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09:00-10:30 Session 12: PLENARY 3 - Hood
Location: Aula Magna
PLENARY: The contribution of embodied paralanguage in building disciplinary knowledge and values in lectures in the sciences and humanities

ABSTRACT. Over several decades now, studies in SFL have made an enormous contribution to our understanding of the nature of academic discourses; from the general ways in which they differ from everyday, common-sense meaning making, to broad distinctions between the discourses of the sciences, social sciences and humanities, to deeper understandings of the discourses of specific disciplinary fields. Our combined efforts continue to provide us with knowledge and tools to support more effective pedagogic interventions and greater equality of access. To date, much attention has focused on genre, register as field, and the mode of reflective written text. While maintaining that focus, we are now encouraged by a growing body of SFL research in multimodality to extend our attention to other modes of interaction, to other kinds of semiosis and to inter-semiotic relations. Such a shift is also timely given rapid developments in technologies of communication and changes to the nature of pedagogic interaction in higher education.

The research reported here reflects this shift in orientation. It draws on a corpus of videos of live (face-to-face) undergraduate lectures in a variety of disciplinary fields in which we have a coming together of multiple semiotic systems including static and dynamic images, written text, spoken language and the often-overlooked semiotic potential of the lecturer’s embodied paralanguage. This presentation focuses on the contribution of paralanguage to the building of academic knowledge and values in these multimodal settings. The study is informed by current SFL work (e.g., Martin & Zappavigna, 2019; Hao & Hood, 2019; Hood & Hao, forthcoming; Ngo et al., forthcoming) that itself builds from earlier important contributions (e.g. Martinec 2000, 2002, 2004; Matthiessen, 2009; Cléirigh in e.g. Zappavigna et al., 2010; Hood, 2011). A major advance is the building system networks of paralinguistic meaning potential related to each metafunction (Thu et al., forthcoming). This significant step enables us to consider, in other than notional ways, the inter-semiotic relations that hold in co-instantiations of speech and paralinguistic expression. Analyses of inter-semiotic convergences and divergences in meanings expressed in lectures from the sciences and humanities reveal consistent patterns of difference that reflect the contrasting nature of their disciplinary fields.


Hao, J., & Hood, S. (2019). Valuing science: The role of language and body language in a health science lecture. Journal of Pragmatics, (139), 200-215.

Hood, S. (2011). Body language in face-to-face teaching. In S. Dreyfus, S. Hood, & M. Stenglin (Eds.), Semiotic margins: Meaning in multimodalities (pp. 31-52). London: Continuum.

Hood, S., & Hao, J. (forthcoming). Grounded Learning: Telling and showing in the language and paralanguage of a science lecture. In K. Maton, J. R. Martin, & Y. J. Doran (Eds.), Studying Science: Knowledge, language, pedagogy. London: Routledge.

Martin, J. R., & Zappavigna, M. (2019). Embodied meaning: a systemic functional perspective on body language. Functional Linguistics, 6(1).

Martin, J. R., Zappavigna, M., Dwyer, P., & Cléirigh, C. (2013). Users in uses of language: embodied identity in Youth Justice Conferencing. Text & Talk, 33(4-5), 467 – 496.

Martinec, R. (2000). Types of process in action. Semiotica, 130(3/4), 243-268.

Martinec, R. (2002). Rhythmic hierarchy in monologue and dialogue. Functions of Language, 9(9), 39-59.

Martinec, R. (2004). Gestures which co-occur with speech as a systematic resource: The realisation of experiential meanings in indexes. Social Semiotics, 14(2), 193-213.

Matthiessen, C. M. I. M. (2009). Multisemiosis and context-based register typology. In E. Ventola & M. Guijarro (Eds.), The world told and the world shown: Multisemiotic issues (pp. 11-38). London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Ngo, T., Hood, S. Martin, J.R., Painter, C. Smith, B. & Zappavigna, M. Forthcoming. Modelling Paralanguage Using Systemic Functional Semiotics, London: Bloomsbury

Zappavigna, M., Cleírigh, C., Dwyer, P., & Martin, J. R. (2010). The coupling of gesture and phonology. In M. Bednarek & J. R. Martin (Eds.), New discourse on language: Functional perspectives on multimodality, identity and affiliation (pp. 219-236). London: Continuum.

10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Session 13: COLLOQUIUM 3
Location: Auditorio 1
COLLOQUIUM: Interpersonal grammar approached from discourse semantics

ABSTRACT. The colloquium presents text-based studies of enactment of interpersonal meaning across languages, the common ground of which is taking the interpersonal discourse semantic systems of negotiation and appraisal as point of departure for grammatical description. This means that we give priority to the perspective ‘from above’, as lexicogrammar is designed in SFL as being responsible for fulfilling discourse semantic tasks.

This colloquium comprises four presentations, each focusing on description and analysis of interpersonal grammar in its own language: Shin addresses generally how negotiation and appraisal are realised lexicogrammatically in Korean; Zhang describes the grammatical system of assessment in Khorchin Mongolian in relation to the discourse semantic systems of negotiation and engagement (a subsystem of appraisal); Ochi explores how the discourse semantic system of engagement is lexicogrammatically realised in Japanese and compares the realisations between news reports and history texts; and Li and Meng present a study on the degree of intensity in Chinese in comparison to English, drawing on graduation, another subsystem of appraisal.

The study for each language features text-based data collection, approaching grammar from discourse semantics and axial argumentation, key principles and methodologies that have been established as criteria for functional language typology that evolves from and beyond the descriptive motifs and generalisations in Caffarel et al. (2004).

Coordinator: Pin Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, SLaM – Systemic Language Modelling Network,


Paper 1: Lexicogrammar serving discourse semantics: a Korean case study

Gi-Hyun Shin, University of New South Wales,

In this presentation, we explore interpersonal grammar in Korean from the perspective of discourse semantics. Specifically, we outline how discourse semantic interpersonal systems, negotiation (Martin 1992) and appraisal (Martin & White 2005), are realised lexicogrammatically in Korean. The data is drawn from the Sejong Corpus by the South Korean National Institute of Korean Language as well as excerpts from television talk shows broadcast in South Korea in 2010s. The negotiation system provides a model of initiations and responses involving up to five moves in exchange structure with possible tracking and challenging moves. The appraisal system concerns with evaluation: the kinds of attitudes that are negotiated in a text, the strength of the feelings involved and the ways in which values are sourced and readers aligned (Martin & Rose 2003:22); the focus will be upon the options monogloss vs heterogloss and expand vs contract.

Paper 2: The assessment system in Khorchin Mongolian

Dongbing Zhang, University of Sydney,

This paper describes one of the major interpersonal systems in Khorchin Mongolian – assessment. Assessment is a system available to declarative clauses. From the perspective of discourse, the resources position interlocutors in relation to the information at stake and at the same time calibrate dialogic space so that consensus can be reached. Technically speaking, the grammatical resources in the assessment system are oriented to the discourse semantic systems of negotiation and engagement (Berry 1981; Martin 1992; Martin & White 2005; White 2000). From the perspective of lexicogrammar, there are two simultaneous co-selecting systems. In relation to the positioning of interlocutors, we have a distinction between [addressee positioned] and [addressee not positioned]. Speaker, on the other hand, is always positioned as knowing the information (primary knower). In relation to the calibration of dialogic space, what is at stake is the degree to which the speaker knows the information and how the expectation for consensus is tabled accordingly. This region of meaning yields a choice between [raised] and [moderated] – i.e. one either raises or moderates one’s expectation for consensus (expanding and contracting the dialogic space). The co-selection from these two systems affords further choices. This paper exemplifies how the interpersonal grammar of a language can be approached effectively from the way discourse unfolds in that language.

Paper 3: The lexicogrammatical realizations of engagement in Japanese: a register-specific comparison between ‘news report’ and ‘history’

Ayako Ochi, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics,

The present paper explores how the semantic domain covered by ‘engagement’ – a part of ‘Appraisal’ (Martin & White, 2005) – is realized in the lexicogrammar in contemporary written Japanese. It compares and contrasts the lexicogrammatical realizations between the register of ‘news report’ and that of ‘history’, both of which (i) belong to ‘reporting’ type of register in terms of ‘socio-semiotic’ processes in field and (ii) are the written monologic type of texts in terms of mode, according to Matthiessen, Teruya & Wu’s (2008) context-based text typology. Specifically, the paper models how propositions (primarily ‘statements’ in these registers) are exchanged by deploying the interpersonal grammatical resources of modal assessment (including evidentiality and modality (modalization type in particular)), the logical grammatical resources of projection, and the experiential resources of ‘verbal’ and ‘mental’ Processes, expanding the choices in mood; and how these interpersonal and ideational resources are complementing each other in the two registers in focus.

Paper 4: Rethinking the degree of intensity (DOI): a comparison of graduation between English and Chinese

Long Li, University of New South Wales,

Yuan Meng, University of New South Wales,

Gradability is a feature of various interpersonal systems in both English and Chinese. In this study, we explore the realization of the degree of intensity (DOI) (Halliday & Matthiessen 2014: 189) both in English and in Chinese within the framework of appraisal (Martin & White (2005). One of the three sub-systems of appraisal is graduation, which is concerned with the up/downscaled nature of evaluation. At the lexico-grammatical level, “graduation: force: intensification” can be realized by two features: namely, “isolating” and “infusing” (Martin & White 2005: 141); the two features are concerned with how an intensified value is presented in language: i.e., either by isolated expressions that function as solely indicating the level of intensity, or by infused expressions that combine the up/down-scaling and the intensified value. We will start by focusing on the explicit/inscribed grammatical realization of “graduation: intensification: isolating”, in an attempt to propose grammatical arguments for paradigms of DOI in English and Chinese (for example, low/high/total or downscale/upscale/maximise). This grammatical explicitness of the isolating type may enable corpus-based approaches for revealing differences in stylistic preferences of DOI across languages. In doing so, we choose political texts in English and in Chinese as our datasets for their cautiousness in evaluative expressions. In the second stage, we are also interested in exploring the extent to which studies of DOI alone can be indicative of the overall graduation in a text, through in-depth of other systems of graduation in smaller datasets.

11:00-13:00 Session 13: COLLOQUIUM 4
Location: Sala 2 (Room 2)
COLLOQUIUM: Systemic-Functional Linguistics and the political discourse in Latin America

ABSTRACT. This colloquium aims to discuss the political discourse in the Latin American context, especially Brazil and Argentina. The studies presented here are related to different areas of SFL (Halliday, 1978; Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014): Modality, Transitivity and Appraisal (Martin & White, 2005; Thompson & Alba-Juez, 2014), something possible due to interface of SFL and language description to the actual context of production of such texts. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used. The corpora we analysed are from different registers, such as presidential speeches, official documents, and social media posts. Such a variety is essential for discussing how political discourse can be present in diverse social contexts, from those officially regulated to those motivated by social organisation and militancy.

Key-words: Systemic-Functional Linguistics; Political Discourse; Latin America; Brazil

Este colóquio tem por objetivo discutir o discurso político no contexto latino americano, especialmente o brasileiro e o argentino. Os estudos aqui representados se relacionam com diferentes áreas da LSF (Halliday, 1978; Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014), entre elas o estudo de modalidade, transitividade e avaliatividade (Martin & White, 2005; Thompson & Alba-Juez, 2014), algo possível graças as possibilidades da LSF em relacionar a descrição da linguagem com seu contexto efetivo de produção, sendo que tanto metodologias de base qualitativa como quantitativa são utilizadas. Os corpora analisados variam desde discursos e documentos oficiais, até postagens em mídias sociais. Tal variedade é importante por demonstrar como o discurso político pode estar inserido em diversos contextos sociais, desde os regulados oficialmente até aqueles motivados pela organização social e militância.

Palavras-chave: Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional; Discurso Político; América Latina; Brasil


Paper 1: Ciência das Redes e LSF: Novas possibilidades e Interfaces no discurso político

Rodrigo Esteves de Lima-Lopes (UNICAMP),

Este artigo discute a possível interface da Ciência das Redes (Barabási, 2002; Scott, 2013; Watts, 2004) e SLSF (Halliday, 1978; Halliday e Hasan, 1991). Ciência das Redes pode ser definida como uma área interdisciplinar de pesquisa com um amplo escopo que visa refletir sobre os possíveis comportamentos de rede em diversas áreas (ciências sociais, biologia, marketing, ciência política), caracterizando redes como fenômeno e buscando estabelecer modelos de compreensão preditiva (National Academy of Sciences, 2005). Tal abordagem tem sido associada à SFL, a fim de compreender as relações entre os papéis sociais e escolhas de linguagem em contextos mídia social na América do Sul. Estudos como Lima-Lopes (2018), que considera como Ciência das Redes e o Sistema de Avaliação (Martin & White, 2005; Thompson & Alba-Juez, 2014) poderia contribuir para a compreensão da linguagem do ódio e do discurso conservador na política brasileira , Lima-Lopes & Pimenta (2017) - que discute o papel social das mulheres no contexto esportivo - Gabardo e Lima-Lopes (2018) - que reflete sobre os movimentos pró-aborto na Argentina - e Lima-Lopes (2017) – que discute as interações do WhatsApp - são exemplos de como essa interface é possível. Esta apresentação tem como objetivo discutir a representação dos candidatos à presidência do Brasil (eleições de 2018) analisando os comentários dos usuários no canal oficial do YouTube. O estudo enfoca o sistema de transitividade (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014) e o sistema de avaliação (Martin & White, 2005), como abordagens complementares. Os dados foram copiados empregando software automático e alguns softwares de rede específicos, como o Gephi e o COWO, foram usados ​​como um meio de entender a relação entre os comentadores e os padrões de linguagem. Os resultados mostram representações consistentes dos candidatos em um contexto político e social um pouco polarizado.

Palavras-chave: Discurso politico, SFL, Ciência das Redes, Linguagem e Mídias Sociais

Paper 2: Audiências Públicas: contextos para a polissemia do “dever” no discurso do político

Sara Regina Scotta Cabral (UFSM),

Os textos políticos constituem um tipo de prática discursiva tanto semiótica quanto linguística. Dentre os recursos colocados em jogo, a fim de persuadir os ouvintes, a modalidade ocupa um lugar especial, já que, ao mesmo tempo em que manifesta o comprometimento do falante com aquilo que diz, pode funcionar como estratégia para ganhar a  credibilidade da audiência.  O discurso proferido por políticos em Audiências Públicas, além de  constituir uma forma de representação política,  concorre para uma expectativa de resoluções por parte dos outros participantes que esperam o desenrolar das discussões e a tomada de decisões. Nesse contexto, o uso do modal dever assume um importante papel na construção do discurso do político, que precisa expressar sua opinião, mas não pode se afastar de preceitos constitucionais. Sendo assim, o objetivo desta apresentação é determinar, por meio dos recursos da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional – LSF (Halliday e Matthiessen 2004, 2014) e da Linguística de Corpus (Berber-Sardinha 2009 ), como o modal dever é empregado e quais contornos semânticos apresenta nas vozes textuais dos políticos participantes de Audiências Públicas sobre Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Para que este trabalho fosse realizado, foram selecionadas seis Audiências Públicas correspondentes aos anos de 2012 e 2013, das quais, por meio da ferramenta Word Smith Tools (Scott 2012), foram extraídas todas as ocorrências do modal “dever” e analisadas as concordâncias, de modo a se identificar semanticamente o tipo, o grau e a orientação  da modalidade empregada. Os resultados indicam que as manifestações nas APs partem de uma orientação subjetiva implícita, em que os políticos são a fonte da convicção, privilegiam propostas na modalidade do tipo obrigação em graus variáveis, a depender do tempo verbal empregado.

Palavras-chave: Modalidade; Discurso do político; Audiências Públicas.

Paper 3: Não É Não, Não? Um Estudo sobre o Marcador Negativo “Não” em Discursos Políticos na Perspectiva da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional

Erick Kader Callegaro (UFSM),

Desde a identificação, análise e conclusão de Callegaro (2015) sobre a recorrência significativa do adjunto adverbial “não” em discursos do ex-presidente Lula, objetivamos explorar o caráter retórico-avaliativo do marcador negativo em língua portuguesa brasileira a partir de um corpus constituído de discursos políticos. Para tanto, tal corpus é constituído de cem (100) discursos de ex-presidentes do Brasil: cinquenta (50) discursos da era executivo-militar e cinquenta (50) da era do voto popular. Para o exame do objeto, elencamos a Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (LSF) e sua ferramenta de análise gramatical, a Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional (GSF), de Halliday (1989) e Halliday e Matthiessen (2004, 2014) para análise do estrato léxico-gramatical, juntamente com Moura Neves (2000) e Gouveia (2010), e buscamos o auxílio da Linguística de Corpus, na perspectiva de Sinclair (1991) e do aplicativo lexicográfico SketchEngine, de Kilgarriff et al. (2014). A título de complementação, ainda na dimensão léxico-gramatical, recorremos a Givón (1993, 2001) e à contribuição de natureza sintática de Tottie (1987) e Pagano (1991), além dos estudos pragmáticos sobre a negação. Para a análise semântico-discursiva, amparamo-nos no Sistema de Avaliatividade, de Martin e White (2005), e na Abordagem Histórico-Discursiva, de Wodak (2001, 2009) para a definição de discurso político. Ao criarmos listas com as palavras mais recorrentes do corpus, dividido em discursos civil-militar e democrata, o aplicativo acusou uma diferença importante: o uso do marcador negativo “não” tem efeito de tamanho de 88,85% de um corpus para outro, ou seja, ex-presidentes eleitos por voto popular usaram quase duas vezes mais o “não” que ex-presidentes militares. Desse dado quantitativo, partimos para a análise qualitativa: i) descrição das ocorrências do adjunto adverbial negativo a partir das teorias léxico-gramaticais; ii) análise das funções léxico-gramaticais no que concerne à organização das escolhas em nível semântico-discursivo; iii) comparação entre os corpora e iv) conclusões sobre as dimensões gramatical, semântica e de registro do “não” nos discursos políticos. Estando em estágio embrionário, ainda não possuímos conclusões concretas acerca dos textos que compõe o objeto de análise.

Palavras-chave: Negação, Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional, Discurso Político.

Paper 4: Expresiones Políticas y Religiosas en Twitter: la Votación del Aborto en la Cámara de Diputados  Argentina

Rodrigo Esteves de Lima-Lopes (UNICAMP),

Maristella Gabardo (IFPR/UNICAMP),

Esta presentación tiene por objetivo reflexionar sobre la recepción de un tweet hecha por un diputado de la cámara argentina durante la votación del proyecto de descriminalización del aborto el 13 de junio de 2018. El referido tweet justificaba el voto  de un diputado católico a favor de esta ley, algo que, parece contradictorio al principio, se delineó como una reflexión sobre los rols de diputado y hombre religioso. Su posición sobre la independencia entre el estado y su creencia religiosa generó un gran número de reacciones y comentarios que trasparecen la polarización política causada por esta votación. Los datos fueron analizados con base en el sistema de evaluación  (Martin & White, 2003) y transitividad (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014), siendo que los resultados reflejan una discusión sobre como las convicciones religiosas y políticas son ecualizadas discursivamente.

Palabras clave: evaluación, transitividad, política, medios sociales.

11:00-11:30 Session 13A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
Agentividad gramatical y discursiva. De la gradualidad al desplazamiento

ABSTRACT. El objeto del presente trabajo es demostrar que la organización gramatical de los rasgos que permiten caracterizar los procesos (realizados por las bases lexicales de los verbos) (Menéndez 2016) dentro del sistema de transitividad (Halliday 1967-1968, 1978; Halliday y Mathiessen 2004, Menéndez 2010) permite explicar el funcionamiento efectivo de este recurso gramatical en relación con las estrategias discursivas de la que son parte constitutiva (Menéndez 2000, 2005a 2005b).

Sostenemos que hay una organización jerárquica potencial de rasgos semánticos que aparecen codificados en la gramática y una realización texto-discursiva específica que depende de cómo esa jerarquía se realiza efectivamente (Menéndez 2017a,2017b). Esto forma parte de las estrategias discursivas que el sujeto pone en funcionamiento cuando interactúa. Para eso es necesario explicar la agentividad en dos planos co-ocurrentes y complementarios: el gramatical y el discursivo.

Partimos del análisis del significado ideativo y en función de la naturaleza continúa de su significado postulamos que no hay procesos básicos y derivados sino la combinación de tres variables:

1. el grado de concreción del proceso 2. el orden jerárquico de los rasgos 3. la relación entre causa y ejecución

La proyección discursiva toma estos elementos y puede o no desplazarlos semánticamente; depende de cómo opera el sujeto discursivo (Menéndez 1997) en función del registro (Halliday 1978, Halliday y Hasan 1976) y del género (Bajtin 1944). Eso permitirá interpretar discursivamente el alcance que ese desplazamiento produce.

Analizaremos la propuesta en un corpus compuesto por distintas tres series discursivas de titulares de la misma noticia en cuatro diarios de circulación nacional en la Argentina (La Nación, Clarín, Página 12 e Infobae); esto nos permitirá analizar la selección de los procesos en función de las opciones seleccionadas para ver los diferentes grados de desplazamientos y efectos producidos a partir de ellas.

11:00-11:30 Session 13B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Positioning values: Knower-building in the humanities

ABSTRACT. In recent years there has been a significant focus in SFL informed educational linguistics on knowledge-building across disciplines. This research has emphasised how technical meanings are pieced together in particular ways to elaborate intricate constellations of meaning across disciplines. Much of this work has focused on explicit knowledge-building such as we see in the sciences, and has considered the ways in which technical meanings are distributed across the semiotic resources. In contrast, less focus has been directed to the discipline-specific and uncommon-sense meanings built in the humanities. In comparison to the sciences, these meanings tend less to be oriented toward precise and deep ‘content’ meanings, such as those construed through the register variable field, and more toward the development of values, moral stances, aesthetic positions and refined dispositions (what Legitimation Code Theory calls ‘knower-building’). For many disciplines, such meanings are crucial the disciplinary understanding of the world and the literacy practices enabling students to read and write successfully.

This talk will explore how such disciplines build these meanings, by considering certain key texts that were seminal in shifting their various fields (including poetics and post-structuralist literary studies). Using tools from discourse semantics such as attitude and engagement (Martin and White 2005), and ideation and connexion (Hao forthcoming, Martin 1992), we will see that rather than orienting toward building deep taxonomies, long activities or elaborate properties in field (Doran and Martin forthcoming), these disciplines build large sets of similarities and oppositions between stances that can be applied to a range of distinct fields. In essence, rather than developing technical meanings about a particular object of study, they rather develop a template of values that enable any new object to be interpreted in a discipline-specific way.

Doran, Y. J. and Martin, J. R. (forthcoming) Field relations: Understanding scientific explanations. In K. Maton, J. R. Martin and Y. J. Doran (eds) Studying Science: Knowledge, Language, Pedagogy. London: Routledge. Hao, J. (forthcoming) Analysing Scientific Discourse from a Systemic Functional Perspective: A Framework for Exploring Knowledge Building in Biology. London: Routledge. Martin, J. R. (1992) English Text: System and Structure. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

11:00-11:30 Session 13C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
Translingual identity and multimodality: An analysis of language, gesture and identity in language learning history interviews

ABSTRACT. Translanguaging is a term given to the blending of languages in talk (Canagarajah, 2011; García & Li, 2013), but for those (like the university students introduced in this paper) who grew up across languages and cultures, it describes who they are. For this reason, the research described here is framed as an exploration of translingual identity. The paper will introduce a systemic model of multimodal resources of gesture, intonation, and voicing based on an analysis of the life history interviews of a class of Japanese university students. Participants included those whose upbringings reflect the biographical trajectories associated with “returnee” (Kanno, 2003), “half” (Kameda, 2009), “Japanese American” (Kitano, 1976), and “study abroad” (Benson, Barkhuizen, Bodycott, & Brown, 2013) students and those who had developed other affinities and affiliations with English. These varied experiences are nevertheless represented along a multi-dimensional translingual continuum, which includes multimodal development in terms of speech and gesture. Following the introduction, the paper will first introduce some of the students’ attitudes towards multimodal resources in spoken communication, which appear to contradict the emphasis on written language in English education in Japan. It will then introduce the main features of the proposed model of multimodal resources drawn from the interview analysis. The model sought to reconfigure some of the work that has been done within gesture studies (Gullberg & de Bot, 2010; Kendon, 2004; Streeck, 2009) into a functional systemic network. Finally, brief examples will be shown of the varying degrees of gestural sophistication across the interviews, which appear to correlate with the speaker’s confidence and fluency in English. In conclusion, it is proposed that while the embodied multimodal resources of gesture and voice have tended to be overlooked in foreign language education, recognising and seeking to promote not only the voice of language learners but also their embodied selves may go some way towards nurturing more confident translingual identities that are celebrated rather than seen as deviant or problematic (Sueda, 2014) and thus leading towards more human and egalitarian societies.

11:30-12:00 Session 14A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
Know your audience: the role of modulation and figurative language in the rise of conservatism in Brazil

ABSTRACT. Democracy in Brazil is recent and poses challenges to citizens in terms of political positioning, especially in the 2018 presidential elections, which were characterized by polarization, the spread of fake news and the use of social media to promote the candidates’ agenda. Drawing on Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014), as the first step of a thesis project, we aim at identifying the representations construed by the elected president in an interview given to Roda Viva TV program three months before the second round of the elections. The corpus was analysed using the Wordlist tool in Sketch Engine (KILGARRIFF et al., 2014). As a first stage of the analysis, the software provided an overview of the use of processes by the interviewee. Next, we analysed manually each clause containing the most frequently used process (to have – 12,5% of the total process frequency) and its respective context of use. The results showed that the process “to have” was used in two different domains of experience in the Transitivity system: 1) as an existential process (in Brazilian Portuguese, “to have” may be used to mean “there to be”), and 2) as a relational process. A third use of it was in the Mood system as a synonym for “have to”. The latter was a particularly unexpected result, but one that contributed to convey strong opinions, indicating a high degree of certainty, authority, and truth about how a country should be managed. In addition, the candidate uses interpersonal meanings in the interplay of military lexis, metaphors, irony, and rhetorical questions in order to construe group affiliation and solidarity and exclude dissident voices (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005). Based on these results, we interpret that texts, such as the discourse of Jair Bolsonaro in this interview, corroborate a “collective voice” (STREET, 2014, p. 132) related to views of nation and governance. These particular views are associated to social issues commonly emphasized in political discourse, such as security, health, education, and economy and may have influenced the political positioning of voters towards a polarization between left and right wing supporters.

11:30-12:00 Session 14B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Realización léxico-gramatical del constituyente Reacción del género anécdota en español: una mirada desde la transitividad

ABSTRACT. En el área de Español como Lengua Extranjera (ELE en adelante) en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras UNCuyo, Mendoza, exponemos a los estudiantes a variados géneros textuales desde un enfoque genérico, siguiendo la tradición de alfabetización en géneros (Martin y Rothery, 1990; Christie y Derewianka, 2008). Este trabajo expone parte de los resultados de un proyecto de investigación realizado en el marco de la Maestría de Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera de la Facultad de Lenguas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. El mismo surge a partir de la necesidad de describir el género anécdota en español, el cual es muy frecuente en el aula de ELE, como lo propone la Teoría de Géneros de la LSF (Hasan (1984) y Martin y Rose (2008), a fin de complementar las propuestas de los manuales de ELE que, en su mayoría, abordan la enseñanza de la anécdota desde un enfoque estrictamente gramatical. Entonces, nos propusimos analizar una muestra de 17 textos narrativos conformada por 10 textos auténticos orales y escritos provenientes de hablantes nativos de español de Argentina, y 7 textos provenientes de manuales ELE; y confirmar si los mismos correspondían al género anécdota según Martin y Rose (2008). Para tal fin, se analizó los textos a la luz del Sistema de Transitividad, siguiendo a Halliday (2004), Eggins (2004) y Quiroz (2013), y se identificó los principales recursos léxico-gramaticales en los constituyentes de los textos analizados. Esta ponencia expone los resultados encontrados en el constituyente Reacción de los textos auténticos del corpus, en donde se registró un alto porcentaje de múltiples tipos de cláusulas que sugieren una tendencia a expresar la Reacción de manera evocada e intercalada. La Reacción es uno de los constituyentes obligatorios de la anécdota que realiza el propósito de dicho género: mostrar una reacción afectiva ante un evento extraordinario. Estos resultados tienen un impacto altamente positivo en el área de ELE, ya que brindan estrategias para el abordaje de la enseñanza y producción de la anécdota en términos de su estructura genérica, su propósito social, las funciones de sus constituyentes y las estrategias lingüísticas inherentes a dicho género.

11:30-12:00 Session 14C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
Tensiones y contradicciones en el aprendizaje de la pedagogía de géneros por un docente de inglés

ABSTRACT. La pedagogía de géneros textuales (PGT) es un enfoque de desarrollo de literacidad que parte del texto para la planeación, la enseñanza y la evaluación (Rose & Martin, 2012). La pedagogía combina conocimiento del lenguaje como sistema semiótico (una teoría lingüística) (Eggins, 2004; Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004), con la comprensión del aprendizaje como proceso social que ocurre gracias al apoyo de otros (una teoría del aprendizaje) (Vygotsky, 1978). Esta combinación de teorías puede presentar dificultades a los profesores que desean incorporar la PGT en su praxis, quienes se enfrentan al desafío de aprender una teoría lingüística nueva y compleja al tiempo que deben transformar sus prácticas para adoptar una visión de la enseñanza enfocada en ayudar al desarrollo del estudiante antes que en transmitir conocimiento. La mayoría de investigaciones en la PGT se han centrado en documentar el funcionamiento de esta pedagogía y su eficacia para el aprendizaje (Acevedo, 2010; Achugar & Carpenter, 2012; Byrnes, 2009; Byrnes, Maxim, & Norris, 2010; Colombi, 2006; de Oliveira & Iddings, 2014; Schleppegrell, Achugar, & Oteiza, 2004), prestando menos atención a cómo los profesores aprenden la PGT o los problemas que pueden encontrar al hacerlo (Achugar, Schleppegrell, & Orteiza, 2007). Fundamentada en los conceptos de la teoría de la actividad (activity theory) (Engestrom, 2000; Engeström, 2015; Greeno & Engeström, 2014), esta presentación reporta los resultados de un estudio para describir las tensiones o dificultades que un docente de inglés como lengua extranjera experimentó al aprender e implementar la PGT. El análisis de datos provenientes de cinco observaciones, entrevistas estimuladas y una entrevista final, reveló que el aprendizaje del docente de la PGT entró en choque con varios aspectos de su praxis habitual, tales como la visión de la instrucción centrada en la gramática de la lengua extranjera, la noción de la enseñanza como la transmisión de información al igual que una visión estructural del funcionamiento del sistema lingüístico. Esta presentación resalta la importancia de ver estas tensiones o desafíos como oportunidad de desarrollo y transformación antes que como obstáculos insuperables en la implementación de la PGT en el aula de lenguas extranjeras.

12:00-12:30 Session 15A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
“Esta forma de ganarse la vida, no”: El comercio ambulante en el discurso de Evelyn Matthei

ABSTRACT. A partir de julio de 2018, la municipalidad de Providencia, Chile, comenzó a implementar una serie de medidas que buscan erradicar el comercio ambulante en la comuna, que contemplan la presencia de fiscalizadores municipales y la aplicación de multas a vendedores y compradores. Desde su implementación, esta política ha sido objeto de controversia, en tanto vendedoras y vendedores acusan situaciones de abuso hacia ellos por parte de fiscalizadores y de Carabineros. Desde la perspectiva social, ideológica y sociosemiótica de los Estudios del discurso, se presenta un análisis exploratorio de la forma en que es abordada la práctica del comercio ambulante y los actores involucrados en ella (vendedores y compradores) en dos entrevistas dadas por la alcaldesa de la comuna de Providencia, Evelyn Matthei, a dos medios de comunicación: Radio Biobío y Canal 13. La primera entrevista, del 18 de julio, forma parte de las declaraciones dadas en el marco del lanzamiento público de la campaña. En la segunda, del 13 de diciembre, la alcaldesa es consultada por las denuncias realizadas por vendedores. En el marco de la Lingüística Sistémico-Funcional, se pone atención a los sistemas de Valoración e Ideación (Martin & White 2005; Martin & Rose 2007) para dar cuenta de cómo las entidades, procesos y circunstancias son presentados y valorados en el discurso; cómo estas valoraciones pueden ser atenuadas o reforzadas, y cómo son presentadas con distintos grados de compromiso por parte de la voz autorial. Los resultados, que serán ampliados posteriormente para incluir el discurso de otros actores, muestran que el posicionamiento de la alcaldesa opera criminalizando la práctica del comercio ambulante, mediante su asociación con formas de delito ampliamente reconocidas por la sociedad, tales como el microtráfico y la operación de “mafias”. Asimismo, esta criminalización se extiende a evaluaciones sobre el carácter moral y ético de los vendedores. Se considera que esta investigación puede contribuir a nuestro entendimiento crítico acerca de los discursos hegemónicos que circulan en la sociedad chilena respecto de prácticas no legitimadas de supervivencia, donde intervienen también valoraciones acerca de grupos minorizados en la sociedad, tales como vendedores y vendedoras ambulantes y personas extranjeras.

12:00-12:30 Session 15B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Actividades en Sociología: una aproximación a las opciones de secuencias de actividades en textos producidos por estudiantes de primer año de Sociología

ABSTRACT. El objetivo de esta presentación es exponer una red preliminar del sistema de SECUENCIAS DE ACTIVIDADES en el campo de la Sociología desde la perspectiva de la Lingüística Sistémico Funcional (en adelante, LSF) en estudiantes de primer año de universidad. Si bien el estudio de la Sociología ha sido abordado previamente en otras investigaciones desde este modelo teórico (Wignell, 1998; Wignell, 2007), estos no han considerado los aspectos semántico-discursivos ni de campo de la disciplina. En este sentido, la investigación se ha limitado a la descripción léxicogramatical de esta disciplina. Así, se plantea la necesidad de abordar la construcción disciplinar universitaria desde la variable de campo y la semántica del discurso. A partir de una perspectiva trinocular basada en el principio axial (Martin, 2013) y los últimos avances desarrollados en el campo (Martin & Doran, en preparación) y la semántica del discurso (Hao, 2015, 2018; Hao & Humphrey, en preparación), se realizó una descripción de los tipos de secuencias de actividades instanciadas en un corpus de seis respuestas a preguntas abiertas con alto porcentaje de logro producidas por estudiantes de primer año de Sociología de una universidad chilena a partir de los sistemas de FIGURAS, ENTIDADES y CONEXIÓN. A partir de los análisis realizados, se propone una red preliminar del sistema de SECUENCIAS DE ACTIVIDADES. Este sistema da cuenta de un conjunto de opciones que permiten describir la organización del campo disciplinar y la construcción del rol de sociólogo en formación en los estudiantes. Adicionalmente, se plantea que el posicionamiento desde diferentes niveles de la escala de rango en la semántica del discurso representa un factor fundamental para la descripción y comprensión de los campos disciplinares en la educación terciaria.

12:00-12:30 Session 15C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
From sentences to enre: Reading-to-Learn principles applied to a beginning Spanish class

ABSTRACT. A web-assisted application of the Reading-to-Learn (R2L) methodology was conducted in an undergraduate beginning Spanish course at a university in the southeast United States. One of the key assignments in the class is to write a short argumentative essay. To carry out this goal, students enrolled in the class (n=28) were first asked to write a text on the topic “Mi estación favorita” (‘My Favorite Season’) in which they sought to convince the reader. No further instructions were given. Students were also asked to identify arguments and counterarguments from a short argumentative essay model text. Without furthering discussion with the students, the instructor proceeded with the web-assisted R2L sessions. These sessions consisted of the following stages with the purpose of contextualizing the R2L methodology to the curricular demands of the university course: a) preview assignment aimed at building background knowledge and specific vocabulary on seasons, b) explicit genre instruction, c) reading of 4 model texts with genre stages that would be highlighted in different identifying colors, d) text reconstruction aided by the software in which students could drag and drop the essay parts, e) joint construction of essay and sentence structure practice, and f) individual composition. Among the composition pretest results, it was found that 36.9% of all the target genre components were familiar to students. All students were able to produce thesis and arguments, but only 21.4% included examples/details and none included counterarguments, refutations, or conclusions. In the reading pretest, 32.1% of them could identify an argument, and 53.5% could identify a counterargument. Significantly, after instruction, 80.3% of all the target genre components were familiar to students. Also significant was the much higher percentages of inclusion of examples/details (92.8%), counterarguments (71.4%), refutation (50%), and conclusion (67.8%). Besides these telling results, the biggest evidence of improvement was in terms of lexicogrammar as the marked-theme sentences went from 6 in the pretest to 110 in the posttest, resulting in a surprising increase of 1,733%.

12:30-13:00 Session 16A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
Identificação racial em um canal de YouTube: um olhar a partir da Avaliatividade e da LSF

ABSTRACT. O trabalho visa analisar um vídeo de um canal do YouTube e as reações expressas nos comentários. Como objeto, escolhemos o canal Afros e Afins, que trata, entre outros assuntos, de causas raciais e feministas. O vídeo analisado é “Colorismo, ser negro e os 3 mitos da mulher negra”. Nele, a produtora do canal, Nátaly Néri, explica o conceito de colorismo e reflete sobre as representações da mulher negra que são construídas socialmente. A coleta de dados é feita com o auxílio de um software de análise de corpus, o Sketch Engine, para identificarmos os principais processos avaliativos envolvidos nos comentários do vídeo em questão. Nosso objetivo é identificar as principais escolhas léxico-gramaticais presentes em processos avaliativos no corpus, com um recorte limitado e aleatório de comentários. Com isso, concentramos nossas análises no âmbito da Linguística Sistêmico Funcional (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014), sobretudo no Sistema de Transitividade e de Avaliatividade (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005). O objetivo é entender as relações que existem entre a linguagem e as funções que esta desempenha na configuração social em questão, bem como desvelar o teor emocional e ideológico dos comentários analisados e como as avaliações feitas pelos indivíduos implicam diretamente nas relações entre eles (LIMA-LOPES; VIAN JR., 2007). Como uma análise pautada na LSF também depende da compreensão de um contexto de situação (HALLIDAY; HASAN, 1989) e de um contexto de cultura (EGGINS, 2004; MARTIN; ROSE, 2008) para ser realizada, é importante também considerarmos que o Brasil vive sob uma suposta democracia racial (GUIMARÃES, 1995). Com base nas análises, percebemos que grande parte dos julgamentos feitos nos comentários coletados são no campo negativo da capacidade, uma tentativa de silenciamento somente a partir de traços físicos relacionados à raça, não considerando aspectos sócio-históricos e identitários. Em parte dos comentários, “pardo” é utilizado como tentativa de apagamento da negritude, enquanto “negro de pele clara” é uma forma de se aproximar do movimento a partir do discurso. Notamos, ainda, a importância dos processos relacionais na identificação racial, ou seja, as pessoas procuram relações de atributos físicos e de familiares para se enquadrarem em determinadas classificações raciais.

12:30-13:00 Session 16B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
O desenvolvimento da escrita no contexto acadêmico: um estudo dos recursos semântico-discursivos em textos de ingressantes no curso universitário

ABSTRACT. Esta comunicação focaliza a escrita, contemplando o contexto situacional de letramento acadêmico em Língua Portuguesa. Embora haja inúmeras pesquisas que abordam o letramento acadêmico e as características dos textos que são produzidos nesse contexto, são raros os estudos que focalizam o desenvolvimento da escrita, considerando três variáveis: a constituição do escritor, a percepção do leitor/interlocutor e a organização do fluxo informacional do texto. A pesquisa tem como objetivo cartografar os recursos semântico-discursivos do registro escrito em textos produzidos por alunos no primeiro semestre do curso de graduação em Letras. A hipótese levantada é que a escrita no meio acadêmico não é uma prática de letramento recorrente para esses aprendizes e pode ser explicitada pela natureza ontogenética e filogenética do desenvolvimento da linguagem (Halliday, 1993a/b; 1999; 2014). De natureza qualitativa, esta pesquisa tem como dado empírico textos produzidos em um curso semestral de Leitura e Produção Textual; esses dados resultam da proposição de quatro diferentes propostas de escrita, totalizando 600 textos. O corpus é analisado com base nos recursos semântico-discursivos, buscando contemplar aspectos relevantes da linguagem (gramática, discurso e contexto social) que revelam as escolhas realizadas na interrelação leitor/escritor e no fluxo organizacional do texto. Dentre os recursos semântico-discursivos, a análise articula três recursos, incluindo (a) avaliatividade e negociação para compreender as atitudes negociadas (papéis dos participantes do discurso e sua relação com o outro); (b) ideação para explicitar a construção da experiência (atividades realizadas e participantes); e (c) periodicidade para delinear o fluxo de informações na organização do texto. Os resultados indicam as dificuldades organizacionais do fluxo das informações do texto. A cartografia contribui para o entendimento do modo como escritores usam a linguagem em um esforço para se apresentar, avaliar o trabalho dos outros e se comunicar com os leitores.

12:30-13:00 Session 16C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
Análisis multimodal de prácticas de modelación matemática en estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria

ABSTRACT. En el marco de una investigación cualitativa y bajo el paradigma metodológico de investigación de diseño, este reporte tiene por objetivo dar cuenta del análisis multimodal de prácticas de modelación en enseñanza secundaria. Interesa distinguir recursos verbales y multimodales que construyen efectos de sentido en este contexto. El corpus se compone del registro de 100 respuestas elaboradas por diez equipos de cuatro estudiantes de primer año medio, a diez preguntas escritas, mismas que configuran un diseño de experimentación y modelación aplicado en clase de matemáticas, en dos cursos de una misma unidad educativa.

Desde una perspectiva socioepistemológica la modelación se orienta a que los estudiantes constituyan dipolos modélicos articulando dos entidades: desde la operatividad de una de estas intervienen en la otra. Articulan una tabla de datos o una figura o una expresión algebraica con un fenómeno físico (Arrieta y Díaz, 2015). Suscribiendo a Candela (1999) se concibe al conocimiento científico como una construcción social sujeta a procesos discursivos específicos, que incluyen tanto las versiones sobre ciertos temas como la organización de lo que se narra, maneras de hablar, de argumentar, de analizar, de observar, de construir con palabras (y figuras) procesos y resultados de la experiencia, de validar un conocimiento y de establecer una verdad. En particular lo matemático se construye como herramienta para organizar fenómenos del mundo físico, social y mental (Freudenthal, 1991).

Se utilizan recursos de la Lingüística Sistémico Funcional tales como el análisis de la transitividad cuando los estudiantes se desplazan por los ambientes tabular, algebraico y gráfico, en prácticas de modelación que procuran su inmersión en el estudio de un fenómeno, con base en experimentación narrada (Doran, 2018). El análisis de los desarrollos estudiantiles pone en evidencia, por una parte, potencialidades de la experimentación discursiva: las preguntas y su secuencia conducen a que los estudiantes vivencien un ambiente experimental con altos grados de inmersión, verosimilitud e interacción con el fenómeno. Y por otra, presenta indicios de densidad semántica de lo lineal favorecidos por el diseño (Maton y Doran, 2017).

13:00-14:30Lunch Break / Book Launch (Aula Magna, 13.30-14.30)
14:30-16:30 Session 17: COLLOQUIUM 5
Location: Auditorio 1
COLLOQUIUM: Issues in the conceptualisation and analysis of social identity and discursive persona
PRESENTER: Peter White

ABSTRACT. The notion that language choices are conditioned by social context and, equally, that language choice itself construes social context is a longstanding tenet of SFL scholarship – the informs many and varied treatments of “register” and “genre” in the SFL literature. In the last decade or so, a third perspective has been proposed by J.R. Martin, that of “individuation”, offered with a view to integrating into our analytical purview the individual speaker and their role in activating options for meaning making. In so doing, Martin made connections with the extensive and influential scholarly tradition of socio-linguistics where the social identity of individual speakers has been a primary object of study. This colloquium is concerned with more recent developments in work on the linguistic expression of identity and the related category of discursive persona. Speakers will review work on identity/persona from within SFL and without, and explore more recently developed proposals for dealing with identity/persona as a textual construct. They will provide critical reviews of theorising around these constructs, along with suggestions for new lines of analysis for establishing which particular meaning-making choices are likely to be indexical of recognised, recurrent identity and/or persona types. The findings are presented of some studies of the enactment of identity/persona in both English and Chinese language contexts.

Key words: identity, persona, individuation

Coordinator: Peter R. R. White, University of New South Wales


Paper 1: Are the related notions of “social identity” and “discursive persona” susceptible to linguistic analysis?

Alexanne Don (independent scholar)

In laying some groundwork for the other presentations in this colloquium, this paper provides a critical review of how the concepts of “social identity” and “discursive persona”  have been defined and dealt with in the literature, with specific reference to the scholarship which attends to how “presentations of self” can be related to language choice and communicative style. The review has been conducted with a view to exploring how we might effectively analyse “identity”  and “persona” as enacted in a range of different texts types and social contexts – for example in email list interactions, personal weblogs, reader comments on online news articles and television talk shows. With this objective in mind, the review considers what  can usefully be drawn from the socio-linguistic scholarship on “identity”, the stance/stance-taking literature, and the proposals by Professor J.R. Martin and his students re what Professor Martin terms “individuation”. Attention is paid to how the account of evaluative meaning making provided by the appraisal framework can contribute to such analyses, with a particular focus on the insights which become available when all three systems of appraisal (attitude, engagement and graduation) are taken account as simultaneously implicated in the construal of interpersonal positions. Some discussion is provided around whether it is valid to treat “social identity” and “textual persona” as properties of individual texts or whether “identity” and “ persona” are better thought of as emergent properties of  recurrencies in the communicative styles of speakers/writers over time.  

Key words: identity, persona, sociolinguistics

Paper 2: Discursive persona and the “putative” addressee – presentations of self through “writing the reader into the text”.

Peter R. R. White, University of New South Wales

The paper makes the case that a key, often overlooked aspect, of textually performed persona relates to what Bakhtin and others have termed “addressivity”. That is to say, it is proposed that analyses of discursive persona should attend not only to how the speaker/writer presents her/himself but also to how addressees are “interpolated”  into the text -  or in the words of Geoff Thomson, how the “reader is written into the text”. Thus it is argued that “persona” is just as much a matter of this “projected/intended/putative”addressee  which the speaker/writer construes for his/her text as it is a matter of authorial “self”. This proposal is explored in connection with written “monologic” texts directed at a mass audience where, of course, authors have a certain freedom in terms of the “putative” reader which they choose to construct for their texts. More specifically an application of the appraisal framework will be demonstrated by which it becomes possible to systematically track where the putative reader is construed as (1) inevitably operating with the same value position (belief, attitude or expectation) as the author, as (2) undecided or uniformed on the value position in question or as (3) likely to be at odds with the author, or at least sceptical of the position being advanced. It will be argued that one key variation in an author’s “presentation of self” turns on the frequency with which each of these options is taken up and with respect to which value positions. Thus, broadly speaking, the “persona” which the author enacts may vary according to the degree to which the text construes a “like-minded”  reader, an “uncommitted” reader  or an “oppositional” reader.

Key words: interpolation, addressivity, appraisal

Paper 3: Stance taking, evaluative style and textual persona in Chinese “reality” television

Qingxin Xu, University of New South Wales

This paper reports on a study of patterns of stance-taking and evaluative style in family conflict resolution “reality” television programs broadcast in mainland China. These programs have become popular in mainland China over the last several years, with more than five such programs currently being broadcast. They were reportedly initiated at the behest of governmental authorities by way of a response to an increase in the divorce rate and other issues in family relations. They were reportedly conceived as one effective way of providing families with relationship counselling and advice. Broadly speaking, the programs involve two family members currently involved in some conflict (for example, contemplating divorce) who outline their concerns and/or grievances in front of a panel of family relations experts. The programs provide for spoken language data consisting, for example, of complaints and versions of events offered individually by each family member to the panel, confrontations between the two family members where they level accusations or defend their past actions, feedback and advice provided by panel members, and so on.  

The paper reports the findings of a study which has sought to discover if an analysis of data from multiple episodes of these program could provide a basis for conclusions that variation in the participants’ use of the resources for evaluative meaning making (their evaluative styles) could be interpreted in  terms of a some notion of “social identity”, and/or in terms of some notion of  “discursive”  persona. Thus, for example, would it be possible to discover recurrencies in the use of evaluative language in the data which might correlate with features which have traditionally been associated with social identity – e.g. gender, marital status, age, and generation. Similarly would it be possible to interpret any such recurrent evaluative styles as indicating there were certain conventionalised ways of “presenting self” in such contexts – i.e. culturally recurrent styles for verbally enacting “personhood” in such contexts of family dispute.  Findings arising from the ongoing analysis of this data will be presented in the paper.

Key words: conflict talk, stance, evaluation

14:30-16:30 Session 17: COLLOQUIUM 6
Location: Sala 2 (Room 2)
COLLOQUIUM: Theme choices in multilingual translation
PRESENTER: Jonas Freiwald

ABSTRACT. While the focus of translation studies had traditionally been placed on experiential meaning, the study of textual meaning has recently gained popularity (Kim and Matthiessen 2015). In SFL, the main resource of expressing textual meaning is THEME, which Halliday and Matthiessen (2014: 89) define as the “point of departure of the message”, a system that is not limited to English, but may be applied across languages. Whereas Theme choices in translation have been usefully studied in a few isolated language-pairs: for example Norwegian-English (Hasselgard 1998, 2004), Portuguese-English (Espindola 2013) and Korean-English (Kim 2007), there is a need for multilingual collaboration in order to develop potentially generalizable knowledge in this domain. On the one hand, as the formal realization of THEME can differ considerably between languages, strategies and challenges in the translation of Theme may vary from one language pair to another due to typological differences. On the other hand, Theme choices in translation may share similarities either due to source language influence (Teich 2003) or due to some processes being potentially translation-inherent (Baker 1996). In this colloquium, we will study Theme choices in translations between different language pairs to not only highlight contrastive differences but also investigate potentially translation-inherent processes. We will manually analyze the thematic structure of one English speech, Obama’s 2009 Inauguration Address, as well as translations of that speech into Chinese, German, Spanish and Arabic. By using the same source text, we will be able to identify common translation strategies of Theme in a diverse set of target languages that may hint at universal tendencies in translations. The thematic systems of Chinese and German will be critically discussed in two presentations and their Theme analyses of the translated texts will be compared to those of Spanish and Arabic. Additionally, the colloquium will feature a presentation on the design of a corpus that offers automatic Theme annotations, which will allow us to validate the results of our case study in a corpus-based approach in the future. This colloquium will shed light on the effects of Theme differences in translations and help us to better understand translation-inherent processes.


Jonas Freiwald, RWTH Aachen University,

Long Li, UNSW Sydney,


Paper 1: Theme Choices in the English-Chinese Translations of Obama’s 2009 Inauguration Address

Long Li (UNSW Sydney,

This paper explores translators’ choices in Theme choice and theme progression in English to Chinese translation with a case study of Obama’s 2009 Inauguration Address and two Chinese translations. In practice, Theme choices can present great challenges to translators/interpreters, as considerable typological differences are thought to exist between English and Chinese, such as the possibility of absolute Theme in Chinese. However, Theme choices remain underexplored in studies of Chinese-English translation. This paper starts with a synthesis and critique of existing functional descriptions of THEME in Chinese (Fang et. al 1995; Halliday and Matthiessen 2004; Li 2007). It then presents results of Theme analyses of the English source text and Chinese target texts. To explore contextual influence, two translations were respectively chosen from People’s Daily, representing the official voice of the Chinese communist party, and from Voice of America, which represents the official voice of the American government. Specific attention will be paid to explore reasons of any consistencies of obligatory shifts in the realization of the experiential Theme– those influenced by typological differences, and of optional shifts, especially those in relation to Theme markedness.

Paper 2: Theme induced translation shifts in English-German translations of political speeches

Jonas Freiwald, RWTH Aachen University,

Despite their strong genetic relation, the English and German languages show a variety of contrastive differences which pose problems during the translation process. One such contrastive difference is the formal realization of Theme. Steiner & Teich (2004) have argued that Theme in German does not extend to the first experiential element as it does in English but is limited to the one element before the Finite, which may be instantiated by a variety of different experiential and also non-experiential constituents. Based on this formal definition, recent studies have examined Theme differences between the two languages and their effects in English-German translations (Teich 2003, Neumann 2014, Niemietz et al. 2017).

This paper will introduce and discuss alternative approaches to German Theme structure and demonstrate the effects of different definitions on the analysis and interpretation of Theme induced translation shifts in English-German translations. The analyses will be primarily based on the translation of Barack Obama’s 2009 Inauguration Address into German, and the results will subsequently be compared to a broader Theme analysis of political speeches in the English-German translation corpus CroCo (Hansen-Schirra et al. 2012) to check for similarities and deviations. This paper will not only help us to better understand the thematic differences between English and German but also deepen our understanding of general Theme effects in translations by comparing them to the analyses of the other language pairs.

Paper 3: An SFL-CL View onto Barack Obama's (orogonal and translated) Theme strategies

Virginia Mattioli (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso,

Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a robust framework that has informed translation studies (TS) for years on end (Hatim and Mason, 1990, 1997; House, 1977, 1997; Munday, 2012). Corpus Linguistics (CL) is a powerful methodology that, at least from as early as 1993, has actively contributed to TS knowledge (see Saldanha, 2011; Zanettin, 2012). The combination of SFL-CL within TS has been successfully attempted before (e.g. Hansen-Schirra, Neumann, & Steiner, 2007) but is still a relatively rare venture in the discipline.

To contribute to filling this research gap, the present paper puts forward an exploration of (SFL) theme with (CL) computerised methods with a view to drawing conclusions for Translation Studies. After a brief contextualisation, we present the OBAMA_EN-ES corpus, a compilation of Barack Obama’s most well-known speeches (from his participation in the first caucus rallies until his final farewell) in original English and translated Spanish. Obama’s dexterous use of words and rhetorical strategies undoubtedly merit to be revisited from various standpoints (as is the case in this colloquium). We ponder on methodological issues regarding compilation of the corpus under study. We then go on to analyse it with a special focus on theme strategies, by commuting from (quantitative) big data to (qualitative) small instantiations in order to identify differences and similarities between the original and the target language. The paper ends with some concluding remarks through which the authors advocate the enriching role that CL may play in a flexible SFL multiperspective approach.

14:30-15:00 Session 17A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
Using R2L to enhance EFL learners' oral skills

ABSTRACT. Reading to Learn is a model derived from genre-based pedagogy, which follows a set of strategies for enabling learners to read and write successfully at grade level in the curricular areas (Rose, 2007). It has been used in Australia (Koo and Rose, 2008) and South Africa (Millin, 2011) for the development of literacy skills in students first and second language (L1 and L2). Studies have also reported the successful implementation of R2L to teach in a foreign language in different countries around the world. (Whitaker, 2014; Acevedo, 2010; Herazo, 2012;) However, very few studies have reported the use of R2L to instruct learners in the development of oral skills in a foreign language. This presentation reports on the results of an action research study that explored the adaptations an English teacher made in order to enable a group of 30 eighth graders, aged 13 to 16, to understand and produce oral biographical recounts in L2-English. Data were collected mainly through five observations, to examine how the teacher implemented the adaptations to the cycle; two production tasks to evaluate students ability to orally produce biographical recounts before and after the implementation of the cycle; two stimulated recalls to the teacher and after class observation; a focus group interview with six students from the class. Particularly, the study adapted the stages of the R2L cycle for the comprehension and production of oral texts during five lessons, in the following way: Preparing for listening and detailed listening in lesson 1, note-making, joint re-telling, joint construction, and independent speaking during lessons 2 to 5.Analysis of data showed that R2L helped students to independently produce oral biographical recounts, overcoming their reliance on written notes when producing oral texts in L2-English, and increasing consistency in the structure of students’ texts.The study also investigated the use of L1 and other challenges the teacher encountered during the implementation of the R2L cycle. Analysis revealed that L1 was useful for the teacher, especially during Preparing for Reading; main challenges appeared when planning and using the detailed reading strategies.

14:30-15:00 Session 17B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Multimodality and gender representations in Brazilian nursery rhymes through moving images

ABSTRACT. The present work aims to demonstrate how children, playing Brazilian nursery rhymes (cantigas de roda, in Portuguese), make multiple meanings from their actions with emphasis on the questions of gender representation. Brazilian nursery rhymes are plays and are part of the country’s folklore and culture characterized by the union of different semiotic systems, such as music, choreography, verbal text and scenic playing (MARTINS, 2012). In the context of children's play culture (BROUGÈRE, 2016), plays use multimodal resources through sensorial conceptions and the use of several communicative processes for making meaning. So, by integrating verbal, non-verbal language, images, sounds, gestures and music (VAN LEEUWEN, 2011), nursery rhymes may be considered multimodal texts because they invoke a multisemiotic feature of communicability and meaning-making by children and because of the their multimodal character, none of their semiotic resources works in isolation, being articulated in different levels of textual organization (SANTOS JÚNIOR; ALMEIDA, 2018). Nursery rhymes may also socialize children into biased behavior regarding gender representations from their social contexts (NASIRUDDIN, 2013), being considered powerful tools for the production and change of perceptions related to gender relations. Based on this assumption, this work analyzes how the multimodal features and gender representations (GAUNTLETT, 2002) are symbolized through movement and scenic playing performed by children drawing on GVD – Grammar of Visual Design (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006) - and Multimodality Theory (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2001). The data for the study is the video "Alecrim - Brincadeiras Cantadas", recorded by UFPB TV and available on Youtube. The analysis of moving images (VAN LEEUWEN, 2005; BALDRY; THIBAULT, 2005) was made through Iedema's Filmic Theory (2001). It has been concluded that the different semiosis present in nursery rhymes organize the text and allow the analysis of moving images in consonance with the verbal text, setting the discussion and interpretation of the emerging gender patterns of the multimodal perspective of these plays, especially with respect to the representation of women.

14:30-15:00 Session 17C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
A metafunção textual e os recursos de identificação e periodicidade na construção do fluxo informacional do texto

ABSTRACT. No processo de formação escolar e acadêmica, o ensino de leitura e de escrita tem como eixo central, o texto. A Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (LSF) entende a linguagem como um recurso para a construção, interpretação e ação, em contexto social e, entendendo o texto como o produto das trocas de significados sociais, percebe a necessidade de proporcionar o domínio da leitura e da escrita, que inclui oportunizar a compreensão dos recursos léxico-gramaticais e semântico-discursivos disponíveis para a construção textual. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar como o fluxo de informação de um texto é construído e como são realizados a apresentação, o rastreamento e a manutenção dos participantes em textos escritos, em Língua Portuguesa, por ingressantes do curso de Letras. Para a realização da análise foram observados os recursos de IDENTIFICAÇÃO e de PERIODICIDADE, recursos constituintes da Metafunção Textual que funcionam na organização do texto. São referências teóricas adotadas nesta pesquisa o construto teórico da LSF fundamentado por M. Halliday e o trabalho realizado por Martin e Rose (2007[2003]). O objeto de análise foi um texto escrito, cujo gênero é o Memorial de Leitura, por um aluno do primeiro semestre de graduação em Letras. Como procedimento metodológico realizou-se um estudo descritivo-qualitativo, que compreendeu a descrição minuciosa e análise dos recursos utilizados na escrita do texto estudado. Tal procedimento compreendeu desde o sistema léxico-gramatical, com foco principalmente no sistema semântico-discursivo, até elementos contextuais de produção. Os resultados apontam para uma compreensão acerca da organização do discurso por meio da utilização dos recursos de IDENTIFICAÇÃO e de PERIODICIDADE no gênero Memorial de Leitura, permitindo que o leitor acompanhe cada um dos elementos inseridos no texto. Além disso, apontam para um possível trabalho de utilização consciente de tais recursos com a finalidade de aprimoramento de escrita.

15:00-15:30 Session 18A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
Leer para aprender: una herramienta para desarrollar el pensamiento matemático

ABSTRACT. Chile no ha conseguido movilizar los aprendizajes en Matemáticas durante la última década y aproximadamente el 50% de los estudiantes chilenos no ha desarrollado las competencias básicas, es decir se encuentra bajo el nivel 2 (Pisa, 2015). Además, se han observado dificultades en la comprensión lectora de instrucciones y escaso trabajo en resolución de problemas (CIAE, 2019). En esto, el rol del profesor es fundamental para el logro de habilidades matemáticas tales como: resolución de problemas, modelamiento y la capacidad para representar, comunicar y argumentar y, lo que es más importante, en el manejo de conceptos y en la visión que se van formando de las Matemáticas. Para dar solución a lo anterior, se utilizó el programa australiano Leer para Aprender (LepA) (Rose y Martin, 2012), que comprende estrategias didácticas para la enseñanza de contenido disciplinar a través de la oralidad, lectura y escritura. El objetivo de esta presentación es dar a conocer el resultado de una investigación acción realizada en la asignatura de Matemáticas en alumnos de 6º año básico, de dos colegios de la Región de Valparaíso, de dependencias pública y de subvención compartida. La metodología de intervención comprendió: 1) Preparación de secuencias didácticas en los cuatro ejes temáticos: Números y Operaciones, Patrones y Álgebra, Geometría y Medición, Datos y Probabilidades y en las habilidades matemáticas; 2) Pre-test; 3) Aplicación de las cuatro etapas de Leer para Aprender: Modelamiento del profesor, Primera práctica guiada, Segunda práctica guiada y Construcción conjunta; y finalmente 4) Post-test; 5) Tabulación y análisis de resultados. El programa hasta el momento ha resultado eficiente en: disminución de conductas disruptivas, aumento de la autoestima y aprendizaje de contenidos y habilidades. Esto debido al genuino y constante reforzamiento positivo, enseñanza sistemática con un sólido andamiaje que enfatiza la importancia del profesor para acercar a los estudiantes al desarrollo de contenidos y habilidades lingüísticas propias del lenguaje matemático.

15:00-15:30 Session 18B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Multimodal writing portfolios in EFL classes: humanistic tools of autonomy and motivation in the academic context

ABSTRACT. The present work aims to demonstrate how the implementation of writing portfolios was made from a multimodal perspective (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2001; UNSWORTH, 2008; VAN LEEUWEN, 2011) and a humanist approach (ALMEIDA, 2001; MOSKOWITZ, 1978) within the academic context in English language classes held at Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), in Brazil, for teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL). The experience with writing portfolios consisted of a series of written texts based on the Pedagogy of Genres (MARTIN; ROSE, 2008). All the procedures were carried out by the teacher and her trainee in two distinct intermediate-level classes of the English-language course, in order to provide the practice of writing through multimodal activities based on prewriting, writing and postwriting (HORFOLD; ELLIS; HAIGH, 2001). Six texts were made by the students according to instructions and textual genres models exposed in the classroom by the integrated use of different communicative resources such as language, images, and other multimodal texts and communicative events (VAN LEEUWEN, 2011). The students were free to write their texts using different typography, layouts, colors and figures, demonstrating the texts’ multimodal feature (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2001). Once written, the texts were corrected by the teacher and the trainee from a marking system previously discussed in the classroom, also giving motivational feedback for each text after all. After correction, the students had a moment to rewrite the texts. Finally, they were invited to make a cover for their portfolios and compile the final versions of the texts in what we called a multimodal writing portfolio, and return them to the teacher within a deadline. The results of this experience have demonstrated that the combination of a humanistic perspective and a multimodal approach in English classes enables both students and teachers to integrate with the human side of each other, promoting and sharing experiences out of the academic knowledge in English. At the same time, the whole process of implementing the multimodal writing portfolio has revealed the desire not only to develop writing, but also to promote attitudes such as autonomy and motivation.

15:00-15:30 Session 18C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
Usos de las cláusulas verbales en el discurso científico del área de lenguaje en el español de Colombia

ABSTRACT. Esta ponencia presenta resultados de un aspecto de una investigación que tiene como objetivo general “Describir la utilización de procesos verbales en español para expresar valoración en textos científicos en el área de lenguaje”. Esto, con el fin de desarrollar pedagogías para orientar a estudiantes en el uso de los procesos verbales junto con el sistema de VALORACIÓN (Martin & White, 2005) para expresar puntos de vista. El corpus consta de 20 artículos tomados de 4 revistas colombianas en el área de lenguaje. Los análisis realizados enfocan los sistemas de TRANSITIVIDAD (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014) y VALORACIÓN (Martin & White, 2005) en las cláusulas verbales de las secciones de Marco Teórico y Metodología de cada artículo. Para la identificación de las cláusulas verbales, siguiendo a Halliday y Matthiessen (2014: 303), incluimos todas aquellas cláusulas que construyan el intercambio simbólico de significados. Una vez identificadas las cláusulas verbales, se procedió a analizar los elementos valorativos presentes en cada una, utilizando las categorías de Martin y White (2005). Asimismo, se identificó en cada caso el uso discursivo de la cláusula. Esta ponencia se centra en la interacción entre la metafunción textual y los sistemas de TRANSITIVIDAD y VALORACIÓN para resaltar la importancia de ciertas ideas. Se identificaron tres usos discursivos de estas cláusulas: la primera, como se ha descrito en la literatura (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2014; Ignatieva & Rodríguez-Vergara, 2015; Moyano, 2015), es la referencia a otros autores para establecer el posicionamiento del autor (62%); también importantes son la auto-referencia (25%) y la organización del discurso (13%). Se presentan ejemplos de las cláusulas de auto-referencia, mostrando cómo se utilizan los procesos verbales en conjunto con la expresión de una actitud positiva, para centrar la atención de lector en puntos considerados de importancia para el desarrollo del argumento. También se presentan ejemplos del uso de las cláusulas verbales para organizar el discurso, generalmente sin la expresión de actitud. Ambas funciones son importantes para el desarrollo de las competencias escriturales entre estudiantes y representan un reto para escritores novatos/as por lo que implican el uso de selecciones experienciales para lograr fines interpersonales y textuales.

15:30-16:00 Session 19A
Location: Sala 5 (Room 5)
Leer para Aprender: Diseño de secuencias didácticas

ABSTRACT. Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de investigación avalado por SeCyt que tiene por objetivo replicar las prácticas de enseñanza-aprendizaje basadas en el programa pedagógico ‘Leer para Aprender’ de la Escuela de Sídney (Martin y Rose, 2008; Reading to Learn, 2018; Rose y Martin, 2012) en quinto y sexto grado de algunas escuelas primarias de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. Dicho programa propone un enfoque pedagógico que visibiliza las características lingüísticas prototípicas de cada género a través de la deconstrucción y construcción conjunta para que los alumnos adquieran estrategias para acceder a los contenidos y para expresarse en la disciplina. La reflexión lingüística andamiada que propone este programa requiere formar a los docentes de áreas curriculares como ciencias sociales y naturales en la pedagogía del género proporcionándoles estrategias para visibilizar y concienciar a sus alumnos sobre los recursos lingüísticos de cada área. El objetivo de la presente ponencia es compartir el desarrollo de un taller de formación docente dirigido a las maestras de quinto grado del área de ciencias sociales para la apropiada implementación de la metodología ‘Leer para Aprender’. En dicho taller, las investigadoras (docentes de lengua) y las docentes trabajaron en forma conjunta con la finalidad de estudiar el texto que sería luego utilizado en clase. Específicamente, el taller estuvo orientado a la (i) identificación del tipo de género textual en cuestión, su propósito y etapas genéricas, (ii) la formulación de preguntas dirigidas a la localización de información clave y (iii) la identificación y el análisis de instancias lingüísticas clave para la comprensión primero y para la reelaboración de los textos luego. Si bien la implementación de la secuencia didáctica del programa ‘Leer para Aprender’ requiere de dedicación y tiempo por parte de los docentes involucrados, la propuesta se ha implementado exitosamente en diversos países, entre ellos Australia (Rose y Martin, 2012), Suecia (Acevedo, 2010), España, Portugal y Dinamarca (según informes disponibles en la página web de Reading to Learn).

15:30-16:00 Session 19B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Multimodalidade: um estudo comparativo no campo do jornalismo científico

ABSTRACT. Nosso principal objetivo neste artigo é observar alguns modos semióticos que são articulados em uma matéria de jornalismo científico que é publicada em suportes midiáticos distintos. Como objeto de análise, nos debruçamos sobre uma matéria que foi publicada na edição de agosto de 2018 da revista impressa Pesquisa Fapesp e republicada no website Utilizamos o verbo republicar porque observamos, ao longo dos meses de agosto e setembro de 2018, que as matérias só foram disponibilizadas no site da Pesquisa Fapesp depois que a revista impressa já havia sido publicada. Por conta desse fato, decidimos investigar se as matérias postadas no site eram reproduções fieis daquelas noticiadas na revista impressa ou se o sign-maker responsável pelo site fazia uso de outros modos semióticos neste novo suporte midiático; novos suportes permitem outros modos e estes contam com outros affordances para a produção de significado. Em nossa análise comparativa, utilizamos os conceitos dos processos de ressignificação de signos denominados por Kress (2010) como transdução e transformação, nos propondo a comparar os modos semióticos escrita, imagem e enquadramento. Uma vez que nosso interesse reside não apenas na maneira como o texto é organizado, mas também no uso que se faz dos modos semióticos e dos textos multimodais, achamos importante a realização de estudos que busquem compreender a multimodalidade no discurso do jornalismo científico, uma vez que o conhecimento deve ultrapassar os muros da comunidade científica.

15:30-16:00 Session 19C
Location: Sala 8 (Room 8)
The lexicogrammatical realizations of time and temporal relations in Japanese from a systemic functional perspective

ABSTRACT. The purpose of the present paper is to explore how time and temporal relations are realized lexicogrammatically in Japanese. The background of the paper is temporal information processing and corpus annotation: in the areas of information extraction and text summarization, there is a need for visualizing information about time by mapping events realized in a text on the timeline in terms of its occurrence, duration, and order. In this context, this paper aims to provide a linguistic resource for developing a Japanese temporal ordering annotation scheme (Asahara, Yasuda, Konishi, Imada, & Maekawa, 2014), which is based on its English counterpart, ISO-TimeML (Pustejovsky, Ingria, Gaizauskas, Setzer, & Radev, 2003). Unlike the linguistic models employed in the language processing research where time and temporal relations are interpreted morphologically at word rank, this paper finds them realized at both group rank and clause rank, deriving from Halliday’s (1985; 1976) description of tense in English. When seen ‘from above’ – from the vantage point of semantics –, the semantic domains of time and temporal relations are realized in the lexicogrammar diversely across metafunctions in Japanese, like those in English (Matthiessen, 1996: 443). More specifically, time and temporal relations are not only construed logically within tense (see Teruya, 2007 for his description of tense in Japanese) but also construed experientially by Circumstances within transitivity, enacted interpersonally by comment Adjuncts and modality, and presented textually by temporal conjunction. Thus, I will investigate the location of time and temporal relations realized in the lexicogrammar using the function-rank matrix and suggest how they are related to each other within the overall system of Japanese.

16:00-16:30 Session 20B
Location: Sala 7 (Room 7)
Entre a cruz e o arco-íris: a multimodalidade em vídeos do YouTube

ABSTRACT. O presente artigo trabalha a linguagem multimodal de vídeos, disponibilizados no YouTube, enquanto um exemplo de produção de conteúdo no ciberespaço e sua relação com o midiativismo, a partir da análise de dois vídeos do canal Muro Pequeno. O objetivo é verificar como os elementos multimodais contribuem para a construção de sentido e significado em vídeos, resultando e se caracterizando como prática midiativista. Para tanto, apresentamos o conceito e aplicação do midiativismo (MATTONI, 2013; DI FELICE, 2017; BRAIGHI, CÂMARA, 2018), principalmente considerando a Internet como principal suporte e meio desses ativismos; os aspectos multimodais que compõem os vídeos, como som, voz, gestos, posturas, olhares, dentre outros modos (IEDEMA, 2000; NORRIS, 2002, 2004, 2006; O’HALLORAN, 2004; MACHIN, VAN LEEUWEN, 2016) que se portam como meio e a linguagem utilizada pelos midiativistas. A multimodalidade é, também, o aparato metodológico deste trabalho, enquanto pesquisa da Linguística Aplicada. Assim, selecionamos dois vídeos do canal Muro Pequeno (“De um filho gay cristão, para pais cristãos de filhos gays” e “O que a bíblia não diz sobre homossexualidade”) que relacionam a temática LGBT com a religião, especialmente o catolicismo. A partir de uma análise qualitativa dos aspectos multimodais do vídeo, como os gestos, a postura, voz, elementos que compõem o cenário, dentre outras características, percebemos como o sentido ativista do vídeo é construído. A análise indica que os discursos multimodais são carregados de significados e que eles auxiliam na produção de sentido midiativista, possível a partir da pluralidade de produções de conteúdo no ciberespaço. Com isso, podemos perceber que, apesar de ambos os vídeos terem a mesma base temática e de conteúdo religioso e de conhecimento, eles se diferem na construção do sentido a partir das relações dos elementos multimodais presentes neles. Enquanto o vídeo 1 é mais íntimo, pessoal, em tom de submissão e hierarquização das relações de poder ao qual se trata, o vídeo 2 é mais horizontal no sentido de construção do conhecimento. Dessa forma, tomamos a semiótica social enquanto possibilidade de identificação e formação da avaliação crítica e das mudanças que esses discursos visam implementar e legitimar

16:30-17:00Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Session 21: PLENARY 4 - Moyano
Location: Aula Magna
PLENARY: PERIODICITY in Spanish: Information flow in the discourse of science

ABSTRACT. The overall aim of this paper is to show how does Spanish work in order to organise the flow of the information in such an elaborated discourse as the discourse of science. To do this, I will first review the discourse semantic system of PERIODICITY as proposed for English (Martin 1992a y b; Martin & Rose, 2007), showing how information can be predicted and summarised in discourse in order to organise different phases in the text. This pattern is what Martin and Rose (2007) have called metaphorically “bigger waves”, i.e. the setting up of macroThemes and macroNews in discourse. Following Martin (1992b, p. 437), the macro and hyperThemes predict patterns of interaction among lexical strings and Theme selection in following sentences. It is possible to say, then that macro and hyperThemes contain lexical units that open up lexical strings in the following discourse, so there is an interaction of the discourse-semantic systems of PERIODICITY and IDEATION. To show this interaction, I need to turn into the “little waves” (Martin & Rose, 2007), i.e. the organisation of the flow of information in the clause, paying attention to how the opened up strings are distributed as Theme or New. This will allow me to show how Themes of the clauses of a phase of discourse construe the method of development of the text (Fries, 1981). I will then turn to the ways in which PERIODICITY resources are realised in Spanish. To do this, I will present the lexico-grammatical system of THEME in axial terms (Martin et al., 2013) and the realistion of its features in the structure of the Spanish clause (Moyano, 2016). Following this, I will move up to discourse-semantics and I will analyse the realisation of PERIODICITY in Spanish scientific discourse, taking as an example a discussion section of a research article from the field of Agricultural Science written in that language (Acosta, Deregibus y Zucchini, 1994). In this analysis, I will demonstrate how this text is structured in terms of genre and how the information flow is organised in “little and bigger waves” (Martin & Rose, 2007) by options made in the system of PERIODICITY in discourse and THEME in lexicogrammar, as well as how the Themes of different clauses, i.e. making up a paragraph, realise the method of development of the text. In the third part of this paper I will address interpersonal resources that interact with periodicity in relevant way.


Fries, P.H. (1981) On the status of Theme in English: Arguments from discourse. Forum Linguisticum, 6(1), 1-38. Hao, J. (2015) Construing biology: An Ideational Perspective. PhD Thesis. Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney. Martin, J.R. (1992a) Theme, method of development and existentiality: The price of reply. Occasional Papers in Systemic Linguistics 6, 147-183. Martin, J.R. (1992b) English Text: System and Structure. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Martin, J.R. (1995) More than what the message is about: English Theme. In M. Ghadessy (Ed.) Thematic Development in English Texts, (pp. 223-258). London: Pinter (Open Linguistics Series). Martin, J.R. et al. (2013) Systemic Functional Grammar: A Next Step into the Theory. Axial Relations. Beijing: Higher Education Press. Martin J.R. & Rose, D. (2007) Working with Discourse. Meaning Beyond the Clause. 2nd Ed. London: Continuum. Martin, J.R. & White, P.P.R. (2005). The language of evaluation. Appraisal in English. London: Palgrave Moyano, E.I. (2015) La sección Discusión del artículo científico como género: Construcción del nuevo conocimiento y construcción del autor. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Moyano, E.I. (2016). Theme in English and Spanish: Different means of realization for the same textual function. In Special Issue on Communicative Dynamism, edited by Ben Clark and Jorge Arús Hita, English Text Construction, 9 (1) 190-220.