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Serhiy Sakhno (Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine)
Serhiy Semerikov (Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Andrii Striuk (Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine)
09:00 | Our sustainable coronavirus future PRESENTER: Serhiy Semerikov |
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
09:10 | On-line monitoring of ores by EDXRF method on tape technological conveyors of LLP «Kazakhmys Corporation» PRESENTER: Farida Issatayeva ABSTRACT. The issues of the possibility of conducting online monitoring of ores on tape technological conveyors of LLC «Kazakhmys Corporation» by the EDXRF method using an ore-controlling station (OCS) with an ore size of -300 mm class were discussed. Objects of monitoring: copper-containing polymetallic ores arriving for processing at the Zhezkazgan, Balkhash and Karagailinsky dressing mill (monitoring elements: copper, zinc, lead, silver, cadmium and iron), as well as transported via the underground main conveyor of the OCS RLP-21T. The main requirement for OCS is a reliable determination of silver contents in the range of 1+ ppm. The technical issues of the OCS RLP-21T device, the results and results of production operation are highlighted. |
09:30 | Method for optimizing the protecting pillars parameters in underground coal mining PRESENTER: Iryna Kovalevska ABSTRACT. A method for optimizing the protecting pillars parameters during the study of soft enclosing rocks (in Ukraine mines) is represented. The necessity of a differentiated approach has been substantiated when choosing the protecting pillar parameters based on the geomechanical factors analysis influencing the state of massif. Mining and geological situation was analysed. It has been studied a stress-strain state (SSS) along the protecting pillar width with account of the mined-out space on the basis of a computational experiment and is presented in the form of curves of vertical and horizontal stresses distribution, as well as stresses intensity distribution. The recommended engineering decisions have been substantiated and the SSS of fastening and security structures has been analysed. A certain reserve of the fastening structure load-bearing capacity as part of the frame support and the combined roof-bolting system has been revealed. An evidence base has been created for the measures development on conducting and maintaining mine workings in the zone of the stope works influence. The recommendations have been developed on the protecting pillar formation with a width of at least 40 – 45 m to exclude the stope works influence. |
09:50 | Identification of the process of hydromechanical extraction of amber PRESENTER: Andriy Khrystyuk ABSTRACT. The article deals with the method of hydromechanical extraction of amber from sand deposits. The essence of hydromechanical method of amber extraction is considered. The process of extraction has been identified. The analytical expressions obtained for calculating the parameters of hydromechanical extraction of amber from sand deposits, and in particular the expression for determining the rate of emergence of an amber particle, can be used in the further engineering calculations of process parameters and process equipment. These expressions will allow to accurately substitute and with sufficient accuracy to calculate the parameters of the process of extracting amber from amber-containing deposits, as well as to set the parameters of technological equipment for the implementation of this process. |
10:10 | Research of new methods for quality air control after massive explosions in the open mine industry PRESENTER: Tatyana Komisarenko ABSTRACT. The aim of this study is to analyze the existing methods to determine the presence of harmful substances in the open pit atmosphere after massive explosions, and to develop a method of measuring the gas composition of the atmosphere using unmanned UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) unit. Existing methods of controlling the whole open pit atmosphere and its individual sections do not meet safety requirements. The main disadvantages are that workers should be present at danger zone and they are exposed at risk of poisoning by harmful gases. In addition, these methods require considerable time for delivery and analysis of samples in the laboratory, and the results contain significant measurement errors. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a methodology to determine the presence of harmful substances in the open pit atmosphere after massive explosions using unmanned UAV device, and conduct analytical research of signal dissemination to UAV control in the air. It was established that the implementation of the proposed method will allow to get quickly reliable data on the chemical composition of atmosphere in the explosion areas. It possible to carry out the control measurements during mining operations without their interruption and without people presence in the dangerous area which allows to increase safety. |
10:30 | Development of resource-saving technology when mining ore bodies by blocks under rock pressure PRESENTER: Serhii Pysmenniy ABSTRACT. The article aims to develop the resource-saving technology when mining steep ore bodies applying 250 mm-diameter boreholes to break ore into the compressed environment. This will reduce dilution of the mined ore mass in conditions of rock pressure around blocks. When mining iron ore deposits of Kryvyi Rih basin, applied mining systems allow for creation of the compensatory space as the first stage. However, these stopes fail under rock pressure, this influencing negatively ore breaking and extraction. The degree of extraction can be increased through breaking ore mass into the compressed environment. The width of the ore layer to be broken onto the compressed environment is determined through industrial investigations. To enhance breaking conditions, it is suggested to apply boreholes of a larger diameter. However, there is no technique developed for determining thickness of the ore layer to be broken depending on the borehole diameter and the fragmentation factor. When applying 250 mm boreholes, increase of thickness of the layer to be broken from 2 to 10 m is found to cause compaction of the previously broken layer up to 3 m with the optimal ore fragmentation factor of 1.3–1.5 and 3-fold decrease of lumps yield. This results from the fact that drilling a 250 mm borehole to secure even provision of the massif with explosives reduces the line of the least resistance. |
10:50 | Justification of the method of determination of the border overburden ratio PRESENTER: Serhii Lutsenko ABSTRACT. The economic efficiency of the enterprise and the length of its operation, the full utilization of mineral reserves and the total cost of operation depend on the selected depth and boundaries of opencast mining. In such conditions of the deposits` development it is necessary to evaluate the capabilities of the raw material base for the further development of the mining enterprise. The basis for determining of the border overburden ratio is on the condition that the price of manufactured marketable output of the designed enterprise should not exceed the price of the same marketable output in the world market. The realization of this condition is achieved analytically. This takes into account the impact of the rate of return on the final depth of the designed open pit. A new method of determining of the border overburden ratio is developed, which ensures the competitiveness of iron ore concentrate in the world market. The value of the border overburden ratio is developed for the Pershotravnevij open pit of the Northern MPP, depending on the situation of the iron-containing products` prices, which ensures the competitiveness of marketable iron-ore output in the domestic and world markets. |
11:10 | Determination of the transfer step of the ore chute while mining the technogenic deposit of the bulk type PRESENTER: Yulian Hryhoriev ABSTRACT. Further development of the open mining works on the domestic enterprises will be accompanied by the worsening of mining-geological conditions and declining of the quality of iron ore raw materials. In the same time, the accumulated mining wastes, that can make the technogenic deposits, pass into one of the important sources of the mineral raw materials. Taking into account this thing, the development and implementation of the modern technological circuits of the technogenic deposit development is an actual calling for mining industry, and determination and optimization of process conditions of the technogenic deposit development – is the scientific task of this publication. The obtained results of studies of the optimum step value of the ore chute transfer during the technogenic deposit development can be used by design organizations and mining enterprises for designing works. The obtained methodology and the proposed mathematical dependencies will reduce the cost of mining of the technogenic deposit due to the reasonable timely transfer of the open ore chute. |
11:30 | The use of new structural solutions of retaining walls to ensure the stable operation of the "base – engineering structure" system PRESENTER: Vladimir Savenko ABSTRACT. During the design and operation practice, it is necessary to assess the possibility of deformation of structures located on foundations which are able to precipitate and subside. Only with reliable and accurate determination of the stress-strain state of structures of structures together with soil masses during modeling, it is possible to apply the finite element method in practice. The calculations using the PLAXIS and LIRA programs made it easier to analyze the stress-strain state of the soil mass and the stability of retaining walls: I option is corner retaining wall; II option is retaining wall with a structural surface. With the same soil base (layer geometry and physicomechanical properties), loads and boundary load conditions, it is obvious that for the II option the entire mass of soil is included in the work and the stresses are uniformly distributed over the front and foundation plates (over common stresses), uniform structural deformations are observed and soil base, which, in turn, ensures the stability of the retaining wall (according to the general picture of movements) The validity of the theoretical forecast of the behavior of engineering structures interacting with an unevenly deformed base cannot be obtained on the basis of the regulatory framework. This gap can be filled in when modeling the "base – engineering structure" system using modern calculation programs using the finite element method |
11:50 | Infrared spectroscopy as the method for evaluating technological properties of minerals and their behavior in technological processes PRESENTER: Ihor Kholoshyn ABSTRACT. Infrared spectroscopy (IR) is a highly effective method for the analysis of minerals, rocks and ores, capable of solving a whole range of problems when choosing innovative solutions for the technological processing of various types of mineral raw materials. The article considers the main directions of using the infrared spectroscopy method in assessing the technological properties of minerals and their behavior in technological processes: evaluation of the grade (quality) of mineral raw materials; analysis of the behavior of minerals in the technological process with prediction of their technological properties; analysis of changes in the structure and properties of minerals in technological processes; operational analysis of mineral substances at various stages of technological processing. The article illustrates all aspects of the use of infrared spectroscopy at various stages of studying the material composition of mineral raw materials in its enrichment assessment by specific examples of solving problems arising from the technological redistribution of various types of ore and non-metallic minerals. |
12:10 | The Hypothesis about the Influence of Electrical Phenomena on Geological Processes and Global Disasters PRESENTER: Andrii Plugin ABSTRACT. Global Warming is officially recognized as one of the aspects to the Earth’s climate change; and its major factor is a sharp anthropogenic increase in concentration of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2). However many scientists do not agree with this view and do not consider the anthropogenic factor as its basic reason, thus regarding measures for limiting greenhouse gas emissions as useless. The authors believe that a real reason is lack of unequivocal ideas in the framework of the Earth Science. The objective of the research presented in the article is: to establish true reasons for global catastrophes, global warming, their rapid increase of recent decades, and their hazard level, as well as to reveal their nature and actual mechanisms. The authors critically analyzed and compared the existing data on global processes and catastrophes on Earth from ancient times to nowadays, revealed their actual mechanisms on the basis of Submicro- and Macrocolloid Chemistry and Physical-Chemical Mechanics of Earth, a new science on Earth set up by the authors. The authors demonstrated that the motive power of all global phenomena and processes on Earth is the electric force, conditioned by the surplus negative electric charge of Earth, and the reason of the approaching global catastrophe is an abnormal increase of the charge in recent decades. The article deals with critical analysis of experimental data on dynamics of global catastrophes, among them the change in Earth’s temperature and level of ocean, a greater amount of carbon gas and atmosphere dust. |
Sustainable Mining
12:30 | The study of the lining layer abrasing wear in the semi-autogenous grinding mill PRESENTER: Volodymyr Biletskyi ABSTRACT. In this work complex investigations of the abrasing wear of lining of self-grinding mills (semi-autogenous grinding mills) are carried out with the obtaining of mathematical models of wear-abrasing of elevators in terms of height, weight, volume and worn-out area. In particular, according to the location and nature of the abrasing wear processes, the liner-lifters mill self-grinding are identified in three typical groups. During 1 year, in the conditions of Ingulets GOK, the monitoring of the abrasing wear of selected groups of lifters of self-grinding mills was performed. On the basis of the experimental data calculationed in the Microsoft Office Excel program, a set of mathematical models of lifter abrasing wear was obtained in terms of height, weight, volume and worn-out area. The obtained dependencies are recommended for prediction of abrasing wear of lining and necessary frequency of replacement of inserts-lifters. In addition, the research of wear of lining made of cast iron RF–4, showed a significant reduction in their abrasing wear compared with steel 110G13L. Thus, it has been shown that the selection of liner-lifters materials can reduce the inter–repair period by 3 times or more (replacement of worn-out lifters). A comparison of the actual picture of the abrasing wear of elevators and Simulation Statics simulated result (using SolidWorks) stresses shows the convergence of the arrangement of the zones of maximum stresses and the maximum abrasing wear of the lining. Investigation of the influence of the stressed state of lining plates on the intensity of their abrasing wear – a promising direction for further research. |
12:50 | Machine Learning: Technology and Usage in Mining Industry ABSTRACT. Implementation of machine learning systems is currently one of the most sought-after spheres of human activities at the interface of information technologies, mathematical analysis and statistics. Machine learning technologies are penetrating into our life through applied software created with the help of artificial intelligence algorithms. It is obvious that machine learning technologies will be developing fast and becoming part of the human information space both in our everyday life and in professional activities. However, building of machine learning systems requires great labour contribution of specialists in the sphere of artificial intelligence and the subject area where this technology is to be applied. The article considers technologies and potential application of machine learning at mining companies. The article describes basic methods of machine learning: unsupervised learning, action learning, semi-supervised machine learning. The criteria are singled out to assess machine learning: operation speed; assessment time; implemented model accuracy; ease of integration; flexible deployment within the subject area; ease of practical application; result visualization. The article describes practical application of machine learning technologies and considers the dispatch system at a mining enterprise (as exemplified by the dispatch system of the mining and transportation complex “Quarry” used to increase efficiency of operating management of enterprise performance; to increase reliability and agility of mining and transportation complex performance records and monitoring. There is also a list of equipment performance data that can be stored in the database and used as a basis for processing by machine learning algorithms and obtaining new knowledge. Application of machine learning technologies in the mining industry is a promising and necessary condition for increasing mining efficiency and ensuring environmental security. Selection of the optimal process flow sheet of mining operations, selection of the optimal complex of stripping and mining equipment, optimal planning of mining operations and mining equipment performance control are some of the tasks where machine learning technologies can be used. However, despite prospectivity of machine learning technologies, this trend still remains understudied and requires further research. |
13:10 | PRESENTER: Natalia Morkun ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study is to establish the mechanism of interaction between stresses and strains and their quantitative values at the intersection of stoping and development headings to optimize methods for controlling the behavior of the rock massif. The research complex includes priority methods with experimental confirmation of the calculated parameters by geophysical studies, including stress calculation by a sensor system and surveying leveling to measure deformations using support frames. The properties of the massif and the role of faults and macro-cracks in the development of a field of complex structure are systematized. A method for studying stresses and deformations of rocks at the intersection of stoping and development headings is given. The patterns of the rock massif behavior at the point of intersection are established. The article provides quantitative values of changes in the physical and mechanical properties and stability of rocks at the point of intersection. Massif was differentiated according to the magnitude of the effective stresses in different phases of intersection. Stresses for specific conditions were calculated with the determination of the reliability of the mining site. The patterns of change in stresses and strains in time are noted. |
13:30 | The study of the stress-strain state of the massif in mining uranium at “VOSTGOK” deposits ABSTRACT. Being one of the world’s largest uranium producers(about 2% of the world’s production), the state enterprise “Vostochnyi Mining and Processing Works” (“VostGOK”) provides about 40% of Ukraine’s nuclear power stations with uranium raw materials. Considering the conditions of uranium deposits exploitation (location in densely populated areas, protected sites etc.), to protect the environment from possible emissions of radioactive elements room mining is applied with subsequent backfilling of the dead area with consolidating mixtures. This technology is economically reasonable at deposits with the increased uranium content. To exclude a number of labour-consuming and environmentally dangerous operations from the production process, lean uranium-containing ores are reasonable to be mined applying underground block leaching. This enables reaching maximum values of mineral extraction and avoiding considerable material expenditures on backfilling mixture preparation and backfilling dead rooms, as they are almost completely backfilled with the muck pile, and on utilization of waste after the mined ore primary processing (barren rocks and off-balance ores) on the daylight surface. |
13:50 | Sustainable Development of Mining Processes Based on Mechanochemical Leaching of Ore PRESENTER: Vitalii Tron ABSTRACT. Intensive development of the mining and metallurgical complex results in considerable volumes of waste materials more than half of which are produced by mining enterprises. Modern mining and processing can provide non-waste production only if mineral extraction and grade recovery from natural and technogenic mineral materials are regarded a single technological process and the Earth surface preservation becomes a priority in determining parameters of process integration. The research is aimed at improving of the technology of metal leaching in a disintegrator through complex application of metallic ore concentration tailings. A radical step of reducing mining waste hazards is their utilization through introducing technogenic reserves of metallic ore concentration tailings into production, thus creating a new raw material base for the mining industry. Substantiation of the concept of non-waste utilization of off-grade mineral materials depends on the amount of integration of chemical leaching and mechanochemical activation in the disintegrator and is achieved by means of modern information technologies. |
14:10 | The tragic consequences of the collapse of the earth's surface within the mining allotment of Ordzhonikidze mine PRESENTER: Oleksandr O. Lapshyn ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study is to draw the attention of scientists and mining workers to the importance of working off mineral deposits within the permissible parameters of mining and technical production, the failure of which leads to tragic consequences. Based on the analysis of physical data of the rock massif and the geomechanical condition of the exhausted space within the mine field, the causes of disturbances of the stability of the inter-dimensional pillar, its deformation and displacement were determined. The negative and dangerous factors of underground mining are given, which lead to the formation of large cavities, which are kept from collapses due to the inter-dimensional pillar and the thickness of the rocks that supported it. An analysis of the field development violations is given regarding the application of inappropriate systems of development, legislation, regulations, and inefficient design decisions that led to the accident that resulted from these violations. The actual consequences of the accident, which resulted in extensive destruction of the earth's surface, human casualties, seizure of cars, communications, buildings, roads, etc., are presented. Recommendations are given to prevent the collapse of the earth's surface, the destruction of buildings, and the death of people. |
14:30 | The study of the collapse zone by remote PRESENTER: Oleksandr Dolgikh ABSTRACT. The aim of the research is to choose an effective remote method for surveying the area located above the space mined by underground mining. Often in separate sections of these territories funnels and dips are formed that do not allow the use of methods with finding the performer directly at these potentially dangerous sites. The research methodology is based on the implementation of survey work in the territory of the Ordzhonikidze mine, where underground mining is influencing the state of the ground surface and buildings. In this case, various remote survey methods were used. An analysis of the results of the survey work made it possible to determine the most effective method for studying dangerous areas in which horizontal and vertical deformations are observed. As a result of research, special attention was paid to the use of modern remote sensing methods for the territory of the mine. As a result of the analysis of the survey using remote methods, the expediency of applying the method of terrestrial stereo survey is deter-mined, which has the necessary accuracy, and at the same time it is quite operational. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact that the effectiveness of the use of ground-based digital stereo survey for studying the deformations of the ground surface and objects located in the mine and adjacent areas that are undermined by underground mining has been proved. The optimal conditions for performing stereo survey of the ground surface and objects of these territories are determined, and a scheme for performing the binding of survey stations is selected. The practical significance of the research is to study the deformations of the ground surface and buildings on the mine territory and adjacent areas, terrestrial digital stereo survey was used, which made it possible to quickly determine horizontal and vertical deformations for a large number of points with the necessary accuracy. |
14:50 | PRESENTER: Oleksandr Shepel ABSTRACT. Results of theoretical researches and industrial experiments on technology of breaking of a massif with use of the artificial screens formed by lumbago of blasthole charges are resulted. In research the technology of breaking of ore by means of the vertical concentrated charges on in advance formed screens is offered at underground mining. Possible ways of improvement of technology of working of deposits which will provide reduction of a production cost of ore are considered. The effective variant of a location of chisel developments, charges of the vertical concentrated charges and artificial screens in the block is considered. It is analyzed the basic variants of formation of a shielding layer at breaking of ore by fans of deep boreholes and a location of boreholes in the coupled fan. The effective sequence of breaking of ore and necessary parameters of drilling-and-blasting is offered at underground mining. Comparison of results of measurements of granules of metric structure of the crushed mass on experimental sites of an ore mine is considered, analyzed and spent. The method of increase of efficiency of passage of the reflected and broken waves through the screen is offered at ore breaking. The considerable effect from explosion of charges in the presence of zones of unloading is resulted with is artificial they formed screens at massif destruction by the vertical concentrated charges. |
Sustainable Building and Architecture
Serhiy Sakhno (Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine)
15:10 | Calculation of tube concrete elements with strengthened cores by numerical method PRESENTER: Oleksandr Palyvoda ABSTRACT. The paper considers the features of formation of finite element models of tube confined concrete structural elements in the form of centrally compressed rod with strengthened cores. The prerequisites, which underlies the proposed approach to the formation of finite element models of tube confined concrete elements with strengthened cores, are given. Lengthwise the tube confined concrete elements have constant dimensions and a set of cross-sectional components. It is proved that the use of high-strength concrete allows performing calculations in the elastic stage of the work of materials. When modeling the work of rod reinforcement in tube confined concrete elements with strengthened cores, it can be represented as an imaginary cylinder with a cross-sectional area equal to the area of the rod reinforcement. The proposed prerequisites for the numerical simulation of the work of tube confined concrete elements with the strengthened cores of the studied types allowed to construct adequate finite element models. The difference in the value of the load-bearing capacity obtained from the results of physical and numerical experimental studies was 5,94…7,72 %. |
15:30 | PRESENTER: Olena Kozakova ABSTRACT. The problems of necessity of sustainable and ecological approaches in architectural design of hospitals are raised in the research. The best international experience of designing and operating hospitals designed on the principles of sustainable development is considered. Examples and implementation examples of healthcare institutions integrating energy efficient technologies are analyzed and illustrated: natural ventilation, solar panels, rainwater collection, filtration and reuse of wastewater, greening of the roof and walls, sun protection, aerodynamic volumetric and spatial form. Studying and using the proven experience of the best examples of ecological hospital buildings, recognized and certified at the highest levels of the world institutions for the development of a sustainable future, will allow Ukraine to create the conditions for solving the crisis both in the sphere of health care and in the ecologically preserved environment of the country. |
Sustainable Cities and Society
Serhiy Sakhno (Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine)
15:50 | PRESENTER: Hanna Ropalo ABSTRACT. The risk management of a centralized pharmacy network identifies the research object. The paper proposes a strategy of complex diversification for the pharmacy network. By constructing portfolio models for complex diversification and solving relevant multicriteria problems, multiple pareto-optimal portfolios have been found for successive risk management. Based on the fundamentals of Markowitz portfolio theory and multicriteria optimization, this paper builds four models of the optimal portfolios for centralized pharmacy network. In contrast to the classic two-criteria model (risk minimization while maximizing income), our models have been introduced to maximize entropy, which enhances the diversification effect. Matlab software has been developed for solving multicriteria problems. Model verification was performed on real data provided by one of the pharmacy networks. The modeling results will be useful for automating the business processes of any trading network, managing risk, analysing loyalty programs to improve the effectiveness of their operations |
16:10 | Sustainable development and harmonization of the architectural environment of cities PRESENTER: Ievgenii Kolmakov ABSTRACT. The article emphasizes the necessity of preserving spiritual values in the process of sustainable development of cities and urban communities. Harmonization of the architectural environment is considered as the ultimate goal and the defining condition for sustainable development of settlements. Basing on the basic priciples of urban synergetic, it is proposed to use internal reserves as well as the self-organization potential of the population and urban planning in order to effectively redistribute resources and reserves. The article deals with the main provisions of the architectural environment harmonization theory with the consideration of different ideas of harmony, the importance of achieving correspondence between a person’s world-view and his environment, expediency of taking into account interpersonal interactions between members of society. The strategic directions of penitentiary environment improvement at all organizational levels are outlined. Approaches to the formation of multi-level public spaces in the central districts of historic cities have been characterized in order to provide optimal conditions for leisure, recreation, and communication among residents in areas that lack free space. Ways of using products made of secondary raw materials for construction of buildings and structures, improvement of urban areas, manufacturing of urban equipment are outlined. |
16:30 | PRESENTER: Sergiy Kobzan ABSTRACT. The article discusses the issues of a new segment of the real estate market in urban development projects. The definition of a mini apartment (living room) is given. The authors analyzed the global market for mini apartments. The authors investigated the issues of residence of various social groups in mini apartments. The classification of mini apartments has been developed. The factors significantly affecting the cost of a mini-apartment are investigated. Conclusions are drawn about the mini apartment market in urban development. The history of the development of mini-apartments (smart apartments) begins in the 20s of the 20th century. During this period, the reconstruction of industrial buildings began in New York. Mini apartments are currently located in every country in Europe. The analysis of the value of real estate. The cost per m2 of a standard apartment is approximately equal to the cost per m2 in a mini apartment. In addition, the cost of renting a mini apartment is much higher. The Ukrainian mini apartment market is developing in its own way. The mini apartment in Ukraine is called "Gostinka". Market research on mini-apartments reflects changes in the development of the entire urban infrastructure. The market for mini apartments affects the real estate market in the region. The distinctive characteristics of mini apartments in different regions are based on their classification. The market of mini-apartments in different regions is analyzed. The authors built a GIS map. GIS analysis shows the dependence of the cost of mini apartments on the region of Ukraine. The calculation of the profitability of mini apartments was carried out using the method of market extraction (market selection). Using the market extraction method (market sampling), the income from mini apartments was calculated. Cost-benefit analysis reveals new aspects of the mini apartment market for urban development in any region. |
16:50 | Sprinting for creative economy growth – a case study of a business planning and rapid prototyping toolkit for the Brasilian creative economy sector. ![]() PRESENTER: Richard Tomlins ABSTRACT. This article reflects on the development of a creative economy training product and toolkit developed by Coventry University with SEBRAE (the Brasilian Micro and Small Business Support Service) and funded by British Council. It was devised following two weeks creative economy scoping visits in autumn 2017 in Brasil. The scoping visits identified the need for a fun and “disruptive” business planning experience leading to rapid prototyping which would allow new creative economy ideas to be brought to market at low development cost – “Sprint”. A one day micro Sprint was tested in four locations in Brazil to excellent feedback in late 2017. The client subsequently requested a three day version of the methodology to invest more time in the cultural change of the creative entrepreneur and the development of an associated toolkit. However, we have subsequently rolled out Sprint in a super condensed 3 hour version and piloted a 2 hour version in 2019 in Ukraine. The toolkit offers skills and techniques to train creative entrepreneurs and their mentors enabling the growth of the creative economy in their communities. This case study outlines the implementation of the client commissioned three day Sprint. |