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Sustainable Materials and Technologies
Serhiy Sakhno (Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine)
09:00 | Researching of physicochemical and structural-phase transformations in carbothermal titanomagnetite concentrates reduction for sustainable development of raw materials base of metallurgical enterprises PRESENTER: Dmytro Baboshko ABSTRACT. This study displays results of carbothermal reduction researches of titanomagnetite concentrate obtained during complex apatite-titanomagnetite-ilmenite ore dressing. The mineral composition was analyzed and the structural and textural features of the titaniferous ore of Kropivensky deposit and the titanomagnetite concentrate obtained from it were revealed. The mechanism of solid-phase carbothermal the titanomagnetite concentrate reduction is investigated. Temperature-time parameters have been discovered to ensure the formation of both products with the maximum yields of iron and titania from metal and slag-phase during titanomagnetite concentrate reduction. One-stage resource-saving flow chart of titanomagnetite concentrate processing with mass fraction up to 25% TiO2 is developed. |
09:20 | Analysis and synthesis of factors determining the sintering speed of sinter charge PRESENTER: Mariia Kondratenko ABSTRACT. The main objectives of the study are the analysis and generalization of the parameters that determine the intensity of the sintering, the development of a model of motion of the combustion zone of the sinter charge. As a result of the analysis of the known indicators of the intensity of the sintering process, it was shown that the most representative characteristic of the intensity of the process is the vertical sintering speed, which is an integral part of the complex intensity indicator − the specific productivity of the sintering machine. Many various models of the sintering process have been developed. The author develops a new mathematical model of the motion of the solid fuel combustion zone during sintering of the sinter charge (vertical sintering speed). The model is presented in the form of an expanding network of separate interrelated dependencies (equations), selected as independent submodels. The results of the study using the developed model of the dependence of the vertical sintering speed on the solid fuel content and on the flux content in the charge, are presented. It is concluded that the presented model can be considered as an element of a universal model software complex of the sintering process. |
09:40 | Sustainable development of the steel plate hot rolling technology due to energy-power process parameters justification PRESENTER: Viktoriya Chubenko ABSTRACT. In order to ensure sustainable development of rolling production, technological processes were investigated using computer simulation, which allows us to examine a large amount of information regarding modes of reduction and energy consumption of metal treatment under pressure in order to determine rational values. Simulation of hot rolling process using DEFORM-3D software was performed to investigate energy parameters of treatment and to determine rational reduction modes. During investigation, objects were located in space, exact positioning of casting rollers respectively to workpiece was performed, and rheological model of deformable material was specified, where rigid-plastic environment was adopted. Mechanical properties of workpiece material were determined, low carbon steel was selected as material, reduction between casting rollers was specified, and friction coefficient between workpiece and rollers, which is equal to 0.3; contact interaction between casting rollers and workpiece was specified, hot rolling temperature was set to 1000°C. Finite element model of treated material was developed, displacement in deformation zone during hot rolling and vector field of metal movement were determined. Changes in force during treatment, deformation stress during rolling were determined. Changes of rolling force in deformation zone in course of time were determined. Distribution of active stress in deformation zone was investigated. Investigations allowed us to determine energy consumption of rolling process depending on reduction modes, which provided rational treatment modes. |
10:00 | Modeling the horizontal movement of bulk material in the system “conveyor – rotary mixer” PRESENTER: Mariia Shepelenko ABSTRACT. In this paper, we consider methods for analytical construction of the profile of rotor blades mixer, as well as mathematical modeling of their work on moving and mixing bulk material on a conveyor to increase process efficiency mixing raw materials and optimizing its operating costs. In addition to increasing the effectiveness of the mixing process and lower operating costs, the goal of implementation the proposed methods is the consciousness of production with the least possible errors that would meet modern technical requirements and be adapted to consumer tasks. In this regard, the aim of this work was to determine rational parameters and geometric characteristics of the profile of the rotor mixer blades contributing to improving the quality of mixing the metallurgical charge transported on a conveyor belt. To achieve the goal by modeling, which is a key method of the fourth concept industrial revolution, using the developed mathematical model analyzed the movement of a particle of material along a conveyor belt with its subsequent interaction with the blades of the working body of the rotary mixer. |
10:20 | Sustainable low-carbon binders and concretes PRESENTER: Myroslav Sanytsky ABSTRACT. Sustainable development depends on a consistency of interests, social, ecological and economic, and that the interests are evaluated in a balanced manner. In order to reduce CO2 emissions, the conception of decreasing clinker factor and increasing the role of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in the cementitious materials has high economical and environmental efficiency. The performance of clinker-efficient blended cements with supplementary cementitious materials were examined. The influence of superfine zeolite with increased surface energy on the physical and chemical properties of low-carbon blended cements is shown. Increasing the dispersion of cementitious materials contributes to the growth of their strength activity index due to compaction of cement matrix and pozzolanic reactions in unclincker part. In consequence of the early structure formation and the directed formation of the microstructure of the cement matrix is solving the problem of obtaining clinker-efficient concretes. Shown that low-carbon blended cements with high volume of SCMs are suitable, in principle, for producing structural concretes. |
10:40 | Diagnostics and regulation of rheological characteristics for injection mortars by electromechanical sensors PRESENTER: Andrii Plugin ABSTRACT. In the article the diagnostic and regulation problems are considered for the rheological characteristics of mortars which are used for pumping into the interpipe gaps or cracks during repairing the pipelines, tunnels, and other objects. It is important to obtain the necessary mortar viscosity which allows providing a complete hole filling. For this aim the experimental dependencies have been determined between the injection mortar viscosity, the water-cement ratio, and the additives quantity in the mortars. According to the Poiseuille’s flow law the theoretical dependencies have been obtained between the penetration depth of the injection mortar and viscosity under the different water-cement ratios. The said dependencies are a base during the development of the functioning algorithm the diagnostic and regulation system of the injection cement mortars rheological characteristics. The description of this functioning system is given. The mentioned system application allows increasing the cementation quality, corrosion resistance and durability of the repaired pipeline sections as well as decreasing of the work duration and labor costs. |
11:00 | Selection of effective corrosion inhibitors for bischofite solutions and modelling mineralization natural waters PRESENTER: Viktoriia Dmytrenko ABSTRACT. The selection questions of the corrosion inhibitors for protection of oil-field pipelines in article are considered. Results of research of technological and anticorrosive properties the corrosion inhibitors in the environments modelling trade environments are presented. The methodological approaches to selection of the corrosion inhibitors on a stage of laboratory experiments on an example Kaverdinsky hascondancate deposits are described. It was found that all the surfactants tested in the model environment of the formation waters show a protective effect of more than 90% with a dosage of 1 g/dm3. It is recommended to use bischofite solution with a mass fraction of MgCl2 of 24% and the addition of a corrosion inhibitor КI-1M 0.1% to protect industrial gas pipelines from carbon dioxide corrosion. This composition provides a degree of corrosion protection of 99.6% relative to the model environment of the formation waters. The results of industrial tests confirmed the effectiveness of the complex system – bischofite solution with a mass fraction of MgCl2 24% and the addition of a corrosion inhibitor KI-1M 0.1%. The cationic surfactants KI-1M, St, SRK and amphoteric surfactants EM and KAPB effectively protect in a reservoir modeling environment and provide a degree of protection from carbon dioxide corrosion of 91.2-98.9%. |
11:20 | Stability of orthotropic plates PRESENTER: Mykola Surianinov ABSTRACT. The solution to the problem of the stability of a rectangular orthotropic plate is described by the numerical-analytical method of boundary elements. It is shown that four combinations of the roots of the characteristic equation corresponding to the differential equation of the problem are possible, which leads to the need to determine sixty-four analytical expressions of fundamental functions. The matrix of fundamental functions, which is the basis of the transcendental stability equation, is very sparse, which significantly improves the stability of numerical operations and ensures high accuracy of the results. An analysis of the numerical results obtained by the author's method shows very good convergence with the results of finite element analysis. For both variants of the boundary conditions, the discrepancy for the corresponding critical loads is almost the same, and increases slightly with increasing critical load. Moreover, this discrepancy does not exceed one percent. It is noted that under both variants of the boundary conditions, the critical loads calculated by the boundary element method are less than in the finite element calculations. The obtained transcendental stability equation allows to determine critical forces both by the static method and by the dynamic one. From this equation it is possible to obtain a spectrum of critical forces for a fixed number of half-waves in the direction of one of the coordinate axes. The proposed approach allows us to obtain a solution to the stability problem of an orthotropic plate under any homogeneous and inhomogeneous boundary conditions. |
11:40 | Comparative analysis of strength and deformation of reinforced concrete and steel fiber concrete slabs ![]() PRESENTER: Mykola Surianinov ABSTRACT. The results of experimental studies of the steel fiber influence on the bearing capacity, deformability and crack resistance of reinforced concrete multi-hollow plates are given. We investigated a serial floor slab and a similar one, but with the addition of steel fiber. Both plates are factory-made. For testing, the testing apparatus was designed and manufactured that made it possible to study full-size floor slabs in laboratory conditions. The tests were carried out according to a single-span scheme with the replacing equivalent load. The loading was carried out by applying two concentrated strip vertical loads along the plate width. The load was applied in steps of (0.04 ÷ 0.05) from the breaking load. Each stage ended with exposure lasting up to 10 minutes with fixing all the necessary parameters. Deformations were measured using dial gauges. From the moment the first crack appeared in the stretched zone of concrete, the process of crack formation and opening was monitored. At each level, using the Brunell tube, the width of their opening and height were measured. The moment of cracking in both slabs began at the same relative strain. It has been established that the bearing capacity and crack resistance of a slab of combined reinforcement using steel fiber are respectively 50 and 44% higher than that of a similar reinforced concrete slab. The maximum deflection of the slab of combined reinforcement is 37.5% lower than that of conventional reinforced concrete. The destruction of both slabs occurred under loads, when the relative deformations in the compressed zone of concrete reached 0.80×10-3 and 1.10×10-3 for reinforced concrete and steel-fiber concrete slabs, respectively, the difference is 37.5%. |
12:00 | Study of the influence of properties of dusty ferromagnetic additives on the increase of cement activity PRESENTER: Serhiy Sakhno ABSTRACT. Sustainable development of construction materials is directly related to research on the processes of hydration of binders. Builders need better types of cement, with lower cost and energy consumption in production. The development of spin chemistry methods allows us to consider the processes of hydration and structure formation of binders from the spin state of the elements involved in chemical reactions. Magnetic interactions have a significant effect on the spin dynamics and the control of the spin multiplicity of radical pairs. The practical implementation of magnetic effects on a binder can be carried out in various ways. However, a long-term impact can be achieved only by introducing ferromagnetic substances into the binders. In the paper presented the results of a study of the influence of the characteristics of finely dispersed powdered ferromagnetic additives on the strength characteristics of cement. Ferromagnetic additives regulate the behavior of the reactants during rotation during the hydration of the binders due to magnetic interactions and control the reactivity of the chemical reaction. A comparative analysis revealed that it is most expedient to use as powdery ferromagnetic additives are the waste from mining and processing enterprises of the Krivorozhsky field. The work investigated the magnetic and dispersed characteristics of 12 different dust. The experiments showed that the origin of dust and the method of their capture are determined their magnetic characteristics. Preparation of samples with the dust and determination of the strength characteristics of cement were carried out by standard methods. The results obtained made it possible to reveal the laws of the effect of the dispersed and magnetic properties of various dust on the degree of activation of binders. |
12:20 | Enhancement of alkali-activated slag cement concretes crack resistance for mitigation of steel reinforcement corrosion PRESENTER: Oleksandr Konstantynovskyi ABSTRACT. The paper is devoted to mitigation of steel reinforcement corrosion in alkali-activated slag cement (further, AASC) concretes, based on soluble sodium silicates (further, SSS’s), obtained from high consistensy concrete mixes. Enhancement of AASC fine concretes crack resistance due to modification by complex shrinkage-reducing additives (further, SRA’s) based on surfactants and trisodium phosphate Na3PO4.12H2O (further, TSP) was proposed for mitigation of steel reinforcement corrosion. SSS’s were presented by sodium metasilicate (silica modulus 1.0, dry state) and water glass (silica modulus 2.9, density 1400 kg/m3). In case of sodium metasilicate the application of SRA composition «ordinary portland cement clinker - TSP - sodium lignosulphonate - sodium gluconate» provides enhancement of crack resistance starting from early age structure formation with restriction of drying shrinkage from 0,984 to 0,713 mm/m after 80 d. The effect is caused by water reduction and by higher volume of crystalline hydrates. In turn, SRA presented by compositions «TSP - glycerol» and «TSP - glycerol - polyacrylamide» provide enhancement of AASC fine concretes fracture toughness during late structure formation with increasing ratio of tensile strength in bending to compressive strength up to 37 - 49 % if compare with the reference AASC when water glass is used. |
Sustainable Transport
Serhiy Sakhno (Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine)
12:40 | The sustainable future of open-pit trucks operation PRESENTER: Volodymyr Potapenko ABSTRACT. The validation analysis of the synthesized model of the technological automotive transport system was carried out which showed its suitability for optimization of open-pit trucks performance. The calculated optimal controlling actions on the open-pit trucks allow developing an algorithm and technique for dynamic adjustment of parameters of maintenance, diagnostics and repair of BELAZ open-pit trucks that will become the basis for a sustainable future of industrial transport technical operation. |
13:00 | Determination of forces in the elements of the brake rigging of bogies of freight cars PRESENTER: Andriy Rybin ABSTRACT. The article presents the results of studies the purpose of which was solving the problem of deceleration of abnormal wear of brake pads in freight cars of Ukrzaliznytsia JSC. In the studies, the design schemes of brake rigging during braking were considered theoretically. Particular attention was paid to the determination of force loads acting in the rods of the rigging and the contact area of the brake pads with the rolling surfaces of the wheels during braking. Design analysis was performed to determine rational solutions from the point of view of determined force load of the rigging elements of the bogies during braking, in particular, taking into account the action of harmful torque caused by the movement of the bogie on inequalities “track joints”. Based on the conducted studies, it was decided to create a 2D generalized model diagram to determine reliable information on the operation of triangle brake rigging. |
13:20 | Determination of parameters of abnormal wear of brake pads of freight cars PRESENTER: Vasyl Ravlyuk ABSTRACT. The complex of operational studies and theoretical research was performed on the occurrence of harmful wear that changes geometrical parameters of the useful contact area of the brake pads of freight cars at various established standard clearance between the pad and the wheel, which significantly impairs the braking efficiency of trains. The inspections of the mechanical part of the brakes attracted attention to the abnormal wear of the brake pads of the freight cars, which occurs because the common centre of gravity of the pad and the brake shoe, which are on the pendular suspension, do not coincide with the centre of the hole in the brake strut for any pad. The results of calculations using the coordinate method performed in the MathCAD software environment and the graphical one performed in AutoCAD to determine the geometrical parameters of the formation of the upper harmful wear of the pad depending on the standard clearance between the wheel and the brake pad were compared to proved theoretically that the error between them does not exceed 5-7%. |
13:40 | Formation of flash-concept for a resource-saving articulated hopper car to transport hot pellets and agglomerate PRESENTER: Alyona Lovska ABSTRACT. Higher operational efficiency of hopper cars can be achieved with the flash-concept for a resource-saving structure. The characteristic feature such cars is the use of circular pipes as the carrying body elements. The engineering solution made it possible to decrease the tare weight of a hopper car in comparison with that of a prototype by 5%. A 20-9749 hopper car, manufactured by Panutinskiy Car Repair Plant (Ukraine), was taken as a prototype. On the basis of the suggested hopper car, an articulated car was designed. The dynamic loading of the articulated hopper car was defined with mathematical modelling. The study was conducted in plane coordinates. The acceleration values obtained were considered in the strength calculation for the carrying structure of the hopper car. The strength factors were defined in CosmosWorks software environment. It was determined that the maximum equivalent stresses in elements of the carrying structure did not exceed the admissible values. The results of the research will promote designing innovative hopper cars for transporting hot pellets and agglomerate, thus enhancing higher efficiency of rail transportation |
14:00 | Dynamic load modelling for tank containers with the frame of circle pipes and structurally improved fittings PRESENTER: Alyona Lovska ABSTRACT. Higher efficiency of bulked cargo transportation along international transport corridors can be achieved with a resource-saving tank container described in the study. A characteristic feature of a tank container is the use of circle pipes as the carrying elements of the frame. In order to decrease impact loads between fittings of the tank container and fitting stops of the flat wagon at shunting impacts, the authors suggest filling fittings with viscous or viscoelastic materials of dumping or anticorrosive properties. The study also deals with modelling dynamic loading for the suggested tank container. The accelerations obtained were considered in strength calculations for a tank container as components of the dynamic loading. It was determined that the maximum equivalent loads did not exceed the admissible loads. The research will promote designing new-generation tank containers of improved technical, economical and ecological properties, and improve the working efficiency of combined transportation. |
Sustainable Energy
Yulian Hryhoriev (Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine)
14:20 | The fuzzy logic controllers synthesis method in the vector control system of the wind turbine doubly-fed induction generator PRESENTER: Oleksii Mykhailenko ABSTRACT. The paper is devoted to the improvement of wind turbine control systems by developing fuzzy logic controllers with higher transient characteristics and lower computational identification costs compared to the PI controllers used. Based on the self-organization method, a fuzzy speed controller of the doubly-fed induction generator was synthesized, which is used in the vector control system of the transistor converter on the rotor side. The results of the simulation modeling of the proposed controller showed that it provides a lower transient time and a smaller error in the deviation of the rotation frequency from the reference signal. The implementation of the developed system on wind turbines contributes to increasing the efficiency of wind power equipment and the sustainability of alternative energy in general. |
14:40 | Prospects of environmentally safe use of renewable energy sources in the sustainable tourism development of the Carpathian region of Ukraine PRESENTER: Nataliia Moskalchuk ABSTRACT. The use of renewable energy in sustainable rural tourism development of the region is grounded in the paper. There are three stages of selecting areas for projects of renewable energy sources: selection of potentially suitable area; consideration of exclusion criteria, detailed assessment of potential areas. The factors of impact on spatial constraints and opportunities for building wind, solar and small hydro power plants on the parameters of sustainable tourism development in the Carpathian region were determined. New scientific knowledge was obtained, the result of which was the concept and cartographic models of environmentally safe location of objects renewable energy. New methods and methodical recommendations for the development of renewable energy in the Carpathian region are presented as prospective taking into account the constraints on the parameters of environmental safety and tourist use of the territory. |
15:00 | Optimization of Air Chamber in Solar Air Collector PRESENTER: Orest Pakholiuk ABSTRACT. The potential of solar renewable source of power use in Ukraine is analyzed, the main types of solar renewable source of power and the area of applicability are described. The method and results of the research on the efficiency of chamber forms to determine the optimal and the most productive option, taking into account the most predictable movement of the coolant in solar air collectors with the movement through the air chamber is provided. The results of computer modeling of air flow passing through the spacer are shown. |
15:20 | Photovoltaic and wind energy: Challenges and solutions in desert regions ABSTRACT. desert areas, some challenges have the prospective to reduce photovoltaic energy production. These are the creation of finely crusted carbonates and/or mud coatings resulted from fallen aerosols and dust during humid conditions. These challenges that greatly affect solar panel planes, as well as wind turbines, were allocated to accomplish the practicability to establish wind and/or photovoltaic energy systems in Kuwait. It was concluded that solar cells are not the best appropriate energy source in Kuwait due to the above-listed challenges; therefore, substitute renewable energy types are considered more practicable. After one year of operation at photovoltaic units and wind turbines in Kuwait, the outcomes show that wind turbines record production energy numbers that go beyond the production average. This was connected with high capacity factors during one year, consequential in an annual power production that is 2.3 times greater than that of solar panels; running 450 homes compared to 199 homes for PV. Bubiyan Island and west of Kuwait are the most suitable potential location for wind farm establishment. Several control measures including the establishment of green belts and plantation of native shrubs were found proper in reducing dust by 64.5% and 68.4, respectively. Keywords: Photovoltaic; Solar; wind; aerosol, |
15:40 | Development of intelligent energy systems: the concept of smart grids in Uzbekistan PRESENTER: Obid Tursunov ABSTRACT. In the process of energy reform, liberalization and deregulation of the electricity market, a number of features have been identified that are related to the fact that in the conditions of market relations, the economic benefit and the price of electricity for consumers become a priority. There is certain isolation of networks and power lines from generation facilities; attention is lost to such an important problem as the reliability and safety of power supply. In this situation, the load on the power elements of the electric network increases, there is a need to create appropriate reserves of generating capacities, to increase the throughput of electric networks. All this involves increasing the role of system operators and improving supervisory control systems. The strategic goal of this study was to analyse the development of the electric power complex by the creation of smart grid systems as a platform for market, managerial and technological innovations that provide a transition to a new level of development of the electric power industry in Uzbekistan. |
Measuring, Forecasting and Monitoring Sustainability
16:00 | Structural redundancy as robustness assurance of complex engineering systems PRESENTER: Alina Dychko ABSTRACT. The present paper provides that robustness is the facility of complex computer-aided engineering systems of keeping its feature invariable along the certain perid of time. The detecting of indications which testify that system is not responding adequately to input disturbances may be realized by: comparing real data on assembly output with number of reference artifacts which correspond to specific states of disturbances; comparing real data on assembly output with a normal reaction to the actual set of input signals. To increase the resilience of monitoring data of engineering system the majority principle and the Byzantine agreement method are used. |
16:20 | Expert Assessment Systems to Support Decision-Making for Sustainable Development of Complex Technological and Socio-Economic Facilities PRESENTER: Evgeniy Burkov ABSTRACT. In this paper we investigate problems of decision making in management systems for the sustainable development of complex technological and socio-economic facilities. We show both the limitations of traditional expert systems and decision support systems, and the necessity of using expert evaluation technologies to find possible development strategies. Based on that we substantiate the need of creating a new class of systems, i.e. Automated eXpert Assessment Systems, and propose their organizational structure and design principles |
16:40 | Quantification labour migration processes: systemization of the experience of foreign and domestic studies PRESENTER: Viktoriia Chorna ABSTRACT. Abstract The article made the attempt to systematize foreign and domestic research experiences on quantitative measurement of quality performance indicators work-migration processes. In particular, it analyses the possibility of harmonization of statistical accounting of labor migration, carried out by separate departmental systems to gather broad demographic information. As well as the features of the specialized and general sample surveys of the labour movement in the countries of ES and the post-soviet states. This combination of research methods allows to expand the range of statistical information, improving the Arsenal of means of obtaining data on labour migration and to obtain more complete, reliable information, able to fill the gaps in traditional forms of statistical observation. On the basis of the analysis of the necessity of the integration of economic, demographic and sociological approaches for full-scale analysis of the labour migration situation in the labour market. It is proved that sociological research work-migration processes more flexible, in comparison with the economic. And their use will allow to consider the impact on the adoption of the individual decisions on the labour movement of the whole complex of modern trends of development of society and economy (rising unemployment and the inability of the sustainable level of employment and the increasing inequality between countries, increasing the role of intellectual capital, reducing opportunities for creative realization, recognition of the needs of the environment, loss of feelings of personal identity and appropriateness of the work in connection with the total computerization, etc.). In this regard, it is proposed to supplement recommendations A. Vorobyov, A. Grebenyuk, A. Topilin regarding the definition of the range of respondents, and social indicators included in the Toolkit of sample surveys of labour migration. The implementation of such methodological innovations will allow to solve the question of forecasting the dynamics work-migration processes and, consequently, to optimize the social mechanisms of the state policy of regulation of labor migration. |
Serhiy Sakhno (Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine)
Serhiy Semerikov (Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Ukraine)
Andrii Striuk (Kryvyi Rih National University, Ukraine)