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Bio Dr. Svitlana Sysoieva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician-Secretary of the Department of General Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education (Department of General Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education) National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Specialist in the theory and methodology of vocational education, educology, comparative professional pedagogy. Author of the concept of pedagogical creativity in Ukraine, methodology of interdisciplinary research in education. Has formed a scientific school to study the problems of continuing vocational education. Has trained 21 EdD and 47 PhD in Education. Author of more than 470 scientific works. Including: monographs: "Creative development of professionals in terms of magistracy", "Pedagogical creativity", "Teacher education for developing creative students", "Problems of continuing professional education: a thesaurus of scientific research", "Education and personality in the post-industrial world ”; course-books: "Fundamentals of pedagogical creativity", "Pedagogy and psychology", "Methodology of scientific and pedagogical research"; manuals: "Essays on the history of pedagogical thought development", "Interactive technologies of adult learning", "Theory and practice of higher education", "Development of research competence of teachers of higher education"; textbook "Educology"; educational programs for Master, PhD students in education and education experts. Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice, which is included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine (http://npo.kubg.edu.ua/redcollegia.html). Publisher: Edelweiss Publishing Company LLC. Publisher: Ukraine. The journal is indexed by: Index Copernicus, RINC, Google Scholar, EBSCO. Editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Pedagogical Process: Theory and Practice, included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine (http://pptp.kubg.edu.ua/redcollegia.html). Publisher: Edelweiss Publishing Company LLC. Publisher: Ukraine. The journal is indexed by: Copernicus Index, RINC, Google Scholar, InfoBase Index. Co-editor of the Ukrainian-Polish scientific journal "Education", included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine (http://osvitologia.kubg.edu.ua/redcollegia.html). Publisher: Edelweiss Publishing Company LLC. Publisher: Ukraine. The journal is indexed by: Copernicus Index, RINC, Google Scholar, InfoBase Index, Citefactor, Research Bible, Directory of Research Joiunals Indexing, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Journal Factor, ERIH PLUS (originally called the European Reference Index for the Humanities or ERIH), Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals, WorldCat, Polska Bibliography Naukowa, Ulrichsweb (Ulrich's Periodicals Directory). Co-editor of the English-language scholarly journal The Modern Higher Education Review (http://edreview.kubg.edu.ua/index.php/edreview/pages/view/board). Publisher: Edelweiss Publishing Company LLC. Publisher: Ukraine. The journal is indexed by Google Scholar. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Electronic Scientific Professional Edition "Educational Discourse" (http://od.kubg.edu.ua/img/redaction.pdf). Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University of Ukraine. The journal is indexed by: Google Scholar, CiteFactor, Simple Search Metadata, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, Polska Bibliography Naukowa, Research Bible, European Reference Index for Humanities and the Social Sciences, Open Academic Journal Index, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Journal Imapact Factor. Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal "Ruch pedagogiczny" (Warsaw, Poland; since 2011) and "Edukacja otwarta" of the Higher School. Pavel Włodkowicz in Plock (Poland).
WWW: https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Сисоєва_Світлана_Олександрівна E-mail: 2099823@gmail.com |