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Ways of Increase of Efficiency of Drilling-and-Blasting

EasyChair Preprint 3352

7 pagesDate: May 8, 2020


Results of theoretical researches and industrial experiments on technology of breaking of a massif with use of the artificial screens formed by lumbago of blasthole charges are resulted. In research the technology of breaking of ore by means of the vertical concentrated charges on in advance formed screens is offered at underground mining. Possible ways of improvement of technology of working of deposits which will provide reduction of a production cost of ore are considered. The effective variant of a location of chisel developments, charges of the vertical concentrated charges and artificial screens in the block is considered. It is analyzed the basic variants of formation of a shielding layer at breaking of ore by fans of deep boreholes and a location of boreholes in the coupled fan. The effective sequence of breaking of ore and necessary parameters of drilling-and-blasting is offered at underground mining. Comparison of results of measurements of granules of metric structure of the crushed mass on experimental sites of an ore mine is considered, analyzed and spent. The method of increase of efficiency of passage of the reflected and broken waves through the screen is offered at ore breaking. The considerable effect from explosion of charges in the presence of zones of unloading is resulted with is artificial they formed screens at massif destruction by the vertical concentrated charges.

Keyphrases: VCC, breaking, shielding layer of ore, the explosives, underground mining, waves of stresses

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Borys Rymarchuk and Oleksandr Shepel},
  title     = {Ways of Increase of Efficiency of Drilling-and-Blasting},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 3352},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2020}}
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