjersem (Møreforsking Molde, Norway)
Digital discourse of work – changing the images of work through a change in market [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Jo Krøjer
Jo Krøjer (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Mette Lykke Nielsen (AAU, Denmark)
Louise Yung Nielsen (RUC, Denmark)
Emotional labour on the digital labour market: Platform workers’ commodification of the self [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Bjarne Pareliussen
Bjarne Pareliussen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Marte Fanneløb Giskeødegård (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Digital transitions in the maritime organizations: Changing the Game by Power by the Hour and Remote Monitoring [VIR] (abstract)
Tuesday, September 29th

View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview

09:00-10:00 Session 6: Keynote address: Bridget Anderson [VIR]
Trine Lund Thomsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Bridget Anderson (University of Bristol, UK)
And about time too….: Youth, Precarity and Mobilities [VIR] (abstract)
10:00-10:30Coffee break
10:30-12:30 Session 7A: [8] THEMATIC SESSION: The ageing population and older workers’ participation in working life
Reidar J. Mykletun (University of Stavanger, Norway)
Jeevitha Qvist (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Retirement timing and post-retirement health: Quasi-experimental evidence from Denmark [VIR] (abstract)
Karen Albertsen (TeamArbejdsliv, Denmark)
Ulrik Gensby (TeamArbejdsliv, Denmark)
Flemming Pedersen (TeamArbejdsliv, Dominica)
Senior policy and worksite social capital [VIR] (abstract)
Peter Nielsen (Department of Political Science, Aalborg University, Denmark)
Karen Albertsen (Team Arbejdsliv, Denmark)
Annette Meng (Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Arbejdsmiljø, Denmark)
Impacts of organizational change on senior employees [VIR] (abstract)
Per Erik Solem (NOVA, Oslomet, Norway)
Youth orientation among managers and workers in Norwegian working life [VIR] (abstract)
Elisabeth Sundin (Linköping University, Sweden)
Self-employment from a privileged position – ageing (domestic) migrants [VIR] (abstract)
Reidar J. Mykletun (University of Stavanger, Norway)
Innovation and the ageing workforce – a review of research [VIR] (abstract)
10:30-12:30 Session 7B: [5] THEMATIC SESSION: Gendered labour market (dis)advantages in Nordic welfare states


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Armi Mustosmäki (Tampere university, Finland)
Liza Reisel (Institute for Social Research, Norway)
Mari Teigen (Institute for Social Research, Norway)
Andrea Hjálmsdóttir (University of Akureyri/University of Iceland, Iceland)
Guðbjörg Linda Rafnsdóttir (University of Iceland, Iceland)
“It is just, it is a struggle.” On work-life-balance among PhD holders in Iceland [VIR] (abstract)
Armi Mustosmäki (Tampere university, Finland)
Anna Elomäki (Tampere university, Finland)
Paula Koskinen Sandberg (Tampere university, Finland)
The challenges facing the new radical family policy reform in Finland - Reconfigured corporatism and the struggle for gender equality in the labour market [VIR] (abstract)
Thamar Heijstra (University of Iceland, Iceland)
Gyða Margrét Pétursdóttir (University of Iceland, Iceland)
Working the cracks: Eight strategic principles on how to come out on top [VIR] (abstract)
Agnete Vabø (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Hebe Gunnes (Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education, Norway)
Gender and patterns of international recruitment in Norwegian research and higher education [VIR] (abstract)
Heidi Lehtovaara (Tampere University / Faculty of Social Sciences, Finland)
Invisibility and discrimination? Skilled migrant women in the Finnish labor market [VIR] (abstract)
10:30-12:30 Session 7C: [9] THEMATIC SESSION: Are Nordic labour markets inclusive for persons with disabilities?


(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)

Finn Amby (VIA UC, Denmark)
Kjetil A. van der Wel (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Social inequalities in employment trends in cancer survivors in Norway and Sweden 2001-2017 [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Frederik Thuesen
Maria Reinholdt Jensen (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Magne Bråthen (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Kjetil A. van der Wel (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Adolescence Mental Health Problems and Upper Secondary School Completion - The Role of Family Resource [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Thomas Bredgaard
Frederik Thuesen (VIVE - The Danish Center for Social Science Research, Denmark)
Julia Salado-Rasmussen (KP, Denmark)
Daring the labour market? How self-confidence and worries among persons with mobility disabilities affect jobs search and employment [VIR] (abstract)
Julia Salado-Rasmussen (University College Copenhagen, Denmark)
Thomas Bredgaard (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Attitudes and behaviour of employers towards recruitment of persons with disabilities [VIR] (abstract)
10:30-12:30 Session 7D: [14] THEMATIC SESSION: Making sense of institutional changes in the welfare professions


(please disregard the date in the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)

Johan Alvehus (Lund University, Sweden)
Henrik Loodin (Lund University, Sweden)
Anita Mac (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Peter Hagedorn - Rasmussen (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Managing Dilemmas in Everyday Work [VIR] (abstract)
Sami Jantunen (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Jukka Piippo (Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Jukka Surakka (Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Åsa Rosengren (Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Ira Jeglinsky-Kankainen (Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
Timo Sinervo (Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland)
Salla Ruotsalainen (Finnish National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland)
Thommie Burström (Hanken School of Economics, Finland)
Coaching Finnish Home-Care Teams Towards Self-Organization: Experiences and Outcomes [VIR] (abstract)
Nana Wesley Hansen (FAOS, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Modes of collective cooperation at the public workplace [VIR] (abstract)
Anders Jakobsen (RUC, Denmark)
Work identity among Danish high school teachers – preliminary findings from an ongoing qualitative study [VIR] (abstract)
Peter Hasle (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
Thim Prætorius (Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus, Denmark)
Locally initiated bureaucracy in hospitals – a paradox? [VIR] (abstract)
10:30-12:30 Session 7E: [16] THEMATIC SESSION: Positive psychosocial factors at work


(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)

Hanne Keller (Department of Culture and Learning. Aalborg University, Denmark)
Annica Isacsson (Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland)
ENCOURAGING TALK in Finnish Working Life, Social/ Health Care and IT [VIR] (abstract)
Louise Møller Pedersen (Aalborg University, Department of Culture and Learning, Denmark)
Andreas Lindegaard Jakobsen (NIDO|danmark, Gødstrup Hospital, Denmark and Aalborg University, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Denmark)
Henriette Nørmølle Buttenschøn (NIDO|danmark, Gødstrup Hospital, Denmark and Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark, Denmark)
Lasse Plougstrup Hansen (HR-department, Gødstrup Hospital, Denmark, Denmark)
Annette Haagerup (NIDO|danmark, Gødstrup Hospital, Denmark and Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark, Denmark)
Associations between social capital and quality of health care services among Danish hospital employees [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Åsa Bergman Bruhn
Louise Møller Pedersen (Aalborg University, Department of Culture and Learning, Denmark)
Andreas Lindegaard Jakobsen (NIDO|danmark, Gødstrup Hospital, Denmark and Aalborg University, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Denmark)
Social capital, self-reported quality and clinical quality of health care services at 10 selected departments at a Danish hospital [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Gunnar Gillberg
Signe Laursen (Aalborg University and NIDO danmark, Denmark)
Louise M. Pedersen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Henriette N. Buttenschøn (NIDO danmark, Denmark)
Associations between social capital at work and mental health among subgroups of employees at a Danish hospital [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Hanne Keller
10:30-12:30 Session 7F: [2] THEMATIC SESSION: Non-standard employment and precariousness in a Nordic context


(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)

Stine Rasmussen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Tine Andersen (Danish Technological Institute, Denmark)
Malene Hartung (Danish Technological Institute, Denmark)
Per K. Madsen (Department of Politics and Society, Aalborg University, Denmark)
Knowledge workers on the Danish labour market – are they facing precarious working conditions and what are the challenges for social partners and political actors? [VIR] (abstract)
Laura Seppänen (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland)
Seppo Poutanen (University of Turku, Finland)
Clay Spinuzzi (The University of Texas at Austin, United States)
‘Market’ and ‘network’ in the practice of platform-mediated online knowledge work [VIR] (abstract)
Arja Haapakorpi (Tampere University, Finland)
Post-industrial service society and business consulting profession - new terms for professional work and employment [VIR] (abstract)
Mette Lykke Nielsen (The Danish Centre for Youth Research, Aalborg University, Denmark)
Cæcilie Sloth Laursen (The Danish Centre for Youth Research, Aalborg University, Denmark)
Employment Relations in the platform economy: Perspectives and Consequences seen from the perspective of Young Workers [VIR] (abstract)
10:30-12:30 Session 7G: [7] THEMATIC SESSION: Technological change, digitalization, and quality of work


(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)

Tomas Berglund (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Tapio Mäkelä (JAMK university of applied sciences, Finland)
Working with robots [VIR] (abstract)
Merja Kauhanen (Labour Institute for Economic Research, Finland)
The impact of robots on employment – evidence from seven European countries during 1993-2015 [VIR] (abstract)
10:30-12:30 Session 7H: [19] THEMATIC SESSION: Supported employment within active labour market policies in the Nordic countries

Inge Bonfils will start out with a general introduction to the session.


(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)

Stefan C. Hardonk (Centre for Disability Studies, University of Iceland, Iceland)
Øystein Spjelkavik (Work Research Institute, Competence Center for Work Inclusion, OsloMet, Norway)
Øystein Spjelkavik (Work Research Institute, Competence Center for Work Inclusion, OsloMet, Norway)
Supported Employment within active labor market policies (ALMP) in the Nordic Countries [VIR] (abstract)
Inge Bonfils (Department of Social Work, University College Copenhagen, Denmark)
Julia Salado-Rasmussen (Department of Social Work, University College Copenhagen, Denmark)
Mikkel Bo Madsen (Department of Social Work, University College Copenhagen, Denmark)
Stella Mia Sieling-Monas (Department of Social Work, University College Copenhagen, Denmark)
Supported Employment in the light of Active Labour Market Policy – the Danish case [VIR] (abstract)
Jaakko Harkko (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Why did the mainstreaming of IPS fail? Re-evaluation of four supported employment initiatives in Finland [VIR] (abstract)
10:30-12:30 Session 7I: [20] THEMATIC SESSION: New Technologies, Professions and professionalism


(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)

Sidsel Lond Grosen (Roskilde University, Department for People and Technology, Denmark)
Bertil Rolandsson (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Antti Saloniemi (Tampere University, Finland)
Tiina Saari (Tampere University, Finland)
Digital platforms, professional boundaries and technical translations [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Annette Kamp
Annette Kamp (Roskilde University, Department for People and Technology, Denmark)
Agnete Meldgaard Hansen (Roskilde University, Deaprtment for People and Technology, Denmark)
Sidsel Lond Grosen (Roskilde University, Department for People and Technology, Denmark)
New technologies in professional work. ‘Tinkering’ as a means of developing professional identities [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Sabina Pultz
Sabina Pultz (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Katia Dupret (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Pushing and pulling: the micropolitics of virtual communication tools [VIR] (abstract)
Hans Christian Garmann Johnsen (University of Agder, Norway)
Clare Roberta Louise Hildebrandt (University of Agder, Norway)
Can the dialogical approach address the new technological challenges in the workplace? [VIR] (abstract)
Discussant: Bertil Rolandsson
13:30-15:00 Session 8A: [19] THEMATIC SESSION: Supported employment within active labour market policies in the Nordic countries

The session will conclude with a discussion based on all the presentations in the session (i.e. in both session 7H and 8A)


Inge Bonfils (Department of Social Work, University College Copenhagen, Denmark)
Stefan C. Hardonk (Centre for Disability Studies, University of Iceland, Iceland)
Kjetil A. van der Wel (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Espen Dahl (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Åsmund Hermansen (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Magne Bråthen (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Programmed to fail? Do successful participants in active labour market programmes gain access to healthy jobs? [VIR] (abstract)
Stefan C. Hardonk (Centre for Disability Studies, University of Iceland, Iceland)
Inclusion of disabled people in the labour market: job coaches’ perspective on supported employment in Iceland [VIR] (abstract)
13:30-15:00 Session 8B: OPEN SESSION


(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)

Bjarke Refslund (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Carin Håkansta (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)
How international is Nordic working life research? Results and discussion around Swedish survey result [VIR] (abstract)
Klaus T. Nielsen (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Hans Jørgen Limborg (Team Arbejdsliv, Denmark)
Collective agreement based Safety and Health consulting services – Strength and weaknesses of a new trend in Danish OSH regulation [VIR] (abstract)
Mikkel Mailand (FAOS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Troubled but not dead - corporatism and reduced power resources in three small states [VIR] (abstract)
Bjarke Refslund (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Jens Arnholtz (FAOS /University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Bringing power resources back in [VIR] (abstract)
13:30-15:00 Session 8C: [12] THEMATIC SESSION: Thirty years of transformation of journalistic labour


(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)

Monika Metykova (University of Sussex, UK)
Lenka Waschkova Cisarova (Masaryk University, Czechia)
Magdalena Mateja (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland)
TITLE TBC Authority and prestige of the journalists in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe [VIR] (abstract)
Lenka Waschkova Cisarova (Masaryk University, Czechia)
Monika Metykova (University of Sussex, UK)
Technological change as curse or redemption for journalistic labour: A case study of TV news reporters and camera reporters [VIR] (abstract)
13:30-15:00 Session 8D: OPEN SESSION


(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)

Hildegunn Mellesmo Aslaksen (University of Agder, Norway)
Hildegunn Mellesmo Aslaksen (University of Agder, Norway)
Labour or nature? The ecomodernist dilemma in the discourses on green jobs in Norway [VIR] (abstract)
Erik Mygind du Plessis (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)
Sine Just (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Selling advice: Escalation-oriented practices and resonance-sensitivity in Danish retail banking [VIR] (abstract)
Fjola Karlsdottir (University of Akureyri, Iceland)
The importance of gaining gender work life balance for the future of new generations and of the economy in the rural north [VIR] (abstract)
Kristine Nergaard (Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Norway)
Elin Svarstad (Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research, Norway)
Declining union density – looking into the black box [VIR] (abstract)
13:30-15:00 Session 8E: [18] THEMATIC SESSION: Challenges and new organizing in elementary schools


(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)

Karen Albertsen (TeamArbejdsliv, Denmark)
Anita Mac (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Søren Voxted (University of Southern Denmark, Department of Marketing and Management, Denmark)
Employees whom are managers without titles: A contribution to identifying an unconscious managerial layer in modern organizations [VIR] (abstract)
Anita Mac (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Agnete Meldgaard Hansen (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Development of Professional capital in primary schools through team collaboration [VIR] (abstract)
Karen Albertsen (TeamArbejdsliv, Denmark)
Hans Jørgen Limborg (TeamArbejdsliv, Denmark)
Eva Thoft (TeamArbejdsliv, Denmark)
Collaboration around tasks and schedules – An intervention study in public schools [VIR] (abstract)
Øyunn Høydal (OsloMet, Norway)
Hvilken skole er den digitale skolen? [VIR] (abstract)
13:30-15:00 Session 8F: OPEN SESSION


(please disregard the date of the zoom meeting - it's only a technicality which will not affect the meeting)

Hjördís Sigursteinsdóttir (University of Akureyri, Iceland)
Hjördis Sigursteinsdóttir (University of Akureyri, Iceland)
Work life balance [VIR] (abstract)
Helle Holmgren (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Klaus Nielsen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Work-life balance following bereavement: A mixed methods study of widowed parents [VIR] (abstract)