This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
a new work | |
academia | |
academics | |
Action research | |
Activation | |
Active Labour Market Policies | |
active labour market policy | |
affect | |
age | |
Age discrimination | |
Age diversity | |
Age-diverse workforce | |
Ageing | |
Ageing workers | |
Ageing workforce | |
Ageism | |
Agency | |
ALMP | |
Armed forces | |
art | |
Artificial intelligence | |
Asylum centers | |
attractive work | |
atypical employment | |
Austria | |
authority | |
Automation | |
autonomy | |
B | |
Banking sector | |
bereavement | |
Between professional standards and reallife problems at a hospital ward | |
Blue Collar workers | |
Boundary work | |
Bridge employment | |
Bureaucracy | |
C | |
camera reporters | |
Career extension | |
career making | |
career trajectories | |
careers | |
Central actors | |
Central and Eastern Europe | |
Change | |
Change of work practice | |
Chronic unemployment | |
civil society | |
Clinical quality | |
Coercive | |
Collaboration | |
Collaboration within schools | |
Collective agreement | |
Collective bargaining | |
Commitment | |
Comparative Political Economy | |
comparative research | |
competence | |
completion of upper secondary school | |
complexity leadership | |
Complexity theory | |
Conceptual archaeology | |
concluding reflections | |
Conclusion | |
Consequence | |
contingent work | |
Cooperation | |
Corona-virus | |
corporatism | |
corporatist regime | |
covid-19 | |
Creative | |
creativity | |
Cross-pressure | |
Czech Republic | |
D | |
delegation of management | |
Demand-side approaches to labour market integration | |
Denmark | |
Dialogical processes | |
Digital divide | |
digital labour | |
Digital labour market | |
Digital platforms | |
digital skills | |
digital support | |
Digitalisation | |
digitalisering | |
Digitalization | |
Digitization | |
Dilemmas as embedded in daily work | |
Disability | |
disabled employee | |
discourse | |
discrimination | |
Discursive recources | |
Discussion | |
E | |
Early retirement | |
earnings | |
Ecological system theory | |
ecomodernism | |
economic pressures | |
Economy in the rural north | |
Education | |
Education and training | |
Efficiency | |
Elementary Schools | |
emotion work | |
Emotions | |
Employee participation | |
Employer survey | |
Employers | |
employment | |
Employment policies | |
Employment relations | |
Employment trajectories | |
encouraging and uplifting talk | |
entrepreneurs | |
Entrepreneurship | |
equine industry | |
EU research funding | |
Evaluation | |
Evaluation Systems | |
Evaluation theories and methods | |
Evaluation utilization | |
expectations | |
F | |
Facilitation | |
family policy | |
Female labour supply | |
Fidelity | |
Finland | |
Finnish working life | |
Fixed Effects Analysis | |
flexible employment | |
foreign | |
G | |
gender | |
gender equality | |
gender segregation | |
gender studies | |
gendered labour market | |
Germany | |
Good working life | |
green jobs | |
grief | |
Guidelines | |
H | |
Health | |
Health and Safety | |
Health care professions | |
Health-related labour market exclusion | |
Healthcare | |
Healthcare professionals | |
Highly skilled | |
home care | |
Horizon Europe | |
Hospital Employees | |
Human capital | |
hybrid organisation | |
I | |
ideenes rolle | |
Identity | |
identity and meaning in work | |
Identity work | |
Immigrants | |
impact evaluation | |
Implementation | |
Incapacity pension | |
Inclusion | |
inclusive teams | |
income | |
income inequality | |
Independently | |
individual and work place outcomes | |
Individual capabilities | |
Individual placement and support | |
Industrial conflict | |
industrial relations | |
Industry4.0 | |
informal economy | |
informal employment | |
information | |
information lack | |
innovation | |
innovative behavior | |
Institutional analysis | |
institutional change | |
Institutions | |
Instrumental Variables | |
Integration | |
Intelligent automation | |
intention to leave | |
Internalized Expectations | |
Internationalisation | |
intersectionality | |
Intervention study | |
intro | |
Invisibility work | |
Invisible work | |
Involvement | |
IPS | |
islands | |
isolated labour markets | |
IT organisations | |
J | |
Job centers | |
Job coaches | |
job development | |
Job polarization | |
job quality | |
job satisfaction | |
journalism | |
journalist | |
journalistic labour | |
Justice | |
K | |
key employees | |
Key words: | |
Knowledge | |
knowledge workers | |
L | |
labor market inclusion | |
labor market integration | |
labour | |
Labour Force Surveys | |
Labour market | |
Labour Market participation | |
Labour Market Policies | |
labour market policy | |
labour policy | |
labour segregation | |
labour-nature relationships | |
Law | |
Law and regulations | |
Leader | |
Leadership and older workers | |
learning | |
Legislation | |
Legitimacy | |
Local government | |
Long term sickness absence | |
low employability | |
Loyalty | |
M | |
Machine translation | |
management | |
Management systems | |
Manager | |
managerial tasks | |
Manufacturing | |
marketization | |
Meaning | |
meaning of work | |
meaningful work | |
media system | |
Mediation | |
Medical Secretaries | |
mental health | |
Mental illness | |
migrant | |
migrant studies | |
Mobility Impairments | |
multiple job holding | |
N | |
narrative | |
NEET | |
network | |
New ways of organizing | |
No more Colorless | |
non-standard employment | |
Nordic ALMP | |
Nordic model | |
Nordic working life | |
North-European tradition | |
Nursing | |
O | |
objectivity | |
occupational change | |
Occupational choice | |
Occupational hazard | |
Occupational structure | |
OHS | |
Older workers | |
Online home care support | |
Online labour platforms | |
Online medical records | |
Opportunities and challenges for work-conditions | |
Organizational change | |
Organizational Changes | |
Organizational development | |
organizing | |
Output management | |
outro | |
P | |
part II | |
part-time work | |
participation | |
Patient involvement | |
personal digital branding | |
PhD holders | |
Phenomenological understanding | |
physical disability | |
Physical Space | |
Places of work | |
Platform economy | |
Platform work | |
Playful theorizing | |
polarization | |
Positive psychosocial work environment | |
power relations | |
power-relations | |
precariousness | |
prestige | |
Primary schools | |
Professional capital | |
Professional identity | |
Professional judgement as a tool to manage dilemmas | |
Professional quality | |
professional work | |
professionalism | |
Professionel capital | |
Professions | |
promoting factors | |
Protection | |
PRT | |
Psychological health and safety | |
Psychology | |
Psychosocial work environment | |
Public good | |
Public schools | |
Public sector | |
Public servant | |
Public value | |
Q | |
Qualitative study | |
Quality of Health care service | |
Quality of Health care services | |
quality of working life | |
Quasi experimental design | |
Quasi-experiment | |
Questions | |
R | |
recently graduated | |
Recruitment | |
Refugees | |
Register-based research | |
Regression Discontinuity Design | |
Remote Monitoring Technology | |
research | |
Resistance to change | |
Resonance | |
Retail banking | |
Retainment | |
Retirement | |
Risk Management | |
robotisation | |
Robotization | |
role clarity | |
S | |
Safety | |
Schedule | |
School-management | |
segmentation | |
self-efficacy | |
self-employment | |
Self-loyalty | |
Self-management | |
self-organization | |
self-organizing team | |
Senior management | |
Senior policy | |
Service society | |
Servitization | |
skill-formation | |
skills | |
skolen som samfunnsinstitusjon | |
social and health care | |
Social and organisational factors | |
Social capital | |
Social Class | |
Social inequalities | |
social innovation | |
Social policy | |
social support | |
Social workers | |
Social-psychological health | |
socio-political developments | |
Socioeconomic status | |
sosiale investeringer | |
spousal loss | |
Standardization | |
Stigmatization | |
Strategic interaction | |
street level bureaucrats | |
Street-level theory | |
Strong | |
STS | |
subjectivity | |
success | |
Supported employment | |
sustainability | |
sustainable work | |
T | |
Teamwork | |
Technical translators | |
technological change | |
Technological changes | |
Technological Frames | |
Technology | |
the elastic self | |
The Netherlands | |
the Nordic model | |
Threat | |
Timely interaction | |
trade union density | |
trade unions | |
Traditional values | |
Transparency | |
TV news reporters | |
U | |
undeclared work | |
union density | |
Unionization | |
United States | |
Upper secondary school system | |
Urbanization | |
V | |
Vignette | |
virtual communication tool | |
visible minority | |
vocational supervision | |
Voice climate | |
volunteer work | |
W | |
wage gap | |
welfare professions | |
welfare services | |
welfare state policy | |
welfare technology | |
well-being | |
Whistleblowing | |
whistleblowing research | |
women | |
Work | |
work ability | |
work engagement | |
Work environment | |
Work identity | |
work inclusion | |
Work life balance | |
work life participation | |
Work pace | |
work place changes | |
work teams | |
Work transformation | |
work-life balance | |
Workforce changes | |
Working conditions | |
working hour | |
working life | |
Worklife | |
Workload | |
Workplace Innovation | |
workplace policy | |
Y | |
Young adults | |
Young workers | |
Youth |