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09:00-10:30 Session 22: PLENARY 5 - Manghi
Location: Aula Magna
PLENARY: Prácticas semióticas en contextos de educación y movilidad del significado

ABSTRACT. Si acordamos que la semiosis humana es un fenómeno social, podemos abordar el estudio de los signos desde una teoría que reconozca que los creadores de significado eligen entre múltiples modos para significar – de naturaleza material y social- (Kress, 2010); tanto para construir la experiencia, como para enactuar las relaciones sociales, así como organizar textos coherentes (Halliday, 1982).

La teoría de la Semiótica Social se funda en las ideas de Halliday y asume que la creación de significado es una actividad social (van Leeuwen, 2005) y está estrechamente vinculada con el poder y la solidaridad (Hodge y Kress, 1988). A partir de estos supuestos acordamos que los significados son diseñados, producidos, distribuidos y consumidos cultural y socialmente (Kress y van Leeuwen, 2001), por lo tanto, requieren de ser analizados en las prácticas sociales en las que circulan.

El enfoque multimodal desde la Semiótica Social, amplía el foco hacia la variedad de modos semióticos utilizados por los seres humanos para significar y que confluyen en un mismo evento comunicativo (O’Halloran, 2011) en un amplio rango de prácticas discursivas que orquestan recursos semióticos múltiples desplegados en varios medios. El Análisis del Discurso desde esta perspectiva multimodal considera el análisis de expansiones intersemióticas de significado (Lemke, 1998; Jewitt, 2009) así como de despliegue de prácticas sociales dinámicas, la cuales trasladan significados originales a nuevas opciones de semiosis. La resemiotización (Iedema, 2003) complejiza la idea de la semiosis y su movilidad, focalizando en los posibles cambios entre los significados que se encadenan en cada instanciación, distinguiendo entre transformación intramodal y transducción intermodal (Bezemer y Kress, 2016).

En esta ocasión, revisaremos ejemplos de secuencias de creación de significados (Newfield, 2015) de dos contextos diferentes: el aula escolar; y los medios de comunicación y redes sociales en torno al tema educativo. Por una parte, respecto al cambio en los medios y modos semióticos en el aula escolar, adoptar este énfasis para analizar las prácticas semióticas en contexto educativo implica acordar junto con Bezemer y Kress (2016) que siempre que hay semiosis hay aprendizaje. Por otra parte, si ponemos atención a los recursos semióticos usados por los creadores de significado en las redes sociales, por ejemplo, una noticia de televisión sobre educación reposteada en Facebook, ponemos en primer plano al poder como un juego invisible presente en las instituciones (Bezemer & Kress, 2016), que se hace presente en las prácticas semióticas a través de la promoción de algunos signos, significados y sus creadores, y la prohibición o anulación de otros.


Bezemer, J. & Kress, G. (2016). Multimodality, learning and communication: a social semiotic frame. Londres: Routledge.

Halliday, M.A.K. (1982). El lenguaje como semiótica social. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Iedema, R. (2003). Multimodality Resemiotization: Extending the Analysis of Discourse as a Multisemiotic Practice, Visual Communication 2 (1): 29-57.

Jewitt, C. (Ed.) (2009). The Routledge Handbook of Multimodal Analysis. Londres: Routledge.

Kress, G. (2010). Multimodality: A social semiotic approach to contemporary communication. Londres: Routledge.

Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. (2001). Multimodal Discourse. The Modes and Media of Contemporary Communication. Londres: Arnold.

Lemke, J. (1998).Multiplying Meaning: Visual and Verbal Semiotics in Scientific Text. En J.R. Martin & R. Veel, Eds., Reading Science (pp.87-113). Londres: Routledge.

Newfield, D. (2015). Transformation, transduction and the transmodal moment. In C. Jewitt (ed.) The Routledge handbook of multimodal analysis (pp. 100-115). Londres: Routledge.

O’Halloran, K. (2011). Multimodal Discourse Analysis. En Ken Hyland & Bradley Smith (Eds.), Multimodal Studies: Exploring Issues and Domains (pp. 120-137). New York & Londres: Routledge.

van Leeuwen, T. (2005). Introducing Social Semiotics. USA & Canada: Routledge.

10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Session 23: COLLOQUIUM 7
Location: Auditorio 1
COLLOQUIUM: Building teachers’ academic language awareness in graduate teacher education: Infusing SFL within Secondary M.S. Ed. courses

ABSTRACT. This colloquium reports on a design-based research study to incorporate SFL within master’s courses for practicing secondary content teachers. The participating teachers were enrolled in a M.S. Ed. program as part of the Supporting Educators’ Academic Literacies and Engaged Discourse (SEALED) study. The SEALED master’s program utilizes an applied approach to graduate teacher education, requiring teachers to apply teaching methods learned in their courses within their secondary urban classrooms serving diverse populations. Paper one provides review of the literature related to incorporating SFL within teacher education and guiding principles for this work, paper two, the study’s iterative curriculum model and lessons learned, and paper three, the teachers’ evolving awareness of academic language for content area teaching over time.

Organizer: Mary A. Avalos, University of Miami, (

Discussant: Maria E. Brisk (


Paper 1: Systemic Functional Linguistics and Graduate Teacher Education: Background and Context for the SEALED Project

Luciana C. de Oliveira, University of Miami,

The integration of SFL into teacher education and continuing professional learning has shown to have a positive impact on developing teachers’ knowledge about language and their ability to instruct students by focusing on language and literacy development (de Oliveira & Avalos, 2017; Harman, 2017). While there are pedagogical approaches available for teachers to implement SFL in their classrooms (e.g., Teaching/Learning Cycle, Martin & Rose, 2005; Rothery, 1996), SFL theory does not provide a developed curriculum for implementation in pre- or in-service teacher education programs; therefore, the ways in which it has been used across teacher education have varied. We incorporated SFL principles (e.g., language and content cannot be separated, the language of disciplinary texts is different than everyday language, etc.) to guide how SFL was implemented in the M.S. Ed. program’s teaching methods and reading instruction courses. This paper discusses these principles and provides an overview of how they were applied as part of SEALED.

Paper 2: Infusing SFL and a Language-oriented Pedagogical Cycle within M.S. Ed. Secondary Methods and Reading Courses: Curriculum Model and Lessons Learned

Mary A. Avalos, University of Miami,

This paper reports the iterative development of the SFL-related curricula in secondary content and reading methods courses during the first year of the SEALED project. The curricula we developed for the M.S. Ed. courses introduces teachers to SFL through students’ writing as recent work in the field suggests (Brisk, 2015; Myhill, Jones, & Lines, 2018), and gradually builds teachers’ knowledge about academic language focusing on disciplinary understandings of prominent text-based language features, such as genre purpose/stages, referents, logico-semantic relations, nominalizations, circumstances, etc. Additionally, the differences and changes made to the M.S. Ed. curricula in order to improve course iterations are discussed. Using teacher and course instructors’ feedback, as well as teachers’ written reflections and our anecdotal notes, we also report what we learned while implementing this approach with secondary teachers who applied explicit language teaching grounded in SFL within their classrooms.

Paper 3: Secondary Content Area Teachers' Evolving Understandings of Academic Language

Alissa Blair, University of Miami,

This paper explores the evolving understandings of academic language among two cohorts of teachers in disciplinary content methods courses that incorporated SFL theory for implementing a language-oriented pedagogical cycle with their secondary students (Martin & Rose, 2005). Analysis of course-based assignments requiring teacher reflection and other artifacts (e.g., student work sample analyses) collected periodically over one academic year, suggest participants expanded their awareness of the role of academic language in content area instruction to support diverse learners’ academic language-learning needs. The affordances and challenges of integrating explicit language instruction within graduate-level teacher education courses are discussed.

11:00-13:00 Session 23: COLLOQUIUM 8
Location: Sala 2 (Room 2)
COLLOQUIUM: Exploring methods to complementarities of stratification

ABSTRACT. In this colloquium we will explore different complementarity relations between stratification in language and other systemic dimensions and semiotic systems. Complementarity (Halliday 2008) can be defined as any theoretical relationship between different approaches to a phenomenon - that is, poles connected by a cline or a continuum. Complementarity is a key concept to moving SFL metalanguage forward, since it models the integration of different parts of the theory as an extravagant and exhaustive whole and it has accordingly been extensively described (see for example Hasan 1996; Halliday 2008; Dreyfuss, Hood & Stenglin, 2011; Painter, Martin & Unsworth 2013). Our colloquium will follow the development of knowledge about complementarity within SFL paying particular attention to methodology. Our general aim is to depart from the most well-known approaches and poles of different complementarities - having stratification as the point of departure - and use detailed methodologies that can help descriptions and analyses to, as it were, move over into lesser understood poles. The papers on this colloquium will approach problems of integration as follows: (1) Complementarity between verbal language and body language; (2) complementarity between typology and topology; (3) complementarity between closed systems and lexis; and (4) complementarity between context and language. We expect that the colloquium may offer contributions to the SFL community in regards to new methodologies that can improve our understanding of integration in language.

keywords: Complementarity; Topology; Lexis; Conjunction; Body language.

Organizer: Giacomo Figueredo, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – UFOP,


Paper 1: Complementarity between semiotic systems


Rafaella Saioro, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto – UFOP,

This paper will explore a methodology to investigate a complementarity in representation - focusing on the relation between verbal language and body language. More specifically, it aims at describing a methodology detailed enough to capture the means by which these two semiotic systems integrate to make the meanings of a single text. Many semiotic systems can be responsible for producing a text, such as MATHEMATICS (Doran, 2015), MUSIC (Leeuwen, 1999; Leeuwen, 2003), BODY LANGUAGE (Hood, 2011; Martin & Zappavigna, 2018; Saioro, 2018) and VERBAL LANGUAGE (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014). Some texts can be constructed by two or more semiotic systems,  making them multisemiotic texts (cf. Martin & Rose, 2008). Accordingly, there are genres that are inherently multisemiotic, such as flirting, which is construed through the systems of BODY LANGUAGE and VERBAL LANGUAGE (Saioro, 2018). However, the way in which different semiotic systems are integrated within a text need more detailed descriptions, which in turn results from a detailed methodology. This paper aims at using a detailed methodology to explore how the systems of BODY LANGUAGE and VERBAL LANGUAGE integrate in multisemiotic genres in Brazilian Portuguese. More specifically, it will describe the relation between BODY LANGUAGE and VERBAL LANGUAGE in a text, in order to develop a method of analysis that encompasses the roles of both semiotic systems as they organize multimodal genres (Martin & Rose, 2008). In order to do so, four genres that are used to negotiate social relationships (cf. Eggins & Slade, 1997) were chosen: flirting, harassment, gossip and storytelling. The results will show that a more complete understanding of those genres can be ensured by a multimodal analysis of the systems of BODY LANGUAGE and VERBAL LANGUAGE.

Paper 2: Complementarity between typology and topology


Francieli Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG,

This paper will explore a methodology to investigate a complementarity in representation - focusing on the relation between typology (representation as choice) and topology (representation as space). More specifically, it aims at providing a typology-topology account of patterns found in stratification. Typology and topology of language have been widely investigated in systemic functional theory and the implications of developing them have been derived from system (Lemke 1989, Martin & Matthiessen, 1992). Since then, typology and topology representations of language have been evolving based on the notion of human activities (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014). However the mapping of systemic choices of texts across stratification (Halliday & Matthiessen, 1999, Martin & Rose, 2008) difficult to achieve due to the complexity of methods involved. This problem (cf. Martin, 2014, Matthiessen, 2015) however requires a full analysis across strata in order to be fully addressed. This paper aims at presenting a methodology to describe the relationship between typology and topology of language derived from the dimension of system. In order to fulfill the purpose of this study, a corpus with four subcorpora was compiled through experiential domain of diabetes care in Brazilian Portuguese. At the first moment, the four subcorpora were labeled according to the names generally used in Brazilian culture: academic article, booklet, questionnaire and interview. The corpus was investigated over system network choices performed to construe each text as an instance (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014). As a result, these choices show how system network paths along linguistic realization cline can provide sufficient information to create typology and topology of texts. Therefore, this investigation promotes the understanding of texts configuration in types and space and, furthermore, resulted in a methodology model of mapping language thought systemic choices, which explains linguistic stratification and the relation among units established over instantiation.

Paper 3: Complementarity in delicacy between stratification and lexis


Júlia Rodrigues, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG,

This paper will explore a methodology to investigate the complementarity between stratification and lexis - focusing on the relation between systemic organization (closed systems) and clusters of lexical items (open sets). More specifically, it aims at presenting a methodology to investigate how closed systems and open sets integrate to share the work of construing meaning. For the purposes of this paper, strata can be understood as patterns of closed systems - which in turn are realized by structures - whereas lexical items are patterns of collocations restricted to a particular text (Halliday 2002:165). Thus on the one hand the stratification-lexis complementarity forms lexical strings and reference chains that can be used to construe the field of a text when viewed from the vantage point of closed systems (cf. Rose 2005:12). On the other hand, however, it sets up the cline of delicacy, with lexis being the most delicate pole of systems when viewed from the point of view of open sets (Halliday & Matthiessen 2014:64). This poses a methodological problem in terms of the complementarity between stratification and lexis on how to move from stratification (including context) to lexis in a way that captures their integration. The paper will go on to present a study on the role of lexis in relation to stratification. Using a corpus of academic articles and popular science articles written in Brazilian Portuguese, both related to the same domain of experience – Diabetes Mellitus, some probes, herein called lexical research protocols, have been developed. We will show the methodology steps needed to describe lexical items as they are able to establish taxonomic relations of identification and classification within the generalization/detailing process of delicacy. In addition, being an open set lexis can be treated as a resource that evolves faster than systems, but at the same time they are able to work together in order to compose texts.

Paper 4: Complementarity within stratification between context and language


Ricardo Alves, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG,

This paper will explore a methodology to investigate a complementarity within stratification - focusing on the relation between content (ideational and textual grammar, discourse semantics) and context (field in particular). More specifically, it aims at describing the system of CONJUNCTION in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). CONJUNCTION is a discourse semantics system which establishes a complementarity between units ranging from clause to field (Martin, & Rose 2007; Hao, 2015). Although there are descriptions of CONJUNCTION in different languages (English see Martin & Rose, 2007; Halliday; Matthiessen, 2014, Tagalog see Martin, 1981, French see Banks, 2017), they are different because languages are different. This poses a methodological problem in terms of the complementarity between grammar, discourse semantics and field with respect to particular languages. Since this paper focuses on Brazilian Portuguese, we assume CONJUNCTION behaves differently in this language as well, and that a method for its description may provide insight into the particulars of the content-context complementarity of different languages. The paper will go on to show in detail the methodology steps taken to move analysis and description from clause to discourse semantics to field in BP. Paradigmatic reasoning, field-driven corpus-based data, function-oriented analysis and trinocular view all feature in the methods. In addition, a quantitative treatment is also given to the data, which were validated and patterned in relation to CONJUNCTION behavior and field.

11:00-11:30 Session 23A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
“Investigar a la escuela o investigar con la escuela”: análisis discursivo de la representación de actores sociales desde los participantes escuela/universidad

ABSTRACT. Una de las posibilidades de estudiar el contexto escolar es la Investigación-Acción Participativa (Oliveira, 2015) que legitima tanto a los actores sociales de la escuela como de la universidad. Este estudio analiza un evento diseñado como transición hacia esta metodología, que corresponde a un análisis conjunto de hallazgos preliminares de una etnografía escolar, en el marco de un proyecto en torno al tema de la educación inclusiva (CIE 160009). La dinámica diseñada promovió una determinada manera de participar en el intercambio de significados que busca que los participantes de la escuela se miren a sí mismos e interpreten los resultados seleccionados por la universidad. En este discurso cada participante representa explícita, implícitamente u omite actores sociales co-construyendo la representación discursiva de las prácticas sociales que se desarrollan en las escuelas. El objetivo es analizar discursivamente la co-construcción de dichas representaciones entretejidas entre nuestro equipo de investigación y los profesores de la escuela. El corpus se compone de tres eventos de análisis conjunto de colegios de educación media técnico profesional de distintas regiones. Específicamente: grabaciones de audio sincronizadas con el material fotográfico y escrito (Kress y van Leeuwen, 1996) usados como gatilladores de la discusión. A través del análisis del discurso aplicado al corpus lingüístico y multimodal, interesa indagar la representación de los actores y la forma de interacción de los participantes utilizando las categorías sociosemióticas de inclusión y exclusión (van Leeuwen, 2008) para el análisis ideacional y el análisis de intercambios de significados para el interpersonal (Martin y Rose, 2007). En los resultados, por una parte, los profesores usan generalizaciones y personalizaciones de los actores sociales, mientras que como equipo investigador utilizamos el encubrimiento y la impersonalización. Por otra parte, existen etapas del evento donde progresivamente los participantes de la escuela son más activos en la demanda y oferta de información, a la vez, nosotros pasamos a un segundo plano. Estos hallazgos colaboran en el avance hacia una investigación más participativa.

11:00-11:30 Session 23B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Hacia una descripción de los géneros de la Historia y su enseñanza a través del programa Leer para Aprender

ABSTRACT. La lectura es fundamental en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de los contenidos de cualquier disciplina. El discurso de la historia posee funciones narrativas, explicativas y argumentativas (Coffin, 1997) que se instancian en géneros que al complementarse con imágenes y fuentes históricas expanden los significados dando origen a los macrogéneros curriculares (Christie, 1997). Este entramado tiene que ser descifrado por los escolares, sin embargo, no siempre se logra. Aunque no presentan dificultades en la lectura literal que les permite memorizar hechos, personajes, fechas y lugares, si muestran grandes problemas de comprensión a nivel de significados inferenciales y valorativos lo que les impide hacer una lectura crítica que problematice los eventos históricos. Este estudio, realizado en colaboración con lingüistas y profesores de historia, tiene como objetivo describir desde una perspectiva multimodal los macrogéneros presentes en los textos escolares, entregados por el Ministerio de Educación chileno para Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, y comprende el período desde el inicio de las relaciones hispano-mapuches hasta mediados del siglo XX en los cursos de 8º Básico a 2º Medio. Con el fin de identificar los géneros y develar los significados que aportan los diferentes recursos semióticos utilizados en el texto escolar se utilizan las herramientas de la lingüística sistémico-funcional (Halliday, 2004) y la teoría del registro y del género (Martin y Rose, 2008). Esta investigación permitirá el levantamiento de un corpus de secuencias didácticas (Acevedo, Coffin, Gouveia, Lövstedt, y Whittaker, 2016) basado en el programa australiano Leer para Aprender (Rose y Martin, 2012) y su implementación, en una etapa posterior, en un colegio de Educación Básica y Media de la región de Valparaíso. A partir de una identificación preliminar de los géneros recurrentes en los textos, se ha observado un patrón que alterna un macrogénero de relato histórico explicativo compuesto de diversas exposiciones clasificatorias. Así, se va dando a conocer la Historia como una sucesión de procesos históricos, introducidos a través de antecedentes de tiempo, espacio y actores que se van proyectando a través de clasificaciones de distintos tipos de reformas, leyes o cambios producidos por eventos previos.

11:00-11:30 Session 23C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
Multimodalidad en tres tipos de textos de divulgación científica para niños

ABSTRACT. La literacidad multimodal tanto en niños como en adultos en el ámbito de la ciencia es un tema de suma importancia dado que en general los libros, tanto escolares como de divulgación, están compuestos por textos donde interactúan dos o más modos de significación (texto escrito, dibujos, gráficas, figuras, fotografías, etc.). Las implicaciones de desarrollar una literacidad multimodal donde los lectores puedan poner de manifiesto qué tipo de relaciones se establecen entre los distintos modos de significación, en particular para la pedagogía, el currículo y la evaluación en educación en ciencias, así como para la construcción de una ‘cultura científica’, son enormes si se piensa en el desarrollo de una literacidad crítica en general. Dada la importancia que tienen los libros informativos como ‘puertas de entrada a libros más complejos’ (Garralón 2013), el presente trabajo se propone hacer un análisis multimodal y una comparación de los recursos de tres tipos de libros informativos relacionados con las ciencias, tanto naturales como las ciencias humanas: i) textos divulgativos más apegados a la narración; ii) textos que se acercan más a lo pedagógico, y finalmente iii) textos de experimentación. Para el análisis propuesto partiremos de la metodología de análisis diseñada por Painter, Martin y Unswoorth (2013). Analizaremos los sistemas de involucramiento y focalización, así como las relaciones entre acciones (opciones inter-eventos), tanto para revelar cómo se construye -en el primer caso- la dimensión afectiva del significado en la divulgación de la ciencia para niños, así como para mostrar la relación entre eventos, cuestión que parece fundamental en el caso de la ciencia. Nuestros resultados, aún cuando parciales, apuntan a que la dimensión afectiva de los textos divulgativos es un hilo conductor en la construcción de relaciones abstractas y conocimientos vinculados a la ciencia.

11:30-12:00 Session 24A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
Os significados de aprender e ensinar inglês na escola pública na perspectiva de alunos: uma análise argumentativa e sistêmico-funcionalmente orientada para a transformação social

ABSTRACT. Neste trabalho, procuramos estabelecer um diálogo entre a perspectiva da Argumentação proposta por Van Eemeren e Grootendorst (2004, p. 45) e a Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014) na análise do processo reflexivo e colaborativo, desenvolvido entre um professor e seus alunos, na discussão e problematização de perspectivas de ensinar e aprender inglês no contexto de uma escola pública do interior do RS/BRASIL. Este trabalho integra uma pesquisa de doutorado, que buscou refletir e transformar os discursos e as práticas dos participantes (professor e alunos), ao desenvolverem uma proposta socialmente situada de ensino de inglês como Língua Adicional (ILA) na escola pública, com vistas à transformação discursiva e social dessas práticas. Nesse sentido, a perspectiva argumentativa adotada focaliza a atividade social e discursiva caracterizada pela defesa de pontos de vista diante de oposições e perspectivas alternativas (VAN EEMEREN et. al., 1996 apud LEITÃO, 2011, p. 18). Tais posicionamentos são atravessados pelo contexto social e de cultura dos participantes e linguisticamente realizados (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014). Assim, neste artigo, nos dedicamos à análise da primeira sessão reflexiva, realizada com um professor e 15 alunos, em que problematizamos os conceitos de aprendizagem e de ensino de ILA e os papéis de professor e de aluno subjacentes ao discurso dos participantes. A sessão reflexiva em questão foi filmada em abril de 2017 e, posteriormente, transcrita. Para a análise desse processo reflexivo, utilizamos as categorias epistêmico-argumentativas elaboradas por Compiani (1996) e Brum (2015) e procuramos demonstrar sua realização na linguagem, considerando as contribuições das categorias analíticas dos sistemas de transitividade e de relações lógico-semânticas de expansão da metafunção ideacional da Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional. Os resultados apontam para uma cultura de aprendizagem de inglês arraigada no ensino da gramática e na internalização de regras (BROWN, 1994, p. 24), marcados discursivamente por ações argumentativas de intensificação e elaboração de ideias relacionadas à “repetição” e à “decoreba”. Nessa perspectiva, a análise também demonstra que os participantes constroem uma figura de professor como Ator de processos do fazer (“fazer escrever”, “fazer falar”) e o colocam como provável reprodutor dessa cultura do “ensino por regras”, recuperando práticas ancoradas na “repetição” (drills).

11:30-12:00 Session 24B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Desde los textos expositivos hacia los géneros fácticos de la Escuela de Sídney

ABSTRACT. El propósito de este trabajo es indagar sobre cómo se conceptualizan los textos expositivos en el ámbito de la educación primaria en Argentina. Esta necesidad surgió durante la implementación piloto del programa Leer para Aprender, realizada en escuelas primarias en 2018. Durante el ciclo lectivo, se capacitó a docentes de escuelas primarias en las estrategias pedagógicas propuestas por Rose y Martin (2012) para guiar la lectura y escritura de textos en Ciencias Naturales y Sociales con el objeto de optimizar los aprendizajes en esas disciplinas. La preparación andamiada de los textos y la puesta en práctica de los ciclos de enseñanza-aprendizaje contribuyeron a la capacitación de los docentes. No obstante, estos mostraron una visible dificultad para identificar el propósito específico de los textos objeto de enseñanza y cierta resistencia a apartarse de la etiqueta ‘texto expositivo’, utilizada indiscriminadamente para cualquier texto informativo. Esta concepción imprecisa de los textos vinculados al conocimiento, generalizada en la educación primaria, funciona como un condicionante frente a la propuesta conceptual de los géneros discursivos formulada por la Escuela de Sídney (Martin & Rose, 2008), que toma como criterios fundamentales para la identificación y clasificación de los géneros el ‘propósito’ y la ‘estructura esquemática’ que los realiza. Dado que estos criterios no parecen ser abordados explícitamente en los manuales escolares, resulta necesario explorar cómo se presentan y caracterizan los textos ‘expositivos’ para su enseñanza. Este trabajo propone relevar las caracterizaciones de los textos denominados ‘expositivos’ en manuales de lengua castellana, asignatura en la que se enseñan los géneros textuales en la escuela primaria, y determinar si en ellas se hace referencia a los propósitos (si es así con qué grado de delicadeza), si se aborda la noción de estructura esquemática (etapas y fases), y si se establecen relaciones entre el propósito y dicha estructura de patrones recurrentes de significados. Esta caracterización permitirá vincular las conceptualizaciones difundidas en nuestro entorno y las proporcionadas por el modelo de lenguaje sistémico-funcional, mostrar la utilidad y lógica que guían la clasificación propuesta por Martin y Rose (2008) y Rose y Martin (2012), y propiciar ajustes anclados en necesidades locales.

11:30-12:00 Session 24C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
Generic structure potential of multimodal narratives: visual resources

ABSTRACT. Narratives have been extensively studied by Systemic Functional linguists. Their generic structure potential as well as the verbal resources that realize the different stages in narratives have been described in detail. Yet, when it comes to multimodal narratives, such as picture story books, the visual resources that are used in combination with language to make meanings have not been exhaustively described. In the field of Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA), several authors have contributed to developing an extensive visual grammar that systematizes meanings made in images and visual resources used to express them. In particular, the work done by Kress & van Leeuwen (2006) and Painter et al. (2013) has been very useful in the analysis of images from picture story books. However, there is no full description to date of the correspondence between the function of each of the stages of multimodal narratives and the different visual resources employed to fulfill them. The aim of this study, therefore, is to establish connections between the structure of picture story books and the resources typically used in the images to realize them. To this end, over 30 well-known picture story books were analyzed to determine regular patterns of visual resources used at different stages in the narrative. Depending on the intentions of illustrators at each of these stages, particular patterns of visual resources are used to have a specific impact on readers, especially on the way they relate to and experience the story world. By specifying the visual resources used in each of the stages, I intend to provide teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) with tools to explicitly teach their students the structure and resources used to fulfill multimodal narratives and, thus, help them produce effective and creative stories.

12:00-12:30 Session 25A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
Unveiling the representation of the pedagogic practice through material processes

ABSTRACT. It is common knowledge among educators in Brazil that teaching–learning English has been a concern when it comes to the public school system (CELANI, 2008) since it has faced issues for the last decades, such as changes in the status of the English language in the curriculum and the lowering of standards in pre-service education courses. Considering that this background has not changed much, investigating the representation of the pedagogic practice became crucial for a better understanding of this scenario. This paper, therefore, aims at presenting and discussing the representation of the pedagogic practice underlying the discourse of teachers of English who work in state schools in São Paulo. Semi-structured audio recorded interviews were conducted with ten state school teachers of English who were asked about their pedagogic practice as a whole. Data provided by Wordlists and Concordance Lists (SCOTT, 2010) from the transcription of the interviews revealed a high frequency of material processes which became the starting point of this study. The analysis was anchored in the experiential metafunction (HALLIDAY, 1994; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004) due to the focus on the mental image teachers had of their reality. The Critical Discourse Analysis proposed by van Leeuwen (2008), rooted in Halliday's Systemic Functional Linguistics, complemented the analysis shedding light on the analysis of the representation of social actions and actors. Results showed that the processes of doing such as do, work with, give, pass on described pedagogic practices centred on the teacher as a provider of procedures, content and assessment. This representation led us to identify a pedagogy of transmission, highly criticised by Freire (1968) and understood as conservative by Bernstein (1971, 1990, 2000). Findings highlight socio-educational implications since such representation seems not to foster successful learning to the detriment of a pedagogic perspective which would allow students to take effective part in this process through interaction (VYGOTSKY, 1978; NEWMAN; HOLZMAN, 2002; HASAN, 2005; HOLZMAN, 2009; KUMARAVADIVELU, 2008). The analysis carried out is expected to cater for reflections needed to put forward actions which can encourage the necessary changes in pre and in-service teacher education programmes to trigger effective learning.

12:00-12:30 Session 25B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Building relationships: analyzing engagement in classroom talk

ABSTRACT. Curriculum genres are defined in terms of the knowledge to be acquired by learners and the pedagogic activities through which that knowledge is acquired. The types of knowledge are varied and together with values, they may be accumulated as pedagogic activities unfold. In this context the role of the teacher is central in promoting learning by means of stimulating dialogue, discussion and debate among students, as well as engaging them in active participation. Considering that teaching has long been acknowledged as a complex task, the analysis of pedagogic discourse focused on the teacher may valuable for teachers, teacher trainers and researchers. In this study we focus on pedagogic relations in curriculum genres as shaped by the configuration of pedagogic activities, relations and modalities which represent the register variables of field, tenor and mode (Rose, 2014). Considering the dialogic nature of teacher-students relations, our work concerns how teachers use language to engage students in their learning process. The aim of our study is to describe how teacher’s discourse contributes to the construal of interpersonal meanings by focusing on the analysis of the ENGAGEMENT system of Appraisal (Martin & White, 2005) in an English as a foreign language teacher-training program. This is an exploratory, small-scale study on two 70-minute English for Social Communication lessons taught in the third year of the teacher training program at the National University of Rio Cuarto. Preliminary results show that, in general, both teachers continually and steadily open up spaces for negotiation and that students are able to engage in the discussion of the topics developed in the lessons. The analysis reveals that speech is monoglossic at the beginning of both lessons but it becomes more interactive as the lesson progresses. The choices appear to be affected by the objective of each class analyzed. The results may have implications for foreign language teachers, teacher trainers and education researchers given the importance of raising awareness of the role language plays in construing interactive classrooms.

12:00-12:30 Session 25C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
Condensing meaning: Intermodal aggregations in secondary school science explanations

ABSTRACT. Dialogue between Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) on the nature of knowledge building has inspired reconsideration of the register variable field in SFL (Doran & Martin to appear). Martin (e.g. 2017) introduces the concept of mass as part of this discussion, adopting a broader meta-functional perspective on the 'content' dimension of everyday, specialised, bureaucratic and academic knowledge – including its construal in both language and image. In this presentation, we focus on mass and, in particular, aggregation of meaning in images and verbiage functioning as part of, or related to, images in school science explanations. Aggregation refers image-language ensembles or infographics that in one synoptic 'eyeful' bring together meanings in one or more of the activity, classification, composition or property relations in a given field. A network of options for aggregating meaning through the complementary resources of image and language will be introduced and used to analyse infographic explanations of the same topic in year 10 and year 11 textbooks and on single web page representations. The results of the analyses indicate variation in the intermodal representational approaches across the data sets and the capacity of the framework to identify aspects of particular explanations that require augmentation through supplementary reading and/or additional/alternative information provided by the teacher. Implications are drawn for teaching students how to critically interpret contemporary infographic explanations and for teaching them how to articulate the use of language and image in similar brief versions of such explanations in their responses to short answer questions in secondary school science examinations

12:30-13:00 Session 26A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
A transitividade nos enunciados de adolescentes egressos do sistema socioeducativo

ABSTRACT. A socioeducação ou educação social visa preparar o jovem que já cometeu um ato infracional uma retomada ao convívio social e para a plena execução de sua cidadania. Assim, após passar por um sistema de privação de liberdade e de cumprir algumas medidas socioeducativas previstas pelo Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (1990), o jovem precisa voltar a estudar. Em seu trabalho, Pereira (2017) desvelou que poucas são as escolas que ofertam vagas para adolescentes que já estiveram em privação de liberdade, e que apenas uma escola tem aberto as "portas" para que estes jovens retomem seus estudos. Dessa forma, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar por meio de sistema de transitividade - metafunção ideacional - proposto por Halliday (2004) e também da análise crítica do discurso (Fairclough, 2003a) os enunciados dos adolescentes egressos do sistema socioeducativo acerca da escola Almira Amorim. O sistema de transitividade permitirá a análise da materialidade linguística que em consonância com a análise crítica do discurso será possível compreender as representações dos adolescentes egressos do sistema socioeducativo. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista e observação. Os resultados das análises, apresentaram muitos processos mentais e comportamentais. Para os adolescentes a única escola que aceitou ofertar vaga para eles foi a CEJA Almira Amorim, o que na visão dos adolescentes, eles sentem incluídos veem na escola uma possibilidade de mudança de vida e restituição dos sonhos.

12:30-13:00 Session 26B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Letramento acadêmico e avaliatividade na escrita de relatórios de estágio supervisionado

ABSTRACT. Este trabalho consiste na análise dos discursos atitudinais identificados na retextualização de Diários de Campo (DC) para Relatórios de Estágio Supervisionado (RES). Ambos os textos foram produzidos durante a oferta da disciplina de Estágio Supervisionado Curricular (ESC), na Licenciatura em Letras, da Universidade Federal do Tocantins – Araguaína – Brasil. O objetivo é investigar como o professor, o aluno e o contexto de ensino de Língua Portuguesa na Educação Básica são avaliados discursivamente, pelo aluno-mestre, a partir do estudo dos significados interpessoais de Atitude (Julgamento, Apreciação) gerados pela retextualização de DC para RES no ESC. Esta investigação está inserida no campo teórico da Linguística Aplicada e adota a Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional como suporte teórico-metodológico, apoiando a análise no Sistema de Avaliatividade de Martin e White (2005) e Martin e Rose (2013). No contexto da análise, o professor é avaliado por seu conhecimento (teórico-prático), por sua capacidade de articular o conteúdo para compreensão dos alunos, por sua competência em estabelecer relações interpessoais saudáveis e pela qualidade da aula ministrada. O aluno é avaliado por seu comportamento em sala de aula, pela defasagem ou nível de aprendizagem, pela (in)disciplina e pela falta de objetivo em estar na escola. Já o participante (circunstancial), contexto de ensino de LP, é avaliado segundo as subcategorias de Apreciação (Reação, Composição e Valoração). Os resultados apontam que a retextualização ocorre em função da adequação linguístico-textual-discursiva do DC para o RES, dada à convenção da escrita acadêmica, e as avaliações discursivas tecidas sobre professor-aluno-contexto configuram um aspecto inerente ao RES, uma vez que os participantes do processo educativo são alvos potenciais do RES, e focalizá-los em seus papéis sociais no ambiente de ensino é algo que está relacionado à reflexão que o aluno-mestre realiza nesse percurso de aprender e ensinar aprendendo.

12:30-13:00 Session 26C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
La relación entre el modo verbal y el color para la creación del significado multimodal en un corpus de literatura infantil chilena

ABSTRACT. La ponencia muestra la relación entre el modo verbal y el color para la creación del significado, en un corpus compuesto por seis libros álbum infantiles chilenos (2010-2015). Para esto, desde la perspectiva de la Lingüística Sistémica Funcional (Halliday, 2014; Martin y Rose, 2007, Martin y White, 2005) y de la Semiótica Social (Kress y van Leeuwen, 2006; Painter, Martin y Unsworth, 2013), se examina la conexión intersemiótica, a partir de la observación de ensambles o couplings multimodales (Martin, 2010; Painter et al. 2013). Asimismo, los valores paramétricos y distintivos del color (Kress y van Leeuwen, 2002; van Leeuwen, 2011), así como las nociones de antinomia y antilógica Kandinsky (1989, 1990), son utilizados para dar cuenta de los esquemas de color y su relación con el modo verbal para la creación del significado. Los resultados permiten concluir que el color opera como un modo determinante para la semiosis sólo cuando forma parte de dichos ensambles y puede ser observado metafuncionalmente. Además, se instancia en la tipografía y en la imagen y, de esta forma, aporta significados al modo verbal y al modo visual. Al ser físicamente observable a partir de la proyección de la luz en una superficie, su materialidad está esencialmente ligada al medio, espacio determinante para la creación del significado (Voloshinov, 1992) y para que se manifieste, en definitiva, el atributo semiótico. En base a la evidencia del análisis, se plantea que la articulación de los ensambles multimodales en este corpus contempla siempre el modo verbal y el modo de la imagen, aunque no sucede siempre lo mismo con el color. Esta situación se debe a que el espacio semántico multimodal es, a su vez, multidimensional, por lo que el rol del color debe ser analizado según cada recurso específico. De esta manera, el color se integra como un modo en los ensambles siempre que sea utilizado como tal por el o los creadores, lo cual se evidencia metafuncionalmente.

13:00-14:30Lunch Break (Aula Magna)
14:30-16:30 Session 27: COLLOQUIUM 9
Location: Auditorio 1
COLLOQUIUM: Revisiting the teaching-learning cycle: Recontextualizations in the EFL context
PRESENTER: Cristina Boccia

ABSTRACT. The Sydney School Genre Pedagogy is a cyclic model that carefully scaffolds students’ learning towards the autonomous production of texts. Originally designed to be used in first language, primary school contexts to foster the genre literacy especially of disadvantaged children in public schools in Australia (The Writing Project, 1980-1985), its application has been extended to secondary, tertiary and university levels. Key educational linguists such as Martin & Rothery (1997), Martin (1999), Christie (1999, 2009), Martin & Christie (2007), Christie and Derewianka (2008), Unsworth (2008), Martin & Rose (2012), Coffin & Donahue (2014), Dreyfus et al (2015), Derewianka & Jones (2016) have extensively developed the pedagogy and materials for educational linguists and educators. The teaching and learning of English as an additional language (second or foreign) at all levels is one of the special contexts in which the pedagogy has been applied, an expansion that has called for specifications and extensions. This colloquium is concerned with these developments especially those that relate to less explored and often more problematic areas of the pedagogy. Vian discusses a study carried out in Brazil that adapted the pedagogy to classes of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in a secondary school Computer Networks course to encourage students to conceive the use of English as a social semiotic practice rather than a mere translation of words. Herazo examines the challenges of joint construction of oral texts in L2 contexts that will effectively allow for work with the distinctive features of orality. To this end, diagrams and visual aids as mediational tools are proposed. Hlavacka proposes a task-based intervention to be used in the deconstruction stage of the TLC for work with texts that make extensive use of nominalization. The intervention was devised for an SFL informed Text-Grammar course taught in an EFL teacher education program at university level. Finally, Boccia & Hassan take up the less explored final phase, described as an opportunity for creative or critical exploitation of the genre. They discuss the potential of this phase to consolidate students’ awareness of the relationship between genre, register, meanings and wordings as contextual adjustments are made.

Coordinator: Cristina Boccia, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo,


Paper 1: Using the Teaching-Learning Cycle to teach ESP in Brazil

Orlando Vian Junior, Federal University of São Paulo,

The main contribution of this paper to the colloquium is to discuss aspects of a study carried out in Brazil that adapted and introduced the Sydney School genre-based pedagogy in classes of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in a secondary school Computer Networks course so that the students would be able to conceive language as a social practice, and would not only be restricted to the translation of words, an approach they were long used to working with. Texts from the curriculum genres were selected based on needs analysis (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987) and their purposes were related to their Schematic Structures (Martin & Rose, 2008). Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) was the theoretical framework used to implement the elements from the Genre Based Pedagogy and to raise students’ awareness that meaning making in texts/genres is influenced by the context of situation and context of culture, thus indicating that language is a socio-semiotic system that is far beyond the translation of words. Focus will be put on the “building field” phase in the Teaching Learning Cycle (Rose & Martin, 2012) in order to explore adaptations of the model to the context of ESP, a rather different perspective from the one the model was conceived for. Aspects from the experience discussed in Ningsih (2016), in which English was taught in multilingual classrooms in two Indonesian secondary schools were also taken into account. Results of the study indicate that one of the main changes in the context was that language was taught in relation to the content of the other subjects in the curriculum and not apart from it, as had been common practice.

Keywords: Teaching-Learning Cycle; SFL; ESP.

Paper 2: Genre pedagogy for oral communication in L2 lessons

Jose David Herazo Rivera, Universidad de Córdoba,

Genre pedagogy is a literacy approach that leads students from aided to independent creation of different kinds of texts (Martin, 1999, 2009). To that end, both the initial versions (Callaghan & Rothery, 1988; Feez & Joyce, 1998) as well as recent extensions of the approach (Acevedo, 2010; Boccia et al., 2013; Burns, 2010; Rose & Martin, 2012) follow a cycle of stages in which a textual exemplar of a genre is first analyzed or deconstructed, then teacher and students jointly construct a new text of the same genre, and finally students construct another text independently. Since the approach has mostly focused on the teaching of writing (Christie, 1999; de Oliveira & Iddings, 2014), the stage of joint construction has been usually realized as a collaborative activity (Dreyfus, Macnaught, & Humphrey, 2008) in which the teacher guides students to suggest specific wordings for writing the targeted text, which one student then scribes until completing the text. The fact that the text is written down helps students visualize what is collaboratively being written, allowing for reflection about the text, elaborations from the teacher, or later re-writing.  Such realization of joint construction may be inconvenient when the purpose is the teaching of oral genres, as is common in second language (L2) classrooms. Indeed, the fact that the text to be jointly-constructed is oral implies that it cannot be visualized by students or used for later reflection or re-writing, unless it is written down as suggested in genre-pedagogy for writing. However, writing the text down usually leads students to memorizing the text for later parroting without the features of spontaneous and authentic oral discourse (Burns, 2010; Herazo, 2010, 2012). Using data from L2 classrooms, this presentation discusses the challenges of jointly constructing oral texts in L2 lessons and introduces two possible adaptations to this stage of the genre approach: 1) joint-planning of the text using pedagogical diagrams that condense the genre and register features of the text and 2) student realization of the oral text using the pedagogical diagram as a mediational tool for ensuring spontaneous and autonomous performance.

Keywords: genre pedagogy; oral communication; joint construction

Paper 3: Task-based intervention for work with nominalization in academic and comparable texts in the deconstruction stage of the TLC cycle

Laura Hlavacka, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo,

This paper proposes a task-based intervention to be used in the deconstruction stage of the teaching-learning pedagogical cycle (TLC) for work with texts that make extensive use of nominalization. The intervention was devised for an SFL informed Text-Grammar course taught in an EFL teacher education program at university level. Nominalization has received considerable attention in theoretical and descriptive studies within SFL (e.g. Martin, 1993; Halliday, 1998; Halliday, 2009; Matthiessen, 1995; Matthiessen and Halliday, 2003; Vanderbergen et. al., 2003), but has not been the object of much exploration in connection with EFL teacher education or pedagogical contexts in general.

The intervention described seeks to help students gain understanding of and control over key aspects relating to the production of nominalizations and their use in texts, such as (i) the context in which nominalized texts are produced -in terms of register and genre; (ii) the processes involved in nominalizing (rankshift and transcategorization); (iii) the redistribution of constituents of the clause as constituents of the Nominal Group in rankshift; (iv) lexical selection in transcategorizing non-nominal resources; (v) the subtypes of processes (verbs) that collocate with nominalizations in discourse (e.g. processes of causation, symbolization, comparison); (vi) the distinctive nature of nominalized texts (e.g. abstraction and impersonalization); and (vii) the use of nominalization for anticipation and consolidation of ideas (higher-level Themes and New sections). Better understanding and greater control over nominalization can facilitate the non-congruent expression of meanings and the textual use of nominalization in later steps in the cycle.

The intervention involves, among others, analysis and discussion of sample texts for various purposes; packing and unpacking exercises for understanding of and control over rankshift and transcategorization; and work with dictionaries and student compilation of lexical data bases to aid lexical selection. The intervention aims to scaffold and support the production and use of nominalization (‘learning language’), but also to foster ‘learning about language’ and ‘learning through language’ in parallel or later courses. The tasks will be illustrated through reference to one or more texts (e.g. historical accounts, public speeches/talks, feature articles) that students produce in different subjects or need to master as future EFL teachers.

Paper 4: Genres recontextualized: Consolidating student control of genre

Cristina Boccia, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo,

Samiah Hassa, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo,

This contribution to the colloquium concentrates on the last phase of the teaching-learning cycle (TLC) (Martin & Rothery, 1991; Feez, 1998; Martin & Rose, 2012) after independent construction, editing and re-writing of a genre have occurred. Martin & Rose (2012, p. 67) briefly describe this final phase as one in which time can be taken for the creative, critical exploitation of the genre, once the genre itself has been mastered. In this study we explore the pedagogic potential of this stage particularly in the EFL context, in which control of each genre and of the meanings and wordings implicated takes considerable time and effort. We specify concrete ways in which students’ creativity can be fostered. We extend the functionality of this stage as we propose that it is a pedagogically very productive one for students to consolidate the relations among genre, register and the associated meanings and wordings. We suggest ways in which this stage can be used for students to recontextualize a genre in a different situational context with different register variables or as a new genre altogether. Recontextualizations of these kinds involve challenging work that helps students to consolidate their understanding of the interplay of register variables and linguistic choices that they need to manage well if they are to become effective and autonomous writers. Our study proposes a concrete pedagogic tool to support teachers work in this final phase of the TLC.

Key words: Teaching-Learning Cycle; recontextualizing genres; register; EFL.

14:30-16:30 Session 27: COLLOQUIUM 10
Location: Sala 2 (Room 2)
COLLOQUIUM: Systemic Functional Linguistics and literacy education: Theory, genre description and teaching in different contexts

ABSTRACT. This colloquium aims to present different experiences of genre-based education (Rose & Martin, 2012) with particular focus on the appliability of Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 2008) to addressing diverse literacy challenges in different contexts and languages. The three papers included in this colloquium argue for the value of the theory in describing genres (Martin, 1992; Martin & Rose, 2007; 2008; Hood, 2010) enacted in diverse cultural settings and provide evidence as to how the applicability of these descriptions in developing teaching practices that enhance student’s literacy in the target languages (Martin, 1999; Rose & Martin 2012; Rose, 2018). Each paper addresses a different level of education – from primary to tertiary-, showing that language education has to be pursued at different stages of life, as genres and the language patterns realising them evolve along time, moving from everyday to non-common-sense contexts. The three papers consider Spanish as the instructional language, while one of them deals with multilingual contexts involving English. Thus, the papers demonstrate the capability of the theory to be applied to the description of genres in different languages, avoiding the imposition of mainstream description from English to other languages but describing the specificity of each one.


Estela Inés Moyano, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento/Universidad de Flores,

Margarita Vidal Lizama, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,


Paper 1: Theory inspired best practices: Elementary Teachers Appropriate SFL Theory to Inform their Practice.

María Estela Brisk, Boston College,

This paper reports on the development of writing instruction among teachers who participated for 10 years in a theory-based writing intervention at an urban elementary school with multilingual population.  The intervention was grounded on systemic functional linguistics (SFL) (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004), the teaching and learning cycle (TLC) (Rose & Martin, 2012), and principles of bilingualism (Hornberger 2005).  Using these theories, the university researchers collaborated with teachers to develop a school-wide writing program with successful impact on teachers and students.  Writing genre instruction evolved from focus on discourse structure with teachers exposing students to purpose and stages, to incorporating features of language related to the language metafunctions, and finally, with the increase in dominant Spanish-speaking students, to using students’ heritage language resources to facilitate writing development in their second language.  The paper traces the changes in instructional content and pedagogy of three teachers who participated in the 10 years of the project.  The data includes classroom observations, teacher interviews, and students’ writing produced over the course of a genre unit, including plans, drafts, and final pieces. There are four cycles of data from teachers teaching the same genre over time.  The results show how in the early years, the teaching was highly dependent on the topics discussed in the meetings with the lead researcher.  As teachers gain more knowledge of the theory and developed confidence in their teaching practices, instruction included testing their own understandings of the theory and of their students’ linguistic needs.  Student writing development greatly benefitted.

Key-words: teachers training – genre and language instruction - bilingualism – student writing development

Paper 2: Entities matter: the role of entities in open-ended questions in early stages of tertiary education

Basthian Medina Campos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,

This paper explores the role of entities in the study, teaching and construction of knowledge level open-ended questions on two introductory disciplinary courses in Sociology and Literary Studies at a Chilean university. Due to its rapid construction, open-ended questions represent one of the most common assessment formats either in school education or tertiary education (Wilson, 2005). Even though different studies have addressed open-ended questions from the view point of pedagogic registers (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001; Dalton-Puffer, 2007; Ignatieva, 2014a, 2014b; Llinares & Pascual Peña, 2015; Rose, 2014, 2018), there are no studies considering the variation of field in the curricular register across disciplines nor the relationship established between the components of the open-ended question (i.e., question/answer) from a discourse-semantic perspective. In order to address the latter aspects, open-ended questions were analyzed from thre view point of PERIODICITY, ENTITIES and FIGURES systems using a trinocular perspective based on the axial principle (Hao, 2015, 2018; Martin, 1992, 2013; Martin & Doran, fothcoming). Analyses of open-ended questions written by low knowledge level indicate that the entities in the question, and not the processes nor the interrogative pronouns used, directly affect the deployment of the answers of the students. On the one hand, the nature of the entities determines the field’s perspective of the answer. Furthermore, the deployment of the entities in the question impacts on the type of relationship that will instantiate the question and the answer. From this point of view, the nature of the entities represents a key aspect not only for the description of fields from a curricular register, but also in the construction of this assessment format and the teaching of open-ended questions in early stages of tertiary education on Humanities and Social Sciences.

Key-words: open-ended questions; entities; field; early stages tertiary education; Humanities and Social Sciences

Paper 3: Ontogenesis in specialized writing: how do genres evolve throughout an undergraduate program in Health Sciences in Spanish

Margarita Vidal Lizama, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,

The paper explores the appliability of SFL in describing genres in the field of Health Sciences, in Spanish, in order to inform a curricular intervention in academic writing. Particularly, it focuses on the genres students in a Speech Therapy degree in Chile are required to write as evaluations of courses across the curriculum, within what is referred to as ‘clinical courses’. These courses were selected by lecturers in the School of Speech therapy, in order to account for the way students are being trained into writing a clinical report - key genre of their professional performance - in three moments across the curriculum. The analysis of texts drew on the principles of stratification and realisation, in order to account for the genres at stake, understood as social contexts realized by recurrent patterns in language and its strata. Of particular relevance are the discourse semantic systems of ideation (particularly taxonomic relations), conjunction, periodicity and appraisal (Martin, 1992; Martin & Rose, 2007; Hood, 2010). This analysis aimed at describing the key discourse semantic features of the text in order to determine the genres at stake, in a way that could be transferable for the lecturers and students in Speech Therapy. Key results showed that the clinical report can be considered a specific kind of report, characteristic of the field of Health Sciences, with a clearly defined schematic structure. Analysis also showed differences between the first form of report (wrote in the first course of the clinical strand) and the specific clinical report, as well as differences between initial clinical reports and more specialized ones. These differences relate to changes in the degree of specialization in field and also in tenor and how it gets realized in texts. The paper shows the appliability of an SFL description of genre and its realization in discourse semantic resources in order to account for the nature of specialized writing in the field of Health Sciences. This allows also exploring the reasoning behind typological and topological descriptions of genres and their appliability in literacy education in tertiary contexts, as genres appear to be limited in number but variable in terms of discourse semantics patterns realizing field and tenor.

Key-words: appliability – genre description – tertiary education – Spanish – Health Sciences

14:30-15:00 Session 27A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
Second language development of negation roup bu tai ‘not too’ in Chinese: an Appraisal system perspective

ABSTRACT. Accurate choices are difficult for non-speakers to make even if they have completely developed meaning potential of negation group (NG) bu tai ‘not too’ in Chinese. This article focuses on second language development (SLD) of two systems within NG bu tai ‘not too’ which realizes multi-interpersonal function according to APPRAISAL (Eggins & Slade, 1997; Martin & Rose, 2003). For the sake of distinction, the two systems are marked respectively as NG1 bu tai ‘not too’ and NG2 bu tai ‘not too’. In terms of the content plane, NG1 bu tai ‘not too’ means the negation of the property’s extremely high degree which usually goes beyond the expectation, while NG2 bu tai ‘not too’ implies the property’s opposite in a softer mood with negotiation. According to POLARITY (Matthiessen, 1995), NG bu tai ‘not too’ performs as a marker of negative polarity. And Chinese negation marker bu ‘not’ is claimed to be a focus-sensitive operator (Polun & Haihua, 2001). As for the expression plane, with the help of negation focus (i.e. the element semantically modified by bu ‘not’) this article identifies their different tonic through some native speakers’ recordings. The tonic of NG1 bu tai ‘not too’ locates on tai ‘too’, while the tonic of NG2 bu tai ‘not too’ is on its property. An empirical study was conducted to make SLD of intermediate and advanced Chinese learners explicit. Participants were asked to do a Chinese culture survey first, and then to do the SLD test including two tasks: negation focus identification task and Rothman’s (2009) context-matching felicitousness judgment task. Comparative analyses are adopted in this article to describe Chinese learners’ SLD of NG bu tai ‘not too’ in their interlanguage system, which highlights the instantiation process of these systems as well. This article, therefore, extends the theories and methodologies informed by Systemic Functional Linguistics in Chinese learners’ SLD.

14:30-15:00 Session 27C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
Un enfoque hacia la lectoescritura en el nivel superior: Leer para aprender

ABSTRACT. Leer y escribir los textos específicos de cada asignatura en la universidad constituye una problemática compleja. Los docentes de las diferentes disciplinas generalmente se limitan a enseñar los contenidos específicos de la asignatura y tienden a desatender la relación entre esos contenidos y los textos a través de los cuales los conceptos disciplinares se transmiten. Partimos del supuesto que las prácticas de lectoescritura de cada disciplina deben ser enseñadas explícita y sistemáticamente (Cope y Kalantzis, 1993; Hyland, 2004; Rose y Martin, 2012; Young y Nguyen, 2002). El presente trabajo se asienta sobre los postulados de la Lingüística Sistémico-Funcional, que explora cómo las personas utilizan el lenguaje en contextos diferentes, y en particular, en la propuesta pedagógica ‘Leer para Aprender’ (Martin & Rose, 2008; Reading to Learn, 2018; Rose y Martin, 2012), que tiene por objetivo principal mejorar los resultados de lectoescritura de estudiantes con bajo rendimiento en todas las materias curriculares. Esta pedagogía atribuye especial importancia al análisis de los géneros en cada una de las disciplinas, con sus etapas y fases (estructura esquemática), como así también al diseño detallado de la planificación didáctica relativa al desarrollo de la lectura y de la escritura para cualquier tema del currículum que se está estudiando. El objetivo de esta ponencia es compartir el desarrollo completo de una secuencia didáctica que aborda la fase inicial del programa ‘Leer para Aprender’ que implementamos con los estudiantes que cursan la asignatura Gramática II, en la Facultad de Lenguas, UNC. La metodología de la clase comienza con una interacción oral acerca de los significados que encierra cada segmento de un texto, con preguntas previamente diseñadas por el docente para guiar a los alumnos a detectar las ideas principales y el lenguaje con el que están expresadas, ya que servirán más tarde para la reconstrucción de ese contenido, y así reforzar el aprendizaje. Los resultados obtenidos con este grupo de alumnos demuestran que el programa ‘Leer para Aprender’ acelera el aprendizaje de todos los alumnos y reduce la brecha entre los alumnos con más alto y más bajo rendimiento.

15:00-15:30 Session 28A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
Construcción de significados lógicos en explicaciones escritas por estudiantes chilenos de Educación Media: causas, medios y propósitos más allá de los conectores

ABSTRACT. Este trabajo desea contribuir a la comprensión de las relaciones lógico-semánticas en español en la escritura de estudiantes de Educación Media, desde una perspectiva funcional. Los significados lógicos cumplen un rol crucial en la elaboración discursiva del razonamiento sobre el mundo y, por lo tanto, en la construcción del conocimiento especializado. Sin embargo, los estudios que abordan relaciones lógico-semánticas en español han tendido a centrarse en los conectores o marcadores discursivos (Mederos, 1988; Pons, 1998, Zorraquino y Portolés, 1999; Fuentes Rodríguez, 2012; Montolío, 2015, entre otros). Así, no se han considerado las realizaciones menos congruentes del significado lógico, que son comunes en los discursos académicos especializados que se desarrollan a partir de los años finales de Educación Básica en el currículum chileno. La teoría sociosemiótica de la LSF ofrece un modelo estratificado de lenguaje que sí ha recogido las realizaciones incongruentes del significado lógico, lo que se ha aplicado principalmente al inglés (Martin, 1992; Martin y Rose, 2007). En este trabajo se adopta la perspectiva teórica de la LSF por considerarse la más adecuada para hacer un análisis comprehensivo del significado lógico en español, desde una perspectiva orientada hacia el significado en contexto. Desde este enfoque, se analiza la realización del significado lógico en 20 textos expositivos, 10 escritos por estudiantes de 14—15 años y 10, por estudiantes de 16-17 años, de un establecimiento del grupo socioeconómico medio-bajo, por ser el más representativo de la realidad educativa nacional. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes usan menos conjunciones internas que externas y más realizaciones congruentes que incongruentes, lo que tiene sentido si se considera que se trata de recursos más propios del discurso académico con el que los estudiantes de secundaria están recién familiarizándose. Además, es posible observar que las realizaciones incongruentes corresponden predominantemente a grupos nominales para realizar conjunciones consecutivas de causa y de propósito, y a gerundios, los que destacan como un uso particular del español para realizar la conjunción consecutiva de medio. Dado que la metáfora lógica es necesaria para la construcción de conocimiento especializado, es posible desprender implicaciones pedagógicas relevantes en relación con su enseñanza.

15:00-15:30 Session 28B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Propuesta de alfabetización científica a través de textos de divulgación para la enseñanza de ILE en el contexto universitario

ABSTRACT. El propósito de este trabajo es explorar la construcción de la ciencia en tanto actividad social en noticias de divulgación en inglés correspondientes a dos áreas disciplinares (Salud y Química), mediante una exploración de la variable Campo, tomando como marco el abordaje de la semántica discursiva propuesto por Martin (1992). Este estudio se enmarca en una línea de investigación más amplia sobre los textos de la ciencia que tiene como objetivo ampliar el rango de géneros a utilizar en cursos de lectura en inglés como lengua extranjera en dos carreras (Enfermería y Química) de la Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina. El propósito aplicado consiste en incorporar a los textos habitualmente utilizados (artículos de investigación y manuales) textos de divulgación como una vía para la alfabetización científica cuando estos cursos se ubican en los años iniciales del programa de estudios. En una primera instancia, se montó un corpus de 20 noticias de divulgación extraídos de la revista online Science Daily (período 2016) y se realizó un análisis de los componentes de la Estructura Retórica (Figini y Rezzano, 2017). Para el presente trabajo se seleccionó el componente Conclusiones e Implicancias y, a través de un análisis de Transitividad, se identificaron Entidades, Actividades y Cualidades y se propusieron taxonomías a fin de sistematizar la construcción del Campo en este componente. Los resultados son analizados en el marco del contexto de cultura a fin de revelar de qué manera el género Noticia de Divulgación construye la relevancia social de la investigación que divulga. Finalmente, se proponen aplicaciones pedagógicas de los resultados obtenidos para su implementación en cursos lectura de inglés como lengua extranjera en contextos universitarios.

15:00-15:30 Session 28C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
Metalanguage for communicating scientific inquiry as multimodal posters in the senior school years

ABSTRACT. Abstract This paper draws on SFL descriptions of ideational discourse semantics and field (Hao 2018; Martin & Doran forthcoming; Hao & Humphrey, 2011; Hood, 2010) to reveal distinctive semiotic resources for communicating practical investigations in senior school biology, chemistry and physics. Data informing the study includes 45 scientific posters composed by Year 11 and 12 students, which were graded by subject teachers as high, medium or low. Analysis indicates that the requirement to navigate multiple shifts amongst fields in scientific investigation requires control of linguistic resources which are significantly different from those typically included in SFL descriptions of school science genres and macro-genres. We focus on resources higher graded students use to justify their study and establish its real world significance, to generalize and specify findings; to reason from observations to established principles and research and to evaluate their experimental methods. As with the undergraduate texts analysed by Hao (2015), the field of inquiry, construed through couplings of resources from connexion and appraisal enabled higher graded students to navigate shifts amongst and within fields. From the perspective of pedagogy, we discuss ways of supporting all students to manage the shifts in field required for knowledge building, using theoretically informed bridging metalanguage. This includes discussion of lexico-grammatical resources of tense, projection and realisations of causality, which were found to significantly impact on lower graded students’ ability to shift amongst multiple fields.

15:30-16:00 Session 29A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
Social construction of algebraic language. An epistemological and linguistic approach

ABSTRACT. This Research is situated in the field of Mathematics Education (ME), scientific discipline specialized in studying mathematics teaching and learning phenomena. We are interested in building a robust characterization of the nature of Symbolic Algebraic Language (SAL) from an epistemological and linguistic approach. This main purpose because for one hand, within ME some researchers had said teaching of mathematics could be enhanced if instruction is based on a metalinguistic conscience (Pimm, 1987; Drouhard y Teppo, 2004). On the other hand, there has been some works within Linguistics, particularly in SFL, stating the lack of awareness of the grammar of mathematical language (Halliday, 1993; O’Halloran, 2000, 2005, 2015; Schleppegrell, 2004, 2017) saying this could be an explanation of the great difficulties in learning mathematics. Based on some of these studies, we have identified that mathematical language consists of an articulation of at least three semiotic systems: natural language, mathematical symbolism and visual images (Drouhard and Teppo, 2004; O'Halloran, 2000, 2005, 2007a). We are interested in using some elements of O'Halloran’s SF-MDA to understand the intersemiosis between those three semiotic systems (O’Halloran, 2003, 2007b). In this phase we are carrying out an epistemological analysis, based on the Socioepistemological Theory in Mathematics Education (Cantoral, 2013), of two paradigmatic renaissance algebraists to understand the social construction of SAL. We have the following hypothesis: SAL take the participants, processes and circumstances of “a semiotic reality” from mathematical problems to transform them into more abstract semiotic resources in order to manipulate them for the solution of that problems; and as a consequence, this allows the human mind to optimize its cognitive resources which can promote the construction of new knowledge through the visual functions that it creates. In a second phase of the study we are going to analyze if teachers and students construct effectively SAL in the mathematical classroom considering a Design-Based Research approach (Bakker & van Eerde, 2015) which consists in the intervention by instructional devices with a cyclical process for analyzing the effect of the intervention in order to promote the learning of mathematical concepts; in our case, learning of SAL.

15:30-16:00 Session 29B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Atividades de leitura para desconstrução de gênero na LSF: levantamento do estado da arte

ABSTRACT. Neste trabalho, objetivamos apresentar um mapeamento de atividades de leitura que utilizam o arcabouço teórico da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004, 2014) e que poderiam ser usadas na estratégia Desconstrução, integrante do Ciclo de Ensino e Aprendizagem da Pedagogia com base em Gêneros, a partir de Rose e Martin (2012) e Martin e Rose (2008). Busca-se levantar, desde o surgimento da Pedagogia de Gêneros, na década de 80, com os projetos “Language and Social Power” e “Writing Project”, até o presente ano de 2019, atividades de leitura relacionadas a gêneros de texto da LSF publicadas em português, inglês, espanhol e alemão. Para o levantamento, foram digitados, no campo de busca Google, nas quatro línguas, os termos: Ciclo de Ensino e Aprendizagem; Escola de Sydney; Leitura Detalhada; Desconstrução do gênero. Do retorno da busca, foram selecionados apenas textos que apresentavam atividades de leitura relacionadas à Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional e/ou ao Ciclo de Ensino e Aprendizagem. Os resultados revelaram materiais didáticos como manuais, cadernos e livros, que envolvem atividades de leitura, disponíveis em sites governamentais e de autoria, em sua maioria, de professores universitários Doutores. Também, foram encontradas exemplificações de atividades em artigos acadêmicos publicados em periódicos Qualis CAPES A1 até B2; em Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso, produzidos por acadêmicos de graduação em Letras; em Dissertações de Mestrado em Linguística e em Teses de Doutorado também em Linguística. As atividades encontradas são voltadas para estudantes da Educação Básica, professores da Educação Básica, professores em formação inicial ou continuada e professores formadores. Contemplam o ensino da língua em diversas disciplinas, como Filosofia, História, Biologia, Física, Língua Estrangeira e Língua Materna. Focalizam textos acadêmicos como artigos, resumos e procedimentos, ou escolares, como narrativa, relato, notícia e autobiografia. Verificou-se que as atividades focalizam o contexto, a léxico-gramática e/ou gênero (propósito social e Estrutura Esquemática de Gênero).

15:30-16:00 Session 29C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
Considerações sobre a avaliação de textos académicos de aprendizes de português como língua estrangeira: em que medida se validam os gêneros acadêmicos em um contexto universitário?

ABSTRACT. A produção de textos académicos em língua estrangeira na universidade é o meio pelo qual a aprendizagem dos estudantes é verificada tanto em termos de conteúdos exigidos na sua área de formação como em termos de seu desenvolvimento linguístico (Colombi, 2012). Neste contexto, a escrita se configura em gêneros acadêmicos de formatos e registros próprios de determinada área de conhecimento (Schleppegrell, 2013). Neste cenário, os aprendizes de línguas devem aprender a manejar estruturas discursivas específicas à medida que passam a conviver com textos de sua área disciplinar. É assim como as avaliações das produções de textos dos aprendizes de línguas potencialmente observam e articulam práticas linguísticas com uma dupla função ao valorar os conteúdos disciplinares sob a forma de gêneros textuais. As avaliações dos textos recebidas pelos aprendizes hispanofalantes de português como língua estrangeira (PLE) em contextos universitários ainda não têm sido abordadas de forma sistemática em pesquisas na área. Os estudos publicados parecem apontar mais às transferências/interferências linguísticas derivadas do contato entre espanhol e português (Durão, 2004). De forma a ampliar essa discussão, o objetivo desta pesquisa é apresentar uma análise das avaliações feitas pelos professores de um conjunto de resenhas e fichamentos produzidos por um grupo de estudantes de tradução. A metodologia da presente pesquisa considerou uma seleção de textos revisados por professores de PLE que respondiam a tarefas de escrita dos dois referidos gêneros. As categorias de análise incluíram: a descrição da instrução da tarefa; o enfoque na metafunção textual, considerando o subsistema periodicidade (Martin e Rose, 2007; Shrestha, 2017), e uma classificação das marcas de correção/revisão deixadas pelos professores. Essas categorias descrevem em que medida as avaliações recebidas validaram o conhecimento dos gêneros produzidos. As análises realizadas permitem relacionar as limitações dessas instâncias de retroalimentação com a aprendizagem de gêneros acadêmicos requeridos no contexto universitário. Pode-se observar no conjunto de textos abordado que erros gramaticais são destacados ao passo que a articulação entre conteúdo e gênero não é sinal de preocupação nas revisões de textos. A informação aportada por essas avaliações aos estudantes parece desvincular a relação conteúdos, gêneros e uso da língua.

16:00-16:30 Session 30A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
Exploring the challenges EFL learners encounter when using reading to learn (R2L) to promote oral production in a colombian classroom

ABSTRACT. R2L is an extension of Genre-Based Pedagogy that provides specific strategies to develop students’ understanding and production of texts at their grade level (Rose, 2007). R2L has proved to be an effective alternative in most Australian and European classrooms (Acevedo, 2010). This approach has been mainly used for the development of reading and writing skills in first and second language contexts, however, few studies have focused on the implementation of this cycle to develop speaking skills (Herazo, 2012). Hence, the purpose of this action case study was to explore the challenges that 9th-grade students, at a public school, in Northern Colombia, might face when their teacher adapts R2L to help students produce oral biographies in their English classroom. The data was gathered through five video observations, a semi-structured interview, two production tasks, and a focus group. Analysis of data revealed that students faced several challenges when their teacher implemented adaptations to the R2L model, especially during the joint retelling strategy; students expressed they were initially reluctant to participate in the oral reconstruction of the text and found very demanding to learn the pronunciation of words related to the events in a person´s life. Students also pointed out that one of the stages they considered most challenging was independent construction since having to produce a new biography, that followed the same schematic structure, posed a huge challenge for them; however, they claimed that having a multimodal element, in this case, a timeline, was very useful to orally produce a new biographical text without having to write a complete transcript on which to base their speech. The study also revealed some students perceptions towards the R2L model for oral production; first, they acknowledged teacher support during the first stages of the cycle (preparing for listening, detailed listening, and joint retelling), being this help and preparation essential for understanding the purpose, schematic structure, and lexico-grammar of biographies. Second, students valued the learning obtained during these sessions. Third, they gained a sense of achievement as they were able to independently produce a new biography.

16:00-16:30 Session 30B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Comunicación del conocimiento matemático en los textos escolares de 2° ciclo de educación básica chilena: una exploración desde la metafunción ideacional

ABSTRACT. En el ámbito del discurso pedagógico (Bernstein, 1990) de la Matemática, la recontextualización del conocimiento resulta de particular interés debido a la naturaleza abstracta del lenguaje numérico (Calude, 2011; Ojose, 2011), el cual se ha puntualizado que mantiene una estrecha interacción con el lenguaje verbal en la sala de clases (Avalos, Bengochea & Secada, 2015; Preiss, Larraín & Valenzuela, 2011.). En el contexto local, se han realizado investigaciones que dan cuenta de la construcción del significado de distintos recursos didácticos (Jiménez, Melo, Bacigalupo & Haquin, 2016; Haquin, 2017), destacando entre ellos el texto escolar (Ibáñez, Moncada, Cornejo & Arriaza, 2018; Ibáñez, Moncada y Arriaza, 2017; Oteíza & Pinuer, 2016), el cual desde esta perspectiva es concebido como un macrogénero curricular que contiene géneros orientados a transmitir el conocimiento de cada disciplina (Ibáñez, et. al., 2017). En el caso de Matemática, el género prototípico es la ‘Guía procedimental’ (Ibáñez, et. al., 2017), en la cual los saberes disciplinares se desarrollan a través de la resolución de un problema a través de diferentes procedimientos. Según lo anterior, la pregunta guía de este estudio es cómo se representa lingüísticamente el conocimiento en la Guía Procedimental. Nuestro objetivo general es caracterizar este género en los textos escolares de Matemática, a través de los fundamentos teórico-metodológicos del sistema de transitividad propuestos por Gutiérrez, 2015. El corpus de este estudio consiste en la primera unidad de los textos de 5° a 8° básico proporcionados por el Mineduc el año 2016. Los resultados preliminares de la investigación dan cuenta que, a partir de los modelos presentes, la comunicación matemática presenta un alto grado de concretización, la que puede evidenciarse desde la predominancia de modelos materiales. En segundo lugar, se presenta el modelo relacional, de lo cual se puede concluir que este género busca que el estudiante aprenda a categorizar el mundo desde el conocimiento procedimental matemático. Por su parte, el modelo con menor aparición es el existencial, lo que da cuenta de que la transmisión del conocimiento de esta disciplina se aleja de una mirada cristalizada del mundo, acercándose al ‘mundo del hacer’.

16:00-16:30 Session 30C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
Co-construcción multisemiótica de significados y oportunidades de aprendizaje de la oralidad en una clase de inglés como lengua extranjera a cargo de una dupla docente: profesor presencial y profesor remoto

ABSTRACT. Desde 2015 en la educación media uruguaya se viene implementando un programa de enseñanza de inglés que integra el trabajo de dos profesores: uno presencial y otro remoto (videoconferencia). El objetivo del profesor remoto (PR), hablante nativo del inglés, es desarrollar la conversación, explotando recursos visuales que le permiten a su vez generar oportunidades de aprendizaje (Gibson, 1979; van Lier, 2004).

El objetivo principal de esta investigación es describir los significados construidos en el ensamble de los modos semióticos verbales (oral y escrito) y el modo visual en los dos entornos de aprendizaje mencionados, e identificar las oportunidades de aprendizaje de la oralidad generadas (Herazo, 2012). La metodología del presente estudio de caso consistió en la video-grabación de la unidad curricular llevada a cabo por un profesor remoto (PR) y un profesor presencial (PP) frente a un grupo de 15 adultos de nivel inicial de inglés. De esa filmación, se segmentaron las clases que incluían a ambos profesores y de esta selección se transliteraron las fases de la actividad pedagógica donde interviniera el modo semiótico visual.

La unidad de análisis del ensamble intermodal es la convergencia de la imagen visual (fija) y los ciclos de aprendizaje (Rose 2014, 2018) referidos a ella. El análisis metafuncional de las imágenes consideró los sistemas de focalizacion, patos y ambiente (Painter et al., 2012), las estructuras narrativas y conceptuales, el valor de la informacion y el marco (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006). Los ciclos de aprendizaje evidenciados por el sistema discursivo semántico de negociación del discurso pedagogico (Rose & Martin, 2012; Rose, 2014, 2018) permitieron identificar las funciones de habla. De este estudio emergieron los significados privilegiados en la mediación semiótica realizada por los docentes (Hasan, 2001; Jones, 2005, 2010; Davin et al., 2017) y las oportunidades de aprendizaje generadas.

Se pudo detectar que el ensamble intermodal (Painter et al., 2013) mediado por el PP fue clave en la generación de oportunidades de aprendizaje del inglés oral. Asimismo, este estudio evidencia que la intermediación semiótica del PP entre el PR y los alumnos sostiene la co-construcción multisemiótica de significados.

16:30-17:00Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Session 31: PLENARY 6 - Ramírez
Location: Aula Magna
PLENARY: Reading to Learn for Latino parents in the USA

ABSTRACT. There is no question that the phrase, “parents are the children’s first and most important teachers,” is a common testimony of the importance of parents in their children’s education. Although the truth of this statement is difficult to question, what is indeed questionable is the kind of specific academic support parents receive so that they can better support their children’s academic success in school. This task becomes even more difficult for parents who are emergent English speakers with small children who speak Spanish at home and who have never attended school in the USA. In this presentation, a bilingual adaptation of the Reading to Learn (R2L) approach involving Latino emergent English speaking parents will be described and demonstrated. The success of this bilingual adaptation is demonstrated through video of one of the parents who used the same approach she experienced as a learner in the R2L classroom to teach her own children at home a popular picture book commonly used in early grades in USA.